onlychevy6+Needtobuildmuscle Contest Log. NeedToBuildMuscle & MrSupps



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Stats look great for the first few weeks. You'll continue to see those numbers drop over these 3 months

Well done!!


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thanks guys. I like to keep it real. I may not be happy with the results. But like kleen has said there is growth along with loss.


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Keep at it, consistency is so important and you're doing great at 9lbs! Diet is most important and stay active. Don't be disappointed, be motivated to push harder!


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Keep at it, consistency is so important and you're doing great at 9lbs! Diet is most important and stay active. Don't be disappointed, be motivated to push harder!
Just keep on keep'n on man. Historically, what I've noticed with fat loss is an accelerate beginning from diet change, then a snail pace loss when weight loss is a bit slower then you'd like and frustrating, then when the metabolism has responded to the increased activity, the fat loss becomes accelerated again. Just keep at it.


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What I do is weigh myself once a week and expect to see at least 1-1.5 lbs loss but my muscle gains are somewhat plateared. Newb garins are tricky...


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like others have said with putting in work it will come


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You got this bub!!! Keep up the great work!
Hello My love! Good to see you on here. See Jeff, Momma got on here just to support you. Keep kicking azz! No giving up and no surrender. Oh yeah you have a present coming from IslandGirl, one of my friends is sending you some Adderill. Now you can take the Forged one day and the Adderill the next it is a good stack to go back and forth on. Lots of people having stellar results.
Young Gotti

Young Gotti

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does kleen wear a skirt when you pass him by? keep up the hard work


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Hello My love! Good to see you on here. See Jeff, Momma got on here just to support you. Keep kicking azz! No giving up and no surrender. Oh yeah you have a present coming from IslandGirl, one of my friends is sending you some Adderill. Now you can take the Forged one day and the Adderill the next it is a good stack to go back and forth on. Lots of people having stellar results.
Wow I wasnt expecting anything like this. Thank you to both of you. I will have to om her and thank her personally. And sis, thank you.


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You got this bub!!! Keep up the great work!
Hello My love! Good to see you on here. See Jeff, Momma got on here just to support you. Keep kicking azz! No giving up and no surrender. Oh yeah you have a present coming from IslandGirl, one of my friends is sending you some Adderill. Now you can take the Forged one day and the Adderill the next it is a good stack to go back and forth on. Lots of people having stellar results.
You got the Kleens in the house!! Welcome Mrs. Kleen and good to see you on here supporting your brother. We are all in his corner and know that with us all and his motivation he can do this :)

You have a pretty big support group bud, and it seems to be growing every day. Who knows who might pop in to cheer you on next!!


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I am truely humbled to see all this support. Especially since most of you have no idea whom i am. It really is motivating.

Now on the flip side of things. I just have to say this. I experimented with my dinner tonight and shall i say i dont really recommend what i ate. I had raw tuna, chopped up egg whites and lettuce. Let me just tell you my stomach is in knots. And the gas OMG.. We all ate this in my house tonight and i am thinking of sleeping outside. It is just foul up in here. Sorry but i just had to share. LOL..

Good night everyone.


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Well my workout is done for today. Feel the burn, feels nice like I actually got a solid work ou t in. I have also noticed that I no longer have the stomach to eat big portions. Ate a tad too much at lunch and felt real sick afterwards. Now when I say are too much I mean what would have been a normal portion prior to me starting to train. Feels real good to know things are starting to work. Havent lost much this week. But have a feeling by weeks end it should be ok.


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Well well well. To my surprise I got a package in the mail today. Thank you to everyone evolved in helping me get a bottle of adderllin. I will start taking it monday or at least alternating it with the forged. I will also log how it is working for me as well.


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great updates here bro sounds like your body is adjusting to the workouts and the lifestyle


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My body is responding the way i would have hoped. My main focus is making sure i contract my muscles during my routines rather than just going through the motions. Keeping the diet strict will always be a challenge for most people. The supplements are an added bonus. I wish sometimes i could click my heels 3 times and say poof your back in shape. LOL...


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My body is responding the way i would have hoped. My main focus is making sure i contract my muscles during my routines rather than just going through the motions. Keeping the diet strict will always be a challenge for most people. The supplements are an added bonus. I wish sometimes i could click my heels 3 times and say poof your back in shape. LOL...
yea its def a pain knowing where you were and having to fight get there but its a great feeling knowing everyday your one step closer to your goal.


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My body is responding the way i would have hoped. My main focus is making sure i contract my muscles during my routines rather than just going through the motions. Keeping the diet strict will always be a challenge for most people. The supplements are an added bonus. I wish sometimes i could click my heels 3 times and say poof your back in shape. LOL...
We all wish we could wish our way into shape my friend. :)

However it is the blood, sweat and tears put in the gym that defines us and gives us the pride in our accomplishments. You should stand tall for the work you've put in and it will only pay off more with each passing day :)


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Rick you are so right. It is worth every bit of sweat. It is funny I have not noticed a big change over all. But two of my co workers came to me yesterday and said my face looks thinner and asked if I was working out. I mentioned that I made modifications to my diet and have been doing the p90x workout. Now they are all excited and said you know its time for me (meanung them) to start working out and eat right.

Its amazing what small changes will do to motivate people.... Lol. Now only if the bossman would only bump my pay to motivate me to work. Lmao...


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We all wish we could wish our way into shape my friend. :)

However it is the blood, sweat and tears put in the gym that defines us and gives us the pride in our accomplishments. You should stand tall for the work you've put in and it will only pay off more with each passing day :)
Yah gotta put on the gameface... One thing I can guarantee, it isn't going to be easy...

That's what makes it grea!! The fact that the harder it gets the better we get. Pray that it never becomes easy cuz that means you're not getting anything out of it. Funny thing though working harder becomes easier as you get to love it, almost more than life itself!! Embrace your pain, let it shape you into a solid granite greek god!


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Good stuff in here. Sorry I haven't been in here much work schedule tied me up a bit this week. Haven't update my own log in a bit.


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Rick you are so right. It is worth every bit of sweat. It is funny I have not noticed a big change over all. But two of my co workers came to me yesterday and said my face looks thinner and asked if I was working out. I mentioned that I made modifications to my diet and have been doing the p90x workout. Now they are all excited and said you know its time for me (meanung them) to start working out and eat right.

Its amazing what small changes will do to motivate people.... Lol. Now only if the bossman would only bump my pay to motivate me to work. Lmao...
those are always great moments to have happen and I agree a pay bump would def be a good thing


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Well we are now starting the 3rd week of my transformation. As of this morning I am down to 282.0. Which is a total of 13lbs. I have not measured myself. I will do that next weekend. Today I am starting the Adderllin i will alternate days. Today Adderllin tomorrow Forged Burner. We shall see how this combo works. I may even do a Adderllin in the morning and a forged in the afternoon. If anyone has any insight on doing this please let me know. Thanks Oh and i am also taking some Powerfull before bed. It has helped me get a good night sleep.


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Well we are now starting the 3rd week of my transformation. As of this morning I am down to 282.0. Which is a total of 13lbs. I have not measured myself. I will do that next weekend. Today I am starting the Adderllin i will alternate days. Today Adderllin tomorrow Forged Burner. We shall see how this combo works. I may even do a Adderllin in the morning and a forged in the afternoon. If anyone has any insight on doing this please let me know. Thanks Oh and i am also taking some Powerfull before bed. It has helped me get a good night sleep.
First of all good job!!

Now that you're on your way you should settle into 2-3 lbs per week for a while which is a nice pace. Make you adjustments accordingly. Supps may add a bit to that, it's hard to predict so you may get a 3-4 week here and there. Anything around 2 lbs is good work though.


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Go hardcore, Biggest Loser style!!! It's incredible how they can drop 15+ lbs in 1 week, consistently!

If they can do it, so can you! Go crazy on it!!! Cardio and weights in the AM and PM!

In all seriousness, you're doing great. Keep it up, and don't be afraid of pushing yourself. Keep thinking you can do it, and keep motivational people around you. Make your goals public so everyone can help keep you on track and pushing harder!

I think I'm with everyone here, we expect great things from you!


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Go hardcore, Biggest Loser style!!! It's incredible how they can drop 15+ lbs in 1 week, consistently!

If they can do it, so can you! Go crazy on it!!! Cardio and weights in the AM and PM!

In all seriousness, you're doing great. Keep it up, and don't be afraid of pushing yourself. Keep thinking you can do it, and keep motivational people around you. Make your goals public so everyone can help keep you on track and pushing harder!

I think I'm with everyone here, we expect great things from you!
Yah I disagree with that kind of weight loss, I say slower is better, you can only lose X amount of fat in a week. I know a lot of water comes off at first so that's ok for the first week because of water loss but then the pattern should be much slower. Some of the best fat loss I have seen involved minimal actual weight loss...


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Well, I guess we disagree. The Biggest Loser demonstrates to me it can be done and there are incredible health benefits. Granted, they glamorize it and a lot of it is more difficult than they make it appear, but still shows it's possible.

What says only x amount of fat loss is possible? Calories in - calories out (BMR + exercise) = weight loss. If your body is accustomed to 5000+ calories and you cut it in half, and add exercise you are going to lose a lot of fat and it is healthier than continuing to carry the weight.

The thing that really made it clear to me was last season's Biggest Loser where one of the contestants completed a marathon at the end, and she did it in under 4 hours!!! That is incredible for a normal person, I know runners who don't get it in that time, and someone who could barely walk a mile before accomplished that! Another one who was Type 2 Diabetic didn't need to take meds anymore. Who says it's not possible?

I say go for it with everything you've got! The human body and mind can do incredible things when pushed. This is a 3 month transformation contest, I'd pull out all the stops and see what you can do, then push for more! What do you have to lose?


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I think the amount of weight one can lose in a given time is dependant on the amount of weight and overall bodyfat you are carrying. 2-3 lbs. A week may be good for someone 20% or under where someone with much higher overall weight and fat can drop any where from 5-10 a week successfully without starving.

I say keep doing your thing and see where it ends up on the scale. I certainly wouldn't slow down bud.

You are doing great :)


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Well, I guess we disagree. The Biggest Loser demonstrates to me it can be done and there are incredible health benefits. Granted, they glamorize it and a lot of it is more difficult than they make it appear, but still shows it's possible.

What says only x amount of fat loss is possible? Calories in - calories out (BMR + exercise) = weight loss. If your body is accustomed to 5000+ calories and you cut it in half, and add exercise you are going to lose a lot of fat and it is healthier than continuing to carry the weight.

The thing that really made it clear to me was last season's Biggest Loser where one of the contestants completed a marathon at the end, and she did it in under 4 hours!!! That is incredible for a normal person, I know runners who don't get it in that time, and someone who could barely walk a mile before accomplished that! Another one who was Type 2 Diabetic didn't need to take meds anymore. Who says it's not possible?

I say go for it with everything you've got! The human body and mind can do incredible things when pushed. This is a 3 month transformation contest, I'd pull out all the stops and see what you can do, then push for more! What do you have to lose?
There is a point where the body will give up as much muscle as fat, if you operate in too much of a calorie deficit then you will lose muscle and lots of it. Also it makes it close to impossible to get down to very low body fat as it tends to kill the metabolism. Uising what the scale says in our sport is a mistake. Those people are morbidly obese which is a whole different story. Eventually they will lose quite a bit of muscle and it will get harder to lose weight in the future and they will gain weight very easily unless they remain very strict. The dieticians love the repeat business. I have been through this many times. ... To really change your body type better it was done gradually and with a smaller calorie deficit. If you gain weight back when you do it properly that too will happen more gradually than if you diet too fast.


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I agree with folks who are in a "normal" range that you'd want a more gradual loss. In OnlyChevy's case, I think he can be more aggressive. Even the Mayo clinic shoots for 10+ lbs each week for the first couple weeks on obese patients. Doctor supervision is recommended.

I don't try to make blanket statements because of individual differences as RickRock pointed out. Generally I agree with you whole heartedly and what I'd recommend to most people, but for a 3 month transformation CONTEST I think he can step it up, that's all. You can also prevent some muscle wasting by doing resistance exercise and keeping protein high. At some point you do need to step it down, and the weight loss slows, but don't let it happen yet!

OnlyChevy, it's all your call, do what you believe is best for YOU. I think you have more potential, and want to see you kick ass!!!


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I agree with folks who are in a "normal" range that you'd want a more gradual loss. In OnlyChevy's case, I think he can be more aggressive. Even the Mayo clinic shoots for 10+ lbs each week for the first couple weeks on obese patients. Doctor supervision is recommended.

I don't try to make blanket statements because of individual differences as RickRock pointed out. Generally I agree with you whole heartedly and what I'd recommend to most people, but for a 3 month transformation CONTEST I think he can step it up, that's all. You can also prevent some muscle wasting by doing resistance exercise and keeping protein high. At some point you do need to step it down, and the weight loss slows, but don't let it happen yet!

OnlyChevy, it's all your call, do what you believe is best for YOU. I think you have more potential, and want to see you kick ass!!!
Yah I agree about the first couple weeks, you lose a ton of water then too as you flush out and that may even last a month at times. I think I lose 20 lbs my first month one time when I was really big. After that it was more like 10 a month. It's after that inition faze that I am talking about.

Yah 3 months is not that long so we're all going to band together to help him keep going after this is over!! Turn this into a life long transformation!!


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You guys have made some really good points. Milas thank you for believing I can push myself harder. You might be right. My only issue is my schedule. I leave for the office by 5:30 I am up by 4:30-4:45. I dont get home until 6:30ish in the evening. Kids only get an hour with me before it is bed time. Then I do my hour work out. If my schedule allowed for different training then believe me it would be done. I really appretiate everything. Thanks to all of you.


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You guys have made some really good points. Milas thank you for believing I can push myself harder. You might be right. My only issue is my schedule. I leave for the office by 5:30 I am up by 4:30-4:45. I dont get home until 6:30ish in the evening. Kids only get an hour with me before it is bed time. Then I do my hour work out. If my schedule allowed for different training then believe me it would be done. I really appretiate everything. Thanks to all of you.
Schedule is tough, and I have a young one too that needs daddy time at night.

Does your job offer any flexibility to walk at lunch? Adding in that bit of cardio to the day can add up.

Even if you could get up 15 minutes early and do some HIIT, you'd be making big improvements IMO.

I'll have to go back to your posts, but are you keeping a diet log of what you eat?

Agian, I'm not trying to bash at all, I think you're doing great! However, I believe human potential is much greater than we give it credit, and end up limiting ourselves.


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LOL.. Lunch at work... What is that??? Seriously though when i take a lunch I am still at my desk working. If i actually took time away everyday nothing would ever get done on time. Dealing with contractors, engineers and architects is a pain in the arse. Not to mention estimating and bidding jobs. As far a s the cardio thing goes. I just started to incorporate that in the am when i wake up. So i am doing it on a fasted state. And as far as the meals yes it is pretty scripted. I have a copy at the office and at the house. Just to remind my self that i have to follow this to be successful.

I am now getting cardio in the morning and workout in the evening when i get home. My commute to the office is 1 hour and 15min with no traffic with traffic is can be up to 2 hours. It sucks but its worth it. And i don't think your trying to bash anyone. Your expressing your opinion. Everyone does things different and it is nice to read what others do.


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2-3 pounds a week is a very good, safe rate.

13 pounds so far chevy, great job!!!!


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Keep up the good work chevy, this log is full of win!


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So today was a little different then others. This morning when i took Adderllin I was a little on the tired side. Within 10 minutes I had full energy. It last almost all day. Then come lunch time and i took a Forged kept everything going smooth. Now Here is the kicker. At 4:20pm I was leaving the office and all of a sudden i started getting warm had a little sweat going and a new burst of energy. Now i would have thought taking the Forged in the after noon did this. However taking the forged for two weeks prior this never happened. So I am under the assumtion that Adderllin has something in it that is time released. Either way it was a nice pick me up.


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Good stuff Jeff, you can kick it up if you want to and as much as you want. I wouldn't go overboard cutting cals just increase activity if you can. Otherwise you are kicking azz! So happy you are back in the habit man! Keep on KTS!


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Good stuff Jeff, you can kick it up if you want to and as much as you want. I wouldn't go overboard cutting cals just increase activity if you can. Otherwise you are kicking azz! So happy you are back in the habit man! Keep on KTS!
Yah if you're going to increase activity no need to cut more cals and if you're going cut cals then no need to increase activity.. this allows more room for adjustments. An adjustment will always have a positive effect so you want to keep on making them, don't paint yourself into a corner where you have no more room to make adjustments...:mischievous:


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Thanks guys. So far this week has been brutal with my work schedule. Not getting home until 7:30-8:00 has been kicking my butt. Leaving the house at 5:15 in the morning. Thrn dealing with home stuff. Grrr but it is all good i can handle it. Have to drive to el paso this weekend so I will be on the road for approx 20-24 hours. Oh what a joy.


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Thanks guys. So far this week has been brutal with my work schedule. Not getting home until 7:30-8:00 has been kicking my butt. Leaving the house at 5:15 in the morning. Thrn dealing with home stuff. Grrr but it is all good i can handle it. Have to drive to el paso this weekend so I will be on the road for approx 20-24 hours. Oh what a joy.
be safe on your trip.


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The support in here is great. AM is better known for its comradery then most sites. Keep it up Chevy.


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Thanks guys. So far this week has been brutal with my work schedule. Not getting home until 7:30-8:00 has been kicking my butt. Leaving the house at 5:15 in the morning. Thrn dealing with home stuff. Grrr but it is all good i can handle it. Have to drive to el paso this weekend so I will be on the road for approx 20-24 hours. Oh what a joy.
That sounds too much like my schedule!

You are doing great keeping at it with all the other things going on life man.

It will pay off for you bro...;)


Thank you all for the push and kind words. I wil be using the p90x workout. As well as some other training. Cardio wise.. I will post up my diet thoughts and you all can add your suggestions.. There are somethings I cat eat due to me getting kidney stones. Si I have ti be careul as far as that is concerned. Thanks again.
aw come on bubby, who doesn't want to pee rocks... That's my favorite stuff right there. ;-P I Love you. Keep up the awesome work. I know its hard and stinks, but.. the benefit of the transformation is a much healthier life for you and your family. Just think it took getting with the Man to tone me up! I get my personal training for free, I just dont follow a real diet. lol


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Lol.. Well I am finally back from the worst week ever. Was on the road for many hours. My training did suffer some. Nutrition wise it went good. Monday is a new fresh start after the madness. Training will be stepped up some how. And sis no I am sick of pissing rocks. Especially the size rocks I spit out. Lol...if only they were diamonds I would be very wealthy. Lol.


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LMAO, so let's get this bad boy moving again. KTS!!!!

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