Prayer Request Thread



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... I received a call informing me that one of my brothers (12 years older than me) has terminal cancer.

... I've had to establish some boundaries against his passive/aggressive manipulation and mistreatment of my mother (and Dad, prior to Dad's death).

... I just have to accept that whatever the court awards my almost-ex-wife, will be whatever the court awards her. ...
You have a lot going on. As a good man, you like to think you have your family covered. You can support your kids financially, care for your parents as needed and head up your siblings bringing order to the family if divided, but much of that can get out of our control/influence. The good thing is that the God of truth and justice is still holding all the cards ultimately and vows to balance this equation in favor of those who seek and serve Him. Believe that. I strongly suspect that this also applies to those who are not His elect. He'll even save them too if they switch sides and serve His commands instead. Now is the time for anyone on the fence to choose their god.

It sounds like your mom is hung up on her preconceptions about what her life should have been (the original script protocol she was programmed with as a child) and therefore experiencing some distress at the contrast of how things actually turned out. However, it's probably a safe bet that things won't go as we anticipated and faith is the only solution for this kinda stress. She is in my prayers.

Just as we are born so we die, and that doesn't change. Therefore, isn't it just common instinct to live life with a righteous destination in mind? It's our only hope and ultimate payoff if you really think about it. Make your life count that you may stand proud in that day of judgement with no shame or regret following you into eternity. That's the only thing in our lives that we truly control (our personal choices) and those choices are all that we take into eternity.

Your a good man B. Stay true and know that your prayers are compounded with ours.


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My prayer is for all of you good brothers and my parents.
They made me a fair person.


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I feel this thread is a blessing to this site, God needs us to tell him what feel and what we want, so by people praying for others inunison, prayers get answered. Pray secrety and I shall reward thee openly.


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Well the drive through Iowa was terrifying. Saw over 50 cars in the ditch. We were definitely being watched over.


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Well the drive through Iowa was terrifying. Saw over 50 cars in the ditch. We were definitely being watched over.
As the days go on, the more I see Him covering us constantly, so praise the Lord every time you recognize it!


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You have a lot going on. As a good man, you like to think you have your family covered. You can support your kids financially, care for your parents as needed and head up your siblings bringing order to the family if divided, but much of that can get out of our control/influence. The good thing is that the God of truth and justice is still holding all the cards ultimately and vows to balance this equation in favor of those who seek and serve Him. Believe that. I strongly suspect that this also applies to those who are not His elect. He'll even save them too if they switch sides and serve His commands instead. Now is the time for anyone on the fence to choose their god.

It sounds like your mom is hung up on her preconceptions about what her life should have been (the original script protocol she was programmed with as a child) and therefore experiencing some distress at the contrast of how things actually turned out. However, it's probably a safe bet that things won't go as we anticipated and faith is the only solution for this kinda stress. She is in my prayers.

Just as we are born so we die, and that doesn't change. Therefore, isn't it just common instinct to live life with a righteous destination in mind? It's our only hope and ultimate payoff if you really think about it. Make your life count that you may stand proud in that day of judgement with no shame or regret following you into eternity. That's the only thing in our lives that we truly control (our personal choices) and those choices are all that we take into eternity.

Your a good man B. Stay true and know that your prayers are compounded with ours.
Oh, my Brother(s),

Thank you. My heart hurts but through the anonymity of the internet, I can confess some of what I feel. I went to console my Mom tonight (after working, as a salaried person in upper-level management, but to make sure my team would be covered while I was on vacation) - to see how she was doing since my brother had just gone through the first of his surgeries - when she asked a question about my daughter. I told her that I was doing the best I could to hold on to hope, but that I couldn't be sure of how much of my heart would be left if I had to wait , say - 5 years. She said - and I want to emphasize this, that maybe I was like my soon-to-be-ex-wife (who she HATES). I was stunned. Then, I was REALLY PISSED.

Men, I don't get this. I wanted to drink - and I don't do that any more. I just wanted to escape. Honestly - I wanted to beat the **** out of something,

I guess I'm f-ing sick and tired of being screwed over by women in my life. I try to be a good man. I try to do the right things. Maybe if I was an A-hole; I wouldn't have to face this crap.

Perhaps, fellas, I am a ****-head. At least - it seems that way.

The one Lady who is closest to me says that I am a terrific person - a Godly man.

What in the world is going on? Is it me?

I am about to give up.


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Oh, my Brother(s),

Thank you. My heart hurts but through the anonymity of the internet, I can confess some of what I feel. I went to console my Mom tonight (after working, as a salaried person in upper-level management, but to make sure my team would be covered while I was on vacation) - to see how she was doing since my brother had just gone through the first of his surgeries - when she asked a question about my daughter. I told her that I was doing the best I could to hold on to hope, but that I couldn't be sure of how much of my heart would be left if I had to wait , say - 5 years. She said - and I want to emphasize this, that maybe I was like my soon-to-be-ex-wife (who she HATES). I was stunned. Then, I was REALLY PISSED.

Men, I don't get this. I wanted to drink - and I don't do that any more. I just wanted to escape. Honestly - I wanted to beat the **** out of something,

I guess I'm f-ing sick and tired of being screwed over by women in my life. I try to be a good man. I try to do the right things. Maybe if I was an A-hole; I wouldn't have to face this crap.

Perhaps, fellas, I am a ****-head. At least - it seems that way.

The one Lady who is closest to me says that I am a terrific person - a Godly man.

What in the world is going on? Is it me?

I am about to give up.
Remember, no one is perfect, God has everlasting mercy. The just man fell seven times but arose seven times, the devil wants you to feel like trash, but you must rebuke him in the name of Jesus and rise to grow strong in Christ.


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I miss grandma a lot this year. I was fortunate in that my grandma made me feel like I was her favorite. Whether I was or not, she loved me so very much...without a doubt.

I am a first child, a first grandchild and the father of the first great grandchild. Grandma was flawed like all of us yet she was great...because we believed she was.

I was fortunate to be with her in the last hours of her life. These hours were not the best for either of us. She suffered a lot.

I have so many joyful memories yet I am still 'bothered' by my very last ones.

Grandma - I love you and miss you so much.

God - deliver me the joy and peace that only you can.

My youngest brother is estranged from our family. He is an HIV+ addict who lives alone. He has a hard time experiencing and accepting the love that myself, my brother and the rest of our family has for him. Like many addicts he struggles with self esteem, guilt, shame and pain.

God - deliver him the joy and peace that only you can.

God - while you are at it deliver the joy and peace that only you can to those who don't know well enough to ask for it.
You are a good guy B! You are in my prayers!


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...She said - and I want to emphasize this, that maybe I was like my soon-to-be-ex-wife (who she HATES). I was stunned. ...

Men, I don't get this. I wanted to drink - and I don't do that any more. I just wanted to escape. Honestly - I wanted to beat the **** out of something,

Perhaps, fellas, I am a ****-head. At least - it seems that way ...

I am about to give up.
You are the man of that family now, and you may have to make some unpopular decisions. You don't have to try to be an a-hole intentionally, if you're like me you just do it naturally without even trying! (lol) It's the good intent in your heart and loyalty to truth that insures ultimately victory. If nobody is respecting your efforts then stop wasting your energy trying to make them understand. It's good to be soft with them if possible, but you can't compromises doing what YOU believe is right just to satisfy them. This may sound male chauvinistic or calloused, but God gave you this role. If these women (you ex, mom, daughter) can respect your efforts without being oppositional or negative then great. If they don't understand and refuse to appreciate your good intentions then oh well, do it anyway! It's far better to please the Lord and get results than try to make everyone happy, which is futile anyway. Do NOT allow their unhappiness and lack of discernment to cause you to doubt your heart, neglect your true duty, or lose your confidence. No one is perfect. He never asked us to be perfect, that's what Christ is for! That's why you shouldn't get down and quit. That guilt, hopelessness and fear are all lies, they do not come from God who already covered your sins and gave you a spirit of strength.

Think about one of Abraham's mistakes. He was a mighty man blessed of God, and still screwed up several times because he wasn't perfect either. The Bible states that one time he got hungry when there was a famine in his land so he when to Egypt looking for food and provisions. His wife was very beautiful and he feared the men of Egypt would try to kill him and take her, so he told his wife to lie and say she was his sister so the men there wouldn't hurt him and they could get some food from them. Now, to basically prostitute your wife out, because your hungry and too chickensh!t to just trust God, that is an ahole move if I ever heard one! So you and I are not alone, even great Godly men of old weren't perfect. Now the men of Egypt did look upon her beauty and take her to Pharaoh, but when Pharaoh found out that she really was Abraham's wife, the Egyptian authorities got nervous and made them both leave immediately. They wanted no part of pissing off the One True and Living God by taking Abraham's wife! Now his wife Sarah did the right thing, she did what her husband advised even though I'm pretty sure she couldn't have been too happy about it. God honored her obedience and compensated for Abraham's stupidity and they got out of Egypt ok.

My point is, if the women in your life truly believe in God then they don't antagonize you, because it's not really you they trust in anyway. They cooperate with you even though you may be acting like an ahole, simply because they trust that God will correct for her man's stupidity! Sarah didn't trust in Abraham who was just another stupid man, she trusted God's word that things would be fine if she just played her role and submit to him. You don't have to be perfect bro, and stop letting it suck you down into depression, anger and self-doubt. God picks up the slack all the time for those that don't quit and keep trying, but if these women in your family just don't get it there is little you can really do for them anyway. They are a stumbling block if you allow them to be. On the same token, always do what you think is right, never compromise righteousness and don't abuse your family authority, or He may let you fall.

Go workout to calm the anger, have a drink or two if needed (don't get stupid with it though) and pray constantly, but most importantly, do what you gotta do and don't compromise what is right for what is popular! Quitting is not an option, just banish that thought once and for all. I pray that you will come to realize the great power and authority that resides in you so that you may conquer these troubles in your heart. Trust me bro, I have to fight this battle too. You are not alone with your woman troubles. :rolleyes:

"...Those who trust in the Lord will not be disappointed!" - Isaiah 50:7


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I would like to request a prayer for a couple of my friends at this time of year. Two of my friends just had a good friend commit suicide after a tour in Iraq and my roommate and good friend lost his mother this time last year and is spending his first Christmas without his mom. I've decided to get all of us together to celebrate their lives and stories. It will be a bitter sweet Christmas but one, I think, well worth having and remembering.

If you can take a small amount of time and send a prayer to them and their family or just a moment of silence, it would be very much appreciated.

God bless and I hope your Holiday's are filled with joy.


Enologist/Brewmaster/Damn good guy
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I would like to request a prayer for a couple of my friends at this time of year. Two of my friends just had a good friend commit suicide after a tour in Iraq and my roommate and good friend lost his mother this time last year and is spending his first Christmas without his mom. I've decided to get all of us together to celebrate their lives and stories. It will be a bitter sweet Christmas but one, I think, well worth having and remembering.

If you can take a small amount of time and send a prayer to them and their family or just a moment of silence, it would be very much appreciated.

God bless and I hope your Holiday's are filled with joy.
Awesome plan JH. Your buddy are lucky to have a guy like you!


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God. I pray that all people can learn love is the only answer that ever matters. Love is the answer. I pray for the whole world today. And everyday for us all.


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I would like to request a prayer for a couple of my friends at this time of year. Two of my friends just had a good friend commit suicide after a tour in Iraq and my roommate and good friend lost his mother this time last year and is spending his first Christmas without his mom. I've decided to get all of us together to celebrate their lives and stories. It will be a bitter sweet Christmas but one, I think, well worth having and remembering.

If you can take a small amount of time and send a prayer to them and their family or just a moment of silence, it would be very much appreciated.

God bless and I hope your Holiday's are filled with joy.
It upsets me to hear a story like that, when good men become casualties. It sounds like you have a great plan to rally behind all this though, and turn it for the good. You're a good man J, and I've never seen you lose heart or do wrong. God bless every soldier and police officer that serves with honor and does his best. God bless their families too. You and your friends are in my heart and prayers for the loss.


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Sorry for your loss jayhawk, I want people to remeber that even though Christmas is a pagan holiday, it has a very signifigant meaning. This day represents the day Christ was born our savior, remember without his blood cleansing us, we would be in deep trouble. To have God's grace with us something that so special and is the most giving and most beautiful gift one can receive. God bless and enjoy spending your holidays with your loved ones.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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It upsets me to hear a story like that, when good men become casualties. It sounds like you have a great plan to rally behind all this though, and turn it for the good. You're a good man J, and I've never seen you lose heart or do wrong. God bless every soldier and police officer that serves with honor and does his best. God bless their families too. You and your friends are in my heart and prayers for the loss.
I have this on my heart as well. Some just cannot make the transistion, or become something that while alone back home, the mirror shows the darkside. 3 loved brothers from my Company could not deal, and ended the struggle with this act. PTSS is real, trust me.
Pray for our troops, and pray for mankind.
God Bless you all.


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I need some prayers please.

Guys, I just found out some bad news.

My grandmother on my mothers side is going back in for another stomach surgery on monday. This is the second time within the last 6-8 months. They are saying another hernia. She has no weight on her as it is, they got her jacked up with all kinds of meds. Its not looking good.

She told my mother yesterday. She then gave my mom her diamond earings. Shes a tough woman, but i am not sure how many times they can keep cutting her open. I am going to see her on sunday. I hope she's not getting tired and ready to give in.

I lost my dads mom in september. Not sure I can handle another one.

I really just need some prayers for my grandma. Her name is Betty.

I would really appreciate it. Thank you.


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I mentioned a similar situation in a post above:

I was fortunate to be with her in the last hours of her life. These hours were not the best for either of us. She suffered a lot.

I have so many joyful memories yet I am still 'bothered' by my very last ones.

Grandma - I love you and miss you so much.
What was bothering me was the last time I saw her she was suffering very badly. Whaling and screaming and crying...begging to die. But during those moments I was with her I mustered up the love, strength and courage to climb right up onto her hospital bed and get right up in her face and looked deep into her eyes to tell her that I was there and that I loved her. In between her whales of pain and begging to die she said "I love you" right back to me.

I cried over this in prayer with my brother on Christmas Eve. My mind and brain remember a visual that is hard to bear but my heart and spirit will ALWAYS have the very last "I love you" from my grandmother.

My prayer and empathy is with you and Betty during this time.


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that is a very heart warming story brian.i really appreciate you sharing that.the memories will be there always,but the terrible and agonizing suffering has seized!..i have not had a grand parent since i was 18 yrs.old!


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Guys, I just found out some bad news.

My grandmother on my mothers side is going back in for another stomach surgery on monday. This is the second time within the last 6-8 months. They are saying another hernia. She has no weight on her as it is, they got her jacked up with all kinds of meds. Its not looking good.

She told my mother yesterday. She then gave my mom her diamond earings. Shes a tough woman, but i am not sure how many times they can keep cutting her open. I am going to see her on sunday. I hope she's not getting tired and ready to give in.

I lost my dads mom in september. Not sure I can handle another one.

I really just need some prayers for my grandma. Her name is Betty.

I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
i will have you in my prayer tonight my friend!


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I hope God will bless all of you, and help heal the hurts in each of your hearts.

It seems that seeking out the hidden blessing(s) from the adversity we face, then taking those blessings to God in prayer is the most beneficial things we can do; even if it doesn't immediately cease the pain.

I wish blessings to all of you.



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I pray and ask my god in the name of jesus that all of you will have a blessed 2009, ask your self " if tonight was the night would I be ready"? Am I living up to the standards of god. Is the the lord number one in my life, is his word in my heart? The Apostle paul tells us to put the armor of god on daily, the last and most important part of the armor was the sword. the sword is the word of god. It is the the very thing that enables us to suvive the fiery trials we face each and every day. I was reading your post Beau and your not alone, me and my wife had a very tough week. It looked like it was over, I allowed my emotions and feelings to overtake me. It became about what I wanted instead of what god wanted. I made a vow to him to love and cherish my wife even thogh she might not act right or do all that I need her to. Christ died for us even while we were sinners. I have to take on that sme attitude. Im not saying that I know your sittuation totaly, there are sittuations where divorce is ok and it says in gods word. Wifes as well need to know that they are to be obidient tthere husband in all things, 1peter and 3 states this, most women cant understand this and are so caught up in being independent and letting a man know she can do any and everything a man can do. They miss out in the end, so if your a good guy seek god and what he has for you in a wife and the right one will come along. To jay hawk and everyone else that has lost loved ones, I pray the lord will comfort you and give you peace in your mind. I have learned to appreciate everyday that I have here and understand that this could very well be my last post if the lord called me today. Lets not worry about tomorror but focus on today for tomorrw has its own problems and issues. Lets defeat todays issues and pray that the lord will be empower us for the next. There is some one on here that is thinking of going to a parrty tonight to celebrate new years. You dont feel comfertable about the whole sittuation but some freinds are urging you to go. listen to your spirit. God put that in my spirit as I was typing it I hope it makes since to the person that it is for. I dont realy do things like that I know some people get freaked out and dont belive but Im only typing what I feel. God bless you all and i love each and every one of you.


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What I am about to describe really can’t be explained without just flat out accepting that God has blessed me. Really.

In this forum I’ve written about my divorce, and what lead up to it. I’ve written about my ex-wife’s adultery, the anger and hurt my sons feel toward their mother, the anger my daughter feels towards me. I’ve described the hurt I feel from my daughter assigning me responsibility for things I couldn't’t control (realizing that I am responsible for the things I did control).

I’ve shared frustration, hurt, disillusionment, financial concerns, and the money-hungry nature of the person I once called my wife; a person I once loved.

And now I share with you my freedom.

I was scheduled to go to court for the divorce proceeding last Thursday. Last Wednesday AM, I received a call from my attorney – explaining that he had just received notice that my ex had filed a substitution of attorney effective on December 23, 2008 (remember, he received notice on January 7th), and the other side would almost certainly file for a continuation. That continuation was expected to cause an additional 2 to 3 month delay. I told my attorney that it was his job to get them to the table on Thursday, and that I wouldn't’t be held hostage any longer. I told him to tell his counterpart that we would seek for my ex wife to pay all of the costs associated with the continuation (if granted); meaning she was told that she would have to incur thousands of dollars worth of my time and my attorney’s time, and the costs of yet another appraisal on my house. I know that the judge probably would have never agree to give me those damages, but that was meaningless – I wanted the other side to know they needed to show up and play ball – and that they wouldn't’t be getting a free pass.

It worked.

We settled. My ex-wife thinks she got ripped off; and she told her attorney (who she had NEVER met before Thursday) that she was going to agree “begrudgingly”. The truth is that she did leave thousands of dollars on the table without knowing it. And when all is said and done – I get to keep the house (meaning I refinance it and pay her a specified sum), and my monthly spousal support was reduced by a few hundred dollars/mo.

I am elated. I am thankful. And – I don’t ever remember being as calm as I was last Thursday. I KNOW God gave me the strength to remain calm and collected.

After the judge signed the order, I shook the hand of my attorney and her attorney, and then I extended my hand to my just-announced ex-wife. I said nothing, just extended my hand and maintained my dignity throughout. She reluctantly shook my hand, then walked away.

So, I then needed to turn my attention to refinancing. The new payments were going to be (gulp), a challenge – at least until my ex wife remarries. I called my loan broker on the way home from court.

Today – I received a call from my loan broker. We locked in on a fixed loan at 4.625%. Needless to say, the rate didn’t last long (it immediately went back to 4.875%, and then higher). And needless to say, this was well below the rate I expected - and it will afford me some additional monthly breathing room, financially.

I have been blessed. Thanks to God.

And I have felt like I have been on a "high" since the judge rendered her ruling.


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awesome beau!..totally awesome man!..congratulations my friend! we all can relax!:thumbsup:..thank you jesus!


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Praise God! I love to see the results of God at work, and it's a relief to see you in such a great place of resolve and finality with all those concerns B. A man IS what he thinks. Our reality manifests from our thoughts, which turns into words and actions. We literally create our own reality, and positive thinking (hope, faith, love) harvests a positive crop.

:cheers: Prayer works!


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I'm glad that things came out well for you. I will cetainly continue to include you in my prayers.


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I appreciate your kind words, support and prayer. I really am trying to focus on God, and allow the past to remain in the past.

I am so thankful to have my sons, and several other men and women in my life who love and support me. What an awesome blessing.



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Praise God! I love to see the results of God at work, and it's a relief to see you in such a great place of resolve and finality with all those concerns B. A man IS what he thinks. Our reality manifests from our thoughts, which turns into words and actions. We literally create our own reality, and positive thinking (hope, faith, love) harvests a positive crop.

:cheers: Prayer works!
Taking firm control over our thoughts, and catching ourselves when we obsess over things - is indeed a very important thing we must do. And, it can take a lot of work and diligence.


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Taking firm control over our thoughts, and catching ourselves when we obsess over things - is indeed a very important thing we must do. And, it can take a lot of work and diligence.
Yes sir, it takes a focused effort daily or just like exercise your gains go away! If you remember, please say a quick prayer for me too guys.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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I would like to ask that everyone puts in a special prayer for those who have lost their jobs in recent time.
Also, no matter what your political standing is, please pray that our country will rise from this collapse a stronger, yet smarter unit.
Thank you.


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I would like to ask that everyone puts in a special prayer for those who have lost their jobs in recent time.
Also, no matter what your political standing is, please pray that our country will rise from this collapse a stronger, yet smarter unit.
Thank you.
I second that Lungz. May God bless and provide for our needs always, and may He give us extra provision, protection and faith especially in times of weakness and hardship. I join you in prayer.

I also salute you and all other government employees that serve to protect our nation, constitution and citizens, may the Lord empower such men to excel in righteousness and wisdom! Amen.


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I second that Lungz. May God bless and provide for our needs always, and may He give us extra provision, protection and faith especially in times of weakness and hardship. I join you in prayer.

I also salute you and all other government employees that serve to protect our nation, constitution and citizens, may the Lord empower such men to excel in righteousness and wisdom! Amen.
Agreed. My company is facing the same financial peril as all others; and I find such comfort in knowing God is providing for me. That seems to mean more now, than it did before.


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Agreed. My company is facing the same financial peril as all others; and I find such comfort in knowing God is providing for me. That seems to mean more now, than it did before.
Well friends, a heads up, these are signs of the last days on earth, in other words the rapture, may God provide me and others the strength to look for him harder and harder, I want to see God in heaven and recieve my crown.


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Well friends, a heads up, these are signs of the last days on earth, in other words the rapture, may God provide me and others the strength to look for him harder and harder, I want to see God in heaven and recieve my crown.
Amen brother. Keep your eyes to the sky, and don't assume a pre-trib rapture. I have studied this a LOT lately, and it looks like we may not go until after the 5'th trumpet. Have no anxiety, rather anticipate glory and victory!


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Amen brother. Keep your eyes to the sky, and don't assume a pre-trib rapture. I have studied this a LOT lately, and it looks like we may not go until after the 5'th trumpet. Have no anxiety, rather anticipate glory and victory!
Amen, just remember no one can knows or will be able to figure the exact time for Christ's return for his people.


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Amen, just remember no one can knows or will be able to figure the exact time for Christ's return for his people.
No Andrew, don't misunderstand or be deceived about this! The Bible makes it clear that wise servants will know. You will see the signs, know the times, and be able to interpret them. Don't be like the foolish virgins that were not prepared when the master returned. The wise will know, the foolish will not!

Daniel 12

The End Times
1 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise [a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge."

5 Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. 6 One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?"

7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, "It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed."

8 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?"

9 He replied, "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

Revelation 1

1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.


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"Rise 'N Shine"

Dawn wakes the silence,
of a fainted lullaby
Day breaks the eyelid,
from a song sung in my eye

Night rests in peace,
as the sun mourns the sky
All's accounted for sheep,
over a horizon's I


And when you see,
a south wind blow
Forecasting, you will know,
a hot day, will be on the way
(Foolish one)
You analyze,
the earth and the sky
I ask you why,
you can't analyze the signs,
of the present time

I had a dream,
not unlike the one from old
Of a man king,
whose head was made of gold
Stand castles of sand
weather the sundials rise 'n fall
Chasing wind through your hands,
'til water runs dry the well


And in the West,
a cloud appears
For shadows of
a coming shower near,
Oh, so near
You analyze,
the earth and the sky
I ask you why,
you can't analyze the signs,
of the present time

Yes, all is vanity
Yes, all's futility

For one that dies,
another's born
Where laughter's heard,
comforters mourn
There's a time for

A song for love,
even abhor
An olive branch,
or winter's war
There's a time for


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My father, Ken, just finished six weeks of radiation therapy (thirty sessions) for very aggressive prostate cancer. His prostate was removed, but not before the cancer spread. We have to wait about three months before we will find out if the cancer has gone into remission.

Thank you to all of you who keep my father in your prayers.


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My father, Ken, just finished six weeks of radiation therapy (thirty sessions) for very aggressive prostate cancer. His prostate was removed, but not before the cancer spread. We have to wait about three months before we will find out if the cancer has gone into remission.

Thank you to all of you who keep my father in your prayers.
I am sorry for what you, your father and your family are going through. I hope you just love him.


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My father, Ken, just finished six weeks of radiation therapy (thirty sessions) for very aggressive prostate cancer. His prostate was removed, but not before the cancer spread. We have to wait about three months before we will find out if the cancer has gone into remission.

Thank you to all of you who keep my father in your prayers.
He's in my prayers too ST.


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No Andrew, don't misunderstand or be deceived about this! The Bible makes it clear that wise servants will know. You will see the signs, know the times, and be able to interpret them. Don't be like the foolish virgins that were not prepared when the master returned. The wise will know, the foolish will not!

Daniel 12

The End Times
1 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise [a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge."

5 Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank. 6 One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?"

7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, "It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed."

8 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?"

9 He replied, "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

Revelation 1

1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

correct, but as I said no one knows the EXACT time, the signs and fulfillment of prophecies or foreshadowing of the rapture.


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My father, Ken, just finished six weeks of radiation therapy (thirty sessions) for very aggressive prostate cancer. His prostate was removed, but not before the cancer spread. We have to wait about three months before we will find out if the cancer has gone into remission.

Thank you to all of you who keep my father in your prayers.
My step-father had this very same cancer and treatment. He has since been in remission for many years. God heal Ken's body.


Amen brother. Keep your eyes to the sky, and don't assume a pre-trib rapture. I have studied this a LOT lately, and it looks like we may not go until after the 5'th trumpet. Have no anxiety, rather anticipate glory and victory!
I've looked at both sides of that, as well as mid-trib rapture as well. Pre trib seems to be the only one that is scrpiturally accurate as well as in line with God's character. I can't see the Father pouring out His wrath on His son's bride. "For God has not appointed us to wrath..." Just like Noah, Lot, Rahab and every faithful remnant, God has always delivered them from the wrath to come. You can stay if you want but I'm headin out on the first load! :wave2:


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February 1st 2002 I entered into a plea agreement with the State of Arizona's Mesa District Attorney. This plea agreement was an agreement to accept two consecutive mandatory sentences for two aggravated extreme DUI offenses, these two of which were the 2nd and 3rd offense in an 11 month period. The presumptive was 1.25 years each to be run consecutively.

The DA agreed to offer me two 4 month mandatory minimum sentences for each to be run consecutively for a total of 8 months. This sentence was to commence in the AZDOC State Prison.

I believe it was the mercy of God that enabled the DA and my defense to come to this agreement. I believe it was my tremendous remorse that allowed me to be in a position for God to bless me.

Upon agreeing to this plea I was taken into custody on February 1st to begin serving my time until the actual sentencing day where and when the Judge would either accept or reject this plea agreement.

Upon being taken into custody I immediately began a water fast and a vigilant bible study and self examination of myself in reflection of the truth that I found in Christ and it's relationship to who and where I was in my life. 40 days later and 40 days without food I reentered the court room upon sentencing day.

At that time I had the opportunity to speak upon my behalf to the Judge regarding the tremendous remorse and regret I had for my irresponsible and selfish, reckless and dangerous behavior. I also had the opportunity to be candid about my alcohol abuse. I presented myself as a man of humility and brokenness. I presented myself with complete and utter transparency.

The Judge had my freedom and future and the future of my family in his hands. After hearing my testimony he commended me regarding my self actualization of the alcohol abuse issue that I had and affirmed me of my posture of remorse and humility.

He granted me my plea agreement and made a special recommendation that I be remanded in the custody of the AZDOC at a DUI yard where I may find the faculty and facilities in order to rehabilitate myself. The rehabilitation that had begun in my heart was able to come to fruition through the justice and grace that this Very Honorable Judge bestowed me upon this day.

I was taken back into custody, given credit for 40 days time served and proceeded to complete the balance of the 8 months of my sentence.

The stipulations of my sentence were that I be on supervised probation for 5 years and make restitution through court ordered fines and fees. Additionally my license was revoked for 3 years and upon reinstatement I needed to have an electronic ignition device installed in my car for one year.

I fulfilled my restitution expeditiously. In addition to that my probation was terminated after only three years. At that point I was eligible to apply for my driving privileges to be reinstated. After jumping through some hoops I ultimately had it reinstated with the stipulation of the electronic ignition device for the next year. After a grueling yet successful year it was finally removed.

Tomorrow, Monday, February 2nd will mark the 7 year anniversary of the most humiliating, traumatic, life changing experience I have had in my life. During those 8 months in DOC I was able to grow a deeper relationship with the Lord and develop a self esteem and coping skills that have made me the fairly functional member of society that I may be today.

Most importantly I wanted to take the time to thank The Very Honorable Judge James Kepel for his graciousness and justice in dealing with me and my case. He was just in imposing a sentence that was sufficient to produce the humiliation, hardship and rehabilitation that I need to transform my life, and graceful enough to leave me a life to come home to. To you, Your Honor, I am very grateful. I am hopeful to be faithful in delivering this message to you in person or via mail very soon.

Slaves to Righteousness

Romans 6:15-23

"What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness. When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

Mercy is receiving consequences that you do not deserve.
Grace is not receiving the consequences that you do deserve.


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Congrats on 7 years B, and on changing your life around.

I was one of those drunks who never got in trouble. Never had a DUI, Never went to jail, Never lost anything. (I did have a divorce, and I was most certainly an alcoholic then, but I did not yet drink alcoholically, she was a manic depressive that I could no longer live with and take the abuse, but I certainly played a part in this too.)

Only by the Grace of God and a life threatening situation did I come to the realization that I was in need of help, that I could not quit drinking on my own. I was hospitalized for a long weekend with chest pains and a blood pressure of 180/140 (give or take a few points... I wasn't in very good mental condition)

When they released me I managed to stay sober for 30 days on my own... then I celebrated that with a beer.. Well you know where that lead. 3 months later, going through DT's once again on the couch, I was asked by my fiancee what I was going to do. The words "I am going to go to AA" just came out of my mouth. I hadn't thought about it before, they just came out. She brought me the phone and I called the 800 number and was at a meeting the next day.

That was Feb. 04. I had 2 slips between then and April 04, but by the Grace of God and the program of AA I will have 5 years on April 14 if I keep doing what I have been doing. Co-incidentally, that is my Fathers birthday, who I hated most of my life. I have since made amends with him even though he has passed away.

I look back and see all the times God was watching over me, long before I got sober. All the times I could have or should have died. He was with me even when I denied Him, and even hated Him. I am truly blessed.


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I am incredibly impressed by your candor, honesty and willingness to open your heart and life to other men.

Your story is amazing. The extent of your willingness to turn to God at this traumatic time - and to stay there - is astonishing and something that garners my admiration and respect.


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I am incredibly impressed by your candor, honesty and willingness to open your heart and life to other men.

Your story is amazing. The extent of your willingness to turn to God at this traumatic time - and to stay there - is astonishing and something that garners my admiration and respect.
Agreed, do not look back RedWolf, continue to fight the fight.

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