A new chapter...RickRock's path on the "DARK SIDE" begins...



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ok, you guys were talking about fasting.what about giveing up mass? im at about 9%-10% most of the time and im scared to miss a meal even when ive cut for show prep. can ya put any more light on this? ive been down to the wire for show prep and bumped up cardio up to 60 min 2 times a day and seen it fall off. but i was worried it wasn't the best idea i ever had...lol
Just read the thread that I posted the link to above. All the info is in it.

The concept of losing mass by missing meals us an old school myth trumped by real world science and experience.


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congrads on the Deadlift improvements. I cant find them on this log but do you have pics of when you started this till now?
Yes, they are on the 2nd or 3rd page of the log I believe.


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Incredible, buddy.


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I also looked incredibly lean and vascular. It was definitely the best I have ever looked, and It seems every time I step in the gym I'm surprised even more of how far I have come.
That's what this whole thing is all about man, be proud.


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Well, I decided to take some pics today because it was a burn day and I dried out pretty good by this afternoon.

I was pretty happy with how they turned out overall. You can see the progress I've made on dropping water and fat and getting pretty shredded.

I did get a new bodyfat measurement with the calipers and I am pleased to say that I am now at 6.1% bodyfat!! That is the lowest measurement I've ever recorded, so I'm more ripped now than ever!! I think its pretty evident from the striations in my chest and other areas, and definitely a huge jump in vascularity. You can see in the pics how well the veins on my arms are coming and you can see all the veins popping in my chest in the most muscular pose. My back shot shows a big increase in vascularity too. I took a couple other shots to show how well the definition is coming in around the Serratus and obliques as well.

Weight today was [email protected]%

All feedback welcomed!!!











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Outstanding progress, you look like you're in contest condition!
Great job!


  • RockStar
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Agreed you look shredded bro! Completely shredded! Nice work!


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Holy crap bro. I wish IF did for me what its done to you. Youre killin' this.


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Nice work Rick! Your are doing a great job man. Your vascularity has improved, you look more aesthetic and you can see a good increase in mass. Keep it up man!


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Outstanding progress, you look like you're in contest condition!
Great job!
Thanks a lot man! I'm not quite that lean yet, but I'm not very far from it!

Agreed you look shredded bro! Completely shredded! Nice work!
Thanks LTL!

Holy crap bro. I wish IF did for me what its done to you. Youre killin' this.
IF has treated me very well for a long time now. I love this lifestyle!

Nice work Rick! Your are doing a great job man. Your vascularity has improved, you look more aesthetic and you can see a good increase in mass. Keep it up man!

Thank you man! I appreciate it!


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Looking lean and hard ...


Damn Rick looking awesome, as usual you are an inspiration and an example of what happens with years of work and never giving up on your goals

Edit: going to say Pecs are area of most improvement, from the pics. Not so much "bigger", but look harder/fuller.


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Rick... You my friend are a Fuggin FREAK Bro!!!


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Ive been following all along ur log, but never really posted.

you look fukn awesome, good job bro!!!

What do u do for drying out? im holding onto some water, and other than just taking 1mg adex e2-3d and the basics - drinking 2gallons a day + fasted cardio im not really doing much else.


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Looking focking awesome RR! This cycle has treated you very well! Looking shredded and vascular!


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Looking lean and hard ...
Thank you Doug! The Masteron is helping a lot with that hardness. I thought I was hard on S4, but Masteron blows it away!..lol

Damn Rick looking awesome, as usual you are an inspiration and an example of what happens with years of work and never giving up on your goals

Edit: going to say Pecs are area of most improvement, from the pics. Not so much "bigger", but look harder/fuller.
Thanks! Yeh my chest has improved significantly....and it has gained some size for sure which I think is evident in the pics. My chest is also one of the areas I've gained the most strength so it makes sense.

Rick... You my friend are a Fuggin FREAK Bro!!!
I'm trying to be as freaky as possible my friend....and I can tell I'm Getting there because I'm turning a lot of heads everywhere I go with a tank top on

Dude...there are veins in your lats!!!!Awesome!
I love them lat veins man. They are badass as hell

Ive been following all along ur log, but never really posted.

you look fukn awesome, good job bro!!!

What do u do for drying out? im holding onto some water, and other than just taking 1mg adex e2-3d and the basics - drinking 2gallons a day + fasted cardio im not really doing much else.
The only thing I've been doing to dry out is running Formastanozol as an AI and going low to no carb on my cardio days. That does the trick pretty well. Workout days I can hold a little water, but it is usually gone by morning, and then I look very dry in the afternoons after no or low carbs.

Thanks for the compliments!

Looking focking awesome RR! This cycle has treated you very well! Looking shredded and vascular!
Thank you! I'm happy as can be with it, for sure!

Looking great!
Thanks bro!

Holy focking ****!!!
Thanks Morry! I can honestly say there is no looking back now. I've found my happy place in the AAS world! :D


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Day 59

Weight: 177.5 (+12.5)

Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 10 pumps Formastanozol (5 pumpsx2)

I had another pretty good workout this morning. Progressed good on everything, though everything is starting to feel heavier and things are slowing down. It still felt good to be able to once agin add weight to every exercise. The EZ bar preachers did feel pretty heavy today, but considering I had an EZ bar on the preacher curl bench with a couple 45s, and 15 lbs more on it that would explain it...lol. A lot of guys were staring pretty hard as I did these. My bicep strength has always been excellent, but this cycle has just made it stupid. I made some big improvements on the sumo presses adding 40 lbs to it. I went up quite a bit in weight because the last time I did them I did a lot of reps before failure. Adding another 20 lbs to leg presses was equally as good. Every workout and every exercise is still a PR!!

DC workout 2C (Biceps, Forearms, Calves, Hamstrings, Quads)

EZ bar preacher curls (rest, pause)
120x8x3x2 (+5 lbs)

Single reverse cable curls (straight set)
60x10 (+5 lbs per arm)

Leg press Toe Raise (straight set)
290x10 (+10 lbs)

Sumo leg Press (rest, pause)
450x10x5x4 (+40 lbs)

Leg press (straight sets)
560x10 (+20 lbs)
510x20 (+20 lbs widowmaker)


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I thought I'd share a picture with you guys that I am not proud of, but it does show how far I've come since I decided to devote as much time and effort as I possibly could to achieve the physique I always wanted. This goes to show if you put forth the work, and the effort with detrmination and motivation....the results will come.

This is my very first avi pic on AM from April of 2010. My weight at that time was 172. I'm not sure of my bodyfat since I didnt measure back then, but I know it was pretty high (skinny fat physique)

So, in just a little over 2 years I've made it to where I am today.



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Wow! Great work RR. What an awesome transformation.


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Awesome transformation man, this is why we all train!! Gotta love it!!


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I thought I'd share a picture with you guys that I am not proud of, but it does show how far I've come since I decided to devote as much time and effort as I possibly could to achieve the physique I always wanted. This goes to show if you put forth the work, and the effort with detrmination and motivation....the results will come.

This is my very first avi pic on AM from April of 2010. My weight at that time was 172. I'm not sure of my bodyfat since I didnt measure back then, but I know it was pretty high (skinny fat physique)

So, in just a little over 2 years I've made it to where I am today.

View attachment 62382
Hell ya bro more then impressive! You definitely inspire a lot of people around here and this place wouldn't be the same without you! Keep doing what you do bro.


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Wow! Great work RR. What an awesome transformation.
Awesome transformation man, this is why we all train!! Gotta love it!!
Hell ya bro more then impressive! You definitely inspire a lot of people around here and this place wouldn't be the same without you! Keep doing what you do bro.

Thanks a lot guys! I have come a long way to get here, and I'm happy with what AI have accomplished along the way


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Grats on getting the formasurge bro. How will you be bringing it into your cycle? Taper off or quit and bring it in? Bloodwork?


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Day 61

Weight: 178 (+13)

Dosed 350mg Katana
dosed 10 pumps Formastanozol (5 pumpsx2)
dosed 18mg Albuterol (6mgx3)

Had a pretty good burn day. I filled up decent while having no bloat from my workout day carb up that put my weight up another .5-1 lb from where it has been, so by the afternoon I was looking damn lean and ripped, while looking very very full. Every burn day it seems I notice a little more on changes. The veins in my midsection are coming through better and better, and it's tightening things up nice also.

Cardio was kept fairly short and sweet at 30 minutes of running the treadmill at 7.5 MPH for a 415 cal burn and a distance of around 3.7 miles :run:


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Grats on getting the formasurge bro. How will you be bringing it into your cycle? Taper off or quit and bring it in? Bloodwork?

Im probably going to start mine with PCT, or slightly before as esters are clearing. I've been on Formastanozol, so I will just make the switch to it at some point and go from there.


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Thanks a lot guys! I have come a long way to get here, and I'm happy with what AI have accomplished along the way
As you should be bro! You have done a hell of a job.


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Day 62, 63, & 64

Weight: 178.5 (+13.5)

I have been bust the last few days with little to no time to update, so I'm trying to get caught up on what has been going on over those days. Friday was a very good workout. I Mostly concentrated on increasing reps without adding weight to most exercises except the large major muscle groups (chest and back), where I did make some weight increases. I am absolutely amazed at the strength that I've gained in my Chet through this cycle. I would never have dreamed that I would be pressing 325 for that many reps in this cycle. I have literally crushed all my previous PRs on chest and I'm still getting stronger! I added 2-3 reps on shoulders, tris, and back width. I put me in a good rep range that I will probably be adding weight to most of them except maybe chins for the next workout. My rows felt great too. Added another 5 lbs to them and they felt pretty good and strong. I will probably go up another 10 on the next workout and see how that goes.

DC workout 1A (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back Width, Back Thickness)

Hammer strength Chest Press (rest, pause)
325x10x4x3 (+10 lbs)

DB shoulder press (rest, pause)
80sx13x5x4 (+3 reps)

Close grip smith bench (rest, pause)
200x10x4x3 (+3 reps)

Chins (rest, pause)
BW+ 60x7x4x3 (+2 reps)

Tbar rows (straight sets)
230x9 (+5 lbs)
245x7 (+5 lbs)

Yesterday and today is burn days. My diet has been pretty good mostly, though I think I went over a little yesterday and it probably won't be perfect today either. I'm sure it has slowed my fat loss some, but at the point I am at in leanness right now (6%), I'm pretty happy just maintaining that while trying to get really dry and add a little more LBM in the process. I also decided to increase the dosage of Formastanozol a little too to help with that drying. I'm up to around 7 pumps twice a day now, so it will be interesting to see how that will affect things. I think if I can get real dry I will look pretty amazing. I'm happy already, but tightening it all up will just make it all the better!

Cardio has been good the last couple days

Yesterday was 30 minutes running at 7.5 MPH, 35 minutes incline walking (3.5 MPH @ 10%) for a total burn of 900 cals in 65 minutes

Today was 20 minutes running at 7-7.5 MPH and 40 minutes incline walking (3.5 MPH @10%) for 760 cal burn in 60 minutes

Tomorrow starts my 10th week and my next pin, with hopefully another great workout!


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Not only are you a beast under weights, but still pretty impressive on the cardio side as well.
Im curious on your sets you have it
ex: 140 x 10 x 4 x 3

would that be 140 lbs x 10 reps x 4 sets? Im confused on the other number though.. explain please.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Not only are you a beast under weights, but still pretty impressive on the cardio side as well.
Im curious on your sets you have it
ex: 140 x 10 x 4 x 3

would that be 140 lbs x 10 reps x 4 sets? Im confused on the other number though.. explain please.
3 sets make up 1 rest pause set. That would be 140lb for 10 reps... 4 reps... 3 reps.


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OK that makes sense, but that makes it even more impressive.


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Looking great Rick, on your next run you should look into pre-exhausting you pecs with some flies then going into your heavy compound movements. Your shoulders and triceps are so strong they are probably dominating your chest work. Toss in a pre-exaust set to burn the pecs a little then try pressing, OR do you shoulders first then hit chest while your shoulders are toast so your pecs have to work harder. It will bring them up to the rest of your development. You have a great chest don't get me wrong but if there was a weak point to improve on that would be where i would focus to get more symmetry so you can Rock a show with better chance at placing. That being said you look fuggin amazing!


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Jesus bro you are a ****ing animal. Looking dry and hard as ****!!! Hopefully i'll look 10% as good as you do after i'm done with my cut and upcoming cycle!!


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Looking great Rick, on your next run you should look into pre-exhausting you pecs with some flies then going into your heavy compound movements. Your shoulders and triceps are so strong they are probably dominating your chest work. Toss in a pre-exaust set to burn the pecs a little then try pressing, OR do you shoulders first then hit chest while your shoulders are toast so your pecs have to work harder. It will bring them up to the rest of your development. You have a great chest don't get me wrong but if there was a weak point to improve on that would be where i would focus to get more symmetry so you can Rock a show with better chance at placing. That being said you look fuggin amazing!
This is some good advice as always Kleen. Definitely makes sense.


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Not only are you a beast under weights, but still pretty impressive on the cardio side as well.
Im curious on your sets you have it
ex: 140 x 10 x 4 x 3

would that be 140 lbs x 10 reps x 4 sets? Im confused on the other number though.. explain please.
3 sets make up 1 rest pause set. That would be 140lb for 10 reps... 4 reps... 3 reps.
OK that makes sense, but that makes it even more impressive.
Yep, Frank basically laid it out how it goes. Each pause in between the 3 sets is 10-15 breaths or around 20 seconds, so very little rest and why the reps go down so much with each set.

Looking great Rick, on your next run you should look into pre-exhausting you pecs with some flies then going into your heavy compound movements. Your shoulders and triceps are so strong they are probably dominating your chest work. Toss in a pre-exaust set to burn the pecs a little then try pressing, OR do you shoulders first then hit chest while your shoulders are toast so your pecs have to work harder. It will bring them up to the rest of your development. You have a great chest don't get me wrong but if there was a weak point to improve on that would be where i would focus to get more symmetry so you can Rock a show with better chance at placing. That being said you look fuggin amazing!
That's a pretty good idea Chris, and I will keep that in mind and may try that in the future. With that said, the good news is that my chest is one of the areas that has made the most progress during this cycle. It's still behind in relation to my arms and shoulders, but it did catch up some with this run.

Jesus bro you are a ****ing animal. Looking dry and hard as ****!!! Hopefully i'll look 10% as good as you do after i'm done with my cut and upcoming cycle!!

Thanks a lot man! I really appreciate it!

This is some good advice as always Kleen. Definitely makes sense.

I can always count on Kleen to have some great advice. I owe a lot to him for helping me get to where I am. He is the one that initially introduced me to intermittent fasting and it was also his idea for me to give DC training a shot for this cycle. Needless to say, everything he has recommended has done very very well, so the man definitely knows his sh1t!!


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Day 65

Weight: 178 (+13)

Pinned 250mg Test E
Pinned 250mg Masteron E
Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 14 pumps Formastanozol (7 pumpsx2)

Yesterday's workout went great. All of the exercises I decided to concentrate on adding reps instead of weight this time around, and I did pretty well doing that. It will be hard for me to go up any more on alternate DB curls or hammer curls on weight for a good while because my gym does not have 65 lb DBs for some reason. So a 10 lb jump per DB is probably not going to happen for quite some time. I may just have to be happy adding reps for a while with those. The last time I did squats with this weight it felt very heavy. This workout went much better and I added reps to a respectable amount. The next time I do squats I will probably add weight along with most other exercises on this workout.

I continue to notice more drying and a tad bit of leaning, despite my diet not being perfect over the weekend. My weight is still staying about the same too, so everything is going great in these final couple weeks of this cycle! :)

DC workout 2A (Biceps, Forearms, Calves, Hamstrings, Quads)

Alternate DB Curls (rest, pause)
60sx10x6x4 (+2 reps)

DB hammer curls (straight set)
60sx12 (+1 rep)

Seated calf raise (straight set with enhanced negative)
140x12 (+1 rep)

Leg curls (rest, pause)
200x10x4x3 (+3 reps)

Squats (straight sets)
295x10 (+3 reps)
235x22 (+3 reps widowmaker)


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RR: looking diesel playa ;)

Check PMs


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Yah I am getting away with a few weekend diet mishaps as well... not going to be so lucky when I am off anabolics though ... Lean gains is forgiving but there is a limit.


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Your progress is fuggin unbelievable. For real.
Thanks fr the kind words!

puttin in work!!!
Thanks Mich! Killing it is the only way to go ;)

RR: looking diesel playa ;)

Check PMs
Thanks bro. Good to see ya again! PM answered ;)

Yah I am getting away with a few weekend diet mishaps as well... not going to be so lucky when I am off anabolics though ... Lean gains is forgiving but there is a limit.
Yes, I am going to have to tighten things up now though, as I'm trying to hit my peak for this cycle by the end of next week.

Still killing it. Glad to see your hard work has paid off.
Thanks Jeff!


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Day 66

Weight 177.5 (+12.5)

Dosed 350mg Katana
dosed 14 pumps Formastanozol (7 pumpsx2)
Dosed 12mg Albuterol (6mgx2)

Well, I'm entering the final couple weeks of my cycle, and I really need to tighten some things up....primarily on my workout days, to ensure I hit a good peak for pics by around the end of next week. I will probably drop some carbs (and cals) on workout days. I will still be at a moderate amount, but just need to cut back a little more to get as dry and tight as I can.

Things are going great. Even though my fat loss has slowed quite a bit, I think I may be pretty much where I wanted to be on body fat anyways. I'm thinking I may be just a hair under 6% body fat, but AI will get a check to confirm soon....probably tomorrow. At this point the biggest physical difference I can make will come from controlling things like carbs, sodium, and water.

I ran out of Albuterol, and that is why I only got 12mg in, finishing the bottle. Diet was on point and very clean this burn day, and I had a nice cardio session as well....

30 minutes treadmill running at 7.5 MPH (410 cals)

25 minutes Elliptical (350 cals)

Total burn: 760 cals in 55 minutes


  • RockStar
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Day 66

Weight 177.5 (+12.5)

Dosed 350mg Katana
dosed 14 pumps Formastanozol (7 pumpsx2)
Dosed 12mg Albuterol (6mgx2)

Well, I'm entering the final couple weeks of my cycle, and I really need to tighten some things up....primarily on my workout days, to ensure I hit a good peak for pics by around the end of next week. I will probably drop some carbs (and cals) on workout days. I will still be at a moderate amount, but just need to cut back a little more to get as dry and tight as I can.

Things are going great. Even though my fat loss has slowed quite a bit, I think I may be pretty much where I wanted to be on body fat anyways. I'm thinking I may be just a hair under 6% body fat, but AI will get a check to confirm soon....probably tomorrow. At this point the biggest physical difference I can make will come from controlling things like carbs, sodium, and water.

I ran out of Albuterol, and that is why I only got 12mg in, finishing the bottle. Diet was on point and very clean this burn day, and I had a nice cardio session as well....

30 minutes treadmill running at 7.5 MPH (410 cals)

25 minutes Elliptical (350 cals)

Total burn: 760 cals in 55 minutes
Can't believe it's almost over bro. Went fast! Killed it in any case, less then 6 percent is so shredded!


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Hey Rick, thought I'd let you know you're results have been so impressive, I decided to start both IF and DC. 2.5 weeks in and I have never seen gains in strength and bf loss occur so quickly. Thanks for your detailed log and the inspiration.
Keep it up, bro.


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Yah I am peaking the end of this week, I have pretty much already reached my main goal. Just curious how things will look with me carbed...
