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  • inbox has been full, any idea on where we at with the lico? any chance to change it up and send division 1?
    Will be starting the log on Monday, am still in the Dominican and I return on Saturday. I would like to get bloods done before if possible, but that would require waiting longer to start the stack. Either way is good for me let me know which you'd prefer
    Hey bro im looking to gain wieght asap! I heard good stuff about Athletrix, but i need your help! i weigh 136lbs and im 5'8. im looking forward to being 165lbs. i wanna know what to take and if possible can i gain that in 2 months, cause to be honest lately ive been looking at prohormones and anabolic steroids. oh and to mention that i have a high metabolism.
    Hey bro im looking to gain wieght asap! I heard good stuff about Athletrix, but i need your help! i weigh 136lbs and im 5'8. im looking forward to being 165lbs. i wanna know what to take and if possible can i gain that in 2 months, cause to be honest lately ive been looking at prohormones and anabolic steroids. oh and to mention that i have a high metabolism.
    Yea I will look into it for you... I apologize for the delay but it was 4th of July and I was out of town celebrating..
    I just got back into town today so will look into it for you tomorrow..
    Ill touch base with you by end of the day tomorrow.
    Damn... That is a shame, I was really hoping to add to the PRIZE as it was one of the Coolest Promo's ever!!! Well, if you can get in touch with him and he approves it, I already have approval, you only have to say the word, if not, no Biggy!
    Haha, I would have assumed so, too. I was just going through my inbox and adding people that weren't on there yet and it let yours go through. Bout time! haha
    I would like advice on a stack i would like to run.. How long to run the stack and how should i take the supplements.

    1 x Testalensis 100 (75 caps)
    By: APS
    1 x Mesomorph (388 grams)
    By: APS
    Flavor: Watermelon
    1 x Creatine Nitrate (200 caps)
    By: APS
    1 x Nitrozine (90 caps)
    By: APS
    I would like to order 2 bottles of Creatine Nitrate. Also I was wandering about Nitrozine. I noticed it has theobromine. Would it cause insomnia if take in the evening preworkout. If it is too stimulating could I take it in the morning and still get benefits. Thanks.
    Hey JD, Thanks for working everything out with the suppwarehouse fail. I will be logging all three products to investigate synergizm.

    Here's a link if you want to check it out

    Hey man have you taken the Plasmagen from APS??
    That stuff is intense!!
    Took it for the first time over the weekend b/c I was at my girls and didnt have my Meso.. Had a sample pack of it and couldnt believe the results...
    70's haha NICE, dude you fight? I was going to start but with my current job I can't look all beat up. If you get picked your going to get ripped. GL
    Well my shoulder is gonna take abit to hea,l but I'm hoping It will be healed for the June 28th SportMMA No-gi intermediate Middleweight class. And the next video will be me curling the 70's :D
    and no i never tried the capsules,,,im more of a powder guy,,unless its nasty tasting then forget that ill get caps. i was wondering the same thing though if the powder is better than the caps,,,i dont think so though i would imagine it should be exactly the same,,but whats the White BLOOD,,not flood i keep seeing in bottles?
    AHHH man that blows,,,i injured my shoulder in a judo toss a few months ago, i was teaching my buddy and i dont mind being a dummy for practice LOL and i didnt stretch like i should have prior, shoulder was killing me for 2 weeks after, thought i was gonna have to have surgery but it healed up with rest luckily.

    man i hope you gets better, shoulder injuries blow! i need to freaking get back in the curling game i dont think i can do anything past 55 pounds maybe 2 reps each arm,,using strict form though i dont like to toss myself like i see the guys at my gym doing, its funny cuz when i curl they all stop and watch me go nice and slow,,like im graceful or something??? annoys the hell out of me,,ANYWAYS,,i used to be able to do 65's but thats when i WASNT only eating salad and running 6miles a day. lost so much inorder to drop weight, but im finally shipping on monday though, blows that im gonna spend my WHOLE summer in freakin USMC bootcamp,,,and im a pasty dude so i burn easy LOL.
    2 scoops of White Flood had me freakin wired in the gym 2day! my favorite preworkout to date!!!
    yeah im excited to do a log = ) ill look into that pslin, ill have to wait and see what i think about the andraulic state and jacked. >=)
    i ordered both jack3d and some andraulic state, im gonna try them both out and see what i prefer, both sound pretty good. that bulk pslin is it powder or capsules? im actually gonna do a log i think, i ordered some LG lipotropic protein, mainly cuz im trying to keep dropping weight for the marine corps and this stuff helps drop fat supposedly, and i got it for CHEAP, so im gonna do that with the andraulic state and see what results i get, im expecting some sick happenings >=)
    thats tight, i always trained with my uncle, he has BB in Brazilianjj and aikijj,,,aiki is so painful its not even funny, and then he has a brown in judo. then ive trained with my friends, they were all sposored by some local groups here in idaho, haha they were begging me to join but i didnt want to, i kinda wish i did because i know i would have had fun.
    nice nice bro. ive never competed, i wanted to enter the Portland judo-jiujitsu tourny with my uncle but i went to alaska for a while so i couldnt, my uncle came in second, hes scarey i dont like grappling with him lol. if we can strike i whoop his butt, but the grappling i can hold my own pretty well now,,i used to suck, i used to HATE it on the ground, but im beginning to actually like it. its tons of fun actually. what style of grappling you do? bjj?
    ahhhhhhh samples,,,,are so much fun! its like christmas when you get them i freak out each time XD i should load up before i go to boot camp that way when i get back i can screw around and figure out which ones i like.
    dang that sucks, i had a shoulder injury luckily i healed up without having to go to the doctor. and yeah ive been doing martial arts since i was 10. its my passion lol. yourself?
    hey thanks for giving me that email addy for the samples, they are on the way. greatly appreciated bro. how you been?
    Shoulder healing up starting april1st-7th I will begin my USP Labs stack and will be training for a Grappling comp hoping april 28th :D
    I gotta use up the NO explode I have, but I will definately let you know how it goes. Thanks for the reps man! How do you rep people and upload a profile pic? I'm kinda new to this site so I don't really know all the ins and outs.
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