A new chapter...RickRock's path on the "DARK SIDE" begins...



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Your cycle isn't strong enough...


Definitely not.... you need more Rick
There will be more.....next cycle :)

Needs more sarms
But that's for PCT brah!

More epi and add tren lol.
I've actually considered taking Epi up to 75mg for this last week of it.

As for Tren, I'm actually already planning on running a tri-blend next year of Test E/Masteron E/Tren E but that's quite a ways off and subject to change :sgrin:

How are your joints so far Rick?
Actually joints have been holding up great bro surprisingly. This cycle is showing me how great estrogen can be when you don't crush it! Joints have felt great, and my libido is raging!, woo hoo!


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Actually joints have been holding up great bro surprisingly. This cycle is showing me how great estrogen can be when you don't crush it! Joints have felt great, and my libido is raging!, woo hoo!
Mmm. I always thought a majority of people got bad joint pains from Epi, especially at high doses. Maybe you're lucky or people have been misleading me. Are you taking anything to prevent joint pains?


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Mmm. I always thought a majority of people got bad joint pains from Epi, especially at high doses. Maybe you're lucky or people have been misleading me. Are you taking anything to prevent joint pains?
His estrogen is high enough to prevent dry joints since he's not crushing it with an AI. As for me though 60mg of epi does a number on my joints lol.


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His estrogen is high enough to prevent dry joints since he's not crushing it with an AI. As for me though 60mg of epi does a number on my joints lol.
Good point. Whenever I get around to pinning I will probably use SD as a 4wk kicker and then finish with the last 6wks with Epi.


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Good point. Whenever I get around to pinning I will probably use SD as a 4wk kicker and then finish with the last 6wks with Epi.
That was actually the plan for my bulk cycle too, but now I've changed everything lol.


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Day 40

Weight: 178.5 (+13.5)

Dosed 60mg Epi
Dosed 350mg Katana
Pinned 250mg Test E
Pinned 250mg Masteron E

All I have to say is wow I cleaned up good from yesterday! Weight dropped down and I really dropped some water weight. I was looking pretty damn ripped this morning. I had a very clean diet yesterday, low cals, a good 60 minute cardio session, and the results were very profound this morning. It's almost like I just cut up overnight! There were also a couple other factors in there as well. I dosed the Albuterol much higher and more times than I previously had which probably had some effect on it. Another big one is the fact that we hit 104 degrees here yesterday. I work in a factory that is always a good 40-50 degrees WARMER than outside that I work in for 8-12 hours. Needless to say I sweated buckets yesterday just at work and probably drank a good 3 gallons of water no joke. This probably flushed me out well, and allowed me to get pretty dry this morning. Our temperatures are going to stay like this for at least the next week, so I will have to work and try to stay hydrated well through it. I am going to try and get some pics up soon, so I'm hoping that the changes will be apparent in the pics.

I'm still holding my fullness very very well, and if it weren't for the scale I'd almost say I'm still getting bigger. I took some measurements, and I was pretty surprised with them. My arms were measuring a good 16.75" with a cold un-pumped flex! That's as big as they have ever been, and even bigger than they were when they had some fat on them at 200+ lbs!! There are quite a few body parts of mine that I can tell have made some pretty remarkable progress. My chest and quads are probably the ones that have had the most progress (which is also reflected in the ridiculous strength numbers im having with both), but I'm also noticing some nice improvements in my calves, biceps, traps, and back width.

My workout was another stellar one full of PRs! I just keep adding some sick weight to all my quad movements on every workout. I will have to check my logbook, but I think I've went up a good 60-80 lbs on all of them pretty much! That's saying a lot! I know things will be slowing down soon, and my progression will go to adding a rep or two each workout instead of adding 10-20 lbs, but I'm going to keep progressing as long as it lets me!

DC workout 2B (biceps, Forearms, calves, hamstrings, Quads)

BB curls (rest, pause)
115x9x4x3 (+10 lbs)

Pinwheel curls (straight set)
60sx12 (+1 rep)

Standing calf raise (straight set)
210x11 (+10 lbs)

Lying single leg curls (rest, pause)
80x11x6x5 (+10 lbs)

Hack Squat (straight sets)
380x11 (+30 lbs)
330x22 (+30 lbs)


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Mmm. I always thought a majority of people got bad joint pains from Epi, especially at high doses. Maybe you're lucky or people have been misleading me. Are you taking anything to prevent joint pains?
I was taking some cissus at the start of the cycle until the estrogen came up, but I dropped it weeks ago. I always have had joint pain on Epi before, so I know how bad it can get. I was guessing that it would be alleviated this time by running the test and having the extra estrogen, and apparently I guessed right because I've been pretty much pain free!

His estrogen is high enough to prevent dry joints since he's not crushing it with an AI. As for me though 60mg of epi does a number on my joints lol.
Yep...exactly! 60mg has always been hell for me before. Thank god for estrogen! It makes me feel 18 again and my joints feel awesome :)

Good point. Whenever I get around to pinning I will probably use SD as a 4wk kicker and then finish with the last 6wks with Epi.
That's a pretty popular and effective cycle :thumbsup:

That was actually the plan for my bulk cycle too, but now I've changed everything lol.
That happens a lot to me too....always changing things...lol


Well actually yesterday I did kick it up quite a bit, and I did 3 dosings of 4.5mg and I swear that after that I look and feel incredible this morning. It's almost like I shredded up overnight!

haha thats it man! i love the feeling of being on albuterol, its like adrenaline to me :3 i cant wait to see the starting pics compared to the finished product on this chemical enhancement you got going. throw in some HgH & tren & i reckon it'll be the missing link in human evolution :p


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with real hgh there is actually no need for anymore tren, orals etc. unless you are 300lbs taking 10grams+ of aas weekly.
something like 700mg test, 500mg masteron or 600mg boldenone with 3 iu of PHARM GRADE hgh will yield better results than any roid combination (within reasonable amounts, not talking about 2 grams tren with 300mg anadrol..lol)
best of all barely noteworthy sides with the test/mast/hgh and a lot of real performance increase.

if i could start over this is the only thing i would ever run permanently.


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with real hgh there is actually no need for anymore tren, orals etc. unless you are 300lbs taking 10grams+ of aas weekly.
something like 700mg test, 500mg masteron or 600mg boldenone with 3 iu of PHARM GRADE hgh will yield better results than any roid combination (within reasonable amounts, not talking about 2 grams tren with 300mg anadrol..lol)
best of all barely noteworthy sides with the test/mast/hgh and a lot of real performance increase.

if i could start over this is the only thing i would ever run permanently.
You're totally correct, high quality GH trumps all.


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Keep killing it bro... Impressive numbers,,, and you're staying lean....


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with real hgh there is actually no need for anymore tren, orals etc. unless you are 300lbs taking 10grams+ of aas weekly.
something like 700mg test, 500mg masteron or 600mg boldenone with 3 iu of PHARM GRADE hgh will yield better results than any roid combination (within reasonable amounts, not talking about 2 grams tren with 300mg anadrol..lol)
best of all barely noteworthy sides with the test/mast/hgh and a lot of real performance increase.

if i could start over this is the only thing i would ever run permanently.
I don't know that I will ever go near HGH. The results sound great, but the long term health effects I've read about sound damn scary. I've heard that long term use causes enlarged organ size including an enlarged heart. I'm sure it's dose dependent, but I still am pretty sure that I will just stick to AAS.

You're totally correct, high quality GH trumps all.
I'm sure it does. If it weren't for some of the health concerns id probably consider it one day

Keep killing it bro... Impressive numbers,,, and you're staying lean....
Thanks man! I'm surprised at how lean I've stayed too. I think in a couple weeks I will be back looking shredded as ever ;)


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You are doing great Rick. Keep it up brother looking lean and yoked up!


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Rick, what's your 1RM on bench? You need to get it to 420 by the end of cycle, so we can get you a painted on tanktop and get you a job at Force Factor.

...kinda srs


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Rick, what's your 1RM on bench? You need to get it to 420 by the end of cycle, so we can get you a painted on tanktop and get you a job at Force Factor.

...kinda srs
That's all it takes is 420 on bench?


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That's all it takes is 420 on bench?
Haven't you seen the ads? All 8 of those guys supposedly weigh 170 and bench 420; oh, and trainers hate them lol.


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You are doing great Rick. Keep it up brother looking lean and yoked up!
Thanks bro!

Rick, what's your 1RM on bench? You need to get it to 420 by the end of cycle, so we can get you a painted on tanktop and get you a job at Force Factor.

...kinda srs
Lmao....I haven't had bench in my routine in so long that I'm not sure what my max is. My previous max bench was 330, but I'm stronger now by quite a bit than I've ever been so if I was guessing I would say I could hit 340-350 right now. Still a ways from 420...lol

That's all it takes is 420 on bench?
What do you mean THAT'S ALL?! lol (oh you have to weigh 170 too)

Haven't you seen the ads? All 8 of those guys supposedly weigh 170 and bench 420; oh, and trainers hate them lol.
Who wouldn't hate a guy that can bench 420 and weighs 170? Everybody in my gym looks t me like they hate me and I'm almost 180 and bench 350ish



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i consider aas to be much more harmful than low doses of hgh. as mentioned, already 3 iu is enough of real hgh and the probability of side effects at that dose should be rather low.

i think hgh has the reputation of being sooo incredibly hardcore, yet everyone wants to use tren. tren is pure poison and can even make you psychotic. the funny thing is people on it don't even notice.
with hgh you feel great. just saying ;-)


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i consider aas to be much more harmful than low doses of hgh. as mentioned, already 3 iu is enough of real hgh and the probability of side effects at that dose should be rather low.

i think hgh has the reputation of being sooo incredibly hardcore, yet everyone wants to use tren. tren is pure poison and can even make you psychotic. the funny thing is people on it don't even notice.
with hgh you feel great. just saying ;-)

Don't you have to run HGH for quite a long time before you really see benefits from it? That's what I've heard anyways, and there is no point in running it any less than 6 months, if not a year at a time


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no, this rumour stems from people using chinese hgh. real pharm grade hgh works very fast and noticeable. the pumps, endurance and muscle gains all feel much better and more "real" than aas. i only haf a total of 90 iu for 45 days to test, so i used only 2 iu and it was incredible.

people on even 10 iu of chinese hgh don't get these reaults. chinese hgh is not hgh unfortunately no matter how much people wish it to be...
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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no, this rumour stems from people using chinese hgh. real pharm grade hgh works very fast and noticeable. the pumps, endurance and muscle gains all feel much better and more "real" than aas. i only haf a total of 90 iu for 45 days to test, so i used only 2 iu and it was incredible.

people on even 10 iu of chinese hgh don't get these reaults. chinese hgh is not hgh unfortunately no matter how much people wish it to be...
Let me ask you this. If pharm grade hgh and generic hgh both raise serum gh(let's not even talk igf levels) levels to the exact same level, where is all the difference in results coming from?

That is like saying Watson Cyp will give better results than ug Cyp. Well if both products put your test at 3000ng it doesn't make a difference.

What I can see being an issue is either bunk or under dosed generic gh. Lots of that around. However I have seen time and time again a few brands test out equal to or greater than us pharm grade. Granted that doesn't mean that the pharm grade isn't safer due to manufacturing standards, etc.


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there will be no difference of course but real underground hgh is very rare. i am not speaking of generic or chinese pharmacy hgh but blue tops etc.


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Don't you have to run HGH for quite a long time before you really see benefits from it? That's what I've heard anyways, and there is no point in running it any less than 6 months, if not a year at a time
Yes, no use in running HGH for less than 6mos. preferably a year or more, especially when on low doses used for long-term use! Oh and don't forget the price-tag!
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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there will be no difference of course but real underground hgh is very rare. i am not speaking of generic or chinese pharmacy hgh but blue tops etc.
I guess in the grand scheme of all the **** out there it might be rare but if you know the right supplier you can get great blues.

I mean with the prices of us pharm grade its just not feasible for most to use it.


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I guess in the grand scheme of all the **** out there it might be rare but if you know the right supplier you can get great blues.

I mean with the prices of us pharm grade its just not feasible for most to use it.
brb selling my car to fund a year of HGH.


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Easy choice. Clen has some ridiculous sides, and health effects. Albuterol has a shorter half life, less sides, better for endurance, and is just as effective as Clen if dosed right.

I will NEVER use Clen....
Wuss... Lol


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Nahhh, just refinance your mortgage and borrow against your house!
On my way to Bank of America now! I'm gunna be on so much of the hgh....


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DAY 41 & 42

Weight: 179 (+14)

Dosed 60mg Epi
Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 18mg Albuterol (6mgx3)

Didnt have much time to update for the weekend so here is my update up to this morning. I did a couple effective burn days and the changes are coming superfast! Im cutting up very quickly and a lot more than the scale is showing. This tells me that im recomping nicely right now as I look to be fairly dry and I am damn near as lean as Ive ever been! Veins are returning very prominently that were faint before. My bicep veins are branching out in all directions, my quad veins are getting more prevelant, and veins in my abs, chest, lats, calves, and forearms are all making their presence known! I cant complain with the amazing things that have happened in one week!

I hit a full 60-70 minutes on each day of the weekend burning over 1k cals Saturday and 825 on Sunday. I missed the oppurtunity to take pics or measure bodyfat, but I will be doing that within the next couple days.

I have some great things to update from todays workout later on also. Lets just say I'm very big, very strong, and ripped as hell right now...:sgrin:

Full update later today...


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Day 43

Weight 178.5 (+13.5)

Pinned 250mg Test E
Pinned 250mg Masteron E
Dosed 60mg Epi
Dosed 350mg Katana

All I have to say is wow! My body composition is changing pretty rapidly and today's workout really showed how much it's changed in the last week. My vascularity was off the chain, and I was looking leaner than I've been since the start of this whole cycle with very little bloat....all with still no AI. With the sick pumps I had, I was looking incredibly big also. I managed to get a check on body fat and I was astounded with my readings. The HIGHEST reading I had was about 6.9%, and I had a couple other readings also that were lower t around 6.5-6.7%!! So, that is a reduction of nearly a whole % since my last readings just over a week ago!! I think losing a lot of water weight helped the readings, and I don't think I dropped a whole percent, but that confirms what I believed before....I didn't gain as much fat as I thought I did! I could be leaner than I've ever been in another week or 2!

My workout was equally as impressive. Strength numbers are still soaring and the progression is still going strong. Everything felt pretty light today...except my last set of deads. But for a 50 lb increase I don't mind it feeling a little heavy...lol. Those deads are coming along great and my back is holding up wonderfully with no pain whatsoever. I'd really like to be able to pull up 315 for a few reps by the end of this. For me that is impressive. Deads have always been a weak link of mine because of my back, so I've never ever been able to push them. I don't think I've ever pulled over 225 until this cycle.

I've only got about 3 days worth of Epi left, then I will be done with it. A week from today is when I plan to start the Forma, and really dry out more.

DC workout 1C (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps/Back Width/Back Thickness)

DB Bench Press (rest, pause)
100sx12x5x3 (+5 lbs per DB 10 lbs total)

Standing BB shoulder Press (rest, pause)
155x10x4x2 (+4 reps)

Triceps Machine-reverse preachers (rest, pause)
210x11x4x3 (+10 lbs)

Front Lat Pulldowns (rest, pause)
220x10x4x3 (+20 lbs)

Deadlift (straight sets)
245x10 (+20 lbs)
275x5 (+50 lbs)


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Awesome update Rick! We need pics!


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Tearing this sh*t up as always bro, you're making crazy progress.


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Great work, Ricky!


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Thanks guys! Pics will be coming within the next couple days...probably tomorrow ;)


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DB Bench Press (rest, pause)
100sx12x5x3 (+5 lbs per DB 10 lbs total)

Standing BB shoulder Press (rest, pause)
155x10x4x2 (+4 reps)

Triceps Machine-reverse preachers (rest, pause)
210x11x4x3 (+10 lbs)

Front Lat Pulldowns (rest, pause)
220x10x4x3 (+20 lbs)

Deadlift (straight sets)
245x10 (+20 lbs)
275x5 (+50 lbs)
Look at those increases man! + 50 to deads?! Hell yea man! Solid!


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Fug the only thing I ever did that gave me strength gains like that is the good ole 1-test 4ad transdermal that this board was built on ...fuggin weight just felt like air...


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Day 44

Weight: 178 (+13)

Dosed 60mg Epi
Dosed 350mg Katana

My gym will be closed tomorrow, so the workout I normally would do then I did today instead making two workouts in a row. so tomorrow will just be cardio at home for a burn day and then the next day will be another burn.

My workout went incredible. Strength gains everywhere, and I'm amazed at the power I've gained in my legs through this cycle. I've added some serious weight to all my lifts on every workout, and the strength gains don't seem to be slowing all that much! I will take that any day!

I was equally impressed with the weight i was throwing around on preachers. Having a couple 45s on an EZ bar with another 10 lbs on top of that added, then doing slow controlled reps all the way down was pretty beast I thought. This was another major PR for me!

DC workout 2C (Biceps,Forearms, Calves, Hamstrings, Quads)

EZ bar Preacher Curls (rest,pause)
115x9x4x3 (+15 lbs)

Single reverse cable curls (straight set)
55x12 (+2 reps)

Leg press toe raise (straight set with enhanced negative)
280x10 (+10 lbs)

Sumo leg press (rest,pause)
410x13x7x5 (+50 lbs)

Leg press (straight sets)
540x11 (+40 lbs)
490x20 (+50 lbs widowmaker)
