The Female Terminator Chronicles: The Ultimate Muscle and Physique Stack (2012)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I'll make a soldier's decision to fly away


Be Good To Yourself

Sometimes we spend so much time looking after and out for others that we forget to take care of OURSELVES. We work ourselves into the ground trying to do everything for everyone else, being strong for everyone else, making life work for everyone else, that we neglect to take care of ourselves. We allow our energy to be drained in our service to others, our strength to be used to nurture others, our minds to be consumed by thoughts of how to make things better for everyone else, but ourselves. And when that happens, you have NOTHING left for yourself. You drain yourself dry. You don’t nourish yourself, or replace what is being used, giving back to yourself so that you do not lose of yourself.

It’s fine to give, but it’s NOT fine to give and give and give until that’s all you’re doing, not taking care of yourself, not looking out for YOUR best interests, not accepting help from others because you have to be the one doing everything, until eventually you find yourself collapsing, shattered and broken, with nothing left to help yourself, empty and alone.

You have to be GOOD to YOURSELF. You have to nourish and feed yourself – whether it be taking time out every day just for YOU and no one else, meditating, filling yourself with the Spirit and refreshing your soul, speaking positive words of encouragement and empowerment over yourself and your life. You have to relax and recuperate – whether it is having a day off doing everything for everyone and focusing solely on you, so that your body and your mind stays strong and doesn’t run out of energy or spirit. You have to learn to be selfish and say “no” sometimes, because you cannot do and be everything to everyone all of the time, and you need to learn what you CAN do, what you cannot, and accept that, instead of piling all the world’s burdens on your own shoulders.

You have to be GOOD to YOURSELF. When you are good to yourself, then you can be good to OTHERS. You are better equipped to deal with others and their demands, and you will not bleed yourself dry in trying to manage those demands.

You have to be GOOD to YOURSELF to be of any use to ANYONE ELSE! So, if you are not and know you must be, start today! BE GOOD TO YOURSELF!

Quote for Reflection:


Rollers 20 min in 39x18 @ 110-112 rpm

Stretch 20 min

Since it's an "easy" week this week, with only three scheduled resistance sessions every other day, and because I do not want to have more than two days off all training, today was a single cardio session. A light 20 minutes on the rollers mid-afternoon helped clear my head a little. Got quite warm very quickly, feeling the pump in my legs afterwards. Still feeling uncomfortable in my own body, but knowing that it's not going to last for much longer, really looking forward to getting back into my heavy training schedule next week (having planned out the next three weeks this morning)...Trying to let my mind relax and stop stressing about everything, heeding my own words, reminding myself that I need to take care of ME before everyone else, "allowing" myself that time to regather and recoup my determination and drive, the iron steel will that has kept me going thus far...



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Wow did I need that!! Training, mother of 4 (3 of them teens)... Working full time. It's exhausting mentally and physically. Thanks for the reminder & encouragement!! -amy
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Wow did I need that!! Training, mother of 4 (3 of them teens)... Working full time. It's exhausting mentally and physically. Thanks for the reminder & encouragement!! -amy
I bet! I'm glad I could help, Amy :) I think sometimes many people need to hear this - myself included, which was one reason why this was on my heart to say today. I've spent a lifetime looking after EVERYone BUT myself, but now it's time to look after ME - despite the disapproval of many (mainly those who have always asked everything of me and hate it when I am not there at their every beck and call), I AM doing it, and after the events of the last few months I WILL give myself the time I need to recharge and renew, because otherwise, if I burn out, it may be the last of the flame this time, and I do not want to let that happen!



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Yah we (my teammates and I) have been focusing on the help yourself so you can help others aspect lately as well. Hard to be there for othes if your own house is not in order. The better you are the more you can give, and the greater the value...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Yah we (my teammates and I) have been focusing on the help yourself so you can help others aspect lately as well. Hard to be there for othes if your own house is not in order. The better you are the more you can give, and the greater the value...
Yes, very true, Doug. Since I came back from Florida I have literally fallen apart and now I need to put me back together again, because this is NOT acceptable and only means I am going to have to work even harder than I did than I did the month prior to prepare for my shoot in three weeks. "Be Good To Yourself" and the only thing I have done is DESTROYED myself. Time to pick myself up out of the gutter and be an EXAMPLE of my own words! Thank you for your support and encouragement, my friend; sometimes it is good to know you're NOT as alone as you think you are.



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Yes, very true, Doug. Since I came back from Florida I have literally fallen apart and now I need to put me back together again, because this is NOT acceptable and only means I am going to have to work even harder than I did than I did the month prior to prepare for my shoot in three weeks. "Be Good To Yourself" and the only thing I have done is DESTROYED myself. Time to pick myself up out of the gutter and be an EXAMPLE of my own words! Thank you for your support and encouragement, my friend; sometimes it is good to know you're NOT as alone as you think you are.

Sorry for my absence, I am in the midst of a move and busy busy busy, just wanted to take a moment to tell you that you are never alone as long as there are those that care about you and your well you Rosie have lots of company. Hope your weekend is good. Take care of our yourself and don't beat yourself up too badly
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Sorry for my absence, I am in the midst of a move and busy busy busy, just wanted to take a moment to tell you that you are never alone as long as there are those that care about you and your well you Rosie have lots of company. Hope your weekend is good. Take care of our yourself and don't beat yourself up too badly
No worries, David - you do what you have to; I know what this move means for you and you have my support in whatever decision you make...My weekend has to start me on the path back to redemption, because this last week has been TERRIBLE - I never realized just how bad until today; I knew I was "destroying" myself, but to see it affirmed with more than just feeling. It is going to take EVERYthing I have over the next three weeks to undo the damage I have done, and I HAVE to - there are no "ifs" or "buts" and I canNOT afford NOT to be what I HAVE to be; there is TOO much riding on this, and not just for me...Have yourself a good weekend too, my friend, and we'll talk soon...

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Everyone falls apart...Inside I've changed...


You ARE Capable

Sometimes we look at ourselves and we DOUBT. We doubt that we can do what we want, seeing only the obstacles and letting our fears get the best of us. We doubt that we can overcome the obstacles, blinded by the now and where we are now and forgetting that the now is not what will be or has to be. We doubt that we have what it takes, forgetting that God does not place a dream in our hearts if we do not have the strength and tools to achieve it.

We need to STOP doubting! We need to start BELIEVING!

Believe that you CAN do it – you CAN achieve that goal, see that dream become real, be who you want to be! Believe that you CAN overcome the obstacles – they are only there to see how much you REALLY want it, to make you stronger and better, so that when you are finally where you want to be, you are the BEST you possible. Believe that you DO have what it takes – everything you’ve ever wanted, dreamed, or had a passion for comes from someWHERE, and you wouldn’t desire to achieve, see, be, or do those things if you didn’t have what it took to get there.

All your doubts as to why you’re not what you want to be, where you want to be, or doing the things you want to be are just EXCUSES. Get RID of those excuses and start BELIEVING IN YOURSELF that YOU ARE CAPABLE and JUST DO IT!

Quote for Reflection:



Probably NOT helping things re the way I feel and look right now by having today OFF, but I am having two days off ALL training this week, and today I decided to make one of them. Need it just to help me head, even if it doesn't help my head and makes matters worse re the mental beatings I cannot seem to stop giving myself at the moment. 'Tis true that the leaner we get, the harder we fall when it comes apart (I am definitely NOT proud of this week, but letting EVERYthing have a "Week Off") - I just have to make sure I can ensure another "miracle" over the next three weeks once I start training (and eating) properly re what my body loves and works for it again on Monday!


Keep in touch with me on Facebook: Rosie Chee.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Talking To The Moon


Envision. Believe. Achieve.

For you to achieve anything, no matter how “impossible”, “unrealistic” or “against the odds” it might be, you must first envision it, and then believe that you CAN achieve it. You have to see it clearly in your mind, as real as what you want to make it, as if it were ALREADY tangible reality.

Every great accomplishment or dream begins with vision. You must know what it is that you want. You must know the path to follow to attain it and make it happen. You must know what you have to do, what you must overcome, and how you will overcome those obstacles, in order to bring it about.

Every great accomplishment or dream would not come to pass without belief. You must believe IN the vision, the dream. You must believe in YOURSELF and in your power to follow through with what must be done. You must believe in your STRENGTH to withstand and overcome any and all adversity that assaults you on your journey to making your dream a reality.

You have to ENVISION. You have to BELIEVE. Only then can you ACHIEVE.

Quote for Reflection:


a. 4 min jogging
b. 28 x 20 sec sprint/1o sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 25 min

Full-Body (1 min recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Single-Arm DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 8 per side
2. Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on DB) 3 x 12
3. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (BB to touch floor) 3 x 10
TriSet B -
4. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 3 x 8
5. Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 12
6. Plate Hammer Raises 3 x 10
TriSet C -
7. Plate Zottoman Curls 3 x 12
8. Alternate Plate Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
9. Plate Hammer Curls (each hand with individual plate) 3 x 8
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunch (on floor, knees at 90 degree angle) 3 x 15
11. Reverse Curl (on floor) 3 x 15
12. Pikes (on floor) 3 x 15

Post-Weights Cardio:
Run 5 miles @ 4.7 min/mile pace

Stretch 5 min

Did not go to sleep until well after 0500, waking on and off throughout the day, finally getting up at 1630, despite wanting to just stay in bed and hide from the world. Didn't take long for my mood to transition and I actually looked FORWARD to training...Readied myself and set out for my HIIT Run. Body still feels like lead, but I was able to move better than I thought I would, right knee not aching until close to the end of the session. Sprints were ok, although I was finding it hard to breathe towards the end, and they felt like they were lasting FOREVER...Gave myself a little time to recover, stretching, before heading down to the basement and the weights. Full-Body session today. Again, one minute recovery between my "usual" sets. Left rear delt twinging sharply during Single-Arm DB Bent Over Rows, right rear delt during Push-Ups. More ache in right rear delt during Behind-the-neck BB Military Press, but the most pain during Lateral Raises and Hammer Raises - in left delt. Full and painful pump by the end of the first set of TriSet C, left wrist also aching badly, pushing through with gritted teeth. Glad to finish off with TriSet D - although some pain still there...Didn't want to sit on my rollers today and went out for a run instead re post-weights cardio - running clears my head, and it was nice outside, cool with a breeze. Body seemed to only want to go at one pace, which was fine by me. The difficulty in breathing from about the 3.5-mile mark was not, and right rear knee started aching a little as well...Came back and did a little more stretching and that was it...


Body Composition

9% bodyfat - so gained 1.2% bodyfat over the last week. So very NOT cool. Given that the week prior I was training more intensely than usual, restricting carbohydrates for the first three days of the week, using Taraxatone to help flush any excess water out, and this week I have had a week "off" training (only three days of training. a day off all training every other day, and training done re weights with intensity very lowered than usual), been eating like there is no tomorrow (predominantly carbohydrates, up to 1,000 grams a day - for some reason I am hungry ALL the time), not following my 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window re meals (doing 12 hours each instead), and not drinking enough (barely getting in half a galleon of water a day), it's no surprise I "rebounded" so fast and as much. Yes, I am very upset and disappointed with myself, but I also know that once I get back on track on Monday re training and nutrition, I will be able to get back down to where I was in the next 2-3 weeks - I HAVE to; I have to be the leanest I have ever been for the end of May!

Leaving with a few words that I am currently having to tell myself on a daily basis: The only person in your way is YOURSELF. Throw OFF your restrictions and just GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT no matter the cost, because you'll hate yourself forever if you don't!



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Rosie that is freaky, I just got done telling this young kid in the gym the same thing. He kept saying maybe one I'll get this or that lol. I told him to shut it and don't say maybe more so I WiLLL. I think he got the message. Hope you have a better week ahead my friend.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie that is freaky, I just got done telling this young kid in the gym the same thing. He kept saying maybe one I'll get this or that lol. I told him to shut it and don't say maybe more so I WiLLL. I think he got the message. Hope you have a better week ahead my friend.
Absolutely! God places things on our hearts to say for a reason - there is ALWAYS an inspiration behind EVERY Motivational I write, whether it is something I have had strongly on my heart or mind, need to remind myself or others of, to speak to someone in particular re encouragement or another purpose, or just want to share, because I want to be able to give to others something to help them through an experience or motivate them into one!

Thank you, Tommy - it's going to be an all-over-the-place week with yet more moving, but my head is clear and focused again. You have a great one as well :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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If I Disappear, Will You Remember?


Both a Blessing and a Curse

Love is Beauty. Love is Hope. Love is a Dream. It gives souls wings to fly. It gives hearts courage to dare. It gives people the push to risk. It is acceptance, understanding, unconditional. Love is a gift to be cherished above all else, for all time. It is something, that when real, once found, can never ever be forgotten.

Love is the most beautiful thing on earth, the most powerful magic there is. And like all things powerful, it can also be twisted into something dark and ugly.

Love brings tears, the most immeasurable heartache. Love causes wars, makes cities crumble. Love leaves devastation, the most unimaginable destruction in its wake. It kills the light that burns in a soul. It cuts deeper than any knife and leaves wounds that never heal. It is the most painful thing in the world to endure.

Love is both a blessing and a curse, the most beautiful thing in the world, but also the cruelest.

And it touches us all at some time in our lives. Which face we see one cannot predict. We can only hope and pray for the love that makes our souls blossom, sing, smile, soar; the love that makes us stronger and better than we ever thought we could be.

Quote for Reflection: “Like a duel-edged sword, love is both the most beautiful and most painful thing in the world. It is the greatest feeling ever and lifts you up in its ecstasy, but it can also be devastating and destroy you if you love completely with everything you are…Love is the greatest thing in the world, but also the greatest tragedy...and yet, I cannot be sorry for it...” – Rosie Chee


Run 5 miles @ 4.9 min/mile pace

Stretch 21 min

Another morning of not going to sleep well, this time not able to until well after 0730!...Hamstrings hurt when I woke, but it did not deter me from going out for a run. Pace was slow - could feel my body want to go only one pace, like yesterday's post-weights cardio, only slower. Was ok - it's going to get hammered tomorrow...Stretching didn't help much, but at least my shoulders aren't hurting today...


Training From Next Week

Monday - HIIT Run + Shoulders/Hamstrings + Post-Weights Cardio 20 min
Tuesday - Cardio 10 min + Arms/Abs + Post-Weights Cardio 20 min
Wednesday - HIIT Run
Thursday - Cardio 10 min + Full-Body + Post-Weights Cardio 20 min
Friday - HIIT Run + Shoulders/Arms/Abs + Post-Weights Cardio 20 min
Saturday - Cardio 20 min
Sunday - Day OFF

This has worked very well for me and I am going to stick with it. Yes, there is no Legs, Chest, or Back day - Legs do not need working and get enough of it as it is; there is no separate day for Chest and Back because my back gets thicker quickly and I want to "slim" it out in the middle (because of my scoliosis, any muscle mass there "protrudes" in a manner not desirable to me), and besides, they will both be trained during the Full-Body session.

My Maintenance training has also come to include two to four 2-a-day training days, with the second session on those days another cardio one of ~20 minutes, ideally done running, so that will also be included, albeit on no specific day, but as I decide throughout any given week.

Log Format Henceforth

I will continue logging - this is my log for 2012 - but my format is going to change a little. The COMPLETE Motivational I will post daily. Training notes will be ONLY what I did re training. Other Notes will be inclusive where necessary re sleep, mood, body composition, announcements, etc.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Never Be The Same


Do Not Lack Conviction

Do not lack conviction, least others doubt your sincerity. In everything you say and do, ensure truth, transparent consistency, so that they do not doubt where your heart lies.

Conviction can rally others to your cause and garner support, entreat change and bring about a ripple effect more profound than you could ever imagine. Conviction stands you out from the crowd who do not know where their loyalty lies, who do not know their own heart and the desires hidden there, those looking for a leader who can unite them in a common cause. Conviction can move mountains, drive men to do the unthinkable and achieve the impossible, because they believe in something greater than themselves, a higher purpose for the betterment of humanity.

Conviction is a powerful force, no matter how pure the motive behind it, so be careful what you hold so dear that you would be willing to do anything for and to protect, least you turn a multitude down a path that does not give to honourable cause.

In everything you say and do, have conviction and purity of heart. When such truth stands before men, it will change the world a little at a time.

Quote for Reflection: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 10 min jogging

Stretch 11 min

Shoulders/Hamstrings (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 5 x 12, 10, 10, 10, 10
2. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. Rear Flyes 5 x 12, 10, 10, 8, 8
4. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. Seated BB Military Press 5 x 8
6. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. Plate Hammer Raises 5 x 8
8. Skip 5 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet E -
9. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 6 x 10 per side
10. Skip 6 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet F -
11. Side-to-side Plyometric Bench Jumps 6 x 30
12. Skip 6 c 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 107-110 rpm

Stretch 10 min


Sleep: Went to bed at 0330 and got up at 0830, not all of it slept, and what was, broken.

Energy: Quite light-headed in the gym, and got told beforehand that I looked "tired", even though that's my "usual" state of look.

Mood: Fairly good, even though I was getting frustrated in the gym with the skipping at times.

Joints: Left superiomedial knee has been aching quite a lot, especially post-training.

Quality of Training: Endurance is definitely there. Strength reasonable. Dripping with sweat before I even started post-weights cardio, and even more afterwards. Finding it hard to breathe at times, but pushing through. Ankles a little "touchy" during skipping, so going to make sure I wear my other sneakers from now on. Session took a little longer than usual, but only because I made a few changes, and overall, it was fine - my body needs it.

Overall Sense of Feeling: Interesting thing I noted as I was running yesterday, a thought that has lingered with me - how we can be at one of the highest points in our lives and yet feel our lowest. It doesn't make any sense, and yet this is how I feel - a little by what I mean re emotional state affecting everything, Chris.

Other: If you're not on Facebook and have not yet seen it, you can see one of the shots Gary Miller took of me in Florida, here: Rosie.

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I've been to hell and back because of you...yet I don't regret it...


To This Moment...

I cannot regret anything that has passed. Because it has led me here. To now. THIS moment.

It has made me STRONGER than I ever thought possible. Revealed to me truths that I might never have otherwise learned, allowing me to ACCEPT that life is rarely all it seems, that beneath the surface there is a storm just waiting to be unleashed. Made me embrace the dark side within me, instead of running from it using it as a STRENGTH, not a weapon against myself.

I know what I am capable of. I know without a doubt what I want. I know what I AM.

Without all that has passed, I might not have.

Everything happens for a REASON, whether we like it or see it at the time or not. Everything happens to make us BETTER, to mould us into the person we are MEANT to be. Everything is as it SHOULD be, even if we do not desire it to be in any given moment. In THIS moment.

And everything can CHANGE. Just like that. In an instant, a split second, the blink of an eye, the roll of a wave. Everything can change and I must be PREPARED for it. I must be READY.

I know I am. READY. NOW.

Are YOU? Are YOU ready for what happens next? Are you ready to face the rollercoaster of life, brace yourself through the corners, scream as it falls into the depths, laugh with a smile into the wind at the top of each peak? Are you READY?

Quote for Reflection: “Your journey has molded you for the greater good. It was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think you've lost time, it took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And NOW is RIGHT ON TIME.” - Asha Tyson


Skip x 300 revolutions

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 5
2. Dips 4 x 6
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Incline DB Bicep Curls 4 x 8
5. Straight-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 4 x 6
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Zottoman Curls 4 x 10
8. DB Hammer Curls 4 x 6
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degree angle) 4 x 15
11. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 15
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 105-108 rpm

Stretch 31 min


Sleep: Bed at 0305, waking twice, getting up and heading straight to the gym.

Quality of Training: It's not often I pretty much roll out of bed and "into training", but I did today. Took me about half an hour to "wake up" and get into it, my skipping suffering, only getting frustrated. BOTH knees hurt on the medial aspect after yesterday - not sure what from, but it affected my skipping and I had to skip as if I was shadow-boxing to prevent them becoming too painful. Strength was down and really feeling it hurt, left wrist giving me issues throughout. Pushed on through though, because that's just what I [have to] do.



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Yah if I spend time regrettng the past I would be stuck back there. Have to live in the moment. I wiped that slate clean and still try to do that on a regular basis. If I do something wrong I make ammends... I try to go easy on myself and above all try not to take myself too seriously... :)


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Yep! All you can do is move forward. Doesn't mean you didn't learn or that you forget, but move forward! :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yah if I spend time regrettng the past I would be stuck back there. Have to live in the moment. I wiped that slate clean and still try to do that on a regular basis. If I do something wrong I make ammends... I try to go easy on myself and above all try not to take myself too seriously... :)
Absolutely, Doug!...I'm not that easy on myself though - one of the hardest things in the world to NOT beat myself up over everything!...

Yep! All you can do is move forward. Doesn't mean you didn't learn or that you forget, but move forward! :)
Yes, life is about moving FORWARD!



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It is relatively easy to be in a great place in life and feel indescribably low emotionally. Sometimes the swings are a result of the stress we put ourselves and our bodies through to get there. Sometimes much deeper reasons. This past weekend I found myself down and inexplicably so. However examining my life at this moment and I would have to say that the balance has definitely on a positiver tilt, so it didn't make sense until it did... IE I realized the source of it. Funny how sometimes the things that have the biggest effect on me emotionally can seem to be the most miniscule of things and sometimes things I am not aware of until I take an emotional self inventory.


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Rosie, I don't use this word for too many things but you look gorgeous in that picture.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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DARE TO DREAM [and ACT on those Dreams]!


The Dreams That Break Us

We ALL have dreams. And we all decide, consciously or not, whether we pursue those dreams.

Some follow their hearts and have their dreams torn from their chests while their hearts are still beating. Others never dare to even contemplate the reality of their dream coming to pass. Who is the richer individual do you think? The person who dared or the one who didn’t?

The person who dared follow their heart had a glimpse of happiness from chasing that closest to their heart and being able to hold it if even for only a short while, of joy from knowing that they are better from having made the journey and becoming stronger, of fulfilment in knowing that they had the courage to put themselves out there and just go after what they wanted, daring to risk rejection or ridicule, the possibility of failure or falling short of their goal, feeling that fear but doing it anyway, because NOT knowing what it was like to pursue their dreams would be a fate worse than death.

The person who had not the courage to even DARE to dream the dream that is in their heart looks at the world with cynical eyes from shattered illusions that have taken away their ability to see the hope, sadness in their heart from knowing that they are potentially taking away and limiting someone else’s happiness and ability for growth, regret in their soul from always knowing what might have been and never knowing if it COULD have been, because they were too afraid to take the risk and dare to TRY, those dreams eking away at them inside, the pain of never knowing killing them a little more each day.

Would you rather experience the feeling of satisfaction and knowing that you did everything POSSIBLE to make your dreams a reality, LIVING life as it was meant to be lived, lifted up to the most imaginable heights, no matter how short it may have lasted; or would you rather experience a loss that will break your soul into a million tiny pieces because you can glimpse hope of the truth, but do not dare cross the line that could take that truth from a dream to a living, breathing miracle?

Are you the one who tried or the one who didn’t? The one who can look in the mirror and like what they see, or the one who cannot bear to see their reflection because they are ashamed of their inaction? The one whose soul, whether it falls or not, has seen inside heaven, or the one who has and will only ever know hell? The broken one who knows that they LIVED before breaking, or the broken one who never even tried to get up off the ground?

We all have dreams. Life is FULL of dreams. Many realized, but also sadly, MORE that are never even a brief contemplation, cast aside from fear.

It’s not what we DO that we will forever regret, but what we do NOT dare to do, what we hope for but do not dare to DREAM. Can YOU live with that?

Remember, life is meant to be LIVED, experienced in ALL its GLORY. How can you do that if you do not even DARE?

Quote for Reflection: “It's not the broken dreams that break us - it's the ones we don't dare to dream.” - Shawn Migliaccio


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Skip x 1,500 revolutions

Full-Body (30 sec rest between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Single-Arm DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 8 per side
2. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on fists) 3 x 10
3. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 3 x 6
5. BB Military Press 3 x 6
6. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Lateral Raises 3 x 8
8. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 12
9. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. EZ-Bar Bicep Curls 3 x 21s
11. Overhead Rope Tricep Extension 3 x 15, 12, 10
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
TriSet E -
13. Hanging Straight-Leg Raises (feet to touch bar) 3 x 10
14. Pikes (on floor) 3 x 15
15. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Skip x 600 revolutions

Medial aspect of BOTH knees were still so very painful today, so only did a short HIIT session...It's NOT a Full-Body day either, but I did such a resistance session all the same (and yes, will do it as scheduled tomorrow too), since I wanted to do SOMEthing (and it can be my "second" training session of the day - why post-weights cardio was a lot shorter than usual). Knees started feeling better during TriSet C - noticed this after I finished the first set of skipping. And for the FIRST time since pre-injuries last December, my wrists and shoulders did NOT hurt during Hanging Straight-Leg Raises, meaning that I was able to do them, which I am pleased with...


FitnessX Magazine

The May 2012 issue of FitnessX Magazine is now out - you can read it and get your own personal copy here.

The first article of my column with the magazine can be found on page 21 :)

CutAndJacked Interview

Recently I had the honour of being interviewed by Rolsey of CutAndJacked, and today my Interview and Workout Routine (sample of an actual training week) were published (inclusive of several never-seen-before images from some of my photoshoots - special thanks to Tony Mitchell, Dan Ray, and Walt Ostarly)!

Check them both out -
Interview: Rosie Chee
Workout Routine: Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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It is relatively easy to be in a great place in life and feel indescribably low emotionally. Sometimes the swings are a result of the stress we put ourselves and our bodies through to get there. Sometimes much deeper reasons. This past weekend I found myself down and inexplicably so. However examining my life at this moment and I would have to say that the balance has definitely on a positiver tilt, so it didn't make sense until it did... IE I realized the source of it. Funny how sometimes the things that have the biggest effect on me emotionally can seem to be the most miniscule of things and sometimes things I am not aware of until I take an emotional self inventory.
I agree, Chris, and I understand. I am making strides forward as far as my career this year and are being blessed with so much opportunity, and yet concurrently the last few months have been some of the most emotionally destructive of my life, just going to show that whilst all may look wonderful, it isn't always so. Yes - we don't realize the impact the smallest things can have until we are forced to look at what is wrong (if we can even admit that there IS an issue). I hope that this week goes better for you, my friend!

Rosie, I don't use this word for too many things but you look gorgeous in that picture.
Thank you. Chris :)



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OMG I am going to buy ever copy of this!!! Nice job Rosie you look freaking amazing!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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OMG I am going to buy ever copy of this!!! Nice job Rosie you look freaking amazing!
Only my article and a headshot in the magazine this time around, Tommy - maybe one day I will have the honour of gracing a cover! Thank you :)



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Only my article and a headshot in the magazine this time around, Tommy - maybe one day I will have the honour of gracing a cover! Thank you :)

Their loss Rosie! ;)


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Things are starting to happen for you Rosie..
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Their loss Rosie! ;)
You're very sweet, Tony :)

Things are starting to happen for you Rosie..
They are, Doug - the last six months have blessed me with opportunity as far as my career :) It's time to stop lingering in the shadows and show the world what I'm made of!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I Cannot be False to My Heart


Stay TRUE to YOU

Stay TRUE to yourself and all that you are. Hold tight to your dreams and goals, never letting anyone deter you from the possibility of them coming to life. Stay firm in your beliefs and convictions, steadfast in what you stand for. Never let the words of anyone who does not believe in you affect the decisions you make and the actions you take. Hold your character in the highest regard, for it is the true measure of your worth. Stay strong and keep your heart for the one who will value it, and see it as the most precious thing in the world. Never compromise yourself for fleeting moments of pleasure or the easy way out, knowing that staying true to yourself and working hard for what you want is the only real way to satisfaction of purpose. Go after what you want with all the passion that you have, pouring yourself into everything that makes you happy and gives you a smile. Laugh at the world and life, whether you agree with it or not, preparing to accept the good with the bad, the ugly with the beauty, the lies with the truth, because that is the nature of man. Never let anyone tell you what to do and who to be, for they are not you and can never be, your life your own and no one else’s. Take ownership of your life and stay TRUE to YOU – all that you are, can, and will be.

Quote for Reflection:


Skip x 1,500 revolutions

Full-Body (30 sec rest between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Rope Crunches 3 x 20
2. Reverse Curls (on floor) 3 x 10
3. Swissball Crunches (270 degrees to 180 degrees) 3 x20
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Bicep Curls 3 x 10
6. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 20
7. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
10. Alternate Single-Arm Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 20
11. Plate Hammer Raises (each hand with individual plate) 3 x 10
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet D -
13. Neutral-Grip Seated Rows (each hand with individual handle) 3 x 10
14. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on fists) 3 x 10
15. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (on bench, BB reach down six inches) 3 x 10
16. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 110-112 rpm

Stretch 39 min


Sleep: Broken, waking often, having a lot of trouble falling back asleep.

Energy: Feel completely shattered and have since a quarter of the way through training.

Quality of Training: Despite not really "feeling it" today, I soldiered through, glad to be done.

Supplements: For some reason Erase PRO does NOT have the non-water-retentive effects of Erase (I made this observation prior to my time in Florida, but since being back, this week has confirmed it), and even though I am still using three caps of Erase a day, I AM holding onto water, so, like I did in the week prior to Florida's shoots, I am going to stop using Erase PRO and use two caps of Erase (as I used to instead), finishing up my last fives doses of Erase the last five days in May.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Mind. Heart. Might.


Imagine. Believe. Achieve.

Your mind is your most POWERFUL ASSET. Never STOP IMAGINING. Imagine everything your life COULD BE. Imagine everything you WANT your life to be. Imagine all your dreams COMING TRUE. Imagine and ALWAYS GREATLY. Imagine that anything is ALWAYS POSSIBLE. Everything great ever achieved began in the MIND.

Belief is JUST as powerful as the mind. Belief lives in our HEART. It is part of the infrastructure that makes us what we are, WHO we are. It is part of the driving force behind our ACTIONS, determining whether we follow through with our imagining. Our hearts are not logical like the mind, and sometimes we will act on seemingly irrational things simply because we BELIEVE in it. Everything great ever achieved first had to be BELIEVED in.

If you IMAGINE AND BELIEVE, then you CAN ACHIEVE. If you want to achieve your imagining, then you must be prepared to WORK HARD, make SACRIFICES and GIVE EVERYTHING you have to your cause. You must be prepared to DIG DEEP within you to find what you need, to accept what you find, sometimes things you might never have thought you had or were capable of. You must be prepared to face OBSTACLES, allowing them to make you STRONGER, not letting them deter you from your cause. Everything great ever achieved was not done without ALL YOU HAVE AND ARE.

Quote for Reflection:


a. 4 min jogging
b. 40 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 27 min


Sleep: Went to bed not too long after 0300, not because I was tired, but because I want to get back into a schedule - it's not going to be what I want or what I am used to, but what it has to be re present circumstances. Eventually slept for ~5 hours, which is an optimal sleeping period for me.

Libido: HIGH!

Quality of Training: Body very uncomfortable, feeling very heavy and sluggish, and although my sprints were as fast as I could make them, they were not that fast. The posteriolateral aspect of my right knee started getting a little tight about halfway through, but it was no biggie.

Other Notes: No resistance session done today - going to do it tomorrow instead. Also considering adding in a fifth resistance session each week until the end of May.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I am so far away from gone



If you IMAGINE it and BELIEVE in your imagining, then you can ACHIEVE it. The path to achievement is not always going to be easy – in fact, more often than not, it is going to be one of the MOST DIFFICULT things you will ever face. But that doesn’t make it something worth giving up on or letting go of – it makes it something to keep a firm hold of and KEEP STRIVING for. After all, anything worth doing is NEVER EASY. In the end though, if you are patient and stay true to your chosen course, the FINAL RESULT will make everything you’ve been through to get there WORTH it. Remember that whenever you are tempted to give up, for it is in those times, whether you give up or go on, that determines whether or not you reach the stars you are aiming for. And believe me, when you finally TOUCH those stars everything pales in comparison, your smile one you will never forget, knowing that every painstaking step of the journey to reach them was WORTH every sacrifice, every heartache, every tear, every sleepless night you spent to get there.

Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

Run 3 miles

Session 2

Skip x 600 revolutions

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec rest between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
2. DB Clean and Press 3 x 10
3. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10 per side
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Zottoman Curls 3 x 10
6. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Weighted DB Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degree angle) 3 x 15
10. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 15
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 110-113 rpm

Stretch 26 min


Sleep: Tanked early last night - after second feeding. Woke a few minutes before my alarm this morning. Interesting.

Quality of Training: Left anterior delt inside shoulder was hurting during my 3-mile run...Left wrist started aching deeply during QuadSet B. Definition in delts and arms the best yet...Feeling my quads burn a little during post-weights cardio...

Vascularity: Excellent! Loving this! Seeing the blue lines strong all the way through my bicep and down my forearm :)

Body Composition: 8.8% bodyfat - 0.2% bodyfat loss, which, considering I was just getting "back" into training this week and nutrition has not been good until the end of the week, is ok. My girths are back to being symmetrical on both sides, albeit a good inch BIGGER than they were two weeks ago re legs - which is NOT acceptable, so working on bringing them back down. Re arms, it is good though, since left arm is now the biggest it has ever been - yay! Still feeling UNcomfortable in my body though - overall body mass is still high from holding water. Got to make the fat loss BETTER over the next week - aiming for at least a 0.7% bodyfat loss, to get me on track for what I want to be for my shoot at the end of May.

Supplements: My DCP runs out today (changes noted in post #1).



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I know you can do the .7% loss for sure. Just keep the positivity and training up and everything will fall into place.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I know you can do the .7% loss for sure. Just keep the positivity and training up and everything will fall into place.
Thanks, Chris :)



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You can do it Rosie!! 6 days til competition for me :) love reading all your info & workouts! Again thanks for taking the time to post it all! Bring on the water load!!! :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You can do it Rosie!! 6 days til competition for me :) love reading all your info & workouts! Again thanks for taking the time to post it all! Bring on the water load!!! :)
Two weeks from today!

All the best for your competition! You're going to be fine, Amy :thumbsup: You've done the work, so now just do what you know you have to, relax, and glide into it...Water load? I would say just maintain your CURRENT water intake - which should be about a galleon a day at least, with no need to increase it, and definitely no limiting it...How are you finding the Erase, by the way?

Thank you :) It's more to "help" me as well - besides, I've consistently kept a log here for over four years now...

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You can't run away from love...


The Greatness of a Man

“Greatness” can mean many things to different people. Not everyone is going to see it the same way as another and there will always be a difference of opinion. There are however, two things that truly contribute to how “great” an individual is: Character and impact.

Everyone is flawed, but just because one is flawed does not mean that they are not of high character. A person’s character is multi-faceted, but deep at the core of their soul is the root of their values. If that root is not founded on INTERGITY, then one cannot truly be great, for everything they do is going to be based on something questionable, and when one’s integrity is called into question, so is trust.

When trust is an issue, the impact is not always going to be positive, and can cause more harm than good.

“Great” people are many things, but their very existence ALWAYS has a POSITIVE impact on other peoples’ lives, whether intentional or not. A “great” person always strives to create an atmosphere of positivity, motivating others to have belief and faith in themselves, inspiring them to bigger and better things, so that their lives are as complete and as full as possible.

“Great” people are not always at the forefront of society, but they WILL be recognized within society for what they do, whether that recognition comes from a single individual or thousands.

“Great” people do not necessarily set out to be great. They just are or become great because of the integrity of their character and the positive impact that they have on others’ lives for the better.

Quote for Reflection:




Sleep: Didn't go to sleep until close to 0300, waking just before 0800.

Energy: I feel like I've been up FOREVER, quietly on the go since I woke up, managing to get a lot done today. Starting to fade a little now though.

Mood: My heart bleeds and my mind hurts for those I know are in that place I was not so long ago, and I wish I could do something to take away that pain, because no one should EVER have to feel like that...But I have been blessed with a small smile for something thought lost not being lost after all...

Joints: Left wrist has been aching since training yesterday, so much so at times that I have almost strapped it up a few times (and still might for a day or so).

Other Notes: My version of Lyle MacDonald's "diet" back in action for the next two weeks, and this time I AM going to be 100% sticking to it, so let's see what "magic" I can make happen, especially being back on track with training and able to "settle" in for them without disruption as well. I want to be the leanest and in the best aesthetic condition EVER IN MY LIFE at the end of those two weeks!!!



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Wow that should be interesting. I can't wait to hear the results once you stick to it strictly.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Wow that should be interesting. I can't wait to hear the results once you stick to it strictly.
Yeah, two weeks on it as it was intended. I'll keep all updated :) Starting to get EXCITED!



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I just carbed up pretty good this weekend. Will have all the water and mess off by Wednesday I am sure.


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Yeah, two weeks on it as it was intended. I'll keep all updated :) Starting to get EXCITED!

Glad to hear that are excited and to see a smiley face. I too carbed up this past weekend, went to Mom's for mother's day and ate a whole bag of Doritos and cake and hushpuppies and topped it off with a giant s'mores right before bed. and I mean giant. Not back to low carbs. I am sticking to my 6 day of low carbs and one day of total cheat for the summer, it works for me and so that is what I am going to do.

Hang in there Rosie, great things in store for you I can feel it!! :)


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I just carbed up pretty good this weekend. Will have all the water and mess off by Wednesday I am sure.
I willl wait till I get leaner to start doing carb ups. I get about 250 in on workout days.


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I willl wait till I get leaner to start doing carb ups. I get about 250 in on workout days.
I am already leaner than I expected so I figure I better try to add an extra lb or two while everyone is cutting down. If I can come out with an extra lb or two of lbm then I am golden.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I just carbed up pretty good this weekend. Will have all the water and mess off by Wednesday I am sure.
Yes, you will - it only takes 2-3 days to go when you're back on track.

Glad to hear that are excited and to see a smiley face. I too carbed up this past weekend, went to Mom's for mother's day and ate a whole bag of Doritos and cake and hushpuppies and topped it off with a giant s'mores right before bed. and I mean giant. Not back to low carbs. I am sticking to my 6 day of low carbs and one day of total cheat for the summer, it works for me and so that is what I am going to do.

Hang in there Rosie, great things in store for you I can feel it!! :)
And to see a smile from YOU, David! Hey, we all need those times. That said, it's ALWAYS that time for me, so now I'm going a different route - my HEALTH needs attention.

Thank you :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Pioneer Your Destiny

Not everyone has it in them to be a Leader. Not everyone can break away from the crowd and walk their own path, dance to their own tune, ignoring others’ opinions on where they should be going in life. Not everyone has the courage to forge a brand new path through life – a path that OTHERS will follow.

PIONEERS are a different “breed”. They are the dreamers, the innovators of the world, the visionaries. You might not agree with them, but you can’t help but NOTICE them. They have VISION.

Even if they walk alone, they do not mind. They would rather carve their own path than simply blindly follow that of another. They set themselves apart from the rest, an inspiration to aspire to, motivating others to create MOVEMENT.

Every great achievement began with a VISION. And every vision was born in the heart of a PIONEER.


Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 28 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 21 min

Session 2

Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Shoulders/Hamstrings (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6
2. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. Rear Flyes 2 x 10
4. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. BB Military Press 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. DB Clean and Press 2 x 10
8. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet E -
9. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 12 per side
10. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet F -
11. DB Lateral Raises 2 x 10
12. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet G -
13. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlifts (on bench, reach BB down 6 inches) 4 x 10
14. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet H -
15. Swissball Leg Curls 2 x 12
16. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 13 min @ 88 rpm


Sleep: Went to bed just after 2300, was asleep by midnight, and woke just before 0600. Pretty good.

Energy: Didn't fully get up until 0700, but once I was up, I was well awake and had energy. SO ready for the HAMMERING in the gym today!

Mood: A smile and some laughter...Now if I could only have you smile with me...

Joints: Left wrist was giving me a lot of trouble during resistance training - tried to ignore it, but come SuperSet E I had to strap it. Right anterior delt inside the joint was also quite painful from SuperSet E on.

Quality of Training: HIIT Run was great...Started out with a smile re skipping pre-weights, but that soon turned to a grimace and closed eyes during resistance training...Left foot became rather painful during post-weights skipping - hence the move to the Recline Bike, where I was shocked to find my legs/body so exhausted that the cadence was WTF?! slow...

Other Notes: The week has started off well...

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Will you fight or will you walk away?



Quote for Reflection: ♥ Your ORIGINALITY determines your PERSONALITY. Never "compromise" your IDENTITY by "FORGING" another's SIGNATURE ♥ What makes you UNIQUE is what makes you "MAGNIFIQUE!"...Gain "POPULARITY" with your "SINGULARITY"! ♥ DEMONSTRATE these qualities that make you GREAT without feeling the need to IMPERSONATE! There is no reason to be a “CLONE” when you are AMAZING on your “OWN”! ♥ Attempting to make another’s IMPRESSION your own is not very "impressive"...and is "regressive" to your personal DEVELOPMENT. To make a real "breakthrough", STAY TRUE to Y-O-U ♥ When you "PATTERN AFTER" another, you are creating a "HOLDING PATTERN" for yourself...You will never get AHEAD of the "competition" with REPETITION ♥ While it is okay to “FOLLOW SUIT” of another who is “wise”, make sure that you are ultimately “wearing” your own “size”. It is not easy trying to "FIT" into someone else's "SHOES", so CHOOSE to STAND FIRM in your own! ♥ Anyone can "PLAY A PART", but that means you are not "ACTING" from your HEART. "PRETENDING" to be someone YOU are NOT should never be a "goal", so always ASSUME the “role” that is deep within YOUR “SOUL” ♥ Your VISION of SUCCESS will not become "clearer" if you are using "smoke and a mirror". APING another is “monkey business”...Do not make the "goof" of a SPOOF or the "gimmick" of a MIMIC! ♥ You were BORN AN "ORIGINAL" and not meant to be "copied"...Keep it that way, until the day that you can fit in a Xerox "paper tray"! ♥ In order to ADVANCE, you must take a CHANCE...on YOURSELF! If you are told that you must CONFORM in order to optimally PERFORM...”BEG TO DIFFER”! ♥” – Lauren Christine Frahn


Session 1

Run 3 miles

Stretch 21 min

Session 2

Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 6
2. Dips 4 x 8
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Incline DB Bicep Curls 4 x 8
5. DB French Press 4 x 6
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Zottoman Curls 4 x 12
8. Straight-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degree angle) 4 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 15
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 108-112 rpm


Mood: Even though my left wrist is still in pain, it's been a good day :) God continues to Bless me - I have so much to look FORWARD to! The only thing that's missing is YOU.

John Smeton

John Smeton

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Quote for Reflection: ♥ Your ORIGINALITY determines your PERSONALITY. Never "compromise" your IDENTITY by "FORGING" another's SIGNATURE ♥ What makes you UNIQUE is what makes you "MAGNIFIQUE!"...Gain "POPULARITY" with your "SINGULARITY"! ♥ DEMONSTRATE these qualities that make you GREAT without feeling the need to IMPERSONATE! There is no reason to be a “CLONE” when you are AMAZING on your “OWN”! ♥ Attempting to make another’s IMPRESSION your own is not very "impressive"...and is "regressive" to your personal DEVELOPMENT. To make a real "breakthrough", STAY TRUE to Y-O-U ♥ When you "PATTERN AFTER" another, you are creating a "HOLDING PATTERN" for yourself...You will never get AHEAD of the "competition" with REPETITION ♥ While it is okay to “FOLLOW SUIT” of another who is “wise”, make sure that you are ultimately “wearing” your own “size”. It is not easy trying to "FIT" into someone else's "SHOES", so CHOOSE to STAND FIRM in your own! ♥ Anyone can "PLAY A PART", but that means you are not "ACTING" from your HEART. "PRETENDING" to be someone YOU are NOT should never be a "goal", so always ASSUME the “role” that is deep within YOUR “SOUL” ♥ Your VISION of SUCCESS will not become "clearer" if you are using "smoke and a mirror". APING another is “monkey business”...Do not make the "goof" of a SPOOF or the "gimmick" of a MIMIC! ♥ You were BORN AN "ORIGINAL" and not meant to be "copied"...Keep it that way, until the day that you can fit in a Xerox "paper tray"! ♥ In order to ADVANCE, you must take a CHANCE...on YOURSELF! If you are told that you must CONFORM in order to optimally PERFORM...”BEG TO DIFFER”! ♥” – Lauren Christine Frahn


Session 1

Run 3 miles

Stretch 21 min

Session 2

Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 6
2. Dips 4 x 8
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Incline DB Bicep Curls 4 x 8
5. DB French Press 4 x 6
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Zottoman Curls 4 x 12
8. Straight-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degree angle) 4 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 15
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 108-112 rpm


Mood: It's been a good day :) God continues to Bless me - I have so much to look FORWARD to! The only thing that's missing is YOU.

awesome quote and very true,Rosie . While its good to have role models, a person must stay true to themselves. God made everyone different and he wants us to do our best no matter how different we are.

great workout
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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awesome quote and very true,Rosie . While its good to have role models, a person must stay true to themselves. God made everyone different and he wants us to do our best no matter how different we are.

great workout
Absolutely, John! We are all one-of-a-kind individuals and we should CELEBRATE that!

Thanks :)


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