The Female Terminator Chronicles: The Ultimate Muscle and Physique Stack (2012)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Happy Belated Rosie, I hope you had a wonderful day and evening. Love the pics you put up in here. Like the "Pay it forward" lawn mowing story too. I used to mow the lady next to me's yard. She was really old so I would hop over there and do that one. When we were young we mowed the old couple across the streets lawn every week after their son died. Shoveled their snow in the winter too. Was just the way it was, and had to be. Parent would not have accepted anything less from us. If we took money for it that was a trip to the Weeping Willow to "Go get me a switch boy!" Now I made my son do the neighbors a few times before she passed. Not enough of that goes on any more.
Thank you, Chris! I had the most magical day ever!...No, it doesn't, and it should...



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Happy Belated Rosie, I hope you had a wonderful day and evening. Love the pics you put up in here. Like the "Pay it forward" lawn mowing story too. I used to mow the lady next to me's yard. She was really old so I would hop over there and do that one. When we were young we mowed the old couple across the streets lawn every week after their son died. Shoveled their snow in the winter too. Was just the way it was, and had to be. Parent would not have accepted anything less from us. If we took money for it that was a trip to the Weeping Willow to "Go get me a switch boy!" Now I made my son do the neighbors a few times before she passed. Not enough of that goes on any more.
Mr. Kleen, looks like our parents subscribed to the same school of discipline....except for me it was green maple switches, we had to pick ourselves, nothing hurt like that, but we learned our lessons quickly ....if painfully lol

Rosie...all I can say in response to your post, is regarding results and excuses ..AMEN ! And to the last portion all I can say is AWWW! I am glad that life is turning around for you. Continue to surround yourself with the positive and eventually the negative won't even be alble to find its way in
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie...all I can say in response to your post, is regarding results and excuses ..AMEN ! And to the last portion all I can say is AWWW! I am glad that life is turning around for you. Continue to surround yourself with the positive and eventually the negative won't even be alble to find its way in
My attitude and outlook has just changed, David. I CHOOSE to look at the world differently. So therefore, I am different. I am GROWING. As we all should on a daily basis.



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Heck yeah girl you deserve days like that like every day for that matter!!!!

Thank you, Tony :) My inner fire is RAGING right now! I am so Happy and Blessed!

Thanks, Tommy! Nope, no training for me yesterday - I went down to Chicago for a photoshoot with my Tony Mitchell! Had a Truly Awesome day, the Best birthday Ever. MAGIC is the only word that comes close to describing yesterday! I'm floating right now :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Review of PES Erase Pro

Two bottles of Erase Pro used (6 February to 30 May 2012)...

What is it?

* [Test-Estro-Cort]
* High Affinity AI
* Hard | Dry | Lean

For more information on the product, please review PES :: ERASE PRO

Estrogen Levels: N/A. Although I would have liked to see the changes in my Estrogen levels from pre to post-Erase Pro, I did not have bloods done. I would like to note that during the time I have used Erase Pro, I have had regular monthly menstruation - and yes, it IS UNusual for a female to do so when leaner, but just another example of how different my body is, given that I do not generally bleed if I am above 12% bodyfat (which I have not been for a long time now).

Testosterone Levels: N/A. Although I would have liked to see the changes in my Testosterone levels from pre to post-Erase Pro, I did not have bloods done.

Cortisol Levels: N/A. Although I would have liked to see the changes in my Cortisol levels from pre to post-Erase Pro, I did not have bloods done. That said, stress is an accepted "fact" in my life (in everyone's life) and mine are pretty much perpetually HIGHER than high. Add to that, the time over which I used Erase Pro has been the most stressful and disruptive months of my life [to date] and you have a recipe for complete disaster - however, despite everything, and yes, there WERE times when I noticed changes in my midsection, I DID maintain under 9.2% bodyfat the entire time, which says something (especially given some of the months re nutrition and training).

Muscle Hardness: Actually, my muscle hardness was pretty good. Definitely becoming more and more noticeable during training, with definition a lot stronger the last few months than it ever has been.

Water Retention/Dryness: This has been up and down, with a high dependence upon my nutrition - which has not always been the best over the last few months (for the first time since I started using the Lean Gains' 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window in May 2011, I diverted from it and went back to eating ALL the time for several weeks in March/April, before getting back on track), and water intake - there have been surprisingly a lot of days when I have struggled to get my [UK] galleon of water in (not drinking enough definitely affects how I feel, especially when I have extra-high carbohydrates).

Body Composition: Fluctuating between 7.8-9.2% bodyfat over the course of my usage of Erase Pro, currently at 8% bodyfat. Recomping, with periods when aiming at leaning down more than simply "maintaining" or letting my body "be". Starting Erase Pro, I was a month back into training after extended time out from multiple injuries at the end of 2011, during which I had lose the muscle mass that I had worked so hard to rebuild in my delts and arms - said muscle mass which I have managed to build back up (for the THIRD time), to BETTER than what it was pre-time-out, which I am pleased with. That said, I have been using my "staples" for the better part of my time with Erase Pro, as well as tried a couple of "new" products in there as well, all of which have had a contributing factor in my body composition changes (along with nutrition, training, and recovery - since those have also differed from my "norm" over the last few months).

Overall: I enjoyed my usage of Erase Pro, and although it helped contribute to rebuilding my [upper] body back up, I actually prefer the ORIGINAL Erase than Erase Pro. Erase Pro is a good product, but I experienced more "drying" and less water retention when using JUST the original (hence why I stopped using Erase Pro the week prior to my photoshoots in April and the two weeks prior to my photoshoot in May).

Would I use again? Likely.

Would I recommend? Yes, although depending on the individual's goal, I might recommend the original over Erase Pro, or possibly stacking them.

This review is also available as a separate review in the PES subsection of the Supplements Forum: Rosie's Review of Erase Pro.



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Nice review as usual Rosie!


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Mr. Kleen, looks like our parents subscribed to the same school of discipline....except for me it was green maple switches, we had to pick ourselves, nothing hurt like that, but we learned our lessons quickly ....if painfully lol

Rosie...all I can say in response to your post, is regarding results and excuses ..AMEN ! And to the last portion all I can say is AWWW! I am glad that life is turning around for you. Continue to surround yourself with the positive and eventually the negative won't even be alble to find its way in
Yeah, hard knocks for sure. Made me tough as nails though. I would have to get them one over 6 foot so they could fold it in half and get me with the loop. I came back ONCE with a small switch... I did not make that mistake again.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Nice review as usual Rosie!
Thanks, Chris :) Sorry it was not more comprehensive, guys - the last few months have just been so all-over-the-place and even more out-of-sorts than all my time in the US put together, that it was just easier to make comments on each "effect" as opposed to rating them, and if anyone wants to know more about what the time I used Erase Pro was like, please just take a browse through my log.



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Thanks, Chris :) Sorry it was not more comprehensive, guys - the last few months have just been so all-over-the-place and even more out-of-sorts than all my time in the US put together, that it was just easier to make comments on each "effect" as opposed to rating them, and if anyone wants to know more about what the time I used Erase Pro was like, please just take a browse through my log.

I think that the review was great considering the chaos that ensued during the run you gave your impressions of it as best you could for things having been very inconsistent.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I think that the review was great considering the chaos that ensued during the run you gave your impressions of it as best you could for things having been very inconsistent.
Chaos is one word to describe it, LOL, although it doesn't come close. I just said it as it was, and if anyone has any questions about it, then they can ask.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You've got to live every single day as if it's your only one


As Long As...

Life hurts. It will kick you until you bruise and bleed. It will try and take everything from you. It will put you through hell and back. Just because it can and because it feels nothing as it does so. But as long as you feel pain, be grateful, for it means that you’re still ALIVE. You’re still here. You can still make a DIFFERENCE. Use your STORY to inspire others what is possible, what can be overcome, what it means to be more than a survivor.

You’re human. Humans are flawed and imperfect. They make decisions they know they shouldn’t. They make choices that can lead them down dark paths they would rather regret. But as long as you make mistakes, it means that you have opportunity to learn from them and GROW. See every mistake in judgement, every wrong turn, every slip off the path as a LEARNING curve on your journey to the betterment of self.

As long as you’re alive, you have hope. Hope for the future, what can be, what will be, and everything waiting to be embraced. As long as you keep hoping and keep trying, keep fighting back at life and doing everything you can to keep moving FORWARD, it cannot put you down.

As long as you have hope, BELIEVE in yourself. Believe in your DREAMS. Believe in what you want to BECOME. As long as you hope and refuse to give in, you can have anything, do anything, BE anything you want. So NEVER give up, go out and GET it!

Quote for Reflection:


Skip x 1,000 revolutions

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Single-Arm DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 10
2. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on fists on floor) 3 x 10
3. Stiff-Legged DB Deadlifts (on bench, reach DB down 6 inches) 3 x 10
4. Skip 3 x 120 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 3 x 10
6. DB Clean and Press 3 x 10
7. DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10
8. Skip 3 x 120 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Incline DB Bicep Curls 3 x 10
10. Rope Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 10
11. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 10 per side
12. Skip 3 x 120 revolutions
QuadSet D -
13. Weighted DB Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degrees) 3 x 10
14. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
15. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 10
16. Skip 3 x 120 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
a. Recline Bike 10 min @ 109-112 rpm
b. Recline Bike 1 min @ 103-108 rpm

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: Went to bed earlier than usual again last night - straight after eating. Only slept for ~4 hours before waking though, unable to get back to sleep. Which is ok, considering 4-5 hours is my optimal sleeping period.

Mood: SO HAPPY!!!

Energy: Despite my body being even SORER than it was yesterday, I have boundless energy - must be my mood uplifting me! Suddenly felt shattered not too long after training though, but energy picked back up again pretty fast.

Pump: WOW, just WOW! Strong!

Vascularity: Back in full force! Definitely using Assault again makes a difference - probably going to use it pre-shoot before my next one, to see if I can get this!

Quality of Training: I felt like I was on FAST FORWARD today, even though the time passed as usual for this session. Skipping was fast - and more revolutions during weights too, which was good, because felt like didn't want to stop. Muscle ached, especially mid-to-lower back, hips, and legs heavy as anything, but it didn't stop me from powering through the weights. Had to dropset on QuadSets B and C, but was fine.

Supplements: I will finish my bottle of Alpha-T2 on Saturday (changes noted in post #1).

Other Notes: I've made several changes and updates to my website over the last month and there are a few more coming over June.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee Fitness Newsletter :: June 2012


NO one is immune to stress, although some manage it better than others. Life is stressful, some periods more than others. When you get stressed, exercise can stop being important and you miss training because you don't feel like you can fit it in, losing out on the endorphins released and stress-relieving benefits it offers. Nutrition can sometimes become a coping mechanism, leading to overeating, gaining unwanted body mass...

This month in the 'Training' section, I have suggested some ideas on short training sessions you can do when you feel pressed for time.

In this month's 'Nutrition' section, I have given several tips on what you can do to minimize your "stress" eating or the damage done by it.
Check out this edition of the Rosie Chee Fitness Newsletter HERE.



New member
Regarding the erase! I forgot to tell you guys! Yep. Still maintained the blessed monthly visitor (sorry boys:)
Which led me to believe I wasn't lean enough these past two shows. I did however feel harder and dryer. I'm now on a diff diet w diff coach. Looking fwd to see how next prep goes! Stamp of approval for a woman
I like it do far :) been thinkin about pes t2 as well
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Regarding the erase! I forgot to tell you guys! Yep. Still maintained the blessed monthly visitor (sorry boys:)
Which led me to believe I wasn't lean enough these past two shows. I did however feel harder and dryer. I'm now on a diff diet w diff coach. Looking fwd to see how next prep goes! Stamp of approval for a woman
I like it do far :) been thinkin about pes t2 as well
It's possible that you weren't lean enough, or you just continued to get it, Amy - after all, women are "not" supposed to get it when they reach a certain level of leanness and that's pretty much been the ONLY time I have had it in the last few years, so go figure!

All the best for your next competition :)

And yes, Alpha-T2 is another product that makes a difference - one you WILL notice when you STOP using it (i.e. you'll want to KEEP using it). PES products WORK, period!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Your world can change in the blink of an eye


The Starting Point = DESIRE

Achievement is not accomplished from nothing. It starts somewhere. As an idea, a dream, a goal, a vision. It starts with a DESIRE. A spark that can just flicker faintly or turn into a raging fire.

Passion creates a burning heat that can’t help but fan that spark into a flame. Passion fuels the flame and lifts the wind that breathes life into it. Passion stirs the life in that flame into a fire. Passion stokes the coals beneath that fire, to keep it burning bright. Passion lights the dark night with that fire as the flames rise higher and higher.

But if there is no wind, no passion, only a mere thought, a wish barely believed in, then that spark will never become a flame. It will only flicker, maybe flare briefly, but soon fade and die, disappearing into the wind as if it never existed, not even an echo of a shadow in the deepest dark of night, forgotten and discarded for all time.

Is your desire just a faint flicker or a fierce fire? If you want something, TRULY desire it then you will give nothing but your ALL to ensuring that it burns fierce and bright for the entire world to see, to spread so much light that you cannot see the shadows, drawing others into its circle. When your passion is such, it will not go UNnoticed, and the world will turn and watch as you pursue your dream.

When your desire is raging fire, you will achieve GREATNESS, because such vision cannot be hidden, only glowing brighter and brighter, until it garners support, encouragement from all directions, to see it fulfilled.

Quote for Reflection:



Sleep: Went to bed even earlier last night, but woke after only three hours at 0215, and, unable to go back to sleep, I got up at 0309. Started feeling it at 1000, my stomach in pain and uncomfortable, so I returned to bed and slept for another couple of hours, waking feeling so completely sore, my limbs, especially legs dead and heavy, like I am walking around with lead inside them (my body is definitely paying the price for doing squats during Tuesday's photoshoot, especially since it is no longer used to them).

Mood: Sobered down quite a bit, the way my body feeling not helping matters. Reminding myself that this feeling in only TEMPORARY and once I get back "on track" I will be fine in a few days.

Energy: About as much as a battery on its last legs today - hence today being this week's day OFF.


Avadean Lewis Health & Fitness Blog

I am honoured to be the "Fitness Model of the Month" for June :)

Cut And Jacked

I have been approached by several entities during the last month to either write or contribute articles to them for publication - is one that I will be writing fresh articles for, more specifically For Women in the area of "Female Training".

Rosie Chee Fitness Newsletter June Edition

Continuing on with topics that will appeal to a wider audience - the June edition of my monthly online newsletter covers STRESS. You can read it here.

WPM Women

The Spring/Summer 2012 issue of WPM Women will be out soon and I am very excited to see this issue! This will be the second issue of the magazine and let me just say, from what I have seen so far, it has SET the bar for all future issues! I am stoked to have several articles being published in this issue, including the inspirational story of a very amazing woman, so when it's available be sure to check it out!



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Congratulations Rosie. Another venue to share your knowledge and passion, another chance to inspire others. Simply awesome!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Congratulations Rosie. Another venue to share your knowledge and passion, another chance to inspire others. Simply awesome!
Thank you, Tony :) Yes, that's what I am hoping to be able to do - reach more people!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one


Beautiful Madness

No one is perfect. In fact, it is our IMPERFECTIONS that make us WHO we are, that make us BEAUTIFUL, that make us stand OUT. Besides, who wants to be perfect? If you’re perfect you never change, you never grow, and you never become better. And life is all about change, growth, and building on what is already there, layer upon layer, creating the complex and beautiful being that we are and were intended to be. Beauty is not in perfection; it is in IMperfection.

We all see the world differently. Therefore we each define the world and the way we experience it differently to everyone else. The world cannot be put into a small, square box, like some would will it, neat and clean and tidy and specifically labelled as something. Our DIFFERENCES make us unique. What some call “madness” others call “genius” and just because others have a certain perspective of you does not mean it is truth. All genius is discovered and created from what is always seen as “madness”.

Life is meant for LIVING. Dancing and laughing in the rain just because you can. Loving when all seems impossible, because the greatest happiness comes from dreaming and following our hearts. Taking the odds because you’d rather risk than play it safe. Standing OUTside the circle of others, because carving your own path is better than blending in and losing yourself.

Life is for making an IMPRESSION. On ALL whose paths you cross. And there is no greater impression left than that of one who KNOWS who they are, completely confident in it, striding through life with passion and purpose, imperfectly beautiful, the sparkle of mad genius like a halo around them, so wonderfully and unexpectedly different from the rest of the world that they are never forgotten, leaving a small part of themselves in the soul of all their lives touch.

Quote for Reflection:


Skip x 300 revolutions

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 3 x 15 per side
2. Plate Hammer Raises 3 x 10
3. Rear Flyes 3 x 12
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. DB Zottoman Curls 3 x 10
6. Rope Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 8
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 15 per side
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Swissball Crunches (270 degrees to 180 degrees) 3 x 15
10. Reverse Curls (on floor) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on floor) 3 x 15
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights [HIIT] Cardio:
a. Recline Bike 8 min @ 104-108 rpm
b. Recline Bike 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy
c. Recline Bike 8 min @ 104-108 rpm

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: Could not sleep last night. Ended up watching two movies before resigning myself to silence at 0438, and even then, it took me a while to drift off into the darkness, waking several times, before eventually getting up just after 1000. Head and throat feel thick, body feeling like lead.

Energy: I MADE it happen.

Pump: Strong - and on NO Assault today, too (which just goes to show what all the carbohydrates I've been shoveling in the last few days can do).

Quality of Training: Didn't feel like doing it, honestly, the way my body is feeling (which is like a completely different person than it was only a few days ago). Feeling EVERY rep, every skipping revolution, every gasp for air.

Overall Sense of Feeling: Ever looked at yourself in the mirror and not recognize you? It's true that the higher you fly, the further you fall if your wings give out. I've never crashed this hard before (and no, it's not easy admitting it, either), but I know I can reach those heights and will only aim HIGHER now, working on my strength so that I don't fall again. I am just thankful to God for the amazing people He has Blessed me with at this point in my life!



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Well I am Imperfect, mad(crazy), And utterly Ridiculous so in your book I am doing ok :) You are just having a temporary setback you'll come out the other side harder and stronger I know it!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Well I am Imperfect, mad(crazy), And utterly Ridiculous so in your book I am doing ok :) You are just having a temporary setback you'll come out the other side harder and stronger I know it!!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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How can I pretend I never knew you, like it was all a dream?


Who You Were Meant To Be

“Success” is a word that gets flung around a lot, but do the people that use it always know what they are referring to? “Success” means something different to every individual, and just because one defines it as “x” does not mean that another will share their opinion. Sure, “success” can be what the world sees - accomplishments and awards and trophies. But that is barely a single aspect - certainly not the most important one at that - of “success”, and even if you have none of those accolades does not mean that you have not obtained “success”.

“Success” is far more than what the world SEES. It is a process - very much like the ongoing journey of life - that occurs INSIDE of a person. It is the personal battles and struggles that they fight and overcome. It is the fierceness of their desire in following their dreams, the adamant courage and determination that consumes their hearts, the unrelenting force of willpower that enables them to stand apart from the rest of the world as they strive to become the person they were meant to be. It is learning from the past and using every experience to move forwards, even if they’re not entirely sure where it is that they are heading, as long as they know that the direction is only taking them further and higher than they gave ever gone before, the journey moulding them into something better by the day.

It takes courage to walk alone - if that’s what one must do. It takes strength to face the unknown - any place you have never gone before can cause trepidation. It takes more than simply wanting it - it will take EVERYthing you have to become everything you were meant to be.

Some people will never obtain “success” and become all that they were meant to be, whether by lack of will or strength of character, or allowing others to simply hold them back and keep them stagnating. It is sad, yes, but it is also truth.

Those brave souls who dare to be themselves, do what others think impossible, unwilling to compromise who they are and the desires of their heart, will be the ones who achieve true “success”.

Quote for Reflection:


Run 3 miles

Stretch 20 min

Woke up with the worst migraine I have had in weeks - excess weight gained and lack of water the likely cause of it. REALLY didn't feel like doing ANYthing today - physically and mentally not "in the game" - but I DID. Never run so slow in my life - even slower than the time a week or so ago, pace 6.8 min/mile! My legs still feel so heavy, like someone is trying to fit more into my skin than will fit, holding a lot of water, especially in my lower legs (a definite first for me holding water there). VERY UNcomfortable right now, but preparing to kick myself back into hell re training next week, because this is NOT acceptable - I was SO close at the end of May, but being "close" to what I want is NOT enough; I must REACH AND SURPASS it! My body is rebelling against me for everything I have put it through the last few months, making me more conscious than ever about my HEALTH - focus MUST be on my HEALTH and and now I know without doubt my "triggers", I will be back to the conditioning I [am used to and] want in no time!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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It's time to rise up, man up, get back up...



No one else can do it for you. Make you the person you want to be. It’s entirely on YOU to do it. To take charge of your destiny and create it the way YOU want it to be. YOU SHAPE YOU. YOU have the power. YOU make the decisions. It’s YOU. ALL YOU. If you don’t like where you’re at or what you’re becoming, then CHANGE it. Don’t wait for someone else to come along and make it better. FIX IT YOURSELF. DO IT YOURSELF. YOU have everything you need to become what you should be. Find it, use it, and BECOME. The onus is on YOU. YOU SHAPE YOU. Take CONTROL TODAY.

Quote for Reflection:


HIIT Treadmill:
a. 4 min @ 4.4 min/km
b. 1 x 20 sec effort @ 3.8 min/km /10 sec rest
c. 1 x 20 sec effort @ 3.6 min/km /10 sec rest
d. 6 x 20 sec efforts @ 3.4 min/km /10 sec rest
e. 2 min @ 4.4 min/km

Shoulders/Hamstrings (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 4 x 12, 9, 6, 6
2. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. Rear Flyes 2 x 8
4. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. BB Military Press 4 x 12, 9, 8, 7
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. DB Clean and Press 2 x 8
8. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet E -
9. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 10 per side
10. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet F -
11. Alternate Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 2 x 12 per side
12. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet G -
13. Stiff-Legged DB Deadlifts (on bench, DB reach down ~4 inches) 4 x 8
14. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet H -
15. Swissball Leg Curls 2 x 12
16. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 105-110 rpm

Stretch 21 min


Sleep: Not able to go to sleep until quite late these days, affecting my ability to get up as well, struggling a little sometimes, groggy and foggy, waking with my head "thick".

Energy: Waning, but pulling through where I need to.

Pump: Solid and hard.

Quality of Training: Yes, used the treadmill today re HIIT - was ok on my lower legs and knees surprisingly; more of an effort on my lungs. Resistance training was a bit of a battle, left wrist aching at times, and sharpness thought left and right delt/biceps' tendons (more left), left arch favoured a lot during the skipping, and having a general hard time breathing. My body is definitely feeling the excess body mass and will be glad when it is gone again. Overall though, glad I did the session, smiles and laughter afterwards - the gym truly is one place where I can be happy.

Supplements (changes noted in post #1): I now pretty much have only Assault (I have two more servings left of the last of my original tubs - then it'll be onto the latest version in Watermelon flavour), MuscleGels, RecoverPRO, and Vitamin C left - the bare basics, so going to be interesting until I get more of the rest of my staples (can't wait - especially re Erase and Recompadrol!)

Other Notes: So the last few days haven't been the best, in a funk that I haven't seemed to be able to shake. But it's time to shake it off now and just GET IT TOGETHER! It's time to get back in the game, put "that" face on and just get back up, to come back STRONGER!



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Sleep: Not able to go to sleep until quite late these days, affecting my ability to get up as well, struggling a little sometimes, groggy and foggy, waking with my head "thick".

Oddly enough, I get accused of being "thick in the head" quite a bit. I prefer to call it either determined or tenacious! (I know, not what you meant, but I had to say "Hi")
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Oddly enough, I get accused of being "thick in the head" quite a bit. I prefer to call it either determined or tenacious! (I know, not what you meant, but I had to say "Hi")
Hi, Tony :)

awesome work Rosie.

did you buy the recoverpro?
Cheers, John!

I've brought several tubs, John. I actually personally purchase most of the supplements I use - if it is a "staple", then I buy it, because it IS such for me.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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There's so much you don't know about my soul



The things that are going to make the MOST change in your life are the things that are going to be the HARDEST to do. They’re also going to require the most RISK and cause the most HEARTACHE. They will fill your heart with happiness, whilst at the same time dripping tears down your soul. It might be hard to LET GO, but it is HARDER to hold onto something that is not meant to be. Life is meant for LIVING, so even if it means saying GOOD-BYE to something you love more than life itself, to HEAL your soul sometimes you MUST.

If you have to, cry yourself to sleep at night and put on a SMILE for everyone in the morning, so that they don’t know any different, and go about your life in a way that MAKES a DIFFERENCE in others’ lives. It hurts when the one you love the most loves you back, but is too afraid to take the risk you would give your life for in a heartbeat, and sometimes the only way to hide that pain is to do your best to help ease the pain of OTHERS.

It may not make any SENSE, but in the end the pieces will all come together for you to see the BIGGER picture, and everything will be CLEARER than ever. You might NOT want to do it, but you might HAVE to, in order to prevent regret from letting the pain of it all stop you from living as you were MEANT to, depriving your LIGHT and INFLUENCE from the world. Do not let your hurts prevent you from helping heal the hurts of others.

Do not let your pain cloud your heart and shut all POSSIBILITY out. Do not think that it is over, because there is so much MORE out there for you, so much BEAUTY, so many BLESSINGS, so much more than you could ever have IMAGINED, all just WAITING for you to open your arms and EMBRACE it, ACCEPT it, and just let it HAPPEN.

Quote for Reflection:


Skip x 300 revolutions

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between supersets and trisets):
SuperSet -
1. Swissball Crunches (270 degrees to 180 degrees) 4 x 25
2. Skip 4 x 300 revolutions
TriSet A -
3. EZ-Bar Bicep Curls 4 x 21s
4. Dips 4 x 6
5. Skip 4 x 300 revolutions
TriSet B -
6. Incline DB Bicep Curls 4 x 10
7. DB Hammer Curls 4 x 6
8. Skip 4 x 300 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 103-107 rpm

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: Maybe an hour or two - could not for the life of me sleep last night/this morning; too much going on in my head, even though I desperately wanted to just turn my mind OFF. Went to bed, got up, went back to bed again, watched a movie, got up, and went back yet again, finally in and out between 0800-1000, but hearing everything going on around me. Throat feels like it is closing over, head has a migraine from hell, and I got told as soon as I walked out "your face is all puffed up" (as if I couldn't already feel and know it). So, not the best of mornings to "get up" to, but determined not to let that dictate my day!

Energy: Actually had THREE servings of Assault today (and used the last of my last tub of the original formula) - time passed very fast and definitely didn't feel like TWO hours in the gym! Energy was smooth and clean, almost as if in slow motion - no jitters or crash.

Quality of Training: Changed things up a little today - still the same amount of time re resistance training, but a little more "cardio" in it. Blanking out a little during bits of it, but just kept on going, almost as if in a dream, from one thing to another. Definition in arms was great - one thing high-high carbohydrates does is help with that (and pump and vascularity - in general everything, and I have been told I do better overall with such)...Legs definitely feel better with the lower rpm re post-weights cardio on the Recline Bike - spinning, but not spinning as fast does them more good...



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Good to hear the lower legs are feeling better. Congrats on the new writing opp. You have a lot of things going on in your life right now. You are doing an impressive job of juggling everything and finding positive motivational stuff on top of that you are truly impressive Rosie.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Good to hear the lower legs are feeling better. Congrats on the new writing opp. You have a lot of things going on in your life right now. You are doing an impressive job of juggling everything and finding positive motivational stuff on top of that you are truly impressive Rosie.
Thanks, Chris :) Funny that it looks like that, because it's certainly not how I feel about everything and more often than not, I am honestly trying to motivate MYSELF and not fall apart, struggling right now, and if it helps someone else, then that's great.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Dream TO Live!


Dream BIG. MAKE your own LUCK. BELIEVE.

If you’re not DREAMING, then you’re not LIVING. NEVER be afraid to dream TOO big, for no dream is “too” big, not if it is precious to your heart and something you hold close. Dreaming gives you something to look FORWARD to, a PURPOSE to work towards, a HOPE to KEEP going, no matter what storms life throws in your path along the way. Dreaming is the first step to CREATING yourself, for as you dream and ACT on those dreams, so shall you BECOME.

“Luck” does not just HAPPEN. It is CREATED. It is created by YOU when you work HARD towards making your dreams a REALITY. It is created when you have something so STRONG in your heart that you canNOT let go. It is created when the heavens conspire WITH you to bring your dreams to FRUITION. Don’t just “wait” for luck to happen. Make it YOURSELF.

BELIEVE in YOURSELF and in your DREAMS. Believe that your dreams, the hope in your heart, that it is all POSSIBLE. Believing is an IMPORTANT step to ACHIEVING. Without believing you have no MOTIVATION to act or create. You MUST believe. When you believe, you can become ANYTHING you want to be. Believe and CREATE yourself the way you WANT to. Believe in your POWER to ACHIEVE your DREAMS and watch as they UNFOLD before you when you step out and FOLLOW them.

Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

HIIT Treadmill:
a. 2 min @ 4.4 min/km
b. 12 x 20 sec effort @ 3.6 min/km / 10 sec rest
c. 2 min @ 4.7 min/km

Abs (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet -
1. Hanging Straight-Leg Raises (feet to touch bar) 4 x 15, 12, 10, 10
2. Skip 4 x 300 revolutions

Session 2

Run 3 miles

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: I actually exhausted myself several ways last night, the last of which was forcing my unwanting-to-body to go for a 3-mile run, and slept for ~5 hours, which is something.

Energy: REALLY feeling it today.

Quality of Training: HIIT again on the treadmill today - feeling it in my chest and lungs, struggling to breathe at times, a knot in my medial right calf. Quite shattered by the time it came to doing anything ELSE, and was barely walking straight after finishing up Abs. Forced another 3-mile run later on.

Supplements: Used a serving of the newest formula of Assault today in Watermelon flavour. Smelt like watermelon and tasted like watermelon - pleasant and not "sickly" (as the Blue Arctic Raspberry had started becoming for me sometimes). NO beta-alanine tingles experienced today, which IS great too (I HATE them)!

WPM Women Spring/Summer 2012

The SECOND issue of WPM Women is now out and you can read it for free HERE. It's definitely an issue that sets the standard for all future issues to come. Very happy to be able to share the story of an amazing woman, Tamara Barnett (pages 58-60), as well as have a Feature (pages 72-74), and a couple of other articles in this issue.

So be sure to check it out - print issue and Kindle and NOOK editions coming!



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Thanks, Chris :) Funny that it looks like that, because it's certainly not how I feel about everything and more often than not, if I am honest, I am trying to motivate MYSELF, struggling right now, and if it helps someone else, then that's great.

Yes well whether you feel motivated or not you are definitely motivating to others. Your tenacity is compelling and somewhat contagious.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yes well whether you feel motivated or not you are definitely motivating to others. Your tenacity is compelling and somewhat contagious.
I'm glad :)



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I can't find wpm anywhere around my town lol! Ouch on your leg Rosie hope it heals up soon.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I can't find wpm anywhere around my town lol! Ouch on your leg Rosie hope it heals up soon.
They moved to focusing on making it more digital from the Fall 2011 World Physique Magazine issue, Tommy. The print edition is still available, but no longer distributed in stores, etc. - it comes out later than the digital edition, and you have to get it online from World Physique (I will post a link up when it comes out). In the meantime, I believe that the digital issue is currently free for viewing, so enjoy (I'm pretty stoked with this issue) :)



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Session 1

HIIT Treadmill:
a. 2 min @ 4.4 min/km
b. 12 x 20 sec effort @ 3.6 min/km / 10 sec rest
c. 2 min @ 4.7 min/km

Abs (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet -
1. Hanging Straight-Leg Raises (feet to touch bar) 4 x 15, 12, 10, 10
2. Skip 4 x 300 revolutions

Session 2

Run 3 miles

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: I actually exhausted myself several ways last night, the last of which was forcing my unwanting-to-body to go for a 3-mile run, and slept for ~5 hours, which is something.

Energy: REALLY feeling it today.

Quality of Training: HIIT again on the treadmill today - feeling it in my chest and lungs, struggling to breathe at times, a knot in my medial right calf. Quite shattered by the time it came to doing anything ELSE, and was barely walking straight after finishing up Abs. Forced another 3-mile run later on.

You are nothing if not tenacious Rosie! Simply amazing.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You are nothing if not tenacious Rosie! Simply amazing.
Nothing was ever achieved by not going BEYOND your limits, Tony! Plus, I'm just stubborn, LOL - learning when to stop is a "work in progress" :D

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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The Truth In My Soul


After All You've Been Through...

The tears and pain and sacrifice. The sleepless nights and days spent in exhaustion. The masked smiles to hide the truth. The not knowing and confusion and frustration. The hoping and holding onto the faith. The belief in something better all keeping you tethered here. After all that…

It’s something you want more than ANYthing else in the world. It’s something that made you feel ALIVE before it tore you to pieces. It’s something that gave you a new sense of direction. It’s something that you NEVER want to let go of. It’s something your life will always have missing if it is gone. It’s the CLOSEST thing in the world to your heart. After everything that has happened…

Don’t you DARE give up on it! You’ve come this far. You’ve been to hell and back more times than you can count. Remember all the reasons you determined to stay true to this, your soul. Remember what it feels like to be in that place of unimaginable happiness. You know what COULD be, so DON’T just know, but MAKE it be! After all you’ve been through…

You’ve let it build you up and destroy you, and every time you get STRONGER. You’re NOT a quitter. You’ll fight for it with EVERYthing you are because when you have the hope, the promise, of something you have wanted all your life, you do NOT just give up on it and quit! YOU FIGHT FOR IT! AND NEVER LET GO! Because you know it’s WORTH it!

Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

Run 3 miles

Stretch 20 min

Session 2

Skip x 300 revolutions

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Single-Arm Bent Over DB Rows 3 x 8 per side
2. Push-Ups (feet on bench, hands on DB - moving in and out) 3 x 8
3. Stiff-Legged DB Deadlifts (on bench, reach DB down 6-8 inches) 3 x 8
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. Rear Flyes 3 x 8
6. Standing DB Arnold Presses 3 x 8
7. DB Lateral Raises 3 x 8
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Standing DB Bicep Curls 3 x 8
10. Rope Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 8
11. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 24
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet D -
13. Swissball Crunches (270 degrees to 180 degrees) 3 x 10
14. Reverse Curls (on floor) 3 x 10
15. Pikes (on floor) 3 x 10
16. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 103-105 rpm


Sleep: Not good. Exhausted last night, but even though eyes were closing, I could not sleep until just after 0500 this morning, and barely for 90 minutes.

Energy: Exhausted this morning. Barely had anything for my 3-mile run. Was operating on half-past-dead in the gym, despite the fact that the energy provided from the Assault was smooth and enough to keep me going - definitely notice the difference in formulas as far as a few things though (prefer this over the original re NO Beta-Alanine tingles).

Joints: Delt/biceps' tendons - both sides - have been aching on and off throughout the day for the last few days, and are painfully sharp at night.

Pump: Pump is more noticeable with the new Assault, and definition in delts and arms is the best it has ever been (which is positive).

Vascularity: Vascularity is better as well re the new Assault, which is interesting, considering I am not as warm when I start training as I used to be.

Quality of Training: 3-mile run was just DONE - and glad to have it over with I was "dragging" that much...Resistance training was ok. Pushed steadily on through, although my right delt/biceps' tendons were VERY sharp re pain today (I was digging my fingernails into it during post-weights cardio to try and "ease" it) - probably not helped by asking my body to go heavier, because I wanted to do slightly lower reps. Definitely done for afterwards, a little blank as I sat on the couch...

Motivational of the Day: I just wanted to note that these are my own original (and fresh) work - the only things that are not mine (unless quoted otherwise) are the related "Quote for Reflection" given at the end of them (which is sometimes used as the "Motivational" - if so, credit always given where due).



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Very impressive that all of these are your own words. I could tell in reading them that was the case, or at least I thought so.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Very impressive that all of these are your own words. I could tell in reading them that was the case, or at least I thought so.
Thank you, Chris - I had to clarify re the Motivationals, since people have made comments on them. I don't know about "impressive" - I just speak my soul through words. I love to write and have always been told I have "a gift" for it - in fact, it is my FIRST AND TRUEST passion (and as long as I can remember I always wanted to be a writer), and now I just combine that passion with my love of fitness. Whilst my Motivationals are not fiction (what I first fell in love with re writing/literature, etc.) nor fitness, they allow me to speak from my heart and not mind others seeing that work (since unless it was an article, until recently I would not have shared my work - another sign of the changes and growth I have gone through in the last year). If I can touch another's life and make a difference with my words, it makes it worth it - after all, I will not NOT do what I CAN do.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Falling in the black...Can you hear me?


Do. Can. Want.

Being told you “can’t” do something can be a highly motivating force. After all, who but YOU knows what you canNOT do? Not even you, because you never know what you can do until you TRY. And if you “can’t” do something and you WANT to, then you just KEEP ON TRYING until you CAN do it.

I do things because I CAN. Sometimes simply BECAUSE I can. Other times because I want to see what I can do, challenge myself, PUSH the limits and see how far I can go.

If I do something, regardless of whether I “can” or not, I do it because I WANT to. Not because someone ELSE wants me to, but because I want to.

If it’s something I want and I’m told “no”, then it just makes me MORE determined than ever to do it. Achieve it, not just because I want to, but to prove the disbelievers WRONG, to show the world that ANYthing is possible if you want it badly enough and are willing to do what it takes to do it.

DON’T ever think that you “can’t” do something. Don’t ever let anyone ELSE tell you that you “can’t” do something. If YOU think you “can’t”, then you most likely never will (unless you use your own negativity as a driving factor - something only a rare few do and succeed with), because you will never try. If OTHERS think you “can’t”, then IGNORE them and JUST DO IT ANYWAY!

Quote for Reflection:


HIIT Treadmill:
a. 2 min @ 4.4 min/km
b. 8 x 20 sec effort @ 3.4 min/km / 10 sec rest
c. 2 min @ 4.7 min/km

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 3 x 10
2. DB Clean and Press 3 x 10
3. Alternate Single-Arm Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 20
4. Skip 3 x 150 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. Cable Bicep Curls (each hand with individual handle) 3 x 10
6. Rope Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 10
7. Alternate DB Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 30
8. Skip 3 x 150 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Weighted DB Crunches (on bench, knees at 90 degree angle) 3 x 10
10. Reverse Curls (on bench) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 3 x 20
12. Skip 3 x 150 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 103-105 rpm

Stretch 28 min


Sleep: "Food coma" helped me get to sleep last night (not the healthiest of ways to try and induce sleep, but better than other options). Drifted in and out during the mid-morning hours. Woke with my throat feeling swollen, finding it hard to breathe (got to go easy on anything containing peanuts, wheat, gluten, and dairy from now on - my body just does not respond well to it).

Energy: It was there. Feeling it a little during resistance training though.

Joints: PAINFUL, especially right delt/biceps' tendons - was so close to tears during QuadSet A, but gritting my teeth and forcing each rep I wanted out, having to dig my nails into it during post-weights cardio to "stop" the pain.

Quality of Training: HIIT again on the treadmill (I know - all this week, which has been interestingly ok on my lower legs) - suffering and feeling like I could barely breathe, so not as many efforts and less overall time done...The trouble breathing continued during resistance training, which, combined with the pain in my delt/biceps' tendons did not make for a very happy person at all. AND my speed rope broke during QuadSet B, so had to use one of the gym's ones, which was a skipping rope and not as good, but making it work. On the plus side, definition in my delts and arms is still getting better, which I AM pleased with...Breathing getting even more laboured during post-weights cardio - not fun, and getting upset not helping matters...

Website Updates: A few more changes made today, just to reflect different things happening.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Behind-The-Scenes of Happiness



I choose to live my life the way I want to. Not the way anyone else wants me to live it, but the way I want it to be. I choose to make CONSCIOUS choices that will take me in the direction of my dreams and only bring me one step closer to fulfilling my life’s purpose. I choose NOT to let my life be dictated by random events and circumstances, and even if such events occur, I choose to make them WORK for me, by seeing the OPPORTUNITY for learning and growth in them.

I choose to CHANGE whatever is going on in my life that does not rest easy with my soul, aware that I am responsible for my own happiness, taking accountability for my own actions and decisions. I choose NOT to make excuses for my shortcomings or perceived failures, knowing that anything I do not get right or succeed in the first time is only teaching me how to become BETTER.

I choose to give freely of myself, time, and resources, in the pursuit of my vision in helping motivate and inspire others, and aid in the betterment of the lives of those not myself. I choose NOT to let myself be abused anymore by those that would seek to drain me of everything I have, standing up for myself and knowing when to say “no” and “enough is enough”.

I choose to be PROUD of who I am and what I stand for, strong in my beliefs and convictions, uncompromising in the foundation of my principles. I choose NOT to see myself as a victim or feeling self pity if those who do not share my values hate on me and try to tear me down, scrutinizing my every word or action in order to bring me down to their level, but stand firm in what I am about.

I choose to rely on my INSTINCT, knowing that it will always lead me true, unconsciously having in mind my best interests at heart, no matter what my mind may think about the matter. I choose NOT to care for what others think I should do and be, because it is not THEIR life that I live but my own, and no one is responsible for it but ME. In the end, I will be the one who looks back on my life and will either regret it or not. Thus I CHOOSE TO LIVE MY LIFE THE WAY I WANT TO. So there are NO regrets.

Quote for Reflection:


HIT (no recovery between rounds):
2 rounds of -
a. Treadmill @ 3.6 min/km x 1 min
b. Burpee (into Push-Up) x 1 min
c. Treadmill @ 3.6 min/km x 1 min
d. Deadbug (with 8-pound medicine ball) x 1 min
e. Treadmill @ 3.6 min/km x 1 min
f. Single-Leg Deadlift (with twist and lateral reach) x 1 min
g. Treadmill @ 3.6 min/km x 1 min
h. Ab Rollout x 1 min
i. Treadmill @ 3.6 min/km x 1 min
j. Plank x 1 min

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: I was actually so exhausted yesterday that I fell asleep for about an hour at 1700. Wanted to just STAY in bed and sleep right through the night, but it was not to be - after multiple interruptions I ended up getting up for good ~1930, eventually returning to bed just after 0300, sleeping on and off for 5-6 hours.

Energy: I felt like crap heading to the gym (about an hour after getting up), but there was DEFINITELY energy there - all the eating from last night (to keep me awake) and the serving of Assault (really does give smooth energy, although I had been light-headed every time I've used the latest version) ensured that.

Joints: Delt/biceps' tendons SCREAMING (left worse then right today).

Quality of Training: Only a short session today, but probably THE MOST INTENSE one I have done all week! Back on the treadmill, for one of my HIT sessions (been over a year since I've done one), welcoming the physical pain to forget another (seems like I do a lot of that in training these days - pushing through pain I probably should be more cautious of). Got hot real fast, breathing laboured as hell. After ~15 minutes I started to feel slightly nauseous and was a little wobbly on my feet after each minute on the treadmill well BEFORE that. Held it together though, telling myself that it wouldn't last long (and besides, I needed the "punishment" after all the eating last night).

Behind-The-Scenes: Dom was kind enough to send me several images of the photoshoot I did on my birthday - you can see a little of what went into making it such a magical day for me in this album: CREATING A DREAM.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Good to see you're still killing it despite interference.

I started my contest prep, so I'll be stopping in more to read your encouraging words to keep me moving. Here's my link....
Yeah, got to keep on doing it - else may as well give up on living right now, and I mean that in a very literal sense (so kicking that thought out, because it has NO business being here even after everything)...

I hope I can help, Bill - my Motivationals are there to encourage and motivate in the tough times, to remind of the power we have over ourselves and our lives, and inspire that fierce courage and determination and will to just get out there and do it!!!

In :)



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Rosie those pics are great! I love the one in the gown with you kneeling. Your legs looks amazing in those heels too. I know genetics, you don't have to work them and all. Regardless they look absolutely amazing. The red outfit was pretty awesome too!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie those pics are great! I love the one in the gown with you kneeling. Your legs looks amazing in those heels too. I know genetics, you don't have to work them and all. Regardless they look absolutely amazing. The red outfit was pretty awesome too!
Thanks, Chris :) That first gown was gorgeous! I loved it. Felt like a fairy-tale princess in it...Not genetics (well, maybe some), but mostly the years of being active, plus cycling and sprinting. Believe me, I have to start working on my legs more re definition and getting rid of the dimples that have started appearing on the back (sigh)...It's was definitely a fun and day full of smiles and surprises. Seeing different aspects of me that one would usually never see...Dom and Tony are a true "Dream Team"...

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow...don't wanna live like this today...


DO What You HAVE To Do For YOU

Life is always going to be full of things that we have no control over, no matter how much we wish in our hearts that it would change, or that people would change, and SEE us deep inside our soul for who we are and could be, and understand and appreciate what we have to give and offer. Sometimes the people we love the most are the people who we should NOT even care about, the people we should let GO of, because they are not the people who are THERE walking beside us through life, whether by some circumstances they cannot control even if they want to, or they simply don’t care.

The love I loved the most I lost before I even had a real chance to have it and know what it was like, taken from me by the one I loved the most because they did not have the courage or the strength in them to believe in something that could have been the most beautiful thing that life might ever have chanced them with. And even though I was ready to reach out my hand and step into that chance, I was pushed back and thrown down, cast away and let fall like a star falls from the sky in the deepest dark of night, a bright flash of light fading from existence, so fast that I wonder if anyone even noticed it was gone.

Some of the deepest sorrows we hold close when we need to let them GO. We hold onto memories and hope and faith when we should long have moved ON. We let it eat away at our souls, unconsciously destroying ourselves from WITHIN, until we are but shadows haunting this world with our presence, because we are no longer fully alive, lost and wandering, not wanting to find our way, because our way is gone from us and all that is left is the darkness that consumes what is left of our hearts, which are exhausted and just want to STOP and sleep and never wake up.

But that is not living, only merely existing and if we merely exist we may as well BE dead. Even though it hurts more than anything else ever might, we HAVE to open our eyes and realize what we are doing to ourselves, that life was NOT meant to be lived in darkness, our hearts not meant to lose hope, our souls not meant to be cast from the heavens into the pits of hell, not meant to STOP living, nor stop in our journey at all. We are meant to keep MOVING, moving FORWARD, because just because one person does not care enough about our soul does not mean that WE should give up on it as well.

We MUST keep moving forward, even if we don’t want to. We MUST do it for ourselves, because we know deep down in our innermost core that it is the BEST thing to do. It may take time as you grieve, to come out of the shadows, a mere whisper of life as you cautiously step back into the journey that is waiting for you. DON’T let someone else compromise your life and how it should be lived. Don’t let them take away your joy, your happiness, your ability to think and feel and wonder. Even if they are the best thing that could have ever happened to you, if they cause you to be like this, then they truly are NOT, and you must do what you know in your heart you NEED to do for YOU to LIVE your life the way you were MEANT to.

Quote for Reflection:




Sleep: Went to bed just before 0230 this morning, but although completely shattered it took me a while to fall asleep. When I did, it was deep and black for ~5 hours. Still felt drained of all energy on waking, but got up for about half an hour before going back to bed, passing out for ~3 hours, dreaming this time, strange dreams.

Mental Acuity: My mind has been on the go since the time I got up for good and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I've gotten a lot done, alert and ready!

Mood: Interesting. Odd. Just a combination of everything going on.

Energy: It's this week's day OFF training today, so whether I have energy or not doesn't matter. That said, I KNOW I could hammer out a training session if I wanted to and are SO tempted to - the only thing holding me back is the fact that my delt/biceps' tendons are still painful and the day of rest might do them so good.

Stress: High - stressing myself out, and it's not the "good"/productive stress I either.

Libido: In tune with my mood at the moment.

Joints: Constant pain in both delt/biceps' tendons now.

Body Composition: 8.9% bodyfat - a loss of 1.1% bodyfat over this last week (yes, due to a combination of multiple factors, I was not very happy to see that I was 10% bodyfat last week, and ashamed with myself so much so that it's taken this long to admit it, since I have not been over 9.5% bodyfat in over a year - now I am doing my best to make sure I don't go over 9% bodyfat again). My delts and arms are both still symmetrical re girths (flexed and unflexed) and are looking so much better than they were (yes, even from 10 days ago - so the quantities of calories I have been consuming has helped some here, if nowhere else) - when I'm training, the separation in the muscles is becoming quite noticeable, and I like it. Now to just get my lower body to behave and slim back DOWN - more sprinting and evening runs in training from next week.

Training: Going to continue on with similar training that I did this week for the next few weeks, since my body has responded well to it - just adding in a couple more evening runs, since they definitely make me FEEL better.

Nutrition: It's been worse than usual and has not contributed to my "physical" feeling. I've been constantly "hungry" (like I was when I was using G8), eating anything and everything, not caring that 90% of what I have been consuming my body is sensitive to, or I simply do not even like or want it. The low after the high, I guess. STOPPING that now though, because my body deserves RESPECT and to be taken care of, not to be abused.

Supplements: Should have all MY "staples" back next week.

Other Notes: The June 2012 issue of FitnessX Magazine is out for viewing - you can read it online for free HERE.


Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Is your world just a broken promise...your love just a drop of rain...



Quote for Reflection:♥ The creation of your REALITY begins with your THOUGHTS ~ “BAIT” your “HOOK” properly! ♥ COGNITIONS will bring the identical EXHIBITIONS into your life. You will “ATTRACT” back a certain “fish” based on the “LURE” that you USE, so be very SELECTIVE with the one that you CHOOSE! Before “CASTING” your “LINE”, make sure the “CHUM” is “IN line” with the EXACT fish that you would like to see COME! ♥ EXPECT only the BEST for yourself and have your ACTIONS follow suit with those thoughts. If you want the “BIGGEST” fish in the OCEAN, do not select a “ROD” that cannot handle the “MOTION”! ♥ BELIEVE yourself to be capable of attracting the grandest fish of the “SEAS”…IMAGINE bass and trout, without thoughts of minnows or anchovies! Do not allow your thoughts to “BOB” up-and-down as to what you are DESERVING of. Believe yourself to be worthy of the most “prize-winning” “GAME”…and that is exactly what you will “REEL IN” ♥ If you “CATCH” yourself thinking negative thoughts, simply “RELEASE” them and refocus on “PULLING IN” POSITIVITY. “TURN THE TIDE” of life in your favor by looking for the “UPSIDE” in all circumstances ♥ Become a “MAGNET” for all things AMAZING! You do not have to travel in a “SCHOOL” to be aware that your MIND is your greatest “TOOL”…use it to “TACKLE” life, “HOOK, LINE, & SINKER!!” ♥” - Lauren Christine Frahn


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 28 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 29 min

Shoulders (1 min recovery between sets):
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 4 x 15, 12, 9, 9
2. BB Military Press 4 x 10 9, 8, 8
2. Plate Lateral Raises 4 x 15

Post-Weights Cardio:
Rollers 20 min @ 105 rpm

Session 2

Hamstrings (1 min recovery between sets):
1. Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift (on bench, reaching barbell down 6 inches) 4 x 12

Post-Weights Cardio:
Run 3 miles


Sleep: ~6 hours, after having to exhaust myself to get TO sleep first. Woke from dreams so real the emotion they evoked was as if they HAD happened.

Energy: There, calmly.

Joints: Pain in both delt/biceps' tendons. And in my LEFT shoulder deep in the joint.

Pump: With the newest Assault, I get this hard and fast, no matter what I have done PRIOR to weights, nothing or something, which is one of the things I am liking about this formula.

Quality of Training: Back to my HIIT OUTside - it was nice, but also very hot and only got hotter, making it a little hard to breathe. Did 28 sprints as fast as I could, feeling it in my left shoulder during and after...Down to the basement today for weights. The other skipping rope that I have is not a speed rope and can be annoying to use, so I left the skipping from my resistance session/s today. Shoulders in the morning, Hamstrings in the evening. Anterior delts in a lot of pain, particularly in my left shoulder during most exercises, and winced my way through them - hence also the lower volume of that session, which only took 20 minutes to do (very short compared to my usual 50-60 minutes of intensity)...Hamstrings were fine - no Assault before this session, since it was so short and can't even really even be called a session, IMO. Then 3-mile run afterwards, just to make my body suffer more, welcoming the pain...

Supplements: Recompadrol is available again (so I'll have some more by the end of the week)! :)



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Been getting off the stationary bike and getting in more actual bike rides lately, love it. Plug in ear buds, crank the volume and just roll. Love it! Set a new PR with 7.5 miles in 93 degree's yesterday, I certainly felt that one when it was all over.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Been getting off the stationary bike and getting in more actual bike rides lately, love it. Plug in ear buds, crank the volume and just roll. Love it! Set a new PR with 7.5 miles in 93 degree's yesterday, I certainly felt that one when it was all over.
Yeah, there is a HUGE difference between cycling on a stationary bike and riding one outside, even from using a spin bike to riding on the road. It's a freeing feeling being out on the road, and if you're doing a long ride alone, then music (or a good imagination) is a must. If you're not used to it, then yeah, you'll feel it too, depending on the terrain you cycled over. Glad to hear you enjoyed it though, Tony :)

Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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I've got a cycling story. Where I went to college, they were just starting up a cycling team so regular students were going out (since it was just a club sport at the time) they were riding around the quad just "warming up" I guess.

Well I was walking to the weight room when this poor girl (who I KNOW had never 'cycled' starting wobbling and like a slow motion demolition of a tall building she started to fall over, it was from an almost stand still. I felt so bad bc w e had locked eyes as she started going down and there was nothing anyone could do. I went over to help her, as she looked like a helpless turtle flipped over on their shell.

When I got over I asked if she was ok, she replied "you know, it's ok to laugh histartically at what just happened, I imagine it was damn funny" at that moment we both burst into laughter. I had an upper level art class with her and never really spoke to her before that, after that we spoke quiet often. She helped me with passing that fancy 400 level art class (needed it to graduate) & I helped her with her diet for cycling & life. Turned out to become friends.

That's how my only encounter with cycling changed my life. Lol


New member
8 yrs old. Banana seat bike. BIG HILL
cracked jaw, 52 stitches & 5 yrs of orthodontics. That's my cycling story. Urg!!
Hence the jaw surgery next month 31 yrs later... But I still like to bike!!! Wow... Guess I'll be lean on my liquid diet eh! Looking for supplement & blender recommendations to help sustain me while I recover! Prayers please ;)

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