Edwitt is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench


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Which would explain a particular website being down...


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Thinks ill start with bent over rows then go for that damn 495DL ill then drop to 405 for reps and pyramid down

Followed by lat pull downs, cable pulls and finish with variation of shrugs

all in all very happy with my progress to date day 7 tren ace @75mg ed hope ibdidnt get ripped off with that 20ml but my reserve 60ml arrives yest and 100% confident of that source :) along with 120ml.suspension and cheque drops


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Thinks ill start with bent over rows then go for that damn 495DL ill then drop to 405 for reps and pyramid down

Followed by lat pull downs, cable pulls and finish with variation of shrugs

all in all very happy with my progress to date day 7 tren ace @75mg ed hope ibdidnt get ripped off with that 20ml but my reserve 60ml arrives yest and 100% confident of that source :) along with 120ml.suspension and cheque drops
do u just have a seperate fridge/closet for steroids lol?


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do u just have a seperate fridge/closet for steroids lol?
As a matter of fact I do have half of the kitchen closets dedicated to Supps and the like ;) wife complains but I do all the cooking so I get my way

Although everything I say here is fictional of course but my home just became an AAS free zone in light of recent events, grandma is looking after them so watch your back and bp on the look out coz she's getting mighty beastly and hungry as hell


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As a matter of fact I do have half of the kitchen closets dedicated to Supps and the like ;) wife complains but I do all the cooking so I get my way

Although everything I say here is fictional of course but my home just became an AAS free zone in light of recent events, grandma is looking after them so watch your back and bp on the look out coz she's getting mighty beastly and hungry as hell


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Solid back WO
didn't log entire routine but here are the high lights

315 x 11

Best over BB rows 315 x 7

Lower back was fried after these

Lat pull downs 340 x 6


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Solid back WO
didn't log entire routine but here are the high lights

315 x 11

Best over BB rows 315 x 7

Lower back was fried after these

Lat pull downs 340 x 6
strong **** here


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Slept awkward last night and neck is killing me :(
Applied some heat which has helped and missus gave me deep tissue massage should be G2G if I'm not feeling it on arrival ill switch to Bis/tris

Weight is stuck at 224lbs for now but strength I'd definitely on the increase and I just can't wait to hit chest on Friday. Chris Duffin (Kabuzki) working on my bench program this weekend :)

Progress has been much quicker that I had anticipated, I'm confident ill be at old highs next week may well go for them this Friday


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my neck gets a litle stiff and sore when I move it in certain ways but usually after shoulder day, Ive had neck problems since I started boxing at 8 years old.


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my neck gets a litle stiff and sore when I move it in certain ways but usually after shoulder day, Ive had neck problems since I started boxing at 8 years old.
All part and parcel of near fatal car accident i had a long time ago, i just aggravated it by falling asleep on the couch for the night in an awkward position. Im actually prescribed pain meds for my various injuries (Percocet) i very rarely us, im a diagnosed chronic pain patient but Id rather abuse my liver with AAS than painkillers :)


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All part and parcel of near fatal car accident i had a long time ago, i just aggravated it by falling asleep on the couch for the night in an awkward position. Im actually prescribed pain meds for my various injuries (Percocet) i very rarely us, im a diagnosed chronic pain patient but Id rather abuse my liver with AAS than painkillers :)
Good point! Please get back to me on that issue.


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Brief notes

As you know really only just started training shoulders after some time of injury, i think i started out 3 or 4 weeks ago with reverse peck deck 165lbs well today i started at 205 and it felt like a breeze. I ended up with the whole stack 295lbs x 11 F This was one of my stronger exercises pre injury

100lb seated DB presses
upright rows think was 120
DB Lateral raises
Bent over lateral DB raises

3-4 sets of each damn did that feel good i could barely move my my arms and there was absolutely no pain, well the unwanted kind anyway :)

No real increase in numbers there but felt like good pump and felt like i got the job done
95 x 8 x 4 skull crushers from the floor
then super settled rope and V Bar pull downs

Do i have a mammoth session planned for Friday
Ill be hitting chest in the AM then in the afternoon ill be getting my arse handed to me, im fortunate to be working out with my good bro and he has said “No Mercy bring a bucket” dude has 32” wheels


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Originally Posted by edwitt
im a diagnosed chronic pain patient but Id rather abuse my liver with AAS than painkillers

I hear you on that one, I used to have a real problem with headaches (neck) for years, I had at least one a week, sometimes they lasted all week. And at least two per month that would put me on my back all day throwing up. The Doc told me Id damage my liver taking too many painkillers all the time, did it matter to me with all that pain, NO. But roids make my neck better!!!! Im hoping its a long term improvement.


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Originally Posted by edwitt
im a diagnosed chronic pain patient but Id rather abuse my liver with AAS than painkillers

I hear you on that one, I used to have a real problem with headaches (neck) for years, I had at least one a week, sometimes they lasted all week. And at least two per month that would put me on my back all day throwing up. The Doc told me Id damage my liver taking too many painkillers all the time, did it matter to me with all that pain, NO. But roids make my neck better!!!! Im hoping its a long term improvement.
on a different board i read some guy had chronic neck pain (broke his neck). he used ghrps i think ghrp2 and cjc and he said it got much better. now idk wat "much better" really means, and im not a doctor. just something to look at.


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Slept awkward last night and neck is killing me :(
Applied some heat which has helped and missus gave me deep tissue massage should be G2G if I'm not feeling it on arrival ill switch to Bis/tris

Weight is stuck at 224lbs for now but strength I'd definitely on the increase and I just can't wait to hit chest on Friday. Chris Duffin (Kabuzki) working on my bench program this weekend :)

Progress has been much quicker that I had anticipated, I'm confident ill be at old highs next week may well go for them this Friday
I've noticed this same thing you gotta watch how you move and sleep and etc sometimes.getting old sucks :(


I've noticed this same thing you gotta watch how you move and sleep and etc sometimes.getting old sucks :(
pfft age, i'm in my early 20s and i had to sleep on a floor for the first time in like 17 years and i was fine the next day but once I got home I was out of commission for almost a week. My back and shoulder joints were destroyed from sleeping like that. I could barely stand up straight.


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When you do weight training your shoulders get wider and you need to get more pillows, otherwise it weekens your neck and you injure it more easily at gym.


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Took. a days rest in anticipation of tomorrow carnage,

Chest/tris Am will be looking EK add weight on my 3 heart sets to 365

Then I have an evening meeting with my boy Bill the 32" wheel guy, I'm a mere 27" and I'm 4" taller let's see if he can make me puke never have yet but first for everything one thing I'm sure of is no merit will be given and no quartet taken ;)

Really starting to doubt the legitimacy of this tren ace :( day 9 no sides any one wanna chime in on their exp with ace and time frame to take effect, I know tren enthenate took me 4 weeksbefore I noticed the sweats


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Took. a days rest in anticipation of tomorrow carnage,

Chest/tris Am will be looking EK add weight on my 3 heart sets to 365

Then I have an evening meeting with my boy Bill the 32" wheel guy, I'm a mere 27" and I'm 4" taller let's see if he can make me puke never have yet but first for everything one thing I'm sure of is no merit will be given and no quartet taken ;)

Really starting to doubt the legitimacy of this tren ace :( day 9 no sides any one wanna chime in on their exp with ace and time frame to take effect, I know tren enthenate took me 4 weeksbefore I noticed the sweats
wish i knew more about the tren but I know alot of stuff can't be discussed.I'd do a google search on it.


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Really starting to doubt the legitimacy of this tren ace :( day 9 no sides any one wanna chime in on their exp with ace and time frame to take effect, I know tren enthenate took me 4 weeksbefore I noticed the sweats
No personal experience with injectable Tren. But I have used Oral Tren (methyltrienolone) quite a bit and it is comparable to Tren-Ace by others' reports. And it kicks in almost immediately.

By all accounts your Tren-Ace should have really started to kick during the first week. It's a very short ester like Propionate.

Reagrding the Tren-Enanthate, you really can't compare it to Ace. The Enanthate is a long ester and is meant to disperse slowly into your system. It takes several weeks to start kicking.

I'm afraid your assumptions about the legitimacy of your Tren-Ace is probably true. It could very well be bunk. Sorry mate. It's always a roll of the dice when using a new source.


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Tren ace should kick in fairly quickly, 3 days or so.


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I dont know dude, I had Ace that was 100% legit, and dindnt notice anything in the 13days i took it,just started getting a bit more trouble sleeping. maybe you should try upping the dose a bit before giving up on it.


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I dont know dude, I had Ace that was 100% legit, and dindnt notice anything in the 13days i took it,just started getting a bit more trouble sleeping. maybe you should try upping the dose a bit before giving up on it.
More than 525mg EW !!!!

I'll pin both bottles and see but I'm already on a hefty dose the good thing is I have 60ml of guaranteed legit ace for a rainy day but I don't want to re start and have a long overlap with the deca (2 progestins). Sh!t either works or it doesn't, cycle going great without it and ill be breaking out the suspension soon :)


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More than 525mg EW !!!!

I'll pin both bottles and see but I'm already on a hefty dose the good thing is I have 60ml of guaranteed legit ace for a rainy day but I don't want to re start and have a long overlap with the deca (2 progestins). Sh!t either works or it doesn't, cycle going great without it and ill be breaking out the suspension soon :)
HELLLL YEA brake out the suspension.


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More than 525mg EW !!!!

I'll pin both bottles and see but I'm already on a hefty dose the good thing is I have 60ml of guaranteed legit ace for a rainy day but I don't want to re start and have a long overlap with the deca (2 progestins). Sh!t either works or it doesn't, cycle going great without it and ill be breaking out the suspension soon :)
I pinned 100mg ed, 700mg per wk. I noticed extreme hunger within two days. In about 10 days I noticed all my pain went away and my joints, tendons felt pain-free. Strength gains came steady but slowly. I'd say it took about two weeks to feel the noticeable gains that I could directly attribute to Tren A. I did not get hot sweats at night, although during the day I would get pretty warm. But you're taking so much gear right now it may be hard to distingusih gains from one over the other. 500 per week is not extreme at all, but it is a good dose.


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First thing I noticed after starting tren was acne arround the top chest, shoulders and back, as soon as I started arimadex it stoped. Also the quality of sleep gets worse and you start having strange dreams. Then the veins on your arms get really big. And the "super testosterone" energy and agression is nice and kicks in within half an hour for me. But the thing that is most prominent for me is that I get way out of breath after one good set and it takes my cardio system a LOOOONG time to recover. Not so much night sweats, just nights with uncomfortably high temperature, but removing the covers just makes you cold.


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Took. a days rest in anticipation of tomorrow carnage,

Chest/tris Am will be looking EK add weight on my 3 heart sets to 365

Then I have an evening meeting with my boy Bill the 32" wheel guy, I'm a mere 27" and I'm 4" taller let's see if he can make me puke never have yet but first for everything one thing I'm sure of is no merit will be given and no quartet taken ;)

Really starting to doubt the legitimacy of this tren ace :( day 9 no sides any one wanna chime in on their exp with ace and time frame to take effect, I know tren enthenate took me 4 weeksbefore I noticed the sweats
I felt tren ace the first day I shot it. The shizz I had I could taste it like 30 minutes after inject.Oh and I would cough about the same time.


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Jay Edit: Although it's probably a joke, stay away from asking for sources please


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First thing I noticed after starting tren was acne arround the top chest, shoulders and back, as soon as I started arimadex it stoped. Also the quality of sleep gets worse and you start having strange dreams. Then the veins on your arms get really big. And the "super testosterone" energy and agression is nice and kicks in within half an hour for me. But the thing that is most prominent for me is that I get way out of breath after one good set and it takes my cardio system a LOOOONG time to recover. Not so much night sweats, just nights with uncomfortably high temperature, but removing the covers just makes you cold.

im familar with the sides ran Tren E at 500mg EW thats why im questiomning whether ive brrn had

Oh well if its EVO its not gonna kill me, ive def proved not to have normal reactions thus far with various AAS so ill pin away unti its done @100mg ED.. That should be enough to take down a Rhino


NutraPlanet Rep
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Up tren to 1g (not joking) should notice increase with 24-48 hours. I've heard of something with a "certain" UG manufacturer out there and they are under dosed


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Up tren to 1g (not joking) should notice increase with 24-48 hours. I've heard of something with a "certain" UG manufacturer out there and they are under dosed
That wouldnt surprise me at all.


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Probably has to do with the raws, tren is almost 10x as expensive than test.
I am a bit stressed out so maybe this is nothing but my temples are popping, i just noticed this very second noticed... Veins in my temples visibly popped out pulsating scared the sh!t out of me on my first run of Tren, maybe this is it :) or maybe im just f$ckking angry :salook:


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Morning WO
135 x 12
225 x 8
365 x 5 x 2
365 x 6
225 x 36

225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 10 F

cables and out

Evening WO
exrensions warm up
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5 x 3 i needed help on 4 and 5
335 x 5 assisted me at bottom of each rep

My boy had me going ass to the ground

4 sets lunges

2 more sets extebsions
3 sets hamstrings

No puking but really hurting

However definitely established i have very bad form when it comes to squats my lower back was killing me my boy said i needed to keep bar further back and concentrate on not leaning forward, I might use wedges under my toes while i correct my form. Never really noticed this before as i would never go so so deep at that weight without a WO partner who knew his stuff

Dude commented on my shoulders “ur shoulders were jacked” that made me feel good :)

All in all good days work


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I am a bit stressed out so maybe this is nothing but my temples are popping, i just noticed this very second noticed... Veins in my temples visibly popped out pulsating scared the sh!t out of me on my first run of Tren, maybe this is it :) or maybe im just f$ckking angry :salook:
Yup gota be the combination of tren and viagra, that should be a site for sore eyes if you got real angry. :salook:. It is a little scary, the veins on my arms are starting to look like highways, never had that before.


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Yup gota be the combination of tren and viagra, that should be a site for sore eyes if you got real angry. :salook:. It is a little scary, the veins on my arms are starting to look like highways, never had that before.
i want that.


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Probably has to do with the raws, tren is almost 10x as expensive than test.
sad isnt it??? its also about 10 times as fun ;)


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i want that.
Tren will pop your veins like nothing else. I had the best vascularity ever while on Tren... I've never had vacularity while using Viagra, but you have to be careful because if you're taking something like Zestril it can lower your blood pressure to dangerous levels, not to mention the headaches, swollen eyes and the feeling that your head is full of water. But if you want instant and dynamic vascularity, there's nothing like Tren. I love Tren.


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Tren will pop your veins like nothing else. I had the best vascularity ever while on Tren... I've never had vacularity while using Viagra, but you have to be careful because if you're taking something like Zestril it can lower your blood pressure to dangerous levels, not to mention the headaches, swollen eyes and the feeling that your head is full of water. But if you want instant and dynamic vascularity, there's nothing like Tren. I love Tren.
ill have test tren win so i realllllly hope to get veiny like the park way


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Day 21

227.5 lbs


Stregnth continues to rise but rather than go crazy I concentrated on form and nice slow contractions

Still wiped out from yesterday :)


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sad isnt it??? its also about 10 times as fun ;)
Well I havnt written this stuff of just yet, I started a thread on another forum and Cobra is indeed a well respected lab just totally private so u wont see it on any open source boards. I even had a guy PM me saying he would replace if I don't get results as he represents the company on another board,.so I'm sending him the batch number and gonna stick with it for a bit longer and give it a fair chance. I've def proved not to be the normal rwsponder in many other aspects of AAS and this is my first run with ace but not tren so ill know soon enough and I have read guy saying as long as 3 weeks in a few threads, makes no sense to me but this is not a perfect science

And he is not the guy that sold it to me


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dude i felt my tren ace in a matter of a week. it hit me BIG at 3 weeks and im running 100mg ed right now, veins are popping out like crazy, aggression and acne are rampant.. and strength keeps going up..

might be hard to tell how much its doing for you considering all the compounds you're on. not saying its not a nice little stack that I would LOVE to run, and I have never heard of that lab so I can't comment on it, but just offering my two cents that you might not be feeling it as much because of everything in your body.

sorry if you posted it, how often are you pinning and what dose


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dude i felt my tren ace in a matter of a week. it hit me BIG at 3 weeks and im running 100mg ed right now, veins are popping out like crazy, aggression and acne are rampant.. and strength keeps going up..

might be hard to tell how much its doing for you considering all the compounds you're on. not saying its not a nice little stack that I would LOVE to run, and I have never heard of that lab so I can't comment on it, but just offering my two cents that you might not be feeling it as much because of everything in your body.

sorry if you posted it, how often are you pinning and what dose
Regardless of the other gear I'd notice the sides,

Right now pinning 75-80mg ED but bumping to 100mg orals getting drooped soon to so be good timing if it is about to hit :)

In for a penny in for a pound :)


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What sides did you have with the enanthate brother?

Here are the sides Ive noticed:

elevated body temp
elevated BP
*slight* night sweats
*slight* lack of libido


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What sides did you have with the enanthate brother?

Here are the sides Ive noticed:

elevated body temp
elevated BP
*slight* night sweats
*slight* lack of libido
Elevated BP evening headaches you could see the veins by my temples pulsating
All day sweats and elevated body temp, night sweats but not terrible as some
Acne free on all gears :)
Had to he careful with temper but not so.bad
Insatiable hunger
Insomnia but I took care of that with Valium and an Ambien

I have none of the above as of yet


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if youre a non responder here's what i think it could be. you may stay side free til you hit 100mg. i noticed a bit of insomnia, but i take need2sleep at night.. knocks me out. sometimes im so tired from my busy day i dont need anything. also, pinning ED is going to keep your blood stable. more so than any pinning schedule you get on enanthate. faster acting ester, but since you pin ED youre not spiking levels in your blood so thats gonna play a big part. i bet you if i ran my dose at 200mg eod id get TERRIBLE sides.


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and youre a lucky sob for the no acne part.. ive never been that lucky lol

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