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  • Yo... Ripped Monster, do your job and Kleen your inbox, how can you call yourself MrKleen and have a dirty, full inbox, Man the nerve of some people, LoL!!!
    KLEEN, i actually have time to log my progress, and its STILL under maintenance, wtf, do they need u? lol
    Hi mate,

    I just saw one of your old threads about using supercissus for your sternum/chest injury repair. How has that gone now, is it all healed?

    Im in the same boat ive had sternum and intercostal inflammation for near 11months now and am starting using USPlabs supercissus/

    Hope to hear from you soon.
    uhm babe, ur gonna need to teach me to fill out my workout progress, this is just to darn complicated! lol.
    yeah that pretty much sums it up. hard time getting info and almost impossible to get an email response. not sure what to do
    hey bro, i know you wont say publicly, but can you feel me in on whats going on? i have the hardest time getting ahold of anyone there and just feel "out of the loop." any help would be appreciated
    Thanks for the advice. Also, last winter I ran 8 weeks of USPlabs Prime and was freakishly strong most noticeably on my last sets... For example... Bench running 5x 8-10 i was hitting 285 10x on my last set and leg press due to back problems was pushing some decent weight on eight sets: 1st set of 12 at 400 and finising set 8 at 10 reps of 1100... Not necessarily looking to get like that again although it was fun... Mostly looking to get stacked-n-packed again if ya know what Im saying...
    again thanks for the advice open to any suggestions...
    hey mr kleen I am new to AM but I have been doing a lot of research on natabolic stack and tri-fecta... I year ago I took fast action pharma's monster pak and loved it and I was looking for something that might come close to that... The monster pak had sdrol tren AAKG and Several cycle supports... I have taken some time off from lifting due to work related issues and am looking to get my swole back on... any suggestions would be appreciated..
    My friend even the pics with you not lifting for a year due to the shoulder look really good, great symmetry and good luck in 2010 !!!
    hi, I am chemone01, hope to become your friend, and let us to discuss how to make the professioanl bodybuilding.
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