Kleen - Project 50: Under Construction


I have always told myself I was going to be an impressive 50, that I just want to look great for my 50th birthday. Be one of those guys people say wow I hope I look like you when I am 50!!!

Well, the thing is, unfortunately that means I have some work to do. I have let a lot of things slide and lost some motivation to train over the last few years. However, now I have a deadline and am just tired of being in this funk. I can and will rebuild into my version of fit. This log will just be about the construction of a better 50.

Goals by 50th Birthday:
1) Complete the year with abs, and as much muscle as I can manage to regrow and keep during the leaning process.
2) Focus regularly on mobility and activation to correct imbalances, and faulty movement patterns.
3) Adopt or find a system to build good habits / increase consistency in all areas.
4) Earn at least 1 Major IT Certification this year that can gear me up toward the ability to work from home.

Phase 1 - Finding my baseline
Nutrition 2800-3000 calories a day
- I am going to stick to this for a bit to see how my body responds. I am hoping to see some recomp at this level, but will adjust if I see fat levels going up. Initial macros will lean toward low to moderate carbohydrate and higher fat levels, but not focused toward keto. Not too worried if scale weight goes up initially. I have a lot of muscle memory lying in wait, so it would not be a surprise, and will be welcome as long as it is not coming along with additional fat.

Training - Finding the Sweet Spot!
Resistance Training - I have some imbalances and injuries that I can only push so far before hitting the tipping point. So I really need to start logging my training in a detailed manner so I know what I can or can not get away with. I need to find the balance of volume, intensity, and frequency my body can recover from without exacerbating any of my injuries or limitations. I plan to try and work each body part at least twice a week if I can make it work.

Mobility / Prehab / Rehab - I will dedicate at least one hour a week of this type of work outside of what is done during my warm ups.
Cardiovascular / GPP / Aerobics / Conditioning - I will dedicate at least one hour a week to this type of work outside of what is done during warm ups.

Consistency of updating and logging - As part of my consistency efforts I intend to update no less than 3 times a week with training logs and nutrition updates.
Progress Pictures - I will take progress pics every 2 weeks to make sure I am not going in the wrong direction. I will post once a them at least once a month but I will take them biweekly for my own comparison and review.

PED Usage - As of right now I have not used any PED's in a long while. I am not against them at all and may very well introduce something into the mix since I see no moral reason not too as long as I am taking care of myself.

Starting Weight = 203lbs
I am not a hot mess so to speak, but I definitely don't look like I did a few months back at regularly trained 199.

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Hope you all enjoy following along!!!!
Held for monthly progress photos.
Welcome! I will be doing my first officially logged workout this evening. Going to go get some grub to fuel the workout here shortly.
51! Let’s do this!!!
Following!! I just hit 50 last month! Lol, this forum is full of old folks!!
Long time no speak! Looking good in that AVI. I need to update mine to my current state. NOOOOO!!! WHY??? LOL
I love it when us 50 year olds get after it, I'm in.
Gonna get SWOLD...
Wow, gonna be a bunch of old jacked dudes stalking around once this year is done. Go get it Kleen!
So does that mean, @SkRaw85 @Segansational and myself are the only young bucks up in here? @Renew1 ??

Yall ole timers go ahead and show us how its done so when our time comes we know what to do!!!!!
Hopefully you don't need a transformation for your 50th, but if so I will try to leave a decent blueprint here for ya!

OLD SCHOOL UP IN THE HOUSE!!!!!! Pretty excited to see how I end up this year. It is going to be a learning experience.

This weekend I am going to take some measurements so I have a realistic measure of my progress. I don't even want to know what my thighs have shrunk too... Definitely going to need to bring them back up.

Training yesterday was upper body mixed effort. Shoulder was a touch tender so took a lot of working in.

Warm Up - One mile walk with 15lb mace doing various carries, presses, raises, extensions and curls. Really concentrated on engaged and maintaining scapular stability at all times.

Had a slight pump already by the time I hit the weights.

Machine Chest Press - 5 warm up sets to get enough blood in the area for my RC to feel ready - 180x13 @8.5, 180x9 @10 - the sudden drop in power was surprising, and with my shoulder starting out tender I knew I had stimulated some adaptation and didn't want to push it.

Pull Ups 5, 5, 6, 6, 5 - I slowed these down and did them deliberately, trying to focus on the scapular retraction / depression at the bottom as much as the final pull to the top.

Standing Arnold press 55x11 @10 - was contemplating a 2nd set here but still want to bring things up in a nice controlled manner and no reason to push the shoulder any farther since I hit a max effort rep on that set.

Surprised that this few sets toasted me as much as it had but I did a lot of reps of various things with the mace during my walk that I am sure pre-exhausted everything. At this point I want to prioritize stuff like that where i am intentionally making the core and musculature work to stabilize the weight while I am moving. I feel it will be more beneficial in building a base I can move a little weight off of.

I am surprised even with the lower volume, I can actually feel that I got a good workout in yesterday for sure. Slight touches of DOMS in all the right places..

Nutrition Yesterday was a fail. I was not prepared and simply did not get enough calories in for the day.
Estimated Intake 135p, 110f, 100c - which is about 1000 calories too little. I will do better, this is a process not immediate perfection. I want to build stronger habits not exercise stronger willpower. Habits simply last longer.
Dang dog skipped right over you 🤠, sorry bout that!!!

Just mad I wasn't first
And maybe a little that he is younger than you... ;)
You get em?!

I mentioned them to the wife casually to bounce the idea off her and she grabbed me a cheap brand pair of long Copper Fit ones at the supermarket as a surprise. They almost immediately took the pain down to a 1 (barely could acknowledge I had any) and I wore them for several hours very comfortably.
I mentioned them to the wife casually to bounce the idea off her and she grabbed me a cheap brand pair of long Copper Fit ones at the supermarket as a surprise. They almost immediately took the pain down to a 1 (barely could acknowledge I had any) and I wore them for several hours very comfortably.

Nice! Yeah I was skeptical and then BOOM!….. relief. I was rocking mine all morning at home lol. Does your set have a textured base?
Nice! Yeah I was skeptical and then BOOM!….. relief. I was rocking mine all morning at home lol. Does your set have a textured base?

Kind of. They’re almost like dress socks meet deadlift socks once you get them on.
Crazy how something simple like a compression sock can make such a difference eh?

Yesterday was a cardio day, or the cardio I am doing as of right now. Walking outside. I walked 1 hour outside for lunch, and did 15 minutes of banded RC work in the evening. Feeling pretty good today.

Yesterdays Nutrition. Just under 2800 at 30%p, 50%f, 20%c

Favorite meal of the day... Dinner Omelet 1tbsp Olive Oil, 4 whole eggs, 2 oz shredded cheese, 8 oz cooked weight taco meat, 1/4 cup habanero salsa, and a vigorous poor of Buccee's Scorpion Taco Sauce. Could have used some veggies in it but it was delicious!
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Just saw this, in for sure.

Here for support !!
Another old dude, 57, in on this…..the beauty of muscle memory is you should be able to regain your former glory fairly quickly compared to some one that waits until they are older to get in shape.
Just saw this, in for sure.

Here for support !!
Welcome Sir!

So I had a rough end to last week. Came down with some sort of stomach bug Thursday night and didn't manage to eat dinner or workout. I was down for 2 days but got a decent full body session in Saturday. I also managed to get in about 2500 calories Saturday.

Saturday Hybrid

Seated machine Shoulder Press 75x15, 85x13, 12, 12, 9

Supported Iso-lateral rows - 75x15, 85x15, 95x12, 12, 12

Machine 1 arm Pec Fly - 25x20, 35x 2 sets RPE9, and 1 to failure

Strict DB Side Raises - 25x12 x 4 sets
Preacher Curl - 30lbs 3 sets RPE9, and 1 to failure -
Band Triceps Extension 3 sets at 25, and one to failure.

Machine Squat - 225x15 x 6 sets

This was a good workout for getting me back, and working legs into the mix. I didn't want to push them too hard with my stomach still not 100%.

Calories yesterday 2800-3200 are based off a loose estimate since I ate out most of the day. Had a couple car events to go to with my son. Started the day with 2 kolaches and a protein shake, lunch was a beer, and some chicken wings. Then took Sage out for a Daddy Date and got a nice 16 oz sirloin, small sweet potato and broccoli and some ice cream for dessert.

I am finding that even though I am being more consistent already, I need to settle myself in on a program so I know exactly what I need to be doing each day. Going to pick / set up a program that I should be able to perform consistently regardless of current limitations. Then I should be able to string a lot more days of building together and get farther, rather than trying to get to a specific point faster. I also need to bite the bullet and set up some more structure to my meal plan. I will weigh myself in the morning since I forgot to yesterday with leaving the house so early.

I will post up whatever workout plan I decide is going to be a good starting point in the next day or so. Nail down more specifics for a meal plan so I can start prepping meals. Just need to make a plan so I can truly hold myself accountable. Hard to hold yourself accountable when you allow there to be an "if" caveat next to every good intended workout or meal...

If anyone has any programs they think might fit the bill, let me know and I will take a look at them.
Any plan you can consistently follow will return a better payoff than the very best plan not followed! Don’t overthink it!

Figure out how long you prefer to train and how many times a week you want to. Decide if you need a fixed schedule or if it can flex. And be realistic about what you can recover from!
Also, you need to have a focus. Hypertrophy is not the same thing as strength training, but strength will be rebuilt some in proper bro training still. A bigger muscle must be a stronger one, or at least a higher strength potential.
Any plan you can consistently follow will return a better payoff than the very best plan not followed! Don’t overthink it!

Figure out how long you prefer to train and how many times a week you want to. Decide if you need a fixed schedule or if it can flex. And be realistic about what you can recover from!
Agreed, simple and effective base is all that is needed. It is that last sentence I have a hell of an issue figuring out. I tend to overshoot, and need a governor. LOL
Also, you need to have a focus. Hypertrophy is not the same thing as strength training, but strength will be rebuilt some in proper bro training still. A bigger muscle must be a stronger one, or at least a higher strength potential.
Facts! I need to focus on hypertrophy, mobility, and recovery then let the rest shake out.

A big part of this is me still trying to allow for my son to come lift with me but he has basically stopped. So I am going to talk to him later about if he really wants to get back to training and if not then start getting up in the AM for my training again. That is when I am most consistent. Having trained in the AM makes it far easier to eat better the rest of the day. At least for me anyway.
Something that stuck with me from Brian Carroll’s 10/20/Life is to start with a realistic and mild base you can recover from. Now see how you respond - if you need more work, add it, but do not ever add anything without a real reason. If what you are doing is already working, don’t change/add things for the sake of it!

If you start with too much, you will not consistently complete it - or get hurt and really not be consistent. Same as we don’t have to train to total failure on compounds to make progress - we need to consistently do enough work to progress.
Something that stuck with me from Brian Carroll’s 10/20/Life is to start with a realistic and mild base you can recover from. Now see how you respond - if you need more work, add it, but do not ever add anything without a real reason. If what you are doing is already working, don’t change/add things for the sake of it!

If you start with too much, you will not consistently complete it - or get hurt and really not be consistent. Same as we don’t have to train to total failure on compounds to make progress - we need to consistently do enough work to progress.
I remember you talking about that book, how well do you think it would carry over if trying to apply some of the principles to hypertrophy? I know it is a strength training program but still sounds like it is laid out very well.
That is when I am most consistent. Having trained in the AM makes it far easier to eat better the rest of the day. At least for me anyway.

Dude, that is 100% me as well. That morning session puts the entire day in a disciplined mode.
AM Trainer right here also!
I remember you talking about that book, how well do you think it would carry over if trying to apply some of the principles to hypertrophy? I know it is a strength training program but still sounds like it is laid out very well.

I don’t think you need it, if you can wrap your head around this: deload BEFORE you need it, so you stay ahead of issues/injuries, and so all your real training weeks kick ass. Guys waiting to deload until they realize they are run down or even hurt are spending multiple weeks in a row with crappy and/or deload training. Strategically deloading for one week frequently means you never spend long periods away from optimal training, so you don’t have big regressions.

I have made huge progress back in 6 months, and set a lifetime bench PR, deloading after every 2 weeks of real training. 1/3 of my training weeks are deload! And yet all the weeks that aren’t deload weeks I am getting better slowly & repeatedly.

And deload doesn’t mean no training; the big lift is turned down to light technical work, but I still do real muscle & accessory work after. I don’t lose any fitness during this week or skip sessions.

The other thing to understand is not to routinely schedule more work than you need. You don’t need 5 back exercises on one day - you need a few solid choices over the week done well with real intent. Nobody “hitting the back from every angle” with a bunch of junk volume & cables is getting substantially more results than someone who just guts it out on progressing essential things like db rows or chin-ups. It’s the 80/20 principle - 80% of the results will happen from 20% of the work. Making your training efficient will go a long way when recovery & quality of life outside of training are priorities.
Well said, and if this were a poll I would upvote that! Simplifying it a bit it, making it fail proof is what is going to get me there. I don't need to pull out every trick I have ever learned. Just what I have learned works well every time.

Yesterday was a "cardio" day, I walked the bayou for an hour at lunch.
Walked a mile when I got home with the dog.
Spent 20 minutes rotating through 30 second side planks, internal and external band rotations and band dislocators.

Reset Garage for Lower Body workout today. Removed upper body attachments, set up Leg Press attachment so very easy to get started tonight. Intend to do his as part of my cool down process each night to make getting started that much easier every day.

Calories ended up a bit low for my target at about 2500.

My hip is a little bitchy this morning, I noticed my gait was off, felt like I was stepping into a hole. the stepping in a hole gait for a bit of my walk last night. That's why I only walked a mile, and then tried to wake up the glutes with the side planks. Will probably go down for lunch and ride the bike very leisurely and see if I can get it to loosen up a bit so I can train some lower body tonight.
I always go into the gym in the evening and get it ready for the next morning workout.
I always go into the gym in the evening and get it ready for the next morning workout.

I have to go set my spotter arms & Jcups now for bench tomorrow actually! They aren’t Rogue like my yoke is, so I have to whack them out with a little coated db - it will wake my son if I wait to do it tomorrow morning
Man I’ve always enjoyed Mountain Dog / Strength hybrids. You’ve been in the game long enough to know what works though. I’m excited with you for your journey.

What am I, a duck??

I always go into the gym in the evening and get it ready for the next morning workout.
It definitely paid off for me tonight!
I have to go set my spotter arms & Jcups now for bench tomorrow actually! They aren’t Rogue like my yoke is, so I have to whack them out with a little coated db - it will wake my son if I wait to do it tomorrow morning
The things we do for the kiddos eh! Having kids and not wanting to give up my time with them is what got me started with working out in the AM in the first place. I plan to start back Monday morning.
Man I’ve always enjoyed Mountain Dog / Strength hybrids. You’ve been in the game long enough to know what works though. I’m excited with you for your journey.
I have definitely thought about his training, I still use a lot of things I got from him. Just not sure my recovery ability is there just yet to run one of his programs right now. I think it would probably be a case of too much too soon. The success I make during the first few months will be a huge part of deciding whether or not to go back under the knife for my shoulder. So I don't want to push my luck hopping into something I am probably not quite ready for.

I actually got in a decent little leg session in. I would not have if I hadn't set the leg press up with a warm up weight last night. By the time I got home I was limping. I went out to the garage to just show up, maybe do some upper stuff since I was limping.

WU = Tug of war with Wraith x 5-10 minutes... With him being 130 of solid muscle it works the entire body. I always have a pump and am breathing hard after playing with him. LOL

I went into the garage not knowing what I was going to do since already limping. I saw the leg press attachment there with 50lbs on it and thought, why not do some with that and just get some blood into the hip. See if that will help make it feel better. I closed my eyes and just really focused on creating my own tension during the constant slow contraction, and making sure my glutes were really firing. I hit 40 reps, I got up and walked around. Noticed some improvement tried another set, and even better. So I went ahead and put a little work in.

Leg Press 4-0-1-0 tempo - 50x40, 90x40, 140x40, 180x30, 220x20-25 x 3 sets

Shoulder Press Lockouts - 90x15, 140x15, 180x15, 180x12, 180x8

Weighted Crunches x3 sets

Here is a picture of my warm up buddy for the day and the old wise dog who mothers him and totally runs the show!

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Nice looking dogs!
Yesterday was a cardio day, I did 35 minutes on recumbent bike. Hip was aching a lot last night, but feeling better today. I will not do any major walking or cardio today to let it rest and only hit upper body tonight. Going to relax and enjoy some downtime for lunch today. Just get in a nice meal.
Yesterday was a cardio day, I did 35 minutes on recumbent bike. Hip was aching a lot last night, but feeling better today. I will not do any major walking or cardio today to let it rest and only hit upper body tonight. Going to relax and enjoy some downtime for lunch today. Just get in a nice meal.

Just out of curiosity have you ever tried a inversion table?

The reason I ask is sometimes my back gets out of whack and my hip will start hurting and over the years I’ve found a inversion table does wonders for me.
Just out of curiosity have you ever tried a inversion table?

The reason I ask is sometimes my back gets out of whack and my hip will start hurting and over the years I’ve found a inversion table does wonders for me.

I have always wanted to try one !!
I tried one a couple years ago. Too much blood rushing to my head. Lol. Too uncomfortable for me. I used it for sciatic nerve pain. No relief, so I sold it.
Just out of curiosity have you ever tried a inversion table?

The reason I ask is sometimes my back gets out of whack and my hip will start hurting and over the years I’ve found a inversion table does wonders for me.
I had one for a while and it was relaxing, but I never really felt it was doing much for me. My hips are off balance and my tight hip flexors and inactive glutes tend to pull things out of whack on occasion. I just need to be consistent with my mobility and activation stuff to correct it. Any time I take a break from it I regress.
I have always wanted to try one !!
I found mine relaxing except the time someone moved it and adjusted the height on it so I got stuck upside down for 20 minutes while my wife was in the shower... Last time I used the thing. LOL
I tried one a couple years ago. Too much blood rushing to my head. Lol. Too uncomfortable for me. I used it for sciatic nerve pain. No relief, so I sold it.
Yeah the big thing for me was no obvious relief. My issues stem from my hip, not compressed disks so it was not that beneficial for me. Just felt like a nice stretch.

I decided to break things down a little on this one. Simply did a chest workout last night.

Flat Chest Press - 3 WU sets, Work sets 10-15 reps @RPE8 - 180, 180, 200, 200 - nice slow negatives, lots of intention, great contractions

Incline Chest Press 2 high reps sets at 90, could not find comfortable position on machine for movement. Moved to DB's
45 Degree DB Incline Bench - Work sets 12-15 reps @RPE8 - 50, 50, 60, 60 - These felt really good, nice contractions, no discomfort.

Dip Attachment - 12-20 reps @RPE8 140, 140, 180, 180 - Serious pump here! Felt elbow tendon get a little spicy on a few reps and had to control tension during the change of direction. Otherwise felt excellent! Can really push the focus to chest or triceps very easily.

Band Pull Aparts - 5 sets of 20

I tweaked my lower back putting the dip attachment back in it's holder. Just the slight turn while holding it and eek! It must have already been aggravated by overcompensating for my uneven gate and other stuff being off for a couple days. Hip is feeling much better though... What a trade off. This is just s light muscular tweak and I do not expect the soreness to linger more than a day or two. I am going to just keep moving but not push it with any weight bearing activity today. I do intend to get in a couple of 10 minute walks to get blood in there. Not getting set back again.

Diet has not been as good as I hoped to get it without a total revamp, but has most definitely improved. I tend to come in 300-500 lower calories than intended the past couple days. Which is better than over, but this weekend I intend to prep my food for the week which I have not done yet since the beginning of this. When the food prep begins is when the whole thing gets more serious.

I will be taking Accountability photos tomorrow. I don't expect to see much change considering I am eating at, or above what I think my maintenance is right now. However I will take them either way.
When you are bending/rotating without bracing? For someone with low back issues in the past, you must always move with vigilance. All of my everyday movements, if I bend over for anything I am bracing to the required degree. It must become habit. And I always avoid rotation as much as possible, but when I do I am extra mindful and braced - I know exactly this scenario, when I take my bars in/out of the vertical holder. It requires near 24/7 vigilance, but it’s mandatory to live well. Especially now with my son.
When you are bending/rotating without bracing? For someone with low back issues in the past, you must always move with vigilance. All of my everyday movements, if I bend over for anything I am bracing to the required degree. It must become habit. And I always avoid rotation as much as possible, but when I do I am extra mindful and braced - I know exactly this scenario, when I take my bars in/out of the vertical holder. It requires near 24/7 vigilance, but it’s mandatory to live well. Especially now with my son.
Yep that is exactly what happened, I was just not thinking when I did it. As soon as I did I was like that was just stoooooopid! Typically I pay more attention to my movement. I am definitely bracing with everything now just so I don't reaggravate it. Snaps back to the front of your mind real quick once it is too late. Like you said it requires mindfulness and unfortunately I was slipping in that regard.