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  • Hey Broseph, just wanted to say thanks for the awesome idea of the contest, I need something to get me refocused on cutting and regain some discipline. You have inspired me to do so. Like yourself, I to am proud to be running this little contest with you and to be linked to you in this manner. Let's rock this **** bro!
    I am following your log . Keep up the hard work and it will pay off . I am new to this site , but not new to the BB lifestyle ..... Hoping to see your results pay big dividends in the long haul ....
    Hello Onlychevy6,

    Welcome to AM!

    Please take some time to check out our uniques feature here at Anabolicminds! Create your profile, track your diet and workout, join a group, or just graph your overall progress! Thanks for joining AM and enjoy your stay!
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