KLEEN - Takes the Bull by the horns! Taurus Nutrition's w/ WYKED & Beta TNP



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Ya I have to say I'm impressed so far with this diet, Im also only getting in 2000 cals on workout daya and 1700 on non training days.

I'm looking even more forward to see how my body responds once I up cals to more of a recomp LG diet.

You and me both. I'll be switching gears myself here in around 4 weeks to go to more of a lean bulk/recomp


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I am easily reaping the benefits of leaning out while gaining LBM. On top of that it is definitely agreeing with the progestin run.

Lucky me up at 5AM on Saturday for network maintenance testing and they had to postpone while they figure out some DNS issue. Will be up a lot longer than I was hoping....


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Dont feel bad. Im up for some catch up work at the metal shop!


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Dont feel bad. Im up for some catch up work at the metal shop!
Haha your avatar seems appropriate to me this is a nigtmare. Trying to stay awake to here them say we can get started. UGH! Normally can go back to bed after but we will see this may wake me up all the way...


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That sucks man.LOL/
I forsee me passing out here soon and then being woke up by someone saying over the phone, who is that snoring...

Taurus Nut.

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This is why we do the beta. We will be doing another trial too. Here's why:

Progestin #1 - you are taking sublingually but in all reality it may be better suited for oral. Conversion is higher via oral.

Progestin #2 - was considering oral, but may be better sublingually since it is less dependent on conversion.

Like everything it's a trial and error process to a certain extent.


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This is why we do the beta. We will be doing another trial too. Here's why:

Progestin #1 - you are taking sublingually but in all reality it may be better suited for oral. Conversion is higher via oral.

Progestin #2 - was considering oral, but may be better sublingually since it is less dependent on conversion.

Like everything it's a trial and error process to a certain extent.
If any indication even after a minute I still have a lot of grit that is not dissolved when I swoosh it around.


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Ya I have to say I'm impressed so far with this diet, Im also only getting in 2000 cals on workout daya and 1700 on non training days.

I'm looking even more forward to see how my body responds once I up cals to more of a recomp LG diet.
I rarely count cals, but give this a shot in the fall though. I usually just read my body and consider my activities when I make meals. I just remembering being starving while going at 1600 cals for a cut, I was miserable with headaches.

My buddy has a cal app on his iphone, he is loving it as he's dropped 5lbs just by watching what he eats. He has a disk injury in his lower back so exercise is not part of his day so he has put on some chubbage.


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Oh I think I should note that perhaps I am starting to see an increase in libido, the last two days there seems to be an increase so maybe I am just starting to notice more of an increase. I will be able to give a definitive answer in another day or two.


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Oh I think I should note that perhaps I am starting to see an increase in libido, the last two days there seems to be an increase so maybe I am just starting to notice more of an increase. I will be able to give a definitive answer in another day or two.

I noticed in some other logs of this Beta that a libido increase has been pretty common.:yup:


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I am kinda BIG today...

Hey everyone I know I took the weekend off of here. I did workout on Saturday although it was later than expected. I also ate pretty much however the hell I wanted this weekend within my 8 hour feeding window a little more. My dad ended up being in town this weekend and we did the family thing a lot. Lots of eating out and desserts we normally wouldn't have. I honestly didn't feel like being a stick in the mud and figured if ever an extra few calories might get put to use it would be now. SO I ate whatever I felt like and had a few drinks.

As a result of that I had a lot of sweets, a lot of tostada chips, a lot of french fries and a lot of meat. So basically now there is a lot of me. I did not weigh in today because the weight would be so skewed by extra water and what not that it would be ridiculous. I assure you I am a decent amount over 200 lbs right now. I can see the water in my face. Oh well I have a nice clean up day today and by tomorrow I should be able to get a more accurate weight. I would expect it to be up a little. I am also going to wait and do pictures this weekend at the 2 weeks point. That gives a few nice days to really clean up and show the recomp this is doing for me.

Loving this log. Thanks Kleen! Looking forward to the week 2 summary!
Well if the 10 day feel is anything to go off of we should be excited.
I noticed in some other logs of this Beta that a libido increase has been pretty common.:yup:
Yeah at first I wasn't noticing it that much and I think that was due to having been using Bridge for a little bit I was already a little heightened but now I am definitely a lot more randy than I had been this weekend really proved that. I also find myself a little more apt to call people out about things than normal so the aggression is showing up more now as well. I am noticing muscle hardness, vascularity and right now muscle fullness is pretty awesome with all the carbs I took in this weekend. Since I started early on Friday with the cake and what not I ended up with 5 3000+ calorie days this past weekend, so I know my scale weight is going to be up however I have a good feeling as the water falls off that some LBM will be there waiting to be exposed by the end of the week.


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subbed, late, but subbed
Welcome Sir! We have been having some fun in here so far. Quick recap, 10 days in, leaner than when I started and assuming a weight increase but will find out tomorrow. I want to give the weekend refeed some time to drain some water since I was pretty loose on my diet this weekend. Sex drive started increasinf Friday of last week for me and I am really enjoying this so far.


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Welcome Sir! We have been having some fun in here so far. Quick recap, 10 days in, leaner than when I started and assuming a weight increase but will find out tomorrow. I want to give the weekend refeed some time to drain some water since I was pretty loose on my diet this weekend. Sex drive started increasinf Friday of last week for me and I am really enjoying this so far.
i was hoping day 10 would show decent results.:bigok:


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Welcome Sir! We have been having some fun in here so far. Quick recap, 10 days in, leaner than when I started and assuming a weight increase but will find out tomorrow. I want to give the weekend refeed some time to drain some water since I was pretty loose on my diet this weekend. Sex drive started increasinf Friday of last week for me and I am really enjoying this so far.
Thanks for the recap and welcome Kleen. I'll be watching closely.


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Hey Kleen! How did i miss this. I'm here now, any idea what this is similar to, I think I seen you mention a light PH?


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Well I never had the chance to use it but everyone seems to be comparing it to MMV2 which was Stanadrol, and Androhard basically. However Eric at Taurus mentioned Boldione which would be more like Eq-Plex or 1-4ADD from AMS either way both have the ability to add some extra mass while really helping to lean out. I am getting a very nice recomp effect. Although we shall see when I weigh myself tomorrow the loose eating over the weekend may have added a little size. I gave myself a day to kind of let some of the water run off but expect I am going to be holding over 200 lbs tomorrow morning. We shall see. Right now the prognosis is looking very good for a larger me. ;)


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Hey Kleen you really need to get some DA-HCG I bet this mixed with what you are doing now would be EPIC. I am doing Wyked and DA and just the energy and Sex drive jump are insane.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Well I never had the chance to use it but everyone seems to be comparing it to MMV2 which was Stanadrol, and Androhard basically. However Eric at Taurus mentioned Boldione which would be more like Eq-Plex or 1-4ADD from AMS either way both have the ability to add some extra mass while really helping to lean out. I am getting a very nice recomp effect. Although we shall see when I weigh myself tomorrow the loose eating over the weekend may have added a little size. I gave myself a day to kind of let some of the water run off but expect I am going to be holding over 200 lbs tomorrow morning. We shall see. Right now the prognosis is looking very good for a larger me. ;)
Good to hear it seems to be working this short of a time in. How long are you running this for?

Its a bit too early in my opinion to know if strength has gone up. Good form is crucial at this time as you already probably know because strength will soon go up I am guessing if it has not already.

Is Eric coming out with a boldione product similar to 14ad?


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Good to hear it seems to be working this short of a time in. How long are you running this for?

Its a bit too early in my opinion to know if strength has gone up. Good form is crucial at this time as you already probably know because strength will soon go up I am guessing if it has not already.

Is Eric coming out with a boldione product similar to 14ad?
He actually just compared this one to that type of gains expectation. He has another one coming out that is supposed to be more of a mass gaining product that is going to be very low on the androgen side of things.


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Day 12 - 5/24/11 - Upper Body

Okay so I weighed in today and as I expected I am up over 200 lbs. I have not dropped all of the water as of yet but I weighed in this morning at 203 lbs. Starting weight was 199 however I am holding some water from this weekends food fest. Going by the way I look right now I would say that I have about 1.5-2 lbs of extra water to drop from this past weekend. If that is the case then I am up 2-2.5 lbs. I will work over the next 2 weeks to drop more body fat and see if I can stay near 200 lbs.

So it seems a slight strength increase has shown up. I will detail as I go through my workout but I think I increased on every lift, including the ones I was getting stagnant on.

Tempo same as usual about 2-0-2 not counting just keeping the pace slow and steady.

Bench - 115, 155, 180, 180x10 - This is one of the most noticeable increases in weight since I was having some issue at 175. I bumped it up to 180 got my 12 then hit 10 on the second set. Last workout I hit 175x12 then 175x11 so that was nice. I could have even gone beyond 12 reps on 180 this time so I am expecting another increase next workout.

Chin Grip Lat Pull Down - 90, 120, 145, 150 - 5 lb increase as planned however 150 felt lighter than 145 did last time.

Military Press - 65x8, 110, 110x10 plus 5 lbs this was another one I did't expect to see a successful increase. However I was able to get all the reps with the increased weight and got the same amount of reps on the second set.

EZ Curl - 90 5 lb increase here.

Dips - BW + 50, and with my body weight being higher it is even more of an increase. However felt great, it was not too hard at all.

L- Fly internal and external rotation - 12.5, 12.5

So to recap I went up on a couple of the exercises I had been struggling with for a few workouts. I am currently 203 which is 4 lbs heavier than starting although I am holding some water from high carbs and sodium intake over the weekend. Libido started kicking in this past weekend. Not too much on the Alpha Male thing. I have had a few moments where I felt a need to call people out that typically I may not say something. Other than that not a bunch, I don't walk into a room and feel like I command attention which is how I feel when my Alpha Male factor is in high gear.


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He actually just compared this one to that type of gains expectation. He has another one coming out that is supposed to be more of a mass gaining product that is going to be very low on the androgen side of things.

Sounds interesting? Would you say it would be a "wet gain"?

Meaning if it is combined with something like Aromasin you could put on lean mass without the aggression? Just thinking out loud on this one.

Bad ass workout BTW. You recovery is focking amazing Chris. Amazing.


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Nice that you put on a few lbs of LBM I assume. How do you think your BF is? Still dropping at about the same rate or has it increased since starting the progestin?


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glad to see some strength increases happening.

btw-that blows the mmv2 comparison....no water weight on the mmv2.


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glad to see some strength increases happening.


Keep up the good work.

I have to say thank you very much MrKleen, because if it wasn't for you posting the LG diet I wouldn't have given it a go and thus far I'm getting amazing results.


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Keep up the good work.

I have to say thank you very much MrKleen, because if it wasn't for you posting the LG diet I wouldn't have given it a go and thus far I'm getting amazing results.
Ditto ... lean gains is the most amazing thing I have seen in 25 years...


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Sounds interesting? Would you say it would be a "wet gain"?

Meaning if it is combined with something like Aromasin you could put on lean mass without the aggression? Just thinking out loud on this one.

Bad ass workout BTW. You recovery is focking amazing Chris. Amazing.
I was kind of thinking the new one might be a wet gain. I would not call this one a wet gain. I ate a lot of tortilla chips and salsa, had some ice cream and a whole lot of carbs so I was just really full and due to the extra salt was holding water.

Nice that you put on a few lbs of LBM I assume. How do you think your BF is? Still dropping at about the same rate or has it increased since starting the progestin?
Going by what I was looking at in the mirror last night and this morning I think it is cruising along about the same, or the LBM is rising quickly enough that I can say I am leaning out as quickly. I haven't weighed myself but the water from the weekend has come off and I look good even through this mat of fur I am sporting right now.
glad to see some strength increases happening.

btw-that blows the mmv2 comparison....no water weight on the mmv2.
I don't attribute it to the progestin though. With the obscenity that I threw at my body this past weekend being bloated was an inevitability regardless of anything I could have been on. The fact that I did not increase my water intake to flush and have not spent much time in the sauna. Also not doing as much cardio this week and have already dropped the water weight tells me that this is not making me hold any water. I wouldn't say it has a major flushing effect either. Really, there is no effect on water retention from what I can tell so far.


Keep up the good work.

I have to say thank you very much MrKleen, because if it wasn't for you posting the LG diet I wouldn't have given it a go and thus far I'm getting amazing results.
Thanks JD!

Ditto ... lean gains is the most amazing thing I have seen in 25 years...
Really guys, I just took a leap of faith with it after reading and the ease and effectiveness of it as well as additional freedoms in food choices... Well I just had to shout from the roof tops and let anyone I could know how awesome it has been for me. The entire Intermittent Fasting thing is awesome to me now. The more I read and what not the more I understand and love the idea. I tend to fast longer on my burn days, and eat less and then have a little more on my heavy days or do like I have the past two weekends and use them as both higher calories days. I think to really cut this up though I have to curb the weekends a bit. Although it is great for recomp so far.


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Really guys, I just took a leap of faith with it after reading and the ease and effectiveness of it as well as additional freedoms in food choices... Well I just had to shout from the roof tops and let anyone I could know how awesome it has been for me. The entire Intermittent Fasting thing is awesome to me now. The more I read and what not the more I understand and love the idea. I tend to fast longer on my burn days, and eat less and then have a little more on my heavy days or do like I have the past two weekends and use them as both higher calories days. I think to really cut this up though I have to curb the weekends a bit. Although it is great for recomp so far.
This will come with my first adjustment, if it's even necessary. I am doing so well at my current cal count of avg. 2650 that I don't even know that any adjustments will need to be made... this is so awesome!!


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Yeah keep adding LBM and the maintenance cals go up while you lean up so effectively the same cals become a deficit in a true recomp to cut that would be the ideal. Curious to see how it all works out. I like doing the shorter one because then I can still have 100 grams of carbs during my fast breaking meal, and another 50 or so in my second meal. I have a basic guideline of about 150 grams carbs on non training days. I could go lower but I don't see the reason to right now. Since not in a huge hurry I am trying to see just how "lean"ient I can be here while still dropping fat successfully.

Man that Dexaprine is a Godsend! Here we are coming up on noon and I am not even thinking about food. Not even a concern at this point. ;) I will be going for a walk here in a little bit then will eat afterwards. Taking second dose for the day of the progestin now.


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Yeah keep adding LBM and the maintenance cals go up while you lean up so effectively the same cals become a deficit in a true recomp to cut that would be the ideal. Curious to see how it all works out. I like doing the shorter one because then I can still have 100 grams of carbs during my fast breaking meal, and another 50 or so in my second meal. I have a basic guideline of about 150 grams carbs on non training days. I could go lower but I don't see the reason to right now. Since not in a huge hurry I am trying to see just how "lean"ient I can be here while still dropping fat successfully.

Man that Dexaprine is a Godsend! Here we are coming up on noon and I am not even thinking about food. Not even a concern at this point. ;) I will be going for a walk here in a little bit then will eat afterwards. Taking second dose for the day of the progestin now.
if you are having success at 150 carbs, why not? when results start to play out then you can adjust.:newangel:


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if you are having success at 150 carbs, why not? when results start to play out then you can adjust.:newangel:
I used to be of the opinion that if doing it a certain way helped then going to the extreme was even better including with diet. Now I am trying to find the perfect balance between life enjoyment and progress in my physique goals. Right now this is working perfectly. I am in no way unhappy with my progress considering the huge amount of freedom I give myself and still continue to get leaner or more muscular in phases.

Sometimes I see people continue to restrict things until being unhappy is the only outcome. As if restricting themselves just to prove to themselves or others that they can show that level of dedication and restraint. I save that for competition prep only now. Even then if I know I can get away with a few things then I will.


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I used to be of the opinion that if doing it a certain way helped then going to the extreme was even better including with diet. Now I am trying to find the perfect balance between life enjoyment and progress in my physique goals. Right now this is working perfectly. I am in no way unhappy with my progress considering the huge amount of freedom I give myself and still continue to get leaner or more muscular in phases.

Sometimes I see people continue to restrict things until being unhappy is the only outcome. As if restricting themselves just to prove to themselves or others that they can show that level of dedication and restraint. I save that for competition prep only now. Even then if I know I can get away with a few things then I will.
pretty much my thoughts also. life is too f'ing short-you have to live a little.:saevilw:


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I used to be of the opinion that if doing it a certain way helped then going to the extreme was even better including with diet. Now I am trying to find the perfect balance between life enjoyment and progress in my physique goals. Right now this is working perfectly. I am in no way unhappy with my progress considering the huge amount of freedom I give myself and still continue to get leaner or more muscular in phases.

Sometimes I see people continue to restrict things until being unhappy is the only outcome. As if restricting themselves just to prove to themselves or others that they can show that level of dedication and restraint. I save that for competition prep only now. Even then if I know I can get away with a few things then I will.
I think more than anything you can shorten your heavy prep period.. I have used lean gains to get to about 7% (I have dropped more since last pics) and will continue to use it till I plateau and I don't even know if that will ever happen but I have the time to find out. My instinct is that a couple small adjustments in this diet will pretty much take me all they way. The last 3 weeks I will eat very clean.


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Kleen my man....you are becoming quite the celebrity here at AM with helping make Lean Gains take off and become the diet of choice for so many. There are Lean gains logs blowing up all over the place...and for very good reason too!! It works!!


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Agreed....He's definitely become the AM guru!


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Day 15 - Lower Body

Todays lift so far, and a mid week weight update.

First I want to just update you all on my current physique status. I weight myself this morning fasted and was 200 on the dot. Yesterday was a Burn day. So you can imagine I dropped some weight. I am going to weigh myself tomorrow morning after a Growth day and see what the difference is. I imagine a decent fluctuation. I am noticeably leaner to me anyway and I am thinking I will probably add 1.5-3 lbs today. I think since the weight will swing both ways I will just go with the median weight and call that my normal weight. Either way 200 and looking leaner still puts me around 1.5 lbs of LBM gained in 15 days. To give you an idea of what my intake looked like yesterday here is what I ate yesterday. I wanted to get in an earlier feeding if possible but work got in the way so I burned fat for a little longer. I would have loved to get in another 600-800 cals in but that just means I have some extra to toss on for my growth day today. :)

I fasted until 6:45 PM then I ate
8.5 oz lean pork loin 50 p, 6 f 0 c
8 oz chicken breast 48 p, 3 f 0 c
1 cup fat free cottage cheese 30 p, 0 f, 10 c
1/2 cup of ranch style beans 6 p , 2.5 f, 20 c
1 oz of almonds 6 p, 15 f, 6 carbs
140 grams Protein - 560 cals
26.5 grams Fat 238.5 cals
36 carbs - 144 - was not trying to be low intentionally but protein was the focus and then I was just too full to add in whole food carbs.

Cals for the day 942.5
60% protien 25% fat, 15% carbs

Well this morning I went with 2 scoops of Wyked, I really like the added energy between 1.5 and 2 scoops. So I think for the most part during the remainder of the log I will be using 2 scoops on lifting days and probably 1 for cardio. I actually found that I really still wanted to work out after my leg pressing this morning. However I have to save that for my Dead Lifts tonight. I will be going into new territory for my 20 reps. I am going to continue with the adding 10 lbs this week which will put me at 325 for my set of 20. That is gonna be a beast!

Leg Press - 4p, 12p, 14p +60 lbs, 16 plates = 765lbs x12 - this actually seemed like it may have been easier than last week or exactly the same but definitely was not harder to perform. Last week I stopped at 735 which was the first real work set for this one. A 30 lb increase on the lift did not feel any harder. Now I did say before that I was not reaching my max for the rep range yet. However I don't really feel I got any closer to it this week as far as effort to complete the set goes.

Calve Machine - 250, 300 Still not challenging but feels good to get blood into them. Although my calves are a tiny bit sore from running outside yesterday at lunch. Have only been walking or occasionally doing some hill sprints so actual running for a distance was a new challenge.

Speaking of running. My calves and tibial muscle were both getting pretty pumped up during my run. Almost unnaturally so. I thought I might actually end up with a "calve pump" but it subsided when I stopped and walked it out so I kind of doubt that it was a calve pump. However it is definitely worth mentioning. If I get that feeling any where near my lower back with the high rep deads tonight I will be able to give a better assessment of if it was just a pump or an actual side effect.

pretty much my thoughts also. life is too f'ing short-you have to live a little.:saevilw:
AMEN! I am done trying to prove I can deny myself things that I want if I don't have to do so. If I can build a muscular and lean physique while HAVING MY CAKE, AND EATING IT TOO, THEN THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM GOING TO DO! Not to do so would make me seem just a little bit :fool2: :fool2: :fool2:.
I think more than anything you can shorten your heavy prep period.. I have used lean gains to get to about 7% (I have dropped more since last pics) and will continue to use it till I plateau and I don't even know if that will ever happen but I have the time to find out. My instinct is that a couple small adjustments in this diet will pretty much take me all they way. The last 3 weeks I will eat very clean.
For sure. Heck I think you will even have enough time while down below 7% to do several practice runs on peak week while you are lean enough to truly fine tune the process.
Kleen my man....you are becoming quite the celebrity here at AM with helping make Lean Gains take off and become the diet of choice for so many. There are Lean gains logs blowing up all over the place...and for very good reason too!! It works!!
Well I just brought it out into the open a little bit more. That is all I can take credit for really. I am definitely pleased that people hold my opinion in high enough regard to give this a shot when it goes against everything we have been told regarding nutrition. That means quite a bit to me. However I just got excited and screamed about it from the roof tops. I am definitely happy that others are taking the chance with it and finding success with it. ssbackwardss has a log that I am definitely going to keep an eye on. He eats very clean and is already nice and lean and is using Lean Gains to add LBM now.


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ssbackwardss has a log that I am definitely going to keep an eye on. He eats very clean and is already nice and lean and is using Lean Gains to add LBM now.
Can you post a link to his log?


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3 scoops of wyked even gets my old ass fired up, lol. i like how you are using the progestin, small but very maintainable gains-hey, getting leaner while adding a little lbm aint a bad thing, imo.:bigok:


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Can you post a link to his log?
Absolutely! http://anabolicminds.com/forum/cycle-info/175927-leangains-cycle.html
3 scoops of wyked even gets my old ass fired up, lol. i like how you are using the progestin, small but very maintainable gains-hey, getting leaner while adding a little lbm aint a bad thing, imo.:bigok:
Definitely not a bad thing at all. In my opinion I look better right now at 200 than I have ever looked at 200 before. My abs seem more defined, vascularity is higher. Things are just going really well for me. I have to give a good amount of credit to the Lean Gains diet but this recent development of new lean mass or what appears to be anyway is definitely from the progestin. If not it is one awesome placebo effect that anyone should hope to replicate. ;)


Definitely not a bad thing at all. In my opinion I look better right now at 200 than I have ever looked at 200 before. My abs seem more defined, vascularity is higher. Things are just going really well for me. I have to give a good amount of credit to the Lean Gains diet but this recent development of new lean mass or what appears to be anyway is definitely from the progestin. If not it is one awesome placebo effect that anyone should hope to replicate. ;)[/quote]

I am diggin ur body for sure. :32: You work your rear off at the gym! I am jealous. I need to build up to stack 8+ plates each side on leg press.. (turd) And I have to THANK YOU for being my motivator and flippin my flab into some sort of abs. lol. I refuse to diet like you.. You look freaking amazing babe! :kiss:


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I am diggin ur body for sure. :32: You work your rear off at the gym! I am jealous. I need to build up to stack 8+ plates each side on leg press.. (turd) And I have to THANK YOU for being my motivator and flippin my flab into some sort of abs. lol. I refuse to diet like you.. You look freaking amazing babe! :kiss:
:wow: :yup: :yup:

Well there you go guys the lovely lady has spoken. If any of you have seen pics of my wife you would roll your eyes at her mentioning 'her flab"... Her worst feature is probably her taste in men.... ;)

Thanks Hun, doesn't matter how great of a compliment or what any of these guys tell me about my physique... a compliment from you is far better.

No offense guys, that is my Queen, and you can't adore anyone more than I adore her. Just isn't possible.


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:wow: :yup: :yup:

Well there you go guys the lovely lady has spoken. If any of you have seen pics of my wife you would roll your eyes at her mentioning 'her flab"... Her worst feature is probably her taste in men.... ;)

Thanks Hun, doesn't matter how great of a compliment or what any of these guys tell me about my physique... a compliment from you is far better.

No offense guys, that is my Queen, and you can't adore anyone more than I adore her. Just isn't possible.
hey, what the hell does it matter what guys think-when your woman digs your bod!!!!!!!!!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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AMEN! I am done trying to prove I can deny myself things that I want if I don't have to do so. If I can build a muscular and lean physique while HAVING MY CAKE, AND EATING IT TOO, THEN THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM GOING TO DO! Not to do so would make me seem just a little bit :fool2: :fool2: :fool2:.
That's been me since forever, LOL, and actually being strict strict and regimented re diet has seen the LEAST progress with my body. Tightening things up a little not, though, more for health reasons and also because I DO want to see what I can do when I AM being a little stricter with everything.



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:wow: :yup: :yup:

Well there you go guys the lovely lady has spoken. If any of you have seen pics of my wife you would roll your eyes at her mentioning 'her flab"... Her worst feature is probably her taste in men.... ;)

Thanks Hun, doesn't matter how great of a compliment or what any of these guys tell me about my physique... a compliment from you is far better.

No offense guys, that is my Queen, and you can't adore anyone more than I adore her. Just isn't possible.
I completely understand holding the wife's compliments in higher regard than anyone else. I know in my situation at home, if the wife says anything about my changes then it is going great, because she normally doesn't say anything even when asked. She does it to keep me humble she says. When she gives a nice compliment out of the blue, its like waving a victory flag!!


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I was kind of thinking the new one might be a wet gain. I would not call this one a wet gain. I ate a lot of tortilla chips and salsa, had some ice cream and a whole lot of carbs so I was just really full and due to the extra salt was holding water.

Going by what I was looking at in the mirror last night and this morning I think it is cruising along about the same, or the LBM is rising quickly enough that I can say I am leaning out as quickly. I haven't weighed myself but the water from the weekend has come off and I look good even through this mat of fur I am sporting right now.

I don't attribute it to the progestin though. With the obscenity that I threw at my body this past weekend being bloated was an inevitability regardless of anything I could have been on. The fact that I did not increase my water intake to flush and have not spent much time in the sauna. Also not doing as much cardio this week and have already dropped the water weight tells me that this is not making me hold any water. I wouldn't say it has a major flushing effect either. Really, there is no effect on water retention from what I can tell so far.

Thanks JD!

Really guys, I just took a leap of faith with it after reading and the ease and effectiveness of it as well as additional freedoms in food choices... Well I just had to shout from the roof tops and let anyone I could know how awesome it has been for me. The entire Intermittent Fasting thing is awesome to me now. The more I read and what not the more I understand and love the idea. I tend to fast longer on my burn days, and eat less and then have a little more on my heavy days or do like I have the past two weekends and use them as both higher calories days. I think to really cut this up though I have to curb the weekends a bit. Although it is great for recomp so far.

Good post. This is what I firmly believe. There will always be a 'trend' to notice, but it is more important to listen to your body. It will tell you which direction to head, you just gotta listen.


hey, what the hell does it matter what guys think-when your woman digs your bod!!!!!!!!!

I only get on to check in on my man and my brother. I was adding in my weights and stuff, but it seems that is under maintenance.
I am very proud of both of them. I didnt realize how hard working out really is, until, i started having awesome results and sore muscles. Then issues on buying new clothes in the juniors section, because women's clothes are too big. lol. That's an awesome feeling. lol

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