A new chapter...RickRock's path on the "DARK SIDE" begins...



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DAY 50 & 51

Weight 179.5 (+14.5)

Pinned 250mg Test E
Pinned 250mg Masteron E
Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 18mg Albuterol (6mgx3)
Dosed 10 pumps Formastanozol

Ok...I slacked on my updates the last couple days, so I figured I'd get caught up here on how everything has went. I'm continuing to lean more, and now I'm really starting to drop more water and dry out. I added in the Forma so I think I will really start seeing some effects from it soon. I'm convinced that I am now leaner than when I started this cycle, so everything is going according to plan! I may have to do a little more adjusting on the diet before long, but for now my ranges seem to be working well. Vascularity is steadily increasing, and the midsection has been tightening up as well with more pronounced definition in places.

My workout from Monday didn't go as good as I had hoped, though I still pushed through and progressed on everything. I only got around 3 hours of sleep the night before and I'm pretty sure that had a big factor in it. The squats felt heavy as hell and it really took a lot to get through them. If I had been better rested I think I could have gotten a couple more reps.

DC Workout 2A (Biceps, Forearms, Calves, Hamstrings, Quads)

Alternate DB curls (rest, pause)
60sx9x5x4 (+3 reps)

DB hammer curls (straight set)
60sx11 (+2reps)

Seated calf raise (straight set)
140x11 (+1 rep)

Leg curls (rest, pause)
200x9x3x2 (+10 lbs)

Squats (straight sets)
295x7 (+20 lbs)
235x19 (+10 lbs widowmaker)

Yesterday's burn day really cleaned me up well, and by the end of the day I was looking pretty shredded. I kept the cals and carbs low as usual on burn days and I noticed veins coming through in the upper abdominal region that I hadn't seen in a while along with more veins coming through along the serratus and lats. my next pics which I will do in a week or so, should be pretty good with some nice changes ;)

Cardio was a good 60 minute session consisting of...

30 minutes running at 7.5 MPH

15 minutes walking incline 3.5 MPH @ 10%

15 minutes elliptical

Total burn 750 cals


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Hey Rick,
Fantastic progress.
I also wanted to compliment you on how detailed and comprehensive your log is.
You've really set a new standard.


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Hey Rick,
Fantastic progress.
I also wanted to compliment you on how detailed and comprehensive your log is.
You've really set a new standard.

Thanks a lot man. I truly appreciate it, and thanks for following! :thumbsup:


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Day 52

Weight: 178.5 (+13.5)

Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 10pumps (5 pumpsx2) Formastanozol

I was really impressed with my strength through my workout yet again. I was able to add weight to everything at about 10 lbs to every lift. The progression is definitely slowing, but I'm still gaining. I can tell it is slowing somewhat because my total reps are getting less as I go heavier, but I am staying in the 11-15 rest pause range, so all is good. The next time I repeat this workout I will probably work on adding reps to most exercises and only add weight to a couple of them.

DC workout 1B (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back Width, Back Thickness)

Smith Incline Press (rest, pause)
200x11x4x3 (+10 lbs)

Smith Military Press (rest, pause)
190x9x3x1 (+10 lbs)

Skullcrushers (rest, pause)
125x8x3x1 (+5 lbs)

Close grip Lat pull downs (rest, pause)
230x10x5x4 (+10 lbs)

Single DB rows (straight sets)
120sx10 (+5 lbs per DB)
130sx8 (+10 lbs per DB)


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Day 52

Weight: 178.5 (+13.5)

Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 10pumps (5 pumpsx2) Formastanozol

I was really impressed with my strength through my workout yet again. I was able to add weight to everything at about 10 lbs to every lift. The progression is definitely slowing, but I'm still gaining. I can tell it is slowing somewhat because my total reps are getting less as I go heavier, but I am staying in the 11-15 rest pause range, so all is good. The next time I repeat this workout I will probably work on adding reps to most exercises and only add weight to a couple of them.

DC workout 1B (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back Width, Back Thickness)

Smith Incline Press (rest, pause)
200x11x4x3 (+10 lbs)

Smith Military Press (rest, pause)
190x9x3x1 (+10 lbs)

Skullcrushers (rest, pause)
125x8x3x1 (+5 lbs)

Close grip Lat pull downs (rest, pause)
230x10x5x4 (+10 lbs)

Single DB rows (straight sets)
120sx10 (+5 lbs per DB)
130sx8 (+10 lbs per DB)
Impressive weight on those lifts bro. For your skull crusher's what type of bar do you use? I can't figure out if the EZ curl bar at my gym is 15 or 25 lbs.


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My elbows would explode if I tried skullcrushers with that weight, they hurt with anything over 80. Great lifts


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Impressive weight on those lifts bro. For your skull crusher's what type of bar do you use? I can't figure out if the EZ curl bar at my gym is 15 or 25 lbs.
I use a 15 lb Ez curl bar with a medium width grip.

That lift was with 2 45s and 2 10s added :)


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My elbows would explode if I tried skullcrushers with that weight, they hurt with anything over 80. Great lifts
Triceps are one of my stronger points :)


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I use a 15 lb Ez curl bar with a medium width grip.

That lift was with 2 45s and 2 10s added :)
Holy sh1t bro! Your a focking beast! Nicely done.


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My elbows would explode if I tried skullcrushers with that weight, they hurt with anything over 80. Great lifts
Lol. You're not alone. Speaking of, how are the joints feeling Rick?


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Lol. You're not alone. Speaking of, how are the joints feeling Rick?
Actually joints feel great man. I never have had any pain on this cycle, and it's been completely side effect free for me. That is a big deal considering the strength increases I've made to this point. I think the estrogen I had without the AI had a major role in it


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Day 53

Weight: 178 (+13)

Dosed 350mg katana
Dosed 10 pumps Formastanozol
Dosed 18mg Albuterol (6mgx3)

WOW! I can't think of a better word for today. Today is a burn day, and I carbed up quite a bit yesterday which left me very full looking, but surprisingly lean this morning. After a nice cardio session and clean eating all day I was looking damn ripped by the end of today!! I had veins everywhere and my abs were popping pretty nicely. My skin feels like its holding much less water now, and I'm looking better with every day. Every burn day seems to be making a major impact on my leaning progress. I'm definitely leaner than I've been in a long time right now, and dangerously close to being leaner than at my leanest I've ever been :)

My prediction is that in a week or so I will be under 6% body fat. The great thing is that my weight has stayed pretty consistent lately also. I've maintained 178-179 for quite a bit while water and fat has dropped. That tells me I'm still building muscle through all of this as well.

I'm big, strong, and shredded right now......lovin life :D

Cardio was 40 minutes of treadmill running at 7.7 MPH (550 cals burned)

15 minutes elliptical for 200 cals burned

750 cals burned total :run:


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Day 53

Weight: 178 (+13)

Dosed 350mg katana
Dosed 10 pumps Formastanozol
Dosed 18mg Albuterol (6mgx3)

WOW! I can't think of a better word for today. Today is a burn day, and I carbed up quite a bit yesterday which left me very full looking, but surprisingly lean this morning. After a nice cardio session and clean eating all day I was looking damn ripped by the end of today!! I had veins everywhere and my abs were popping pretty nicely. My skin feels like its holding much less water now, and I'm looking better with every day. Every burn day seems to be making a major impact on my leaning progress. I'm definitely leaner than I've been in a long time right now, and dangerously close to being leaner than at my leanest I've ever been :)

My prediction is that in a week or so I will be under 6% body fat. The great thing is that my weight has stayed pretty consistent lately also. I've maintained 178-179 for quite a bit while water and fat has dropped. That tells me I'm still building muscle through all of this as well.

I'm big, strong, and shredded right now......lovin life :D

Cardio was 40 minutes of treadmill running at 7.7 MPH (550 cals burned)

15 minutes elliptical for 200 cals burned

750 cals burned total :run:
What is your calorie intake on your build / burn days right now while you are trying to lean out?


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What is your calorie intake on your build / burn days right now while you are trying to lean out?
I've been around 2800/1800 lately but I've been as low as 1500 on some burn days and as high as 3200 on some build days


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That's all great news.

I knew you'd tear this up bit fock bro!! Ur logs always rock and ur progress is focking epic.


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That's all great news.

I knew you'd tear this up bit fock bro!! Ur logs always rock and ur progress is focking epic.


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Im gonna just kinda sneak in the door and sit down and try and learn something.


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That's all great news.

I knew you'd tear this up bit fock bro!! Ur logs always rock and ur progress is focking epic.


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Day 54

Weight: 177.5 (+12.5)

Pinned 250mg test E
Pinned 250mg Masteron E
Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 10 pumps Formastanozol (5 pumpsx2)

Each day following a burn day, I wake up with more and more changes and leaning coming. Today was no different, as I looked dry and ripped. This afternoon after getting out of the tanning bed, I seen some veins that I have never seen before. I had veins spidering up the side of my obliques and all across my abdominals. Now granted, I realize that the tanning always brings out some crazy vascularity that doesn't stay real long (similar to a gym pump), but it was pretty sweet seeing that in the mirror when I got out. Another thing I've noticed is striations everywhere. My chest, delts, and lats are all pretty striated right now when flexing them and very noticeable. I can even see striations coming through on my biceps and the outer head of my triceps when flexing them. All of it is looking sweet as hell, and I cant wait to take my next set of pics. I'm not sure how soon I will be taking them, but it will definitely be within a few days :)

Workout went pretty damned good. As expected, my progression has slowed mostly though I still added 30 lbs to hack squats and did well with it. Everything else is definitely slowing down though, but realistically I couldn't expect to add 10-20 lbs to these lifts every workout. To this point I think I've added at least 20 lbs to every lift, and some lifts like chest and quads have added crazy strength to them. In my final week or two, I will put up a list of all my starting and ending weights with the increases on each one. I'm not even sure what they all are, but I know my strength is thought the roof right now and I feel like i could move mountains!

DC workout 2B (Biceps, Forearms, Calves, Hamstrings, Quads)

BB curls (rest, pause)
120x8x4x3 (+5 lbs)

Pinwheel curls (straight set)
60sx13 (+1 rep)

Standing calf raise (straight set with enhanced negative)
220x10 (+10 lbs)

Lying single leg curls (rest, pause)
90x10x5x4 (+10 lbs per leg, 20 lbs total)

Hack Squats (straight sets)
410x10 (+30 lbs)
360x20 (+30 lbs widowmaker)


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I've been around 2800/1800 lately but I've been as low as 1500 on some burn days and as high as 3200 on some build days
Damn man, I am around 22-2300 build days 12-1400 burn days, I haven't been doing much cardio, just started doing some fasted cardio on bcaas, just treadmill walking for like 30 minutes. Fat loss is slowing down alot so I am thinking of ramping up my cardio. I feel like if I did as much cardio as you are on only 1500 calories I'd lose muscle mass, That's what happened when I cut to hard before so I am like scared of cardio haha. I guess everybody is different though, keep killing it, maybe ill drop cals some more.


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Damn man, I am around 22-2300 build days 12-1400 burn days, I haven't been doing much cardio, just started doing some fasted cardio on bcaas, just treadmill walking for like 30 minutes. Fat loss is slowing down alot so I am thinking of ramping up my cardio. I feel like if I did as much cardio as you are on only 1500 calories I'd lose muscle mass, That's what happened when I cut to hard before so I am like scared of cardio haha. I guess everybody is different though, keep killing it, maybe ill drop cals some more.

As long as your build days are high enough, there is no need to worry about losing muscle from cardio, especially if you keep it low to medium intensity. I'm never afraid of doing cardio. If you are doing fasted cardio, you don't need the BCAAs either. That can actually hinder your fat loss too because you won't technically be fasted anymore. I used to use BCAAs around cardio myself, until I found out from Kleen that not only did I not need them....but they can actually be counterproductive on burn days. I can honestly say that ever since I dropped BCAAs on cardio/rest days, I am seeing fat loss at a faster rate.


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Day 55

Weight: 177.5 (+12.5)

Dosed 350mg katana
Dosed 10 pumps Formastanozol (5 pumpsx2)
Dosed 18mg Albuterol (6mgx3)

Burning and shredding fat today....keeping cals and diet very clean with a bit of an extended fast. I would normally be breaking fast about right now, but I'm going to keep it going for at least another couple hours. I will probably have a light salad with about 10oz of chicken, fat free cheddar cheese, and fat free dressing added along with some plain Greek yogurt, and a couple scoops of whey protein for my fast breaker. Later on I'm planning a nice fat steak dinner with steamed veggies and a sweet potato!! :food:

I got some good cardio with a pretty long session earlier of 75 minutes on the treadmill. After the sweat drenching, I hit the shower and was pretty amazed at how lean i looked. I noticed my oblique and serrated area showing much more definition and having tightened up quite a bit. The cuts in all my abdominal areas are looking deeper too. All in all, I am very happy with fat loss to this point. I have 4 weeks left on cycle to get pretty diced, and I should be hitting my peak in about 3 weeks or so :thumbsup:

Today's cardio:

35 minutes running at 7.7 MPH :run:

40 minutes incline walking 3.5 MPH @ 10%

75 minutes total for 1112 cals burned!


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Was just going back through this log and DAMN you are a beast. The cardio is crazy. Great log and great info!


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Was just going back through this log and DAMN you are a beast. The cardio is crazy. Great log and great info!
Haha. Thanks man! :cheers:


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As long as your build days are high enough, there is no need to worry about losing muscle from cardio, especially if you keep it low to medium intensity. I'm never afraid of doing cardio. If you are doing fasted cardio, you don't need the BCAAs either. That can actually hinder your fat loss too because you won't technically be fasted anymore. I used to use BCAAs around cardio myself, until I found out from Kleen that not only did I not need them....but they can actually be counterproductive on burn days. I can honestly say that ever since I dropped BCAAs on cardio/rest days, I am seeing fat loss at a faster rate.
That's weird, I've read everywhere to use BCAA's because they don't have calories, I didn't think that could take you out of a fasted state. Maybe I'll try some completely fasted cardio then. Thanks for the tip.


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That's weird, I've read everywhere to use BCAA's because they don't have calories, I didn't think that could take you out of a fasted state. Maybe I'll try some completely fasted cardio then. Thanks for the tip.
They don't contain a lot but anything with calories will technically break your fast. From memory a scoop of xtend is between 15 - 20 calories.


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They don't contain a lot but anything with calories will technically break your fast. From memory a scoop of xtend is between 15 - 20 calories.
My xtend intra workout has 0 calories.


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All BCAAs have caloric content to them, even though they are labeled as a zero calorie supplement. They still are around 4kcal/g (same as protein)

I will try and dig up what Kleen posted about them that may make more sense...

This was his response to a question asking if BCAAs were necessary on cardio only days...

The definition of necessary is something that is needed or required. You don't need them and they unnecessarily disrupt the balance of glucagon and insulin during the fast on a day when the only goal is to burn fat.

By the way, I don't deem them that way the creator of Lean Gains deems them that way... I am not spitting out crap just read the site. The only time aminos are recommended is right before lifting in a fasted state, then every 2 hours after until you have your first meal. He never once recommends using them on a cardio or rest day, they go against the premise of the program.

Of course it will be fine what it wont be is beneficial to the goal of that day. It has a negative impact on the goal for that day actually. Even if not a large one it is now doubt hampering your fat loss. When insulin is present you can not burn fat. Plain and simple, glucagon and insulin are opposing hormones, insulin tell the bodfy to store nutrients. Glucagon tells the body to catabolize fat for energy and sends a signal to spare muscle tissue from being broken down. The idea of the program is to burn fat on the cardio/rest days that is the only goal there. You only try to stimulate anabolism on your lift or as i call them build days. When you send your bady mixed signals it can not perform either one of these functions with the same efficiency. However as designed you flip the switch completely to anabolism on build days and fat catabolism on burn days.

intaking any calories breaks a fast. He recommend the 50 calories because it is the most energy he feels you can consume at once and still get back into a hormonal state of fasting quickly. He states this very clearly on his site.


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All BCAAs have caloric content to them, even though they are labeled as a zero calorie supplement. They still are around 4kcal/g (same as protein)

I will try and dig up what Kleen posted about them that may make more sense...

This was his response to a question asking if BCAAs were necessary on cardio only days...

Great info man, Now on my way to do some fasted cardio!!


sounds g2g, wrkout is solid, your well stocked for any sides that give ya trouble. why hcg the whole cycle? i know ya run into trouble if its ran to long. IMO id run 3 wks hcg mid way through. im no vet with hcg.i use it pc to get a kick start. by yr pic your a beast all ready,hope ya post befor and after pic's........and ...welcome to dark side bro!!...why do we call it the dark side?? ...seems like the thing to do.


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sounds g2g, wrkout is solid, your well stocked for any sides that give ya trouble. why hcg the whole cycle? i know ya run into trouble if its ran to long. IMO id run 3 wks hcg mid way through. im no vet with hcg.i use it pc to get a kick start. by yr pic your a beast all ready,hope ya post befor and after pic's........and ...welcome to dark side bro!!...why do we call it the dark side?? ...seems like the thing to do.
I'm not actually running real HCG. I'm running a supplment designed to reduce shutdown called HCGenerate. It seems to have been pretty effective to this point considering the "boys" are much more full and plump now at 8 weeks in than they have ever been on any 6 week oral only cycle I've ever done.

Thanks for all the compliments! Before pics are on the first page, and I've been doing pics every couple weeks. My next ones will be within a few days from now.

This is definitely NOT the dark side!!! I agree!! It is the lighter side and the grass is most certainly greener on this side!! :)


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I'm not actually running real HCG. I'm running a supplment designed to reduce shutdown called HCGenerate. It seems to have been pretty effective to this point considering the "boys" are much more full and plump now at 8 weeks in than they have ever been on any 6 week oral only cycle I've ever done.

Thanks for all the compliments! Before pics are on the first page, and I've been doing pics every couple weeks. My next ones will be within a few days from now.

This is definitely NOT the dark side!!! I agree!! It is the lighter side and the grass is most certainly greener on this side!! :)
Lol. You are certainly making the grass seem greener my friend...


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OK I have been training seriously for about 3 years, but this is pretty advanced for me. Can you explain the build days and burn days. ?
I'm taking you rotate them every other day? Or what?


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OK I have been training seriously for about 3 years, but this is pretty advanced for me. Can you explain the build days and burn days. ?
I'm taking you rotate them every other day? Or what?
Yeh pretty much rotated every day. I do intermittent fasting and then my build days are my workout days which are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Burn days are my cardio days which are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Build days I keep my cals a good 20% over maintenance or so, and have a moderate to higher amount of carbs usually between 200-250g

Burn days the cals are kept low at 20-30% under maintenance and carbs are kept pretty low at usually 70g or even as low as 20g for the day.

I eat for the goal that day, whether it be burning fat on cardio days, or building muscle on workout days and I also get a bit of carb cycling on a smaller scale at a day to day basis because of doing the alternating build/burn and high carb/low carb approach


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Thanks for the fast response. I would like to try the IF thing But I just honestly suck at any type of diet. My kids are in for summer and after they leave I will be able to focus more on the Diet. Right now Im weighing in at 242 and sometime float to 250 I guess the water or what I have ate for the day or two. I Am 6'4 and want to get down to around 220.
I am running a log here too. I would love to get some input from you. My work schedule Is 12 hr shifts 6 am to 6 pm and I work Four days on four days off. How would you work a IF diet in that? Im curious on all this.


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Thanks for the fast response. I would like to try the IF thing But I just honestly suck at any type of diet. My kids are in for summer and after they leave I will be able to focus more on the Diet. Right now Im weighing in at 242 and sometime float to 250 I guess the water or what I have ate for the day or two. I Am 6'4 and want to get down to around 220.
I am running a log here too. I would love to get some input from you. My work schedule Is 12 hr shifts 6 am to 6 pm and I work Four days on four days off. How would you work a IF diet in that? Im curious on all this.
Theres an if guide in here somewhere.. maybe take a look through there to help lay it out since itsbased on when you work out.


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Theres an if guide in here somewhere.. maybe take a look through there to help lay it out since itsbased on when you work out.

IN this thread? Or on this site?


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Thanks for the fast response. I would like to try the IF thing But I just honestly suck at any type of diet. My kids are in for summer and after they leave I will be able to focus more on the Diet. Right now Im weighing in at 242 and sometime float to 250 I guess the water or what I have ate for the day or two. I Am 6'4 and want to get down to around 220.
I am running a log here too. I would love to get some input from you. My work schedule Is 12 hr shifts 6 am to 6 pm and I work Four days on four days off. How would you work a IF diet in that? Im curious on all this.

You could work out at night breaking your fast sometime in the afternoon. Martin prefers increasing activity in the fasted state, depending on what you do for work this could help you lean out. I'm sure you've already checked out leangains.com, but if not I would start there, definetly has all the information you should need.


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Thanks man..


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Hey RR do you think doing cardio at 12 hours into your fast and waiting to break fast until 16 hour mark would make a difference as if you were to do fasted cardio maybe 14-15 hours into your fast and eat soon after? Just wondering if you had any knowledge on that and what you think would be best, and if you wait a few hours after empty stomach cardio to break fast do you use any supps inbetween? Just curious thanks.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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I'm not rick but I can tell you I have done cardio first thing in the am(6,7,8am) after fasting from 8-9 the night before and not eating until 12 noon, sometimes not even until 5-6pm, and it's really not a huge deal. No muscle loss, or anything like that to speak of.

Sometimes I would take some BCAA/EAA pre-wo(6am for example), then post cardio(9am), then maybe one more time a few hrs later if I was fasting until say 5-6pm, but again, this might be more for peace of mind, and not really needed. We tend to do things out of fear sometimes..heh


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Hey RR do you think doing cardio at 12 hours into your fast and waiting to break fast until 16 hour mark would make a difference as if you were to do fasted cardio maybe 14-15 hours into your fast and eat soon after? Just wondering if you had any knowledge on that and what you think would be best, and if you wait a few hours after empty stomach cardio to break fast do you use any supps inbetween? Just curious thanks.
I'm not rick but I can tell you I have done cardio first thing in the am(6,7,8am) after fasting from 8-9 the night before and not eating until 12 noon, sometimes not even until 5-6pm, and it's really not a huge deal. No muscle loss, or anything like that to speak of.

Sometimes I would take some BCAA/EAA pre-wo(6am for example), then post cardio(9am), then maybe one more time a few hrs later if I was fasting until say 5-6pm, but again, this might be more for peace of mind, and not really needed. We tend to do things out of fear sometimes..heh

I never worry about any muscle loss or any negative effects when I have extended fasts with cardio in there at some point. I think as long as you are keeping your cardio limited to LISS or even moderate intensity there is no need to worry about anything. You could probably even have a tad bit of higher intensity without anything negative either, though I wouldn't do too much HIIT fasted.

As Frank said, BCAAs centered around the cardio are more for peace of mind probably than anything. I used to take them on cardio days every time, and now I don't take any on cardio days. The only thing I have noticed different, is that I seem to be losing fat quicker by staying in that fasted state longer and not breaking it with BCAAs...haha.


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Day 57

Weight: 177.5 (+12.5)

Pinned 250mg Test E
Pinned 250mg Masteron E
Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 10 pumps Formastanozol (5 pumpsx2)

I am still amazed at how well everything is progressing in all areas of this cycle between size, strength, and leanness. Everything is going incredibly, and right now it seems that I am in the zone of a perfect balance for pure recomp. My weight has not dropped much at all, but I'm still shredding at a pretty good rate. I have kept my workout day cals pretty close to the same throughout the whole cycle and haven't dropped them very much at all when switching to more of a cut even. The big changes I made were on my cardio days, where I did cut cals, and increased cardio some. Those little differences have shifted things just enough to allow me to be enjoying the best of both worlds right now!

During my workout It was very evident of the strides I have made with size and strength. I also looked incredibly lean and vascular. It was definitely the best I have ever looked, and It seems every time I step in the gym I'm surprised even more of how far I have come. Just yesterday I went back and looked at my starting pics and was blown away between what I am seeing now and what I seen then. Things really get put in perspective when you look back. When you see yourself everyday, sometimes you don't realize just how much progress you've made. The differences in size alone is night and day, and I am definitely leaner now too :)

My workout went a hell of a lot better than I expected it to. I knew I would progress, but I surprised myself on a few of these lifts. DB flat pressing those 105s was a big one for me. I have never even attempted these before, and I made them look easy. I still ended up with a 20 rep rest pause set, so I will be going to 110s the next workout!! Every other exercise went up in weight again by 10 lbs with the exception of deadlifts where I went up 20. They are definitely starting to feel heavier, but I was pretty pleased with how I did. I can't believe that I started this cycle dead lifting 185 for reps, and here I am getting very close to doing 3 plates per side. That is pretty major for me, as deads have always been incredible hard because of my back and I've never been able to go heavy. Now it's holding up well, and it feels good to be able to do these. Now I just have to get that weight up to where I think it should be compared to my other lifts!

DC workout 1C (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back Width, Back thickness)

DB Bench Press (rest, pause)
105sx11x6x3 (+5 lbs per DB, 10 lbs total)

Standing overhead barbell press (rest, pause)
165x8x3x3 (+ 10 lbs)

Triceps Machine-reverse preachers (rest, pause)
220x10x4x3 (+10 lbs)

Front Lat pull downs (rest, pause)
230x10x4x3 (+10 lbs)

Deadlift (straight sets)
265x7 (+20 lbs)
295x4 (+20 lbs)


ok, you guys were talking about fasting.what about giveing up mass? im at about 9%-10% most of the time and im scared to miss a meal even when ive cut for show prep. can ya put any more light on this? ive been down to the wire for show prep and bumped up cardio up to 60 min 2 times a day and seen it fall off. but i was worried it wasn't the best idea i ever had...lol


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Sounds good guys, thanks for both of your replys.


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congrads on the Deadlift improvements. I cant find them on this log but do you have pics of when you started this till now?
