Edwitt is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench



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Wow, you assuming when I say "gear" it's illegal. :spank:

Wow, you knowing I don't have it yet but still saying I "acquired" :spank:
Perhaps what you meant to say was "ordered"


Thank god you're not a cop. Your powers of intuition are remarkable. Never once did I say what specifically I ordered or what was going to be here on the 5th. I like to call my super creatine "gear". I ordered lots of this creatine. Tons of it. It will be here the 5th, the creatine and all of its glory.

Openly showing your stupidity by far trumps me commenting on when said "gear" will be here. Did you forget what thread you're in? Or what section you're in?
Grow up and welcome to AM. We do roids and we talk about it. For a guy with over 2000+ post I'm a little surprised, but hey whatever.

Good luck with your creatine.....
Pretty sure he's joking lmao. Tim's done his fair share of "Super Creatine" lmao


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Wow, you assuming when I say "gear" it's illegal. :spank:

Wow, you knowing I don't have it yet but still saying I "acquired" :spank:
Perhaps what you meant to say was "ordered"


Thank god you're not a cop. Your powers of intuition are remarkable. Never once did I say what specifically I ordered or what was going to be here on the 5th. I like to call my super creatine "gear". I ordered lots of this creatine. Tons of it. It will be here the 5th, the creatine and all of its glory.

Openly showing your stupidity by far trumps me commenting on when said "gear" will be here. Did you forget what thread you're in? Or what section you're in?
Grow up and welcome to AM. We do roids and we talk about it. For a guy with over 2000+ post I'm a little surprised, but hey whatever.

Good luck with your creatine.....
Guys, c'mon...please? Let's just calm down and enjoy the holidays. I see both sides of the debate, but this is stupid and not what we're on here for. Be thankful for what you have, especially your family, health and freedom. I don't have a family, I only wish my Grandma and my mom were still here...anyway, a little sarcasm is OK but let's not get overly insulting with it.
Merry Xmas.


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All this spanking and nobody to appreciate it......
Ummm....no homo, right? I can definitely appreciate it; I just don't want it to turn ugly. I dunno...I always get sensitive around the holidays. Forgive me.


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Wow, you assuming when I say "gear" it's illegal. :spank:

Wow, you knowing I don't have it yet but still saying I "acquired" :spank:
Perhaps what you meant to say was "ordered"


Thank god you're not a cop. Your powers of intuition are remarkable. Never once did I say what specifically I ordered or what was going to be here on the 5th. I like to call my super creatine "gear". I ordered lots of this creatine. Tons of it. It will be here the 5th, the creatine and all of its glory.

Openly showing your stupidity by far trumps me commenting on when said "gear" will be here. Did you forget what thread you're in? Or what section you're in?
Grow up and welcome to AM. We do roids and we talk about it. For a guy with over 2000+ post I'm a little surprised, but hey whatever.

Good luck with your creatine.....
i know morry- tims post is erroneous



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Wow, you assuming when I say "gear" it's illegal. :spank:

Wow, you knowing I don't have it yet but still saying I "acquired" :spank:
Perhaps what you meant to say was "ordered"


Thank god you're not a cop. Your powers of intuition are remarkable. Never once did I say what specifically I ordered or what was going to be here on the 5th. I like to call my super creatine "gear". I ordered lots of this creatine. Tons of it. It will be here the 5th, the creatine and all of its glory.

Openly showing your stupidity by far trumps me commenting on when said "gear" will be here. Did you forget what thread you're in? Or what section you're in?
Grow up and welcome to AM. We do roids and we talk about it. For a guy with over 2000+ post I'm a little surprised, but hey whatever.

Good luck with your creatine.....
Hahaha, breakdown much? I was just screwing with you, but I honestly do think it is stupid to make mention of delivery dates and such openly like that. I think its safe to say you acquired(oh yeah..... ordered lol) your crap through illegal means, most people here do lol. There is a reason even source check sites don't even let you post about T/A's openly like that, its just not needed and can bring unwanted attention to yourself. I understand your anxious about what you have coming your way, but don't be a dumbass and talk about it openly.

Ive been around here long before you came bub, and I will be around here long after your gone too. I realize what section Im in, and who's thread I am posting in. Ive known Ed since he first joined this site and Ive advised him plenty of times on his journey to get where he is today. So I guess I should be the one welcoming you to AM and the Anabolic's section, welcome you over sensitive little prick.


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Hahaha, breakdown much? I was just screwing with you, but I honestly do think it is stupid to make mention of delivery dates and such openly like that. I think its safe to say you acquired(oh yeah..... ordered lol) your crap through illegal means, most people here do lol. There is a reason even source check sites don't even let you post about T/A's openly like that, its just not needed and can bring unwanted attention to yourself. I understand your anxious about what you have coming your way, but don't be a dumbass and talk about it openly.

Ive been around here long before you came bub, and I will be around here long after your gone too. I realize what section Im in, and who's thread I am posting in. Ive known Ed since he first joined this site and Ive advised him plenty of times on his journey to get where he is today. So I guess I should be the one welcoming you to AM and the Anabolic section, welcome you over sensitive little prick.
Dear "Bub Caller"

Understood. I am not worthy. Got it. I'm still confused though, posting an arrival date that falls in holiday season mail traffic is "dumb". Really? I don't have to be an AM member to call BS.
If I have been getting advice on here and I finally planned a cycle of super creatine, I've been communcating that I might log it, so I share the date of my log. That's it and that's all. Next time I'll just put, "I'm starting my log Jan 5th, hint hint." I'm interested in what opinions I may run into along the way. I have a good plan and am familar with cycles, but I'm not going to assume that my game plan is absolutely perfect.
That being said, I'm happy you and ed know each other well and I'm happy you advised him. Thank the lord. Now before you get all butt hurt realize that I am messing with you and I was just a little taken by your logic.
You are beter than me :) In more ways than one, but specifically, you're an excellent judge of charecter. I am a prick. Sure, sometimes sensitive. 205lb, not all that little but def not as ripped as you.

The Sensitive little prick


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Dear "Bub Caller"

Understood. I am not worthy. Got it. I'm still confused though, posting an arrival date that falls in holiday season mail traffic is "dumb". Really? I don't have to be an AM member to call BS.
If I have been getting advice on here and I finally planned a cycle of super creatine, I've been communcating that I might log it, so I share the date of my log. That's it and that's all. Next time I'll just put, "I'm starting my log Jan 5th, hint hint." I'm interested in what opinions I may run into along the way. I have a good plan and am familar with cycles, but I'm not going to assume that my game plan is absolutely perfect.
That being said, I'm happy you and ed know each other well and I'm happy you advised him. Thank the lord. Now before you get all butt hurt realize that I am messing with you and I was just a little taken by your logic.
You are beter than me :) In more ways than one, but specifically, you're an excellent judge of charecter. I am a prick. Sure, sometimes sensitive. 205lb, not all that little but def not as ripped as you.

The Sensitive little prick
Lmfao! You may be ok after all. Post your proposed cycle up so I can pick through it some


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KILLER work on 225x40!

Now lets go get 5 Hundred!

I'll keep watching your progress on the plan and we will make adjustments every 3 weeks if needed to fine tune it. It starts easy and there are a couple weeks in there were we back off...you need to stick with that! It is very important to the overall plan.
Thanks Chris and thanks again for the program it does indeed look brutal and I'm down, im gonna wait until around week 6 and let the deca set in then if all goes according to your plan 500 will go down right at the end of the cycle with the help of a little halostein :)

Wish i could say it was all Natty like you but alas i have become an anabolic experiment

Peace of cake

Wont be attempting this any time soon, Chris aka Kabuzki pleasing the crowds at recent charity event



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Heres a copy of the file and the bench program if anyone wants to take a closer look, im sure that it could adapted to meet your goals

Its hard to read on the screen

View attachment EdWitt500.pdf


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Lmfao! You may be ok after all. Post your proposed cycle up so I can pick through it some
There you go,

all friends again :) i was beginning to think one of you bastards had stolen my tren and replaced with EVO, sure sounded like my Tren talking through your veins, now give it back damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All's well that ends well. Glad to see this aggresso-scenario resolved. It's so macho in here!! LMAO

This discussion is kicking my halotestin in full blast this morning. Just what I need before totally smashing some fukkin' iron here within the hour!!! :aargh:


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Those one arms deads are SICK!!!


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All's well that ends well. Glad to see this aggresso-scenario resolved. It's so macho in here!! LMAO

This discussion is kicking my halotestin in full blast this morning. Just what I need before totally smashing some fukkin' iron here within the hour!!! :aargh:
I'm not even on cycle right now.....can't wait to be though, not for the aggresion, just love be on cycle. I may need to hide my keyboard so I don't say anything dumb.
I will admit, however, saying dumb stuff is def one of my strong points. One I wouldn't dare to give up.

Ed, thanks for posting the PDF. And no you can't have the effin Tren back! What are you staring at!! Want a piece!?!?!?!?!?!?
Ah ****, you're huge, bout to get my ass kicked.....


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Those one arms deads are SICK!!!
I second that, but I do wonder, how do you train for that? Wouldn't you get lopsided? And after all that, isn't his one arm just totally effed?

Rule # 368- Never, under any circumstance, workout your dominant arm to the extent that it can be rendered useless should you end up fighting with your ho.

That being said, nice job.......don't fight with your gf/wife/fock buddy, etc...


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I second that, but I do wonder, how do you train for that? Wouldn't you get lopsided? And after all that, isn't his one arm just totally effed?

Rule # 368- Never, under any circumstance, workout your dominant arm to the extent that it can be rendered useless should you end up fighting with your ho.

That being said, nice job.......don't fight with your gf/wife/fock buddy, etc...
He is recovering from surgery on the other one just this October :sick:

so hes taking it easy for now cant be to careful

link to his video log here at AM


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Wait, wait, wait. He had surgery on one arm and is lifting that heavy with the other?

He coudl end up armless!!!!
Yes, its highly unlikely his surgeon would approve

I think he was flipping 500lb tires a week after surgery check out his video log his thread was one of my inspirations for getting back in the game aftet a long hiatus and going all out for the win

Talking of which my shoulder has been feeling a bit tweaked since last chest session, I'm now up at the inlaws and will have a small gym to get couple of light full body WO and hope to hit up some PR's on Monday


New member
You name if ive got it and lots of it :) Gonna be some interesting protocols its gonna be one massive abuse of AAS damn right gratuitous

Cycle Layout -
Ill be blasting Tren Ace ED for first 6 weeks with 100mg each of Drol and Dbol ED for first 30 days already crusising on 200mg Test cyp

Test Cyp will be bumped to 800mg addding
EQ and Deca at 600mg EW
Tren Ace will be dropped as EQ and Deca kicks in at week 6
Test Suspnsion will be replacing orals for total of 8 weeks
at week 16 ill drop EQ and Deca add Tren E and finish with 30 days of Halostein

HCG 300ius 2 x EW
Proviron 50mg ED

Aromasin and Prami on hand

HGH 6ius WO days 4ius Off days
SLIN - Humalog breakfast and post WO
IGF1 lr3 cyclling 4 weeks on 4 weeks off
Dude, you're FOCKIN' CRAZY!!!!!!!!! :scared1:


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are you still on growth and insulin?
Hgh 6ius wo days 4ius off
Slin 12ius breakfast and post WO

I've enjoyed my run with drol bit its time to crack out the suspension and give the liver a break. We will end drol Sunday night with 100mg and hit ip the suspension 90 min pre WO for hopeful PR's on bench on Monday

Quick chest session today with 385 x 5 I'm about 10lbs away from a PR based on 1rm calulator, little bit of joint pain not rotaor cuff want that deca to set in and we can think about hitting up my bench program


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Loved it :) strength gains day 1 definitely a liters AAS sides OK it made me a bit lethargic and suppressed appetite some other than that win win


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Also noticed a decent amount of acne on my back nothing to mention anywhere else


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Merry Christmas Edwitt!!

I'm about to smash some freakin' weights to celebrate Christmas this morning!!!

No rest from the battle for true warriors......



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Holy muthafreakin sheeetballs!~

I'm still crackin a beer. It's christmas....

Now 1.5 weeks from now when I go back on cycle. Won't be able to do this again for a while...



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Merry Christmas, everyone!!!


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Merry Xmas,

Well gotta say my inlaws are lovely people but damn Xmas and no protein :(
3 days of pasta only protein I've eaten has been raw eggs, power and milk

Up at the crack of dawn and could have an ugly drive back from MAS to NY so one last day of bad nutrition and then we can this thing puppy back on the track, Ohh well. Missus is hanging back so I've got f to spend some extra time with her parents and friends so I got plenty of time to play catch up and get myself in trouble at the same time :)


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Merry Xmas,

Well gotta say my inlaws are lovely people but damn Xmas and no protein :(
3 days of pasta only protein I've eaten has been raw eggs, power and milk

Up at the crack of dawn and could have an ugly drive back from MAS to NY so one last day of bad nutrition and then we can this thing puppy back on the track, Ohh well. Missus is hanging back so I've got f to spend some extra time with her parents and friends so I got plenty of time to play catch up and get myself in trouble at the same time :)
lol, hey Ed thought I would hit this board a lil, I feel ya on being displaced during the holidays. Sh it I had to go to a buddies just to be able to get my dart in, and now it looks like the wyfe and I will be doing a road trip for a week to SF, so will have to try to preload before i leave or skip one. I used to my rigor, and dont like it too much when things get stirred up.

And your a sik man, sik sik sik, give you a taste on a small cycle and look at what you hit us with next :) now lets see sum werk. Watchin for all the peps, wanna see if ghrp-6 can help with the orals on cycle and he lack of appetite, or maybe drol just isnt for me.


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Been getting a piercing pain for about a week so just hit up gym to test out range of motion. Overhead press lateral raise ok but it I press my palms together and push I'm getting a piercing pain so not the same as before

Anyway I just aborted back as bent over rows were painful guess ill see how I feel tomorrow


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Merry Christmas fellow brothers in Iron.

Back at you!

Gotta a quick question, the arm in your avitar? Who has such a freaky arm?

Gotta be attending the mass every morning to choke ye old bishop, eh?


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Been getting a piercing pain for about a week so just hit up gym to test out range of motion. Overhead press lateral raise ok but it I press my palms together and push I'm getting a piercing pain so not the same as before

Anyway I just aborted back as bent over rows were painful guess ill see how I feel tomorrow
That sux bro. Lifting that heavy, I'm not sure of anything you could do that wouldn't be just a bandaid to a more complicated problem. Even if you had access to cortizone, It'd only be temporary. Be careful when you lift my man.

Keep us updated.


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Be smart, Ed!!!


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damn ed... just when sh1t was getting good! cheers to a fast recovery!!


NutraPlanet Rep
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Back at you!

Gotta a quick question, the arm in your avitar? Who has such a freaky arm?

Gotta be attending the mass every morning to choke ye old bishop, eh?
It's my arm ;)


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It's my arm ;)
I was sorta scared you'd say that. Didn't mean to put my foot in my mouth :footinmouth:, but damn, huge arm. Just tiny hands....like that Burger King commercial.

Probably just the "angle" of the camera. Happens to me all the time when I'm posing for Play Girl.
Sometimes I'm rockin :banana:
and other times
No homo, just defending your tiny hands bc I also, in certain angles of course, appear to have a small appendage



K, all done now...


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I was sorta scared you'd say that. Didn't mean to put my foot in my mouth :footinmouth:, but damn, huge arm. Just tiny hands....like that Burger King commercial.

Probably just the "angle" of the camera. Happens to me all the time when I'm posing for Play Girl.
Sometimes I'm rockin :banana:
and other times
No homo, just defending your tiny hands bc I also, in certain angles of course, appear to have a small appendage



K, all done now...
Glad you said "no homo"...I was beginning to get worried after reading that! :kidding:


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eddy thread is looking good chum

lookin good fo realz


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Isolation moves only so as not to agrevate shoulder

Unfortunately it has been a week and this new injury is not getting any better, ill hit up legs today and take coouple more days to evaluate


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Chanked things up a little as per good friends with very big legs advice

Bottom line we are all different and different course for differewnt horses so going to adopt this for couple of months and see how i respond

basicvally its squats in the 5 rep range

Legs extensions 3 x 25 warm up
Squats 5 x 5
Hack Squats 3 x 15
Leg Extensions 3 x 20
lunges 3 x 12

Those heavy sets of squats sure make legs more fun got the endorphins firing


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2 days off of the Anadrol and appetite is right back on track first week didn't effect.me so much but last 2 weeks really noticed the loss of appetite, still Anadrol is a real powerhouse and will def use again

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