The one, The only....THE ONE!


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omg..this is the best quote ive ever heard.

honestly, for me right now..probaly for about 4 hours after i took my entire does in the morning, i get to the point where i want to smash anything that looks at me sideways (females, of course). It seems to taper off around then and come back randomly, but im thinking thats gonna change once i start splitting the dose into 2 am/ 1 pm.
LMAOROTFF!! This is probably one of the best qoutes I've seen or heard in years! I LOVE IT!!! Yeah, sometimes I love to have that "seek and destroy" mentality...then I go ON PATROL with my, um...HEAT-SEEKING MOISTURE MISSILE!!! How's THAT?


i'm dosing all 3 in the morning both on + off days. play with it, you have 36ish days to figure it out :D
Same with me, dosing 3 at the same time in the morning. I may try a- 2 am 1 afternoon split but am not feeling the need to do so yet. I havnt felt any lethargy yet, water and calorie intake are high. Off to the gym now...woohooo!


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LMAOROTFF!! This is probably one of the best qoutes I've seen or heard in years! I LOVE IT!!! Yeah, sometimes I love to have that "seek and destroy" mentality...then I go ON PATROL with my, um...HEAT-SEEKING MOISTURE MISSILE!!! How's THAT?

^^^:laugh::laugh:^^^, it gets better and better!


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Man... where do i EVEN start here...
The jump in libido is more an aggressive, assertive, man like mentality. Not exactly random boners during the day when you see a girl, but just the willingness and confidence to look her in the eye and just hold the look and smile. ;)


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i'm dosing all 3 in the morning both on + off days. play with it, you have 36ish days to figure it out :D
omg..this is the best quote ive ever heard.

honestly, for me right now..probaly for about 4 hours after i took my entire does in the morning, i get to the point where i want to smash anything that looks at me sideways (females, of course). It seems to taper off around then and come back randomly, but im thinking thats gonna change once i start splitting the dose into 2 am/ 1 pm.
Same with me, dosing 3 at the same time in the morning. I may try a- 2 am 1 afternoon split but am not feeling the need to do so yet. I havnt felt any lethargy yet, water and calorie intake are high. Off to the gym now...woohooo!
I'm going to try 1 AM, 1 Lunch time, and one mid-afternoon for that afternoon pick up I'll need for watching sport at the bar with the boys :p


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Man... where do i EVEN start here...
The jump in libido is more an aggressive, assertive, man like mentality. Not exactly random boners during the day when you see a girl, but just the willingness and confidence to look her in the eye and just hold the look and smile. ;)
Ditto...and also I'd like to bend them over and smash that ass!

P.S. Those zottman curls sound interesting. Ill have to give em a shot soon.


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Ditto...and also I'd like to bend them over and smash that ass!

P.S. Those zottman curls sound interesting. Ill have to give em a shot soon.
haha, yeah I'll try the zottman curls on Tuesday... they better be good or I'm going to SMASH someone! :p


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How did I miss this?! In and SUBBED!!! Tear it up bro!


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Man... where do i EVEN start here...
The jump in libido is more an aggressive, assertive, man like mentality. Not exactly random boners during the day when you see a girl, but just the willingness and confidence to look her in the eye and just hold the look and smile. ;)
See, that's what I like about you. You're so gentlemanly. I, on the other hand, have no such qualms. I have no problem getting right to the point. For example, when I catch them staring at me or making inane comments, it's not like they looked at me and said, "You know, I bet that brotha has a great mind!" Hell, no. They liked what they saw. So all I'm saying is, the females need to stop playing games and beating around the bush and just say what they want. And especially when I'm "ON," when my patience is even thinner than usual. More than once, I've told females, "Look, if you're not trying to f*ck, then please leave me the hell alone." This usually separates the "real-ies" from the rookies. The rookies usually get mad and either walk away, or say a few "choice words," or say some dumb s h i t like, "Oh, I wasn't coming on to you, I was just saying...", or all three, because now they've been told to either s h i t or get off the pot, and a lot of them don't like that right-between-the-eyes straightforwardness. But I don't care. If you weren't planning to get with what you saw, you shouldn't have said anything or made it so obvious that you were ogling. Oh, man, I'm gonna catch hell from the females on here, but so what? It is what it is...:laugh:


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See, that's what I like about you. You're so gentlemanly. I, on the other hand, have no such qualms. I have no problem getting right to the point. For example, when I catch them staring at me or making inane comments, it's not like they looked at me and said, "You know, I bet that brotha has a great mind!" Hell, no. They liked what they saw. So all I'm saying is, the females need to stop playing games and beating around the bush and just say what they want. And especially when I'm "ON," when my patience is even thinner than usual. More than once, I've told females, "Look, if you're not trying to f*ck, then please leave me the hell alone." This usually separates the "real-ies" from the rookies. The rookies usually get mad and either walk away, or say a few "choice words," or say some dumb s h i t like, "Oh, I wasn't coming on to you, I was just saying...", or all three, because now they've been told to either s h i t or get off the pot, and a lot of them don't like that right-between-the-eyes straightforwardness. But I don't care. If you weren't planning to get with what you saw, you shouldn't have said anything or made it so obvious that you were ogling. Oh, man, I'm gonna catch hell from the females on here, but so what? It is what it is...:laugh:
May god have mercy on your soul :p


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Subbed buddy


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May god have mercy on your soul :p
Does this mean I'm not invited to the afterparty? Bwahahahahaha!!! Seriously, man, I hope we're still friends, but I've been done wrong SO many times by females that I just don't care anymore. I even gave out THREE engagement rings that I never got back...quite an expensive lesson! Love is a figment of someone else's imagination; it doesn't live here anymore. Damn, I sound I need to be on someone's couch while they're taking notes...AFTER I bust a nut!


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Does this mean I'm not invited to the afterparty? Bwahahahahaha!!! Seriously, man, I hope we're still friends, but I've been done wrong SO many times by females that I just don't care anymore. I even gave out THREE engagement rings that I never got back...quite an expensive lesson! Love is a figment of someone else's imagination; it doesn't live here anymore. Damn, I sound I need to be on someone's couch while they're taking notes...AFTER I bust a nut!
haha yeah don't take The One, you might kill someone! :p
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Question #2
An reps, how should this be dosed on off days? Spread it out evenly or take it all in the morning?
I would have said all at once first thing. But experiementing (as Eric said) would be a good idea.

good stuff brotha! hey , cant remember, are you doing weekly updates on pics?
Don't think so. Weekly updates on everything would be great, but not a necessity.

The boys are with me! awesome :D never meant in a trying to be funny kinda way, but you know what im saying? sometimes you can jerk off 3 times a day, BUT other times you wanna dominate and destroy Pussy. im so sorry to any chicks reading this I honestly mean no disrespect.
I know you don't, Ozzy (and I am just shaking my head in both disgust and understanding of the male psyche).

Has anyone who plays a sport run a log on this?
Rodja does MMA and Dirk is a track athlete.

...For example, when I catch them staring at me or making inane comments, it's not like they looked at me and said, "You know, I bet that brotha has a great mind!" Hell, no. They liked what they saw. So all I'm saying is, the females need to stop playing games and beating around the bush and just say what they want. And especially when I'm "ON," when my patience is even thinner than usual. More than once, I've told females, "Look, if you're not trying to f*ck, then please leave me the hell alone." This usually separates the "real-ies" from the rookies. The rookies usually get mad and either walk away, or say a few "choice words," or say some dumb s h i t like, "Oh, I wasn't coming on to you, I was just saying...", or all three...Oh, man, I'm gonna catch hell from the females on here, but so what? It is what it is...:laugh:
I'm going to Hold my tongue. However, I WILL say that not EVERY female that talks to you or is 'nice' (a 'rookie', as you call it) wants to screw you. Talking to you is not "playing games and beating around the bush", and if you think that every female that talks to you wants you sexually then you're sorely mistaken (a lesson you guys' egos should probably learn.). And if you only ever talk to females because you expect sex out of it, well, then you are a...Ok, holding tongue...


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Does this mean I'm not invited to the afterparty? Bwahahahahaha!!! Seriously, man, I hope we're still friends, but I've been done wrong SO many times by females that I just don't care anymore. I even gave out THREE engagement rings that I never got back...quite an expensive lesson! Love is a figment of someone else's imagination; it doesn't live here anymore. Damn, I sound I need to be on someone's couch while they're taking notes...AFTER I bust a nut!
:laugh: You'll heal


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metroba, i saw that pic and legit spit my wms over my computer.. great, this is a sticky situation

no pun intended


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What pic? You mean the vid? It made me spit too..but not my wms :eek:


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Question #2
An reps, how should this be dosed on off days? Spread it out evenly or take it all in the morning?
I would have said all at once first thing. But experiementing (as Eric said) would be a good idea.

Don't think so. Weekly updates on everything would be great, but not a necessity.

I know you don't, Ozzy (and I am just shaking my head in both disgust and understanding of the male psyche).

Rodja does MA (I think).

I'm going to Hold my tongue. However, I WILL say that not EVERY female that talks to you or is 'nice' (a 'rookie', as you call it) wants to screw you. Talking to you is not "playing games and beating around the bush", and if you think that every female that talks to you wants you sexually then you're sorely mistaken (a lesson you guys' egos should probably learn.). And if you only ever talk to females because you expect sex out of it, well, then you are a...Ok, holding tongue...[/QUOTE]

I think the word you're looking for is..."PIG"? Or would it be... "CHAUVINIST "(note correct spelling)? Or both? Or worse? That's fine...I have more than a few pronouns/adjectives for the females...but that's not why we're here. And I never said that I thought that every female I talked to wanted me sexually. But I can see, what with how I wrote it, how I might give off that impression. But you've given me an idea. The next time a female talks to me or attempts to talk to me, I'll just ask her WHY she's talking to me...and see what kind of answer I get. I can't wait (healthy dose of sarcasm included)!

OzzY SluGGa

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Holy Sh1t Craig i hope you dont think your thread has been jacked with my original Libido question, didnt mean to :D it does kinda pertain to what you are taking though, libido issues are high on alot of peoples agendas. Guess i just cant help but be a funny bastard sometimes:laugh:

And Rosie, Yes, it's as most women suspect. We are all pigs:bandit:


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[nomedia=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]


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haha What the hell metroba! Where do you find this stuff!


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I have a desk job...nuff said


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Blood Pressure:
Heart Rate:

The ONE [Rest DAY]

Diet:pretty good, not the cleanest, but it was my 'cheat' day.
Body composition and Look:Full
Muscle Hardness:Up slightly
Quality of Training:N/A
Mood/Aggression:Up, good mood.
Overall Sense of Feeling:Pretty confident.
Notes:Did notice today when I didn't eat for 3 hours that I became quite what felt like hypoglycemic, lethargic, weak etc...ate food and bang, right back to normal. Obviously this stuff requires food!


2 cups oats with milk (180calories)
Protein Shake (300 calories) 8g cho's/40g protein/9g fat

One capsule "THE ONE"
Cycle Assist (1serve)
1g vitamin c
joint support
Orange Triad
EFA (1serve)

One capsule "THE ONE"
2 cups oats with milk (180calories)

1 Can tinned chicken (150calories) 3g cho's/14.5g protein/7.1g fat
1 Up n Go Milk Shake (191calories) 27.5g cho's/9g protein/3.8g fat
joint support
1g vitamin c
EFA (1serve)

One capsule "THE ONE"
100grams Salmon Steak on Water Crackers (250calories approx) 20g cho's/30g protein/?g fats

Half a sausage pizza, thin base (600calories approx)
Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino Light (140calories)

Cycle Assist (1serve)
Double Meat Chicken Breast Sub (440 calories) 46g cho's/50g protein/4g fat

Caramel Tart Slice with Ice Cream (600calories) gf's mother took us out, so how can I say no!
250grams Cottage Cheese (200calories) 18 cho's/25g protein/2g fat

Total Calories = 3231

Notes:Pretty dirty diet today, I'm not to worried as I have eaten well all week and allow myself to feast now and then. Will certainly see how this product handles glucose!! haha


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The rookies usually get mad and either walk away, or say a few "choice words"
I disagree. I bet a lot of those were closet animals in the sack who simply knew how to play the game. Keeping your cool when they test your patience is a better way to pick up quality women. "Put out or get out" isn't gonna land you anything that you'll be proud of in front of your friends IMO.


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Has anyone who plays a sport run a log on this?

I don't recommend that anyone who plays a drug-tested sport take this product- you would fail a piss test fast enough to make your head spin- we even put this on the bottle

tell you what- I will get healthy and show you guys what this will do for an athlete in training- give me about a week til I get everything healed up- ankle is still a little mushy- I will get some vids up ASAP.....


  • Established
I'm going to Hold my tongue. However, I WILL say that not EVERY female that talks to you or is 'nice' (a 'rookie', as you call it) wants to screw you. Talking to you is not "playing games and beating around the bush", and if you think that every female that talks to you wants you sexually then you're sorely mistaken (a lesson you guys' egos should probably learn.). And if you only ever talk to females because you expect sex out of it, well, then you are a...Ok, holding tongue...
ROLF - Bless You Rosie, you managed to hold your tongue very well.

Given the topic, it was no mean feat, aye? :laugh:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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ROLF - Bless You Rosie, you managed to hold your tongue very well.

Given the topic, it was no mean feat, aye? :laugh:
It was as big as me NOT binging when I have the urge! :D


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I disagree. I bet a lot of those were closet animals in the sack who simply knew how to play the game. Keeping your cool when they test your patience is a better way to pick up quality women. "Put out or get out" isn't gonna land you anything that you'll be proud of in front of your friends IMO.
Interesting point. But the thing is, I'm usually not in front of my boys when this happens. They're more apt to "come clean" when I'm out with the guys. And "put out or get out" has worked very well for me in the past, thank you very much. But I did give your theory a try when I went to the store and had one of my NFL Compression shirts on (the tight shirts the players wear under their jerseys and pads) and some woman came up to me, started a conversation with me and kept trying to touch my arms and chest. I didn't say much and even forced myself to smile, and...whaddaya know! You were right...she's already called and wants to see me tonight. But I plan on being "good." I want to see where she's headed.


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Awwww, shiiiiittt!!! My THE ONE and 2nd Gear will be here Tuesday!


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Wow this log just keeps gettin better an better LOL... Hey Craig smash some weights lets see this stuff work.. :dl:


I don't recommend that anyone who plays a drug-tested sport take this product- you would fail a piss test fast enough to make your head spin- we even put this on the bottle

tell you what- I will get healthy and show you guys what this will do for an athlete in training- give me about a week til I get everything healed up- ankle is still a little mushy- I will get some vids up ASAP.....
No testing where I am,just wondering if this will slow me down,I'm about 100kg now so I'm very light for my weight category,which is +100kg.

My speed is my weapon but in May I have a competition where I will be facing Open Weight challengers,so most of my opponents will be lighter than me and strength will be my main advantage. I don't want to slow down whatsoever against these lightning fast guys I will face.

Didn't mean to ramble.



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Awwww, shiiiiittt!!! My THE ONE and 2nd Gear will be here Tuesday!
Nice man! Going to log it?

Wow this log just keeps gettin better an better LOL... Hey Craig smash some weights lets see this stuff work.. :dl:
Will do man! I had to fight myself not to train today! I needed a rest day, with some quality eating, got to rest to grow ;) I'm sure I'll get back from two days rest and be up 2-3lbs.. that's my pick.


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EAT! I went 3-3.5hours without eating on this and really felt quite light headed. This stuff really seems to require/utilize food. So keep the calories coming in when using this. Never had this with any other 'anabolic' before..this was more than noticeable today. now that I have eaten though I feel terrific again.



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How dare you go 3.5 hours without food! Kiwi, You promised me a balls to the wall bulk!:bandit:
haha I am I am... I ate the pizza at the bar, then watched 2 games of rugby, and didn't want to eat another fatty meal... haha. I will catch up on the calories shortly ;)


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Nice man! Going to log it?

Will do man! I had to fight myself not to train today! I needed a rest day, with some quality eating, got to rest to grow ;) I'm sure I'll get back from two days rest and be up 2-3lbs.. that's my pick.
I'm not going to do The One right least I don't THINK I am. I'm starting Week 2 of 1-T/Phera-P-Plex/Methoxy-TST and I probably should just stick with that, unless someone can tell me how to incorporate this into the stack (I'd probably have to drop everything but the 1-T) or if it's even safe. But I just couldn't beat the special NP was running, with the free 2nd Gear. Plus, money is about to get scarce, as I'm going to Nursing School in August. So I had to jump on it now.


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Nice man! Going to log it?

Will do man! I had to fight myself not to train today! I needed a rest day, with some quality eating, got to rest to grow ;) I'm sure I'll get back from two days rest and be up 2-3lbs.. that's my pick.
Yes Sir rest days are needed thats for sure my legs are sore today from a good leg workout thursday nite. We (LG33)did chest again tonite felt good kick ass workout.


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Craig my man! good reviews so far about this, How did you like spacing it out like you did today? Now when are you doses in regards to when you work out again? 2 in the am right ? then 1 prior to W/O, but what do the times look like? good to know about the food as well... Keep it up dude!


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Yes Sir rest days are needed thats for sure my legs are sore today from a good leg workout thursday nite. We (LG33)did chest again tonite felt good kick ass workout.
rest days are nice, letting the growth happen right now!

I'm not going to do The One right least I don't THINK I am. I'm starting Week 2 of 1-T/Phera-P-Plex/Methoxy-TST and I probably should just stick with that, unless someone can tell me how to incorporate this into the stack (I'd probably have to drop everything but the 1-T) or if it's even safe. But I just couldn't beat the special NP was running, with the free 2nd Gear. Plus, money is about to get scarce, as I'm going to Nursing School in August. So I had to jump on it now.
Always good to pick up a good deal though.

Craig my man! good reviews so far about this, How did you like spacing it out like you did today? Now when are you doses in regards to when you work out again? 2 in the am right ? then 1 prior to W/O, but what do the times look like? good to know about the food as well... Keep it up dude!
I spaced it out 1/1/1 about 2 hours apart, was good solid energy throughout the day, but nothing beats that first day dosing all 3 and once. I just have to find a way to get round the fatigue that hits me around 3pm..Maybe I'll start dosing all 3 at 10am rather than 8am?


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I spaced it out 1/1/1 about 2 hours apart, was good solid energy throughout the day, but nothing beats that first day dosing all 3 and once. I just have to find a way to get round the fatigue that hits me around 3pm..Maybe I'll start dosing all 3 at 10am rather than 8am?
What time do you Lift?


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I would have said all at once first thing. But experiementing (as Eric said) would be a good idea.

Don't think so. Weekly updates on everything would be great, but not a necessity.

I know you don't, Ozzy (and I am just shaking my head in both disgust and understanding of the male psyche).

Rodja does MMA and Dirk is a track athlete.

I'm going to Hold my tongue. However, I WILL say that not EVERY female that talks to you or is 'nice' (a 'rookie', as you call it) wants to screw you. Talking to you is not "playing games and beating around the bush", and if you think that every female that talks to you wants you sexually then you're sorely mistaken (a lesson you guys' egos should probably learn.). And if you only ever talk to females because you expect sex out of it, well, then you are a...Ok, holding tongue...
ouch:) log looks good!


Never enough
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How dare you go 3.5 hours without food! Kiwi, You promised me a balls to the wall bulk!:bandit:
first you have to herd the sheep, then take care of business. i could see that taking a while if you are trying to be quiet


New member
hey guys whats up. I'm subbed on this. I have been following the log all the way so far as I am thinking of giving "The One" a go very shortly. I have to say this is a great and fun log to follow. Seems there are alot of good fun people following here. Some great quotes made already and talks of smashing some pussy always raises my interest so I'm in here till the end. Craig good luck with the rest of your run.