The Female Terminator Chronicles: The Ultimate Muscle and Physique Stack (2012)



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You have your work cut out for you as far as getting water off do you have any water tricks you plan on employing to help out? Lots of asparagus will help get rid of some of the water. You could also do the hot bath with epson salts to pull some of the sub-q water off your body too.

I am actually surprised with you being under 10% that you are even still having your cycle. I often read about women sub 10% saying they don't have their menstrual cycles anymore. Several times I wanted to ask but didn't want to seem intrusive.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You have your work cut out for you as far as getting water off do you have any water tricks you plan on employing to help out? Lots of asparagus will help get rid of some of the water. You could also do the hot bath with epson salts to pull some of the sub-q water off your body too.

I am actually surprised with you being under 10% that you are even still having your cycle. I often read about women sub 10% saying they don't have their menstrual cycles anymore. Several times I wanted to ask but didn't want to seem intrusive.
I'm using Taraxatone at 9 caps daily - that usually helps me a lot (although I generally use 6 caps daily for five days and not 9 caps for three days). Cutting out the carbohydrates from now on as well - all I will get is what is the minimal amount from my almonds and MuscleGels.

You can always ask anything you want to, Chris - anyone can, and I will or will not answer it. As far as my cycle, I've had it regularly since I've been in the US (and started using products with AI properties, to be more precise - even more screwed up) - just another thing that indicates the anomaly my body is. I know, I've read the same thing many times and heard it said that, and also the fact that if a female misses it she has the Female Athlete Triad, etc., which I know in my case could not be further from the truth, because UNDEeating has never been an issue with me. That said, there are always exceptions to the "norm", and everything should ALWAYS be taken on an individual basis.

Right, time for my first resistance session of the day - doing Arms/Abs first, Shoulders/Hamstrings later this evening.



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Sounds like you have a good plan. That taraxatone is no joke, if you are holding water it should take care of it for sure.


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Sounds like you have a good plan. That taraxatone is no joke, if you are holding water it should take care of it for sure.
Chris wait and see how you look after the EPI-V, I never got that much drying using the quick methods like I did with the slow method epi-v afforded me. Yah taraxatone is strong but it can leave you flat, I had some luck recovering some extra carbs and potassium the first time I tried it....
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Sounds like you have a good plan. That taraxatone is no joke, if you are holding water it should take care of it for sure.
Indeed it is not, and it is the ONLY diuretic product that I have used (and yes, I tried several - just to see if they did the same when one I used when I couldn't get Taraxatone caused me to HOLD water) that works WITH my body, so I treat it like gold, especially now that it has been discontinued. I hope it helps!

Chris wait and see how you look after the EPI-V, I never got that much drying using the quick methods like I did with the slow method epi-v afforded me. Yah taraxatone is strong but it can leave you flat, I had some luck recovering some extra carbs and potassium the first time I tried it....
Chris will be ok, Doug, but I need that "quick fix" (as much as I hate to say it) this week, and besides, I'm not going to go the hormonal route to get dry. Once this week is over though, I'm going to just make sure I DO GET LEANER, and hope that helps me dry out more (should, with the help of Erase - which I have gone back to using 2/2/1 this week instead of Erase Pro in the morning and Erase 2/1 pm).



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Indeed it is not, and it is the ONLY diuretic product that I have used (and yes, I tried several - just to see if they did the same when one I used when I couldn't get Taraxatone caused me to HOLD water) that works WITH my body, so I treat it like gold, especially now that it has been discontinued. I hope it helps!

Chris will be ok, Doug, but I need that "quick fix" (as much as I hate to say it) this week, and besides, I'm not going to go the hormonal route to get dry. Once this week is over though, I'm going to just make sure I DO GET LEANER, and hope that helps me dry out more (should, with the help of Erase - which I have gone back to using 2/2/1 this week instead of Erase Pro in the morning and Erase 2/1 pm).

Oh yah I know, I used a quick hitter last year as I waited too long after finishing EPI-V to peak.. to tell you the truth it never occurred to me to try a slower method. I would live to know how much dandelion root they are using in EPI-V to cause this slower effect. Mght be a combination of the DHT precursor and herb though. Later when I compared my Epi-V peak to my contest peak it was obvious that I was drier with the Epi-v but you know what they say about hindsight. This year I wll peak for pics at the right time. Live and learn. I don't know if these products that work faster really work for me anyway. They seem to work better for others than they do for me. Fuggin water management in the body drives me batty.. :(
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Got my sights locked in...


"I'm training until I fall apart." - Kim Wathen

For the complete Motivational, review Until I Fall Apart| Rosie's MuscleRevolution.


Session 1

Run 3 miles

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 5 x 6
2. Dips 5 x 8
3. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls 5 x 10, 10, 10, 9, 8 per side
5. Rope Tricep Push-Down 5 x 8, 8, 8, 8, 6
6. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Zottoman Curls 5 x 8
8. Standing DB French Press 5 x 8, 6, 6, 6, 6
9. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunch (on bench, knees at 90 degrees) 5 x 15
11. Pikes (on bench) 5 x 15
12. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet -
13. Standing Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 1 x 30
14. Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on fists under chest) 1 x 8
15. Plank x 1 min
16. Skip x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 110-112 rpm

Stretch 27 min

Actually went to bed EARLY (well, early for me) last night and didn't take me long to fall asleep either - guess the stress is at the point where my mind just wants to shut down, but can't, although it will now allow for some hibernation. Woke a couple of times in the morning, but eventually got ~8 hours sleep and woke feeling slightly refreshed. Took me a while to get going, but once I did...Familiar route was ran on this morning. Weather is a good ~30 degrees Fahrenheit LESS here than in Texas, which suits me just fine (doesn't make running outside hard on my breathing), and run was ok. Not the fastest, given that I gained ~10 pounds from yesterday to this morning - a lot of it food and water weight though - and was feeling sluggish...Then to the gym, oh so ready to hit the weights (three days without a resistance session is almost like torture)! Did Arms/Abs instead of Shoulders/Hamstrings (relegated to pm training), making sure it was non-stop-on-the-go time. After last week I was shocked to find that my strength re Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls has gone down again, barely managing the six reps I did for each set, having to do the last couple of reps on the last couple of sets as half-reps, left wrist aching. Dips were fine, and given my increase in overall body mass, showing strength is fine here. Skipping was a little bit of an effort and my trackies kept "catching" the rope, which did not make for a good mood with it. Incline Alternate DB Bicep Curls were fine - seeing the double-veins in my biceps here and enjoying the pump. There was no V-Bar at the gym, so used the rope instead re Tricep Push-Downs. Skipping was frustrating and I had to go slower. DB Zottoman Curls were fine - strength up from last week. DB French Press was ok - right rear delt started pinching sharply from the third set though. Skipping finally falling into a rhythm here. Abs were all fine - not really feeling it too much today, which was a bit odd. Added in a quadset to complete my session, making sure I could feel the burn and pain - definitely felt on the Plank re delt/biceps' tendons in BOTH arms...Because I have to, 20 minutes on the Recline Bike - burning my legs and dripping sweat like tears - ended Training Session 1...

Session 2

a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Shoulders/Hamstrings (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 6 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8
2. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. BB Military Press 6 x 8
4. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. Plate Lateral Raises 6 x 10
6. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (BB to touch floor) 6 x 10
8. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Rollers 20 min in 39x18 @ 120 rpm

Wasn't really feeling it when I headed out to start off my Training Session 2. HIIT was ok - short today, since I DID do two HIIT Runs on the weekend...Then down to the basement to hit the weights. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press was ok until the third set, when my right rear delt started stinging sharply - managed to force out another set of 10 reps before the pain limited the last two sets on reps. BB Military Press was ok, although less reps than last week, feeling in my right anterior delt a grinding, albeit without pain. Right delt was starting to be an overall hassle by the time it came to Plate Lateral Raises and I just wanted them over and done with. I was tempted to not even do the Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts, but did them because I have to. Lightheaded during most of my skipping, definitely noticing the difference in not having used Assault pre-training (noticed this morning as well - especially re energy and alertness) - although could also have something to do with the fact that it was my SECOND resistance session for today...Finished off on the rollers - how happy I am be able to use MY bike again (completely different to using a Recline Bike or Spin Bike or any other kind of bike a fitness facility might have - NOTHING comes close). Spun away at a reasonable pace, heated and dripping by the end...

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Indeed it is not, and it is the ONLY diuretic product that I have used (and yes, I tried several - just to see if they did the same when one I used when I couldn't get Taraxatone caused me to HOLD water) that works WITH my body, so I treat it like gold, especially now that it has been discontinued. I hope it helps!

Chris will be ok, Doug, but I need that "quick fix" (as much as I hate to say it) this week, and besides, I'm not going to go the hormonal route to get dry. Once this week is over though, I'm going to just make sure I DO GET LEANER, and hope that helps me dry out more (should, with the help of Erase - which I have gone back to using 2/2/1 this week instead of Erase Pro in the morning and Erase 2/1 pm).

Rosie, Vitamin shop carries their own brand and the ingredient list is pretty much a knock off of taraxtone(my favorite also) The vitamin shoppe product is called HydroTherm and it works well
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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She was a trainer at a gym I was at a few years back. She's also dating one of my good friends
Oh, ok.

Rosie, Vitamin shop carries their own brand and the ingredient list is pretty much a knock off of taraxtone(my favorite also) The vitamin shoppe product is called HydroTherm and it works well
I'm not prepared to take any chances any more when it comes to supplements and unless there is a damn good reason for me to try anything new, I will be staying with and only using MY staples. As for the "knockoff", NOTHING is ever as good as the original, and just because it might have a similar ingredient list doesn't mean that the ingredients are in the same quantities or that it will have the same effect. Besides, I have a stash of Taraxatone (the same way I did with the original Assault), but thank you for the thought, David.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Oh, ok.

I'm not prepared to take any chances any more when it comes to supplements and unless there is a damn good reason for me to try anything new, I will be staying with and only using MY staples. As for the "knockoff", NOTHING is ever as good as the original, and just because it might have a similar ingredient list doesn't mean that the ingredients are in the same quantities or that it will have the same effect. Besides, I have a stash of Taraxatone (the same way I did with the original Assault), but thank you for the thought, David.

Oh, I wasn't saying for now, I was saying for when there is no more Taraxtone which was always my go to diuretic. I just do not have the luxury of a having a stash. I HAD to find something else that works, and that knockoff just so happened to, for me anyway


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I bet you loved getting back on your bike. That must be like going back home for you.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Oh, I wasn't saying for now, I was saying for when there is no more Taraxtone which was always my go to diuretic. I just do not have the luxury of a having a stash. I HAD to find something else that works, and that knockoff just so happened to, for me anyway

I bet you loved getting back on your bike. That must be like going back home for you.
I did :) For some random reason I started thinking about riding round Lake Taupo and summers spent there doing just that...



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I can completely understand that. Once I can sock away some cash I want to get a bike and do the MS150 from Houston to Austin. I would ask if you wanted to do it with me but you might need some people who can keep your pace or closer to it.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I can completely understand that. Once I can sock away some cash I want to get a bike and do the MS150 from Houston to Austin. I would ask if you wanted to do it with me but you might need some people who can keep your pace or closer to it.
It's been a long time since I did a long ride like that, Chris - definitely not something you just go out and do, LOL. Plus, I have deliberately stayed AWAY from anything cycling related over the past few years, because I know the love-hate relationship I had with it, and it is in my past, where I would like to keep it [right now].



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Makes sense to me. I did have a freind who just went and did the MS 150, no training what so ever. Got on a cheap mountain bike and just rode. Surprisingly she finished the ride but she could barely walk for a week. Her legs, and lower back were just thrashed. Her sacrum was major bruised, just a bad decision all over. However she did it based on a dare/challenge that she couldn't do it and was strong minded like someone else I know on here. ;) So giving up was not an option.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Makes sense to me. I did have a freind who just went and did the MS 150, no training what so ever. Got on a cheap mountain bike and just rode. Surprisingly she finished the ride but she could barely walk for a week. Her legs, and lower back were just thrashed. Her sacrum was major bruised, just a bad decision all over. However she did it based on a dare/challenge that she couldn't do it and was strong minded like someone else I know on here. ;) So giving up was not an option.
If it was my cycling days I wouldn't think twice about doing something like that on a whim, but not now.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Do the little things in life stay with your soul?


" evolves into whatever you want to is hard...people will always knock you down....and then mother nature does at the same time...the difference...everyone gets knocked down...its how you react to it that can't control mother nature or the public...but you do have total control of your independent is a journey.." - David Black

For the complete Motivational, review The Journey of Life | Rosie's MuscleRevolution.


Session 1

Run 3 miles

Skip x 300 revolutions

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Neutral Grip Seated Row (each hand with individual handle) 3 x 15
2. Side-to-side DB Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on DB) 3 x 10
3. Stiff-Legged DB Deadlifts (on bench, reaching down 3 inches with the DB) 3 x 10
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
6. Plate Hammer Raises 3 x 10
7. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. DB Bicep Curls 3 x 21s
10. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
11. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet D -
13. Rope Crunches 3 x 15
14. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
15. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 15
16. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 108-112 rpm

Stretch 22 min

More than a little shattered on waking this morning, but nothing my body has not been through before...7.2 pounds lost from yesterday first thing to this morning, making my run a little easier on my knees, albeit legs feeling dead and slow. It was ok, just a prelude to the weights...Then to the gym ready for a monster session. QuadSet A was good - few modifications to allow for the equipment and what was available, but fine. For the first set of QuadSet B, did Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises first (Rear Flye machine - yes, the only one I use - was occupied) - definition through anterior and lateral delts was good. Rear Flyes felt more than a bit weird because of the machine (different to what I am used to), but they were done. Skipping was a little slower, feeling myself tiring (no Assault pre-training today either). Pump strong and painful during QuadSet C - left wrist also aching on the second set, forcing a gritting of teeth to complete each exercise. Finished off with a killer QuadSet D - feeling abs burning today...Felt and looked half-past dead at the end of my weights, but sat myself down on the Recline Bike to "finish" off this training session. Not able to spin fast (definitely prefer my bike!), feeling it in my quads. Finding it difficult to breathe for a large part of it, ending in a dripping, gasping mess...

Session 2

Run 3 miles

Did NOT feel like doing this at all - tempted to just sit on my rollers for 20 minutes, but running does better for me when it comes closer to times like this. But felt so exhausted wasn't even sure how much good it would be. Regardless, went out and did it anyway, in the dark, the way I like it, and was relieved when it was done.

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Nice on the 7 lb drop that must feel good to see on the scale. No wonder you felt worn out though you must have dropped a lot of water and depleted a bit.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Nice on the 7 lb drop that must feel good to see on the scale. No wonder you felt worn out though you must have dropped a lot of water and depleted a bit.
Well, it only puts me back to where I was before it, Chris - I still have ~7 more pounds to go (more water and bodyfat as well). Yep, lots of water (and food) weight, and hopefully some bodyfat (the most important part) in there - I'm still not close to being as lean as I want to be and it's a mad dash to hope my body will get there. I'm worn out from training and lack of Assault (definitely notice the difference NOT having it pre-training), and being so stressed (trying to calm this down for this week, but not been the most successful as yet). I'm not going to get any sleep tonight with everything I still have left to do, so I am praying like hell that I can bring my best package to each shoot!



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Goodnight 7 lb droppppp! Did you take a whole bottle of metamucel or hit up a buffet!!! lol JK Good work. I say that cause I can eat clean all week then hit up a buffet for cheat day and drop 4-6 lbs the next day and keep it off. Killer workout btw Rosie!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Goodnight 7 lb droppppp! Did you take a whole bottle of metamucel or hit up a buffet!!! lol JK Good work. I say that cause I can eat clean all week then hit up a buffet for cheat day and drop 4-6 lbs the next day and keep it off. Killer workout btw Rosie!!
Well, I drank >7 litres of water yesterday, as well as almost double-dosed Taraxatone, not to mention did TWO one-hour resistance training sessions - all that has a lot to do with it, as well as several other factors...Thanks :)

just curious why 7 pounds>?
Why seven pounds that I lost or want to lose? The scale weight is not so much the issue - if I get as lean as I want to, the it won't matter of I only drop 3-4 pounds, John, but based on what I was last time at the body composition I want to be at, it's about what I "need" to lose for it (bearing in mind that some of it will be water and I will usually be 2-3 pounds lighter).



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Well keep your head up and your spirits high. More than anything else what is going to make your photo shoot a success will be your smile and your emotional state. Even though you may not feel like you look like you want, I can tell you that you are already many of our idea of a damn near perfect womans physique.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Well keep your head up and your spirits high. More than anything else what is going to make your photo shoot a success will be your smile and your emotional state. Even though you may not feel like you look like you want, I can tell you that you are already many of our idea of a damn near perfect womans physique.
I am working on it - already have a smile starting, Chris :) And yes, you're absolutely right - I need to be relaxed and happy and let myself have fun, no self-consciousness. I was 8.1% bodyfat this morning, but girths are still not where I want them to be - Walt actually mentioned to me earlier that not being lean-lean was better for our shoot tomorrow, but I still want to be leaner and not have a soft bikini-model look, and as long as I can hit 8% bodyfat for it, then I suppose I will be ok with that.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Feels like I'm torn apart and I cannot bleed...


"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder the firm resolve of a determined soul." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

For the complete Motivational, review When You TRULY Want Something... | Rosie's MuscleRevolution.


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 12 min jogging

Session 2

Skip x 300 revolutions

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadset):
QuadSet A -
1. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
2. DB Hammer Raises 3 x 10
3. Alternate Plate Single-Arm Lateral Raises 3 x 10 per side
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. Incline DB Bicep Curls 3 x 10
6. V-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 10
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Swissball Crunches (270 degrees to 180 degrees) 3 x 15
10. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 15
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Stretch 22 min

After going for a second 3-mile run last night I didn't feel too much like going for yet ANOTHER - this time HIIT - only a few hours later (before I had to leave for the airport), but I did. Legs were REALLY feeling it and sprints were rather slow this morning, ending up doing fewer than usual...Absolutely shattered on the plane and I think I passed out for an hour from Charlotte to West Palm Beach, which was rather needed, given that my eyes were bloodshot before I even left Chicago! At the point where I was simply going through the motions of moving once I reached Florida, and once I was able to get into my hotel room I went straight to bed and was out almost instantly, sleeping for all of about an hour, LOL - it felt LONGER though, and woke, taking a little self-talk to get myself moving in preparation for a resistance training session...My walk to the gym was my "warm-up" - definitely, in the heat and wearing a hoodie and trackies! Arrived 20 minutes later well heated and ready to go, despite, yes, no Assault today either. Feeling the lack of sleep and fatigue once I started though, and moved rather slowly through the session it felt like. Vascularity was pretty awesome - I want THAT tomorrow (and Saturday), biceps' veins branching out into two strong blue lines. Pump was highish. Definition coming out in my anterior and lateral delts, with arms more into the session - this is the kind of session I need to do pre-shoot (without becoming a sweaty mess the way I do when training). Feeling more perky AFTER I'd finished, walking back to the hotel in the heat to stretch...No post-weights cardio, since the walk back was brisk enough (although nowhere near intense enough to be called "cardio" or even "exercise" for me), but the recovery might help my body re progress (AND I'm going to be doing some posing later this evening, which can be an effort in itself)...



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Yah posing is a workout ... :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yah posing is a workout ... :)
On my lower back for sure!...Anyways, hit 8% bodyfat today, which is ok (and on track for ~7.8% bodyfat - or under; hoping under! - on Saturday). Looked better this morning - hope it gets better for this afternoon. Also hoping I'll be ok in the sun with my eyes re expressions, LOL...Going to do some more posing stuff later this morning and I'll be ready...Hope you all have a great day :)



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Congrats on hitting the 8% I know you will get to your goal in no time!


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Yeah the sun can make it really hard to get a good pic sometimes due to squinting and everything. Sounds like things have come together here at the end. I can't wait to hear that you had a blast at your shoot and that the whole thing was a positive experience like I know it will be.


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Hello!!! So as a woman... Did erase mess you up or do you LOVE it?? Curious


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Holy smokes this thread is great! Can u guys still find teraxitone?? I cannot find it anywhere!! I hold water like crazy & it's worked so well for me before!


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Since I cannot find teraxitone to save my life I'm going to use Lasix in a few weeks for my show. I hold waaaaaay too much water using expel etc


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I am not sure, I know Scivation had one that was supposed to be good. I think it was called Showtime. I never used it but have used several of their other products with great success.

The ingredient in Taraxatone that is so effective is Taraxacum Officinale so you can probably do a search on that and see if any other diuretics pop up with it as one of the main ingredients.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Congrats on hitting the 8% I know you will get to your goal in no time!
Thanks, Tommy :) I was still 8% bodyfat this morning, so hoping to hit the 7.8% bodyfat tomorrow! I'm smaller re girths today than I was yesterday - and they are once again SYMMETRICAL on BOTH sides! - so I may hit my goal yet! And once I get there, it's maintaining it!

Yeah the sun can make it really hard to get a good pic sometimes due to squinting and everything. Sounds like things have come together here at the end. I can't wait to hear that you had a blast at your shoot and that the whole thing was a positive experience like I know it will be.
It was a little hard on my eyes at times, but Walt taught me a trick to use if it is. I DID have a blast - working with Walt is an amazing experience and so much fun, and there were some awesome pics in there! Definitely a reason I have looked forward to this all year!

Hello!!! So as a woman... Did erase mess you up or do you LOVE it?? Curious
What do you mean, "mess me up"? If you have followed any of my logs, you will know that I use Erase as a "staple" (not that I recommend it for anyone else - you will fast find out that everything I do is SPECIFIC TO ME. My body is a little different from most, so how it affected me is no indicator of how it will affect anyone else - see my review on Erase from my first use to see how I found it then: Rosie's Review of Erase. See my notes earlier in the thread about how my body has started being since I have used products with AI properties in.

If you are considering using Erase - or any other product with AI properties - I recommend that you know all the ins and outs of it, benefits and risks, etc., and also that you are an EXPERIENCED trainee and knowledgeable on supplementation.

Holy smokes this thread is great! Can u guys still find teraxitone?? I cannot find it anywhere!! I hold water like crazy & it's worked so well for me before!
No, as mentioned earlier, Taraxatone was DIScontinued a while back.

Anyone in here have experience in RX Lasix vs. Taraxatone?
Not me, Chris.

Since I cannot find teraxitone to save my life I'm going to use Lasix in a few weeks for my show. I hold waaaaaay too much water using expel etc
If anything, get some Dandelion Root and Uva Ursi.



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Excellent, and always a good thing to learn some new tricks for the modeling. I can't wait to see some of the pics. I am happy you were pleased with the pics too, it is always an exquisite feeling when you finally get the satisfaction from something you have been anticipating.


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Yah I think you speak for everybody when you say you are looking forward to the pics :)


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Hello there! I'm new to the boards and as a woman it has been difficult to get supplement recommendations for me. I was told by a few helpful members to seek out the famous RosieChee! LOL!


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Hello there! I'm new to the boards and as a woman it has been difficult to get supplement recommendations for me. I was told by a few helpful members to seek out the famous RosieChee! LOL!

Yah I would always go with Rosie if I had questons in this regard for my girls :)


New member
Ok so I wish I had a teraxatone stash too!! Would u recommend hydrotherm over lasix?


New member
I'm also tryin out erase... Rosie uses it!!! I have stubborn hip fat! Booooo!!! Help!! 3 1/2 weeks out

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