The Female Terminator Chronicles: The Ultimate Muscle and Physique Stack (2012)



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Do you take Cissus Rosie ...?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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"♥ If something doesn't feel right in your life, FIX IT…The reason that you have this "urge" to IMPLEMENT a CHANGE is because you are not currently in the state of HAPPINESS and CONTENTMENT that you are INTENDED to be ♥ HAMMER away at your HOPES instead of sitting with the WOBBLY feelings of UNSTEADINESS ♥ You are being ENLIGHTENED with the REVELATION that you have some "loose screws" that need to be TIGHTENED. When this light is SHED upon you, head to your inner TOOLSHED and get to WORK…All of the DEVICES necessary to make the needed ADJUSTMENTS are WITHIN you ♥ Do not "screw" around with the DRIVE that has been placed within you, but be the SCREWDRIVER to your GOALS and twist away until they are LOCKED in place ♥ You are the MACHINE that can MEND whatever it is in your life that needs REPAIR…RESTORE yourself to OPTIMAL condition. Never settle for a FRAGILE future…your DREAMS are not meant to be BROKEN ♥" - Lauren Christine Frahn


Session 1

Run 7 miles @ 4.9 min/mile pace

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadset):
QuadSet A -
1. Rope Crunches 3 x 15
2. Hanging Straight-Leg Raises (feet to touch bar above head) 3 x 6
3. Ab Rollout 3 x 15
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Bicep Curls 3 x 21s
6. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
10. Plate Hammer Raises 3 x 6
11. Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Again, due to my late-night training (finishing almost at midnight), didn't go to bed until I would usually be getting UP, waking after ~5 hours sleep (which is about "perfect")...Didn't head out for my 7-mile run for ~3 hours post-waking, allowing time to see how my body was feeling, which was "eh" but not completely terrible. Same 7-mile loop as Wednesday. Out uphill with a headwind, but at a pace that had me feeling better than I did on Tuesday - at least my legs didn't feel like lead, although my left shoulder/biceps tendon was biting throughout it (holding my left arm in as close as possible as I could to my side the entire run). Finished in 20 seconds LESS than Tuesday's run, although it averaged out about the same (to 1 d.p.), and feeling slightly better for it, able to push it a little harder towards the END...Back to the hotel and into the sauna for 20 minutes (much prefer the wet sweat in here to the "muggy" sweat from my run). Then out to the pool, holding myself under for just over 3.5 minutes (wonder if this is contributing some to my left wrist hurting, since I push UP against the edge of the pool with my LEFT hand when I do this). For some reason I was calmer today, and it wasn't as much of an effort - until close to the end, when the sound I heard was the pounding of my heart along with the tiny "ripple" of the water on the surface above me. Gasping, hopped over to the spa (which was colder today) for my "leg massage"...Both shoulders being pesky re pain today...Slight change in plans once got to the gym - instead of doing Full-Body, because my shoulders were both very bad (I want to be able to train tomorrow and the next few weeks - I have to get through until the end of MAY remember!), I stopped after Shoulders, making it the session I was going to do tomorrow (might have to forego Full-Body this week - besides, I will already be doing five resistance sessions this week, so let it go, although I really should NOT have). But, how the session went: Started out with Abs, deciding to add Hanging Straight-Leg Raises/Pikes back in (since it's been a while since I attempted them) - shoulders were giving me so much pain that six reps was all I could manage on each set, dropping to the floor as they "gave out" on me from the pain. Held the Ab Rollout a little longer to "make up" for it. Skipping was concentrated and reasonably paced - love the way delts and arms look when doing it. Vascularity was back to "normal" today, spiderwebs of blue-green snaking their way from wrist to elbow and up to my anterior delts - the skinfold I have on my forearms is still that which I want on EVERY skinfold! Left wrist very painful from the first set of DB Bicep Curl 21s, but pushed through. Had to drop the weight for DB Hammer Curls - pump was very strong in biceps here, so strong it was PAINFUL. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls were all an effort and a lot of screwing up my face, wanting to drop the weight and throw a tantrum from the pain assaulting my anterior. Skipping was a brief relief before more torture. I had to stop after completing all sets of QuadSet B and strap my left wrist up it was that bad (had not worn it from the start, just to see how it would handle the weights). Added five pounds to Reverse Flyes than what I have been using and grimaced out 10 reps for each set, slowly. Plate Hammer Raises were painful and, at the same weight as I have been using, had to stop after six reps each set (I probably could have done a couple more on the last set, but by then my mind was not in it). Plate Lateral Raises were done with tilted wrists, so not to hurt my left wrist any more...No post-weights cardio - I SHOULD have (it would have stopped the bad that came later)...A lot of mental abuse going on - no one else needs to berate or punish me when I do enough of that to and hating on MYSELF...



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Never settle for a FRAGILE future…your DREAMS are not meant to be BROKEN ♥" - Lauren Christine Frahn
Re: quote But what if your dreams become nightmares?

That shoulder bicep tendon pain is concerning. Have you tried tumeric? It is good reducing inflammation and has a host of other health benefits. Also MSM is good for tendons and joints. Eat a lot of broccoli, onions and peppers any high sulphur content food would be good for that s well. Hope it feels better soon.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Re: quote But what if your dreams become nightmares?

That shoulder bicep tendon pain is concerning. Have you tried tumeric? It is good reducing inflammation and has a host of other health benefits. Also MSM is good for tendons and joints. Eat a lot of broccoli, onions and peppers any high sulphur content food would be good for that s well. Hope it feels better soon.
I know and understand what you mean; it is a thought that has wandered my mind many times before, David. I am trying to be positive and think about the POSSIBILITIES, choosing to hold onto my HOPE for a future that I know my heart wants more than it's [almost] ever wanted anything before!

It's been an ongoing issue since 2006, but never really a daily thing until after everything last December, so trying to be as careful as I can with it without compromising progress. Used to use tumeric in my meals. As well as broccoli and peppers (what I call "capsicums"). Onions I try to stay away from (they do not agree with my stomach). Right now, I'm just battling it out as best I can. These next two weeks HAVE to see me transform DRAMATICALLY!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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In God's Hands


"♥ There may be times in life where it feels that a METEOR has suddenly STRUCK everything that you knew to be “normal” and sent it flying into the air...LET THE PIECES GO... ♥ Do not frantically attempt to grab the "debris" from "space", for you will be interrupting one of the most AMAZING processes that we as humans "face". WHO we presently ARE has been shaped by EACH and EVERY experience and encounter that we have ever had ♥ While you may feel completely OUT OF control, understand that what is happening is Divinely UNDER CONTROL. When life delivers a "BOOM", it is simply making ROOM for a newly formed TRAIT predestined by your FATE ♥ There are absolutely NO MISTAKES in what these "QUAKES" shake into our lives. Allow the "dust" to SETTLE where it may, revealing in its "aftermath" the BEAUTY of something much larger than us at work. It is these "STRIKING" moments that have the greatest "IMPACT" on who we ARE...ultimately, they are what DEFINES US ♥" - Lauren Christine Frahn


Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between trisets/skipping):
TriSet A -
1. Stiff-Legged DB Deadlifts (DB to touch floor) 3 x 10
2. Neutral Grip Seated Row (each hand with individual handle) 3 x 10
3. Side-to-side DB Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on DB) 3 x 10
Skip x 300 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
5. Plate Hammer Raises (each hand with individual plate) 3 x 10
6. Alternate Plate Single-Arm Lateral Raises 3 x 10 per side
Skip x 300 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Zottoman Curls 3 x 10
8. V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 10
9. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
Skip x 300 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Swissball Crunches (feet on wall, knees at 90 degree angle; from 270 to 180 degrees) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 10
12. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
Skip x 300 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 111-115 rpm

Stretch 25 min

Just a single session today, since I am NOT having a day OFF training this week. Fifth resistance session for the week - the best of them all so far, actually, which is surprising, given that it IS close to the END of the week and I've been struggling BADLY up until now with almost ALL my weights! Headed into the gym and started out skipping - rapid, a SMILE on my face (the first at the START of a session this week!), no issues with my knees, shoulders, or left wrist...Vascularity and definition strong from the start, I began "backwards" to how I would usually do a Full-Body session, wanting to give my shoulders and biceps' tendons a little more time before hammering them. TriSet A was done with relative ease - stronger than last time I did it, with less pain too. Then to TriSet B. Rear Flyes may have been a little light, albeit the weight I used (and STRUGGLED with) on Monday, which I guess is ok, since I am going to be doing Shoulders again tomorrow. Used a plate in each hand for Hammer Raises today - wincing with this, but not as much pain as holding a single large plate in front of me (like yesterday). Decided to be different and ALTERNATE with the Lateral Raises re single-arm - this actually caused the MOST pain in my left delt/biceps' tendon, and the last set was done rather slowly. Determined to keep my weights up, used the same weight as I did last week on Arms/Abs' day re DB Zottoman Curls - did two more reps each set as well, albeit one less set than for that session. V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs almost seemed easy, despite the fact that I did not lower the weight by much from what I use on Arms/Abs' day. Alternate DB Hammer Biceps Curls caused a lot of pain, especially in my left delt/biceps tendon, exacerbated by a highly painful pump. Vascularity was prominent in my right side during Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls, but in my left side during DB Zottoman Curls, which was odd. For another change, I started TriSet D with Swissball Crunches - my feet on the wall, knees at a 90 degree angle, and, to INcrease the degree of difficulty (and consequently pain during the exercise), I did my crunches from 270 degrees to 180 degrees. Pikes were LOVED - although my left hip (AND lower back on the last set) were popping almost every rep. Finished killing abs with Reverse Curls...Cadence was slightly higher during post-weights cardio, which was fine, although it WAS a little effort in the second half, my left arch beginning to ache some...

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Down to the wire...Can't hold anything back!!!


"If it weren't for you I would never have known how it is to love someone." - Tristan, Soulmates

For the complete Motivational, review Soulmates | Rosie's MuscleRevolution.


a. 4 min jogging
b. 28 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Shoulders/Hamstrings (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 6 x 15, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6
2. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. BB Military Press 6 x 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 9
4. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 6 x 10 per side
6. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (on bench, reaching down 9 inches with the BB) 6 x 10
8. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 118-120 rpm

Stretch 20 min

I didn't know it, but I was EXCITED for the gym tonight. Got there and went out on the highway for my HIIT Run, happy to finally be out there doing it as it needed to be done. Knees were fine, which also made for a better mood as well. Ended up doing 28 sprints, wanting to PUSH myself beyond what I HAVE been doing, NOT taking any prisoners, and truly making sure I gave it my ALL. The last few sprints were a little slower, but overall it was a good session...Actually applied another five sprays of NO Infuse per delt/upper arm post-HIIT/pre-weights, hoping it would help with my delt/biceps' tendons during resistance training. Started out with Behind-the-neck BB Military Press - first set blew me away and I kept going until I couldn't do another rep, although the same could not be said for each consecutive set, and the last rep on each one after that was a HUGE effort, almost not making it. Skipping afterwards was fast. Little pause before moving onto BB Military Press - fewer reps than on the first set of Behind-the-neck BB Military Press, which was a surprise, since I can usually do more with this than that. Feeling this in my left wrist, and I favoured it a little, but not much, pushing through with military swiftness, jumping straight into my skipping at the end of each set. Barely time to breathe and it was onto Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises - started with right side first (since my left delt/biceps tendon was extremely sore by this time), gritting out almost every rep with my left side, as my left wrist started to whine in pain as well. No quarter given and skipping was fast. To make things MORE difficult, I selected a different bench for my Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts, reaching down a further three inches on each rep, to make for a stretch of nine inches each time, ensuring my hamstrings REALLY felt it. And they did, especially on skipping afterwards - as did the posterior lateral aspect of my right knee, which was a little tight. Nevertheless, it was an excellent session and I was pleased with it, finishing with my t-shirt literally SOAKED...But I wasn't done - on the Recline Bike the energy that I had left and the lack of pain in my knees meant faster spinning, and even though my butt and hamstrings felt it within the first few minutes I kept the pace high...Back to the hotel to stretch, relax in the sauna for 20 minutes, and then complete everything off with a leg "massage" in the spa. I didn't go into the pool to hold myself under today, because the spa was actually the temperature of the pool, and for some reason I was ALREADY calm, despite everything that happened earlier (and that has gone on this week). For some reason, my mind was calm and almost smiling quietly (even though I was highly frustrated and furious with myself after discovering my body composition progress for this week, especially given that I have LESS than two weeks until Florida)...


Body Composition

9.2% bodyfat - instead of losing 0.3% bodyfat, I GAINED 0.3% bodyfat - even though training has been ok this week (albeit no days off) and nutrition better than it was last week. It has shown me the difference a couple of supplements (Recompadrol and AnaBeta) make to me, but also the importance of my NUTRITION (the changes my body has undergone the last couple of months means that I can no longer get away with the way I used to eat, but has also shown me that LEAN GAINS 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window IS the nutritional protocol for me, since the last four weeks I have NOT - for the FIRST time since I started using it last May - followed it) and that what works best for me has changed recently, like the way the best way re training for me did last year! I definitely feel the difference in my body once it goes over 9% bodyfat and it's not a feeling I like at all.

The last four weeks at a glance:
18 March - 8% bodyfat at 108.4 pounds
25 March - 8.5% bodyfat at 111 pounds (+0.5% bodyfat; +2.6 pounds body mass: +1.837 pounds lean, +1.763 pounds bodyfat)
1 April - 9% bodyfat at 113.2 pounds (+0.5% bodyfat; + 2.2 pounds body mass: +1.447 pounds lean, +0.753 pounds bodyfat)
6 April - 8.9% bodyfat at 115.2 pounds (-0.1% bodyfat; + 2 pounds body mass: +1.9352 pounds lean, +0.0648 pounds bodyfat)
14 April - 9.2% bodyfat at 113.4 pounds (+0.3% bodyfat; -1.8 pounds body mass: -1.98 pounds lean, + 0.18 pounds bodyfat)

Re girths go, my arms are now symmetrical unflexed AND flexed, but my legs are more different than ever - my right thigh 0.6 inches BIGGER than my left. I have noticed several drastic changes in my body over the last couple of months from my waist to my knees, primarily in my lower body, as it responds to different factors and I'm NOT liking it. So, more than ever, things MUST CHANGE!

In 10 days I will be working once more with Walt Ostarly. In 12 days I will be shooting again with Brent Allen, plus Gary Miller for the first time. I WANT to be 7.8% bodyfat by this time (I was 7.8% bodyfat the last time I worked with Walt, and I want to be at least AS lean as I was then, if not leanER!), meaning that I HAVE to lose >0.1% bodyfat a DAY over the next two days to achieve it!


Finished my last bottle of Alpha-T2 today (changes reflected in post #1). All I have from now until the end of the month are Assault, Erase, Erase Pro, MuscleGels, Shred Matrix, RecoverPRO, and Vitamin C.

Supplementary Notes

I definitely notice the difference in NOT having AnaBeta (ran out Wednesday) - I have not been as thirsty, but not only that, I have not been "able" to drink as much as I SHOULD, sometimes having to FORCE myself to drink, and even then, choking it down, which is weird. I have also not been as warm as I have been since running out of Adipose Annihilation V2 (on Tuesday). Sleep has also continued to be messed up, although it's calming down now into a pattern (but has to be MY pattern). Mood has been all over the place - this week I lost two people who were very dear to me, on top of a lot of frustrating events and things going on.

Wrapping Up...

Due to events out of my control, I will be travelling quite a bit over the next two weeks, which "upsets" my preparation for my photoshoots in Florida at the end of the month, but makes me more determined than ever NOT to let this affect me (like everything has the last four weeks)...Drastic times call for EXTREME measures: There will be NO days OFF training until a month out from my birthday...AND...I am going to withOUT fail for every day until then follow [my adaptation of] Lyle McDonald's "diet" (since the week I actually managed to stick to it, I lost 0.6% bodyfat) within the Lean Gains 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window (as the first five days that I first used this method, I lost 1.1% bodyfat)...Today well and truly starts my "last minute" count-down for Florida...

With several new hard truths being realized and accepted this last week, it really HAS come down to the wire, not time for "kind of" do it or half-hearted efforts in some areas, but time to power up the Terminator and give it my ALL - EVERYthing I have - to get what has to be done DONE!



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Yah we love putting ourselves up against the wall sometimes.., I seem to wait untill my options are all gone before I am motivated cuz I have no other choice.


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Yah we love putting ourselves up against the wall sometimes.., I seem to wait untill my options are all gone before I am motivated cuz I have no other choice.
Me too, I need the pressure to motivate me


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Me too, I need the pressure to motivate me
I worry sometimes now that I am not competing I will not be motivated to take me where I want to go physically but I still could organize photo shoots etc... This is the first time I thnk I have tried to do this for no other reason than to look good...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Yah we love putting ourselves up against the wall sometimes.., I seem to wait untill my options are all gone before I am motivated cuz I have no other choice.
The last few years, seems like that's all I've done - it's come down to the "last minute" and I've gone helter-skelter for that time and then given myself time to breathe afterwards. Got to STOP doing it though, because it usually only ends up stressing me out MORE, and I don't need that - not now.

Me too, I need the pressure to motivate me
Sometimes it can have the OPPOSITE effect though, David...

I worry sometimes now that I am not competing I will not be motivated to take me where I want to go physically but I still could organize photo shoots etc... This is the first time I thnk I have tried to do this for no other reason than to look good...
You have a valid point, Doug, but I know that this is a LIFESTYLE for you, so you are ALWAYS going to be striving to improve and be BETTER than you are. Even if you're not competing doesn't mean you can't stay in shape and work on your physique, not by any means! Plus, once you get lean, it's easier to maintain it, and yes, you can always set up photoshoots or other things that "require" you to be in the condition you want to maintain or improve on to help keep you "on track".



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The last few years, seems like that's all I've done - it's come down to the "last minute" and I've gone helter-skelter for that time and then given myself time to breathe afterwards. Got to STOP doing it though, because it usually only ends up stressing me out MORE, and I don't need that - not now.

Sometimes it can have the OPPOSITE effect though, David...

You have a valid point, Doug, but I know that this is a LIFESTYLE for you, so you are ALWAYS going to be striving to improve and be BETTER than you are. Even if you're not competing doesn't mean you can't stay in shape and work on your physique, not by any means! Plus, once you get lean, it's easier to maintain it, and yes, you can always set up photoshoots or other things that "require" you to be in the condition you want to maintain or improve on to help keep you "on track".

I will still keep a peak date so that will be the same thing, I don't know if I will go below 6 or 7% though, I like that way I look before I start losing muscle. If I can go lower without giving up mass I may but doesn't have to happen...


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I will still keep a peak date so that will be the same thing, I don't know if I will go below 6 or 7% though, I like that way I look before I start losing muscle. If I can go lower without giving up mass I may but doesn't have to happen...
I've never competed, I set goals and strive to achieve them, I compete with myself, and currently my forty something self is kicking my 30 something self's A$$ :)


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I've never competed, I set goals and strive to achieve them, I compete with myself, and currently my forty something self is kicking my 30 something self's A$$ :)
Strength wise I peaked about 45 46 so yah it's definitely doable.. I don't know if it was age that finally got me may just have been wear and tear but there are some lifts I am still very strong on... and my 53 year old effort last year was the best I did ever I think..


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I'll have your travels in my thoughts and prayers Rosie! Be safe and keep me posted on how things are going.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I will still keep a peak date so that will be the same thing, I don't know if I will go below 6 or 7% though, I like that way I look before I start losing muscle. If I can go lower without giving up mass I may but doesn't have to happen...
I understand, Doug. Go to where YOU are happy with where you're at and what you look like!

I've never competed, I set goals and strive to achieve them, I compete with myself, and currently my forty something self is kicking my 30 something self's A$$ :)
Competing with yourself is the ONLY way to do it, David. Although in a competition you compete against others, almost everyone up on that stage has trained their hearts out in the gym to make themselves better, competing against themselves (not just for the requirements of a competition), and off the stage are very supportive of the other competitors, respect and acknowledgement for what has to be done to even be there - at least, that's what I've found. Even if you never compete, setting goals and striving to become the BEST YOU CAN POSSIBLY BE is definitely a worthy task.

Strength wise I peaked about 45 46 so yah it's definitely doable.. I don't know if it was age that finally got me may just have been wear and tear but there are some lifts I am still very strong on... and my 53 year old effort last year was the best I did ever I think..
I think the older we get, the better we become - simply because we are maturing and developing, knowing what works best for our bodies, having it down to an art after years of experience and experimentation in the pursuit of it.

I'll have your travels in my thoughts and prayers Rosie! Be safe and keep me posted on how things are going.
Thank you, Tommy :) I will - updates will still be made as I can here.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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New Chapter Opened...Terminator Powered Up!!!


"You have to live life moving forwards, not back." - Danger D'Amo/The Timekeeper, Spykids: All The Time In The World

For the complete Motivational, review Starting a New Chapter... | Rosie's MuscleRevolution.


Session 1

Run 7 miles @ 4.7 min/mile pace

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Skip x 600 revolutions

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 6 x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6
2. Dips 6 x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6
3. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls 6 x 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7 per side
5. V-Bar Tricep Push-Down 6 x 10, 9, 8, 7, 7, 6
6. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Zottoman Curls 4 x 6
8. Standing DB French Press 4 x 6, 6, 5, 5
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunch (on bench, knees at 90 degrees) 4 x 15
11. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 15
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Run 4.5 miles @ 4.8 min/mile pace

Went to bed at 0330 this morning and slept for ~5 hours, lying in bed for another hour before getting up...Since my resistance session was planned for the night, headed out for a 7-mile run, surprising myself with the ease at which I started. Pace was faster than it was last week as well, getting closer to "normal", which is nice...20 minutes in the sauna post-run, before a "leg massage" in the spa (water cold again today), and stretching to complete my recovery...Actually started feeling quite shattered ~1730, and passed out for a little over an hour ~1800. I DID consider doing my resistance session tomorrow, but didn't, NOT wanting to get off course and make ANY allowances or "excuses" for anything - it's time for the Terminator to do what she does best!...Even though was still a little blah when I headed to the gym, skipping at the start got me quickly in the mood, rapid, not missing a beat, a sweat easily forming...Headed into my weights. Able to do more reps re Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls today than last week AND I ADDED two additional sets re TriSet A, just because I wanted to keep going until all I could manage was six reps a set. I went LOW on my Dips, doing them slowly, to "match" the reps done each set on the Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls, and actually felt it biting deep in my left delt. Skipping at the end of each triset remained fast. Same weight as last week re Incline Alternate DB Biceps Curls, but, as with Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls, able to do MORE each set, adding in another two sets re TriSet B as well, albeit struggling a little on them with this exercise. Used a different cable for a couple of sets re V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs, which made it interesting, but was ok here - LOVED the definition in the mirror during these and want THAT when I am RELAXED and in photoshoots! Sweat dripping down my back with everything, my hair sticking to my face during skipping. Because the cables were all being used (busy time in the gym - lots of youth getting in the way, GRRR) when it came to TriSet C, I stuck with the dumbbells. First exercise in this triset was DB Zottoman Curls - with the same weight used for Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls, not able to do that many reps, but was ok, "made up" for by the excellent vascularity through my delts and arms. Then to Standing DB French Press - had to drop the weight after the first set, because I almost didn't make the last rep. Getting a little frustrated during skipping of this triset. My tank top literally soaked through, I started on TriSet D. Weighted Crunches I felt my right delt/bicep hurt sharply during the first and last set, but nothing unmanageable. Pikes I felt my abs work during. Skipping I started falling apart, the rope catching several times on the last set and every time I started my 100 revolutions from the start again, getting more frustrated with myself each time I had to...The Recline Bike was in use when I finished my resistance training, so I headed outside for a run instead. It was rather pleasant and reminded me how much I enjoy running in the DARK (as opposed to during daylight hours), and ended up doing ~4.5 miles over rolling terrain. My knees were fine throughout it and I was in a good mood when I got back to the gym...So, definitely glad I did tonight's training. It was a GREAT session overall and I look forward to tomorrow...



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Sounds like things are on the upswing...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Sounds like things are on the upswing...
Oh, I'm just trying to be positive and "motivate" MYSELF, Doug, because there is so MUCH going on right now - too many upsets and heartaches and stress - that I NEED something to FOCUS on to take my mind off everything else, if you know what I mean, and what better way to do that than to become a "machine" again.



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Oh, I'm just trying to be positive and "motivate" MYSELF, Doug, because there is so MUCH going on right now - too many upsets and heartaches and stress - that I NEED something to FOCUS on to take my mind off everything else, if you know what I mean, and what better way to do that than to become a "machine" again.

There is no better way... yah the one thing good about being older is the roller coaster seems to smooth out somewhat, I live a largely stress free life...


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Being positive is the key in life to success ..:)....and dont be foolish you are a MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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There is no better way... yah the one thing good about being older is the roller coaster seems to smooth out somewhat, I live a largely stress free life...
Maybe...Glad you do, Doug...

Being positive is the key in life to success ..:)....and dont be foolish you are a MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, for someone who has spent almost a lifetime using negativity as a motivating force and been successful in what I've done when I've really wanted it, being positive is different, but ok - two different methods to the same endpoint, albeit with different feelings associated with each...I'm working on it, Chris!!!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Everything I Am...Giving It All!!!


"Hope does not discriminate. It does not matter how dire a situation may seem, how much pain or angst you are feeling, or how badly you are beaten down. It doesn't matter who you are, where you are, or in what direction you may be heading. Hope is always there. Like the prodigal son did, you must seize it. Once you do, God will be there to welcome you into His arms. Listen for hope's whisper." - Genelle Guzman-McMillan with William Croyle, Angel in the Rubble

For the complete Motivational, review Hope | Rosie's MuscleRevolution.


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 10 min jogging

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Run 7 miles @ 4.4 min/mile pace

Went to bed at 0500, beginning from the start to rewatch the anime series Trinity Blood (one of my top five anime) to help me get to sleep. Unfortunately, I was still awake at 0630, taking me until close to ~0800 to drift off into the blackness, waking ~2 hours later...An hour after that I headed out for my HIIT Run. My body was sore and a little sluggish today, and heading out uphill into the wind didn't help either. From the first sprint I knew it was not going to be one of my better HIIT sessions and only did 12 sprints, each one feeling slower than the last, despite giving it my all...Back at the hotel, into the sauna for 30 minutes and then the spa for a "leg massage", before finishing my recovery with stretching...Not really "feeling it" today, and a little frustrated at news and events going on, I decided to make it a "chillax" day - if I COULD - and continued on with my episodes of Trinity Blood. Started feeling fatigued ~1600, passing out ~ 1700 for ~1.5 hours, definitely NOT feeling like doing ANYthing in the evening, least of all going for ANOTHER run (running seems to exhaust my body quite a lot, but that and cycling are the BEST modes of cardio for me re leaning and fitness, so they HAVE to be done). Yes, you know I would have kept talking to you, silvertongue, but my run had to be done, so off I went, making my way back uphill into the wind in the direction of the gym. I felt slow (although my final average pace indicates otherwise) and have never been more relieved to FINISH a run...Feeling so much BETTER a couple of hours after my run, pleased but not pleased with how I am going with everything. That said, I have my two weeks pre-photoshoot training schedule all planned out, as well as nutrition, so if all goes as I want for next week, then I will be sticking with this protocol before any future ones henceforth...And yes, you give me a smile, even though you are doing what you are. I still have HOPE and I am holding ON to it with EVERYTHING I AM!!!



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Nice run lol I always can't wait to finish a run the second I start it up lol. Starting to enjoy it more now though. Good luck with the photo shoot I'm sure your going to kick A$$!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Pain Providing Propulsional Purpose


"Only shared experiences can help others. Aldous Huxley said, "Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you." What will you do with what you've been through? Don't waste your pain; use it to help others." - Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life

For the complete Motivational, review Your Pain | Rosie's MuscleRevolution.


Session 1

Run 7 miles @ 5.1 min/mile pace

Session 2

Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Neutral Grip Seated Row (each hand with individual handle) 3 x 10
2. Side-to-side DB Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on DB) 3 x 10
3. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (on bench, reaching down 9 inches with the BB) 3 x 10
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Bicep Curls 3 x 21s
6. V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 10
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
10. Plate Hammer Raises (each hand with individual plate) 3 x 10
11. Alternate Plate Single-Arm Lateral Raises 3 x 10 per side
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet D -
13. Weighted Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degree angle) 3 x 10
14. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
15. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 20
16. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 110-112 rpm

Stretch 20 min

Bed at 0330 again this morning, exhausted and falling asleep quickly, albeit waking every ~2 hours, finally getting up after ~4 hours sleep...Didn't feel too much like going for a run this morning, but I did anyway, forcing myself out there. From the start I knew it was going to be a slower session, body feeling heavy and mind not really on it. Slowest run I have done in a while...Back at the hotel, I went out to the pool, not able to be underwater fast enough, welcoming it, seeking the quiet release that it offered, tempted to take it. My right knee collapsed on me as I headed over to the spa for a "leg massage", not helping things. Back to my room where I ran a bath as hot as it would go, scalding me on entry but my body getting used to it, just wanting some warmth and being underwater again...Started to feel even MORE shattered ~1330 and went back to bed, hoping to get some rest (and calm), but sleep did not come and I ended up just getting back up at 1500, preparing myself for the gym at 1530 for a 1600 start, not really feeling like it, but knowing that I NEEDED it!...Started off with 1,000 revolutions of skipping, ankles, arches, knees, shoulders/biceps' tendons, and left wrist all fine. Despite that, thoughts had me upset, only determined to push myself HARDER to FEEL the PAIN...Then into the bulk of my session. Different order than this session last week and making it quadsets instead of trisets, to ensure I was constantly on the go. And on the go I was. Upped the weight by five pounds from last week on Neutral Grip Seated Row and managed ok, only starting to struggle a little on the last set. For the first time in ages I had no issues with my shoulders the Side-to-side DB Push-Ups. Again, used the barbell to reach down nine inches from atop a bench re Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts, seeing the sweat already glistening on my face. Skipping was fine, but I had to "tie" my plait up to stop it hitting the rope. DB Bicep Curls for 21s, an exercise I really enjoyed when I first started doing it - started feeling it during the last seven reps of each set, and the last seven on the last set were a little slower than the rest because it was starting to hurt. 10 pounds more than last week used for the V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs and was fine - on the other side of the cable today, and the definition in my right side/back is definitely not as strong as in my left. Used five pounds more per side re Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls this week and was fine. Skipping ok. Used 15 pounds more re Rear Flyes this week - feeling my left elbow clicking and creaking during the second and third set, with the last set a real battle, having to pause for a second before each of the last four reps. Plate Hammer Raises were ok - same weight as last week. Did Alternate Plate Single-Arm Lateral Raises again since I enjoyed them last week - seeing the definition in my anterior and lateral delts nicely, but also beginning to feel an ache in my right delt/biceps tendon. Skipping a little slower during this quadset. A little heavier dumbbell for the Weighted Crunches. A little "wobbly" with the Reverse Curls and on the first set I nearly fell off the bench, which is a first. Pikes were good - feeling them today, and on the first set noticed that my SHINS were "sweating", LOL, which I found amusing, but also indicative of how hot it was (or maybe how hard I was working). Again, I was literally dripping when I finished my weights, but it felt GOOD and I didn't mind...Finished off on the Recline Bike, spinning ok. Right superiomedial knee aching a little from the twelfth minute, but it wasn't that bad...Back to the hotel, where I only spent 10 minutes in the sauna - ALREADY so hot I didn't need to get HOTTER - before going back to my room to stretch...Surprisingly enough, my body actually felt BETTER post-training than before, which was welcome, finding myself a little calmer but not completely...



Received a present last night at the gym, so I was able to start back on Alpha-T2 today (changes reflected in post #1).

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Nice run lol I always can't wait to finish a run the second I start it up lol. Starting to enjoy it more now though. Good luck with the photo shoot I'm sure your going to kick A$$!
Thanks, Tommy :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I won't turn around, can't be afraid...Innocence gone, can't be the same...


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson, A Return To Love


a. 4 min jogging
b. 30 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 x 50 sec sprint/10 sec easy
d. 4 min jogging

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadset):
QuadSet A -
1. Rope Crunches 3 x 20
2. Ab Rollout 3 x 20
3. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 20
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Zottoman Curls 3 x 10
6. V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 10
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 15 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
10. Plate Hammer Raises 3 x 10
11. Alternate Plate Single-Arm Lateral Raises 3 x 10 per side
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Run 4 miles @ 5 min/mile pace

Stretch 20 min

Bed at 0108, waking at 0330 and 0430, finally getting up just after 0500, giving me just over three hours sleep overall. Fresh though...Headed to the gym in reasonable spirits. Got there and went out on the road for my HIIT Run. Sprints were not fast-fast, but they were ok. Did a few more and added in several longer ones as well, just to ensure intensity and volume...Then to the weights. Using quadsets again, making sure it was non-stop go-go-go. Surprisingly didn't really feel my abs too much on Rope Crunches or the Ab Rollout, but feeling my left hip pop and "resonate" in my left lower back during Pikes. Skipping rapid. Sheen of sweat on my face during and after QuadSet A, vascularity popping, and ready for the roadmap that appeared on my arms during QuadSet B. DB Zottoman Curls were a grit of teeth, my left wrist starting to ache on the last set, but pushing through. Used the same weight as yesterday re V-Bar Tricep Push-Down and fared better, enjoying the definition (left side definitely stronger than my right here). Same weight as yesterday re Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls and forced out more reps with as well, loving the definition and pump from them. Skipping still fast. Went five pounds lighter than yesterday re Rear Flyes and did a lot better. Just a single large plate in front of me today for Hammer Raises, surprised that it almost felt light, but not towards the end, and certainly not on the last set. Again, Alternate Plate Single-Arm Lateral Raises - these hurt me the most and on the tenth rep of the second set my right shoulder cracked/popped loudly and I was in pain from then on, close to tears at one point during my third set, determined to keep going no matter what. Skipping frustrated, annoyed at myself, light-headed after the first set, having to "catch myself" on a bench from falling over at the sudden spinning...Finished off with a 4-mile Run outside (since the Recline Bike was in use when I was done with my weights), enjoying it...Back to the hotel to stretch. Then into the sauna for 25 minutes, before heading out to the spa for my last "leg massage". Afterwards, stayed in the spa and held myself under the water, the roar of the jets through the water pounding in my head. It was actually EASIER to hold myself under here than in the pool, and I was able to hold my breath a lot longer, staying under for FIVE minutes! Felt refreshed and calm afterwards...Which is good, because I have ~18 hours of traveling ahead of me today/tomorrow...


Body Composition

8.5% bodyfat - a loss of 0.7% in FOUR days! Which is AWESOME (even though it doesn't feel like it to me, not completely, especially when I scrutinize myself in the mirror)! Now to lose 0.7% bodyfat more over the next 5-6 days and I will be sweet (and very pleased). Girths today are not a lot different than a few days ago, albeit there is a little change - that said, last night was my "refeed/cheat" meal (yes, MEAL - and within the Lean Gains 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window too), so could have some effect on this. I still want to lose >1.2 inches from each my waist, hips, and both thighs though (and I will - hopefully by the time I work with Walt)!



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Good luck in your endeavours. Did you change your name?


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You are the definition of determination incarnate. I am always floored by your work, intensity and performance. Nice swing on the bodyfat dropping .7% in a week that is awesome at your already low bodyfat.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Good luck in your endeavours. Did you change your name?
No, my name is the same as it has always been.

You are the definition of determination incarnate. I am always floored by your work, intensity and performance. Nice swing on the bodyfat dropping .7% in a week that is awesome at your already low bodyfat.
Thank you, Chris - that is a real compliment coming from you :) I'm back following my 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window (re Lean Gains - the only thing I use from it), and, like the first time I used it, it definitely makes a DIFFERENCE (not 1.1% bodyfat loss like what happened over five days the the very first time I used it, but pretty damn good, and the second best fat loss progress I have ever had!) Only thing is I don't FEEL like I am there, or that the loss has been that much, and still feel like I am closer to 9%, but maybe that's just from all the food last night, LOL, since I was feeling pretty good (and confident) after training last night. But, thank YOU - since you're the one who put me onto Lean Gains (and Lyle) in the first place.



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Oh, I ask cause I thought you had Scott in your name at one point in time or another, sorry for the mistake. Keep up the good work. I always enjoy reading your articles.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Oh, I ask cause I thought you had Scott in your name at one point in time or another, sorry for the mistake. Keep up the good work. I always enjoy reading your articles.
It was an addition for a while re "penname", but was not a change in name...I will...Thank you :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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A Rosie by any other name, would still kick ass? :)
Only if it was me, LOL, since there is NO individual like me in the world. Nor was or will there ever be ;)

On that note, I started DCP [again] today (changes reflected in post #1). I also had to give my body a day OFF training due to the circumstances, and tomorrow's training is likely to be very late, and even run into Sunday. The next five days are going to interesting - EVERY minute from now on is of the utmost importance and I have to do what I can to make them count as much as possible!



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Only if it was me, LOL, since there is NO individual like me in the world. Nor was or will there ever be ;)

On that note, I started DCP [again] today (changes reflected in post #1). I also had to give my body a day OFF training due to the circumstances, and tomorrow's training is likely to be very late, and even run into Sunday. The next five days are going to interesting - EVERY minute from now on is of the utmost importance and I have to do what I can to make them count as much as possible!

You can do it, I am a big fan of DCP, Matt makes some good stuff. Hang in there
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Preachit Sista!

You can do it, I am a big fan of DCP, Matt makes some good stuff. Hang in there
Yes, Matt does - he has been very good to me and I'm truly grateful for his support :)

Thanks, David - I HOPE so! Of all the times for it to happen as well - and you guys may not want to know, LOL - but on top of everything (and seriously had me pissed) and of all the INopportune times for it to happen, I got my period late on Thursday, which means that it will be done the day before or on the day I work with Walt, which is so very far from funny, and I am hoping like hell that I can get rid of ANY water weight I might have from it! :banghead:

Everything - and I literally mean EVERYthing (after the accident on Thursday night, I am still in transition and training has not been able to happen, and won't be able to until I get back to Wisconsin - praying no later than tomorrow morning!) - seems AGAINST me right now, but I canNOT let it bring me down! I CANNOT! I'm truly being tested right now - the next week will see how strong I really am, the end of April whether or not I've got what it takes, because even though I get a chance to breathe for a few days at the start of May, life has NO intention of "settling" down, and it's GO-time until I don't know when :sigh:

I am keeping these verses close right now: "'For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'" - Jeremiah 29:11-13

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Yes, Matt does - he has been very good to me and I'm truly grateful for his support :)

Thanks, David - I HOPE so! Of all the times for it to happen as well - and you guys may not want to know, LOL - but on top of everything (and seriously had me pissed) and of all the INopportune times for it to happen, I got my period late on Thursday, which means that it will be done the day before or on the day I work with Walt, which is so very far from funny, and I am hoping like hell that I can get rid of ANY water weight I might have from it! :banghead:

Everything - and I literally mean EVERYthing (after the accident on Friday night, I am still in transition and training has not been able to happen, and won't be able to until I get back to Wisconsin - praying no later than tomorrow morning!) - seems AGAINST me right now, but I canNOT let it bring me down! I CANNOT! I'm truly being tested right now - the next week will see how strong I really am, the end of April whether or not I've got what it takes, because even though I get a chance to breathe for a few days at the start of May, life has NO intention of "settling" down, and it's GO-time until I don't know when :sigh:

I am keeping these verses close right now: "'For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'" - Jeremiah 29:11-13

Yeah, I hate it when I get mine right before a big event lol. Sorry, I know I cannot understand, but I can sympathize, I singlehandedly raised my daughter through Highschool and witnessed the things that time of the month does to a woman, emotionally and physically. Hope the symptoms are minimal. Accident? I missed that, I've been busy and have been experiencing some personal turmoil of my own this week. Are you ok? I am at work and cannot go back to review. Hope everything is ok. Keep the faith, you have a lot of people pulling for you.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yeah, I hate it when I get mine right before a big event lol. Sorry, I know I cannot understand, but I can sympathize, I singlehandedly raised my daughter through Highschool and witnessed the things that time of the month does to a woman, emotionally and physically. Hope the symptoms are minimal. Accident? I missed that, I've been busy and have been experiencing some personal turmoil of my own this week. Are you ok? I am at work and cannot go back to review. Hope everything is ok. Keep the faith, you have a lot of people pulling for you.
Very funny :D Yes, well, I never really used to get it - I had the symptoms, but rarely bled. Oddly enough - and just another example of how screwed up my body is - ever since I've been in the US and been using products with AI properties, it's almost like clockwork, and I seriously HATE it and wish it was the way it was before!

Yes, there was a freak incident. As I mentioned on Facebook (and it's all I will say): "...simply, I was told afterwards that the smallest difference in speed - any faster... - was the difference between life and death. If THAT doesn't make one believe in God, I don't know what does, but I DO know that a flicker of faith has been born in another because of this - sometimes it takes the most drastic measures for God to get one's attention and I hate that it happened this way, but for the seed of faith that has been planted, my soul smiles. Anyways, after this - as if I haven't done enough of it ALREADY over the last month or so - I am stepping even FURTHER back to reevaluate my life and take time out to truly and COMPLETELY process everything. God is NOT done with me yet and I want to do the BEST I can with EVERY chance and opportunity He has given - and will give - me. Thank you all of you who He has placed in my life - God Bless...Life is a PRECIOUS gift. DON'T waste it!!!"

I have to believe I am going through all of this for a reason, even though for the life of me I cannot see the bigger picture and haven't the faintest clue as to even remotely WHY right now.

I hope you have a good weekend, David, and thank you for everything.



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Very funny :D Yes, well, I never really used to get it - I had the symptoms, but rarely bled. Oddly enough - and just another example of how screwed up my body is - ever since I've been in the US and been using products with AI properties, it's almost like clockwork, and I seriously HATE it and wish it was the way it was before!

Yes, there was a freak incident. As I mentioned on Facebook (and it's all I will say): "...simply, I was told afterwards that the smallest difference in speed - any faster... - was the difference between life and death. If THAT doesn't make one believe in God, I don't know what does, but I DO know that a flicker of faith has been born in another because of this - sometimes it takes the most drastic measures for God to get one's attention and I hate that it happened this way, but for the seed of faith that has been planted, my soul smiles. Anyways, after this - as if I haven't done enough of it ALREADY over the last month or so - I am stepping even FURTHER back to reevaluate my life and take time out to truly and COMPLETELY process everything. God is NOT done with me yet and I want to do the BEST I can with EVERY chance and opportunity He has given - and will give - me. Thank you all of you who He has placed in my life - God Bless...Life is a PRECIOUS gift. DON'T waste it!!!"

I have to believe I am going through all of this for a reason, even though for the life of me I cannot see the bigger picture and haven't the faintest clue as to even remotely WHY right now.

I hope you have a good weekend, David, and thank you for everything.

God is never done with us, and there is a reason for everything. He has given us license to choose what path we should take but reminds us which is the right one. The purpose in life...? To grow stronger spiritually so we can be closer to him. How to do that ...? Well life has trials, avoid vices and instant gratification that promise short term comfort but long term pain. Take on obstacles that have short term discomfort but long term gain. It's tough and nobody's perfect at it, but I know in my heart it's the right answer.

I like the way you're thinking Rosie and the discomfort you feel now will pay off as time goes by and life does get easier when we take the right path.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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God is never done with us, and there is a reason for everything. He has given us license to choose what path we should take but reminds us which is the right one. The purpose in life...? To grow stronger spiritually so we can be closer to him. How to do that ...? Well life has trials, avoid vices and instant gratification that promise short term comfort but long term pain. Take on obstacles that have short term discomfort but long term gain. It's tough and nobody's perfect at it, but I know in my heart it's the right answer.

I like the way you're thinking Rosie and the discomfort you feel now will pay off as time goes by and life does get easier when we take the right path.
Thank you for the words of encouragement and affirmation of my heart's thoughts, Doug. Yes, God is NOT done with me yet, I definitely believe that. And I am slowly learning more and more that it's OK to share my struggles, instead of hiding them away, because I know that sometimes what you see me having done is in conflict with how I'm feeling and what I might say, even though they are all me as I am.

On another note, this on top of the last few weeks (and that "red" visit, GRRR) has seriously messed with my preparation for Florida and I now have only THREE days to do the best I can to get as lean as I can - I may not get as lean as I want, but I lost 0.7% bodyfat in four days last week, so I NEED to do that AGAIN over the NEXT four days! Going to go as HARD as I can and HOPE like hell that I can pull this OFF!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Will the world still feel the same even if you're gone?


"The enemy fights you the hardest when he knows that God has something great in store for you." - Jamie Eason

For the complete Motivational, review When You Come Close To Dying | Rosie's MuscleRevolution.





a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 50 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 20 min


a. 4 min jogging
b. 30 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 33 min

Training has not gone as planned because of "complications" during my travel this week (which was supposed to be ONLY Thursday, but ended up not ending until earlier today), and by all rights I should NOT still be alive after what happened on Thursday night, but by the Grace of God I AM, and thankful for it. So, the next three days are going to be a helter-skelter of hellacious training to "make up" (pretty much almost an entire week's worth of training crammed into THREE days, with those days also using EXTREME dieting) for the last three days (see below), hoping that my stress DEcreases and I will be ok come THIS Thursday when I work with Walt...


If I was the body composition and measurements I was a month ago (yes, before I started G8 - not that it is entirely the cause, since I am the one who ultimately controls my discipline and I did not, so it is my own fault) I would not have to "last minute" hope and pray that I'd be "ok" for next week's shoots (which yes, are all very important). The plan is to ALWAYS be have BETTER conditioning for each consecutive shoot than the one before - at least I know I will have MORE muscle mass in my delts and arms than I did last year, even if I do not end up being as lean as I want (which I am still aiming for). If I can do what I did last week and lose 0.7% bodyfat in four days, I'll be fine...

Next Week's Training Schedule

am - HIIT Cardio + Shoulders/Hamstrings + Post-Weights Cardio 20 min
pm - Cardio 20 min + Arms/Abs + Post-Weights Cardio 20 min

am - Cardio 20 min + Full-Body + Post-Weights Cardio 20 min
pm - Cardio 20 min

am - HIIT Cardio
pm - Shoulders/Arms/Abs + Post-Weights Cardio 20 min

Photoshoot with Walt [and Gina] Ostarly

am - HIIT Cardio
pm - Shoulders/Arms/Abs + Post-Weights Cardio 20 min

Photoshoot with Brent Allen
Photoshoot with Gary Miller

am - HIIT Cardio



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Wow Rosie close call indeed. So glad your ok, and yes GOD is Real! To many live their lives thinking God has left us or doesn't care, but it us that has left his side. I truthfully believe his around us every second grasping us with his arms. The world itself has lost respect for God and life itself. Hope your workouts kick butt, but don't kill yourself!!


On my grind
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Glad to hear your ok Rosie. Things can change and happen so fast in life its unreal. My prayers are with you.


  • RockStar
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Wow don't know what happened but glad you are ok.. :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Wow Rosie close call indeed. So glad your ok, and yes GOD is Real! To many live their lives thinking God has left us or doesn't care, but it us that has left his side. I truthfully believe his around us every second grasping us with his arms. The world itself has lost respect for God and life itself. Hope your workouts kick butt, but don't kill yourself!!
Yes, it was - I was told on Friday morning that I should have been dead and it was a miracle I was alive, let alone unharmed. Yes, He is definitely real - I have grown up with Him, so have always had that faith, but not everyone has and does. Even when I feel completely alone I know He is always there - sometimes it doesn't feel like it though and I have to remind myself that even if He appears distant, there is a reason for that as well. I know He wants me to be strongER - the last few years, especially the last few months, have shown that, and I HAVE been SO close to my breaking point this year, but...

I HAVE to make them hard. I am 8.5% bodyfat and I want to be 7.8% by first thing Thursday (I know - talk about stressing myself out)...AND holding water terribly - now need to lose AT LEAST TWO inches from each my waist, hips, each thigh (and chest) before then as well...PLUS ~15 pounds (water REALLY needs to go - and a LOT of fat as well)...

Glad to hear your ok Rosie. Things can change and happen so fast in life its unreal. My prayers are with you.
Yes, they can, and it certainly makes you give serious evaluation of your life in a moment. If anything, I know more than ever what I want now, and it has only made me more determined to have it, do it, and be it!

Wow don't know what happened but glad you are ok.. :)
It was a freak car accident, Doug. In the past now. Moving on...


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