The Female Terminator Chronicles: The Ultimate Muscle and Physique Stack (2012)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I've got a cycling story. Where I went to college, they were just starting up a cycling team so regular students were going out (since it was just a club sport at the time) they were riding around the quad just "warming up" I guess.

Well I was walking to the weight room when this poor girl (who I KNOW had never 'cycled' starting wobbling and like a slow motion demolition of a tall building she started to fall over, it was from an almost stand still. I felt so bad bc w e had locked eyes as she started going down and there was nothing anyone could do. I went over to help her, as she looked like a helpless turtle flipped over on their shell.

When I got over I asked if she was ok, she replied "you know, it's ok to laugh histartically at what just happened, I imagine it was damn funny" at that moment we both burst into laughter. I had an upper level art class with her and never really spoke to her before that, after that we spoke quiet often. She helped me with passing that fancy 400 level art class (needed it to graduate) & I helped her with her diet for cycling & life. Turned out to become friends.

That's how my only encounter with cycling changed my life. Lol
Funny how things turn out sometimes :toofunny:

8 yrs old. Banana seat bike. BIG HILL
cracked jaw, 52 stitches & 5 yrs of orthodontics. That's my cycling story. Urg!!
Hence the jaw surgery next month 31 yrs later... But I still like to bike!!! Wow... Guess I'll be lean on my liquid diet eh! Looking for supplement & blender recommendations to help sustain me while I recover! Prayers please ;)
Sorry to hear about that, Amy, and yes, will keep you in my prayers. Try for lots of smoothies - doesn't matter what blender you use, but you can use smoothie mixes or create your own (using ice and fruit and yoghurt, BCAAs, etc.), protein shakes re gainers (if you can't get in a lot of calories otherwise).

nice job on the photoshoots Rosie.
Thanks, John :) I really enjoying doing them and it's always great to see how much I improve from one to the next with everything (which is the goal - aside from the purpose of them).

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Sub'd to learn from the master! ...better late than never
You flatter me, but thank you and :welcome:

Yesterday's update coming soon, guys...

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I lost my Star but not my Light


What Makes You Come ALIVE

You have a passion in your heart for a REASON. What you care about, love to do, desire to share - this is YOUR PASSION. It’s what makes you COME ALIVE.

When you do something that brightens your soul and lights you up from the inside out, others can’t help but NOTICE. When they notice, you KNOW your actions have an IMPACT. You want that impact to make a POSITIVE DIFFERENCE.

When your very life in actions and words, everything you do and are, makes a positive difference, you are doing the world a GREAT SERVICE. This is what the world NEEDS. People who affect CHANGE, whether they are conscious of it or not, simply because they are being who they ARE and following their HEARTS in doing what makes them come ALIVE.

You never know the ripple of EFFECT that YOUR life can have. When you do what makes YOU come alive, you can IGNITE the LIGHT inside OTHERS. When others’ light begins to shine forth into the world and they follow your example in living out their heart’s passion, TRUE DIFFERENCE can be made.

Quote for Reflection:



Session 1

Run 3 miles

Stretch 23 min

Session 2

Treadmill 4 min @ 4.2 min/km

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Incline DB Bicep Curls 4 x 12
2. Dips 4 x 6
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. EZ-Bar Bicep Curls 4 x 21s
5. Push-Ups (feet on floor, hands on fist under chest) 4 x 10
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. DB Zottoman Curls 4 x 8
8. Rope Tricep Push-Down 4 x 8
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Weighted DB Crunch (on bench, knees at 90 degree flexion) 4 x 10
11. Pikes (on bench) 4 x 15
12. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 105-108 rpm


Sleep: Barely any - 1-3 hours on and off.

Energy: Was a very "blah" day after Training Session 1 to Training Session 2.

Joints: SO painful both my anterior delts/biceps' tendons. My left is starting to feel the way my right did last year before it "put me out". My right is getting back to that point, and I was having to dig my nails into it between sets and during post-weights cardio to try and minimize the pain. Might have to start using some Aleve again.

Pump: Again, right from the start.

Vascularity: Excellent.

Quality of Training: It was an interesting session in the gym to say the least. I'm glad I did it and felt better afterwards for it, but I was also in a lot of pain during and after (and still am).



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The stuff you push yourself through is pretty intense Rosie, you are one intense individual.

On a cycling note. I think I am finally getting a road bike to ride in the MS150 this coming year. Jo agreed to take me to Sun & Ski to pick up a bike for Fathers day. What do you think about these 7 and 8 speed bikes now? Do you feel there is enough variety of gears for hill climbing and what not. I like the idea of not having to shift constantly, but would hate to find myself dying for an easy gear on an long uphill stretch.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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The stuff you push yourself through is pretty intense Rosie, you are one intense individual.

On a cycling note. I think I am finally getting a road bike to ride in the MS150 this coming year. Jo agreed to take me to Sun & Ski to pick up a bike for Fathers day. What do you think about these 7 and 8 speed bikes now? Do you feel there is enough variety of gears for hill climbing and what not. I like the idea of not having to shift constantly, but would hate to find myself dying for an easy gear on an long uphill stretch.
I HAVE to push through it, Chris. If I don't, well...let's not go there...

Re cycling, I can't remember the last time I rode a bike (aside from a track bike) with less than at least 18 gears. My road bike - which was my training bike, and is pretty much a "relic" now (although top of the line when I got just 10 years ago - man, has it been THAT long?!) - has 18 gears, and I highly doubt that ANY road bike now would have LESS than that, and certainly not only 7-8 gears. You don't have to shift constantly if you train for the hills and condition your body for them, or have a gear that you use re specific gradients, etc. If you're going to do 150 miles, then I definitely recommend getting a decent ROAD bike (not a mountain bike - unless you're seriously only doing it for fun and not re time or competition, etc.) - you don't have to get a top-of-the-line one, but having a suitable bike will make a world of difference (and make sure that you get it set up specifically for you too re seat height and handlebars, etc., since if not, your knees WILL suffer, not to mention other issues you could have). Does that help?



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I HAVE to push through it, Chris. If I don't, well...let's not go there...

Re cycling, I can't remember the last time I rode a bike (aside from a track bike) with less than at least 18 gears. My road bike - which was my training bike, and is pretty much a "relic" now (although top of the line when I got just 10 years ago - man, has it been THAT long?!) - has 18 gears, and I highly doubt that ANY road bike now would have LESS than that, and certainly not only 7-8 gears. You don't have to shift constantly if you train for the hills and condition your body for them, or have a gear that you use re specific gradients, etc. If you're going to do 150 miles, then I definitely recommend getting a decent ROAD bike (not a mountain bike - unless you're seriously only doing it for fun and not re time or competition, etc.) - you don't have to get a top-of-the-line one, but having a suitable bike will make a world of difference (and make sure that you get it set up specifically for you too re seat height and handlebars, etc., since if not, your knees WILL suffer, not to mention other issues you could have). Does that help?

Yah I could be in deep shyte if I don't keep pushing... I can't do things moderately it seems...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yah I could be in deep shyte if I don't keep pushing... I can't do things moderately it seems...
Even with all the physical pain, training is my "saving grace" in far too many more ways than one right now...If I stopped, I may as well give up on life...And that can't happen...Even despite everything...

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Contrast between Illusion and Reality


Goal-Getter, Go-Setter, Dream-Catcher

Quote for Reflection:

Image credit: Blue Mountain Arts


a. 4 min jogging
b. 28 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 1 x 50 sec sprint/10 sec easy
d. 4 min jogging

Stretch 20 min


Sleep: A little.

Mood: Out of sorts since after training.

Energy: I have it, but there is a LOT of pain in both my shoulders, especially INSIDE the joints, particularly my right, that has been bothering me, so much that I do not even want to MOVE my right arm much today.

Joints: The Aleve is coming out again tonight.

Quality of Training: I did HIIT, albeit a little later than usual. Both shoulders were hurting during it, but I pushed through. I WAS going to do a second training session this evening, but decided to be smart and give my body some time to recover, especially since it's going to be 2-a-day training back tomorrow, and my shoulders need to be READY for it (even if they're not)!



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Yah I could be in deep shyte if I don't keep pushing... I can't do things moderately it seems...
Even with all the physical pain, training is my "saving grace" in far too many more ways than one right now...If I stopped, I may as well give up on life...And that can't happen...Even despite everything...

With you both on this one. When I was 365..I was obviously not eating in moderation and when I decided it was time to do something about it before it killed me.. I lost 175lbs in 14 months, of weight training and 2 - 3 hour cardio sessions - again not in moderation but at least in the right direction!

At times now I feel its turned into an obsession - but I'd imagine that is the underlying fear that it will creep back on.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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With you both on this one. When I was 365..I was obviously not eating in moderation and when I decided it was time to do something about it before it killed me.. I lost 175lbs in 14 months, of weight training and 2 - 3 hour cardio sessions - again not in moderation but at least in the right direction!

At times now I feel its turned into an obsession - but I'd imagine that is the underlying fear that it will creep back on.
Well, consuming more then your body required in conjunction with lack of or inadequate exercise. But, kudos to you for making the change, despite maybe going a little overboard on the exercise aspect - although, that said, the more you exercise and the harder you train, the more you can get away with eating as well, so...shrug...

There is nothing wrong with obsession - so long as it does not become NEGATIVE. Plus, everyone has their own definition of "obsession" - many people who do not live this lifestyle would call those who DO "obsessed" , whereas to us it is NORMAL. All depends on your perspective. This has been my life ever since I can remember, and although far from balanced, I would take this "obsession" over anything else!



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Well, consuming more then your body required in conjunction with lack of or inadequate exercise. But, kudos to you for making the change, despite maybe going a little overboard on the exercise aspect - although, that said, the more you exercise and the harder you train, the more you can get away with eating as well, so...shrug...

There is nothing wrong with obsession - so long as it does not become NEGATIVE. Plus, everyone has their own definition of "obsession" - many people who do not live this lifestyle would call those who DO "obsessed" , whereas to us it is NORMAL. All depends on your perspective. This has been my life ever since I can remember, and although far from balanced, I would take this "obsession" over anything else!

Thanks Rosie. During that time I restricted my calories heavily and they came pretty much only from protein. I will never 'eat' the way I used to again.

I agree as I have been told by people at work and certain family members that I'm obsessed...where as I would say I am driven. Driven to be stronger, leaner, faster... which can only make my quality of life better!

By the way I'm a few pages into catching up on this log now, and really enjoying it. I certainly know where to turn if I start to lack motivation!!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Thanks Rosie. During that time I restricted my calories heavily and they came pretty much only from protein. I will never 'eat' the way I used to again.

I agree as I have been told by people at work and certain family members that I'm obsessed...where as I would say I am driven. Driven to be stronger, leaner, faster... which can only make my quality of life better!

By the way I'm a few pages into catching up on this log now, and really enjoying it. I certainly know where to turn if I start to lack motivation!!

Just so long as you weren't starving yourself, Simon. I've never eating in "moderation" (you'll see that from samples meals in some of my interviews, LOL) and I know the way I eat is not healthy, and I AM working on it, if only for my health's sake, but it IS a struggle, and sometimes I AM glad for my body's unusual physiological condition that has meant my nutrition is not as important as my training in my physical conditioning (although that has changed a little since my multiple injuries at the end of last year and from the last few months).

Driven is a good way to be! NEVER lose sight of that!

Yeah, it can get long, LOL, but thanks for that. Just to note, most of the Motivationals linked to pre-14 April may not work, since the WPM Women website underwent reconstruction then and now has a new url (just one reason why of late I have just been posting the ENTIRE Motivational).

If you have any questions about anything in here, feel free to ask (although most of it is pretty self-explanatory, or can be found in previous logs).



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Just so long as you weren't starving yourself, Simon. I've never eating in "moderation" (you'll see that from samples meals in some of my interviews, LOL) and I know the way I eat is not healthy, and I AM working on it, if only for my health's sake, but it IS a struggle, and sometimes I AM glad for my body's unusual physiological condition that has meant my nutrition is not as important as my training in my physical conditioning (although that has changed a little since my multiple injuries at the end of last year and from the last few months).

Driven is a good way to be! NEVER lose sight of that!

Yeah, it can get long, LOL, but thanks for that. Just to note, most of the Motivationals linked to pre-14 April may not work, since the WPM Women website underwent reconstruction then and now has a new url (just one reason why of late I have just been posting the ENTIRE Motivational).

If you have any questions about anything in here, feel free to ask (although most of it is pretty self-explanatory, or can be found in previous logs).


I was definitely starving myself at that time.. most days were well under 1000 calories. I felt like I had to do it in an extreme manner, so that the numbers on the scale would drop rapidly. If not, I would not be have been able to stick to it. Looking back I am surprised I was able to do so much exercise but I think that is where I learnt to be more driven.

Since then, I have learnt far more about nutrition and so forth. I still love a big meal... and tend to have that one big meal most days. I am just trying to keep my carbs under control - and currently trying to carb cycle but do find that difficult (usually due to outside influences).

Thanks, I appreciate it and will be sure to ask any questions I may have along the way.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I was definitely starving myself at that time.. most days were well under 1000 calories. I felt like I had to do it in an extreme manner, so that the numbers on the scale would drop rapidly. If not, I would not be have been able to stick to it. Looking back I am surprised I was able to do so much exercise but I think that is where I learnt to be more driven.

Since then, I have learnt far more about nutrition and so forth. I still love a big meal... and tend to have that one big meal most days. I am just trying to keep my carbs under control - and currently trying to carb cycle but do find that difficult (usually due to outside influences).

Thanks, I appreciate it and will be sure to ask any questions I may have along the way.

I'm glad you understand more about nutrition now. Under 1,000 calories - I wouldn't even recommend that to a female; actually I never would and never have (the lowest a FEmale should go IMO is ~1,200 calories, and even then, not for sustained periods of time). I myself still maintain close to ~4,000 calories a day, even if I'm leaning out.

After all, remember that the SCALE WEIGHT is IRrelevant. You can be losing overall body mass fast, but chances are it's very likely food and/or water weight, especially if you've just started something new or dieting, etc. Believe me, I know - I can (and DO) gain and lose 10-15 pounds in a matter of days very regularly, all dependent on my nutrition and water intake (alongside training).

Nothing wrong with having a big meal - you'll even see that often my meals ARE ~4,000 calories (or more). And nothing wrong with having carbohydrates either - they are NOT the enemy. If you are sensitive to certain foods re carbohydrates, then either be careful about eating them, or smart about the timing of your consumption and amount of them.

No worries :)



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I'm glad you understand more about nutrition now. Under 1,000 calories - I wouldn't even recommend that to a female; actually I never would and never have (the lowest a FEmale should go IMO is ~1,200 calories, and even then, not for sustained periods of time). I myself still maintain close to ~4,000 calories a day, even if I'm leaning out.

After all, remember that the SCALE WEIGHT is IRrelevant. You can be losing overall body mass fast, but chances are it's very likely food and/or water weight, especially if you've just started something new or dieting, etc. Believe me, I know - I can (and DO) gain and lose 10-15 pounds in a matter of days very regularly, all dependent on my nutrition and water intake (alongside training).

Nothing wrong with having a big meal - you'll even see that often my meals ARE ~4,000 calories (or more). And nothing wrong with having carbohydrates either - they are NOT the enemy. If you are sensitive to certain foods re carbohydrates, then either be careful about eating them, or smart about the timing of your consumption and amount of them.

No worries :)

Thanks Rosie... Your meals are around 4000 calories / meal - you must burn it so easily???

I know I have to get my head around the whole mental block of where I came from. Meaning I feel like I partially always need to be on a cut, and watching alot of what I eat. Which can become frustrating/tiresome. And at times probably sacrifice gains due to still not eating enough, especially in the carbs area.

I am going to try the carb cycling and the lean gains style. And see how I react to them.

Thanks again for all the info, both here and in the rest of the thread. Simon.


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Rosie- this log is incredibly insane and I love it!

Can't believe I hadnt seen it til now!

Question: when doing your treadmill hiit- do u just jump off for the ten seconds? Bc every treadmill I've used takes ten seconds just to reduce/build speed. However if jumping off and letting the track run at full speed, then calories will be skewed, albeit slightly with only ten seconds rest..

Also- why so much vit c? I used to take 500-1000mg daily but recently stopped. Lastly- how do u feel about calcium supps? I literally have no dairy aside from occasional cheese.

Thank you!


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Well, consuming more then your body required in conjunction with lack of or inadequate exercise. But, kudos to you for making the change, despite maybe going a little overboard on the exercise aspect - although, that said, the more you exercise and the harder you train, the more you can get away with eating as well, so...shrug...

There is nothing wrong with obsession - so long as it does not become NEGATIVE. Plus, everyone has their own definition of "obsession" - many people who do not live this lifestyle would call those who DO "obsessed" , whereas to us it is NORMAL. All depends on your perspective. This has been my life ever since I can remember, and although far from balanced, I would take this "obsession" over anything else!

What I like to say is it's ok to be OC as long as you leave the D out of it... :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Thanks Rosie... Your meals are around 4000 calories / meal - you must burn it so easily???

I know I have to get my head around the whole mental block of where I came from. Meaning I feel like I partially always need to be on a cut, and watching alot of what I eat. Which can become frustrating/tiresome. And at times probably sacrifice gains due to still not eating enough, especially in the carbs area.

I am going to try the carb cycling and the lean gains style. And see how I react to them.

Thanks again for all the info, both here and in the rest of the thread. Simon.
I've always eaten huge, even when I was younger, and what I eat now is NOTHING compared to what I ate then, or even in my cycling days. I wouldn't say I "burn it so easily" at all - I work hard in training, and I've done this for years, and my body has issues, and has adapted to things over the years.

Absolutely. Your mind is your greatest weapon or enemy. Conquer that, and you're already half-way to achieving your goals!

Carbohydrate cycling and Lean Gains are both good nutritional methods. I know my body responds well to MY adaptation of Lean Gains, and any time I do NOT follow the 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window (which has only been a couple of periods since I first started doing that last May), I notice it and do NOT like it. It's definitely a LIFESTYLE nutritional protocol that can be used.

Rosie- this log is incredibly insane and I love it!

Can't believe I hadnt seen it til now!

Question: when doing your treadmill hiit- do u just jump off for the ten seconds? Bc every treadmill I've used takes ten seconds just to reduce/build speed. However if jumping off and letting the track run at full speed, then calories will be skewed, albeit slightly with only ten seconds rest..

Also- why so much vit c? I used to take 500-1000mg daily but recently stopped. Lastly- how do u feel about calcium supps? I literally have no dairy aside from occasional cheese.

Thank you!

Yes, if I use the treadmill, I jump onto the sides for those 10 seconds - hence why it says 10 seconds REST. I don't care about the calories and NEVER pay attention to them or track them when training - they are IRrelevant and you should never pay attention to them, IMO, since they will NOT give you an accurate indicator of what is ACTUALLY burnt as a result of that session. Hence why leaning is NOT simply a matter of calories in versus calories out, as I have seen mentioned on this board - it's all a very INDIVIDUAL thing.

I use so much Vitamin C because my immune system is not the best. Plus, it's the ONLY vitamin I take.

I used to take a Calcium supplement, but have not for years. Whether you use one is entirely up to you. If you don't get enough from your FOOD, then yes, you might want to supplement with it. If you're lactose intolerant, there are plenty of dairy products that you CAN consume, and you CAN still have dairy (although it may not make you feel so great - as I well know), albeit on a more irregular basis.

What I like to say is it's ok to be OC as long as you leave the D out of it... :)
Oh, I am very OCD - I think we all know that by now :toofunny:



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I've always eaten huge, even when I was younger, and what I eat now is NOTHING compared to what I ate then, or even in my cycling days. I wouldn't say I "burn it so easily" at all - I work hard in training, and I've done this for years, and my body has issues, and has adapted to things over the years.

Absolutely. Your mind is your greatest weapon or enemy. Conquer that, and you're already half-way to achieving your goals!

Carbohydrate cycling and Lean Gains are both good nutritional methods. I know my body responds well to MY adaptation of Lean Gains, and any time I do NOT follow the 16-hour fast/8-hour feeding window (which has only been a couple of periods since I first started doing that last May), I notice it and do NOT like it. It's definitely a LIFESTYLE nutritional protocol that can be used.


Yes, if I use the treadmill, I jump onto the sides for those 10 seconds - hence why it says 10 seconds REST. I don't care about the calories and NEVER pay attention to them or track them when training - they are IRrelevant and you should never pay attention to them, IMO, since they will NOT give you an accurate indicator of what is ACTUALLY burnt as a result of that session. Hence why leaning is NOT simply a matter of calories in versus calories out, as I have seen mentioned on this board - it's all a very INDIVIDUAL thing.

I use so much Vitamin C because my immune system is not the best. Plus, it's the ONLY vitamin I take.

I used to take a Calcium supplement, but have not for years. Whether you use one is entirely up to you. If you don't get enough from your FOOD, then yes, you might want to supplement with it. If you're lactose intolerant, there are plenty of dairy products that you CAN consume, and you CAN still have dairy (although it may not make you feel so great - as I well know), albeit on a more irregular basis.

Oh, I am very OCD - I think we all know that by now :toofunny:

Yah I got that, can say that I have gotten rid of the 'D' for the most part... still creeps back in from time to time...


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Thanks Rosie I will get the 20/10 a shot bc Im doing one min sprint one min walk but I've plateaued horribly..
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yah I got that, can say that I have gotten rid of the 'D' for the most part... still creeps back in from time to time...

Thanks Rosie I will get the 20/10 a shot bc Im doing one min sprint one min walk but I've plateaued horribly..
No worries, bud!

how do u find out your body fat%?
Sum of six skinfolds (eight actually taken, but only six used in the calculation) re ISAK anthropometry. Why?

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I can do bad all by myself


Be Strong

Quote for Reflection:

Image credit: Blue Mountain Arts


Weights - Full-Body Intended (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Single-Arm DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 6 per arm
2. Plyometric Push-Ups (on fists) 3 x 6
3. Single-Leg Deadlifts (with twist and lateral reach) 3 x 10 per leg
TriSet B -
4. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 3 x 10
5. BB Military Press 3 x 10
6. DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10

*Break 12 min*

TriSet C -
7. Swissball Crunches (270 degrees to 180 degrees) 1 x 10
8. Ab Rollout 1 x 10
9. Plank 1 x 1 min

a. 1 min @ Incline 4 @ 4 miles/hour
b. 1 min @ Incline 5 @ 5 miles/hour
c. 3 min @ Incline 6 @ 6 miles/hour
d. 10 min @ Incline 3 @ 3 miles/hours


Sleep: Actually, ~6 hours of UNinterrupted and deep sleep. Woke feeling like absolute crap though, shoulders both in pain.

Energy: Felt like I was going to pass out after getting off the treadmill re training today. Sitting on the couch I was suddenly exhausted. Thinking a lot of stress is contributing to this, as well as poor nutrition, and issues with my shoulders - plus, also dosed two tablets of Aleve twice prior to this point today (to help re shoulder pain, although it's not doing much).

Joints: My left shoulder is the way my right one was a day or two before I woke up and could barely move it without wanting to scream. Please, God, please do NOT let my body break on me again! I have been trying so hard to be more careful with it, smarter with training, going lighter some days to ensure my shoulders do NOT suffer as much, even as I still try to push my body as hard as I can. The fact that it's been six months since I last had a week off from weights might have something to do with it, but I HAVE given myself some easiER weeks in there, some with less resistance session, although the last few weeks, I have added in an extra resistance session here and there. The pain has been a constant nagging in both shoulders today, and after training, I've had to be very careful with any movement re my left, since it IS VERY painful.

Quality of Training: Today was one of those days when you know if you continue to push on, you're only going to cause some damage. I TRIED to, but in the end...Full-Body session today. Struggled BADLY. My left anterior delt/biceps' tendons (more IN the shoulder though) was so painful that EVERY rep was an effort and I was SO close to tears it was not funny. After battling it out in frustration for two lots of trisets, I decided to stop and just go to the recline bike and be done with it. However, got on that, and was just exhausted. Mentally, I was just NOT there, so got off it and went to sit for a while. After ~12 minutes, I decided to continue with my weights' session, but after one of TriSet C, I was done for. I had NOTHING. Even in my mind, I was GONE from the session. I DID end up walking on the treadmill - for the first time ever on an incline - for 15 minutes, mindlessly walking, just because I needed to do SOMEthing, and because what I HAD done, even though it hurt like hell, felt like I had done NOTHING...So, considering this my day OFF this week...

Supplements: I now have all my staples back (changes reflected in post #1).

Overall Sense of Feeling: NOT good. If only I could rewind back ~2.5 weeks, before I got into this funk. But, it can't be done, so only looking FORWARD. I need to get OUT of this funk and back to being ME. NOW!!!

Other Notes: All the best to everyone competing at the Junior Nationals in Chicago over the next couple of days!



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Hope you can kick this funk and get back to feeling yourself.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I'm taking back control


The Purpose of Life

We all have a purpose in life. We all have a philosophy as to how we LIVE. Some live to make a difference, happiness simply a “side” benefit if it occurs. Others live to find the happiness in life, instead of for something greater than self. The world is made up of all kinds of people, and it needs those people to have BALANCE.

Being happy is a state of mind, of emotions, affected by far more than anyone could ever possibly describe, and for each individual, being happy means something different than it does to the next person.

Not being happy is not the same as being UNhappy. Those who live to make a difference may not always be happy, but they will likely never be unhappy, for they are doing what they love, and when you do what you love, you have a sense of peace and satisfaction, of fulfilment. Those who live only to find the happiness may never truly know what it is, because if one is never NOT happy, how can they know what true happiness is? And if you ARE happy, what is the point if you have lived selfishly, that happiness true or false, because who can truly be happy being completely selfish?

Everyone is going to have their own opinion on this and I respect that. Life is a balance of souls and always will be. But let me ask: What are YOU doing with your life? What are you LIVING for? What is your PURPOSE?

Quote for Reflection:


a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 2 min jogging

Stretch 20 min

Shoulders/Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between quadsets):
QuadSet A -
1. Alternate Single-Arm Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 20
2. Hammer Raises (each hand with individual plate) 3 x 10
3. Bent Over Plate Rear Raises 3 x 10
4. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet B -
5. Alternate Plate Hammer Bicep Curls 3 x 20
6. Plate Bicep Curls 3 x 10
7. Plate Hammer Curls 3 x 10
8. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions
QuadSet C -
9. Cable Crunches 3 x 20
10. Reverse Curls (on floor) 3 x 10
11. Pikes (on floor) 3 x 10
12. Skip 3 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Rollers 20 min in 39x18 @ 103-105 rpm

Joints: Shoulders still very pain, right more than left today (go figure). Popping Aleve like some kids do candy (which is not healthy, I know).

Pump: Painful, especially during QuadSet B.

Quality of Training: Could barely breathe during HIIT (doing it out in the midday heat didn't help either)...Training in the basement today. In a lot of pain during the weights, but pushing through it regardless, determined to pretend I didn't feel anything, not to give in to the weakness. If my body breaks, then so be it - I'd rather deal with a broken body than a broken soul...


Demons and Angels: Pain to Remind You of Your Strength

My first article for The Iron Mulisha is now up. This piece, almost like a Motivational, was inspired by a very special individual, from a conversation I will never forget, ironically on the day that EVERYthing changed, when life suddenly offers you something so very precious you're not sure whether or not to believe that it's real or truly meant for you, your secret heart hoping so as it reaches out to tentatively welcome it. So thank you (you know who you are). This message and that which inspired it - none of it has changed, and if anything, stands truer than ever right now.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I'd rather die than live down on my knees



Sometimes we allow life to get in the way, infiltrate our mind with its fear, doubt, and worries, our circumstances looking bleak instead of an opportunity for change. Are you swimming or drowning in it? Are the things that once used to make you so happy now pulling you down into the depths of despair?

When the things we love become the things that destroy us, what then? We need to REMEMBER - WHY we loved it, what it was that gave us so much joy and peace, smiles before the tears, laughter before the screaming. We need to REMEMBER, and in doing so, maybe make our burden a little lighter.

Let your memories be sweet. Let yourself remember how much you loved. Live without floundering, without sinking, feeling like every day is a battle just to stay afloat. Because all the energy you’re exerting to try and simply STAY here is draining you of energy you could be using for something ELSE.

Remember what it was like and THANK the past for HAPPENING, giving you such blessings, knowing that not all things are meant to last - and nothing ever will. Give yourself time to grieve, but allow yourself to move ON, so that you CAN “live again”.

Quote for Reflection:


Run 3 miles

Stretch 20 min

Sleep: Solid. And deep. All of ~9 hours.

Joints: Shoulders - both, and in under shoulder blades on my left side as well a sharp twinge on movement. Neck - rolling it, I can hear and feel the grinding of my bones.

Quality of Training: Just an easy day today, since my body is not playing nice.


WPM Women Spring/Summer 2012

One of my articles in this issue - print issues now available for purchase.



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Looks like your training is going well and you get to write articles and having more photoshoots...things are looking like they're going pretty well for you, except the aching joints.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Looks like your training is going well and you get to write articles and having more photoshoots...things are looking like they're going pretty well for you, except the aching joints.
Thanks, bud :) Remember that things are not always as they appear, no matter what impression everyone seems to get, and if one truly hears what my words are saying, they will see the truth.



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Thanks, bud :) Remember that things are not always as they appear, no matter what impression everyone seems to get, and if one truly hears what my words are saying, they will see the truth.

I can understand the set backs and troubles hampering performance and our own personal goals. You have always struck me as someone who's not just motivated but fully dedicated to the fitness industry. Stay positive and I pray things will work out for you.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I can understand the set backs and troubles hampering performance and our own personal goals. You have always struck me as someone who's not just motivated but fully dedicated to the fitness industry. Stay positive and I pray things will work out for you.
It's been a rough year, I will admit that - and I CAN, which is a HUGE thing for someone who would never have ever told anyone anything not so long ago. But, like my Mum once said, "You could be dying and no one would ever know, because you'd keep on doing everything" - and it's true that I do, continue on regardless of what I am going through or feeling, because that's just the way I am. Even if I don't feel like it, my purpose doesn't have a "pause" button, and besides, helping others deal with THEIR pain and issues takes the mind off your own for a time, and trying your best to make what difference you can even when you think you might not be doing a lot can be a real blessing. Thank you.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Give Up, Give In, or Give It All You've Got

We all have ONE life. And we all have CHOICES to make. EVERY day. And it’s those choices that will determine the QUALITY of our life, because Life IS going to kick you down at some point, and if it fails, it will try over and over. No matter what remember that you ALWAYS have a CHOICE on how you RESPOND.

You can give up. Give up because it’s too hard and all you see are obstacles, letting what you want go because deep down you’re not sure you really want to achieve your goal, afraid perhaps of what will come if you DO. Give up because you listen to those small voices of fear and doubt that try and convince you that what you want is out of your reach, impossible for one such as you.

You can give in. Give in because you’re not strong enough to stand on your own, compromising yourself easier than standing up and FIGHTING for yourself and your beliefs. Give in because you think that trying is not worth it, seeing only everything that could go wrong instead of everything that could go RIGHT, the endless POSSIBILITIES for change and GROWTH.

You can give it all you’ve got. Give it all you’ve got because you KNOW that YOU are in charge of your destiny, that if you want something you go out and GET it and MAKE it happen, refusing to believe that an obstacle can stop you from achieving what you want to, knowing that it is WORTH the struggles to get there. Give it all you’ve got because you desire with a PASSION to make a DIFFERENCE, wanting to EMPOWER others to have faith and belief in themselves, so that they too NEVER give up or give in!

Quote for Reflection:



Despite considering Thursday a "Day OFF" because training was so terrible and I barely did anything, I DO need to give my body this day doing NOTHING.


Sleep: Another night of being wide awake when I "shouldn't" be and I didn't go to bed until close to 0300. Once I fell asleep though, it was another deep ~9 hours. I wonder if the pain in my shoulders is doing this, since my training the last two days has not been anything to induce such exhaustion.

Joints: Shoulders still very painful - left more than right, and I have to be careful with any flexion in the former. Considering applying NO Infuse first thing and pre-bed to both shoulders (instead of just pre and post-training), since it seems to alleviate some of the pain.

Overall Sense of Feeling: My soul is so light, spreading its wings again, ready to soar above the clouds, up into the skies where the lights of hope and life twinkle, looking in wonder at the beauty surrounding me. Thank you, Lord, for this Blessing, for giving me the world, something I never thought would ever be mine, making manifest the dream that has hidden deep for so long.

Other Notes: Being a parent is one of Life's Greatest Blessings, IMO, and when a Man Stands Up and Honours such a responsibility, striving to be a Role Model for his children and the Best father he can Possibly be, he deserves Respect. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to ALL THOSE MEN!



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Other Notes: Being a parent is one of Life's Greatest Blessings, IMO, and when a Man Stands Up and Honours such a responsibility, striving to be a Role Model for his children and the Best father he can Possibly be, he deserves Respect. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to ALL THOSE MEN!

Thank You Rosie! I took some time this day to reflect on the legacy of the man I called "Dad". This is what I came to:
[h=6]Today I thank God for giving me an earthly dad who loved me, my mother and siblings and Jesus. The model he provided is the yardstick by which I measure myself even though I know I will never hit that target. You my ask " Then why even try?". Simple. Because even in the trying and falling short, I still become a better man!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Thank You Rosie! I took some time this day to reflect on the legacy of the man I called "Dad". This is what I came to:
Today I thank God for giving me an earthly dad who loved me, my mother and siblings and Jesus. The model he provided is the yardstick by which I measure myself even though I know I will never hit that target. You my ask " Then why even try?". Simple. Because even in the trying and falling short, I still become a better man!
You're welcome, Tony :) Unfortunately we did not all have such a father, and those who did not who ARE such fathers themselves, I have the greatest admiration for, because I know it is not easy to be something that you have never had or known - there are two such men in my life whom I can say without hesitation are EXACTLY what a father SHOULD be, and who command my utmost respect (something not lightly or easily given - in both who they are as men AND fathers).



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Rosie good update my friend, and I feel you on the life struggle to keep pushing. There are those that sit and let life waste while other's take full advantage and give life all one has to offer. For me it's the weight issue and by the grace of God I'll get there. Today is always a good day!! My two boys woke me up with cards and hugs. We barbequed later and about to go for a walk around the block.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie good update my friend, and I feel you on the life struggle to keep pushing. There are those that sit and let life waste while other's take full advantage and give life all one has to offer. For me it's the weight issue and by the grace of God I'll get there. Today is always a good day!! My two boys woke me up with cards and hugs. We barbequed later and about to go for a walk around the block.
Thanks, Tommy :) Just speaking my heart, as I seem to be doing an awful lot of these last few months. Anyways, yes, there are all kinds of people in the world, and I guess, while they "balance" it, it truly is a pity that not everyone will give it all they've got. Kudos on you for being one of those who DO, and yes, with God ANYthing is POSSIBLE! Awesome! Enjoy the rest of your day :)



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Hey Rosie do you hVe a link to fasted Anabolic pump when you used it at night? That was you, right?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hey Rosie do you hVe a link to fasted Anabolic pump when you used it at night? That was you, right?
I have never used Anabolic Pump, so no, it was not me.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I'm Fighting NOT Walking Away


Competition or No Competition

Some live life like a competitor - in-season and off-season, working hard in preparation for a competition, but letting go afterwards, allowing themselves to become lax in the excuse of the “off”-season. However, in life there is NO off-season - there is only the NOW. We live in the NOW. We live in the IN-season.

Whether you are preparing for a competition or not should NOT dictate how hard you work, how disciplined you are, how consistently you live. Competition or NO competition, your training ethic should NEVER change, because EVERY day is a competition - you against yourself and it is the HARDEST competition you will EVER face.

Live every day as if always IN-season. That’s not to say that you can’t allow yourself some time off or easier weeks - you should be doing this regardless, because you DO need SOME rest, even when you think you cannot afford to.

Allow time to rest not just your body but your MIND needs that allowance as well, for it is the mind that drives us, and when we have weak minds, we are more likely to become complacent, and there is NO room in life for complacency.

Competition or no competition, life does NOT stop, does NOT get any easier - it is a perpetual battle for supremacy, a constant struggle to become BETTER than you were yesterday, a never-ending fight to become STRONGER, growing into the person you were always MEANT to be. And even if you get there - become who you were meant to be, it does NOT stop, because there is ALWAYS room for IMPROVEMENT, and we should ALWAYS be striving for it.

Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

a. 4 min jogging
b. 12 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 3 miles jogging

Hamstrings (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet -
1. Stiff-Legged BB Deadlift (BB to touch ground) 6 x 10
2. Skip 6 x 150 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Rollers 20 min in 39x18 @ 103-106 rpm

Stretch 27 min

Session 2

Treadmill 4 min @ 4.2 min/km pace

Shoulders (30 sec recovery between supersets):
SuperSet A -
1. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 12 per side
2. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet B -
3. Alternate Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 2 x 10 per side
4. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet C -
5. DB Clean and Press 4 x 8
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet D -
7. Plate Hammer Raises 2 x 10
8. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet E -
9. Rear Flyes 4 x 10
10. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
SuperSet F -
11. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 2 x 12
12. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Recline Bike 20 min @ 103-105 rpm


Sleep: Did not go to sleep until close to 0300, waking at 0400 to my alarm, but drifting back to sleep until finally getting up at 0530, barely getting only ~2.5 hours sleep.

Energy: Has been there today.

Joints: Left anterior delt has been giving me the most trouble today, and still popping Aleve like it was something as harmless as cough drops.

Pump: Strong.

Vascularity: Good.

Quality of Training: Changed up HIIT a little this morning, completing three miles once done my sprints, feeling it in my legs. Since doing two training sessions today, split my "weights" up re am and pm...To the gym for Shoulders, smiles and laughter. A very brief "warm-up" on the treadmill, feeling it in my lower legs. Did weights "backwards" today from my "norm" re this session, and definitely noticed that my shoulders and arms, although were decent throughout the session. did not look the best or most defined, etc. until AFTER Behind-the-neck BB Military Press...The post-weights cardio both am and pm is probably what will "allow" me to "get away" with the "not so great" nutrition (definitely got to "bust" my butt here as well and MORE than need to get BETTER at this - got to think of my HEALTH and body, since that is what is suffering!) post-Training Session 2...



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Awesome log Rosie! Love reading every bit of it.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Awesome log Rosie! Love reading every bit of it.
Thanks, bud and :welcome: to AM

I just like to look at the pictures :)

Naw lots of good stuff in here...
If I have an image of the quote in each day's Motivational, then I'll use it, since it's a nice change from lots of words, Doug. Besides, got to diversify a little, and I know how you guys all love your picture books :D



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:cool: Thank you, Rosie! Glad to be here!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Great work-outs Rosie and very dedicated to this lifestyle.

your doing better than you think you are
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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:cool: Thank you, Rosie! Glad to be here!
Nice to have you here - AM is a great board :)

Great work-outs Rosie and very dedicated to this lifestyle.

your doing better than you think you are
I have lived this lifestyle since I was so young that I wouldn't know how NOT to - well, that, and I HAVE to! As far as training, regardless of how it appears to anyone else, I have my own standards to meet, so only I truly can say whether I am doing ok or not - but thank you, John, since right now I'm not doing very well with them at all and need to UP my game.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I AM ME. Brilliantly flawed. Perfectly imperfect. Beautiful masterpiece. Forever learning. Always growing.

I AM ME. NO ONE ELSE can be ME. No one else can IMITATE me. No one else can come CLOSE to me. NOTHING is as good as the original. A copy is but a SHADOW of the light of the original.

I AM ME. I DECIDE WHO I AM. The core of my soul. My values and principles. The foundation of my life. My driving motivation behind words and actions.

I AM ME. THIS IS ME. Love me or hate me, agree or disagree with me, it does not matter, because I KNOW WHO I AM and I am OK with that. I will NOT compromise who I am and what I believe in. I will NOT pretend to be anything other than my TRUTH. I may change, but THAT will NEVER change.


Quote for Reflection:


Session 1

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
TriSet A -
1. Deadbugs (on floor, with medicine ball) 4 x 10
2. Reverse Curls (on floor) 4 x 10
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet B -
4. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 6
5. Dips 4 x 6
6. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet C -
7. Incline DB Hammer Bicep Curls 4 x 8
8. Rope Tricep Push-Downs 4 x 8
9. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions
TriSet D -
10. Inverted Knee Curls (on pull-up bar) 2 x 10
11. Plank 2 x 1 min
12. Skip 2 x 100 revolutions

Stretch 6 min

Post-Weights Cardio:
Rollers 20 min in 39x18 @ 103-105 rpm

Stretch 21 min

Session 2

Run 3 miles

Abs (30 sec recovery between trisets):
1. Weighted DB Crunches (on floor, knees at 90 degree flexion) 4 x 10
2. Pikes (on floor) 4 x 15
3. Skip 4 x 100 revolutions

Post-Weights Cardio:
Rollers 20 min @ 101-103 rpm


Sleep: Went to bed round 0030, but not able to go to sleep until close to 0100, waking on and off until I eventually dragged myself out of bed just after 0800.

Energy: Had it until ~1500 and then just felt shattered.

Joints: Left shoulder is really giving me a lot of trouble, especially during training it did. As well as left wrist - so bad that I strapped it up after my morning weights. In the afternoon, right shoulder "tugging", and I can feel my neck a bit out as well.

Quality of Training: I've actually lost a bit of strength - or it could be because my shoulders and wrists were in such pain today. Compensated for lower weights by using a tempo of 3-1-2. Was pleased that was able to do more Inverted Knee Curls though - only the second time I have ever done these and it was so much better than my first time. All rollers was just body ticking over, to get it done and nothing more.

Overall Sense of Feeling: Life continues to change, POSITIVE change that causes my heart to smile. NOW is the time to RISK if you are not ALREADY! Life is just WAITING for you to step out and say "HERE I AM"! NEVER stop being grateful for your Blessings, because you don't know when they will be snatched from you. Grasp EVERY Opportunity and DO YOUR BEST TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH YOUR LIFE!

Iron Mulisha: Be sure to check out Demons and Angels: Pain to Remind You of Your Strength



New member
Gooood morning guys!!!! Rosie!!! Saw your pic on fb!!!' :)
Beautiful!!! Thanks again for always posting your workouts!!! I like to throw them in & do them :)
Saves me from thinking ha!!!
I'm right there with you girl on the fatigue train! Stress & pain blow! THANKFUL FOR GODS GIFT OF THE DRIVE TO EXERCISE!!! :)


Board Sponsor
Looking very nice Rosie ;)

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