The Female Terminator Chronicles: The Ultimate Muscle and Physique Stack (2012)



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Rosie, you are a driver that is for certain. Sometimes I have no drive at all to go to the gym. I go out of duty. Once there however, my body responds to the familiar stimulus. Often before I know what has happened I am going like hell. Pushing and straining like I had planned and looked forward to this particular workout all week. Today was one of those days. Didn't really feel much like going. If I wasn't testing out a new supplement I would not have gone. Once I got in there the body realized what it was there to do, Set PR on DB incline presses. Shoulder now hurting and paying the price. I do always enjoy it on some level. The pain of the iron erases the pain of life. It is a more than fair trade. Good work out, over all mega pump, we all know why we do it. Though most times others won't understand. I feel ya' Rosie I really do. Solidarity all the way. Hope your pains, the physical, and the walking talking pains we all have to deal with,lol are all less tomorrow.

Have a Good Evening Friend
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie, you are a driver that is for certain. Sometimes I have no drive at all to go to the gym. I go out of duty. Once there however, my body responds to the familiar stimulus. Often before I know what has happened I am going like hell. Pushing and straining like I had planned and looked forward to this particular workout all week. Today was one of those days. Didn't really feel much like going. If I wasn't testing out a new supplement I would not have gone. Once I got in there the body realized what it was there to do, Set PR on DB incline presses. Shoulder now hurting and paying the price. I do always enjoy it on some level. The pain of the iron erases the pain of life. It is a more than fair trade. Good work out, over all mega pump, we all know why we do it. Though most times others won't understand. I feel ya' Rosie I really do. Solidarity all the way. Hope your pains, the physical, and the walking talking pains we all have to deal with,lol are all less tomorrow.

Have a Good Evening Friend
I removed myself from the driver's seat some time ago, David - to allow myself to be DRIVEN (and no, it was not easy to do) by God.

It's the times when you don't feel like it that you surprise yourself and can sometimes have the BEST sessions! Awesome on the PR :thumbsup:

"The pain of the iron erases the pain of life." It can help, yes, and sometimes a lot, but I don't know if it ever "erases" anything - just allows us to forget for a while, and sometimes not even that, as that pain can work itself into even training, making us a demon possessed as we push ourselves harder and further. Lately, my difficulty breathing I believe has been more than simply physiological (which it is in general because of my blood disorder), happening when I remember far too vividly the things I am trying to forget and ease the pain of by punishing my body as much as I can.

Yes, the majority will never understand why we do what we do [let alone want to], but that's fine with me. We all have our priorities, what we hold important and dear. We all have our own lives to live.

I have actually decided to take today OFF (so no Sunday off, as this will be this week's day off ALL training), because BOTH of my shoulders (not to mention my right knee) have been very painful all night and morning (yes, little sleep was gotten), and give them a chance to "recover" a little before I hammer everything again tomorrow.

Despite the pain, I can wear a smile, readying myself for what is to come. Have a Blessed Tuesday, David :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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My Obsession


"4 simple words, DO THINGS WITH PURPOSE..." - Joey Swoll

For the complete Motivational, review WITH PURPOSE | WPM Women.



Yes, not like me to take a day off at the START of the week. That said, my right knee just kept on bugging me all night (and morning). As did the pain in both shoulders, growing through the morning (and yes, little sleep had). Took G8 at 0310 though, since I WANTED to sleep - did not get to sleep until just after 0400, but slept for a respectable five hours. Woke feeling like someone was trying to drill a hole in my head - something that has happened EVERY time I have used G8 (not just the times I have slept for hours, since a couple of times I have NOT slept), so there might be something there causing it...Anyways, not training has given me some time out and mental energy to make today highly productive...Looking forward to tomorrow though and getting back to training...David, you call me "a "driver", but I am DRIVEN: By something so very deep inside; something that refuses to die or give up or let go, and I cannot - I WILL not - ever stop doing all I can while I still have life left in me to do it!...



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Ouch hate it when the pain is just to much! i will keep you in my prayers!


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"4 simple words, DO THINGS WITH PURPOSE..." - Joey Swoll

For the complete Motivational, review WITH PURPOSE | WPM Women.



Yes, not like me to take a day off at the START of the week. That said, my right knee just kept on bugging me all night (and morning). As did the pain in both shoulders, growing through the morning (and yes, little sleep had). Took G8 at 0310 though, since I WANTED to sleep - did not get to sleep until just after 0400, but slept for a respectable five hours. Woke feeling like someone was trying to drill a hole in my head - something that has happened EVERY time I have used G8 (not just the times I have slept for hours, since a couple of times I have NOT slept), so there might be something there causing it...Anyways, not training has given me some time out and mental energy to make today highly productive...Looking forward to tomorrow though and getting back to training...David, you call me "a "driver", but I am DRIVEN: By something so very deep inside; something that refuses to die or give up or let go, and I cannot - I WILL not - ever stop doing all I can while I still have life left in me to do it!...

For myself it has always been about obsessiion, have always been that way. I used to be almost OCD, I was afraid if I tid not remain obsessed I would not be able to maintain focus, my obsession was more of a crutch. Now I have replaced that feeling with joy .. I love this shyte.. yah I am still obsessed but it's coming from a beter place now. I still can't even entertain the idea of not training but at least I am having fun :)

One thing I can do is take time off (1 week only) to rest without feeling bad about it. Planned time off is part of training for me. I will still remain active though.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Ouch hate it when the pain is just to much! i will keep you in my prayers!
No biggie, Tommy. SOME kind of pain is ALWAYS welcome.

For myself it has always been about obsessiion, have always been that way. I used to be almost OCD, I was afraid if I tid not remain obsessed I would not be able to maintain focus, my obsession was more of a crutch. Now I have replaced that feeling with joy .. I love this shyte.. yah I am still obsessed but it's coming from a beter place now. I still can't even entertain the idea of not training but at least I am having fun :)

One thing I can do is take time off (1 week only) to rest without feeling bad about it. Planned time off is part of training for me. I will still remain active though.
Well, this life has ALWAYS been an "obsession" for me, I guess you could say, Doug. From the age of 14 years old, my life LITERALLY revolved around my sport and training and I virtually did NOTHING but sleep, train, eat, and competing (and sometime go to school, LOL) for many years! I have more BALANCE now, but I guess that comes from getting older and life and circumstances changing, but training is still as important to me as ever (really, #1 re importance in my life after God, if I am to be completely honest). As I mentioned in my MuscleChronicle Interview, "I have a negative exercise addiction. Coupled with an obsessive compulsive personality..."

Because I only ever took ~2 weeks off training a YEAR since I started (that said, I had "easy" days and "deload" weeks, and a single day off every week in my [periodized] training), it also took me a long time to realize that YES, I COULD have more time off. That said, I can give myself a week off training every now and then, but it will become rare, since my body NEEDS the training (and besides, all the time off I've had because of injuries and Chronic Fatigue the last few years, my body has had ENOUGH rest!), and only when I feel like if I continue pushing myself the way I am it could lead to another injury (and I can't afford any MORE time out).

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Look for the BLESSINGS!


"Blessings come in many forms, but we are all blessed." - Harry "LHGFX" Grigsby III

For the complete Motivational, review Look for the Blessings | WPM Women.


a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 10 min jogging

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 8
2. Dips 4 x 8
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls 4 x 8 per side
5. V-Bar Tricep Push-Down 4 x 8
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Zottoman Curls 4 x 8
8. Standing DB French Press 4 x 8
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunch (on bench, knees at 90 degrees) 4 x 15
11. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 15
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 112 rpm

Stretch 29 min

Was a little tired last night, even though I didn't train yesterday, and drifted in and out of consciousness for about an hour from ~2115. Took G8 at 2223 and went to bed, passing out not long after, sleeping right through my first alarm and waking an hour later than "usual" (which is ok). Same as usual - woke feeling like someone was trying to drill through my skull, ears blocked as well (which is an interesting effect I have noticed every time I use G8 - not sure what would be causing it, though)...Headed off for HIIT. Right knee still very tender, but something I could ignore for a little. Besides, that pain was overshadowed by the sharp pain in my left anterior delt/biceps tendon, so much so that I almost stopped and doubled over at one point. But, kept going, as I do, taking all my preworkout stuff on returning to the hotel...Did better than last week on Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls, pushing through to make for each set at eight reps today, despite the pain in my RIGHT biceps tendon - vision actually blurred during second set, which was interesting and not cool. Dips were done deep and slow, feeling myself shake from the third set on, pushing it to make it through at eight reps on all sets, but barely for the last. Still loving the definition during skipping. Increased the weight by five pounds on Incline Hammer Bicep Curls, and did them alternating sides just to change it up a little - feeling it definitely on the last few reps of the last three sets, but DID it! Strength also up re V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs. Got a little frustrated with the skipping on this triset - going faster as aggression took over. Did DB Zottoman Curls for the complete set at the weight I started with last week, feeling the burn painful and ignoring it - as I was pretty much doing for all the pain during this session. Same weight as last week for two more reps each set re Standing DB French Press. For something a little different, tossed in Weighted DB Crunches instead of Rope Crunches, moving to Pikes (which have quickly become one of my favourite abs' exercises, despite the fact that my left hip - AND left KNEE as well today - pop and click on EVERY rep)...Since the Recline Bike was being used when I finished my weights and I didn't feel like waiting or using the CrossTrainer, I just walked back to the hotel and used the one in the Fitness Room there instead. Kept the pace reasonable, even though right knee was in pain...Looked at my knee afterwards, and it's swollen, looking like it did towards the end of December, which is not cool - I am going to have to watch it...Wednesday is supposed to have an evening 7-mile run - however, with my knee and wanting to be ok for tomorrow, I decided against it. Plus, I did Tuesday's training today, so it's ok to have only a single training session - that said, I WILL do a 7-mile run TOMORROW night, no excuses...


Something I forgot to mention on Monday was that my arms (albeit still "small" by any standard) have definitely GAINED muscle mass, and despite my body composition being higher, I can actually see the separation between the short and long heads of my biceps, along with the brachialis, when flexed. Also interesting to note is that BOTH my biceps sit "higher" up my arm than they did, clear where the distal tendon starts. So, starting to "appreciate" what happened at the end of last year, seeing the blessing in it. Despite losing all the muscle mass (again) that I did because of it, I have managed to build it all back UP AND THEN SOME! This IS my 12th week back training since my injury-time-out though, so it is to be a little expected. The real difference has been noticed over the last couple of weeks though - since adding skipping to "make" a superset or triset in my sessions, so there's something to that (AND eating a lot more, LOL). Anyways, I'm glad to be back on track. NO more time outs for this woman (but I WILL be careful and watch myself, because it was this period back training after my wrist last year that the pain in my shoulders and biceps' tendons started making more noise than usual - and we all know what happened there, and I do NOT want my left side "put out", nor my right damaged more)!!!

Anyways, all that aside, it's been a good day today. Been very tired, but productive, a specific project I am highly EXCITED for and promises to be EPIC set in place around/"for" my birthday "weekend" :)



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Subbed! Better late than never!

ps. You really take 2 scoops of Assault?!


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I like your arm workout!! ALways good to see your progress showing. I keep waiting for my six pack to show lol. Still got a keg to get rid of but's coming off!


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Something I forgot to mention on Monday was that my arms (albeit still "small" by any standard) have definitely GAINED muscle mass, and despite my body composition being higher, I can actually see the separation between the short and long heads of my biceps, along with the brachialis, when flexed. Also interesting to note is that BOTH my biceps sit "higher" up my arm than they did, clear where the distal tendon starts. So, starting to "appreciate" what happened at the end of last year, seeing the blessing in it. Despite losing all the muscle mass (again) that I did because of it, I have managed to build it all back UP AND THEN SOME! This IS my 12th week back training since my injury-time-out though, so it is to be a little expected. The real difference has been noticed over the last couple of weeks though - since adding skipping to "make" a superset or triset in my sessions, so there's something to that (AND eating a lot more, LOL). Anyways, I'm glad to be back on track. NO more time outs for this woman (but I WILL be careful and watch myself, because it was this period back training after my wrist last year that the pain in my shoulders and biceps' tendons started making more noise than usual - and we all know what happened there, and I do NOT want my left side "put out", nor my right damaged more)!!!

Anyways, all that aside, it's been a good day today. Been very tired, but productive, a specific project I am highly EXCITED for and promises to be EPIC set in place around/"for" my birthday "weekend" :)

Good job on the arm growth, I am currently trying to jolt mine into some new growth. I think it is my tight fascia that is holding me back as when I fully flex the top of my bi which is usually very round flattens out. I thing the muscle is being constrained by the fascia. I am doing posing while fully pumped in an effort to stretch the fascia. Regarding the pain in your anterior delt/bicep region. Your arm will recruit the shoulder when the amount of weight is too heavy for the bicep to bear. It will do so by forcing your arm out in front of you. Here is a little advice, take it for what it is worth. Some have to stand against a wall to do this I have enough of a mind body connection and have been doing it so long I do not. Keep your elbows dead by your sides. Do not let them pass your body not so much as an inch. If you cannot complete your curl in this manner you are going to heavy and will recruit the shoulder in the movement. You may have to drop your weight a little, but you will protect your shoulder and the pain will subside. Also this forces your bi to do all the work and gives and amazing burn. Give it a shot and see if it works for you.

Epic project on your B-day weekend, My birthday is next Friday April 6, when is yours? Are you an Aries too? That would explain an awful lot lol :)

Keep Pushing as Always

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Subbed! Better late than never!

ps. You really take 2 scoops of Assault?!

If you read post #1 you'll see that I use 1-2 SERVINGS of Assault (a serving is HALF a scoop)!

I like your arm workout!! ALways good to see your progress showing. I keep waiting for my six pack to show lol. Still got a keg to get rid of but's coming off!
LOL, thanks, Tommy :) We all have progress to make, and just trying to make the most I can (especially after last week)!

Good job on the arm growth, I am currently trying to jolt mine into some new growth. I think it is my tight fascia that is holding me back as when I fully flex the top of my bi which is usually very round flattens out. I thing the muscle is being constrained by the fascia. I am doing posing while fully pumped in an effort to stretch the fascia. Regarding the pain in your anterior delt/bicep region. Your arm will recruit the shoulder when the amount of weight is too heavy for the bicep to bear. It will do so by forcing your arm out in front of you. Here is a little advice, take it for what it is worth. Some have to stand against a wall to do this I have enough of a mind body connection and have been doing it so long I do not. Keep your elbows dead by your sides. Do not let them pass your body not so much as an inch. If you cannot complete your curl in this manner you are going to heavy and will recruit the shoulder in the movement. You may have to drop your weight a little, but you will protect your shoulder and the pain will subside. Also this forces your bi to do all the work and gives and amazing burn. Give it a shot and see if it works for you.

Epic project on your B-day weekend, My birthday is next Friday April 6, when is yours? Are you an Aries too? That would explain an awful lot lol :)

Keep Pushing as Always

Thanks, David. I have always had to work hard on any growth in my upper body, especially since I do NOT do Legs, but I have found what works for me and are getting there.

Pain is not from the weight being too heavy (if it was, I would lower it, since I am a stickler for form) - just the same pain I have ignored for years, and will continue to ignore (within reason), but thank you for the suggestion.

I most definitely will! No, I am a Gemini.



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If you read post #1 you'll see that I use 1-2 SERVINGS of Assault (a serving is HALF a scoop)!

LOL, thanks, Tommy :) We all have progress to make, and just trying to make the most I can (especially after last week)!

Thanks, David. I have always had to work hard on any growth in my upper body, especially since I do NOT do Legs, but I have found what works for me and are getting there.

Pain is not from the weight being too heavy (if it was, I would lower it, since I am a stickler for form) - just the same pain I have ignored for years, and will continue to ignore (within reason), but thank you for the suggestion.

I most definitely will! No, I am a Gemini.

Gemini ...Oh God that explains even more :p lol


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If you read post #1 you'll see that I use 1-2 SERVINGS of Assault (a serving is HALF a scoop)!

LOL, thanks, Tommy :) We all have progress to make, and just trying to make the most I can (especially after last week)!

Thanks, David. I have always had to work hard on any growth in my upper body, especially since I do NOT do Legs, but I have found what works for me and are getting there.

Pain is not from the weight being too heavy (if it was, I would lower it, since I am a stickler for form) - just the same pain I have ignored for years, and will continue to ignore (within reason), but thank you for the suggestion.

I most definitely will! No, I am a Gemini.

Gemini ...Oh God that explains even more :p :eek5: Kiddin' of course


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Oh and sorry, about the advice I was in no way insinuating that your form was bad. I am a stickler too. I cannot bear to watch some of the people at the gym the way they throw the weights around helter skelter I see major injury looming for certain. It was just something I noticed in myself and it only happened on the last few reps of a set. When I was weaker my elbows would come forward just a tad but it caused major pain in my already injured shoulder. Thats all. Oh and the above post totally kidding just wanted to reiterate that. :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Gemini ...Oh God that explains even more :p :eek5: Kiddin' of course
I don't put much stock in astrology, David - after all, there are going to be accurate and non-accurate points through it all (I sure as hell know there are if you were to "look" at me as a Gemini!)...That said, as with everything, I identify more with my CHINESE sign - which is Rat...Reading about one (or the other) can only say so much, because everyone is an individual, and what you see is not always what is...

Oh and sorry, about the advice I was in no way insinuating that your form was bad. I am a stickler too. I cannot bear to watch some of the people at the gym the way they throw the weights around helter skelter I see major injury looming for certain. It was just something I noticed in myself and it only happened on the last few reps of a set. When I was weaker my elbows would come forward just a tad but it caused major pain in my already injured shoulder. Thats all. Oh and the above post totally kidding just wanted to reiterate that. :)
No worries - that message was not taken at all, LOL. I may allow myself to do a half-rep on the last one or two reps of a set if it is towards the end of my sets for that exercise and don't want to drop the weight down, but still maintain my form as much as possible (the point of doing a half-rep if the weight becomes a little too much is to be able TO maintain form but still complete the exercise - to me, at least).

All good :p



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I don't put much stock in astrology, David - after all, there are going to be accurate and non-accurate points through it all (I sure as hell know there are if you were to "look" at me as a Gemini!)...That said, as with everything, I identify more with my CHINESE sign - which is Rat...Reading about one (or the other) can only say so much, because everyone is an individual, and what you see is not always what is...

No worries - that message was not taken at all, LOL. I may allow myself to do a half-rep on the last one or two reps of a set if it is towards the end of my sets for that exercise and don't want to drop the weight down, but still maintain my form as much as possible (the point of doing a half-rep if the weight becomes a little too much is to be able TO maintain form but still complete the exercise - to me, at least).

All good :p

Trust me I am not a believer in the Zodiac, I am an Aries and in fact almost all the traits an Aries is alleged to have ...well its pretty much me to a T but that is a coincicdence only. In the the Chinese Zodiac I am a Snake, as is my brother and my daughter. all 12 years apart. I also fit the attributes of that one too. lol yet still I don't believe. Maybe I should ...Nah!

Form is very important especially if you do not want to get hurt. I train without a one can keep up with me. Not being arrogant but I rest so little between sets training with a parntner is difficult as I would always be pushing them. When people at the gym work in on a machine or the chin bar I always complete 2 sets to their one. I need the intensity to make gains. Where was I going with this ..oh no partner so no force reps so on a curl the most I would do is give it a leg bump on the last rep. otherwise I am slow and controlled. For building muscle I feel that is the best, time under tension, I try to maximize that. I believe that is what gives me my crazy vascularity too.


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Keep killing it Rosie you are a warrior that's for sure, your Facebook stuff is great!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Trust me I am not a believer in the Zodiac, I am an Aries and in fact almost all the traits an Aries is alleged to have ...well its pretty much me to a T but that is a coincicdence only. In the the Chinese Zodiac I am a Snake, as is my brother and my daughter. all 12 years apart. I also fit the attributes of that one too. lol yet still I don't believe. Maybe I should ...Nah!

Form is very important especially if you do not want to get hurt. I train without a one can keep up with me. Not being arrogant but I rest so little between sets training with a parntner is difficult as I would always be pushing them. When people at the gym work in on a machine or the chin bar I always complete 2 sets to their one. I need the intensity to make gains. Where was I going with this ..oh no partner so no force reps so on a curl the most I would do is give it a leg bump on the last rep. otherwise I am slow and controlled. For building muscle I feel that is the best, time under tension, I try to maximize that. I believe that is what gives me my crazy vascularity too.
Yes, well, some of what I may APPEAR to be re Gemini, if you KNOW me, you'll know that it IS only an impression.

I don't train with a partner. If I need someone to lift the heavier dumbbells into the starting position for me (like say on Incline Bench Press or Seated Shoulder Press, etc. - since I can do the movement with the weight, but not "throw" the weight up to start, LOL), I will ask one of the guys in the gym, but aside from that, I prefer to train alone and always have. I didn't mind going TO the gym with someone or helping them out with spotting if they need it (BETWEEN my sets), but that's all it is and I train by myself - my training is specific to ME and no one else.

Keep killing it Rosie you are a warrior that's for sure, your Facebook stuff is great!
Thank you, bud :)



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Nice thread Rosie always a good daily if you and truth had a baby would it be born with a 6 pack? Lol jk jk thanks for the motivation and thanks for always having a good comment truth your an awesome dude that I actually got to meet in person...anyway good job Rosie!!!!!!!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Nice thread Rosie always a good daily if you and truth had a baby would it be born with a 6 pack? Lol jk jk thanks for the motivation and thanks for always having a good comment truth your an awesome dude that I actually got to meet in person...anyway good job Rosie!!!!!!!!
Thank you...No one is born with a six-pack. That said, there will be NO babies for me!...AND, even though I AM "just another one of the guys", I am not a "dude", LOL, nor to my knowledge have we ever met in person (if we have, please correct me)...All that aside, glad I can help motivate you :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Bullying My Body To Betterment


"Everything you do makes a difference. Create a positive ripple in the world around you today and enjoy the magic that happens to all those whose paths you cross today." - Brenda Rahe

For the complete Motivational, review Create Your Own "Magic" | WPM Women.


Session 1

Skip x 1,500 revolutions

Back/Chest (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Single-Arm Bent Over DB Rows 6 x 8 per side
2. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on DB) 6 x 8
3. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Supinated Bent Over BB Rows 4 x 6
5. Incline BB Bench Press 4 x 8
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. Neutral Grip Seated Row (each hand with individual handle) 4 x 12
8. Cable CrossOvers 4 x 12
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 102-104 rpm

Stretch 29 min

Session 2

Run 7 miles @ 4.67 min/mile pace

Stretch 10 min

Was pretty knackered last night, forcing myself to stay awake, dosing G8 at 2222, falling asleep not long afterwards. Slept solidly for ~5 hours, waking on time. This is so much better, 4-5 hours' sleep "perfect" for me. My head wasn't throbbing as badly this morning, but it still took having my "first thing" supplement doses and cup of green tea before I felt fully awake. To note, my RIGHT shoulder/biceps tendon ached from the moment I woke (did before I went to sleep as well - as did my left, but that was not as prominent on waking)...Headed to the gym truly READY, determined to make it a session to remember. Started out skipping - 1,500 revolutions at a steady pace (just to give you an idea re time, it took 10 minutes). Left knee was also an issue today, for the second half of this, right knee a constant, tight pain...Then onto the weights. I am loving the trisets; my BODY is loving the trisets - it does so MUCH BETTER overall with higher intensity, more volume, and shorter recovery periods! Used the weight I ended on last week for the Single-Arm DB Bent Over Rows and was fine until the last set (I decided to up it from last week and do six sets instead of only five), where the last 2-3 reps on each side were slower than the slow tempo I was ALREADY using. Vascularity was excellent and DRY during these - seriously, THIS is what I want ALL the time! Push-Ups I made sure to use a slow tempo with as well, going beyond 90 degrees re elbow flexion. Skipping was hard and fast. No beanie today, but I had my hair in a simple high ponytail, and believe me when I say having it "down" makes a huge difference - I may as well HAVE been wearing a beanie, that's how warm I was (wearing trackies probably didn't help either LOL); the sweat and effort was visible and I had to keep wiping my face with my towel. Increased the weight re Supinated BB Bent Over Rows by 50% - only able to do half the amount of reps as I did last week, which was fine. Did not increase weight on the Incline BB Bench Press (as I was going to), but it was fine after the increase in weight re Supinated BB Bent Over Rows. Had to "shake" myself a few times after my skipping between these trisets, as I got quite light-headed and dizzy. Didn't do as I did last week for the last few trisets, choosing instead to triset Neutral Grip Seated Row with Cable CrossOvers and skipping. Used the weight that I did in my Full-Body session last week re Neutral Grip Seated Row and was able to do more reps, which was positive. Found a "middle ground" re Cable CrossOvers from the different weights I used in this session last week, doing four sets of 12 reps. Left knee stopped bothering me when it came to the skipping to finish off each triset here, although right was still an issue...Regardless, smiling, finished off my morning training with 20 minutes on the Recline Bike, at a pace that my right knee was not going to become worse at...After a discovery that left me not sure whether to smile or cry, I waited for an hour before setting out on my run. For some reason I didn't notice the pain in my knees - almost didn't even really notice my legs moving, but just kept going steadily. I DID feel my pace slow when I started the gradual incline return journey, but ended up with a surprising overall average pace. Right knee quite swollen and painful once I stopped though (as well as left shoulder/biceps tendon reminding me sharply that it was not happy either), so stretched my legs a little, focusing on it to help some...BOTH shoulders have had a biting, aching pain in them all day. Right knee has been tight and painful all day. But I'm NOT going to let that stop me from doing what I need to. After all, if I am going to get better, then I HAVE to do not JUST what I want to, but what I MUST!!!



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Nice thread Rosie always a good daily if you and truth had a baby would it be born with a 6 pack? Lol jk jk thanks for the motivation and thanks for always having a good comment truth your an awesome dude that I actually got to meet in person...anyway good job Rosie!!!!!!!!
Thanks man that means, a lot.....It really does. I am glad you dropped by the booth. Next year I intend to have an Eight Pack, I used to have a keg. All it takes for the six pack is dedication and denial. Both will make your stronger


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Thank you...No one is born with a six-pack. That said, there will be NO babies for me!...AND, even though I AM "just another one of the guys", I am not a "dude", LOL, nor to my knowledge have we ever met in person (if we have, please correct me)...All that aside, glad I can help motivate you :)

He was talking about me Rosie...I met him at the Arnold..I guess that means you glossed over the other portion too...that's probably a good thing lol my gf might not like that lol :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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He was talking about me Rosie...I met him at the Arnold..I guess that means you glossed over the other portion too...that's probably a good thing lol my gf might not like that lol :)
No, didn't gloss over the other portion - didn't make too much sense to me (in my defence, I WAS tired, not that it was any excuse), but I see it now and it makes far more sense, LOL. My bad, guys. Apologies.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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...making me all I was meant to be...


"'For I know the plans I have for you', says the Lord, 'plans to give you hope and a future'." - Jeremiah 29:10

For the complete Motivational, review Trust In HIS Timing | WPM Women.


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 10 min jogging

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between trisets/skipping):
TriSet A -
1. Rope Crunches 3 x 15
2. Reverse Curls (on floor) 3 x 10
3. Ab Rollout 3 x 15
Skip x 300 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. DB Bicep Curls 3 x 21s
5. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
6. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 15 per side
Skip x 300 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
8. Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 15
9. Plate Hammer Raises 3 x 10
Skip x 300 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Neutral Grip Seated Row (each hand with individual handle) 3 x 10
11. Side-to-side DB Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on DB) 3 x 10
12. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (on bench, reaching down 6 inches with the BB) 3 x 10
Skip x 300 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 102-104 rpm

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Recline Bike 20 min @ 112 rpm

Slept for barely an hour this morning, just ending up getting up at my usual time...Headed out for HIIT - right knee slowed me a little, but not by a lot. Pain was more in my left shoulder/biceps tendon and under my ribs during (which was odd)...SO ready for the gym and hammering my body, energy high despite my 7-mile run last night and literally no sleep. Feeling my abs burn during TriSet A - also both shoulders on the Ab Rollout. Left wrist had the same deep, aching pain around my scaphoid during TriSet B as last week, and took it a little slower, my expressions alternating between smiles (when I was thinking of you) and grimaces (when the pain overtook the memory). to punish myself more, did a few more reps to add to the pain on Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls. Vascularity was awesome, as it always is now when I'm training - definitely think it has something to do with how warm I am and how I train and I have got to have this for photoshoots (working on it). Interestingly enough, during my skipping between trisets, my RIGHT delt looked more capped, with more definition to that side than my left; yet during TriSet C re Plate Lateral Raises and Hammer Raises, my LEFT side had more definition. Rear Flyes were a definite effort, clicking my neck back "into" place after every set. Back to the Neutral Grip Seated Cable Rows (each arm with its own handle) - increased the weight from what I used yesterday. Again, on the last set of Side-to-side DB Push-Ups, on the eighth rep of the second set there was a loud crack and pop in my right shoulder, followed by pain, which I had to pause briefly after, but completed the set. Right knee was NOT appreciating the skipping...A little slower on the Recline Bike today, because of my right knee, but it was done..."Limped" home, trying my best not to put too much pressure on my right leg...LEFT shoulder/biceps tendon has been giving me more pain than the right today, but both have been a constant biting sting that sometimes makes me want to SCREAM, especially during any shoulder flexion, which is causing me to be careful with my movement of them...Started feeling the lack of sleep a little ~1300, and passed out for about an hour, waking and not able to get any more...Didn't mind going downstairs to the Fitness Room for the Recline Bike. Both knees ached on it, but I forced them to spin at 112 rpm (so much easier to do a higher pace on this one than the one at the gym - the seat angle is the difference), half-way between laughing and crying for the better part of it. Afterwards though, walked VERY gingerly back to my suite, my legs NOT appreciating the stairs, wanting to have my walking stick to help me (sigh). Hopefully they'll be a little better tomorrow...



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"'For I know the plans I have for you', says the Lord, 'plans to give you hope and a future'." - Jeremiah 29:10

For the complete Motivational, review Trust In HIS Timing | WPM Women.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Rosie, you're a great woman! :)



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I like the quote Rosie and you too David, Great inspiration as I sit home on a Friday night.


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I like the quote Rosie and you too David, Great inspiration as I sit home on a Friday night.
Sit home? Go squat now!! Lol jk bro Friday nights at the gym is mostly guys all dressed up in club clothes doing bis and tris lol very annoying....also nice quote Rosie and Brian....mine would be "a dream is just a goal without a deadline"
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Rosie, you're a great woman! :)

Definitely, Brian, for He is the only one who truly knows what is going on! I will not pretend to even begin to understand why He does what He does, but I trust that what He does has my best interests in mind. I've given everything up to Him, so all I can do is trust and believe my faith now.

I like the quote Rosie and you too David, Great inspiration as I sit home on a Friday night.
Thanks, David :)

Sit home? Go squat now!! Lol jk bro Friday nights at the gym is mostly guys all dressed up in club clothes doing bis and tris lol very annoying....also nice quote Rosie and Brian....mine would be "a dream is just a goal without a deadline"
Ever considered that David has ALREADY trained today? Makes you think. But, yes, there are many great quotes out there, so many that we can use for motivation and inspiration, for both ourselves and others!



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Definitely, Brian, for He is the only one who truly knows what is going on! I will not pretend to even begin to understand why He does what He does, but I trust that what He does has my best interests in mind. I've given everything up to Him, so all I can do is trust and believe my faith now.

Thanks, David :)

Ever considered that David has ALREADY trained today? Makes you think. But, yes, there are many great quotes out there, so many that we can use for motivation and inspiration, for both ourselves and others!

Rosie is correct, "Truth" turned in another grueling and pr producing workout yesterday afternoon and in so doing trashed his healing elbow again, Thank goodness for Jointforce
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie is correct, "Truth" turned in another grueling and pr producing workout yesterday afternoon and in so doing trashed his healing elbow again, Thank goodness for Jointforce
Be CAREFUL of yourself, David! I know I'm the last person who takes this kind of advice myself, but we don't want to see you with [more] injury!



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Be CAREFUL of yourself, David! I know I'm the last person who takes this kind of advice myself, but we don't want to see you with [more] injury!

Your telling me to be careful? Now there's a switch lol...Like you Rosie I give amazing advice ...however accepting it ...Meh! I am getting better in my old age. I've just had such an amazing last few weeks, I just kept pushing in hopes I could continue. Which is inevitably how I usually wind up hurt. But don't worry. I'm like an Armadillo, I may be soft and squishy on the inside, but the exterior is tough as hell :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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All the pieces torn apart...


"Learn to develop the no excuse attitude and watch how your life begins to change for the better." - Jason Selk

For the complete Motivational, review NO EXCUSES! | WPM Women.


Run 7 miles @ 4.57 min/mile pace

Stretch 20 min

Did not get to sleep until quite late this morning, but I DID sleep - for ~4 hours, which is optimal. Headed out about an hour after getting up for my run. Knees were ok, not bothering me, which was surprising, considering the way they were last night. Pace was not fast, but not as slow as it has been either. Very humid out (definitely early morning or late at night is preferable for me if I am to run outside) and I could feel the beads of sweat on my face, my hair sticking to my arms and back. Stretching was welcome...I WAS going to do another 7-mile run this evening, but after a disturbing response this afternoon to something - similar but more severe that what I've been experiencing when doing post-weights cardio re not being able to breathe - and with everything going on today, I decided against it. Besides, I've already done three days of pm cardio, so figured I'll "be ok" with "letting it go" today - sometimes I DO have to stop treating my body like a machine...

John Smeton

John Smeton

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Keep up the good work. I talked with a guy Brian hatch, who lives around here, and he met you though me on facebook and says you inspire him greatly with your blog. Him and I worked out together yesterday and he helps me push further than I would have without a training partner
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Keep up the good work. I talked with a guy Brian hatch, who lives around here, and he met you though me on facebook and says you inspire him greatly with your blog. Him and I worked out together yesterday and he helps me push further than I would have without a training partner
I will keep on doing what I do, John :) Thank you for letting me know that - it's always nice to know that you inspire others. Awesome stuff for you - you're getting closer now!



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- sometimes I DO have to stop treating my body like a machine...

Yes, and sometimes even machines have downtime for maintenance and repair. I can honestly say that I have never seen anyone male or female with as brutal a training regimen as you. You are a Spartan. The not being able to breathe is not good. I had at one time been diagnosed as pre asthmatic and was told I have exercise induced asthma. I do have some shortness of breath at times that doesn't make sense given what work load I'd accomplished at the onset of the symptoms. Maybe that is something you may want to look into. Hope you have a relaxing Sunday, in between your training sessions. Its leg day for me...Already? how'd that happen so soon? lol
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yes, and sometimes even machines have downtime for maintenance and repair. I can honestly say that I have never seen anyone male or female with as brutal a training regimen as you. You are a Spartan. The not being able to breathe is not good. I had at one time been diagnosed as pre asthmatic and was told I have exercise induced asthma. I do have some shortness of breath at times that doesn't make sense given what work load I'd accomplished at the onset of the symptoms. Maybe that is something you may want to look into. Hope you have a relaxing Sunday, in between your training sessions. Its leg day for me...Already? how'd that happen so soon? lol
Believe me, my training is NOTHING what some do....I have a blood disorder that can explain the inability to breathe, David. And I have been under a lot more stress than usual lately, which is not helping...Sunday will not be relaxing for me. Not after this week...Enjoy your Legs session!



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Believe me, my training is NOTHING what some do....I have a blood disorder that can explain the inability to breathe, David. And I have been under a lot more stress than usual lately, which is not helping...Sunday will not be relaxing for me. Not after this week...Enjoy your Legs session!

In a very masochistic way I usually enjoy my leg session, especially lately as I am crushing pr's almost every single leg workout. Today, no exception. If your training is nothing compared to some then my training is totally pedestrian, and every one in my gym says I train like a freak, especially on leg day. I squatted for the better part of an hour. These other people are not human I think. I am sorry about the shortness of breath and stress. Unfortunately I am no stranger to stress, my job is a literal pressure cooker and I have to brace myself for each day. It adversely affects my health and mental state. I hope your stress relents. You are in my prayers as always
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Being strong, holding on...I won't give up that easily...


"I am one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." - Edward Everett Hale

For the complete Motivational, review I AM ONE | WPM Women.


Elliptical 20 min

Stretch 20 min

New hotel, new Fitness Room, so very different to the one before. But, before that...Last night I was not able to sleep. Ended up going down to the pool, alternating between hot and cold, the spa and the pool, trying to relax my mind (and it was good for my body). The coolness of the pool was welcome after the heat of the spa, being under the water so very calming. I help myself under the water as long as I could, pushing it (as I do with everything), coming to the surface only when I was at the point of opening my mouth to breathe, before going back under. Almost silence beneath the water, the only sound (or feeling rather), the beating of my heart, becoming more urgent as I forced myself to stay under longer and longer, wanting to STAY there in the stillness, even as I knew that even if I stopped, Life would continue on. Anyways, the hot/cold helped my legs, and my knees have been fine today...When I eventually drifted off, sleep was disruptive and disturbing, and even on waking several times, I just went back to bed and wanted to stay there...Right, the Fitness Room. Did 20 minutes on the Elliptical (since it was all they had - that and a treadmill, and I will NOT use a treadmill). "Stumbled" after ~8 minutes and "fell" against the moving handles (no, I don't hold them, but have my arms at my sides, almost as if I was running), hitting the left lateral tip of my collarbone against it, so just another hurt to add to all the pain, LOL. My right knee was fine with the Elliptical, which was interesting, because usually they hurt my knees in general, because of their pattern of movement. So, from now on, all pm cardio sessions will be done running - distance anywhere from 3-7 miles, knowing me, likely to be seven...


Body Composition

9% bodyfat - another 0.5% bodyfat INcrease from last week (0.1% gain for each "bad" day of eating). Despite my best INTENTIONS of NEVER wanting another week like last week re nutrition, although not as BAD as last week, this week was still NOT good - although my training was MORE intense than last week, which IS a good thing. Definitely feeling (and seeing) the change from the 8% bodyfat I was two weeks ago - believe me, 1% bodyfat can look so very different when you get to this level, and to the individual, it can feel like you've gained a HOUSE...I've gained a little more muscle mass in my shoulders, and my upper body has actually started looking LEANER despite the INcrease in body composition, so that is a small comfort...Vascularity (like last week) has also been getting better and better - definitely my elevated body temperature and high carbohydrate intake playing roles there...I have two weeks to get UNDER 8% bodyfat (because I WANT to be that lean, for those who always ask why I want to go so low), and there IS hope yet, because I KNOW that I CAN do it in the timeframe I have - I have done it in the past (twice!), and I WILL do it again (and being a higher body composition should make it "easier" to get leaner again)! I MUST!

Supplements (all changes noted in post #1)

I continued using G8 this week - stopping it though on Saturday, because aside from the changes in sleeping patterns and my nutrition, this is the ONLY thing that has changed over the last two weeks - which could give rise to the thought that it might possibly be the "cause" of those changes, but is only speculation. Either way, I have chosen to stop using it...I also used the last of my Recompadrol yesterday and will have no more of that until the end of April (when more will be available)...

Supplementary Notes

Appetite has continued to be HIGH-HIGH this week, and no, I was not as disciplined as I SHOULD have been (even though inside my head I was screaming at myself "WTF ARE YOU DOING?!", hating myself for every second of it!), but it has helped in the gain of a little lean muscle, so looking on the "bright" side, was "worth" it...Sleep has continued to be disrupted, moreso the latter half of the week, but sleeping periods have "calmed" down from the ridiculous 12-13 hours of last week to a more "normal" 4-5 hours (with the exception of last night - where I allowed myself to just go back to sleep after waking up after ~5 hours, wanting to stay in bed and not particularly want to get up)...Body temperature has continued to be elevated this week, and every day I've been so hot (no beanies worn during training this week, LOL). That said, I've suddenly got surprisingly cold, almost shivering at one point in the afternoon to evening almost EVERY day, which is a little unusual... Joints have gradually gotten worse. Both my right AND left shoulder/biceps' tendons have been an almost constant ache on waking, during training, and throughout the day, even attempting sleep, the pain growing to become a sharp, stinging bite that does not leave, so I am going to have to watch them closely, because I do NOT want to be "put out" again! Right knee has been in pain, swollen and tight for the most part, but being pushed to see what it will take. Left wrist requires a little watching, since there has been a deep pain in the scaphoid region during a few exercises...

April MuscleBombshell Contest

Thank you to everyone who supported me in this contest. It was eventually stopped at the discretion of the person running it, but I WILL be the Cover Model for July (yes, YOU know why I picked that month).

Rosie Chee Fitness Newsletter April Edition

This will be up later today.

So much for "no more falling behind". Although I'm left at the end the week feeling so completely emotionally exhausted and mentally mashed-to-pieces, this week has been a definite learning curve, the starting point of several surprised and exciting projects. Yes, my "time out" for myself is now over, and it has certainly been interesting - much needed and very valuable, and I come out of it knowing my strength and my direction. Life still continues to throw me curveballs, but I know what I will allow and what I will no longer tolerate - that, with a light heart cast in shadow and God by my side, I can and WILL face ANYthing!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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In a very masochistic way I usually enjoy my leg session, especially lately as I am crushing pr's almost every single leg workout. Today, no exception. If your training is nothing compared to some then my training is totally pedestrian, and every one in my gym says I train like a freak, especially on leg day. I squatted for the better part of an hour. These other people are not human I think. I am sorry about the shortness of breath and stress. Unfortunately I am no stranger to stress, my job is a literal pressure cooker and I have to brace myself for each day. It adversely affects my health and mental state. I hope your stress relents. You are in my prayers as always
LOL :p Good for you, David! Awesome to hear that you're making new PRs in almost every session - very positive and means that what you're doing is definitely working for you :thumbsup: I say that about my training, because when I was cycling I was doing 30-40 hours of training a week, and this is NOTHING compared to that!...No need to be sorry - it's something I have chronically dealt with daily, so it's nothing too much new, and I'm getting better at "managing" it...Thank, you...

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee Fitness Newsletter :: April 2012


It's been 12 weeks now since I started back training after a couple of months out because of injury. However, the "niggles" that started the domino effect of injuries back last December have been beginning to present pretty bad over the last week...Several of my Clients are also dealing with rehabilitating injuries. Thus, this edition is going to cover how to either maintain your current fitness level or keep making progress when injured...

This month in the 'Training' section, I have given several tips on how to keep your training going even when you are injured, because, let's face it, you can ALWAYS do SOMEthing, even if to just maintain your current level of fitness.

In this month's 'Nutrition' section, I have made a few notes on how to adjust your diet according to how active you can or will be during your injury, so that you don't let your conditioning "go" further than you have to.
Check out this edition of the Rosie Chee Fitness Newsletter HERE.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I find everything I thought I lost...


"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." - Khalil Gibran

For the complete Motivational, review Losing Everything | WPM Women.


a. 4 min jogging
b. 24 x 20 sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Shoulders/Hamstrings (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8
2. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. Rear Delt Flyes 2 x 15
4. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. BB Military Press 4 x 12, 10, 10, 8
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. Plate Hammer Raises 2 x 15
8. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet E -
9. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 12 per side
10. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet F -
11. Plate Lateral Raises 2 x 15
12. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet G -
13. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (on bench, reaching down 6 inches with the BB) 4 x 12
14. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet H -
15. Swissball Leg Curls 2 x 15
16. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 110-113 rpm

Stretch 20 min

NO sleep last night - could NOT sleep at all, my mind wandering restlessly...Got up at 0330 and started preparing myself for the day...Felt pretty great heading out for my HIIT Run, no aches in my knees, which was surprising, but awesome. Little light along the highway this time, so I ended up doing my sprints one and then turn, then another, turn, over the same road, up and down a rise, until I had done what I needed to, running back to the hotel. Left shoulder (and left wrist) was the only thing that irritated me - still aching a little from hitting it on the Elliptical handle last night...Looked forward to my weights. Same weights as last time on all exercises, but MORE reps, despite the shooting pain through both shoulders (more on that later), so STRENGTH is up a little, which is nice (or maybe my body just needed to do SOMEthing the last couple of days and only have it a SINGLE training, instead of am AND pm sessions?) Anyways, it was the POSTERIOR LATERAL aspect of my LEFT shoulder that burned during Behind-the-neck BB Military Press, becoming sharper with each consecutive set. Rear Flyes were done a little more slowly than usual, the pain in my left shoulder still prominent. NO issues with knees during the skipping in SuperSets A or B. ANTERIOR delt/biceps tendon on my RIGHT side caused issue during BB Military Press, but able to manage it better than the pain experienced during Behind-the-neck BB Military Press. Plate Hammer Raises started off strong, but reps got slower for the last three on each set. Right knee started niggling during skipping of the second SuperSet C, but disappeared during the skipping on SuperSet D, LEFT knee aching instead - all very odd. Pain in BOTH shoulders during Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises, starting with my right side first each time, since my left shoulder was in more pain than my right. Pushed our 12 reps from the 10 reps of last week though, even though the last two reps on the last set for each side was a GRIMACE. Got quite light-headed and dizzy after the skipping for SuperSet E. Used plates instead of DB for SuperSet F, doing them a little more quickly than usual, tempo 1-1-1, trying to make it intense but also hoping to minimize pain experienced - anterior and lateral delt definition good during; shoulders are definitely looking better. Increased the pace of my skipping in SuperSet F. Did more reps with the Stiff-Legged BB Deadlift - easy enough; I never use a heavy weight with this, focusing instead on the STRETCH, and next week I might see how low to the floor I can reach standing on a bench (used for Flat BB Bench Press). Feeling my left hip niggle a little during the skipping after each set of the former. Last but not least, finished off my resistance session with Swissball Leg Curls, keeping my hips high, rapid skipping pace after each set. Vascularity EXCELLENT throughout the ENTIRE session...Was rather surprised when I got on the Recline Bike re post-weights cardio and found myself EASILY able to maintain a pace of 110 rpm or more withOUT any issues with either knee. Welcome - maybe the hot/cold spa/pool on Saturday night did some good after all...My left wrist has been aching ALL day, the same way it did just before last August, which is NOT good, so I will be watching it...I WAS going to go for a 7-mile Run tonight, but have not been able to sleep at all during today, and just want to go to bed early (after I finish posting this, actually) and let myself DRIFT AWAY...


EBF's Recompadrol will be available again in ~8 weeks (better yet, hopefully by the end of APRIL)! Just to make you all aware if you purchase some and the labels are different that they HAVE had a label CHANGE - updated to match the current brand logo, with the next run being done having 400 bottles still with the old label and the rest with the new, all to be with the new label after that.



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Have you ever thought of substituting DB overhead presses or regular military presses in place of the behind the neck presses, those are generally not recommend for those of us with shoulder issues(self included). Since my repeated shoulder injuries I have forsaken all bb pressing exercises, military behind the neck and bb bench in favor of dumbells. I've had much less injury and pain and a lot better results. Just a thought. I hope you are able to sleep. I've had trouble sleeping as of late myself.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Have you ever thought of substituting DB overhead presses or regular military presses in place of the behind the neck presses, those are generally not recommend for those of us with shoulder issues(self included). Since my repeated shoulder injuries I have forsaken all bb pressing exercises, military behind the neck and bb bench in favor of dumbells. I've had much less injury and pain and a lot better results. Just a thought. I hope you are able to sleep. I've had trouble sleeping as of late myself.
I used to do DB Shoulder Presses, David, but since I changed to doing Behind-the-neck BB Military Press, my delt development has been far better. I DO do regular Military Presses (see SuperSet B) as well. No matter, the pain regardless is just as severe whether behind or front re Military Presses for me. And you know me - I'm going to push it as much as I can for progress, bearing the pain, and hoping for no further injury.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Do you know what it's like when you're scared to see yourself?


"When we are born, we are all given one thing that we can count on: a life to live. Each of us has a life. For some it is shorter, for others it is longer. For some, it comes with challenges whether physical, mental, emotional, or circumstantial. For others, there are few challenges.

"But regardless of the hand we are dealt, we must play it out. We can play, we can fold, or we can hold the cards and do nothing. But in each instance, we make a decision. Even when we decide to do nothing, we have made a decision.

"And where you are now in life is the sum total of all the decisions you have made in your life.

"The good news is that if you don't like where you are now, YOU CAN CHANGE it! You don't have control over the past, but YOU HAVE CONTROL over today and tomorrow!" - Lee Labrada


Elliptical 30 min

Stretch 21 min

Almost instantly asleep after posting yesterday's update. However, it was not to last and I woke up just ~1.5 hours later. And for some reason, STARVING, which led to me wolfing down almost everything I could find, ~1,000 calories in chocolate, ~1,000 calories in multigrain crackers, ~1,000 calories in almonds, and then close to another ~1,000 calories in cottage cheese and bacon bits (with the crackers), which was interesting to say the least, and yes, regretted afterwards. Anyways, wide awake again, I didn't start feeling my eyes "tire" until ~0330, when I fell asleep for ~4 hours. Which is ok (see "Other Notes" below re training changes)...After time to "gather" myself, I went downstairs to the Fitness Room and did the Elliptical for 30 minutes (yes, 10 minutes more than I usually would - someone had set it at for that and I couldn't be bothered changing it), where my knees were mostly fine (sharp pain on the inferiomedial aspect of my right one for the first half) and only a slight twinge in my left arch during the first few minutes. My left wrist was in a lot of pain though - I've actually had it strapped up since last night it has been that bad, and going to keep it strapped for a few days to let it "settle". Afterwards, sat in the sauna, actually enjoying the feeling of sweat dripping on my skin - very relaxing. Back to my room to stretch...A 7-mile Run WAS on the agenda for this evening, but I suddenly got very exhausted and passed out for several hours, waking to the thunderstorm (love waking to the sound of it, by the way, and for some reason makes me think of being back at the beach house, watching the waves crash on the shore as the rain pounds the windows) outside, and just letting it go - after all, it SHOULD be a "easier" week this week, and the "deload" may actually HELP re progress...


Changes This Week

This is my thirteenth week back training since my time out for all the injuries that assaulted me at the end of 2011. It's been a slow recovery process, only really being able to up my training over the last five weeks, but it's been well worth it. My last "easy"/deload week was six weeks ago, and because I need my body to KEEP going for at LEAST another SEVEN weeks before I will allow myself to have a week of only 3-4 days of training (i.e. a week "OFF" - anything LESS than 1-2 resistance sessions and 2-3 cardio sessions and my body is not very functional, so that is what my weeks "OFF" will consist of henceforth, if they are given), THIS week I am changing things up a little re training days, albeit keeping the volume the same, as well as intensity, just "spreading it over" the week instead of "clumping" it, so that my body gets a little bit of a "WTF?!" and CONTINUES to make progress, since this week is ESSENTIAL - I NEED to lose at LEAST 0.5% bodyfat this week! Also adding in more "recovery" measures re sauna and the hot/cold-spa/pool at least 5-6 days this week (continuation to be determined at the end of the week).

Also going to use this week to REALLY get a handle on my nutrition, since the last two weeks were so completely UNdisciplined and far OUTSIDE of even MY "normal", that even with my training hard and intense, I fell backwards faster than I could blink (highly disappointed and disgusted with myself!), and that is NOT acceptable! I know what my body is "comfortable" at, and if I am going to be "unconditioned", it canNOT go above that, which is currently is, and I will endeavour to ensure it is not so again. To be perfectly frank, the way my nutrition was five weeks ago was the period when my body felt the BEST, and I definitely know that the Lean Gains 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window suits my body the best as far as nutritional protocols. So, reiterating this fact more to myself than anything, mentally "setting" myself for what MUST be.



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A wiser, older friend of mine used to say "What I am today is the sum total of all of my yesterdays." This of course not only includes events but also my perception of them and more importantly my RESPONSE to them. Keep rocking it warrior!:biggthumpup:

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