The Female Terminator Chronicles: The Ultimate Muscle and Physique Stack (2012)



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How is erase working for you? It's precisely what I wanted to ask Rosie about.


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It's only my 2nd day on 3 caps. I'm doin a clen cycle too so we'll see!!


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Clen? Yikes. I've read that it works really well but it's quite dangerous. My knowledge is by no means extensive so here's to hoping you get awesome results.


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I will help since Rosie is a bit busy at the moment. Rosie has ALWAYS had very good luck with AI's you can simply go and look up threads started by her and find TONS of reviews, many of them of various types of testosterone boosters that main function was to lower estrogen. When a woman lowers her estrogen several things tend to happen, one they are able to lose fat faster, 2 they tend to be able to build lean body mass more quickly, and 3 the libido tends to surge quite a bit, 4 lower estrogen tends to reduce water retention quite a bit so most of the subcutaneous water tends to fall off.

Possible hazards to this are masculinization, however unless you have a hormone imbalance already it is not likely that you will have enough androgens naturally to experience that. Joints may become dry and sensitive to over use injuries due to a lack of synnovial fluid in the joints.

As far as Rosie goes, as she mentions just a page or so back she considers ERASE a staple as in she doesn't like to be without it. If I remember some of her favorites correctly they would be ERASE, T911, and I think she did really well with Formadrol too, but ERASE has been the main one for a little while now. Once again I would take the time to go find her review of these products and educate yourself on them. I can tell you other than referring you to her already written reviews she is not going to spell much out here. In my experience, she does not waste time rewriting her words. So your best bet is to go look up her logs and read the final reviews where she summarizes her entire experience. If you have never read one of her reviews they are some of the best and most thorough you will find. Take the time to read her body of work then ask her specific questions instead of asking things she probably already wrote in a review.

If you are not familiar with how to do that search, go to her profile and click "Find all threads started by" it will show you every thread or review that Rosie has started here.


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Ok so I wish I had a teraxatone stash too!! Would u recommend hydrotherm over lasix?
I use hydrotherm it works well, Lasix...isn't that the prescription diuretic?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Excellent, and always a good thing to learn some new tricks for the modeling. I can't wait to see some of the pics. I am happy you were pleased with the pics too, it is always an exquisite feeling when you finally get the satisfaction from something you have been anticipating.
It is :) I still see all the flaws, even if the pics are great and I need to get past that.

Hello there! I'm new to the boards and as a woman it has been difficult to get supplement recommendations for me. I was told by a few helpful members to seek out the famous RosieChee! LOL!
Hi, Chris covered a lot in his response (thank you, Chris), and he is right. I have ALREADY covered this topic well and truly multiple times on this board (particularly in the Female Fitness subforum - I have covered a lot of things here, actually). What I would recommend are based on so many things, primarily training experience, supplementation usage and knowledge, goals and needs, etc. Anyways, all you really need are the BASIC STAPLES of creatine (if weight training), multivitamin, good fats, protein powder, and BCAAs (the last four are really optional, and you can get enough of everything through your nutrition if it is right, and they're more for convenience). See my article The 5 Basic Staple Supplements: The Only Supplements that are Essential to your Regime in the eBook here (ignore the topic of the book, since the same supplements apply regardless of looking for fat loss or muscle gains).

Ok so I wish I had a teraxatone stash too!! Would u recommend hydrotherm over lasix?
I have not used either of the last two products - as I mentioned, I use what works for me and when I find something that works WITH my body, I stick to it! Again, as Chris said, I do not like to repeat myself.

I'm also tryin out erase... Rosie uses it!!! I have stubborn hip fat! Booooo!!! Help!! 3 1/2 weeks out
I will also reiterate something that I mention on my website and have multiple times across the board: Just because I use something does not mean that every female should, or that I would recommend it. If you check out my Supplement Reviews, you WILL see this note at the bottom of the page: "If you read my reviews, keep in mind that this is MY experience with that product. EVERYone is different and therefore NO one is going to have the exact same experience with or effects from any given product - just because I experienced something does NOT mean that you will (and likely, because of my my body being the anomaly that it is, it usually responds OPPOSITE than expected, so it is an extreme example of individual differences). You may or may not experience any, some, or all of the "listed" claims and effects of any given product - be aware that if you do not, it does NOT mean that the product is not working. You cannot use my experience with any given product as "this is what I am going to see if I use it", and as with everything, I recommend that you do your OWN personal research and learn as much as you can about ANY product that you are considering using - know all the ins and outs of it, its mechanism of action, look at others' feedback and read through any logs on it, and use all that information to make your own informed decision on whether or not that product is one that would be beneficial to you re YOUR goals and needs!"

How is erase working for you? It's precisely what I wanted to ask Rosie about.
As Chris said, check out my logs and review on it, as well as look over the PES subforum for more information. If you cannot find an answer to a specific question, by all means, ask, but do your own personal research and look FIRST, please.

It's only my 2nd day on 3 caps. I'm doin a clen cycle too so we'll see!!
Clen - well, not something I have used.

I will help since Rosie is a bit busy at the moment. Rosie has ALWAYS had very good luck with AI's you can simply go and look up threads started by her and find TONS of reviews, many of them of various types of testosterone boosters that main function was to lower estrogen. When a woman lowers her estrogen several things tend to happen, one they are able to lose fat faster, 2 they tend to be able to build lean body mass more quickly, and 3 the libido tends to surge quite a bit, 4 lower estrogen tends to reduce water retention quite a bit so most of the subcutaneous water tends to fall off.

Possible hazards to this are masculinization, however unless you have a hormone imbalance already it is not likely that you will have enough androgens naturally to experience that. Joints may become dry and sensitive to over use injuries due to a lack of synnovial fluid in the joints.

As far as Rosie goes, as she mentions just a page or so back she considers ERASE a staple as in she doesn't like to be without it. If I remember some of her favorites correctly they would be ERASE, T911, and I think she did really well with Formadrol too, but ERASE has been the main one for a little while now. Once again I would take the time to go find her review of these products and educate yourself on them. I can tell you other than referring you to her already written reviews she is not going to spell much out here. In my experience, she does not waste time rewriting her words. So your best bet is to go look up her logs and read the final reviews where she summarizes her entire experience. If you have never read one of her reviews they are some of the best and most thorough you will find. Take the time to read her body of work then ask her specific questions instead of asking things she probably already wrote in a review.

If you are not familiar with how to do that search, go to her profile and click "Find all threads started by" it will show you every thread or review that Rosie has started here.
THANK YOU, Chris! :hug:

Just one thing - I have never used Formadrol, but I have used T-911.

If you ever want to see my staples amyfigs or NeoHippie, please refer to post #1 of this log (and bear in mind what I mentioned earlier about the products I use).

For more information and articles, etc., that I have written on such topics, please see my website for it, as I have a lot of links and things there. Look under Supplements for the majority of things supplement related.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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If a star could light the way that could take me back to you...


"♥ If you don't “PERCEIVE” yourself as an “ACHIEVER”, it is impossible to PERFORM as one…It is only when you “CONCEIVE” yourself to be a PERSON OF ACTION that you can actually become one ♥ In order to create an “ELECTRIFYING” life, you must first IMAGINE yourself as a “LIGHTNING ROD” in order to “CONDUCT” your behavior accordingly. The SKY is the limit for you so long as you REGARD yourself as the “RISING STAR” that you are! ♥ When you BELIEVE that your efforts are “WORTH-while” and can ENVISION yourself as having tremendous “VALUE”, you will produce RESULTS of equal “WORTH”. As soon as you “RECOGNIZE” yourself as being capable of ANYTHING, you can “REALIZE” EVERYTHING that you “VISUALIZE”! ♥ Eliminate your “SHORT-SIGHTED” outlook by always wearing your “SPECTACLES” of SUCCESS…the VIEW will become nothing short of “SPECTACULAR”!!♥" – Lauren Christine Frahn


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 10 min jogging

Stretch 16 min

Session 2

Skip x 300 revolutions

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadset):
QuadSet A -
1. Seated Bent Over DB Rear Raises 3 x 10
2. DB Hammer Raises (each hand with individual DB) 3 x 10
3. DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10 per side
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Bicep Curls 3 x 10
6. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Weighted Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degree angle) 3 x 10
10. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 10
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Stretch 5 min

Woke up an hour later than planned, but went for my HIIT regardless. Body VERY sore from yesterday (for all those who think that posing and/or modeling is easy, believe me, it hurts almost MORE than an intense resistance session the day after!), feeling every pound on the pavement...Finally settled into the hotel at Hollywood Beach, starting my training session an hour later than I wanted to. But, did it - in the hotel Fitness Center, using what they had. Session was ok, my body sore. During QuadSet B left wrist was aching badly, then the pump in my left bicep became painful, but it was all made up for by seeing the definition in my delts and arms strongly throughout training, vascularity just popping - this is what I want for photoshoots! Abs coming out nicely, and I posed for a little after the session - I look the best I ever have from the waist up, IMO, which gave me a smile (I am still 8% bodyfat, but my girths are a little smaller than yesterday, - albeit overall body mass more - and FINALLY BOTH my arms and legs are back to being SYMMETRICAL, so definitely pleased with that, and hoping for 7.8% bodyfat - or a little less - tomorrow!)...Didn't do any post-weights cardio, since I will practice a little more posing tonight before bed...Now going to go and walk along the beach - I have missed it so much, and for it to be practically on my "doorstep" right now, is truly wonderful...



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It is :) I still see all the flaws, even if the pics are great and I need to get past that.

THANK YOU, Chris! :hug:

Just one thing - I have never used Formadrol, but I have used T-911.

For more information and articles, etc., that I have written on such topics, please see my website for it, as I have a lot of links and things there. Look under Supplements for the majority of things supplement related.

Okay, for some reason I was thinking Formadrol, maybe there was just a reference between the 2 versions of T911 or something? I could swear there was something regarding you and 2 of the LG AI's. If not it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong. ;)


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Wow Rosie! Thanks do much for taking the time to respond & Chris too :) I'm new here too! Looking forward to reading :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Okay, for some reason I was thinking Formadrol, maybe there was just a reference between the 2 versions of T911 or something? I could swear there was something regarding you and 2 of the LG AI's. If not it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong. ;)
Not sure why, LOL :D Only used the latest version of T-911. However, I HAVE used both Anadraulic State and Anadraulic State GT - both have AI properties, so maybe that was what you were thinking of, Chris (and that would make two of LG's products that have AI properties)?

Wow Rosie! Thanks do much for taking the time to respond & Chris too :) I'm new here too! Looking forward to reading :)
No worries :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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do you feel a difference on testosterone boosters?
Me? It depends on what "difference" you mean, John - please be more specific.



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Not sure why, LOL :D Only used the latest version of T-911. However, I HAVE used both Anadraulic State and Anadraulic State GT - both have AI properties, so maybe that was what you were thinking of, Chris (and that would make two of LG's products that have AI properties)?

No worries :)

That would make sense. I could just be off my rocker too. ;)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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That would make sense. I could just be off my rocker too. ;)
You can be anything you want, Chris - you mean just as much to us all the same :)



The Erase Pro bottle says not to be used by women. Why is this? My girlfriend bought a bottle and now shes not sure if she should take it.
Let me know, Thank you!



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I read that online, it doesn't say the on the PES site tho. It says "people".
Rosie tried it, if it's OTC I'm thinking... Well hoping, one round won't hurt
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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The Erase Pro bottle says not to be used by women. Why is this? My girlfriend bought a bottle and now shes not sure if she should take it.
Let me know, Thank you!

Erase Pro contains 3,7-keto, which has AI properties. It is not recommended that women use products with AI properties in them.

Re your girlfriend, Jon, if she's not knowledgeable about supplements and is not an experienced/advanced trainee or someone who "needs" something to help them alongside the "perfect" training and nutrition for THEM, then I don't recommend that she use anything but the basic staples, and perhaps a preworkout if she wants, as there is no need for it.



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Oh! :) and I'm not saying I'm trying just because Rosie did, I'd decided beforehand & then found this thread. :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I read that online, it doesn't say the on the PES site tho. It says "people".
Rosie tried it, if it's OTC I'm thinking... Well hoping, one round won't hurt
It mentions it for both Erase and Erase Pro, since both contain the same active.

Yes, I tried it, but like I said earlier, I do a lot of things I would not recommend to others (males or female) because I do what works for my body.

That said, if you want to try it no one is stopping you - they are just making recommendations. Make sure you're well versed in what the product is and does before you use it, and ensure that it has a PURPOSE in your supplementation regime.



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Thank you for taking the enormous amounts of time to post such detailed information. Its helpful & informative!


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Btw... Day 3 of erase
I feel harder if that makes any sense
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Thank you for taking the enormous amounts of time to post such detailed information. Its helpful & informative!
No worries :)

Btw... Day 3 of erase
I feel harder if that makes any sense
Harder because you could be losing water and therefore look and/or feel drier.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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...see the flames burn bright...


"♥ It is not by chance that those who “PROVIDE” the most to others “COINCIDE” with the most “GRATIFIED” people on the planet ♥ There is a direct “parallel” between the BLESSINGS that you GIVE and the “BLISSFULNESS” that you LIVE. By always "OPENING DOORS" for others to live the BEST lives that they CAN, your “THRESHOLD” for THRILL increases again and again! ♥ Simply, the more that you DO to bring another “GLEE”, the HAPPIER it is that YOU will be! You will never “HOLD BACK” your own “EXUBERANCE” when you manage to “UNLEASH” another's JUBILANCE! ♥ Adding “PEP” to another's “step” will “ELEVATE” you to "WALK ON AIR"…In causing another to feel #1, Y-O-U will float "ON CLOUD #9"! ♥" - Lauren Christine Frahn




So, adapted my training this week based on how my body was feeling and what was going on - not doing the post-weights cardio of 20 minutes on Wednesday or Friday, and making today a day off (since I haven't had one this week) - which turned out ok, and probably helped me get my body composition down by giving my body more recovery time (since I DID push it pretty hard this week, Monday through Wednesday especially).


Body Composition

7.8% bodyfat - a loss of 0.7% bodyfat over 10 days (although really -0.5% bodyfat in 8 days, because I was 8% bodyfat Thursday and Friday). I hit my goal body composition for this week (so the three days re Monday to Wednesday of "helter-skelter of hellacious entire week's worth of training crammed into THREE days, with those days also using EXTREME dieting" - with a "cheat" meal after shooting with Walt on Thursday night - certainly worked)! Also 2.6 pounds HEAVIER than I was last time I was this body composition (November/December 2011), so I definitely have more lean mass, muscle in my delts and arms, and a little more in my lower body (GRRRR to that). My girths are now back to being SYMMETRICAL re both arms and legs, so that is another pleasing factor. Now I just have to MAINTAIN this body composition and get even leanER - it will be slow from here on out no doubt, but I am determined to progress and not step backwards (although fluctuating between this, lower, and 8% bodyfat will be ok), improving from here on out in EVERY way!!!

Florida & Photoshoots & Fun

After all the upsets of the week prior, and my life being turned upside down multiple times in the several months before that, this last week went rather well. BETTER than well - it didn't happen for Thursday (8% bodyfat was close enough though), but by Saturday I was the body composition I wanted (and looked the best I ever have re leanness, definition and vascularity), my body in a condition I was "happy" with (but want to and will improve on); and all my photoshoots went great, with the best shots ever being taken at the end of each one (some real stunning ones - among the top shots I have ever taken); and having the week I have needed for so long away from everything to clear my head and get some new perspective and focus. It was a truly awesome week, spent with some amazing and inspiring people, and I have come away from it with fresh determination, ready to give everything I have to making my dreams REALITY!

For the Month of May

I have the honour of shooting with Tony Mitchell again AND Jerry Beck for Iron Asylum at the end of May - coinciding with my birthday, which shall mean another few days of fun-filled work, smiles and laughter, relaxing and enjoying the company of more amazing and inspiring people! Today is a last chance to chill out and relax before starting back into heavy training tomorrow in preparation for this shoot - I plan on and WILL be the leanest I have EVER been for it, in the BEST shape of my life to date! Very excited...And because he is also awesome, I have the privilege of being the first to use Matt Pearson's latest version of Abliderate Advanced - something he kindly "created" for me based on my needs (THANK YOU, MATT!) :) so I'll be able to see how that goes...



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Hmm someone's birthday is comming up!!! Rosie good to hear the past week was better, and having time to clear your mind is always a good thing. Let us know how the shoots goes!!


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Awesome, sounds like a great experience Rosie! Abliderate Advanced huh sounds awesome is this something he is actually going to release or just this batch for you??
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hmm someone's birthday is comming up!!! Rosie good to hear the past week was better, and having time to clear your mind is always a good thing. Let us know how the shoots goes!!
Yes :party: It is indeed, Tommy...The shoots this week went awesome, and I'm sure the ones in a month will go just as well! I am excited - it's nice to be excited about something again...

Awesome, sounds like a great experience Rosie! Abliderate Advanced huh sounds awesome is this something he is actually going to release or just this batch for you??
It was, Chris - I am truly grateful for the amazing people in my life that give me the opportunity and to whom I can give the opportunity to do such things :)

Re Abliderate Advanced, Matt made this up specially for me, but if all goes well, it may be released as a new SKU.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I'd trade my soul for a wish...I wasn't looking for this...


"It's not about how much you can get out of life, but about how much you can GIVE TO it!" - Rosie Chee

For the complete Motivational, review What You GIVE TO Life | Rosie's MuscleRevolution.


a. 4 min jogging
b. 28 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 2 x 50 sec sprint/10 sec easy
d. 4 min jogging

Shoulders/Hamstrings (1 min recovery between sets):
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 6 x 15, 12, 10, 8, 8, 8
2. BB Military Press 6 x 8
3. Single-Arm Plate Lateral Raises 6 x 12, 12, 12, 10, 10, 8 per arm
4. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (BB to touch ground) 6 x 10

Post-Weights Cardio:
Rollers 20 min in 39x18 @ 118-120 rpm

Stretch 20 min

Yesterday was BAD: Day OFF training, only just over half a galleon of water drunk, and close to 1,000 grams of carbohydrates consumed (yes, I completely let go yesterday - although half of that was from clean sources)! No wonder I woke feeling like crap today, my face looking like a puffer fish, highly uncomfortable with the additional 10-pound weight gain (although, yes, I know, food and water weight - doesn't make me feel any different though). Anyways...Took me a little bit to get myself together for training. Headed out for my run, surprised that my knees weren't hurting from all the extra weight, but not surprised that I felt more energetic than I did last week. Did more sprints than usual, with two longer ones at the end...Took my Assault on returning, getting myself ready for the weights. Downstairs to the basement. It was a sudden decision to make this week a "deload" week after I had finished my first set of Behind-the-neck BB Military Presses, but I made it - given that it's been ~3 weeks since my last deload, and I have four weeks until my next photoshoot/s, it's the perfect time to have one this week. No skipping after shoulders' exercises today, single sets only. Slight twinges in right delt from the second set of Behind-the-neck BB Military Presses. Left wrist aching a little during BB Military Presses, but nothing unmanageable. Left delt/bi tendon in agony from the third set of Single-Arm Plate Lateral Raises - hence the lower reps from that set on. Huge pump in delts and arms though. Fine during Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts...Enjoyed being able to sit on my rollers, even though legs felt heavy and thick (not just feeling either - look it too - from all the water retention after yesterday). Spinning and the hurt in my quads did not start until almost a third of the way in, but pushing through it...Glad to be able to stretch...I was SO thirsty this morning that I guzzled almost a galleon of water during resistance training and post-weights cardio alone...



Started using Erase Pro again today (didn't use it last week). Started back on Assault again as well (none used last week). First official day of Abliderate Advanced too.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee Fitness Newsletter :: May 2012


Fitness should not be a "quick fix" or temporary "solution" in your life, but a LIFESTYLE. YOUR lifestyle. Something that you live and breathe and simply DO EVERY day. Fitness is NOT about looking good. It is about HEALTH and making your body the BEST it can be. It is about creating the optimal environment for your soul to live in, aiding in the prolonging of your life.

This month in the 'Training' section, I have explained how to go about making fitness a part of your daily routine, and no, it does NOT have to be hours of exercise every day.

In this month's 'Nutrition' section, I have outlined what "lifestyle nutrition" is and should be, and how you can CHANGE your diet up at any time to achieve a specific goal for that phase or period of your life.

Check out this edition of the Rosie Chee Fitness Newsletter HERE.



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Yeah those carb madness days are good for the soul sometimes but just like you I hold a ton of water and my face swells up. I feel rough the following day too. It is just one of those things but also the reason I won't do the UD2 diet again. The weekend carb ups became too much for me.


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Nicely done on the latest edition there.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yeah those carb madness days are good for the soul sometimes but just like you I hold a ton of water and my face swells up. I feel rough the following day too. It is just one of those things but also the reason I won't do the UD2 diet again. The weekend carb ups became too much for me.
Yeah - after dropping water all last week though, it had an even more pronounced effect than usual. Not enjoying the feeling, and yet yesterday I was still craving (and ate - albeit nowhere near as much) them! Truly feeling crappy today - wisdom teeth also coming up, which is never fun either. Going to let myself have a day to recover and my body to settle down methinks and hit it extra hard tomorrow...

Nicely done on the latest edition there.
Thank you, Chris :) I'm trying to speak to a wider audience with my monthly newsletter - hence the "different" topics the last three months.



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Yeah - after dropping water all last week though, it had an even more pronounced effect than usual. Not enjoying the feeling, and yet yesterday I was still craving (and ate - albeit nowhere near as much) them! Truly feeling crappy today - wisdom teeth also coming up, which is never fun either. Going to let myself have a day to recover and my body to settle down methinks and hit it extra hard tomorrow...

Thank you, Chris :) I'm trying to speak to a wider audience with my monthly newsletter - hence the "different" topics the last three months.

I just committed carbocide all day holding water like crazy but man was my pump extreme today, it was actually painful.. but I looked HUGE!! shame its only temporary. Hang in there Rosie the flood waters will run off :thumbsup:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I just committed carbocide all day holding water like crazy but man was my pump extreme today, it was actually painful.. but I looked HUGE!! shame its only temporary. Hang in there Rosie the flood waters will run off :thumbsup:
I'm hoping so - it's been three days now of being 11 pounds more than usual and my body is hating me for it. My head feels like it's about to explode, my ears are blocked, my mouth hurts when I eat, my limbs feel heavy, and training is the last thing I feel like doing. Good thing I decided to make it a "deload" week. I can't afford to get sick - seems like I always do when I have an "easy" week - or have this last for long - I know my body will feel better when I start hammering it again in the gym and eating re Lean Gains 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window (been doing 12-hour fast/12-hour feeding window last four days) with food that AGREES with my body (too many of the wrong carbohydrates the last couple of days and not enough protein) and need to do it ALL the time! For HEALTH reasons, I can't even do this "temporarily" any more - it takes too much toll on my body. Anyways, hope the rest of your day goes well, David :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Al's [Fallen Silver] Angel


"The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it." - Marcus Aurelius

For the complete Motivational, review Our Thoughts | Rosie's MuscleRevolution.





a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 12 min jogging

Stretch 12 min

Arms/Abs (1 min recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8
2. Incline Dips 4 x 8
SuperSet B -
3. Incline Bicep Curls 4 x 12, 10, 10, 10
4. DB French Press 4 x 8
SuperSet C -
5. Alternate Hammer Bicep Curls 4 x 15 per side
6. Hammer Curls 4 x 8
SuperSet D -
7. Crunches (on floor, hips at 90 degree angle, legs straight, to touch toes) 4 x 25
8. Plank 4 x 1 min

Post-Weights Cardio:
Rollers 20 min in 39x18 @ 110-120 rpm

Stretch 12 min

Slept a little longer than usual - allowing myself to, waking and going back to bed, since it IS a "deload" week (and also not had a week "off" in a long time, and my "easy"/"deload" weeks ARE my weeks "off"). Not feeling the best, still holding an extra 11 pounds than usual, which makes a HUGE difference in how I look AND feel...HIIT Run felt slow, but surprisingly knees were ok until towards the end, where right one started getting tight. Left rear delt had an ache/pull in it during the entire run...Resistance training I wasn't looking forward to, which doesn't happen very often to me. Started out and was surprised that I was able to go as high with reps on my first set of Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls. Since I have no Dips' bars in the basement, I did Incline Dips instead, going low, feeling every one. It's been a LONG time since I had a minute's recovery [on any session other than Shoulders/Hamstrings], but I did today, no matter how weird it felt - my body REALLY needs the SHORTER recovery periods for best function, but given the way I was feeling, it was ok. Left wrist started aching badly during Incline Bicep Curls, and pump in arms was MASSIVE by the time I was done with my first set of the DB French Press. Left wrist continued to ache and pump continued to get "more", becoming very painful, but SuperSet C was managed, recovery a relief. Finished off the session with a different kind of crunch, feeling the stretch in my hamstrings during it, my core feeling highly UNcomfortable...Even though I didn't feel like it, I did 20 minutes on my rollers, cadence rather varied at times. I got off my bike with legs that felt so heavy - I definitely HATE this feeling, and the sooner I can rid my body of all this excess water weight (especially since it has bloated me from my waist to knees, causing even SITTING to be uncomfortable) the better...NOT very happy with myself right now...



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Ouch girl, hope you get the bloating axed out. I kept bloating after using fiber supp and had enough of it lol. I've been feeling slightly more bloated this week then last couple months, and I'm trying to figure out what it is causing it.


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Hope that water drops of quickly. That feeling is precisely why I don't run the Ultimate Diet 2.0 any more.


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I don't know much abt that :) I'll hv to read back. I'm cutting for comp & just havin one of those days. I need to focus & can't. Never been like this before. I'm bummed
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Ouch girl, hope you get the bloating axed out. I kept bloating after using fiber supp and had enough of it lol. I've been feeling slightly more bloated this week then last couple months, and I'm trying to figure out what it is causing it.
The leaner you get and "go bad", the more "rebound" you have back. I know it's just food and water weight, no matter what it feels like, and it's worse because all last week I CUT water and limited carbohydrates (when I don't usually do the latter), and the last few days have been back eating as "normal" for me, but with only half the amount of my usual consumption of water. Doesn't make it any less uncomfortable though, and I accept full responsibility for it...Bloating can be caused by many things, Tommy, including but not limited to type of food eaten (i.e. gaseous food or food you have sensitivities to, etc.), not drinking enough, too much sodium, training, etc.

I am a carbocided nightmare ugh
I'm sure it's not that bad.

Hope that water drops of quickly. That feeling is precisely why I don't run the Ultimate Diet 2.0 any more.
Thanks, Chris. Eh, it'll be ok once I am back training as intensely as I should be and following the nutritional protocol that best agrees with my body.

I don't know much abt that :) I'll hv to read back. I'm cutting for comp & just havin one of those days. I need to focus & can't. Never been like this before. I'm bummed
Next time, consider NOT cutting and just leaning out slowly over time. Seriously, I don't "bulk" and "cut" - even doing what I do re training and eating, my body loves to recomp, and I just stay relatively lean all the time, which makes it easier to lean down fast if you have to for anything specific. But, each to their own, so just do what is best for you...But yes, you will have those days if you are doing the typical competitor competition preparation. You just have to remind yourself what you're doing this for and use that as "motivation"...



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The leaner you get and "go bad", the more "rebound" you have back. I know it's just food and water weight, no matter what it feels like, and it's worse because all last week I CUT water and limited carbohydrates (when I don't usually do the latter), and the last few days have been back eating as "normal" for me, but with only half the amount of my usual consumption of water. Doesn't make it any less uncomfortable though, and I accept full responsibility for it...Bloating can be caused by many things, Tommy, including but not limited to type of food eaten (i.e. gaseous food or food you have sensitivities to, etc.), not drinking enough, too much sodium, training, etc.

I'm sure it's not that bad.

Thanks, Chris. Eh, it'll be ok once I am back training as intensely as I should be and following the nutritional protocol that best agrees with my body.

Next time, consider NOT cutting and just leaning out slowly over time. Seriously, I don't "bulk" and "cut" - even doing what I do re training and eating, my body loves to recomp, and I just stay relatively lean all the time, which makes it easier to lean down fast if you have to for anything specific. But, each to their own, so just do what is best for you...But yes, you will have those days if you are doing the typical competitor competition preparation. You just have to remind yourself what you're doing this for and use that as "motivation"...

Yah I try to stay away from extremes but my body wants to be fat, so it's always a struggle. Unless I am on top of my diet year round I am screwed. So what I did this year is struggled and maintained 205 then I id one 8 week bulk to 220. This puts me well within range of being cut which for me is around 200..I try to do this slowly cuz I figure if I am not progressing I am probably regressing....I will get cut before summer and recomp all summer. That way I can spend the summer looking good and gettting better as the summer turns to fall.
Rosie Chee

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Yah I try to stay away from extremes but my body wants to be fat, so it's always a struggle. Unless I am on top of my diet year round I am screwed. So what I did this year is struggled and maintained 205 then I id one 8 week bulk to 220. This puts me well within range of being cut which for me is around 200..I try to do this slowly cuz I figure if I am not progressing I am probably regressing....I will get cut before summer and recomp all summer. That way I can spend the summer looking good and gettting better as the summer turns to fall.
I am always at an extreme, Doug. If it's nothing, it's all, and "extreme" occurs in EVERY area of my life - a bad habit, I know, but sometimes habits can be so very hard to break, especially when they have had a lifetime of conditioning...It USED to be as long as I maintained my training intensity and volume that I was ok, no matter what my nutrition was like. However, my body has changed a lot in the last year, even moreso after my latest set of injuries and that no longer seems to be the case any more, my nutrition playing almost just as important a role as my training in my conditioning now, so I am working on making it better, having been FORCED to for my health - funny how I almost always have to be FORCED by my body to do something to truly "listen" to it. I know what scale weight and body composition my body does NOT feel comfortable and I am less functional over, so I have to stay UNDER those limits, and just work on bettering myself where I must there - not that I mind, since I'm not really looking for any more muscle mass, and want to stay leaner, training for me now, as I told an elderly gentleman who asked me a couple of months ago, simply to stay alive and functional...



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I used to be the exact same way regarding extremes. After my first shoulder surgery was when my body "MADE" me change as you mention. I try not to do anything now that actually hurts while I am doing it. Not like the muscle burns or normal muscle pain, but if a tendon or joint does I tend to back off now. Sometimes still not quickly enough but definitely a lot more in tune with any possible injury coming on and making adjustments to try to limit the issue before it is a major problem.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I used to be the exact same way regarding extremes. After my first shoulder surgery was when my body "MADE" me change as you mention. I try not to do anything now that actually hurts while I am doing it. Not like the muscle burns or normal muscle pain, but if a tendon or joint does I tend to back off now. Sometimes still not quickly enough but definitely a lot more in tune with any possible injury coming on and making adjustments to try to limit the issue before it is a major problem.
Yes, I am learning to "back off" when I know that continuing on will be detrimental, simply because I CANNOT afford to have ANY time off training, especially with the way my body is now. Sometimes I almost feel like I am "making excuses" when I go a little easier, but at the same time I am being cautious. Like this week - having it as a "deload" week, even though my head is screaming "NOOOOO!!!" because every time I have one I go slightly "backwards" and have to work my ass off to get back to where I was, but also knowing that my body needs to have SOME easier weeks, especially if I don't plan on having a complete week off all training for as long as my body will stand for it! It's listening to my body and beginning to respect it, accepting that I cannot treat it like a machine all the time.



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It's listening to my body and beginning to respect it, accepting that I cannot treat it like a machine all the time.

That's what she said...:D

Mind, body and spirit all need recreation.


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I used to be the exact same way regarding extremes. After my first shoulder surgery was when my body "MADE" me change as you mention. I try not to do anything now that actually hurts while I am doing it. Not like the muscle burns or normal muscle pain, but if a tendon or joint does I tend to back off now. Sometimes still not quickly enough but definitely a lot more in tune with any possible injury coming on and making adjustments to try to limit the issue before it is a major problem.
You're the one that talked into using progressive training rather than fighting the wieght all the time. I have always been extreme by default but I am mellowing :) Necessity is a big part of it, but it just starts to make more sense as well.. Most days are still pretty intense, it's all about attitude really. Work within myself that's what really changed. Making a plan and sticking to it.


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@Rosie, I have definitely noticed you have been more sensitive to your body the last 6 months. It is a good thing and it does feel like you are cheating yourself at first.

You're the one that talked into using progressive training rather than fighting the wieght all the time. I have always been extreme by default but I am mellowing :) Necessity is a big part of it, but it just starts to make more sense as well.. Most days are still pretty intense, it's all about attitude really. Work within myself that's what really changed. Making a plan and sticking to it.
AMEN, sometimes I still get a little to buck for my own good even without attempting too. It is really hard for me when I change my reps schemes not to over do it at first. I have a decent amount of strength and can handle some decent weight for higher reps now that I increased my work capacity. So rep ranges that used to not be an issue can be at times just because the weight is high even in the 12-15 rep range.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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That's what she said...:D

Mind, body and spirit all need recreation.
Yes, they do, and I am slowly learning that, and have taken the time out this year to give myself that break. I think my mind and spirit need a slightly longer one, and I can accept that, slowing down instead of going a million miles an hour with everything, giving myself room to breathe instead of constantly being on the go and not giving myself a chance to calm down or relax.

You're the one that talked into using progressive training rather than fighting the wieght all the time. I have always been extreme by default but I am mellowing :) Necessity is a big part of it, but it just starts to make more sense as well.. Most days are still pretty intense, it's all about attitude really. Work within myself that's what really changed. Making a plan and sticking to it.
Attitude can make all the difference for sure, Doug. I am finding myself more "adaptable" when it comes to training and routines of late, especially since the last few months almost NOTHING has been consistent, constantly being interrupted or my life thrown upside down without even a moment's notice. I guess that's the measure of seeing how well we can survive - being able to change with change, and I am learning that, even though I like and prefer structure and routine, I CAN live without it and STILL do what I must.

@Rosie, I have definitely noticed you have been more sensitive to your body the last 6 months. It is a good thing and it does feel like you are cheating yourself at first.
All those injuries at the end of last year was a true wake-up call when it comes to my body and how I treat it, Chris. And now everything with the way my body deals re nutrition changing as well the last few months, I HAVE to be if I want to continue making progress and becoming the best ME that I can be. It's not just in all that though, but, like I mentioned to David, I have to give my mind and soul some rest as well, and after the events of the last few months...Sometimes I feel like I have gone through a "mid-life crisis", but I have come out of it stronger, and although every day it seems right now is a battle, I am getting stronger, to where I must and have to be, in EVERY way possible. I am definitely more focused and clearer on what I want and what I have to do to get there, holding onto hopes that I would never before have let myself have, more aware than ever of how short life really is, and that at any moment it can all be snatched away, so I had better do all I can as much as I can whenever I can, and never stop hoping for the dreams I want to come true, working on getting closer to them every day. I have grown so much the last few months that sometimes I don't even recognize who I am. Strange how it takes something so drastic to make it happen for some of us, and sometimes takes more than ONE drastic event to really hit the message home, to make us "slow down", when we already thought we had...


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