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  • damnit jeff, im mirin hard.. fockin ripped and strong bro. someone get this man a bandaid he is diced to the socks
    Hey add AndroHard if you have the $$, it's non methyl and will work with the AndroMass, it will help keep energy levels/libido up and probably keep bodyfat gains from the AM/Mdrol to a minimum.
    Hey man, you said to add nolva and Reversitol V2 to my PCT for Hdrol. Do you think it would be best to take the Nolva at 20/20/10/10, PCT Assist (3caps), and Reversitol V2 (1cap) all at 8am and then another serving of PCT Assist (3caps) and Reversitol V2(2caps) at 7pm?
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