A new chapter...RickRock's path on the "DARK SIDE" begins...



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OK, this is an open Fugg you to all that are bigger, leaner and more tan than me!
Al I didn't set out to show you up ... it just happened :)


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Lol. I know the feeling. We Irish don't ran well!
You'd be surprised. Im pasty in my avi but i get pretty brown under the sun


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Weight is climbing nicely, gettin f*cking beefy bro.
Hell yeh! Just in the last few days I've noticed a huge difference physically.

15 lbs gained already!? Aww sh1t good stuff bro.
Yeh bro, and this party ain't over yet! There's still more mass to be had!

Lol. I know the feeling. We Irish don't ran well!

Al I didn't set out to show you up ... it just happened :)
Damn Al! Doug is showing you up?!

You'd be surprised. Im pasty in my avi but i get pretty brown under the sun
That is a nice benefit for sure!


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Day 31

Weight: 178.5 (+13.5)

Dosed 60mg epi

I cleaned up a good amount yesterday, as my weight dropped down a bit this morning but I have to say that my physical changes are coming on very rapidly right now and things are really starting to get interesting. I would almost swear that I was getting leaner from the appearance changes I'm seeing. It's certainly possible that I am, but I'm also thinking that the Masteron is really starting to kick in hard. I have some veins coming through and showing in places that I haven't seen since I was very dry and at my leanest. Veins across my quads, my chest, and the smaller veins branching out from my main bicep veins are all showing through well and really light up with a pump. I can't imagine how things will look when I really dry out in a couple weeks and drop the body fat down!

Fullness is another area that has made drastic improvements lately. I just look very big right now and it's night and day difference from how I looked at the cycle start. Hardness has really took off also. This is another reason that I think it's mostly the Masteron doing its thing, but whatever the cause.....I'm enjoying the effects!!!!

It's almost as if my body is changing overnight with the changes right now. I have a feeling my next set of pics will show the biggest difference yet :sgrin:

Now for the workout!!! What can I say?! My gym performance is really taking off right now, and today's workout is a big indication of that. One of the areas that I have seemed to make the most progress physically as well as strength wise is my quads. They have really thickened up well, and I have added a ton of weight to my lifts on the exercises with every workout. I've went up a minimum of 20 lbs each session, and today I went up 30 lbs and 40 lbs on the widowmaker!!! This is great news, because my quads is one of the areas that I really wanted to bring up to the others with chest being the other. Calf work is a mother focker on DC, and for that reason I don't see weight increases being as substantial with them. I kept the same weight and went up two more reps and I was in complete agony from that alone from the enhanced negative.

DC workout 2C (Biceps, forearms, calves, hamstrings, quads)

EZ bar preacher curls (rest, pause)
100x11x5x4 (+15 lbs)

Single arm reverse cable curls (straight set)
55x10 (+5 lbs per arm)

Leg press toe raise (straight set with enhanced negative)
270x10 (+ 2 reps)

Sumo leg press (rest, pause)
360x13x7x6 (+40lbs)

Leg press (straight sets)
500x12 (+ 30 lbs)
450x20 (+40 lbs-widowmaker)


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very impressed with your results so far Rick.


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Day 31

Weight: 178.5 (+13.5)

Dosed 60mg epi

I cleaned up a good amount yesterday, as my weight dropped down a bit this morning but I have to say that my physical changes are coming on very rapidly right now and things are really starting to get interesting. I would almost swear that I was getting leaner from the appearance changes I'm seeing. It's certainly possible that I am, but I'm also thinking that the Masteron is really starting to kick in hard. I have some veins coming through and showing in places that I haven't seen since I was very dry and at my leanest. Veins across my quads, my chest, and the smaller veins branching out from my main bicep veins are all showing through well and really light up with a pump. I can't imagine how things will look when I really dry out in a couple weeks and drop the body fat down!

Fullness is another area that has made drastic improvements lately. I just look very big right now and it's night and day difference from how I looked at the cycle start. Hardness has really took off also. This is another reason that I think it's mostly the Masteron doing its thing, but whatever the cause.....I'm enjoying the effects!!!!

It's almost as if my body is changing overnight with the changes right now. I have a feeling my next set of pics will show the biggest difference yet :sgrin:

Now for the workout!!! What can I say?! My gym performance is really taking off right now, and today's workout is a big indication of that. One of the areas that I have seemed to make the most progress physically as well as strength wise is my quads. They have really thickened up well, and I have added a ton of weight to my lifts on the exercises with every workout. I've went up a minimum of 20 lbs each session, and today I went up 30 lbs and 40 lbs on the widowmaker!!! This is great news, because my quads is one of the areas that I really wanted to bring up to the others with chest being the other. Calf work is a mother focker on DC, and for that reason I don't see weight increases being as substantial with them. I kept the same weight and went up two more reps and I was in complete agony from that alone from the enhanced negative.

DC workout 2C (Biceps, forearms, calves, hamstrings, quads)

EZ bar preacher curls (rest, pause)
100x11x5x4 (+15 lbs)

Single arm reverse cable curls (straight set)
55x10 (+5 lbs per arm)

Leg press toe raise (straight set with enhanced negative)
270x10 (+ 2 reps)

Sumo leg press (rest, pause)
360x13x7x6 (+40lbs)

Leg press (straight sets)
500x12 (+ 30 lbs)
450x20 (+40 lbs-widowmaker)
Increases on every lift and good ones at that! I know you always said that your weakness was your legs but I bet with the anobolics and the hard work your putting in they are looking sick right about now. Don't forget to throw a leg shot out this time around(completely homo), I know you don't often do that.

As far as the veins go, as if you could be any more vascular you freak! Good update and I can't wait to see these progress pics bro.


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X2 i'm just in it for the pics... Still just going up and up! Fugging awesome Rick keep killing it bro!!!


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Increases on every lift and good ones at that! I know you always said that your weakness was your legs but I bet with the anobolics and the hard work your putting in they are looking sick right about now. Don't forget to throw a leg shot out this time around(completely homo), I know you don't often do that.

As far as the veins go, as if you could be any more vascular you freak! Good update and I can't wait to see these progress pics bro.

Yeh adding size and strength to my legs is a gret thing for me. I my post a pic up with my next set, but you guys won't be able to tell anything because I don't have any beginning pics to compare to

X2 i'm just in it for the pics... Still just going up and up! Fugging awesome Rick keep killing it bro!!!

I'm going for more PRs tomorrow man!

Day 32

Weight: 178.5 (+13.5)

Dosed 60mg epi

Burn day with some moderate cardio this morning. Diet was kept clean all day and I ended up just over 2k cals total for the day. That should clean me up pretty decent by tomorrow and give me a nice vascular workout full of PRs hopefully!

Cardio was 32 minutes of Elliptical for a 400 cal burn


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Rick - I noticed you mentioned that in a couple weeks you'll really be "drying out"...what do you plan to do to accomplish that? The usual sauna route, or just drinking less water for a few days and sweating it out through cardio?

I'm guessing the drying out will be after you finish the epi, since typically with an oral you want to keep a large water intake to promote that good old kidney health.


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Rick - I noticed you mentioned that in a couple weeks you'll really be "drying out"...what do you plan to do to accomplish that? The usual sauna route, or just drinking less water for a few days and sweating it out through cardio?

I'm guessing the drying out will be after you finish the epi, since typically with an oral you want to keep a large water intake to promote that good old kidney health.

I will be increasing cardio, decreasing carbs, and adding Formastanozol into the mix. The combo of all 3 should do the trick hopefully


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I will be increasing cardio, decreasing carbs, and adding Formastanozol into the mix. The combo of all 3 should do the trick hopefully
Drying out does not necessarly mean decreased water ntake, you generally are low the day of a show but you can do a lot of drying out by flushing which takes a high amount of water intake, higher than normal actually...


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Drying out does not necessarly mean decreased water ntake, you generally are low the day of a show but you can do a lot of drying out by flushing which takes a high amount of water intake, higher than normal actually...

Yeh you are right. I'm sure that whenever it is that I decide I want to peak (probably around the final week), I will have to do a little tweaking to treat it like preparing for a show. A show is something that I would like to do someday anyways, so I think it would be a good learning experience. Water, sodium, dairy, and carbs are all things I will have to watch when that time comes ;)


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Yeh you are right. I'm sure that whenever it is that I decide I want to peak (probably around the final week), I will have to do a little tweaking to treat it like preparing for a show. A show is something that I would like to do someday anyways, so I think it would be a good learning experience. Water, sodium, dairy, and carbs are all things I will have to watch when that time comes ;)
I can only imagine the epicness of this "peak"!!


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Day 33

Weight: 180 (+15)

Pinned 250mg Test
Pinned 250mg Masteron E
Dosed 60mg Epi

I had a pretty incredible workout today that was full of very impressive numbers and increases on everything in weight. The biggest changes came from my chest and tricep work. Hammer strength bench presses I was able to go up 25 lbs and match the reps I did from the last time I did the exercise!! That was a huge gain, and I really didn't expect to be able to get as many reps as I did at 280 lbs. I was over the 11-15 rest pause range by a few reps, so the next time I do this exercise I'm Planning on going up at least another 20 lbs to get to 300 and see how I do there! Close grip bench press I went up a whole 20 lbs and cranked out a good amount of reps as well. The only thing is that my back doesn't seem to be progressing as much as all my other body parts. It's still gaining progress but it's been much slower. I'm fine with that as the areas that I really needed the progress on are the ones making the most with the legs and chest both making huge gains in size and strength! Pretty much every workout is full of PRs at the point, and I'm loving life right now :D

DC Workout 1A (chest, shoulders, triceps, back width, back thickness)

Hammer strength chest press (rest, pause)
280x12x5x2 (+25 lbs!!)

DB shoulder Press (rest, pause)
75sx13x5x3 (+5 lbs per DB, 10 lbs total)

Close grip bench press (rest, pause)
180x12x5x3 (+20lbs!)

Chins (rest, pause)
BW + 60x6x3x2 (+5 lbs)

Seated Tbar rows (straight sets)
215x10x7 (+10lbs)


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Yeh you are right. I'm sure that whenever it is that I decide I want to peak (probably around the final week), I will have to do a little tweaking to treat it like preparing for a show. A show is something that I would like to do someday anyways, so I think it would be a good learning experience. Water, sodium, dairy, and carbs are all things I will have to watch when that time comes ;)
Might as well do a show man. All the hard work you've been putting in! Up 15? Smh in awe bro. You're going to be monstrous and staying lean still dude. Just ridiculous


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Might as well do a show man. All the hard work you've been putting in! Up 15? Smh in awe bro. You're going to be monstrous and staying lean still dude. Just ridiculous
Thanks man. I don't think I'm quite there yet to be able to do a show. I'd like to make a strong presence when I do, and for that i really need to add another 10 lbs of muscle or so to put me in the heavier end of the middle weights by the time I would cut and drop water

Probably another year I'm thinking, and then i will look into doing one ;)


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Thanks man. I don't think I'm quite there yet to be able to do a show. I'd like to make a strong presence when I do, and for that i really need to add another 10 lbs of muscle or so to put me in the heavier end of the middle weights by the time I would cut and drop water

Probably another year I'm thinking, and then i will look into doing one ;)
Do a couple physique shows until then to get used to the stage... Just an idea. Those are just Abercrombie ad looks. I'm going to do a Ph cycle work on some prob areas and possibly do a couple physique shows... Debating anyways : D

You could def step on physique stage no prob


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great stuff here.looks like this cycle is treating you very well.like others said your in great shape to compete down the road


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Do a couple physique shows until then to get used to the stage... Just an idea. Those are just Abercrombie ad looks. I'm going to do a Ph cycle work on some prob areas and possibly do a couple physique shows... Debating anyways : D

You could def step on physique stage no prob

I've thought about the physique shows too, to get my feet wet. But, standing there in boxers and going no flexing at all would be very weird. I don't know if I will go that route, but it's definitely an option. ;)


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great stuff here.looks like this cycle is treating you very well.like others said your in great shape to compete down the road
Thanks Mich! The cycle is going great, and one day I will hit the stage. The only question is when


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I've thought about the physique shows too, to get my feet wet. But, standing there in boxers and going no flexing at all would be very weird. I don't know if I will go that route, but it's definitely an option. ;)
LOL! Boxers?! Most of the ones, actually all of the ones i've seen are done in board shorts but I hear ya.


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Whenever I get all this medical stuff straightened out, I'll come back to do a show in IL with you, Rick. We can choreograph part of a posedown as a fight from an old 80's action flick lol.


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Whenever I get all this medical stuff straightened out, I'll come back to do a show in IL with you, Rick. We can choreograph part of a posedown as a fight from an old 80's action flick lol.
I'll purchase tickets to this show... ;-)

We could call it midwestbeasting on Rickrock!


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Whenever I get all this medical stuff straightened out, I'll come back to do a show in IL with you, Rick. We can choreograph part of a posedown as a fight from an old 80's action flick lol.
That sounds like a plan to me man. If our physiques aren't good enough to get the croud going, then the choreographed posedown sure would!!...lol


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LOL! Boxers?! Most of the ones, actually all of the ones i've seen are done in board shorts but I hear ya.
Lmao...yeh...same difference pretty much...lol


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Day 35

Weight:181 (+16)

Dosed 60mg Epi

Burn day today. I had a lot of loose eating yesterday and weight was up this morning to the highest point yet at 181. This next week is planned to be my last week of the higher overall cals to try and add the mass, and then I will be cutting quite a bit of cals and cleaning up my diet quite a bit to try and really shred up for the last half of this cycle.

Actually, I am going to start cleaning it up somewhat this week really. So, I don't know if I will see the scale go up any more from this point since I'm going to primarily tighten up the diet on the burn days this week more than they have been. I've been loose on them for pretty much this whole cycle, and I really don't want to gain any more body fat, even though I am very happy with the very small limited amount that I have gained in 5 weeks considering a 15-16 lb weight increase. I did get another check on body fat today, and after several readings I'm coming up with 7.6-7.9%. So, I have gained just over 1% which isn't a lot, but I don't want it to rise any more. Hopefully this week I can stay around the same weight, and be just a slight bit on the leaner side by next weekend. Then it will be shred time for 6 weeks with the plan to take me to the leanest point I've ever been. I'd really like to see around 6% or even slightly under it ;)

I also might mention that I will be adding in Katanadrol, which is a furazadrol clone. Its basically a non-methylated PH that has been compared to Winny, so it should also help with the shred. I will be dosing it at 350mg per day for the next 6 weeks :sgrin:

Today's cardio

30 minutes running 7 MPH

40 minutes Incline 3.5 MPH @ 10%

Total burn 900 cals


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Giddy up


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Day 35

Weight:181 (+16)

Dosed 60mg Epi

Burn day today. I had a lot of loose eating yesterday and weight was up this morning to the highest point yet at 181. This next week is planned to be my last week of the higher overall cals to try and add the mass, and then I will be cutting quite a bit of cals and cleaning up my diet quite a bit to try and really shred up for the last half of this cycle.

Actually, I am going to start cleaning it up somewhat this week really. So, I don't know if I will see the scale go up any more from this point since I'm going to primarily tighten up the diet on the burn days this week more than they have been. I've been loose on them for pretty much this whole cycle, and I really don't want to gain any more body fat, even though I am very happy with the very small limited amount that I have gained in 5 weeks considering a 15-16 lb weight increase. I did get another check on body fat today, and after several readings I'm coming up with 7.6-7.9%. So, I have gained just over 1% which isn't a lot, but I don't want it to rise any more. Hopefully this week I can stay around the same weight, and be just a slight bit on the leaner side by next weekend. Then it will be shred time for 6 weeks with the plan to take me to the leanest point I've ever been. I'd really like to see around 6% or even slightly under it ;)

I also might mention that I will be adding in Katanadrol, which is a furazadrol clone. Its basically a non-methylated PH that has been compared to Winny, so it should also help with the shred. I will be dosing it at 350mg per day for the next 6 weeks :sgrin:

Today's cardio

30 minutes running 7 MPH

40 minutes Incline 3.5 MPH @ 10%

Total burn 900 cals
Some katana????!!!! Why not bro! Take it up a notch eh?


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Yes sir! Time to switch gears and reach ultra ripped status!

Some katana????!!!! Why not bro! Take it up a notch eh?
Hell yeh, the katana should help me get that insane level of definition I'm looking for with striations everywhere and road map vascularity. I'm looking to get the deep cuts around the midsection also and really make them abs look cut and grooved into me ;)

lol katana...as if you need to get any more shredded man :D
I'm not feeling so shredded right now, even though I am still fairly low body fat. I'm not happy body fat wise unless I'm under 7% :)


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Yes sir! Time to switch gears and reach ultra ripped status!

Hell yeh, the katana should help me get that insane level of definition I'm looking for with striations everywhere and road map vascularity. I'm looking to get the deep cuts around the midsection also and really make them abs look cut and grooved into me ;)

I'm not feeling so shredded right now, even though I am still fairly low body fat. I'm not happy body fat wise unless I'm under 7% :)
Making them abs pop my man! So from now we'll be calling you shredder XD


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Day 36

Weight: 181 (+16)

Pinned 250mg Test E
Pinned 250mg Masteron E
Dosed 60mg Epi
Dosed 350mg Katana

Today's workout went pretty good for the most part. I think my strength gains are starting to slow, even tough I'm still getting some decent progression. I was pretty happy with my Squats and my bicep curls. Both of those were some nice PRs. On calf raises I managed to get 1 more rep at the same weight and that was it. The calf work really takes it out of you, so 1 more rep is a lot more than it sounds. My hamstrings are really doing well with the progression as well.

I'm really looking forward to switching gears here and starting the shred. I've definitely softened up some and I really Thnk that dropping a couple % body fat will really look pretty awesome. Shedding some water will help a lot too. I'm guessing that in 3-4 weeks I will be looking pretty damn good, and by 6 weeks I will be looking even better!

DC Workout 2A (Biceps, Forearms, calves, Hamstrings, Quads)

Alternate DB curls (rest, pause)
60sx8x4x3 (+5 lbs per DB)

DB hammer curls (straight set)
60sx9 (+5 lbs per DB)

Seated calf raise (straight set with enhanced negative)
140x10 (+1 rep)

Leg curls (rest, pause)
190x11x5x3 (+10 lbs)

Squats (straight sets)
275x10 (+30 lbs)
225x20 (+20 lbs widowmaker)


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Whenever I get all this medical stuff straightened out, I'll come back to do a show in IL with you, Rick. We can choreograph part of a posedown as a fight from an old 80's action flick lol.
WTF... M-W-Beast, you are fugging looking Huge Bro! Are you eating those Hormone fed Cows again, like 1 cow per day or what???


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Day 37

Weight 182 (+17)

Dosed 60mg EPI
Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 6mg Albuterol

Well, I carbed up a bit yesterday and my weight was the highest its been yet this morning at 182. That makes a 17 lb gain from the start, and the most weight I've gained on a cycle. My very first cycle was EPI solo for 6 weeks and i gained 16 lbs on an all out bulk. This time I've gained more weight, and kept it pretty damn lean. I can't complain on how this cycle has went at all.

So today is a burn day, and I'm getting down to business and making these count to get the bodyfat down. I'm dropping burn day cals a bit, mostly in carbs, and also increasing cardio. Today will be very clean and probably end up at 1800ish cals total with under 50g carbs for the day.

Today's cardio

30 minutes jogging @ 7 MPH

10 minutes incline walking

15 minutes elliptical

55 minutes total time with a 650 cal burn


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Rick Brotha! I have been neglecting you. Just got all caught up, 16 pounds, beast mode! You are still looking good & lean, now it is time to rip it up.

Oh yeah a physique or muscle model type show is awesome relatively low stress way to get yourself used to what goes on back stage at a show it can be very overwhelming when you go into one. Also I think you could enter a novice class pretty soon and do well. My first show I did the muscle model category and the bodybuilding. The Muscle Model / Physique was so much less stress and would be perfect to break in plus 5-6% is about as lean as you need to get.


nice progress mate! ive been following yours and LtL's progress silently from day 1 nostalkerhomo intended, def's given me some ideas on my own test e run after a epi+albuterol recomp/cut. Question though, why so low a dose on albuterol? most people would use 18-24mg's ED for a >5%bf cut goal and i know your looking more towards a clean bulk, but why not step it up to 8-16mg ED? Are you noticing anything at the dosage that you're on currently?


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nice progress mate! ive been following yours and LtL's progress silently from day 1 nostalkerhomo intended, def's given me some ideas on my own test e run after a epi+albuterol recomp/cut. Question though, why so low a dose on albuterol? most people would use 18-24mg's ED for a >5%bf cut goal and i know your looking more towards a clean bulk, but why not step it up to 8-16mg ED? Are you noticing anything at the dosage that you're on currently?
I like that nostalkerhomo part lmao! ;-)


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nice progress mate! ive been following yours and LtL's progress silently from day 1 nostalkerhomo intended, def's given me some ideas on my own test e run after a epi+albuterol recomp/cut. Question though, why so low a dose on albuterol? most people would use 18-24mg's ED for a >5%bf cut goal and i know your looking more towards a clean bulk, but why not step it up to 8-16mg ED? Are you noticing anything at the dosage that you're on currently?
I plan to ramp it up as I go on. For now, its been pretty powerful at the dose I'm on and I certainly feel it. Due to the short half life of it, multiple doses per day is ideal, but I will probably just dose it twice a day. I'm still trying to get used to the way it makes me feel, and i know I don't want to feel like that all day long ;)

Normal dose that people typically run seems to be 6-8mg 2-3 times per day


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Day 38

Weight: 180 (+15)

Dosed 60mg Epi
Dosed 350mg Katana

I must have had a pretty successful burn day yesterday and cleaned up good, because I was looking pretty damn lean and much drier with less bloat this morning. I think it's the start of some great things, as I am really making the burn days count now. Weight dropped down back to 180, and I was looking pretty incredible this morning. I'm beginning to think that I may have gained even less bodyfat than I had thought, and we will see soon when the Forma gets added in. That will dry me out and let me see what I have after some water is gone. For being 15-16 lbs heavier I look damn good right now, and I think it will just get better and better every day ;)

My workout was another incredible one. Big strength and progression on every lift, and I'm even starting to see some good increases in strength on my back movements. Some exercises im still underestimating when judging how much weight to go up....especially Chest. I should have went up at least 20 lbs on smith incline, but I went 10 and my reps were a lot more than I anticipated. Good stuff! And I certainly can't complain with these strength increases. I have never been stronger than what I am right now. I am just killing it in there right now! Every exercise in every workout is a new PR, which is pretty awesome! :D

DC workout 1B (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back Width, Back thickness)

Smith Incline Bench Press (rest, pause)
190x12x5x3 (+10 lbs)

Smith military press (rest, pause)
180x9x4x2 (+20 lbs)

Skull crushers (rest, pause)
120x9x4x2 (+5 lbs)

Close grip lat pulldowns (rest, pause)
220x10x5x3 (+20 lbs)

Single DB rows (straight sets)
115sx10 (+5 lbs per DB)
120sx8 (+10 lbs per DB)


I like that nostalkerhomo part lmao! ;-)
haha cheers brah, hopefully the phrase will catch on ;)

I plan to ramp it up as I go on. For now, its been pretty powerful at the dose I'm on and I certainly feel it. Due to the short half life of it, multiple doses per day is ideal, but I will probably just dose it twice a day. I'm still trying to get used to the way it makes me feel, and i know I don't want to feel like that all day long ;)

Normal dose that people typically run seems to be 6-8mg 2-3 times per day
really? woah u must have some 'sensitive' beta2 andregenic receptors, i dont feel a thing until i start doing 8mg and when im blasting through 24mg i feel like rage****ing fat chicks (those who have combined tren + viagra would know what im talking about), but thats maybe cuz i insert my tabs intra-rectally................just kidding. I reckon once u kick it up a notch mate ull be feeling godlike, i did a ketogenic cut with it on 24mg ED, lost 11kgs at the end and since my majour lifts went up by an average 12.5kgs and my minor lifts 5kg, i reckon i even gained some LBM. BUT i did have the sweats, my hands started shaking, sleeping problems and had a panic attack once which wasnt that great :p


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Sick numbers on the lifts man! 15 lbs and not much is fat, definitely sounds like a dream come true! Keep it up!


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Killing it in here Rick, love all the PR's!


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haha cheers brah, hopefully the phrase will catch on ;)

really? woah u must have some 'sensitive' beta2 andregenic receptors, i dont feel a thing until i start doing 8mg and when im blasting through 24mg i feel like rage****ing fat chicks (those who have combined tren + viagra would know what im talking about), but thats maybe cuz i insert my tabs intra-rectally................just kidding. I reckon once u kick it up a notch mate ull be feeling godlike, i did a ketogenic cut with it on 24mg ED, lost 11kgs at the end and since my majour lifts went up by an average 12.5kgs and my minor lifts 5kg, i reckon i even gained some LBM. BUT i did have the sweats, my hands started shaking, sleeping problems and had a panic attack once which wasnt that great :p
Well actually yesterday I did kick it up quite a bit, and I did 3 dosings of 4.5mg and I swear that after that I look and feel incredible this morning. It's almost like I shredded up overnight!

Sick numbers on the lifts man! 15 lbs and not much is fat, definitely sounds like a dream come true! Keep it up!
I can't complain bro, and I would even go a step further and say there may not be ANY fat! I'm cleaning up real good right now with diet and cardio....water is falling off and I'm looking awesome and lean this morning!

Killing it in here Rick, love all the PR's!

Thanks bro, I'm loving them Too! :)


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Day 39

Weight: 180.5 (+15.5)

Dosed 60mg Epi
Dosed 350mg Katana
Dosed 13.5mg Albuterol (4.5mgx3)

Just from the changes I've made to my diet and cardio, and adding in Katana, I can see some pretty good changes already. My abs are looking better than they have since the start, and it's becoming apparent that the water is falling off of me great. Vascularity is also increasing and I'm starting to believe that i may not have gained any fat, or a very negligible amount in the last few weeks. I think by the end of next week I will already be looking as lean as I was at the start of the cycle but I will be somewhere between 10 and 13 lbs heavier by my guess! We will see, but I have a feeling that I will be looking dry, lean, and ripped as ever VERY soon! ;)

Yesterday I cleaned up awesome and my diet was super clean. Probably hit about 1600-1700 cals for the day with about 50g carbs, 250g protein. I dosed the Albuterol 3 times yesterday for maximum benefit. The amount per dose was still a little low, as I'm trying to get used to it still and I feel it pretty strong there, but I plan to go to 6mgx3 on my next burn day

Cardio was a full 60 minutes

30 minutes running at 7-7.5 MPH

15 minutes walking incline (3.5 MPH @ 15%)

15 minutes Elliptical (level 14 resistance)

Total burn 725 cals


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Out of curisosity - what made you choose albuterol over clen?
Easy choice. Clen has some ridiculous sides, and health effects. Albuterol has a shorter half life, less sides, better for endurance, and is just as effective as Clen if dosed right.

I will NEVER use Clen....
