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  • Hey dude... How's it going? Haven't seen much from you lately. Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.

    Looking beastly bro!
    Theres no source posting or asking for sourches on this board or through PM or visitor messages.
    I see your a frequent user and have been on this site for a while. I just have one question, where is the best place to order T3 and liquidclen? Can you point me in the right direction
    I always think that Cherry is in S.C. but it's in N.C. and Parris was in N.C. but it's in S.C.

    My good friend is with 2/6 wpns. I'm Not near the Area, I was with 1/5 wpns ( 0331 ) and then SOI, S-3.
    Just been super busy lately, lurking a bit here n there. Getting ready for the military.
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