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  • Hello, I seen your discussion on test E and effects onn liver, where you say there is basically no bad side effects and actually may have good side.....I am 36 and a post liver transplant patient (5yrs now) doin really well(my issues was auto immune disease at age 14 nothing roid related)...would you say enthate would still be safe in my case....thanks
    What's up D? Haven't heard from you in a loooong time so I hope all is well with you brother.
    Hey Dr. D,
    It is apparent you know what you are talking about so I was wondering I am about to take a cycle of epistane and can not decide between a regular cycle or just pulse cycling. I am only looking for moderate gains around 5-10lbs. The reason I am considering pulsing because it seems to be better to help hinder long term effects.

    Thanks for the help
    DR D,
    You seem to know more about Epi than anyone I know so I was wondering if you could help clear up a few concerns I have related to Epi usage? I have read where Epi binds to the ER beta receptors, this comes straight from the IBE write-up. Furthermore, I have read a lot of research that shows that ER beta has an antiprolific effect on the prostate where ER alpha has just the opposite effect. Moreover, the latest research seems to indicate that people with prostate cancer have lowered ER beta expression. Are you familiar with this research? If so what is your opinion, as far as overall health concerns with using Epi? I plan on pulsing with maybe a low dose of Tren.

    Thanks for the help and may God bless.
    Hey D. Just stopping in to say hi. I hope you and the family had a nice holiday and new year! :)

    Everyone is doing great, J. It's just been crazy as usual around the holiday. Any big plans in 2011? We plan to start working on baby #2 soon, so let the practice begin, haha!
    Hey J! Just dropping in to say hi. Hope all is well with you and the family, buddy!
    Awsome! i love heat... I hate cold..... It can get pretty cold in georgia.... Beleive it or not.
    Awsome! i love heat... I hate cold..... It can get pretty cold in georgia.... Beleive it or not.
    what is up dr dr! How you been brother? Staying warm? hope your ready for christ-mas!
    thank you sir!! indeed! Getting ready ready tonight for our last installment for the gospel of John, My wife and I are highschool ministry leaders at our church, Im excited to see the work the Lord is doing in these young students lives!!
    my brutha from anotha motha !..haha ,hows things ?" hows the family ? just thought i'd stop and say hi to my good ol' bud !
    Ha D, my brother in christ. Hope your doing well brother, I pray the lord continues to direct you in all your ways.
    am fine thanks to God , how bout u D and ur family hope ur baby is doin well and healthy may the lord save him and protect him !
    Just wanted to say thanks for all your great posts! they have been a huge help. Its hard work to reply and post as much as you do. much appreciated !
    Just wanted to give you a shout-out brother. Haven't talked to you since I deployed. Hope all is well!
    Hey Dr.D,
    I am currently running you M-Drol pulse method, and I have to say I like where I'm at right now. Its week 3 and im up about 6lbs. I was wondering how u would stack winnie (oral) with a mdrol pulse to finish it up and keep gains, lean out, harden, ect. Any help would be greatly appreciated, you could PM here or email me at krusma02 @gettysburg.edu. Thanks alot!
    Just dropping in to say hi, J. Hope all is well with you and the little one. I'll hit you up with a PM later this week to catch up. :)

    Hey Dr D. I'm new to the site but often read your posts here for solid info! I just started my first real cycle. 43, 5'8", solid 175 w/ 7% bf. I found this cycle online & am wondering what your thoughts might be - esp with regard to taking .25mg/day of Arimidex throughout as well as 50mg eod of Clomid. I am prone to gyno (as I've experienced w/ Spawn) & I want to keep as much in check w/ little 2 no sides. If you have time & don't mind I would appreciate your input! The cycle is spelled out below. Much thanks for your time and wisdom!

    Wks 1-9:
    *500mg test e/wk
    *1.25mg Fincar/day
    *.25mg Adex eod or ed
    *50mg clomid eod

    Wk 10:
    *300mg test e
    *1.25mg Fincar/day
    *.25mg Adex eod or ed
    *50mg clomid eod

    Wk 11:
    *200mg test e
    *1.25mg Fincar/day
    *.25mg Adex eod or ed
    *50mg clomid eod

    Wk 12:
    *1.25mg fincar/day
    *.25mg Adex eod
    *150mg clomid ed

    Wk 14:
    *.25mg Adex eod
    *100mg clomid ed

    Wks 15-16:
    *.25mg Adex every 3rd day
    *50mg clomid ed
    Do you have a link to the post about using glycobol, than do an hgh product before bed to help fat loss?

    I saw a post you wrote someone and trying to think what it was
    Hey J! All is going well my man. I've been keeping pretty busy between work, school, and the new baby. My time here has been pretty limited as of late. The stress is starting to catch up to me a bit, but it'll all be worth it in the end. How have you been, bro? How's the baby?
    DR D,hows things ?! , i have a question i started a cycle of the old trimax(tricana,triatrical,t3)and i,m in 7 days -1111222mgs/ed i've had second thought like i'd like to lean bulk with the alpha one(ds),so is it too late to stop the trimax and start eatin and lifting hard to lean bulk or has my thyroid already dropped of too much since i'm already losin weight ?
    Hey, maybe you can help me. i have 150 pills of wintrol 20mgs each. can you tell me a cycle for this? Week 1: Week 2: ect? thankyou so much!!
    hey i forgot but my son has begun college and he thiks he wants to be an engineer..he loves chemistry so i thought your a chemical engineer ,can you help , like what he needs to take or degree like maybe just BS. degree ?e-mail or this message thing ! thanks
    yo "dr. d" wats shakin bro ?! its been a while again ,hope everything is still goin well for my good freind !calll....lol

    I greatly value your opinion on supplementation maybe you could help me out. I have been lifting for nearly 20 years and have historically used natty test boosters and a variety of natty stacks. Most provide strength increases and some recomp but I have yet to find one that actually adds mass. I currently have several bottles of Epistane and I am thinking or using the pulse method of delivery following your guidelines. I have also thought about using LG's trifecta stack. I have read some good reviews about this stack. What is your opinion on either or both of these products.

    May God Bless You and Your Family...
    hello i am wanting to start my first ph and am considering epistane,is that a bad choice or should i try something more mild, and if it is a good choice if i run 20mg a day for 4 weeks will i see good mass and strength results
    That's awesome and great to hear about your lil man, bro!
    Not quite...my girl lost the baby a few months back, but I was really ready for being a father, would have been cool for me...kinda hit us hard, but my girl harder which is understandable.
    did a show coming off an injury last year. this year has been much better and could do many more exercises I could not before.Thank you for the interest. how about yourself? have you done or doing anything personally important to you?
    Pancreatitis. Bad diet, smoking, lifestyle habits. Im better now. Been killin it at the gym these last couple days tryin to get back whats lost. Thanks for your genuine concern, prayers, and rep points!
    im on epistane , and i just got urinalysis last week , by the air force , should i worry ??? or do u think im going to be ok !!!!
    Just let it go bro, it's not worth it. I've done enough damage here. I requested again to be deleted. This time I won't be back.
    Yes D, this is Jim, I don't have enough post to PM.
    Lungz and I are friends.
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