Prayer Request Thread



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When we finally 'grow up' we realize we don't need a lighter cross, just a stronger back to bear the one we've been given. These men and all men like them (myself included) have overcome devastation by the power of God and their willingness to embrace humility. God bless them and more power to them. Never look back because what's over is over!


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When we finally 'grow up' we realize we don't need a lighter cross, just a stronger back to bear the one we've been given. These men and all men like them (myself included) have overcome devastation by the power of God and their willingness to embrace humility. God bless them and more power to them. Never look back because what's over is over!

Well said Dr.D.


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I am taking a really important test on Friday that in cooperation with a few other things will play a huge role in determining my future. I would appreciate the help! It wont help me that I'm taking the test on Friday the 13th...


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You're in my prayers Rugger! You'll do well on that test and our God will make sure of it...

A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. - Proverbs 16:9

In the total expanse of human life, there is not a single square inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, "That is mine!" - Abraham Kuyper


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You're in my prayers Rugger! You'll do well on that test and our God will make sure of it...

A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. - Proverbs 16:9

In the total expanse of human life, there is not a single square inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, "That is mine!" - Abraham Kuyper
Thanks Doc! I just got my scores back and I friggin nailed it. Top 12%. Praise Him!


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good job rugger!..thank god!..


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To all the above who've lost someone my heart and prayers go out to you and your loved ones. To all who have overcome hardship, i congratulate you for your hard work and determination. And to all you who have had your mind, heart, and prayers going out to others as well... I'm glad to see this form of affinity for our fellow man out of respect above all else. It's sad to see when life brings us down, but without the low points our achievements would never be as appreciated!


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To all the above who've lost someone my heart and prayers go out to you and your loved ones. To all who have overcome hardship, i congratulate you for your hard work and determination. And to all you who have had your mind, heart, and prayers going out to others as well... I'm glad to see this form of affinity for our fellow man out of respect above all else. It's sad to see when life brings us down, but without the low points our achievements would never be as appreciated!
With that being said be as the just man who falls but gets back up. We are approaching the coming of Christ, lots of things are occuring, which the book of Daniel talks about, be prepared for the sound of the trumpet, spread the word of God because there are many who lack understanding of who God really is. Shield yourself with armor of God, and get closer to God.


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Yes my brothers the time is near and we must cling to the lord and be in steady prayer. There is major spiritual warfare waging right now. Guard your minds and your hearts. I have been having mental attacks on a continues basis for the last few weeks. ITs just a lot of crazy thoughts and weird things that come to my mind. I get preaty ticked off about it because I know these are not my thoughts but I continue to pray on it and speak the truth. I love the lord with all my heat and I know hes real it is evident by my life, but times are hard and satan is very busy. Hes a liar and I hate him with all that I am, he has destroyed so many lives and have deceived so many of or freinds and family members. It is time to fight back my brothers, it is time to take back or freinds and family members and children who are living in darkness. People are in a panic right now and dont know what to do. The world is being shaken as I type, Father I pray that you will have mearcy on us I pray for those that dont know you lord, set them free father, take the scalls away from there eyes and show them your truth and glory. We need you lord I need you, my wife and my children need you. I pray that men kind would humble him self and cry out that we need you. Im sorry fellas but Im just exspressing how I feel. I feel so sorry for the people that are suffering right now. Millons without jobs and a way to provide for there family. How many of them knoe the lord and have faith. So many put there faith in there jobs and money and material things and in a days time its gone. People are comitting suicide and killing there famlies because they cant cope. God is showing us that those things dont matter. He is publicly putting to shame This once great nations god, the mighty dollar. The world is being crippled and ushering in a one world goverment. Satan is very clever and its process is going slowly but its going into affect. Lord I cant wait until you crush satan I pray that every one of you will continue to run the race, I dont care if you sprint, jog, walk or have to crawl acrossthe finish line please make it. If you feel you cant finish and you need help you can get on my back and I will pray us through because I wont quit satan I wont give up. I love you all and I cant wait to rejoice with you. Praise GOD!


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Yes my brothers the time is near and we must cling to the lord and be in steady prayer. There is major spiritual warfare waging right now. Guard your minds and your hearts. I have been having mental attacks on a continues basis for the last few weeks. ITs just a lot of crazy thoughts and weird things that come to my mind. I get preaty ticked off about it because I know these are not my thoughts but I continue to pray on it and speak the truth. I love the lord with all my heat and I know hes real it is evident by my life, but times are hard and satan is very busy. Hes a liar and I hate him with all that I am, he has destroyed so many lives and have deceived so many of or freinds and family members. It is time to fight back my brothers, it is time to take back or freinds and family members and children who are living in darkness. People are in a panic right now and dont know what to do. The world is being shaken as I type, Father I pray that you will have mearcy on us I pray for those that dont know you lord, set them free father, take the scalls away from there eyes and show them your truth and glory. We need you lord I need you, my wife and my children need you. I pray that men kind would humble him self and cry out that we need you. Im sorry fellas but Im just exspressing how I feel. I feel so sorry for the people that are suffering right now. Millons without jobs and a way to provide for there family. How many of them knoe the lord and have faith. So many put there faith in there jobs and money and material things and in a days time its gone. People are comitting suicide and killing there famlies because they cant cope. God is showing us that those things dont matter. He is publicly putting to shame This once great nations god, the mighty dollar. The world is being crippled and ushering in a one world goverment. Satan is very clever and its process is going slowly but its going into affect. Lord I cant wait until you crush satan I pray that every one of you will continue to run the race, I dont care if you sprint, jog, walk or have to crawl acrossthe finish line please make it. If you feel you cant finish and you need help you can get on my back and I will pray us through because I wont quit satan I wont give up. I love you all and I cant wait to rejoice with you. Praise GOD!
Amen brother, continue to pray for us all as I pray for all thee. Things are only going to get worse, prophecies have to be fufilled. So many people are confused because the devil is a liar, but God shall have the final victory.


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Thanks Doc! I just got my scores back and I friggin nailed it. Top 12%. Praise Him!
Praise God and may He strengthen our faith by examples of real-world victories such as your Rugger! And personal congrats also. I know you put in the work to deserve it and it meant a lot to you brother.

I'm honored to joint my prayers with you guys!


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... It's sad to see when life brings us down, but without the low points our achievements would never be as appreciated!
Very true. A man who has no struggles can't appreciate his achievements. He may not even realize when they occur!


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... the book of Daniel talks about, be prepared for the sound of the trumpet, ...
Speaking of trumpets, I subscribe to this prophesy bulletin and they've been right on the last few months...

THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns -- February 17, 2009:
Do not think it is a strange thing, My people, that the enemy has been sent against you. Hindering spirits have been sent forth to keep you out of the fullness of that which I am doing at this time. But, remember My words, behold I give unto you authority; I give unto you power over all the works of the enemy. So, when you find the enemy's attack against you, then rise up and use My Word as a sword against him. These are days of war. These are the days of My power when the enemy will be placed under My footstool, and you are those people who shall do that. I say again, do not think it strange that hindering forces have come to steal from you that which has been imparted. Rise up in the anointing, and break the yoke of bondage. Rise up and have victory over infirmity. Rise up and be healed. Rise up and be delivered. Come into the fullness of My Word and into the fullness of My promises. Do not let up and do not look back. The journey is before you; the road to perfection is before you. I shall perfect those things that concern you, says the Lord.

It's true. These are days of war indeed, spiritual warfare like I have never felt before.


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... There is major spiritual warfare waging right now. Guard your minds and your hearts. I have been having mental attacks on a continues basis for the last few weeks. ...
You're not alone brother. It's like the buzzing of flies in my ears these days! Let it strengthen your faith when they attack you, and praise the Lord when He prospers you in spite of their insidious schemes. They have no case in the light of day, so they peep through the dark whispering empty threats like the cowards they are. ;) They pretend to be angels of light but they dwell in the shadows, it's detestable and truly pitiful.

Do good, reject evil and live righteous so that nobody can accuse you of wrong, then you can walk upright with no guilt or distractions and God can finally develop you for your big assignment. :)

Keep seeking truth and praying for one another guys, God bless and Amen!


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Guys we could use your prayers. My fiancee and I both work in the same building. She is a telephone operator making about $20 an hour and has been there for 20 years. I am the evening security guard there.

They just condemned the building, saying it was unsafe, and have locked everybody out, including the phone company. We have no idea what they are going to do with her, she could possibly be transferred but everything is up in the air. I've pretty much been told my job is done, just not officially yet.

I do have my small computer buisness. Maybe this is why its been growing so quickly the last couple of weeks.

If you could pray for a good outcome and the strength for us to get through this that would be very much appreciated.


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Try not to worry about tomorrow redwolf, I know its hard thing to ask, jesus told his deciples to worry about today. Its weird because I find myself worrying about things that are six months from now, and then depression and anxiety tries to st in because we began to worry but I leave you with this. All things work together for the good of those that love the lord. So no matter what your situation is and how out of control it may seem just trust him and what hes doing. Its gonna be hard my man, Ive been off work for 6 months and its not looking good for jobs where I live, but because Jehova is my provider me nor my wife or children have exsperienced lack. Ive been able to maitain all that we have and more. My wife does have a good job but Ive been blessed with extra income, even in my days of unbelif and anger god has remained faithful to me. Do me a favor sit down with your fiancee and ask here to start to pray with you about the situation, hold hands and do it to gether on a continual basis. Even when that voice in the back of your mind tells you diffrent do it, and wait and be patient. Jesus said when two or three agree in my name then I am in the mist and what ever you ask in my name it shall be given in dew season.
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Where ya at my brothas?! Here's some prophetic encouragement. :)

THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns -- March 9, 2009
This day, says the Lord, I come to restore you and to remove all reproach. I come not only to restore, but to inspire. You are designed for greater things than you have the ability to see. My gifting in you and My power and anointing on you will perfect you and will cause you to come to the elevated place that I have prepared for you. Lay aside the oppression and come with great joy. My kingdom is a kingdom of joy, for in the Spirit of the Living Lord there is joy, liberty, peace and power. The anointing will be poured out upon you so that you will not only be restored, but you will be strengthened beyond what you have ever known. These are days of My glory on the Elijah company, those who will be used to cause a full restoration that will impact My Church. Forget all things that are behind you, and move forward without hesitation.

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- March 9, 2009
The devil is doing his best to try to make you responsible for his foul play. He is the accuser and is set on bringing serious accusation against you that will make you feel condemned. This is an attack that will bring up the past and seduce you into taking the blame for others' actions. If you succumb to this seduction, it will take you out of the flow of the Spirit and will dump you down into the flesh. Resist, says the Lord!

James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- March 10, 2009
In the spirit realm I heard one woman begin to sniffle and then cry as she was overcome with grief. Then, I heard others weeping with her until there was a great company of mourners. It was very sad, but suddenly there was a change in the spiritual atmosphere, perhaps an elevation and a quickening of faith. The sound of the multitude was not silenced, but the sound changed and took on the tone of joy. And, it became a very great rejoicing. I believe this company represents the Body of Christ in travail.

Romans 8:18-23 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.


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Well, lets see. My fiancee still has her job, but got transferred about 20 miles away. We are very greatful for that. I'm still 'babysitting' an empty building, not sure for how much longer though. Computer business is still doing quite well. We have been blessed and He is taking care of us.


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Guys we could use your prayers. My fiancee and I both work in the same building. She is a telephone operator making about $20 an hour and has been there for 20 years. I am the evening security guard there.

They just condemned the building, saying it was unsafe, and have locked everybody out, including the phone company. We have no idea what they are going to do with her, she could possibly be transferred but everything is up in the air. I've pretty much been told my job is done, just not officially yet.

I do have my small computer buisness. Maybe this is why its been growing so quickly the last couple of weeks.

If you could pray for a good outcome and the strength for us to get through this that would be very much appreciated.
Will say another prayer for you both tonight buddy.


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God, I offer myself t to thee, to build with me and do with me as thou wilt. relieve me of the bondage of self, that i may better do thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those i would help of thy power, thy love, and thy way of life. May i do thy will always. May this prayer do for you what is has done for me, today.


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Got my Naval selection board on Monday. Help me out fellas!


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God has blessed me with employment and it is a dream opportunity of a job. It is an opportunity to bring a ground level quality system up to industry standards. It is a position I have dreamed of that will utilize all of my current abilities and maybe some that I have yet to develop.

Praise God for the opportunity. Prayer for my performance anxiety.


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God has blessed me with employment and it is a dream opportunity of a job. It is an opportunity to bring a ground level quality system up to industry standards. It is a position I have dreamed of that will utilize all of my current abilities and maybe some that I have yet to develop.

Praise God for the opportunity. Prayer for my performance anxiety.
Im sure you are gonna do an awesome job.


this thread is awesome i would have never thought i would see something like this on here. Almost every night before i close my eyes i say a prayer for my family, friends, and yes sometimes even for my "frenemies". Tonight i will keep everyone in here and your families in my prayers and hope maybe you can say a prayer for me and my family as well.

God bless people.


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this thread is awesome i would have never thought i would see something like this on here. Almost every night before i close my eyes i say a prayer for my family, friends, and yes sometimes even for my "frenemies". Tonight i will keep everyone in here and your families in my prayers and hope maybe you can say a prayer for me and my family as well.

God bless people.
You got it! Prayers in progress. ;)

Our enemy continues to launch attacks to distract us and cause us to be scattered in thoughts and efforts, so that we don't have the strength needed to accomplish what He's given us to do. Refuse it!

Refuse infirmity, discouragement, worry or fear to weaken you from exercising your faith. Instead, overcome and refocus your energies. Regroup and rise up in the power of the Spirit to defeat the devil. You are more than a conqueror, says the Lord! "Yet in all these things we are MORE than conquerors through Him who loved us." - Romans 8:37

Praise our Lord and pray for your brothers.


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You got it! Prayers in progress. ;)

Our enemy continues to launch attacks to distract us and cause us to be scattered in thoughts and efforts, so that we don't have the strength needed to accomplish what He's given us to do. Refuse it!

Refuse infirmity, discouragement, worry or fear to weaken you from exercising your faith. Instead, overcome and refocus your energies. Regroup and rise up in the power of the Spirit to defeat the devil. You are more than a conqueror, says the Lord! "Yet in all these things we are MORE than conquerors through Him who loved us." - Romans 8:37

Praise our Lord and pray for your brothers.
I love that quote, especially the part about worry and fear weakening you from excersising your faith. Worrying does not rob tommorow of its sorrow, it robs today of its strength.


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... Worrying does not rob tommorow of its sorrow, it robs today of its strength.
Amen! And whats the point in that? Very good summary, dedlifter.

To be completely realistic, this is the only day we have. How absurd is it to worry and weaken about something that isn't even a reality yet, and may never be? I have done it 1000 times bro, I know the trap. This is a war that must be won against a man's own flesh. In the words of Mike Muir, you gotta kill Captain Stupid, before Captain Stupid kills you! I got him in a headlock today. :)

Today deserves all your strength, as if it were the last day you had, because one of these days it will be.


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I mentioned it in this thread , but Rene Verner's wife (An amazing NP CSR) had a baby last week 3 months premature. Things are still touch and go for the lil kiddo; if you guys can keep him in your prayers hopefully he will come through alright.


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I mentioned it in this thread , but Rene Verner's wife (An amazing NP CSR) had a baby last week 3 months premature. Things are still touch and go for the lil kiddo; if you guys can keep him in your prayers hopefully he will come through alright.
Rene, his wife, and his baby are in our collective prayers, Steve. Have him PM if he feels compelled to.


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Amen! And whats the point in that? Very good summary, dedlifter.

To be completely realistic, this is the only day we have. How absurd is it to worry and weaken about something that isn't even a reality yet, and may never be? I have done it 1000 times bro, I know the trap. This is a war that must be won against a man's own flesh. In the words of Mike Muir, you gotta kill Captain Stupid, before Captain Stupid kills you! I got him in a headlock today. :)

Today deserves all your strength, as if it were the last day you had, because one of these days it will be.
I can't begin to describe the timeliness of these messages in my life. For the first time in many months, I've started to sense the return of an undercurrent of an anxiety that has been stealing my appreciation of the day - replacing it with worry of the unknown future.

I needed re-centering. This magnified that to me.


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Well said indeed. I also can often find myself one foot in the past and one in the future, with a bannana peel between my feet!! I was listening to robbie zachariaus (spelling) the other day and he was talking about the same thing. Are you familiar with him? If not, google him, youll be glad you did. Powerfull speaker.I have a good story for you. A man is working in a law firm, he is a staunch atheist. One day, as it happens, disaster strikes, and he turns to GOD. He finds himself so filled with the spirit, he feels convicted to return to work to preach to his coworkers, yet he hesitates, What will they think? Will they laugh? Call him crazy? Still, he feels so convicted, he enters the cafeteria of his work, and begins to speak of GOD, and is met with a skeptical, and snide reception. He leaves, hurt and confused, wondering why GOD convicted him, if only to make a fool of him!! Several years later, this man is a minister, and after one paticular sermon, a woman approaches him and thanks him. He asks why,for what? She says, "several years ago, my husband lost his corporate job, and was forced to take a position as a janitor at a law firm down town. One day, when he was feeling completely desperate, he heard a man walk into the cafeteria and begin to speak of GOD. My husband was behind the counter, mopping the floor. When he heard what the man said, it reminded him of his faith, and to trust in GOD, that all would be OK. He said that man was you." The minister realized in that moment that GOD has a plan for us all, and that even though he felt stupid at the time, his words had saved another, and that he did not need to understand GODs will, just to try and do it. Hope you find your own meaning in that story, and GOD Bless.


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I can't begin to describe the timeliness of these messages in my life. For the first time in many months, I've started to sense the return of an undercurrent of an anxiety that has been stealing my appreciation of the day - replacing it with worry of the unknown future.

I needed re-centering. This magnified that to me.
May your faith be strengthened B. You aren't alone brother, it's a constant battle. The lies are strong, and the speculation never ends. My wife calls it 'the gerbil'. She said it's like a gerbil on a wheel constantly running in my head. She's right! I hate that damn gerbil. I refuse to let the author of confusion steal my joy. That is not of God. I refuse to let it compromise my faith. That's a spirit of doubt and deception, sucking up all my strength if I let it. No more!

I was reading second Samuel today, it talked about David's 3 mighty men. He had 3 warriors in his army that stood out among the rest. Regular soldiers, but they stood their ground when the rest of the Israeli army fled. They defeated entire enemy battalions single handedly! It was supernatural victory. One of these men killed so many enemy troops, that his hand grew tired and locked onto the sword! My God, give me the strength not to forget who you are, that circumstances don't mean squat, that the odds are always with me no matter what I face, that you strengthen those that stand on your word, and fight the battle for them that never quit. Strengthen every brother here with that same power of faith Lord, in the time we need it most, so we may glorify you in ways unexplainable. AMEN

We are more than conquerors, so don't forget that this battle is already over. It's just a matter of time catching up to our victory in Christ. ;)


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I mentioned it in this thread , but Rene Verner's wife (An amazing NP CSR) had a baby last week 3 months premature. Things are still touch and go for the lil kiddo; if you guys can keep him in your prayers hopefully he will come through alright.
Will keep the baby in prayer, I know all here pray in Jesus's name as well.


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Well said indeed. I also can often find myself one foot in the past and one in the future, with a bannana peel between my feet!! I was listening to robbie zachariaus (spelling) the other day and he was talking about the same thing. Are you familiar with him? If not, google him, youll be glad you did. Powerfull speaker.I have a good story for you. A man is working in a law firm, he is a staunch atheist. One day, as it happens, disaster strikes, and he turns to GOD. He finds himself so filled with the spirit, he feels convicted to return to work to preach to his coworkers, yet he hesitates, What will they think? Will they laugh? Call him crazy? Still, he feels so convicted, he enters the cafeteria of his work, and begins to speak of GOD, and is met with a skeptical, and snide reception. He leaves, hurt and confused, wondering why GOD convicted him, if only to make a fool of him!! Several years later, this man is a minister, and after one paticular sermon, a woman approaches him and thanks him. He asks why,for what? She says, "several years ago, my husband lost his corporate job, and was forced to take a position as a janitor at a law firm down town. One day, when he was feeling completely desperate, he heard a man walk into the cafeteria and begin to speak of GOD. My husband was behind the counter, mopping the floor. When he heard what the man said, it reminded him of his faith, and to trust in GOD, that all would be OK. He said that man was you." The minister realized in that moment that GOD has a plan for us all, and that even though he felt stupid at the time, his words had saved another, and that he did not need to understand GODs will, just to try and do it. Hope you find your own meaning in that story, and GOD Bless.
Wow. I won't lie, I had to wipe my eyes after that story dedlifer1, just beautiful man. Whenever I'm tired, I hear a story like that and I'm renewed 100% again. We are so blessed to have a God like we do. I mean god is god, he could be a total jerk if he wanted to, but he's gracious and merciful anyway and it simply blows my mind how deep that love must be.

Ravi Zacharias is an awesome speaker. I listen to him too, on 630 and 1100 AM.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


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its just encouraging to see how many people believe.
thanks just for everyone whos posted.


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B is correct so many people had suffered and I even recently has been through many of the spcified things listed. I do believe in God, I beleive that things do happen for a reason,just liek why I am on here,and why I actually signed up,and well a week later I went through a depression, and I am glad I still went on here because it was many of you here on AM who has helped me through my devestation and pain and agony. Depression is not something thats fun to go trhough and yet many of you shared your tragedies with me and you all came togther to help me. So I do pray for everyone and thank god I am on this site and for all of you who helped me find a better path and alleviate some of the obliterating torture that I carried in my heart. I do have ear problems but I thank god Im still here. Im thankful for everything,my fam,friends,and you all here at Am. Bless all of u.


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B is correct so many people had suffered and I even recently has been through many of the spcified things listed. I do believe in God, I beleive that things do happen for a reason,just liek why I am on here,and why I actually signed up,and well a week later I went through a depression, and I am glad I still went on here because it was many of you here on AM who has helped me through my devestation and pain and agony. Depression is not something thats fun to go trhough and yet many of you shared your tragedies with me and you all came togther to help me. So I do pray for everyone and thank god I am on this site and for all of you who helped me find a better path and alleviate some of the obliterating torture that I carried in my heart. I do have ear problems but I thank god Im still here. Im thankful for everything,my fam,friends,and you all here at Am. Bless all of u.
I was equally as surprised, pleasently though. I hope all is well with you. I kn ow something about pain, and trust me when i tell you, if i were to give you my full story, your jaw would hit the floor at the power of GOD to change a mans life. Keep looking UP.


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I was equally as surprised, pleasently though. I hope all is well with you. I kn ow something about pain, and trust me when i tell you, if i were to give you my full story, your jaw would hit the floor at the power of GOD to change a mans life. Keep looking UP.
Yessir most deffinitley. And thank you for your consideration Deadliter I actually am on meds from my doc. Has me on Wellbutrin Xl which is working wonders. It helped relieve some of the weight on my shoulders.Working hard and doing cardio,pushing myself over the limit,and like I said its not whos going to let me, its whos gonna stop me from my success. I also would like to give a prayer to all those high school children taking tren and hope they won't do it again.


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so many compelling real life stories in this thread and its great how we can all pull together, and inspire each other to drive and push forward, whether its from past experiences or from kind words , and from the word of god. So now it is my time, a time that I face in my life that no son ever wants to face. I received horrible news a few days ago about my mother, the one person who had always been there for me in my life, whether I did wrong or right, bottom line the person who means the world to me. you guys all know what I’m talking about. She’s found out she has high nuclear grade cancer. Its been a few years since her last check up , so the damage is unknown and what organs if any are affected. She’s due in for emergency surgery in 2 weeks, there running her through every test known to mankind right now to find out the extent of it. When I heard the news, It felt like someone ripped my heart right out of me, but I’m able to stay strong mentally which is the toughest thing right now. Most of her testing is coming back early next week, which will tell if this can be fixed by surgery and radiation treatments or if I have a time line. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers if you can. Thanks guys.


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Mr liftergym sir my prayer goes out to your mother and I hope your mother will be alright. I do understand how it would feel to lose a mother. I was adopted never knew either one of my real parents but I still love the ones who brought me up and made me who I am today. So hope all goes well for you and for your family liftergym.


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so many compelling real life stories in this thread and its great how we can all pull together, and inspire each other to drive and push forward, whether its from past experiences or from kind words , and from the word of god. So now it is my time, a time that I face in my life that no son ever wants to face. I received horrible news a few days ago about my mother, the one person who had always been there for me in my life, whether I did wrong or right, bottom line the person who means the world to me. you guys all know what I’m talking about. She’s found out she has high nuclear grade cancer. Its been a few years since her last check up , so the damage is unknown and what organs if any are affected. She’s due in for emergency surgery in 2 weeks, there running her through every test known to mankind right now to find out the extent of it. When I heard the news, It felt like someone ripped my heart right out of me, but I’m able to stay strong mentally which is the toughest thing right now. Most of her testing is coming back early next week, which will tell if this can be fixed by surgery and radiation treatments or if I have a time line. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers if you can. Thanks guys.
You know I'm in here bro supporting you and praying for you and yours and your whole family...You're my lifting partner so I will always be here if you need anything...


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so many compelling real life stories in this thread and its great how we can all pull together, and inspire each other to drive and push forward, whether its from past experiences or from kind words , and from the word of god. So now it is my time, a time that I face in my life that no son ever wants to face. I received horrible news a few days ago about my mother, the one person who had always been there for me in my life, whether I did wrong or right, bottom line the person who means the world to me. you guys all know what I’m talking about. She’s found out she has high nuclear grade cancer. Its been a few years since her last check up , so the damage is unknown and what organs if any are affected. She’s due in for emergency surgery in 2 weeks, there running her through every test known to mankind right now to find out the extent of it. When I heard the news, It felt like someone ripped my heart right out of me, but I’m able to stay strong mentally which is the toughest thing right now. Most of her testing is coming back early next week, which will tell if this can be fixed by surgery and radiation treatments or if I have a time line. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers if you can. Thanks guys.
That is a very difficult thing. My prayers are with you, me and GOD are tight. I hope all is well with your mother.


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Liftergym my hearts and prayers goes out to you and you family. May the lord keep you all safe and make this quest be a success for you. I hope you and your family are doing well and that your mother has the correct treatmen that she needs to get better again. I had some epic battles with myself sufferring from a massive depression 3-4 weeks ago. I had many on here who has helped me out so much and my prayers goes out to many of you who has took the time to realize a friend in need. God bless all of you.


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Thats right stallion all of us here at AM sticks togther unless your one of the tren high schoolers lol. But glad to see your depression is aleviating I know thats something I hate going through.


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Thats right stallion all of us here at AM sticks togther unless your one of the tren high schoolers lol. But glad to see your depression is aleviating I know thats something I hate going through.
I will even pray for them, lol. Ironically with God, it's the losers who get the most attention! When He fixes them, it's more obvious that they didn't fix themselves. :) Jesus came not for the healthy, but to heal the sick. If you know some kids struggling with teen stuff (steroids, sex and girls, drugs & alcohol, whatever..) I urge you to help them cope if you can! I remember when I was in HS, and those would have been even more confusing times if I didn't have some mentors advising me, ya know?

God bless all these men at AM, and specifically those requesting prayer support in this thread. May God hear our combined voices and grant our petitions for understanding and strength. All be it His will, amen.


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True. Absolutly Dr. D I agree on encouraging others who do not know or have no common sence and guide them. But thanks Brood and Dr. D again I wish to help people in need because honestly I do feel bad for those struggling. I really do feel bad. But all we can do is be there for one another and help others understand what they do not know. And yes good job Am folks for sticking to one another!


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If you wish to be more in the likeness of your creator, than prayer for the sickest is paramount indeed. I have been priveledged enough to "meet" some incredible people on this site. This is my favorite thread.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

  • Established
Thats right stallion all of us here at AM sticks togther unless your one of the tren high schoolers lol. But glad to see your depression is aleviating I know thats something I hate going through.
Hmmm, interesting statement from a new member.

Dr. D - stop being so cool. ;) Love you, man.

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