okay thanks..
i have 1 more question,... i bought 2 5mg vials from... melanotanpeptide.com It was cheap for me ($27 bucks for 5mg) and i am running 500 mcgs a day...but this is my first time trying a peptide gh product and its day 4 now..
all i feel is
1. slightly increased hunger [it could be placebo (aka all in my head), cause i read about it making you have increased hunger] and
2. ive had some bad gas..like rotten egg status...ughh
could the second side effect^^^ show that what i bought was just sugar powder or some crappy product, or could that be a side effect that would show its starting to work??
if that website i listed isn't legit, whats the cheapest best peptide site?
thanks if you respond, i'd appreciate it:]