The Female Terminator Chronicles: The Ultimate Muscle and Physique Stack (2012)



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We all stumble on our journey, the secret is not to fall. Dial it back in, take a step back re-evaluate and move forward. No sense looking backward when what it is that you want is up ahead. You will succeed I have absolutely no doubt
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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A wiser, older friend of mine used to say "What I am today is the sum total of all of my yesterdays." This of course not only includes events but also my perception of them and more importantly my RESPONSE to them. Keep rocking it warrior!:biggthumpup:
Your friend is correct.

way to kill it Rosie.
Cheers, Jeff :)

We all stumble on our journey, the secret is not to fall. Dial it back in, take a step back re-evaluate and move forward. No sense looking backward when what it is that you want is up ahead. You will succeed I have absolutely no doubt
Believe me, we ALL fall at some time or another. Just not all of us get back UP! But I WILL! I REFUSE to stay down!...Reevaluation has been done - indicated in post #249 under "Other Notes", David...Thank you for the confidence. NOT succeeding is NOT an option!!! Things have become far too IMPORTANT for that (not that they were ever NOT important to begin with)!



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Wow long read to get caught up again. As always you are killing it in here. Reading your log make me feel like A wussy now. After the past 2 years that I have had with injuries and another shoulder surgery I am just to the point that I am trying to force myself into the mindset that I don't have to be full throttle all the time, as a matter of fact I need to be around 80-85% throttle with bursts of 95-100% to keep my body recovering as it should. I am just now getting a lot of the aches and pains back under control. For a long time I did what you do and push through it, if it couldn't stop me then it wasn't that bad of a problem. Now I recognize that if I pay attention and change things up when there is a part of me not performing or recovering as it should I can cut some of the issues off before they become chronic or semi chronic.

I learned my lesson ofter this last surgery, the issue with the lateral head of my left quad, and my chronic issues with my elbows for 2 years, all taught me a lot about the over 35 version of me. Alternatively, the issue with the back of my knee recently has been the biggest testament to training around something and allowing it to heal. The quad issue on my left side is a year older and took longer to heal up than this one did because I kept trying to push through my quad issue instead of modifying my workouts when it began.

Anyway not so much comparing my experience with yours but you will definitely find as you age that you will need more recovery time and have to unfortunately make quick adjustments in order to keep things from becoming chronic quickly. I have never had the same drive you do, or I would have been a champion at something for sure.


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Wow long read to get caught up again. As always you are killing it in here. Reading your log make me feel like A wussy now. After the past 2 years that I have had with injuries and another shoulder surgery I am just to the point that I am trying to force myself into the mindset that I don't have to be full throttle all the time, as a matter of fact I need to be around 80-85% throttle with bursts of 95-100% to keep my body recovering as it should. I am just now getting a lot of the aches and pains back under control. For a long time I did what you do and push through it, if it couldn't stop me then it wasn't that bad of a problem. Now I recognize that if I pay attention and change things up when there is a part of me not performing or recovering as it should I can cut some of the issues off before they become chronic or semi chronic.

I learned my lesson ofter this last surgery, the issue with the lateral head of my left quad, and my chronic issues with my elbows for 2 years, all taught me a lot about the over 35 version of me. Alternatively, the issue with the back of my knee recently has been the biggest testament to training around something and allowing it to heal. The quad issue on my left side is a year older and took longer to heal up than this one did because I kept trying to push through my quad issue instead of modifying my workouts when it began.

Anyway not so much comparing my experience with yours but you will definitely find as you age that you will need more recovery time and have to unfortunately make quick adjustments in order to keep things from becoming chronic quickly. I have never had the same drive you do, or I would have been a champion at something for sure.
I second that emotion. Three years ago after a couple years of chronic pain in my forearm right at the bend of my elbow. I suffered a full distal bicep tendon rupture on the left side. It has made me re-evaluate training through pain, I like Mr Kleen train around it not through it. I figure better to lay off a couple months and let it heal, than to destroy it, repair it, and 12 months of rehab. It seems like a lot of down time to train around but it is no where near as much as if you do wreck something to the point of surgery. I turn 47 on Friday, its only going to become more important to allow for healing going forward.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Wow long read to get caught up again. As always you are killing it in here. Reading your log make me feel like A wussy now. After the past 2 years that I have had with injuries and another shoulder surgery I am just to the point that I am trying to force myself into the mindset that I don't have to be full throttle all the time, as a matter of fact I need to be around 80-85% throttle with bursts of 95-100% to keep my body recovering as it should. I am just now getting a lot of the aches and pains back under control. For a long time I did what you do and push through it, if it couldn't stop me then it wasn't that bad of a problem. Now I recognize that if I pay attention and change things up when there is a part of me not performing or recovering as it should I can cut some of the issues off before they become chronic or semi chronic.

I learned my lesson ofter this last surgery, the issue with the lateral head of my left quad, and my chronic issues with my elbows for 2 years, all taught me a lot about the over 35 version of me. Alternatively, the issue with the back of my knee recently has been the biggest testament to training around something and allowing it to heal. The quad issue on my left side is a year older and took longer to heal up than this one did because I kept trying to push through my quad issue instead of modifying my workouts when it began.

Anyway not so much comparing my experience with yours but you will definitely find as you age that you will need more recovery time and have to unfortunately make quick adjustments in order to keep things from becoming chronic quickly. I have never had the same drive you do, or I would have been a champion at something for sure.
You're FAR from "wussy", Chris! Yes, that is a very hard mindset to change, and believe me, I KNOW what you're talking about, as I struggle with it as well, and it takes a LOT for me to even "allow" myself to do this and go easier, because my mind still sees it as an "excuse". I've always had "aches and pains" and just ignored them, but after last year I finally realized that ignoring them is not always the best thing to do. I WILL continue to push through, because if I don't and go too much easier, I may as well just say "I've given up on living", because in all seriousness that IS the effect it will have on my body after not too long (one reason why time out from training is so very hard for me) - I know, training is very much a DOUBLE-EDGED sword for my body.

Believe me, I ALREADY feel my age - feel far MORE than my age, honestly. And yes, as I get older, my body HAS changed - one change experienced at age 25-26 and another changing now (although I think some of my habits have contributed to this latest change). Everything is chronic with me unfortunately, but, I wouldn't change anything that has happened (even if at the time, like last December, I hated being in it), because I'm coming out better than I ever was. But yes, constant adjustments are and will keep being made, whether my mind (or anyone else - others love to judge and pick things apart, especially those who are ignorant of the situation, and yes, I am learning to ignore them) calls them "excuses", so that I can KEEP on going the way I want to and MUST!

I second that emotion. Three years ago after a couple years of chronic pain in my forearm right at the bend of my elbow. I suffered a full distal bicep tendon rupture on the left side. It has made me re-evaluate training through pain, I like Mr Kleen train around it not through it. I figure better to lay off a couple months and let it heal, than to destroy it, repair it, and 12 months of rehab. It seems like a lot of down time to train around but it is no where near as much as if you do wreck something to the point of surgery. I turn 47 on Friday, its only going to become more important to allow for healing going forward.
There is "good" pain and "bad" pain, and I have learnt to "ease up" when the pain is the latter, doing what I can so that I can keep making progress. Yes, I know what you mean, but my body canNOT afford that kind of time out - even a period as "little" as 1-2 weeks has DETRIMENTAL effects on my physiological function - so I HAVE to work WITH it.

Happy Birthday for Friday, David! :party:

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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What if I make it right?


"The world is full of excuses as to why you can't, couldn't, shouldn't, because of a thousand reasons. Yet the people we honor most in history are those that were willing to fail to succeed. If a "mistake" in the view of our peers in the efforts to move forward in a positive manner, is part of the path to success….was it truly a mistake or part of the process? After all, no path is with out its mountains, rivers and valley's. But for those brave enough to venture… they will reach the top." - Lee LHGFX

For the complete Motivational, review Brave Enough To Venture | WPM Women.


Elliptical 30 min

Stretch 20 min

Wow, things are getting INTERESTING, my sleeping patterns once again all fcuked up. After waking from a few hours of sleep last night, I STAYED awake, polishing off what might be a "usual post-training" meal (I don't need to be told what I already know is "bad", and yes, I take full responsibility for my actions), and then another again several hours later in the early hours of morning. I did not go to sleep until I "should" have been getting up, and then I was out cold for ~11.5 hours!...Did 30 minutes (what's another 10 minutes - after all, an easy way to "add" a little to training) on the Elliptical downstairs in the Fitness Room in the afternoon. Surprisingly, right knee was fine - no complaints from me about that. Right delt/bicep was "the" pain during this, despite my left wrist still aching and a gradual pain onset superior to my left elbow. Half-way through I started finding it hard to breathe, not long after that experiencing sharp pains just under my ribs - I almost buckled over, and, not wanting to stop, gritted my teeth and finished off the session with my right hand pressed as hard as I could over the painful area...After it being so relaxing post-cardio yesterday, I moved to the [dry] sauna, trying to let my mind relax, enjoying the clean feeling of sweat dripping everywhere. Didn't mind the heat and welcomed it...After that, I went out to the pool and held myself under the water for close to two minutes (despite the protest of my lungs), wanting the calm (even though my chest hurt), tempted to just open my mouth to breathe and see what calm STAYING under the water would bring...Moved from the pool to the spa afterwards, using the jets as a "massage" for my legs. When I was cycling I used to have a deep-tissue massage once a week, and in more serious competition phases, several massages a week, and even when I stopped cycling, I used to "rub-down" my legs after training almost daily for quite a while - the feeling of the jets on my calves and hamstrings reminded me of that, and as long as I can, I will be using the spa to "massage my legs" on training days (also great way to help re recovery)...Body relaxed, back to my room to stretch, to help even more...I have not been myself today (for some time, if I am to be completely honest), sober and reflective. I have ALL the motivation in the world right now, but for some reason my mind and body are at odds, conflicted and neither listening very well to the other...



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I know some one who will be buying a calendar!!!! Awesome work Roise. I still feel you on the sleep. It's just so rare these days.


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I know some one who will be buying a calendar!!!!

I second that. Now on another note I would love to have a sauna, jacuzzi or a swimming pool at my gym. For as much as I would love to train with Rosie, I just have this weird feeling that she would kick my butt to hell and back. But then again I might like that. LMAO... Rosie you are the bomb I will get in contact with you soon and talk to you about Cathie aka chevy6s chick.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I know some one who will be buying a calendar!!!! Awesome work Roise. I still feel you on the sleep. It's just so rare these days.
One of OAMG's 2012 calendars? Cool :)

Thanks, Tommy. Yeah, it settled for a while and now after the G8, was all over the place, and now in charts unknown. It needs to get back on schedule though - I'm asking for much: 3-5 hours UNinterrupted, waking at 0330 in the morning!

I second that. Now on another note I would love to have a sauna, jacuzzi or a swimming pool at my gym. For as much as I would love to train with Rosie, I just have this weird feeling that she would kick my butt to hell and back. But then again I might like that. LMAO... Rosie you are the bomb I will get in contact with you soon and talk to you about Cathie aka chevy6s chick.
The sauna, spa, and pool are at the hotel, Jeff :) And I guess it's about time I actually started utilizing some INactive recovery aside from stretching, since my body REALLY needs it, and I know in the past when I did it, I felt and was so much better!

As a trainer, it's my job to kick your "butt to hell and back", LOL - after all, progress is the name of the game and sometimes pain comes along for the ride :D

No worries re Cathie :)

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY for today, Jeff! I hope you have an AWESOME one!!! :present:



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One of OAMG's 2012 calendars? Cool :)

Thanks, Tommy. Yeah, it settled for a while and now after the G8, was all over the place, and now in charts unknown. It needs to get back on schedule though - I'm asking for much: 3-5 hours UNinterrupted, waking at 0330 in the morning!

The sauna, spa, and pool are at the hotel, Jeff :) And I guess it's about time I actually started utilizing some INactive recovery aside from stretching, since my body REALLY needs it, and I know in the past when I did it, I felt and was so much better!

As a trainer, it's my job to kick your "butt to hell and back", LOL - after all, progress is the name of the game and sometimes pain comes along for the ride :D

No worries re Cathie :)

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY for today, Jeff! I hope you have an AWESOME one!!! :present:

:) thank you


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:) thank you
Happy Birthday mine is tomorrow. Good morning Rosie keep that chin up :) If I can just make it through this day, then 4 days off in a row, but of course I shall be working out each and every one, in a strange gym but with lots of carbs and calories...should be a wash.


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Late but made my way over. Interested to see what you're doing now and how you respond to it.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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:) thank you
You're welcome :)

...Good morning Rosie keep that chin up :) If I can just make it through this day, then 4 days off in a row, but of course I shall be working out each and every one, in a strange gym but with lots of carbs and calories...should be a wash.
Keeping it up. And GROWLING, LOL. It was a good day training and I realized something too in the gym (coming in my update later)...I know you're going to ENJOY those days off work. Each and every gym is an experience - might take you a little longer, since not everything is always in the expected place, but you'll have fun...ENJOY IT!!!

Late but made my way over. Interested to see what you're doing now and how you respond to it.
Hey you! Nice to see you here :) After everything that happened last year, I'm doing things quite differently now - for the most part, training re what I discovered worked for me when I restarted training after refracturing my left wrist re gains, etc., and adapting to the changes my body has been going through the last few months. It's important that the focus is more on my health than anything else, since it's one area I need to take care of, and if I do, I know everything else will follow.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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You need the pain now just to feel anything...


"What I know today… anything can happen, dreams come true, and miracles occur daily. Belief is power beyond measure. Second Chance, make yours count!" - Ben Booker

For the complete Motivational, review Second Chance | WPM Women.


Skip x 600 revolutions

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 8
2. Dips 4 x 8
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls 4 x 10 per side
5. V-Bar Tricep Push-Down 4 x 6
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Zottoman Curls 4 x 8
8. Standing DB French Press 4 x 8, 8, 6, 6
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunch (on bench, knees at 90 degrees) 4 x 15
11. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 15
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 110-112 rpm

Stretch 10 min

Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Stretch 10 min

Got exhausted mid-evening last night and passed out for ~2 hours. Meant once I woke up I was AWAKE, so another night/morning of staying up. Ended up passing out just after ~0130 for a couple of hours though, before I had to get up for training (yay - back to regular training times!). Headed off to the gym...Started out skipping, less volume than with this session last week, because for some reason the rope caught three times during the first 100 revolutions, pissing me off as I snarled at myself...Then into the weights. I actually realized half-way to the gym that I had forgotten to restrap my left wrist (took it off last night, because it was starting to get tight - I need it tight to help dull the pain) and prepared myself for PAIN. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls were definitely painful on my left wrist, and the last two reps of every set were VERY slow (which only ADDED to the agony), and my expression was one of utter pissed-off aggression as I battled through - although there was a glint of satisfaction seeing the definition and vascularity in my arms. Dips were done slowly and low, feeling the ache during them, but not as bad. Skipping was done rapidly, an angry expression on my face, determined NOT to have the rope catch again (and it didn't). Knees were ok during skipping too, which was a plus - I would NOT have been the best person to deal with if they HAD been playing up. Onto Incline Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls - used the same weight as last week, but managed an additional two reps each set, albeit closing my eyes and concentrating only on the movement on the last two sets for the last few reps, gritting my teeth to stop from screaming. V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs - not as many reps as last week, which was fine, since I increased the weight by 10 pounds. More "mean" skipping to end each TriSet B. Stayed with the same weight as I used last week re the DB Zottoman Curls and found myself struggling, the pain in my left wrist searing through it, and I almost wanted to DROP the weight after six reps each set. DB French Press caused a pain through my right anterior delt/biceps tendon, so a little less on the reps here today, which was ok. Swearing under my breath, skipping was done, sweat dripping off me. Weighted Crunches were fine. Felt my left hip "pop" on every rep re Pikes - except, surprisingly, on the last set, where it didn't even happen at all (welcome, but odd)! Finished off with my 100 revolutions of skipping...Hot and sweaty, I moved to the Recline Bike for post-weights cardio, surprised but ok with my legs being able to spin. Neither pain in either knee or in chest throughout it, nor any difficulty breathing...Not quite finished yet. Since I didn't do at least 1,500 revolutions re skipping PRE-weights I decided to "make-up" for it, so after 10 minutes of stretching out my legs, I completed 1,000 more revolutions. From about the 800-revolution mark, my knees were BOTH starting to hurt, biting pain on the anteriomedial aspect of my knees, and every revolution was jarring, my teeth gritted, moving more like a boxer than simply skipping, to try and "ease" it somewhat, because I sure as hell was NOT going to stop until I'd done my 1,000 revolutions!...Needed more stretching out afterwards...Back to the hotel and straight into the sauna for half an hour, my feet up, just sitting there to try and ignore the pain. From the sauna to the pool - which was COLD - for more punishment, like yesterday forcing myself to stay under the water for ~2 minutes, my inability to hold my breath that long so very apparent, gasping and sputtering when I allowed myself to surface. Then into the spa for a while to gently "massage" my legs, although no relief was given to my knees...Knees have been in pain all day, even just lying or sitting with them outstretched in front of me, which has not been fun. Since this IS my "deload" week, I decided to let my knees "recover" and NOT do the HIIT Run I had PLANNED on doing tonight, hoping that they will be fine for this tomorrow (they'd better be, because it's going to get done pre-weights, whether they are or not!)...


I realized something today in the gym, during my third set of skipping re TriSet A: I LOVED IT! Even though I was in pain, aggressive and looking as mean as hell, swearing at myself in frustration, sweat glistening on my face and dripping down my back, hurting - I LOVED THE FEELING! Oh how much I have MISSED being in the gym, away from the weights and intensity the last two days, and the thought hit me that even though it hurt like hell, and no matter how aggressive or pissed off I might get doing it, I was truly HAPPY doing it! That training IS one of the very FEW things in life that DOES make me HAPPY! Thank God for small miracles!

As I was drinking my green tea earlier this morning, for some random reason I started flicking through some of the first logs I ever kept on Anabolic Minds, thinking as I did how funny it was how things have changed, how so MUCH has changed. Never in a million years would I have ever imagined when I first agreed to try and log several products for Applied Nutriceuticals that I would be where I am NOW, doing what I am NOW. If you'd shown me what I am NOW to me back then I would have looked at you like you'd LOST your mind, and yet now I can't imagine being anything ELSE! I see glimpses of what I was then, and whilst I still am very much the same, I am also a very DIFFERENT person, changed by the years and circumstances that I could never have foreseen...I started thinking about the people I've met here, some of whom have become very dear to me, almost like family and whom I couldn't imagine life withOUT. I started thinking about the incredible support from those here, something that has been a FIRST in my life (along with many other things). I have lived, loved, and laughed with those here and will CONTINUE to do so, wherever my journey takes me. So, thank you, Anabolic Minds, for all you've given me so far - here's to many more memorable times that I will look back on fondly...

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lol love it freaking love it. Isn't anything like getting all Hulk up in the gym. I love it when people are like wth are they mad at lol. It's just us being intense and loving the pain!!!


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Hey you! Nice to see you here :) After everything that happened last year, I'm doing things quite differently now - for the most part, training re what I discovered worked for me when I restarted training after refracturing my left wrist re gains, etc., and adapting to the changes my body has been going through the last few months. It's important that the focus is more on my health than anything else, since it's one area I need to take care of, and if I do, I know everything else will follow.

I remember the difficulties you were having but also the success with the calendar and such. Having that healthy focus is great!
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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lol love it freaking love it. Isn't anything like getting all Hulk up in the gym. I love it when people are like wth are they mad at lol. It's just us being intense and loving the pain!!!
Like Doug said, "lets get Fuggin Freaky!!" LOL :D But yes, INTENSITY + PAIN = LOVE TRAINING!!

I remember the difficulties you were having but also the success with the calendar and such. Having that healthy focus is great!
Yeah, the calendar turned out great :) Definitely! My health has taken a battering the last few years, and even though I've TRIED to focus on it, it hasn't really happened - well, now it's TIME TO FOCUS on it, or else things are going to get a lot worse than they have, and I only want to BE BETTER!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Driven by My Demons to Just Do It!


"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

For the complete Motivational, review Isaiah 53:5 | WPM Women.


Skip x 300 revolutions

Back/Chest (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Single-Arm Bent Over DB Rows 6 x 10, 10, 8, 8, 6, 6 per side
2. Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on fists) 6 x 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8
3. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Supinated Bent Over BB Rows 4 x 6
5. Incline BB Bench Press 4 x 6
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. Neutral Grip Seated Row (each hand with individual handle) 6 x 12
8. Cable CrossOvers 6 x 12
9. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Elliptical [HIIT] 20 min - 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy at 4:00-8:00

Stretch 20 min

Did not go to sleep until ~0330 this morning, waking at 0430 and again at 0545, finally able to rouse myself from slumber at 1139, making for ~9 hours sleep. The all-over-the-place sleeping hours have my body not knowing what it's doing, and it needs to be UNconfused ASAP! Anyways, training was determined for the early evening, and headed into the gym at ~1800 - left wrist strapped this time! Started off with skipping - less volume here than I have been doing, simply because my RIGHT wrist was doing all the work, my left almost stationary (or as stationary as I could have it) because of the pain it was in. Where most would have stopped then and there, I just headed into my weights, driven by my demons to just do it, no matter WHAT my body was feeling! Stubbornly refusing to lower my weight from last week to allow for my left wrist on Single-Arm Bent Over DB Rows, I used the same one - no worries with my right side (which I started with) and I did two more reps than last week on the first couple of sets, but my left wrist was in such agony on almost every rep, especially after the sixth on the first two sets, that I wanted to throw the weight down in frustration and just swear profusely. Third and fourth sets were not much better, and by the time I was on my last two sets the pain was so bad, that I had to pause for a few seconds after every 2-3 reps when doing my left to even be able to LIFT the weight to complete the rep (NOT ideal, I know, but I wasn't going to let it beat me)! The vascularity and definition ALMOST "made up" for the pain. Push-Ups I did on the floor on my fists, since that's the LEAST painful way of doing them for my left wrist (so yes, ONE allowance for it). Skipping was a little awkward, especially with the pain. One more concession made for my left wrist - I lowered the weight for my Supinated BB Bent Over Rows by five pounds, struggling but doggedly determined to do them regardless, vascularity and definition profound during them (the best I've ever seen it, to be honest, which was great). Same weight as last week for Incline BB Bench Press, favouring my left wrist and barely managing the six reps each set, especially on the last one. Light-headed and dizzy after each skipping set for TriSet B, likely caused by the pain in my left wrist, but also because I wasn't drinking a lot either. Really enjoying doing Neutral Grip Seated Row - I actually used 15 pounds more than last week on the first set, and 10 pounds more on the last three sets. Cable CrossOvers saw a few smiles - thanks to Joe, who was trying to make me laugh - in between the grimaces and sheen of sweat glistening on my bare skin. Skipping was a little more frazzled during TriSet C, and I did TWO more sets of this triset than I did last week...The Recline Bike was in use when I finished resistance training, so I decided to try doing double-unders re skipping. Didn't do very well at all and by the time I finished - all three minutes of frustration, LOL - my arms were covered in red welts, looking like someone had taken a whip to me, stinging to boot and only causing more growls of frustration. Wanting to be gone from the gym by then, just went back to the hotel and climbed onto the Elliptical. Since I didn't do a HIIT Run PRE-weights (going for a run at any time of day NOT the very early hours of morning or very late hours of night for me would be foolish), I decided to make it a HIIT session, albeit on the lower side re efforts. My knees were fine up until the 15-minute mark, when the anterior superiolateral aspect of my right knee started to bite sharply, my left knee joining in the biting with two minutes to go...Relieved when 20 minutes came around, I went and sat in the sauna for 25 minutes, almost falling asleep I felt that exhausted...


Body Composition

8.9% bodyfat - the smallest DEcrease, by 0.1% bodyfat over the last five days, which is interesting considering my training volume has been drastically reduced this week and my eating habits, although not ~10,000 calories a day as they were a couple of weeks ago, still very high....I've gained two pounds from last week, and with the decrease in body composition indicates a 1.9 pound increase in lean mass (with a 0.1 pound increase in bodyfat). Lean mass has been gained in my ARMS, since skinfolds have DEcreased in this area concurrent with an INcrease in girths, and, most surprising of all, my arms relaxed are the SAME re girths, and flexed, my right is the highest it has ever been, which is very positive...This last week aside, since I did not decide to allow it to be an "easy"/"deload" week until it started, I am giving myself two weeks to reach and /or get under 8% bodyfat. It HAS to happen, PERIOD!!!


It's been a week since I stopped using G8 - enough to see what (if any) differences were noticed in my sleeping patterns and other things like appetite, etc. this week. It's been interesting to say the least and I'll have my final comments on it up in the next few days...Tomorrow I finish my second consecutive bottle of Erase PRO, starting my third on Sunday...Already missing my Recompadrol...Although not a "supplement" per se, I believe that NO Infuse (I apply five sprays to each delt/upper arm ~30 min pre-training and again immediately post-training) has been helping with my recovery, as well as muscle gains in my delts and arms over the last 13 weeks...

Supplementary Notes

Appetite has remained elevated this week, and despite my intentions, my excessive caloric consumption has continued, making it THREE weeks with an intake on average of 6,500-6,800 calories a day! On top of that, I haven't been following the Lean Gains 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window at all and I sure as hell notice the difference it makes to the way I FEEL (not to mention how I look)! DEFINITELY not just going to "try" or "make an effort" in being "good" in this area from now on - it will be MILITARY DISCIPLINE, like I am with my TRAINING, period!!!...Sleep has NOT returned to "normal" this week, my sleeping patterns even MORE INconsistent than they were when I was using G8, which is interesting...Mood has been up and down all week, a little disturbing in the calm times, especially given WHEN I've been feeling calm, but at least now I know WHY they have been thus...Libido has been relatively high...Joints have been TERRIBLE, although knees not as bad as last week, which is a relief (in saying that, I haven't been doing the same volume - nor running as much, with only a single running session instead of 3-6 - as I normally would re training). The last few days my left wrist has been aching deep, and I've actually had to strap it up to deal with it, and during training, it has felt like I've fractured it all over again, which hasn't been pleasant and caused me to be a little more careful (some) with it, and I am hoping that the pain dies down in the coming days...

The week is not yet over, but the last week has been a rollercoaster in every way possible. The next week is going to be spent working on getting my sleeping patterns back to normal, training back at Maintenance, and focusing on just getting what needs to be done DONE!

Rosie Chee

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I'm out of breathe just reading your workouts lol.

I had sleep issues like yours for about 3 months, 7 years ago. Tried like hell to kick the problem but sleeping meds were the only answer.
LOL Steve - fortunately, the low recovery times and high intensity means it's EASIER for me to breathe DURING the day!

No more trying natural Growth Hormone boosters for me - if I use one, it will be IGF-2, since it does NOT cause any such issues re sleeping patterns (and IS one of my favourite products). No sleeping meds for me - I will force my body to DEAL with this on its own!

Rosie Chee

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All my hope has been restored



HIIT Elliptical:
a. 4 min easy
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy
c. 4 min easy

Stretch 20 min

Fell asleep a little earlier this morning, ~0230, waking to all three alarms set for 0330, 0430, and 0630, eventually getting up at 0819, so 5-6 hours of broken sleep...Did a few things before heading downstairs to the Elliptical to do the last of this week's HIIT sessions (giving my body - moreso my knees - another day of "recovery" from running; I haven't NOT run this much in a long time and it feels odd). Quads were burning and on the fourth effort, I felt myself falter a little, pushing the pace for the last four efforts...Sat in the sauna for half an hour after my brief HIIT session...Then out to the pool, holding myself under the water for close to 2.5 minutes this time. Is it strange that the ONLY time I have felt CALM and truly at peace over the last week is when I am underwater, FORCING myself to stay there, my lungs and heart burning, WANTING to stay there?...Then into the spa, for the massage on my legs from the jets...Finishing off with stretching after a quick shower back in my room (since I was shivering when I got out of the spa)...NO resistance session today, since yesterday had my left wrist pretty bad re pain and I want to give it some time to "recover" - as well as my shoulders, which have been aching again all night and morning. No Full-Body session this week, since it IS my LAST "deload" week for a couple of months, so going to take what little rest I CAN...Feeling utterly drained - if only my MIND would STOP (not that I don't mind some of what's playing in there, but I DO need to REST)...

John Smeton

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keep up the good work Rosie. your very motivational and a hard worker and I like that.

I agree with truthornothing, a person must back off at times and learn when they can train hard(your body will let you know)

like that Kenny rogers song youve got to know when to fold them and when to roll (I think thats hows it goes Ive never heard it but someone told me the words to it)


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Good night 3 alarms!!! I thought I was the only one that did that lol. Good workouts again girl and yeah I agree we can push very hard, but eventually we all gota take a little break. Key word little lol. I know some that will say 2 weeks is a break. I can't go that long. Two days off if feeling crappy is the most I can go.
Rosie Chee

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keep up the good work Rosie. your very motivational and a hard worker and I like that.

I agree with truthornothing, a person must back off at times and learn when they can train hard(your body will let you know)

like that Kenny rogers song youve got to know when to fold them and when to roll (I think thats hows it goes Ive never heard it but someone told me the words to it)
Cheers, John :)

It definitely does indeed - believe me, I KNOW! Doesn't mean I don't like to push the limits though - just getting a little wiser and maybe a little more "cautious" (since it seems to break easily now) as I get older...

Good night 3 alarms!!! I thought I was the only one that did that lol. Good workouts again girl and yeah I agree we can push very hard, but eventually we all gota take a little break. Key word little lol. I know some that will say 2 weeks is a break. I can't go that long. Two days off if feeling crappy is the most I can go.
Well, usually only one at 0330 to wake up and another at 0430 to let me know it's time to go for my run, but since my sleeping patterns have been so bung lately, I'm setting more alarms to try and get up at the right time. As it is, last night I slept from ~2000-2319 and now are wide awake, so you can see just how screwed up they are...Yes, a LITTLE break. After last year though, I've figured that even a complete week off resistance training ONLY (i.e. still doing 3-6 days re 20 minutes of cardio) is DETRIMENTAL for my body and a "week off" has to include at least 4-5 days of training inclusive of 1-2 resistance sessions. Takes me back to my cycling days, when I would have ~2 weeks off training ALL year! I need to be like THAT again - although a "week off" after every 16-20 weeks now will be ok (which turns out to about the same)...

On another note, have a HAPPY and VERY BLESSED EASTER everyone!



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Cheers, John :)

It definitely does indeed - believe me, I KNOW! Doesn't mean I don't like to push the limits though - just getting a little wiser and maybe a little more "cautious" (since it seems to break easily now) as I get older...

This is music to my ears, I sometimes get a little worried that you push yourself too hard, well I think it's a fact that you do in fact, lets not mix words. Using a little caution and wisdom is something that has helped me tremendously. I am the oldest out of all of us I think but I spend the least amount of time injured. I still push myself to the brink but, I have better awareness of where the brink is and less stuborn about pushing beyond it. I still think we have to be on the edge, I just don't think we should be going beyond it too much if you get my drift.

Another big difference between you and I is you say you have to train, I say I love to train... but I have to too I suppose :) so it's a good thing I love too lol... One way we are very similar is we get so much from bringing this joy to others... I love changing peoples lives and surrounding myself with positive people. I hope you are finding the same joy in your training as the people you help and are taking time out of you're day to feell good about yourself cuz you are beautiful inside and out for what you do and how you look. Happy easter :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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This is music to my ears, I sometimes get a little worried that you push yourself too hard, well I think it's a fact that you do in fact, lets not mix words. Using a little caution and wisdom is something that has helped me tremendously. I am the oldest out of all of us I think but I spend the least amount of time injured. I still push myself to the brink but, I have better awareness of where the brink is and less stuborn about pushing beyond it. I still think we have to be on the edge, I just don't think we should be going beyond it too much if you get my drift.

Another big difference between you and I is you say you have to train, I say I love to train... but I have to too I suppose :) so it's a good thing I love too lol... One way we are very similar is we get so much from bringing this joy to others... I love changing peoples lives and surrounding myself with positive people. I hope you are finding the same joy in your training as the people you help and are taking time out of you're day to feell good about yourself cuz you are beautiful inside and out for what you do and how you look. Happy easter :)
You're very sweet, but you don't need to worry about me, Doug :)

Yes, I HAVE to do it. I may as well be dead otherwise, and no one wants to "live" (or be) like that.

Yes, I love helping others and seeing the difference what I can do can make in their lives - it is an amazing feeling knowing that you are making positive changes in the lives of others, and such a surprise when you get told or messages from random strangers that you have "helped them. Truly nothing more rewarding than that (thus far - I say this because I know that there are things in life NOT related to training, etc. that are truly blessed and rewarding and can also make a huge difference in others' lives)...Unfortunately, whilst I am happy during training, there is no joy in it, Doug, and sometimes it honestly feels more like a job than a passion, but it must be done, that's all there is to it...Happy Easter, my friend - thank you always for your encouragement and uplifting words :hug:

Rosie Chee

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Review of Finaflex-Redefine Nutrition's G8 (Lemon Freeze flavour)

Because of my screwed up sleeping patterns, Doug suggested that I try G8, and Al was kind enough to send me a tub to use, to see if it made a difference. It DID - although not the way you might expect (explained below) - and this is what happened...

What is it?

For more information on G8, review Finaflex-Redefine Nutrition :: G8.

Formula: The formula was actually what intrigued me about G8 and the only reason I said "yes" to trying it [since every other natural Growth Hormone booster - aside from IGF-2 - has NOT worked with my body and screwed me up for quite some time on cessation of use (explained below)].

Smell: Like lemon scented dishwashing liquid.

Taste: I am not a fan of Lemon flavour in general, but the Lemon Freeze G8 flavour was downright nasty and almost like drinking chalk (if you ground it up) - one of the worst tasting supplements I have ever used.

Mixability: G8 mixed well with water. No clumps, although a little bit of bubbles on settling.

Texture: Like fruit juice once the "bubbles" settled.


Growth Hormone Levels: Although I would have liked to see the changes in my Growth Hormone levels from pre to post-G8, I did not have bloods done. That said, Growth Hormone contributes to muscle growth and leanness in females, and I definitely noticed an INcrease in muscle mass - particularly in my delts and arms (even though bodyfat INcreased, definition also became stronger) - over the period of my use of G8 [although my training was slightly above my Maintenance training levels and my caloric consumption was almost ~3,000 in excess of my Maintenance calories, any muscle gains cannot be solely attributed to G8].

Mood and Overall Sense of Feeling: During my use of G8 my mood was all over the place due to external circumstances.

Sex Drive and Libido: Libido was up and down when using G8 - rather high during the first week, subsiding a little into the next. Regardless, circumstances meant I didn't do anything about it.


Insulin-Like Growth Factor Levels: Although it would have been interesting to see the changes in my Insulin-Like Growth Factor levels from pre to post-G8, I did not have bloods done. As mentioned above under "Growth Hormone Levels", "I definitely noticed an INcrease in muscle mass - particularly in my delts and arms (even though bodyfat INcreased, definition also became stronger) - over the period of my use of G8 [although my training was slightly above my Maintenance training levels and my caloric consumption was almost ~3,000 in excess of my Maintenance calories, any muscle gains cannot be solely attributed to G8]."

Dopamine and Serotonin Levels: Although I would have liked to see the changes in both my Dopamine and Serotonin levels from pre to post-G8, I did not have bloods done. That said, I have a Dopamine IMbalance - one of the reasons why most natural Growth Hormone boosters have the OPPOSITE than INTENDED effect on me (yes, I know, my body is screwed up) - with mine being TOO LOW. Not only that, but my Adenosine levels are too HIGH, which comes into play as well.

Self-Confidence: Supplements don't have an effect on my self-confidence.


Recovery: My recovery was good. I was training pretty hard, upping the intensity each time as I could. My second week using G8, I upped the intensity in resistance sessions by a reasonable amount (which has contributed to my joint conditioning worsening), albeit going a little "easier" re pm cardio, using the Recline Bike instead of a 7-mile Run, due to the increasing pain in my knees.

Sleep: Sleep was all over the place (see "Sleeping Patterns" under "Other Notes" below), with the first week I was using G8, UNable to sleep for ~1.5 days, and then - very likely because of the heavy training and lack of sleep for ~1,5 days - slept for almost HALF a day. Sleep, when got, was VERY deep and Uninterrupted, although I most often woke very groggy, not wanting to get up and it taking some time to, feeling like someone was trying to drill a hole in my head.


Other Effects: Despite being HIGHLY stressed (one of the only two instances when my skin can be affected negatively) and during the only time I might see a blemish or two, it was surprisingly NOT affected by the circumstance, as clear and smooth as ever, which was nice...Appetite was also drastically elevated during my use of G8, moreso than my "usual", and for the two weeks of using G8, I was eating ~10,000 calories on the "days" when I was AWAKE, bringing me out at an average close to ~7,000 calories per day (since on a couple of days I did not eat at all, due to rising and training hours) - no wonder my body composition (see "Body Statistics" under "Other Notes" below) concurrently changed so drastically (my Maintenance calories are ~4,300 a day)....

Cliffnotes on observations during use and week-post cessation of use of G8:

Training Schedule
Week 1 - four resistance sessions, three days of double cardio (two done on cardio only days, the other on Full-Body day, two done re 7-mile run); training all done from ~2200 (instead of usual start from ~0430)
Week 2 - four resistance sessions, three days of double cardio (two done on resistance training days, only one done re 7-mile run); day off this week on Tuesday instead of Sunday; training all done from ~0530 (instead of usual start from ~0430)
Week post-cessation of G8 - "easy/deload" week with only three days of resistance training and four days of cardio, only one session of running (normally would do 5-7 runs a week)

Sleeping Patterns
Week 1 - no sleep for 1.5 days and then sleep for almost half a day
Week 2 - slept for 4-5 hours daily, albeit all over the place, falling sleep time INconsistent
Week post-cessation of G8 - with the exception of Monday (where no sleep at all) and Sunday (where slept for ~10 hours), rest of the week sleeping for ~1 hour early in the day and then 3-5 hours later in the day most days, waking with appetite HIGH

Body Statistics
Start pre-use of G8 - 8% bodyfat at 108.4 pounds
End of Week 1 - 8.5% bodyfat at 111 pounds (+0.5% bodyfat; +2.6 pounds body mass: +1.837 pounds lean, +1.763 pounds bodyfat)
End of Week 2 - 9% bodyfat at 113.2 pounds (+0.5% bodyfat; +2.2 pounds body mass: +1.447 pounds lean, +0.753 pounds bodyfat)
End of Week post-cessation of G8 - 8.9% bodyfat at 115.2 pounds (-0.1% bodyfat; +2 pounds body mass: +1.9352 pounds lean, +0.0648 pounds bodyfat)


Overall: This is rather difficult for me to do, since G8 DID give me great sleep - when I slept: Deep, UNdisturbed, and restful. BUT, it also severely messed up my sleeping patterns (which, honestly, even though they have had their moments of being on track, have not been the same since I came to the US), which I did not enjoy. And the OTHER effects I experienced, especially re appetite (although this can also be attributed to training heavily and being awake for more than a day many days), I did NOT appreciate (given what my appetite is ALREADY like).

Would I use it again? I actually STOPPED using G8 after two weeks of use because, despite the awesome sleep it gave me, it was (and still is) DRASTICALLY affecting my sleeping patterns, which in turn was having some very UNwanted effects re other factors. So, no, I would not use G8 again myself personally.

Would I recommend? If one is looking for extreme deep and rested sleep, and they have had no issues (like I have) using natural Growth Hormone boosters in the past, then yes, I might recommend G8 (any recommendation/s I made re supplements are based on what will be best for that individual re their goals and needs and other personal factors, etc.).
Rosie Chee

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A Beautiful Mess


"Always remember to tell the person that you love the most that you love them. Life is too short in this day and age." - Laria Corney

For the complete Motivational, review Those You Love | WPM Women.



HIIT Skip:
a. 4 min easy
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec rest
c. 2 min easy

Shoulders/Hamstrings (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 4 x 10, 9, 8, 7
2. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. Rear Delt Flyes 2 x 10
4. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. BB Military Press 4 x 10, 9, 8, 7
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. Plate Hammer Raises 2 x 10
8. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet E -
9. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 10 per side
10. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet F -
11. DB Lateral Raises 2 x 10
12. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet G -
13. Stiff-Legged DB Deadlifts (DB to touch floor) 4 x 10
14. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet H -
15. Swissball Leg Curls 2 x 12
16. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 102-106 rpm

Stretch 20 min

Didn't get to sleep until just after 0230, and despite waking to my 0330 alarm, the one hour was not enough from the stress and upset of the last few days, so I allowed myself to go back to sleep, eventually rising just after 0800, giving me between 5-6 hours of broken sleep...Both shoulders were painful on waking, twinging throughout the day, and left wrist had to be strapped up again. I almost put off this training session until Tuesday (but didn't since the next two weeks are CRUCIAL), because my head was pounding almost from the time I woke, and I felt like I was going to fall over, even sitting down (long before training was even a consideration), experiencing vertigo in spurts throughout the day...Done late at night, finishing not long before midnight. NOT a good session! Started out with skipping, deciding to do HIIT in this mode instead of using the treadmill - the treadmill may have been kinder on my lower legs and knees to be honest, since I felt like I was crushing my lower legs with almost every revolution, like I was landing very heavy on my feet, which was interesting (and a little disconcerting, considering skipping plays an important role in my resistance sessions)...Anyways, ignoring the niggles in my mind, I started on my weights. From the very first set of Behind-the-neck BB Military Press I knew it wasn't going to be one of my better sessions, but still tried to push through - same weight as last week but reps were very much lowered, "stopped" not by the pain in my shoulders, but because my left wrist was "giving out". Skipping was a gritting of teeth and angry expression. Rear Flyes were extremely painful and AWKWARD, and I had to pause for a second from the eighth rep on each set to "settle" my left wrist. BB Military Press was similar, although for my third set, I probably COULD (and should) have done an extra rep. Plate Hammer Raises were very painful not just on my left wrist, but biting deep into both shoulder/biceps' tendons, making each rep an effort not to just throw the plate down on the floor in frustration (yes, it was THAT kind of session). Not in the most tolerable of moods, I headed over to the DB rack for Single-Arm Lateral Raises, selecting the same weight as last week, but not managing as many reps, my right side ok for the most part, but my left wrist in agony, the effort visible on my face with each rep. Started experiencing vertigo after my second set, vision blurring, and I had to REALLY concentrate on my skipping and then hold onto a bench between my supersets. Stayed with the DB and the same weight for Lateral Raises, hoping that TOGETHER would be better than single on my left wrist, and it was a little easier, but not really. With the light-headed dizziness plus in-and-out vision, I took the "safer" route of doing Stiff-Legged Deadlifts on the FLOOR (with DB), deliberately doing less reps here (they're not really important and I don't need that many reps, only doing them to continue to help "balance out" my quads). Finished off with Swissball Leg Curls, really focusing on the exercise. Was definitely relieved once my last set of skipping was completed...Didn't even want to sit on the Recline Bike, but I did, because post-weights cardio has become essential to my conditioning, legs moving slow, pain in the inferiomedial aspect of my LEFT knee (the knee which had, surprisingly, been giving me the most issues during my resistance session and having to be favoured)...Back in my room, showered, did my stretching, took six scoops of RecoverPRO, and went immediately to bed, passing out not long after...



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Wow, just got caught back up. Nice and honest review of G8, my only complaint about G8 was having an extremely hard time waking up the next day. Since the ONLY time I have to workout is in the morning accidentally snoozing the alarm too long or turning it off became a bit too easy for me, and getting up just got harder. Now I use it when i really need some sleep but if I take more than a half scoop it is hit or miss on me getting up at 3:50AM the next morning.

Rosie, have you given any thought to your knees hurting due to low estrogen levels from the ERASE Pro? It just occurred to me while reading about your complaints and then you mentioning getting ready to start your 3rd bottle of it.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Wow, just got caught back up. Nice and honest review of G8, my only complaint about G8 was having an extremely hard time waking up the next day. Since the ONLY time I have to workout is in the morning accidentally snoozing the alarm too long or turning it off became a bit too easy for me, and getting up just got harder. Now I use it when i really need some sleep but if I take more than a half scoop it is hit or miss on me getting up at 3:50AM the next morning.

Rosie, have you given any thought to your knees hurting due to low estrogen levels from the ERASE Pro? It just occurred to me while reading about your complaints and then you mentioning getting ready to start your 3rd bottle of it.
Thanks, Chris. Yeah, I have more "free" time now, since I've been working from where I live for the last few weeks, so doesn't matter too much when I wake up, but it does for ME, since I LIKE to be on a STRUCTURED SCHEDULE AND ROUTINE, since that's the way I am best operational and functional.

It's a possibility, but never considered it since Erase has never bothered my joints. I don't think the extra weight is helping either.

Rosie Chee

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I'm ready when you're ready for me


"Each day is a chance to draw closer to the heart of God, improve our character, discover and fulfill our life's purpose, trust, have faith, mature. The more you realize that it's not about you, but about what you have to give and giving it, allowing His glory to manifest through you, trying to make a difference and be a blessing to others, that you can come to understand." - Rosie Chee

For the complete Motivational, review Life's Greatest Blessings | WPM Women.



Session 1

Run 7 miles @ 4.9 min/mile pace

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 6
2. Dips 4 x 6
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls 4 x 8 per side
5. V-Bar Tricep Push-Down 4 x 6
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. Cable Bicep Curls (each hand with individual handle) 4 x 10, 10, 8, 8
8. Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands fists under chest) 4 x 10
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunch (on bench, knees at 90 degrees) 4 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 15
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
CrossTrainer 10 min

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 10 min @ 102-106 rpm

A little backwards - "pm cardio" done in the morning and vice versa. Found myself a nice 7-mile loop of rolling terrain and ran it. Not extremely humid or muggy like it has been, which was a welcome relief. Just set out and ran. Knees were ok for the most part, until the last stretch on the highway, but it was manageable pain...Got back from the run and it was straight into the sauna for 25 minutes, before heading out to the pool. Extended the time, holding myself under the water for ~3 minutes, wanting the calm instead of the terrible confusion and pain. Gasping for breath, it was into the spa to "massage" my legs for a few minutes each, before heading back up to my room...I almost put off going to the gym until Wednesday because my shoulders were aching badly, but I went anyway, and glad I did. My mood was foul when I walked in and remained that way for most of my session honestly, but by the time I walked out, I felt better (albeit not for long, since it was straight into a binge - seriously need to STOP that, because times like that my mind was protesting it and I didn't even really want or enjoy what I ate, but kept shovelling anything and everything in anyway! But, enough of that)...Started off skipping, just mindlessly counting the revolutions. Surprisingly, my knees were ok during this - left wrist was aching a little though (yes, strapped up again)...Once that was done, set myself up for weights. After yesterday's session, I was prepared not to be able to do as many reps or even have to drop my weights for some exercises, but I didn't for Close-Grip BB Biceps Curls, instead working through the pain for less reps at the same weight as last week - last two reps on the last two sets were very slow and excruciating on my left wrist. Which didn't help my Dips - I went lower than usual, albeit not as slow as usual, feeling it in my left shoulder in particular and dull aching in my left wrist. Skipping for the end of each TriSet A was just done. I stayed with the same weight for Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls as last week, and was back to doing what I could the week before that (although that was with a lighter weight than this), struggling a lot with my left side on the last few reps each time of it, and the last set, I actually had to pause for several moments to "allow" for the pain. INcreased the weight for V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs and did the same number of reps as last week. Favouring left knee severely during the skipping portion of TriSet B, wincing on every landing of my left foot. Instead of torturing my left wrist with DB Zottoman Curls, I swapped it out for Cable Bicep Curls, albeit as I have with Seated Cable Row, using INDIVIDUAL handles for each hand - was an effort and if I am going to continue doing these, really need to focus on keeping my elbows TIGHT against my waist. With my left wrist already in pain, swapped out the DB French Press for Push-Ups - first couple of sets I actually did with handles under me, but I wasn't able to go low enough, my bust hitting the handles, so went to doing them on my fists on the floor for the last two sets, and believe me, I FELT them. Skipping during TriSet C was a little faster than it had been prior in the session, just to get it over and done with. Weighted Crunches I did fewer reps, albeit same weight as last week, feeling it really "dig" into my right shoulder. Pikes were welcome after that. Skipping getting faster...Since the Recline Bike was being used when I finished, did 10 minutes on the CrossTrainer until it was free and then move to the former. Body just felt blah, and my pace was not the best...


Elliptical 20 min

Stretch 20 min

Didn't fall asleep until after I SHOULD have gotten up, sleeping for ~8 hours though. Again, training "backwards" re sessions today and I am going to go add in a fifth resistance session this week (to punish myself for not being able to get my nutrition disciplined AND take my mind off disturbing and depressing things)...Anyways, did 20 minutes on the Elliptical downstairs - really feeling it in my glutes and quads, which is NOT a good sign (I canNOT have them GROW!)...Then 25 minutes in the sauna. Out to the pool, forcing just over four minutes under the water this time. In fact, the longer I was under, the easier it became to stay under, which was interesting, and I just wanted to STAY there (my lungs said otherwise, LOL). Leg "massage" in the spa, finishing off with a random "why not?" minute holding myself under...


Supplements (changes reflected in post #1)

Finished my bottle of Adipose Annihilation V2 yesterday and my last bottle of AnaBeta today. Going to miss my AnaBeta - running out of Recompadrol AND this means I have NO nutrient repartitioners, which is NOT good for me (might have to get something fast). I'll also be out of Alpha-T2 on Friday, so I had better pick up my A-game with everything ELSE (specifically NUTRITION)!



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I just came back from a week long food fest for my birthday. Really muddied up my abs. Had trouble stopping the cheat today but slowed it down. Tomorrow should have it under control. I know you can get your diet situation back under control. You are much more dedicated than I.

Regarding your joints. You may want to try hot and cold therapy on your joints a little more directly. The Russians were fans of this. Ice the affected area 20 minutes and then wait 20 minutes and apply heat. Repeat as often as needed. It really helped my elbows. Slin-Sane and DCP Works for me in the Nutrient repartioner arena.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I just came back from a week long food fest for my birthday. Really muddied up my abs. Had trouble stopping the cheat today but slowed it down. Tomorrow should have it under control. I know you can get your diet situation back under control. You are much more dedicated than I.

Regarding your joints. You may want to try hot and cold therapy on your joints a little more directly. The Russians were fans of this. Ice the affected area 20 minutes and then wait 20 minutes and apply heat. Repeat as often as needed. It really helped my elbows. Slin-Sane and DCP Works for me in the Nutrient repartioner arena.
I'm sure you haven't done as much damage as the last four weeks have done to me (yes, somehow a few days turned into a few WEEKS - so very DISAPPOINTED in myself and mentally beating myself literally as much as a male thinks about sex every day, if not MORE!). I need to. not just need - I MUST. I have TWO weeks left and a LONG way to go to where I want to be, or where I will be happy with where I'm at. Got some serious haulin' to do, so bustin' ass coming right up!

Yeah, applying ice to my joints makes them worse - I know, not the expected reaction, but if I do, I will be in more agony than before. Thank you for the suggestion though, David. I'm just going to tough it out.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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When I was playing ball I'd use Absorbent Jr. It's green liquid and smells like menthol and rubbing alcohol but worked great for my joint problems.

Just a suggestion...
Cheers, Steve!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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My apologies, BILL. You can tell I was tired or distracted when I replied (not that it's any excuse).

Hope you have a great day, bud!



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Wow 4 minutes under water, as in at once? I didn't even know that was possible. The strength of your mind is amazing Rosie. Some of the unthinkable things you do just amaze me. Running 7 miles in under 35 minutes is pretty darn amazing too.
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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My apologies, BILL. You can tell I was tired or distracted when I replied (not that it's any excuse).

Hope you have a great day, bud!

Lol it's all good! To be honest I still don't know how you function between your workouts and sleep patterns. Props to you!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Wow 4 minutes under water, as in at once? I didn't even know that was possible. The strength of your mind is amazing Rosie. Some of the unthinkable things you do just amaze me. Running 7 miles in under 35 minutes is pretty darn amazing too.
No, not all at once (maybe I should have clarified that) - I'd likely stay under if I did that (believe me, I have been tempted). I hold my breath as long as I can (usually 30-60 seconds), surface and go straight back down again...The running though I am used to...Now to put that "strength of mind" to practice, since it's been four weeks now that I've been OFF the wagon re Lean Gains 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window (the first time since I first started utilizing that protocol last May), and it has NOT been kind on my body, reaffirming that it's definitely what makes me FEEL (and look) the best!...Hope our day is going well :)

Lol it's all good! To be honest I still don't know how you function between your workouts and sleep patterns. Props to you!
Training is fine. The sleeping patterns need to stop being like that though. I can operate on pretty much anything, but I PREFER (and function best) when I am getting up at 0330, training "first thing", and going to be between 2130-2230 and getting 4-5 hours of sleep.



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I kind of figured you were coming up but then I have heard of some people who can actually control themselves enough and slow their bodies down enough to do that kind of thing. I figured if anyone I knew could use mind over matter to get the job done you were up there in that group for sure. Yeah the 16/8 is just so forgiving and feels natural too me now.


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"Each day is a chance to draw closer to the heart of God, improve our character, discover and fulfill our life's purpose, trust, have faith, mature. The more you realize that it's not about you, but about what you have to give and giving it, allowing His glory to manifest through you, trying to make a difference and be a blessing to others, that you can come to understand." - Rosie Chee

For the complete Motivational, review Life's Greatest Blessings | WPM Women.



Session 1

Run 7 miles @ 4.9 min/mile pace

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 6
2. Dips 4 x 6
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls 4 x 8 per side
5. V-Bar Tricep Push-Down 4 x 6
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. Cable Bicep Curls (each hand with individual handle) 4 x 10, 10, 8, 8
8. Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands fists under chest) 4 x 10
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunch (on bench, knees at 90 degrees) 4 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 15
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
CrossTrainer 10 min

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 10 min @ 102-106 rpm

A little backwards - "pm cardio" done in the morning and vice versa. Found myself a nice 7-mile loop of rolling terrain and ran it. Not extremely humid or muggy like it has been, which was a welcome relief. Just set out and ran. Knees were ok for the most part, until the last stretch on the highway, but it was manageable pain...Got back from the run and it was straight into the sauna for 25 minutes, before heading out to the pool. Extended the time, holding myself under the water for ~3 minutes, wanting the calm instead of the terrible confusion and pain. Gasping for breath, it was into the spa to "massage" my legs for a few minutes each, before heading back up to my room...I almost put off going to the gym until Wednesday because my shoulders were aching badly, but I went anyway, and glad I did. My mood was foul when I walked in and remained that way for most of my session honestly, but by the time I walked out, I felt better (albeit not for long, since it was straight into a binge - seriously need to STOP that, because times like that my mind was protesting it and I didn't even really want or enjoy what I ate, but kept shovelling anything and everything in anyway! But, enough of that)...Started off skipping, just mindlessly counting the revolutions. Surprisingly, my knees were ok during this - left wrist was aching a little though (yes, strapped up again)...Once that was done, set myself up for weights. After yesterday's session, I was prepared not to be able to do as many reps or even have to drop my weights for some exercises, but I didn't for Close-Grip BB Biceps Curls, instead working through the pain for less reps at the same weight as last week - last two reps on the last two sets were very slow and excruciating on my left wrist. Which didn't help my Dips - I went lower than usual, albeit not as slow as usual, feeling it in my left shoulder in particular and dull aching in my left wrist. Skipping for the end of each TriSet A was just done. I stayed with the same weight for Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls as last week, and was back to doing what I could the week before that (although that was with a lighter weight than this), struggling a lot with my left side on the last few reps each time of it, and the last set, I actually had to pause for several moments to "allow" for the pain. INcreased the weight for V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs and did the same number of reps as last week. Favouring left knee severely during the skipping portion of TriSet B, wincing on every landing of my left foot. Instead of torturing my left wrist with DB Zottoman Curls, I swapped it out for Cable Bicep Curls, albeit as I have with Seated Cable Row, using INDIVIDUAL handles for each hand - was an effort and if I am going to continue doing these, really need to focus on keeping my elbows TIGHT against my waist. With my left wrist already in pain, swapped out the DB French Press for Push-Ups - first couple of sets I actually did with handles under me, but I wasn't able to go low enough, my bust hitting the handles, so went to doing them on my fists on the floor for the last two sets, and believe me, I FELT them. Skipping during TriSet C was a little faster than it had been prior in the session, just to get it over and done with. Weighted Crunches I did fewer reps, albeit same weight as last week, feeling it really "dig" into my right shoulder. Pikes were welcome after that. Skipping getting faster...Since the Recline Bike was being used when I finished, did 10 minutes on the CrossTrainer until it was free and then move to the former. Body just felt blah, and my pace was not the best...


Elliptical 20 min

Stretch 20 min

Didn't fall asleep until after I SHOULD have gotten up, sleeping for ~8 hours though. Again, training "backwards" re sessions today and I am going to go add in a fifth resistance session this week (to punish myself for not being able to get my nutrition disciplined AND take my mind off disturbing and depressing things)...Anyways, did 20 minutes on the Elliptical downstairs - really feeling it in my glutes and quads, which is NOT a good sign (I canNOT have them GROW!)...Then 25 minutes in the sauna. Out to the pool, forcing just over four minutes under the water this time. In fact, the longer I was under, the easier it became to stay under, which was interesting, and I just wanted to STAY there (my lungs said otherwise, LOL). Leg "massage" in the spa, finishing off with a random "why not?" minute holding myself under...


Supplements (changes reflected in post #1)

Finished my bottle of Adipose Annihilation V2 yesterday and my last bottle of AnaBeta today. Going to miss my AnaBeta - running out of Recompadrol AND this means I have NO nutrient repartitioners, which is NOT good for me (might have to get something fast). I'll also be out of Alpha-T2 on Friday, so I had better pick up my A-game with everything ELSE (specifically NUTRITION)!

Recompadrol should be out in the next 8 weeks.
i duno how id feel to be out of a partioner, havent been off rdrol in over 3 years, and before then was anabolic pump and glycobol, and insulean K
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I kind of figured you were coming up but then I have heard of some people who can actually control themselves enough and slow their bodies down enough to do that kind of thing. I figured if anyone I knew could use mind over matter to get the job done you were up there in that group for sure. Yeah the 16/8 is just so forgiving and feels natural too me now.
"Coming up"? You mean fallen off the wagon entirely the last four weeks - that would be putting it mildly, although, that said, I only gained for the middle two of those weeks, so we'll see what damage has been done come the weekend when I get everything measured and tested (hoping if I work had the next couple of days, it will have gone DOWN)...When it comes to everything BUT nutrition, I am as disciplined as hell, but for some reason, when it comes to that I am just not - maybe because I have "gotten away" with eating what I want when I want for so long, or because my body's physiology is so screwed up that it lets me, but whatever the case, I know for my HEALTH it cannOT continue...

Recompadrol should be out in the next 8 weeks.
i duno how id feel to be out of a partioner, havent been off rdrol in over 3 years, and before then was anabolic pump and glycobol, and insulean K
That's a lifetime, Zach! LOL Yeah, I'm not a fan of being off one - just ordered some DCP (with more Alpha-T2), so hoping it is here no later than Monday!



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"Coming up"? You mean fallen off the wagon entirely the last four weeks - that would be putting it mildly, although, that said, I only gained for the middle two of those weeks, so we'll see what damage has been done come the weekend when I get everything measured and tested (hoping if I work had the next couple of days, it will have gone DOWN)...When it comes to everything BUT nutrition, I am as disciplined as hell, but for some reason, when it comes to that I am just not - maybe because I have "gotten away" with eating what I want when I want for so long, or because my body's physiology is so screwed up that it lets me, but whatever the case, I know for my HEALTH it cannOT continue...

No not at all, I meant coming up for air in the pool. :) Was definitely not referring to your current shape. Heck, even in your "bad shape" you are in better shape than 99.9% of the people out there.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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No not at all, I meant coming up for air in the pool. :) Was definitely not referring to your current shape. Heck, even in your "bad shape" you are in better shape than 99.9% of the people out there.
OH LOL Gotcha :D

John Smeton

John Smeton

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No not at all, I meant coming up for air in the pool. :) Was definitely not referring to your current shape. Heck, even in your "bad shape" you are in better shape than 99.9% of the people out there.
agreed. how you been Mckleen?

keep up the good work Rosie your such an inspiration


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Aweome post yet again for the Queen of the forums!!! I admire your running skills!!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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agreed. how you been Mckleen?

keep up the good work Rosie your such an inspiration
Chris is running a log if you want to follow, John: [url=]KLEEN gets Lean with Fat Free! An App-Nut Sponsored Log[/url]

Thank you for the encouragement - getting to the point where I feel like my mental beatings are being more detrimental than good to me right now...

Aweome post yet again for the Queen of the forums!!! I admire your running skills!!!
Cheers, Tommy :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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STOP looking at the Obstacles and START looking at the POSSIBILITIES!


"Vision is the ability to see God’s presence, to perceive God’s power, to focus on God’s plan in spite of the obstacles." - Charles Swindoll

For the complete Motivational, review Having Vision | WPM Women.


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 10 min jogging

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Back/Chest (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Single-Arm Bent Over DB Rows 4 x 10, 8, 8, 8 per side
2. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on floor on fists) 4 x 10, 10, 8, 8
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Supinated Bent Over BB Rows 4 x 10, 10, 8, 8
5. Incline BB Bench Press 4 x 10, 8, 8, 8
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. Neutral Grip Seated Row (each hand with individual handle) 4 x 12
8. Cable CrossOvers 4 x 15, 15, 12, 12
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 107-108 rpm

Went to sleep not long after 0330 and woke just after 0700. Felt ok...Headed out for HIIT Run. Legs felt heavy and dead, hating the way my body felt in general, period. Sprints felt slow to me - could also have been because I was running uphill into the wind, but...Just glad to get back and be done with it. Into the sauna for 30 minutes, before the pool, not able to hold myself under for as long today, only ~3.5 minutes - I am so stressed right now and my body is starting to feel it. Then the spa for a bit, actually not minding it so much - usually I'm not a fan of it or the heat, and then back into the pool again to see if I could make myself suffer a little more...Highly irritated and frustrated, and with both anterior delts/biceps' tendons having hurt sharply all day on top of everything, NOT in the best of moods for the gym tonight...Went in and straight into my weights, having already decided that I was going to make this session slightly shorter than last week, since my shoulders were both still hurting quite badly. Started off with the same weight as last week re Single-Arm Bent Over DB Rows and was able to manage ok, albeit less reps on the second set than I did last week. Push-Ups were done on my fists this time (since that's the only way my left wrist does NOT hurt funnily enough), all the way down until the top of my chest hit the floor - feeling it on the last set, since I was doing these slowly. Skipping was VERY fast. Went five pounds lighter than the weight used last week for Supinated Bent Over BB Rows and managed a lot more reps, with a lot better form - although right elbow still sticks out on these and no amount of effort is bringing it in close to my body, GRRRR. Same weight as last week on the Incline BB Bench Press and was able to be semi-normal re reps done. Skipping very fast again, the expression on my face one of concentration warning people away. Five pounds heavier than last week on the Neutral Grip Seated Row, for the same reps. Same weight as last week on the Cable CrossOvers as well, for more reps on the first couple of sets. Skipping started to slow a little on the last couple of sets here as I began feeling the fatigue, left elbow hurting (from the second set of TriSet C) and right knee (from the second set of TriSet B). Definition and vascularity was not as prominent tonight as it has been (I think the HOT shower followed by 10 sprays of NO Infuse on each delt/arm ~30 min pre-weights has a big impact on it - moreso the former, since that was what was not done tonight)...Didn't feel like it, but sat myself on the Recline Bike and surprisingly spun my way through 20 minutes. And that was that - relived to have it over and done with...


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