Edwitt is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench


still looking good (uber homo)...and also love the new quote of eat clean piss dirty ! im going to post over here once my name gets approved changing from newbie


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That susp will do that to ya bro! It works quick in all areas. Definitely keep an eye on the nips with that much susp flowing in ;)
Damn good sh!t and im only on Day 32 of the injectables, i staggered it starting the orals 1 weeks earlier than the inj

damn u look great. nice and lean, with cuts. please dnt get bulky and fat trying to gain size. just keep it nice and slow and dont lose this body.
Im OK with a little fat but ill make sure it doesn't get out of control so far so good, diet is big but clean

nice man!! hit that 240 quick! still lookin lean to which is badass
LOL... So far so good and plenty more in the store Deca and EQ yet to hit :) Im like the 4th of July

Looking great Ed! (very homo) Glad to see the abs are still in effect and the size keeps coming. How much cardio are you doing a week? Cals?
I was counting my cals the first 2 weeks and maintaining about 5,000 a day, ive since hit my groove and im not cpunting anymore its the same sh!t every day

7 meals
18 Whole Eggs
8oz Steak
8oz Fish
4 Cups Ground Oats
3 banana
2-3 cups of milk
2 table spoons of EVO in any shakes and Peanutbutter
Several 8oz serving of ground turkey 85-15, i cook u 5lb at a time drain as much fat as possible add some marinara and red peppers.. Ill eat it by itself or with whole wheat past or rice depending on the time of the day

HGH and the Tren A is definitely helping me stay lean and that picture is out of focus but i have better vascularity going on now than at the beginning of the bulk even with an additional inch around the waist

Cardio had been non existant :( Ill prob need to hit that up after dropping the Tren A in 2 weeks that Anadrol made me feel quite lethargic

Yeah, Ed, SUPER HOMO (lol!)

sprout udders........ lmmfao

Damn Ed I am gone for a few weeks and you blow up, looking huge man.

Im certainly giving it my best shot :) Body is feeling real beat up from this week so im on 2 days rest



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Had a big old dump this morning and weighed in at 235.6 after breakfast so 240 at 11.30pm was probably pretty close


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no homo, lookin like an animal man, keep that **** up@


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No suspension no dbol and a days rest AM weigh in 235lb I think ill go with that for now

Still I've remaines relatively lean and I think 240 @ 10% is a real possibility on this cycle I just have to keep a close eye on bf% 4 1/2 months to go

2 more weeks tren ace
7 more weeks suspension.
3 1/2 more months deca and eq

Then.6 weeks inj MENT and final 30 days will be Halostein or M1T probably the former


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Feeling.sick today have sore throat and hard to swallow, gonna carb up and drink 2 gallons of water see if we cant fight this bitch, it would be reall bad timing for a cold I'm in full blast mode and ready to smash PR's tomorrow, fortunately today was planned day of rest anyway.

Normally I just lift right through any minor cold and aches and pains so unless I break out with 100 fever ill just push right ahead and force feed myself


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Also that picture was totally out of focus ill make sure to get some decent ones this weekend and ill make sure to wear pants :)


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No suspension no dbol and a days rest AM weigh in 235lb I think ill go with that for now

Still I've remaines relatively lean and I think 240 @ 10% is a real possibility on this cycle I just have to keep a close eye on bf% 4 1/2 months to go

2 more weeks tren ace
7 more weeks suspension.
3 1/2 more months deca and eq

Then.6 weeks inj MENT and final 30 days will be Halostein or M1T probably the former
What does MENT mean?


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What does MENT mean?

Just kidding hman. I did however look it up for you and this is what I found:

Trestolone or 7 alpha-Methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) is a synthetic androgen that is ten times as potent as testosterone. MENT is not 5-alpha reduced to DHT. It inhibits gonadotrophin release, suppresses testosterone and sperm production. Yet, MENT provides adequate replacement therapy for most androgen-dependant functions. MENT has a faster metabolic clearance rate than testosterone and, in contrast to testosterone, MENT does not bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). MENT remains capable of aromatization (to 7-alpha-methyl-estradiol) preserving the benefits estrogen imparts on male physiology.

The Population Council has investigated MENT [specifically MENT Acetate (MENT Ac)] for long-term clinical use for contraceptive purposes and hormone replacement therapy. Initial trials suggest it may be an ideal candidate since it is a non-5-alpha reducible androgen and requires lower doses due to its significantly increased potency over testosterone.

Various forms of MENT in human pharmaceutical preparations and devices for contraception and hormone therapy, specifically MENT Ac implant and MENT transdermal gel and patch formulations, are currently under clinical investigation. MENT is absorbed transdermally up to three times the rate of testosterone - 17 methyl testosterone and 17-α methyl testosterone.

MENT, as a transdermal and/or intramuscular preparation, will have application in a wide range of indications beyond androgen replacement therapy and contraception, including, without limitation, primary hypogonadism, testicular failure, ASIH, baldness, sarcopenia, loss of bone mass, muscle wasting and cachexia, BPH, prostate cancer and of course, bodybuilding and sports performance enhancement.


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Just kidding hman. I did however look it up for you and this is what I found:

Trestolone or 7 alpha-Methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) is a synthetic androgen that is ten times as potent as testosterone. MENT is not 5-alpha reduced to DHT. It inhibits gonadotrophin release, suppresses testosterone and sperm production. Yet, MENT provides adequate replacement therapy for most androgen-dependant functions. MENT has a faster metabolic clearance rate than testosterone and, in contrast to testosterone, MENT does not bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). MENT remains capable of aromatization (to 7-alpha-methyl-estradiol) preserving the benefits estrogen imparts on male physiology.

The Population Council has investigated MENT [specifically MENT Acetate (MENT Ac)] for long-term clinical use for contraceptive purposes and hormone replacement therapy. Initial trials suggest it may be an ideal candidate since it is a non-5-alpha reducible androgen and requires lower doses due to its significantly increased potency over testosterone.

Various forms of MENT in human pharmaceutical preparations and devices for contraception and hormone therapy, specifically MENT Ac implant and MENT transdermal gel and patch formulations, are currently under clinical investigation. MENT is absorbed transdermally up to three times the rate of testosterone - 17 methyl testosterone and 17-α methyl testosterone.

MENT, as a transdermal and/or intramuscular preparation, will have application in a wide range of indications beyond androgen replacement therapy and contraception, including, without limitation, primary hypogonadism, testicular failure, ASIH, baldness, sarcopenia, loss of bone mass, muscle wasting and cachexia, BPH, prostate cancer and of course, bodybuilding and sports performance enhancement.
Damn you TG now the cat is out of the bag



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This is what im thinking for tomorow

15 min stretch
Warm up sets

4 minute breaks

325 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 5 If for some reason i fail 5 i will not attempt 405 shouldn't be a problem i got 385 x 7 last
405 x F



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Looking good ed! And that diet is insane!

I'm of the same opinions when it comes to being sick. Carb up and pretend I'm not sick and train.


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Psh, you're close enough. I'm not real 190 atm, about 192 before bed, but in a week or two I will be 190 waking up for sure.

Plus in a week or two I will have been on test for a week or two so there's that lol...


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hey bro, how you gonna dose the MENT?

Just wondering, cuz so far from what Ive seen from others, nothing to special about it.
Not sure on doseage,

If ur referring to GP MENT then y I agree supposedly if that is MENT then it is really badly under dosed

I read some threads about older guys using back in.the day and they have a completely different story, think I can get my hands on some legit gear

A very hard to come by and expensive compound on same price bracket as tren hex so temptation to underdose or fake is high as the RAWS are about 20 x the price of test


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more fun!!!!! keep putting up those numbers this has been a great log so far


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Ed I cannot believe youve been on gear so long, you have to have some Bear ancestors or something...your body is so fkin tough!


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Not sure on doseage,

If ur referring to GP MENT then y I agree supposedly if that is MENT then it is really badly under dosed

I read some threads about older guys using back in.the day and they have a completely different story, think I can get my hands on some legit gear

A very hard to come by and expensive compound on same price bracket as tren hex so temptation to underdose or fake is high as the RAWS are about 20 x the price of test
Good deal bro.

Yes real MENT is great, but as you said, real **** is hard to come by, but i know you, and i know you got some good hook ups, so I dont doubt you got the real deal ;)


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Ok im ready to roll out of here

bit stuffed up so took 2 bronchaid along with everything else

Lets see what we can do


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This is what im thinking for tomorow

15 min stretch
Warm up sets

4 minute breaks

325 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 5 If for some reason i fail 5 i will not attempt 405 shouldn't be a problem i got 385 x 7 last
405 x F


15 min warm up

135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
335 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 4.5 :(
365 x 7 F
315 x 12

225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 7 F PR

Cables from the bottom to fiinsh x 12 x 3
Hammer Stregnth x 12 x 3

Long hard WO but failed, i was 100% focused maybe if id just taken a deeper breath and let the bar down a fraction faster but still no way i was getting 405 x 5


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Nice workout Ed, your failures are my lifetime goals!


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hey bro, how you gonna dose the MENT?

Just wondering, cuz so far from what Ive seen from others, nothing to special about it.
Really? Thanks for that info...


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15 min warm up

135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
335 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 4.5 :(
365 x 7 F
315 x 12

225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 7 F PR

Cables from the bottom to fiinsh x 12 x 3
Hammer Stregnth x 12 x 3

Long hard WO but failed, i was 100% focused maybe if id just taken a deeper breath and let the bar down a fraction faster but still no way i was getting 405 x 5
Keep your head up, Ed, good **** so far. Look for my email....got some IGF-1 LR3 (finally!) and have a couple questions before I start on Monday....stacking with Boladrol and Slin...


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Keep your head up, Ed, good **** so far. Look for my email....got some IGF-1 LR3 (finally!) and have a couple questions before I start on Monday....stacking with Boladrol and Slin...
sounds like a ill sickle

see wat i did there? lol


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15 min warm up

135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
335 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 4.5 :(
365 x 7 F
315 x 12

225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 7 F PR

Cables from the bottom to fiinsh x 12 x 3
Hammer Stregnth x 12 x 3

Long hard WO but failed, i was 100% focused maybe if id just taken a deeper breath and let the bar down a fraction faster but still no way i was getting 405 x 5
well, dont look at this working as "failed". u still PRed on incline, thats still really good considering u were sick.


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15 min warm up

135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
335 x 5
375 x 5
395 x 4.5 :(
365 x 7 F
315 x 12

225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 7 F PR

Cables from the bottom to fiinsh x 12 x 3
Hammer Stregnth x 12 x 3

Long hard WO but failed, i was 100% focused maybe if id just taken a deeper breath and let the bar down a fraction faster but still no way i was getting 405 x 5
Still a great workout and if you trained to failure, you will still grow. You know this. Maybe you didn't hit your PR on the first, but you still on the second. I say you are freakin killin it bro.

And whoever said you must have bears in your genetics, I agree. Your body is tough as hell and you are being able to really use that aspect.

Still no progesterone sides from tren or puffy nips or anything? I know you hadn't toughed your AI a while back. Still no?


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Ed, been away for a while but I'm back and subbed. Failure will happen, its what you do next that makes you a beast.


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Day off yesterday



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ED i applaud you- while i saw the :( faces- this means your pushing yourself to the limits and the way you train/eat/supplement- your going to grow

im still watching this bish FTFW YUHHHH


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ED i applaud you- while i saw the :( faces- this means your pushing yourself to the limits and the way you train/eat/supplement- your going to grow

im still watching this bish FTFW YUHHHH

Im training more for strength than size right now but i seem to be lucky and im getting some decent growth anyway and yes Failure is all part of the game, in reality im very happy with my progress i just like to gripe no matter what the achievement i always want more... If i ever get 500lb ill want 600

Gotta have steep goals what is that say ? reach for the stars


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Well Back turned into Back n Tris as i missed Tris on Saturday when i did chest

Good WO got a little bit carried away and took longer than it should have


Tried for a new DL PR 635 + 50 a little bit to ambitious but i did get it couple of inches of the ground..... Ill work on this one using bands

3-4 sets of each

BB Rows
Lat Pull Downs
Pull Ups

Tris - Supersets
Incline skull crushers
rope pull down
V bar Pull down
Finished with that tricep contraption x 25 the opposite of the preacher contraption, what is that called ?

Really felt great

Bis/shoulders tomorow


Ill do what my body tells me to do
Rest or Chest

2 or 1 days Rest depending on Thursday


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Hey ed i wouldnt even worry about that failure...395 is impressive after that many sets

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk


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great updates I like how you listen to your body on what to do on certain days


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Holy sh!t rough day

First off I pinned 1 1/2 cc suspension rear right delt and hit a vein (yes I aspirated) anyway I had 20 minute coughing fit which actually isn't that bad I've read horror stories of coughing up blood after going IV

Anyway get to gym feeling OK and my arsehole partner for the day turns up 1 hour late, I would have just started without but he is constantly texting me ol be there in 5, RIGHT.... done with him for the last time, turn up on time or stay the cuff away from me and then the dudes got some iPhone app to log progress which he is tapping away at every 5 seconds, I have absolutely no interested, I slept and dreamt my WO so I tell him "what progress? That your an hour late and spending more time on your fugging phone than working out"

Anyway I had enough and told him to keep up or just move on.somewhere else. Well Chris Kabuzki nailed my tendon strain the tendon connecting the biceps to the shoulder so I stuck to isolation moves mostly preacher wide and narrow grip with EZ bar was a mintenance lift :(

Shoulders - Killed that sh!t :)
Overhead DB press
75 x 15 x 1
85 x 12 x 1
100 x 11x.1

One handed Side to side lateral cable raises
45 x 15
50 x 15
55 x 12

Reverse peck deck
220 x 15
235 x 15
250 x 15
Could have gone heavier but employee TUT as it slightly bothered the tendon

Bent over DB raises
45 x 12
50 x 12
55 x 12

Shoulder were on fire and jacked and I felt great

Come.430pm I start to get a headache but I have been invites to speak at a charity event at 6 so although I've got bad headache i get ready and go didn't medicate (bad idea)

By 6 it was a full blown bastard by 730 when I could finally escape it had escalate to a migraine by time i got home full blown migraine, the veins just above my temple were visibly pulsating and I crawled into the darkness of bed with 2 percocets. Unless you have had a migraine it is hard to explain but I was praying for death, 430am and only just feeling right

I just got my first tren headache had them often in the summer when running tren enthenate but I just didn't initially recognize what was going on until it was to late. Medicate at the outset and im fine ignore and you get full blown migraine , well i do :( on.top of all that I couldn't eat so missed one meal.

Moral of the story is gear is def legit and carry meds

Tomorrow legs and shoveling another 18" of snow should be back day, dbol to be dropped this Sunday time for deca eq and suspension to do their thing, loving the suspension by the way



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...it had escalate to a migraine by time i got home full blown migraine, the veins just above my temple were visibly pulsating and I crawled into the darkness of bed with 2 percocets. Unless you have had a migraine it is hard to explain but I was praying for death, 430am and only just feeling right
Migranes are the worst, I try not to take meds for headaches and just tough them out. But not for migranes, though. At the first warning sign (you know what I am talking about), I pop two Advil Migrane pills and it helps to stop it, before it gets bad...
Look forward to updates in your log, man! Keep them up! :)


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Well Chris Kabuzki nailed my tendon strain the tendon connecting the biceps to the shoulder so I stuck to isolation moves mostly preacher wide and narrow grip with EZ bar was a mintenance lift :(
I wished I had thought of that biceps/anterior delt connection mate. I should have known from your symptoms that it was the problem. I've strained that bugger many, many times over the years of heavy lifting. Incline DB Curls are out of the question until it heals up. Glad to see you went with Preacher Curls instead. They hit the lower insertion of the biceps near the elbow.

The good news is that the biceps/anterior delt area will heal rather quickly if given the opportunity. Let it rest mate. Do other biceps exercises that won't aggravate it like those preacher curls, spider curls, lying lat pull cable curls to the forehead, etc.......

You'll be back to 100% in no time mate. :thumbsup:

Keep killin' dat wicked steel!!!!!:twisted: :firedevil: :mischievous:



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Good solid WO

335 x 5 x 3 all the way to the ground
Followed by the usual

Far more importantly i just discovered bacon bit donuts :)


Bacon doughnuts with dolce de leche and coffee ice cream.

Then I tasted one.

It was so good it made you wanna smack someone's grand momma. Yeah I know...but they were that good, for a second there I lost my mind was gone.

They were soft...Hot, fresh out the what ever the hell they used to cook them. Then they had some sort of like caramel sauce on them and then there were bacon bits (as in bits of bacon and not that cheap stuff from the supermarket) drizzled all over them. they were amazing.


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Yeah Ed, sucks about the migraines, I used to get them a lot, but now that I know the "warning signs," I know to get IT before IT gets ME. Consider it a lesson...now keep killing that sh*t!!:afro:


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90 minutes and counting and we take on this bench

I like the fact that its gonna be coming off 4 days straight Suspension and Dbol i am in the anabolic zone and about 5lbs artificially heavier than the mirror reflects that, so im gonna have to say glycogen stores and and water retention in the right places/joints are at a maximum, perfect for heavy bench

Still feeling sick but i drugged myself up and had a good nights sleep, tren is in full force sheet were soaking and i was rotating pillows, i am truly blessed that i can run Tren and Deca at the sane time


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Beer fixes migraines every time
LOL......while you're drunk. I used to try this is my college years over and over. It worked everytime, until I sobered up. That migraine was always there waiting on me.....


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LOL......while you're drunk. I used to try this is my college years over and over. It worked everytime, until I sobered up. That migraine was always there waiting on me.....
Migraines a little different from hang-overs

Completely debilitating and anything other than complete darkness id pure torture it is very =hard to explain unless you have ever had one and i used to be a heavy drinker and ive had my fair share of hang-overs, this is something else

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