The Female Terminator Chronicles: The Ultimate Muscle and Physique Stack (2012)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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When all hope is gone I know that you can carry on


Overcoming Your Fears

Fear can be and instigate many things, inclusive of preventing one from stepping out and doing what they know they must or following their dreams. Fear is the small voice in your head telling you that you “can’t” do it, whispering that you’ll never be “good enough”, the negativity that tries to make you think that no matter what you do it will never be any of significant worth. Fear is the killer of dreams, of passion, of opportunity. It holds you back, causes stagnation, prevents growth. It is an obstacle.

You need to OVERCOME fear. You need to overcome this obstacle in order to succeed in life and anything. It is not going to be easy and many times you may feel like giving up, defeated and broken down from the stress fear gives your mind.

DON’T give up! Standing up to your fear and staring it in the face will make you STRONGER.

Strength comes from doing the things you never thought you could. It comes from going through pain and suffering, mental and physical abuse, standing up to and conquering that small voice in your head, refusing to back down and let anything keep you from moving forward for very long.

With strength comes wisdom. Knowledge of yourself and what you are capable of, how to draw from within yourself to find what you need, understanding the processes that allow you to overcome that which would see you “fail” in life.

There are times when a degree of “fear” is healthy, but many where it is nothing more than an obstacle to be conquered and overcome so that you can be become BETTER, and who doesn’t want to be better than they are? Who doesn’t want to be ALL that they can be?


Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 12 min jogging

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Skip x 600 revolutions

HIT (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet -
1. Hanging Straight-Leg Raises (feet to touch bar) 4 x 15
2. Swissball Crunches (270 degrees to 180 degrees) 4 x 15
3. Skip 4 x 300 revolutions

Plank x 1 min

Skip x 600 revolutions


Sleep: Was very distressed when went to bed last night. Could not fall asleep for a long time.

Energy: Not really feeling it during my HIIT Run this morning.

Joints: Left wrist still a dull ache. Right anterior delt deep in my shoulder has been sharp today - digging my fingers in to try and make it "better".

Quality of Training: HIIT Run ok - less sprints today, since I felt dead on my feet...Went to the gym and did a brief session, since I want something there for Full-Body tomorrow - and working the same body-group four CONSECUTIVE days is likely to take more of a toll on me than I realize, especially on my left wrist and shoulders, and I want them to deal with my demands the rest of the week without falling apart on me.



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Hate to hear you are having ongoing issues with minor injuries. It is truly frustrating.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Hate to hear you are having ongoing issues with minor injuries. It is truly frustrating.
I'm always going to have those issues, I think, Chris - I just get used to them.



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Old injuries stink! And new ones!! I hear ya :)
Competition Saturday! Loved the erase Rosie! I'll post pics & let ya know how it goes!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Old injuries stink! And new ones!! I hear ya :)
Competition Saturday! Loved the erase Rosie! I'll post pics & let ya know how it goes!!
Injuries are just a part of life - no one is immune to them, and you just deal the hand you've been played whenever it gets dealt.

Awesome! All the best, lady!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I break down even though I know I'm still strong


Broken Down to Rebuild Up

NO ONE is immune to tragedy. No one is immune to DESTRUCTION. No one is immune to breaking DOWN. No one is immune to coming UNdone. No one is immune to falling APART.

EVERYthing happens for a reason. Those times in your life that you think you cannot handle, surviving only to feel like you have been through the fires of hell, left with nothing but yourself, everything torn away from you, you know that you CAN. You know you are STRONG.

Left in the devastation behind, stripped bare of all you held precious, there is nothing but ashes and soot, a grey area to live in instead of the black and white, and yet there is still HOPE. For from ashes grow NEW life. From tearing down everything that once stood around you can be built something NEW. Everything broken and shattered inside you can be replaced with something BETTER and stronger.

If you did not like yourself before, or the life you lived, the people you lived with, you have a chance to CHANGE it. The circumstances might be extreme, but sometimes it takes extreme measures to facilitate change. Sometimes it takes the most terrible loss to realize what you truly HAVE and want to hold onto. Sometimes it takes falling apart, inside and out, to give yourself the FREEDOM to become what you know you are CAPABLE of being. Sometimes those circumstances OPEN your eyes to truth of yourself and your life, forcing you to make the decision of “settling” or forging forward to become what you WANT to be and do the things you want to do.

After all, the CHOICE to change is up to us. Sometimes the circumstances must be extreme until we can truly accept and allow ourselves to be weak in order to become the strength we ARE, to start from the ground up, building the foundation that will stand TRUE in all that we are, creating a being that we can be PROUD of.

Quote for Reflection:



On waking my stomach was so sore that I could barely walk, just wanting to stay curled up in the foetal position with the wheatie on it (which I did for a few hours). Decided to make today this week's day off because of that - no way was I in any condition to be training an hour after waking! Going to hit it hard tomorrow though, to punish myself for this!



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I like the quote Rosie, I am permanently under construction. Always being smashed to pieces and reassembling myself in a stronger incarnation. At least it is quiet tonite. Thank God, What is a wheatie?? Here its a cereal lol. Hit it hard tomorrow but do not punish yourself Punish the weights!! I've changed up my training and Oh My God am I Sore!!! I love it!! I took out all my personal frustrations on the weights and they lost.....big time PR's galore and maxed out another machine. Hang in there you will be fine.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I like the quote Rosie, I am permanently under construction. Always being smashed to pieces and reassembling myself in a stronger incarnation. At least it is quiet tonite. Thank God, What is a wheatie?? Here its a cereal lol. Hit it hard tomorrow but do not punish yourself Punish the weights!! I've changed up my training and Oh My God am I Sore!!! I love it!! I took out all my personal frustrations on the weights and they lost.....big time PR's galore and maxed out another machine. Hang in there you will be fine.
I think we all are, David. Right now I am being broken over and over. I thought in February that I was "reborn" - and I was, but since then I have died time and time again inside, and every time...

A wheatie is like a hot-water bottle - only you put it in the microwave to heat it. It helps my stomach - at one stage last year and the year before I was using one so much and had to have it so hurt it left burn marks all over my stomach.

No, I punish myself. Always myself. The weights are just a tool of punishment.

But yes, I will be "fine". I am always "fine", even when I am falling apart...



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I think we all are, David. Right now I am being broken over and over. I thought in February that I was "reborn" - and I was, but since then I have died time and time again inside, and every time...

A wheatie is like a hot-water bottle - only you put it in the microwave to heat it. It helps my stomach - at one stage last year and the year before I was using one so much and had to have it so hurt it left burn marks all over my stomach.

No, I punish myself. Always myself. The weights are just a tool of punishment.

But yes, I will be "fine". I am always "fine", even when I am falling apart...

[h=1]"Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker" An old saw in it's original language. Fight on Warrior woman, fight on!



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Like I have been saying life does get less hectic as you grow... I find I no longer need to break but just to mold what I have becasue I have grown to like what I am more I guess. The hills and valleys are not as steep.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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"Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker" An old saw in it's original language. Fight on Warrior woman, fight on!
Thank you, my friend :)

Like I have been saying life does get less hectic as you grow... I find I no longer need to break but just to mold what I have becasue I have grown to like what I am more I guess. The hills and valleys are not as steep.
Sometimes, Doug. Sometimes I think unconsciously we "create" that "hectic", even as I want nothing more than to SIMPLIFY everything and get RID of "complicated"...This year has been hard on me (and I thought it was hard that year 10 years ago), but I am STRONGER for it. Everything that has happened - did I wish it hadn't? Sometimes, yes, but then I am thankful for it, for withOUT it I would not be what I AM NOW. I HAVE grown, more than I might ever have thought, CHANGED in ways I never thought I would - all the pain and struggle WAS worth it to get to this place. Where I am confident in myself, not prepared to put up with any more abuse, willing to do what I have to to see my dreams come alive, slowly learning to accept myself and come into my own. It has been a LONG journey, but it has brought me here. To this. NOW.



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Thank you, my friend :)

Sometimes, Doug. Sometimes I think unconsciously we "create" that "hectic", even as I want nothing more than to SIMPLIFY everything and get RID of "complicated"...This year has been hard on me (and I thought it was hard that year 10 years ago), but I am STRONGER for it. Everything that has happened - did I wish it hadn't? Sometimes, yes, but then I am thankful for it, for withOUT it I would not be what I AM NOW. I HAVE grown, more than I might ever have thought, CHANGED in ways I never thought I would - all the pain and struggle WAS worth it to get to this place. Where I am confident in myself, not prepared to put up with any more abuse, willing to do what I have to to see my dreams come alive, slowly learning to accept myself and come into my own. It has been a LONG journey, but it has brought me here. To this. NOW.

Absolutely you miss the Chaos so you create it. Eventually you learn to be comfortable without it. It's a process....
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Absolutely you miss the Chaos so you create it. Eventually you learn to be comfortable without it. It's a process....
Believe me, I do NOT miss chaos in the slightest. I would have that rare peace than what almost always perpetuates. But I am used to living in a storm, so I guess it's "normal" for me...



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Believe me, I do NOT miss chaos in the slightest. I would have that rare peace than what almost always perpetuates. But I am used to living in a storm, so I guess it's "normal" for me...

We must have chaos to recognize peace, life is a balancing act, all things, all aspects chaos, peace, sadness, joy, loneliness and fulfillment are all necessary for a complete life, everything must find its balance. It is when that balance is upset that we have stress. Find your balance(for it is different for each and every individual) and you will find your own harmony
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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We must have chaos to recognize peace, life is a balancing act, all things, all aspects chaos, peace, sadness, joy, loneliness and fulfillment are all necessary for a complete life, everything must find its balance. It is when that balance is upset that we have stress. Find your balance(for it is different for each and every individual) and you will find your own harmony
There has NEVER been balance in my life.



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There has NEVER been balance in my life.

Mine either Rosie, well once, the two years it was just me and my daughter, those were the most stress free and wonderful times of my life. All I know is that the closer we get to achieving it the happier we will be. We'll find the balancing point one day. We just cannot lose hope.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Mine either Rosie, well once, the twos years it was just me and my daughter, those were the most stress free and wonderful times of my life. All I know is that the closer we get to achieving it the happier we will be. We'll find the balancing point one day. We just cannot lose hope.
Maybe. I won't hold my breath.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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10 Days to a Miracle


Hope for Tomorrow

There is ALWAYS a light in the darkness. It might not be big, but it’s there. It’s called HOPE. A tiny flicker or flame, it simmers, smoulders, flares in its own time, in every heart, hidden or visible.

Today might be hell, but there’s always TOMORROW. Always a new chance for something BETTER, life to look up, the help we seek to come find us, our screams to be heard.

The sun shines no matter what, alone in the universe. The stars glimmer even if clouds cover the sky. Someone sees the moon even if you do not or cannot, on the other side of the world.

There is ALWAYS HOPE FOR TOMORROW and what it can bring. We have to believe it, have SOMEthing to hold onto, to keep us to this world. If you have nothing else, let it be that. HOPE.

Quote for Reflection:


Skip x 300 revolutions

Upper Body (30 sec recovery between trisets/quadsets):
TriSet A -
1. Supinated Lat Pull-Down 3 x 10
2. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on fists on floor) 3 x 10
3. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet A -
4. Rear Flyes 3 x 10
5. Plate Hammer Raises (each hand with their own plate) 3 x 10
6. Alternate Single-Arm Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 20
7. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
8. DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10
9. Rope Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 10
10. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
11. Weighted DB Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degrees) 3 x 10
12. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
13. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 20
14. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Skip x 600 revolutions

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: Disturbed. Broken. Put on a movie to take my mind off things and hoping it would be mindless. I couldn't stay asleep, what sleep there was, painful.

Energy: About as dead as I feel.

Joints: Left wrist very painful, but bearing it. Right anterior delt hurting deep in the joint, but forcing everything.

Quality of Training: Not the best at all. Adapting too, as can be seen (likely the rest of this week as well). Was going to be a Full-Body session today, but still not feeling ok after yesterday, making an effort to do SOMEthing (and not just say "fcuk it!" and walk out of the gym as I felt like doing). Getting upset during training, which didn't help either, finishing in a bad place.

Other Notes: I thought life was about to "settle" down a little after getting back from Florida; that I would have a chance to relax some and focus on getting ready for my shoot end of May - unfortunately, life had other plans and has been as all-over-the-place as ever. Not the best of things, as I fall between extremes...I have 10 days until I shoot with Jerry and Tony - up to now has NOT happened as planned or desired, so the next 10 days MUST BE PRECISE AND ON TRACK! 10 days to work a MIRACLE!!!



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There has NEVER been balance in my life.

What is light if there is no darkness, what is victory if there is no struggle, can one know joy without having known sorrow? My but you have me feeling philosophical tonight :) I am a firm believer that we do not continue in ANY behavior unless we get SOMETHING out of it. Just some food for thought!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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What is light if there is no darkness, what is victory if there is no struggle, can one know joy without having known sorrow? My but you have me feeling philosophical tonight :) I am a firm believer that we do not continue in ANY behavior unless we get SOMETHING out of it. Just some food for thought!
You are absolutely right, Tony. One would not know what light was unless they had lived in darkness. Victory would be meaningless without the struggle to get there. One can never truly know what joy is if they have never felt the pain of sorrow.

I don't know about that re behaviour. Sometimes something can be such an ingrained habit that it becomes second nature to do, done without even thinking, whether it is helping or harming us. That said, ANYthing can be overcome and changed if it has to be - victory through struggle.

Maybe I just have a different definition of "balance" than others...I know that to everyone else I am not and have never had any balance in my life, nor lived a balanced lifestyle, always at one extreme or the other...But maybe to me that IS MY balance...



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You are absolutely right, Tony. One would not know what light was unless they had lived in darkness. Victory would be meaningless without the struggle to get there. One can never truly know what joy is if they have never felt the pain of sorrow.

I don't know about that re behaviour. Sometimes something can be such an ingrained habit that it becomes second nature to do, done without even thinking, whether it is helping or harming us. That said, ANYthing can be overcome and changed if it has to be - victory through struggle.

Maybe I just have a different definition of "balance" than others...I know that to everyone else I am not and have never had any balance in my life, nor lived a balanced lifestyle, always at one extreme or the other...But maybe to me that IS MY balance...

Actually if you were in a constant state of movement on a balance beam, and moved from one end to the other at break neck speed, you could in fact maintain the balance point. Its when you stay at one extreme or the other that you crash, the secret is to never stop moving....change is good :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I just can't walk away...


Passion and Determination

Everything you do should be done with PASSION. Passion makes you feel ALIVE, lights you from within, gives the sparkle in your eyes, the bounce in your step, then energy and enthusiasm that draws others to you.

Everything you do should be done with DETERMINATION. Determination means that you are prepared to do whatever it takes, no matter who or what may try and stop you from achieving what you have set out to accomplish.

Together, passion and determination make a POWERFUL team. A powerful team is hard to break and only gets STRONGER when faced with adversity.

Passion and determination make the journey less arduous. You know that everything done has a PURPOSE, bringing you one step CLOSER to the culmination of your dream. One step closer to the ultimate HIGH.

Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

Skip x 300 revolutions

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 3 x 8
2. BB Military Press 3 x 8
3. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10 per side
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. EZ-Bar Bicep Curls 3 x 21s
6. Dips 3 x 8
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Hanging Straight-Leg Raises (feet to touch bar) 3 x 10
10. Reverse Curls (on floor) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on floor) 3 x 20
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 110-112 rpm

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

a. 4 min jogging
b. 24 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 10 min jogging

Mood: Upset during training, close to tears at several points, getting frustrated and angry with myself, forcing my body to scream as I pushed it, not helping my stress (which has been exceptionally high the last few days - evidenced by the coming up again of my wisdom teeth, the SECOND time in the space of 2-3 weeks!).

Pump: Strong and hard - this, combined with the vascularity and definition is what I want ALWAYS.

Vascularity: Excellent - looked like someone had painted veins on me, LOL.

Joints: Left wrist in pain. Right wrist pain as well after the second set of EZ-Bar Bicep Curls. Right anterior delt in constant pain throughout training and the rest of the day.

Quality of Training: Almost pretty much out of bed and to the gym today. Took me a little to awake fully and concentrate, not really wanting to be there, but glad that I did the session by the end, flushed and dripping as I was...Finding it hard to breathe during post-weights cardio, my heart hurting, the pain in my chest radiating, continuing with pressure from one fist on my chest, my face a mask of pain...


About Muscle Interview

Got home from the gym to discover that my Interview (inclusive of many never-seen-before images taken by Dan Ray) with About Muscle was published [as a Feature] today (thank you, James)!

Check it out: Interview With The Female Terminator Rosie Chee



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You are absolutely right, Tony. One would not know what light was unless they had lived in darkness. Victory would be meaningless without the struggle to get there. One can never truly know what joy is if they have never felt the pain of sorrow.

I don't know about that re behaviour. Sometimes something can be such an ingrained habit that it becomes second nature to do, done without even thinking, whether it is helping or harming us. That said, ANYthing can be overcome and changed if it has to be - victory through struggle.

Maybe I just have a different definition of "balance" than others...I know that to everyone else I am not and have never had any balance in my life, nor lived a balanced lifestyle, always at one extreme or the other...But maybe to me that IS MY balance...

Even extremes can be ok as long as they are not destructive and one maintains their priorities. As to doubt about the behavior "pay off" thing, you kind of made my point for me aS even the security of the familiar is a pay off :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Actually if you were in a constant state of movement on a balance beam, and moved from one end to the other at break neck speed, you could in fact maintain the balance point. Its when you stay at one extreme or the other that you crash, the secret is to never stop moving....change is good :)
Yes, change is good; as is constant movement - as long as it is FORWARD!

Even extremes can be ok as long as they are not destructive and one maintains their priorities. As to doubt about the behavior "pay off" thing, you kind of made my point for me aS even the security of the familiar is a pay off :)
I am highly destructive, especially to myself. I am slowly learning to combat this, but it's not fast nor easy by any means.



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Rosie good workouts, with a lot of passion. If I had to describe you in one word which isn't possible, but Passionate would be def one tops. Ouch on the wisdom teeth. I have been told to get mine out at 20yrs old, and now 32 lol still haven't. But they don't hurt anymore. Once and a blue moon, i'd bite side of my mouth with them and scream, but been a while. Anyway hope that pains subsides. Also wicked interview, and love your pics. One awesome hardworking cuteeee girl lol. Take care and have a good Sunday!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie good workouts, with a lot of passion. If I had to describe you in one word which isn't possible, but Passionate would be def one tops. Ouch on the wisdom teeth. I have been told to get mine out at 20yrs old, and now 32 lol still haven't. But they don't hurt anymore. Once and a blue moon, i'd bite side of my mouth with them and scream, but been a while. Anyway hope that pains subsides. Also wicked interview, and love your pics. One awesome hardworking cuteeee girl lol. Take care and have a good Sunday!!
They're not good ENOUGH, Tommy - I need to work far HARDER, especially this close to a shoot, and it seems like all I have done this week is the OPPOSITE of what I should be (sigh)...Yeah, mine have been coming up and down for years, usually whenever I am highly stressed, which is about at least once a month, and it feels like someone has blown up the sides of my face...Thank you :)



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Hey Rosie I just read your article you linked. Really enjoyed it. I have a question about your supplements though. You say you take 1-2 grams vitamin C. In each instance you take 1-2 grams. I have learned on here though that taking more than 500 mg at a time can be Pro-oxident. Have you heard or read this?.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hey Rosie I just read your article you linked. Really enjoyed it. I have a question about your supplements though. You say you take 1-2 grams vitamin C. In each instance you take 1-2 grams. I have learned on here though that taking more than 500 mg at a time can be Pro-oxident. Have you heard or read this?.
Thanks, Steve :) Yes, that is correct re Vitamin C - I never use anything less than one gram in a dose, and no, I have not heard that (although in total, I probably use too MUCH Vitamin C sometimes).

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I WILL fly...With OR withOUT you...



There are many people out there ready and willing to tell you that you can’t do something, whether because they don’t believe in your dream or you or just don’t want to see you achieve something great. Don’t let YOURSELF be one of those people.

At the end of the day, YOU decide what you can AND cannot do. If you believe in yourself and your ability to do something, then you WILL do it. If you do not believe in yourself or that what you want to accomplish is possible for you, then you will NOT do it.

The mind is POWERFUL. BELIEF is powerful. Self-talk can have a powerful EFFECT on the psyche, affecting actions and decisions, all which culminate to a destination. If that destination is NOT what you want to see or where you want to be, then ADJUST your THINKING so that your compass is set in the RIGHT direction.

After all, even if you tell yourself that you “can’t”, even if that small voice of doubt in your mind whispers it, you do NOT have to listen. You can CHOOSE to follow your HEART and forge AHEAD, impulsive or not, listening instead to your gut, acting on INSTINCT. THAT is how you get things done, how you achieve GREATNESS.

So go ahead. ABOLISH the word and thought “can’t” from your existence. Reach for the STARS. Pursue the LOVE that consumes you. BELIEVE in YOURSELF. CHANGE your story. MAKE life work FOR you. YOU DECIDE!

Quote for Reflection:


a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: Took forever to fall asleep, sleep broken, waking early, and up for the day.

Mood: Been an interesting day...Been an interesting last FEW dayS...

Libido: Surprisingly high for my mood.

Joints: Being careful of my wrists.

Quality of Training: Run this morning was actually NOT planned - well, not what was done or when it was done anyway. Was an effort at the time, but feels as if today has just been another day "off" this week.

Body Composition: 8.3% bodyfat - 0.5% bodyfat loss from last week, which surprised me a little, given that only THREE of the last seven days has been "good" re nutrition (yes, as good as my intentions re Lyle's "diet", it did NOT happen from 3.5 days after "starting"). My eating habits have helped me add a little more muscle mass though (albeit feeling very UNcomfortable with the additional water and food weight I am holding) - in back and legs (got to get RID of some muscle in my lower body, not ADD to it!), so no more work re Back (except for in my Full-Body session) and more running (less time cycling) re cardio. Girths continue to remain pretty symmetrical...So, not a complete fail the last week, despite training not even being at MAINTENANCE and nutrition being predominantly terrible...Another week to BE AND STAY ON track (and then afterwards as well, since I NEED to concentrate on my HEALTH)...

Other Notes: Things have not settled down any since coming back from Florida. But that's ok. I'm managing. And also seeing what I need to change - what I have KNOWN I have needed to change for a while now, especially when it comes to nutrition, for my health, and having tried, but "allowing" for falling back into old habits. NO MORE though! It CHANGES! NOW! I DECIDE!



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Hiya Rosie :)
I've decided to take some time to review some of your workouts & change my routine a bit! Ummm a lot!!! So thankful for your encouragement!! :) thanks!! A


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Killer article Rosie. Why am I not surprised to discover that you were a world class athlete from early on. Pic's look stunning! You are indeed a unique creature.



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There are many people out there ready and willing to tell you that you can't do something, whether because they don't believe in your dream or you or just don't want to see you achieve something great. Don't let YOURSELF be one of those people.

At the end of the day, YOU decide what you can AND cannot do. If you believe in yourself and your ability to do something, then you WILL do it. If you do not believe in yourself or that what you want to accomplish is possible for you, then you will NOT do it.

The mind is POWERFUL. BELIEF is powerful. Self-talk can have a powerful EFFECT on the psyche, affecting actions and decisions, all which culminate to a destination. If that destination is NOT what you want to see or where you want to be, then ADJUST your THINKING so that your compass is set in the RIGHT direction.

After all, even if you tell yourself that you "can't", even if that small voice of doubt in your mind whispers it, you do NOT have to listen. You can CHOOSE to follow your HEART and forge AHEAD, impulsive or not, listening instead to your gut, acting on INSTINCT. THAT is how you get things done, how you achieve GREATNESS.

So go ahead. ABOLISH the word and thought "can't" from your existence. Reach for the STARS. Pursue the LOVE that consumes you. BELIEVE in YOURSELF. CHANGE your story. MAKE life work FOR you. YOU DECIDE!

Quote for Reflection:


a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: Took forever to fall asleep, sleep broken, waking early, and up for the day.

Mood: Been an interesting day...Been an interesting last FEW dayS...

Libido: Surprisingly high for my mood.

Joints: Being careful of my wrists.

Quality of Training: Run this morning was actually NOT planned - well, not what was done or when it was done anyway. Was an effort at the time, but feels as if today has just been another day "off" this week.

Body Composition: 8.3% bodyfat - 0.5% bodyfat loss from last week, which surprised me a little, given that only THREE of the last seven days has been "good" re nutrition (yes, as good as my intentions re Lyle's "diet", it did NOT happen from 3.5 days after "starting"). My eating habits have helped me add a little more muscle mass though (albeit feeling very UNcomfortable with the additional water and food weight I am holding) - in back and legs (got to get RID of some muscle in my lower body, not ADD to it!), so no more work re Back (except for in my Full-Body session) and more running (less time cycling) re cardio. Girths continue to remain pretty symmetrical...So, not a complete fail the last week, despite training not even being at MAINTENANCE and nutrition being predominantly terrible...Another week to BE AND STAY ON track (and then afterwards as well, since I NEED to concentrate on my HEALTH)...

Other Notes: Things have not settled down any since coming back from Florida. But that's ok. I'm managing. And also seeing what I need to change - what I have KNOWN I have needed to change for a while now, especially when it comes to nutrition, for my health, and having tried, but "allowing" for falling back into old habits. NO MORE though! It CHANGES! NOW! I DECIDE!
Man.... I REALLY needed that motivational. Thanks.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hiya Rosie :)
I've decided to take some time to review some of your workouts & change my routine a bit! Ummm a lot!!! So thankful for your encouragement!! :) thanks!! A
Hey Amy! Good job on fourth place - motivation for next time :)

Cool - just remember that everything I do I do SPECIFICALLY FOR ME re goals and needs (more needs than goals - since training really does not change too much based on goals, and I pretty much just recomp all the time), needs like injuries, etc. (which is why you won't find Legs' days and more often than not in recent times, no Back or Chest days either), and my physiological function (re volume and intensity of my training). After I refractured my left wrist last year, I really came into the groove as far as what worked best re training for me, especially as my body also started training, and after the multiple injuries of last December, has changed even more, and I have refined my training even more since then, truly doing the best for me for now.

Just do what is RIGHT FOR YOU!

No worries - you're welcome :) Trust me, I have realized just how important encouragement can be sometimes, even if you will still JUST DO IT regardless of whether you have it or not.

Killer article Rosie. Why am I not surprised to discover that you were a world class athlete from early on. Pic's look stunning! You are indeed a unique creature.

Cheers, Tony :) I'm STILL an athlete - once an athlete; always an athlete, especially when you live the lifestyle, regardless of whether you still compete or not. Thank you - I enjoyed working with Dan and are always working on getting better! I have come a long way, but still have a long way to go - the journey is NEVER over!

Great article!

Truly an inspiration!

Man.... I REALLY needed that motivational. Thanks.
You're welcome :) I'm glad I could help!



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I understand that your regimen is for you, but I figured the hiit workouts will be great!!! :) didn't realize we were so close! Hope to meet someday! :)
Rosie Chee

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I understand that your regimen is for you, but I figured the hiit workouts will be great!!! :) didn't realize we were so close! Hope to meet someday! :)
:) HIIT is definitely great! The session I did yesterday is what I started with when I first began doing it - just that short and I did it for 2-3 months, and still do only as much even now, but just add more efforts/sprints in as needed.

Yes, we are not far apart at all right now. I am planning on being here for a while as well, so maybe we can make that happen!

Will you be going to Chicago for the NPC Junior Nationals?



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Cheers, Tony :) I'm STILL an athlete - once an athlete; always an athlete, especially when you live the lifestyle, regardless of whether you still compete or not. Thank you - I enjoyed working with Dan and are always working on getting better! I have come a long way, but still have a long way to go - the journey is NEVER over!
Make no mistake, I certainly have never viewed you as a former anything, as you are constantly evolving. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Rosie Chee

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Make no mistake, I certainly have never viewed you as a former anything, as you are constantly evolving. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
"Constantly evolving" is right - I've changed so much in the last year (and not just physically), more than I ever imagined I ever could or would, and are someone I never thought I would be. But that's good though - I am far stronger and better for it; I know what I am capable of, finally know what I am worth and will not accept anything less, and have truly "come into my own" (particularly this year), so to speak. I like this Rosie - maybe I might even be able to love her...Thank you, Tony :) I always viewed weakness and flaws as just that - weakness, but I have learnt that sharing them is not so. Even to be able to share some of the things I have over the last year is a huge step for me, really showing how far I have come...

Yes I'm goin to jr nats :) I hv a few friends competing :)
Maybe we can catch up sometime during them then, since I'll be going down for a day or both :)



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"Constantly evolving" is right - I've changed so much in the last year (and not just physically), more than I ever imagined I ever could or would, and are someone I never thought I would be. But that's good though - I am far stronger and better for it; I know what I am capable of, finally know what I am worth and will not accept anything less, and have truly "come into my own" (particularly this year), so to speak. I like this Rosie - maybe I might even be able to love her...Thank you, Tony :) I always viewed weakness and flaws as just that - weakness, but I have learnt that sharing them is not so. Even to be able to share some of the things I have over the last year is a huge step for me, really showing how far I have come...

A good friend told me once that "A fool knows his strengths, a wise man his weaknesses." I have a pretty good grasp of both my strengths and weaknesses and some of my character defects, oh boy do they have character :) I also know that I have a dark side and what I need to do to keep it in check. Sounds like you are psychologically in a good place at this point in your life. Kudos!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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A good friend told me once that "A fool knows his strengths, a wise man his weaknesses." I have a pretty good grasp of both my strengths and weaknesses and some of my character defects, oh boy do they have character :) I also know that I have a dark side and what I need to do to keep it in check. Sounds like you are psychologically in a good place at this point in your life. Kudos!
Yes. When I was 20 I wrote out a list (that I still have, LOL) of all my positives/strengths and negatives/weaknesses - ironically, my greatest strength was ALSO my greatest weakness when turned on itself (you can see why I am so self-destructive). I believe that we all have a dark side, whether we want to believe it or not, and I am, as much as I dislike it, very much my father's daughter with this; although, unlike him I have spent a lifetime being able to keep it leashed for the most part - I have always said that if I had no morals or sense of right and wrong, well, then I REALLY would be "scary" (and not "scary" as I have been told I am - I never understood why people thought that)...I don't know if I have EVER been in a good place psychologically at any time in my life, Tony (although better than it was, if anyone saw the reality of what and where my psyche has been and is and not just what they wanted or think they see, then I think they would take several steps backwards, if not run screaming in the opposite direction!), but I AM getting there. The last few months have been very difficult on me mentally and emotionally (and physically, but that is more manageable, although no less frustrating), and it has taken a lot of pain and suffering to get me to this point, but I AM here and I am better for it. Which is the point of life - becoming BETTER than we are, striving to be the best that we can possibly be, becoming all that we are MEANT to be...



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Yes. When I was 20 I wrote out a list (that I still have, LOL) of all my positives/strengths and negatives/weaknesses - ironically, my greatest strength was ALSO my greatest weakness when turned on itself (you can see why I am so self-destructive). I believe that we all have a dark side, whether we want to believe it or not, and I am, as much as I dislike it, very much my father's daughter with this; although, unlike him I have spent a lifetime being able to keep it leashed for the most part - I have always said that if I had no morals or sense of right and wrong, well, then I REALLY would be "scary" (and not "scary" as I have been told I am - I never understood why people thought that)...I don't know if I have EVER been in a good place psychologically at any time in my life, Tony (although better than it was, if anyone saw the reality of what and where my psyche has been and is and not just what they wanted or think they see, then I think they would take several steps backwards, if not run screaming in the opposite direction!), but I AM getting there. The last few months have been very difficult on me mentally and emotionally (and physically, but that is more manageable, although no less frustrating), and it has taken a lot of pain and suffering to get me to this point, but I AM here and I am better for it. Which is the point of life - becoming BETTER than we are, striving to be the best that we can possibly be, becoming all that we are MEANT to be...

Ok, allow me to rephrase that a bit. Sounds like you are begginning to learn to accept and love yourself some. Also, bare in mind, we often judege ourselves much more harshly than other people do. I have worked with borderlines, psychopaths and pedophiles so I doubt you could shake me. Maybe get me to say "Wow, you got some issues", but not shake me LOL.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Ok, allow me to rephrase that a bit. Sounds like you are begginning to learn to accept and love yourself some. Also, bare in mind, we often judege ourselves much more harshly than other people do. I have worked with borderlines, psychopaths and pedophiles so I doubt you could shake me. Maybe get me to say "Wow, you got some issues", but not shake me LOL.
Learning to accept, but not love. Yes, we do, although for a long time, I held others to the same standards as I hold myself, simply because I know what I've been through and done, and if I can do it, then so the hell can they! I have accepted that not everyone wants the same things or has the same standards in life though, so no longer really expect too much from others, and just expect everything from myself instead, beating myself up mentally (and sometimes physically) if I fall short of them. I might surprise you, LOL - always expect the UNexpected when it comes to me. But, I have been more "personal" the last couple of days than usual - it's still new, but ok. Besides, if people can't take the real Rosie, then they are always welcome to walk away - I won't stop them.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You're the only voice my heart can recognise


How Special You Are To Me

It hurts me to know you are hurting, to be so far away I can do nothing about it. It hurts me to know that you think yourself undeserving of love, unworthy of the one beautiful gift everyone should be blessed with. It hurts me to know something of your self-perception, because it is so far from the truth.

It hurts me watch you retreat, watch you disappear before returning, each time taking a part of my soul with you. If only that part of me could remind you of what I see, that if you were not who you are then I would not feel the way I do about you.

You are amazing. You are wonderful. You have given so much and expect nothing back. Life has kicked you down and yet you rise up every time. You fight back. You soldier on. Life has given you so many traumas, but still you are brave enough to look for the joy, trying to have fun with it.

We all make mistakes, but we also learn from them. We all have things we are ashamed of, but that does not make us any less of a person or less lovable. We all have that one person in the world, imperfect but perfect to us, beautiful and precious just the way they are.

YOU are beautiful and precious and so very SPECIAL to me. I only wish I could hold you and let you know just how much. Maybe then you would understand what I see and know and love.

Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 14 min jogging

Stretch 16 min

Session 2

Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Shoulders/Hamstrings (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 4 x 10, 8, 8, 6
2. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. Rear Flyes 4 x 12, 12, 12, 10
4. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. BB Military Press 4 x 10, 8, 8, 8
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. DB Clean and Press 4 x 8
8. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet E -
9. DB Lateral Raises 4 x 10
10. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet F -
11. Alternate Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 8 per side
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet G -
13. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlift (on box, reaching BB down 6 inches) 4 x 10
14. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet H -
15. Swissball Leg Curls 4 x 10
16. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 108-110 rpm

Session 3

Run 3 miles

Stretch 5 min


Sleep: Woke feeling like crap, but once I got "going", I was ok.

Mental Acuity: It's been a "thinking" day, my mind running even fastER than usual, myriad ideas and questions spinning around inside.

Mood: It has been one of the BEST mornings in a long time! I am SO looking forward to next week (it's going to be the best birthday ever - if only you were there, it would be "perfect"!) and the months ahead!

Joints: Both wrists caused issues at different points during training, so tried to be careful with them. Right anterior delt in the joint has also been sharp all day, since waking.

Pump: Strong and hard, almost from the start.

Vascularity: Stronger in left bicep than right and right forearm than left, but was great overall - call me odd, but I LIKE seeing it!

Quality of Training: HIIT was weird this morning - I had the most energy and speed that I have had in a long time, explosive from the start, but tiring quickly half-way through my sprints, tasting blood in my mouth for the first time in ages, feeling like I wanted to be sick...Resistance training was good - painful re delts and wrists, but I made sure to keep myself going, keeping the intensity high, finding it a little difficult to breathe at times (but not as bad as it has been of late), and nauseous a little as well (surprisingly)...Didn't feel like doing an evening run, but I am going to do whatever it takes now to ensure these last eight days make as much difference as possible - a little slower than usual, feeling how heavy my body was feeling, but also tightness in my left hip that had bothered me some during HIIT as well...

Other Notes: GOOD things are happening! I am so EXCITED!



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Learning to accept, but not love. Yes, we do, although for a long time, I held others to the same standards as I hold myself, simply because I know what I've been through and done, and if I can do it, then so the hell can they! I have accepted that not everyone wants the same things or has the same standards in life though, so no longer really expect too much from others, and just expect everything from myself instead, beating myself up mentally (and sometimes physically) if I fall short of them. I might surprise you, LOL - always expect the UNexpected when it comes to me. But, I have been more "personal" the last couple of days than usual - it's still new, but ok. Besides, if people can't take the real Rosie, then they are always welcome to walk away - I won't stop them.

True self love is not egocentric, it is about making good choices and self respect. Sounds like you have a monster that you feel compelled to feed but is never satiated. Done some of those battles myself. However, this is not the venue for me to keep poking at that nor would it be appropriate for me to continue to explore these issues. Surprise me? Quite possibly. Shock me? I highly doubt that ;). Deep and dark things are the nature of my business.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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True self love is not egocentric, it is about making good choices and self respect. Sounds like you have a monster that you feel compelled to feed but is never satiated. Done some of those battles myself. However, this is not the venue for me to keep poking at that nor would it be appropriate for me to continue to explore these issues. Surprise me? Quite possibly. Shock me? I highly doubt that ;). Deep and dark things are the nature of my business.
I am aware that it is not egocentric - never said it was, and if you got the impression that I thought thus, I never intended it. I am far from egocentric, but my definition of "loving oneself" is not just about the aspects you mentioned, but about far more, and that is something that to me is still a long-way off...I don't know, truly. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me, but this has been me for as long as I have known, and it has gotten me this far, so some part of it must be instinct or survival or something...Anyways, enough of the psychoanalyzing...



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I am aware that it is not egocentric - never said it was, and if you got the impression that I thought thus, I never intended it. I am far from egocentric, but my definition of "loving oneself" is not just about the aspects you mentioned, but about far more, and that is something that to me is still a long-way off...I don't know, truly. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me, but this has been me for as long as I have known, and it has gotten me this far, so some part of it must be instinct or survival or something...Anyways, enough of the psychoanalyzing...

Nope, did not mean to imply you did view it that way, just that many people do. Sorry if it seemed patronizing, I have nothing but respect for you and I hope that is obvious. Think I will just leave things at that.

John Smeton

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you have to love yourself to love others, like the analogy of a cup being filled with wine until the cup runs over, then you have more then enough

I heard that off Brian Tracey s "Psychology of achievement"
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Nope, did not mean to imply you did view it that way, just that many people do. Sorry if it seemed patronizing, I have nothing but respect for you and I hope that is obvious. Think I will just leave things at that.

No worries, Tony :)

you have to love yourself to love others, like the analogy of a cup being filled with wine until the cup runs over, then you have more then enough

I heard that off Brian Tracey s "Psychology of achievement"
I believe that you can love another if you do not love yourself, but [possibly] that you can never truly accept or believe in anyone else's love for you if you do not love yourself. Every individual knows themselves and their capabilities, what they do and don't, and this is topic there is no right or wrong "answer" on, IMO.



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No worries, Tony :)

I believe that you can love another if you do not love yourself, but [possibly] that you can never truly accept or believe in anyone else's love for you if you do not love yourself. Every individual knows themselves and their capabilities, what they do and don't, and this is topic there is no right or wrong "answer" on, IMO.

I love everybody but me and currently my upstairs neighbors who totally suck as human beings. Actually I love people yet hate the way many behave so selfish and only concerned for themselves. Perhaps that is why I steer clear of "Self Love" as I associate it with selfishness, and the whole "its all about me" Attitude. If we looked after each other more often we'd have to look after ourselves less, because there would be a hundred people that all have our back. You know I got yours Rosie :)

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