Edwitt is on the Road to 240lb and a 500ln bench



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and youre a lucky sob for the no acne part.. ive never been that lucky lol

Not even taking an AI :)

Def more confident about the brand now I know geekpoop said it took 3 weeks before it really hit him we shall see but 100mg ED should know real soon


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im not on an AI currently... its all good. hope it kicks in hard bro ;)


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im not on an AI currently... its all good. hope it kicks in hard bro ;)

Have to get some pictures up soon, I'm happy with progress so far but I'd like to see what u guys think


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edd not to hijack but- im on day 19 of dbol at 60 mgs and day 20 of test e

ive gained about 9lbs so far but i am using an otc ai.....should i cut it...maybe see more weight gain? What u suggest eddy?


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Have to get some pictures up soon, I'm happy with progress so far but I'd like to see what u guys think
in for pics!!


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Loving the info in here :) Feels damn good to be back, and thanks Ed for that site...got some nice goodies to use in the future :D


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edd not to hijack but- im on day 19 of dbol at 60 mgs and day 20 of test e

ive gained about 9lbs so far but i am using an otc ai.....should i cut it...maybe see more weight gain? What u suggest eddy?
As a rule of thumb the consensus is to keep Ai on hand and only use if necessary if its it first run with test which it is u want to assess your estrogen sensitivity as you want to control it not suppress estrogen. That being said most will need an Ai with dbol and test but at the end of the day it comes sown to genetics, I'd suggest tapering it down until you either see some estrogen sides (bloat being most common with that stack) you may be lucky like me at not need

So in answer to your question if u suppress estrogen your gonna hamper your gains and your not going to know the answer unless you drop it but I'd suggest tapering down

What are you using ? How do I feel about your 9lbs how much of that is LBM? If its 9 lean pounds your doing great


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As a rule of thumb the consensus is to keep Ai on hand and only use if necessary if its it first run with test which it is u want to assess your estrogen sensitivity as you want to control it not suppress estrogen. That being said most will need an Ai with dbol and test but at the end of the day it comes sown to genetics, I'd suggest tapering it down until you either see some estrogen sides (bloat being most common with that stack) you may be lucky like me at not need

So in answer to your question if u suppress estrogen your gonna hamper your gains and your not going to know the answer unless you drop it but I'd suggest tapering down

What are you using ? How do I feel about your 9lbs how much of that is LBM? If its 9 lean pounds your doing great
Agreed, AI on hand is a must. I learned this the hard way only having clomid on hands the first time. BAD, BAD, BAD mistake. I use Letro most the time at extremely low doses bc of my brush with gyno in the past. This cycle I will be using letro at .625mg a day (maybe less, maybe EOD depending on sides), but during the 2 weeks the esters are clearing I will be switching to forma-stanzolol which is a suicide inhibitor that will prevent the rebound. Even on a low dose of AI, rebound will occur, but you can combat that switching to a suicide inhibitor and create a negative feedback loop while your body is trying to produce more aromatase that keeps getting bound permenently ineffective allowing free test to soar. It's a well thought our method and one I haven't tried yet, just researched. I'll let you know in about 15 weeks or so in my log, but I have alsway has some sort of rebound from tamox, clomid (the worse) and letro (could have been worse but I tapered).

Does that make sense?


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I feel like a DL day :)

and lets see if we can improve on that 340lb lat pull down last effort was 6


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I feel like a DL day :)

and lets see if we can improve on that 340lb lat pull down last effort was 6
Heard that! I'll be grasping my bar for some 345 DL's myself in about 30 min. Can't wait!

Keep killing Edwitt, yu are living proof, more can be better if and only if you are one disciplined animal in the gym. I'm convincd my avatar will beat yours before the year is out, but that's just me. I'm a competitive mutha****a!



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Heard that! I'll be grasping my bar for some 345 DL's myself in about 30 min. Can't wait!

Keep killing Edwitt, yu are living proof, more can be better if and only if you are one disciplined animal in the gym. I'm convincd my avatar will beat yours before the year is out, but that's just me. I'm a competitive mutha****a!

Well I'm gonna put some photos up after my 30 day oral run

Was at a couple of Xmas parties and had several people commeny that I was looking bigger my wife said "hold on a minute what r u taking ?"

"Just my doctor prescribed Cyp my darling"

"What about all those packages from the Bosnia ?"

"Oh the proviron nothing to extreme my dear good for the libido" smile

"Well I guess the hard work is paying off"

"Yes that and good old genetics" big smile :)

"Yes babe, I do bump the Cyp up a bit but nothing to be worried about"


NutraPlanet Rep
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Lol, I put my orals in old multivitamin bottles, "just taking multi's :D"


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haha takin multis.....


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You dont wanna take a scoop out of my N2KTS tub

stuff is good but not 5g Dbol good :aargh:
wait did you add something to your ntkts?? lol


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Heard that! I'll be grasping my bar for some 345 DL's myself in about 30 min. Can't wait!

Keep killing Edwitt, yu are living proof, more can be better if and only if you are one disciplined animal in the gym. I'm convincd my avatar will beat yours before the year is out, but that's just me. I'm a competitive mutha****a!

Your both gonna get smoked by my 2012 avitar! Lol ahahhahaha

Let the games begin


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sad isnt it??? its also about 10 times as fun ;)
Absolutely, Im on Test Prop and Enanthate ATM but none of them make me feel as good as Sustanon did and it must be because of the Ace ester.

Test Ace and Tren Ace has gota be the Sh*t! Suspention is £10 a shot round here, and thats a cheap as it gets. At £2.50 a shot, Ace is top number. :afro:


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... I will be using letro at .625mg a day ... but during the 2 weeks the esters are clearing I will be switching to forma-stanzolol which is a suicide inhibitor that will prevent the rebound. Even on a low dose of AI, rebound will occur, but you can combat that switching to a suicide inhibitor and create a negative feedback loop while your body is trying to produce more aromatase that keeps getting bound permenently ineffective allowing free test to soar...Does that make sense?

Dude please explain this one more clearly for me, I thought letro was a suicide AI, Im switching from Arimadex to Letro post cycle. As far as I know thats kind of what you said to do there, but how does it work after the letro is finnished wouldnt there be a rebound after that anyway???

How does this Negative feedback thing work really I dont understand. Please lay it out for me.


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dude i felt my tren ace in a matter of a week. it hit me BIG at 3 weeks and im running 100mg ed right now, veins are popping out like crazy, aggression and acne are rampant.. and strength keeps going up...

Regardless of the other gear I'd notice the sides,

Right now pinning 75-80mg ED but bumping to 100mg orals getting drooped soon to so be good timing if it is about to hit :)

In for a penny in for a pound :)
if youre a non responder here's what i think it could be. you may stay side free til you hit 100mg... also, pinning ED is going to keep your blood stable. more so than any pinning schedule you get on enanthate. faster acting ester, but since you pin ED youre not spiking levels in your blood so thats gonna play a big part. i bet you if i ran my dose at 200mg eod id get TERRIBLE sides.

Id say go at least 100mg ED from all the feedback youve been giving us, you dont get many sides - its all good!


Not even taking an AI :)

Def more confident about the brand now I know geekpoop said it took 3 weeks before it really hit him we shall see but 100mg ED should know real soon
Thining about it you are actaully on AI - your proviron has AI proporties bruv. So bump it to 100mg or more dude, you shouldnt have any sides at all. It couldnt be anymore perfect youre so lucky. Have it alrge!!!

Ive been reading arround aswell about it and it is a real funny one with the "kick in" bieng a short ester, I got acne after a few days but the rest developed slowly. On reflection Ive been having the strange dreams only every few days, which suggests that it must be the ace ester in my tri-tren cos Ive been pining mon-wed-fri so it deffinately needs to be done ED. But even they only kicked in after 3 weeks.


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The side that I do get from is unmistakable and def unique Tren

On 400mg tren EW I would sweat up a storm during a back session I would wreak of ammonia at night I would have to rotate pillows as they would get soaking wet and body temp was elevated all the time, really unmistakable

Anyway maybe its gonna creep up on me maybe its undedosed maybe its bunk but I have been assured its legit by a guy who represents Cobra he PM me on another forum saying he would stand by the product and replace and he was not the guy I got from, I actually picked up in a trade

Just wants me to give at a fair go and that what I'm gonna do, I think 20ml @ 75-80 now 100mg ED constitutes a fair go :) that's about as fair a deal as it gets

Also grandma has 60ml from a source I've used and trust 110% so ill get a another chance to compare at the end of this cycle. I put a lot of time and effort into planning this stack out and the only thing in here that could be a contributor is possibly the Lisinopril that being an Ace inhibitor, howver I found an article that's states Jay Cutler used both Lisinopril and Tren Ace in his last Olympia stack @ 12.5mg ED

I think this sh!t is gonna whack me over the head in the next few days and I'm gonna be wishing I had kept my mouth shut, LOL

That's my Xmas wish anyway to wet my bed :)


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I think this sh!t is gonna whack me over the head in the next few days and I'm gonna be wishing I had kept my mouth shut, LOL


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Anyway good back WO yest and today is rest

Will look to try and get one last big chest session in Tomorrow before heading to the In Laws for Xmas



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As a rule of thumb the consensus is to keep Ai on hand and only use if necessary if its it first run with test which it is u want to assess your estrogen sensitivity as you want to control it not suppress estrogen. That being said most will need an Ai with dbol and test but at the end of the day it comes sown to genetics, I'd suggest tapering it down until you either see some estrogen sides (bloat being most common with that stack) you may be lucky like me at not need

So in answer to your question if u suppress estrogen your gonna hamper your gains and your not going to know the answer unless you drop it but I'd suggest tapering down

What are you using ? How do I feel about your 9lbs how much of that is LBM? If its 9 lean pounds your doing great
it isnt fat, my deit has been exceptionally clean. I would say about 2 water(from carbs) about 3-4 glycogen, and about 3-4 LBM

My weight shot up to 241 yesterday, i dunno why lol

but im not getting fatter, i am using an otc ai formastanzol it is keeping me dry, but I will cut it down slowly and see wtf happens thanks ol eddy boy


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Hahahaha about that whacking you on the head... My girl told me, and I remember driving in the car with her "well Im glad the tren isnt making you an ******* like you warned me about..." That was within a week of starting it, I had explained it was a short ester so it kicks in fairly fast...

two weeks later she kept giving me **** cuz id snap about little b.s.... not bad like enough to cause fights, but especially knowing why, she was real cool about it. right now i asked her if she'd put up with me on tren ever again, and she said "it wasnt bad at all, but definitely not the normal you lol"


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Dude please explain this one more clearly for me, I thought letro was a suicide AI, Im switching from Arimadex to Letro post cycle. As far as I know thats kind of what you said to do there, but how does it work after the letro is finnished wouldnt there be a rebound after that anyway???

How does this Negative feedback thing work really I dont understand. Please lay it out for me.
Letro is not a suicide AI. It is extremely effective. Because of this the body will produce more aromatase to couteract the low levels of estrogen. Letro keeps this from happening and will keep i from happening when the body increases aromatase. Once you get off Letro, you have a ton of aromatase floating around that can now bind to test and turn it into estrogen. This is bad and it is why they say to taper Letro, to gradually get less aromatase in your blood. Now if you use letro throughout your cycle you will have lots of aromatase in your blood but little estrogen. Then switching to a suicide inhibitor then actually binds to the aromatase in an irreversable manner making it useless for coverting T into E.The body still sees it as aromatase though so it doesn't make more aromatase to combat it, it makes more test so the test can be turned into estogen via aromatase. This is the negative feedback. The body is trying to make more estrogen but knows you have plenty of aromatase, you are taking an suicide AI rendering all this aromatase useless for conversion of T to E, so it makes more test and the test stays as test and increase endogenous test levels. The suicide inhibitor makes the body slowly lower the levels of aromatase because the binding aromatase will eventually dissipate with new amounts being made. Test and estro levels as you come off cycle will slowly start to baseline and then everything goes back to normal, but this time instead of getting that little bit of fat and strength loss die to low test and high estrogen, you can get the body to work in your favor.

This is at least the way I have come to understand it. I could be wrong.

Gotta go back to work, sorry if there are typos.



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morry dude youre a star, Ive never understood that before, IMO thats what the PCT shiizzzle is all about.

Hahahaha about that whacking you on the head... My girl told me, and I remember driving in the car with her "well Im glad the tren isnt making you an ******* like you warned me about..." That was within a week of starting it, I had explained it was a short ester so it kicks in fairly fast...

two weeks later she kept giving me **** cuz id snap about little b.s.... not bad like enough to cause fights, but especially knowing why, she was real cool about it. right now i asked her if she'd put up with me on tren ever again, and she said "it wasnt bad at all, but definitely not the normal you lol"
"not bad like enough to cause fights", thats cos you end it before it starts without over doing it, am I right? Thast whats happening to me, balls really can compliment your brains, if you have any ofcourse. I just hope I dont forget it, and be all like ahh nevermind cant be bothered anymore. Im starting to worry about how its gonna affect me in reverse when I come off it :surprised:

Anyway good back WO yest and today is rest

Will look to try and get one last big chest session in Tomorrow before heading to the In Laws for Xmas

Defffo gota get that chest in before the inlaws, bro you know it. Take all your agression out in the gym and just be relaxed towards the inlaws, peacefull and loving, but still with the tren keeping it real in the back ground.


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weight 227.4lbs +20 from the Bulk waist +1.5" but remarkably vascularity in upper body is more visible than ever and i still have visible Abs even a vein or two in my quads

Day 32 Bulk
Day 22 Orals
Day 15 Test,Deca,EQ
Day 12 Tren Ace


Well i dont really see any difference my lifts are only at where they were at height of my last cycle and im only 9lbs heavier than from the day of PR’s Having cut back from 255lbs to 217.6 so its not like i wasn't big before

but just about everyone is either saying you look bigger,buff or what are you taking.... Good job that Tren is bunk or id fugging rip their heads off a stick it up their arse (not really) well maybe the one guy today at the gym who walked past me smiled and said “Roids” i had to take a deep breath and say “Just hard work you should try it some time” fat weak nut hugger :)

I look foward to what u guys think? ill post up end of last cycle pictures and pics from end of my 30day oral run

Well just about right back to my PR’s with one endurance PR today

Flat B
135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5
375 x 6 F +10lbs +1rep ONE REP SHORT OF BEST EVER(this is also where i blew my shoulder out)
365 x 5
365 x 5
315 x 10
225 x 40 F and a PR + 3
(Full disclosure: each rep touches chest but is short of full lock out except for last 5 where i had to take a brief pause press 2 pause press 2 long pause and gave every last thing i gad left and barely racked it bat hovered jus short of lock out and i just fought the bastard and racked it)


225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 8 F

cables to finish
really exhausted at this point

bench incline crushers using cables x 8-10 no rest rope pull downs
3 sets of these
Then skull crushers from the ground

I was totally spent but pumped with a great lift


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Dude please explain this one more clearly for me, I thought letro was a suicide AI, Im switching from Arimadex to Letro post cycle. As far as I know thats kind of what you said to do there, but how does it work after the letro is finnished wouldnt there be a rebound after that anyway???

How does this Negative feedback thing work really I dont understand. Please lay it out for me.
Letro in pct= stupid dude

if anything get an otc AI not letro...or you could seriously screw urself up-bad

eddy- excellent workout today, jealous i am just now hitting 255 on flat bench but hey w/e still following....man i cant wait to start cutting on my cycle either....mmaybe i look like u? LOLOLOLOL awight schwell out to go talk to The Big Man:afro:


Well-known member
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weight 227.4lbs +20 from the Bulk waist +1.5" but remarkably vascularity in upper body is more visible than ever and i still have visible Abs even a vein or two in my quads

Day 32 Bulk
Day 22 Orals
Day 15 Test,Deca,EQ
Day 12 Tren Ace


Well i dont really see any difference my lifts are only at where they were at height of my last cycle and im only 9lbs heavier than from the day of PR’s Having cut back from 255lbs to 217.6 so its not like i wasn't big before

but just about everyone is either saying you look bigger,buff or what are you taking.... Good job that Tren is bunk or id fugging rip their heads off a stick it up their arse (not really) well maybe the one guy today at the gym who walked past me smiled and said “Roids” i had to take a deep breath and say “Just hard work you should try it some time” fat weak nut hugger :)

I look foward to what u guys think? ill post up end of last cycle pictures and pics from end of my 30day oral run

Well just about right back to my PR’s with one endurance PR today

Flat B
135 x 12
225 x 8
275 x 5
315 x 5
375 x 6 F +10lbs +1rep ONE REP SHORT OF BEST EVER(this is also where i blew my shoulder out)
365 x 5
365 x 5
315 x 10
225 x 40 F and a PR + 3
(Full disclosure: each rep touches chest but is short of full lock out except for last 5 where i had to take a brief pause press 2 pause press 2 long pause and gave every last thing i gad left and barely racked it bat hovered jus short of lock out and i just fought the bastard and racked it)


225 x 12
245 x 12
275 x 8 F

cables to finish
really exhausted at this point

bench incline crushers using cables x 8-10 no rest rope pull downs
3 sets of these
Then skull crushers from the ground

I was totally spent but pumped with a great lift
Excellent work and progress, Ed...F the fat, weak nut-hugger at the gym.


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that chest workout made my balls go up a little bit...

holy fukkkk man that's some serious workout today!!!


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I’ve been giving your tren a lot of thought. Initially, I thought maybe something was blocking the nitrogen, like insulin, but insulin actually increases nitrogen on a dose respondent curve. So we can eliminate that. Then I checked into Zestril and its effect on nitrogen. Zestril shows minor increases in blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine. So my theory on something blocking nitrogen seems to be unfounded. From what I recall, the only other competition for the androgen receptor is test, which doesn’t bind as well as tren anyway, so tren’s affinity to bind should not be hampered. You have plenty of non-AR binding gear to make the current stack pretty well balanced.

I say all of this because you’re right, either way you should notice sides by now. And those sides can be directly attributed to tren. If, however, you are using cheque drops now, along with tren, that could explain why you may not notice the tren, but from what I recall, you haven’t started the CD yet.

I think your gear may be weak or total bunk. I noticed a huge increase in appetite within a day or two on Tren A. Within 3 weeks I was feeling it good in the gym. I started with 100mg tren a eod then ate week 3 went to 100mg ed. I don’t know, but your tren problem has me scratching my head…


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This is it as prepared by Chris Duffin

Picture 1.jpg

Picture 2.jpg

Picture 3.jpg

Picture 4.jpg

Picture 5.jpg

Picture 6.jpg

Picture 7.jpg

Picture 8.jpg

Picture 9.jpg

Picture 10.jpg


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KILLER work on 225x40!

Now lets go get 5 Hundred!

I'll keep watching your progress on the plan and we will make adjustments every 3 weeks if needed to fine tune it. It starts easy and there are a couple weeks in there were we back off...you need to stick with that! It is very important to the overall plan.


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Hellz yeah man. Kill that ****. That looks like torture and I freakin am in love with that workout. My gear has an est deliery date of jan 5th. I'm already frying my muscles, can't wait to add da juice.


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Hey Ed, glad to see you are still killing it in here.


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Hellz yeah man. Kill that ****. That looks like torture and I freakin am in love with that workout. My gear has an est deliery date of jan 5th. I'm already frying my muscles, can't wait to add da juice.
Wow, openly discussing the delivery date for your illegally acquired prescription medications.... that is just so so very smart of you:spank:


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Wow, openly discussing the delivery date for your illegally acquired prescription medications.... that is just so so very smart of you:spank:
^^^^LOL, sarcasm...


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Wow, openly discussing the delivery date for your illegally acquired prescription medications.... that is just so so very smart of you:spank:
Wow, you assuming when I say "gear" it's illegal. :spank:

Wow, you knowing I don't have it yet but still saying I "acquired" :spank:
Perhaps what you meant to say was "ordered"


Thank god you're not a cop. Your powers of intuition are remarkable. Never once did I say what specifically I ordered or what was going to be here on the 5th. I like to call my super creatine "gear". I ordered lots of this creatine. Tons of it. It will be here the 5th, the creatine and all of its glory.

Openly showing your stupidity by far trumps me commenting on when said "gear" will be here. Did you forget what thread you're in? Or what section you're in?
Grow up and welcome to AM. We do roids and we talk about it. For a guy with over 2000+ post I'm a little surprised, but hey whatever.

Good luck with your creatine.....


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All this spanking and nobody to appreciate it......

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