Dont Call It a Comeback... Log 5/3/1



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Tom how was that protein fluff? Post up the recipe I love trying new stuff like that out

As to the deadlift convo.. I am gonna side with Milas and Tom on this one. Deadlifts definetely work the back and is actually their primary target muscle.

At the same time I dont like to divide workouts into body part session rather than into body groups and focus on movement directions (i.e horizontal push/pull, knee dominant, etc) and the deadlift is a hip-dominant exercise.

The glutes, adductor, quads, soleus, hammys, calf, traps, abs, and upper parts of you back are all involved in a deadlift but the main target is the erector spinae. Now this is for your conventional deadlift, other variations will focus on other areas (a stiff DL will focus more on the glutes for example)

Pretty much the deadlift will work most of your posterior chain and is the GOD of exercises :head:


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Don't argue with SweetLou, he knows everything about everything!

Tom, yoga is awesome, I highly recommend it over spim! The benefits aside from cardio are great (and flexible hotties too)!


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Tom how was that protein fluff? Post up the recipe I love trying new stuff like that out

As to the deadlift convo.. I am gonna side with Milas and Tom on this one. Deadlifts definetely work the back and is actually their primary target muscle.

At the same time I dont like to divide workouts into body part session rather than into body groups and focus on movement directions (i.e horizontal push/pull, knee dominant, etc) and the deadlift is a hip-dominant exercise.

The glutes, adductor, quads, soleus, hammys, calf, traps, abs, and upper parts of you back are all involved in a deadlift but the main target is the erector spinae. Now this is for your conventional deadlift, other variations will focus on other areas (a stiff DL will focus more on the glutes for example)

Pretty much the deadlift will work most of your posterior chain and is the GOD of exercises :head:
I am going to just copy it from the site. All I did was put "lean gains protein fluff" into google.

Now this is some truly great stuff. Only 200 calories, tastes awesome and extremely satiating.

This recipe has been around on Swedish forums for some time. I didn't come up with it myself and I owe it to a guy named Fever for coming up with the original recipe and Andreaz for perfecting it. Andreaz was eating it like crazy on his latest contest prep and it was probably one of the reasons he felt this was his easiest diet ever. Wish I knew about this little gem a few years ago.

This is what you need:

~40 g protein powder. Works with: 100% Casein Protein , Nitrean, Sloow Protein and some whey protein brands (I've tried it with Syntrax Matrix). Unfortunately, I've not been able to make it work with Micellar Creme. Please let me know in comments when you find new brands this works with and I'll add them here.

200 g thawed and mashed berries: strawberries, raspberries or blueberries. Works best with strawberries or raspberries in my experience. Word on the street is it apparently also works with mashed bananas though I haven't tried it yet.

0.5 dl (or 1.7 ounces) skim milk. You can probably use water as well but I think skim milk will get you a better "fluff".

Sweetener (optional)

Alternative version: 30 g protein powder, 125 g berries, 1.25 dl (4.25 ounces) water or skim milk.

1) Mix all ingredients in a bowl.

2) Use a mixer on the strongest setting and mix thoroughly for several minutes.

The concoction will expand or "fluff up" to several times its original size. After 8-9 minutes, it'll look like the picture below.

Serve and enjoy as it is or add some extras like cacao or sliced bananas.

It all comes out to about 225 kcal, 36 g protein, 21 g carbs and zero fat. You can also put it in the fridge for about 30 minutes and it'll resemble a creamy kind of sorbet.

If you plan on eating this on a regular basis, getting a standing good mixer with a bowl will be a nice time-saver in the long run. I'm using "Philips HR1565" which is about $80 or so. If you can't get a hold of that one, Sunbeam 2371 Mixmaster Stand Mixer, White seems like a good alternative. It's important that the mixer is strong (350 watts or more) and has a large enough bowl (3 liters or more).

Ok after copying that and reading it again I messed up when I made mine tonight lol. I mix matched the pudding with the protein fluff. I went by scoops of protein. Might make a difference might not. Mine def didnt fluff up nearly as much as his did. I think I need a different mixer though. He recommends a 350 watt and up mixer(high powered).

So I def cant wait to try it again. Will probably use blueberries and a banana tomorrow post workout. Also have some steak and red potatoes planned. Another great thing about this IF. Spending less on food so you can get the good stuff.

Josh I am still in the habit of calling things by body parts even though I plan on dividing my workouts into deadlift, bench, squat, and military press day.

Tom, yoga is awesome, I highly recommend it over spin! The benefits aside from cardio are great (and flexible hotties too)!
Ya I like it and it will def be some me time so to speak. I have yet to know anyone that went to the yoga class. For spin I know the instructor and my sister goes to spin. She is just weird to be around in that setting anymore. Too stressed out about her job so she gets mad/embarassed when I joke around with her. Idk any of the people there so I could give a flying fuck what they think of me.

Man I want to go to a legit yoga studio in say like Atlanta(better yet Cali just no FOBs please lol) where there will actually be hotties.


Pro Virili Parte
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Don't argue with SweetLou, he knows everything about everything!

Tom, yoga is awesome, I highly recommend it over spim! The benefits aside from cardio are great (and flexible hotties too)!
there are yoga videos online you can download. I have a hip opener one I do sometimes before bed. The yoga video from the p90 series is pretty good too i think


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awesome tom thanks!!! Ima try this sometime next week.. damn now I have this and the protein cheescake to try this week. MMmm gonna be a good week :food:


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there are yoga videos online you can download. I have a hip opener one I do sometimes before bed. The yoga video from the p90 series is pretty good too i think
I could never finish the P90X one I would just be like "That is enough for today" lol and covered in sweat. Plus I think my friend still has my copy.

awesome tom thanks!!! Ima try this sometime next week.. damn now I have this and the protein cheescake to try this week. MMmm gonna be a good week :food:
Not a problem it looks great on the site. Let me know what you think of it. I know I cant wait to try the protein cheesecake. Will def be something nice if it tastes good. My mom is a big cheesecake fan so this will be something nice for her. Plus my dad is a diabetic so the 6 grams of carbs are nice.


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Don't argue with SweetLou, he knows everything about everything!

Tom, yoga is awesome, I highly recommend it over spim! The benefits aside from cardio are great (and flexible hotties too)!
there is little i know my friend, im just looking out for you back health. but im sure you could just pm rodja or zir red if you want some creditable opinions.


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Spin, x2 your better than me, the most i do is spin in the AM, work than run on the treadmill 45 mins after work.....I feel like a slacker...:(


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Deadlifts are certainly a back exercise. They may not be isotonic from top to bottom, but it's certainly the greatest amount of static contraction the back undergoes out of any exercise I can think of. Deads are isotonic for the hams, glutes, some quads, some calves and hips, but for the traps, erectors, scapular muscles, it's a mean static contraction, maybe slightly isotonic for the upper traps as well if you finish slightly shrugged.


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Spin, x2 your better than me, the most i do is spin in the AM, work than run on the treadmill 45 mins after work.....I feel like a slacker...:(
Oh clearly you have misunderstood me Holy Heidi :veryhappy: Spin would only be twice a week at that is at most. It is very likely I wont do it at all. I dont even plan on doing cardio on lifting days at all unless you count yoga but that is because of the days yoga falls on.

Deadlifts are certainly a back exercise. They may not be isotonic from top to bottom, but it's certainly the greatest amount of static contraction the back undergoes out of any exercise I can think of. Deads are isotonic for the hams, glutes, some quads, some calves and hips, but for the traps, erectors, scapular muscles, it's a mean static contraction, maybe slightly isotonic for the upper traps as well if you finish slightly shrugged.
Always good to hear some insight from you Samuel. Hope everything works out for you.

My body is itching to throw weight around. Hopefully I dont get too caught up in it and overtrain.


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Deadlifts are certainly a back exercise. They may not be isotonic from top to bottom, but it's certainly the greatest amount of static contraction the back undergoes out of any exercise I can think of. Deads are isotonic for the hams, glutes, some quads, some calves and hips, but for the traps, erectors, scapular muscles, it's a mean static contraction, maybe slightly isotonic for the upper traps as well if you finish slightly shrugged.
Stiff Legged Deadlifts :firedevil:


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Lol I know people probably dont use my code for that reason alone. But it is def easy to remember lol.

Shoot Im def not the deadlift king. 495 for 5 is bitch weight(no offense to anyone who does that or less, but I want 700 :grumpy:)
I know the goal is to change my diet first to find what will be most effective for me. I like 5/3/1 for strength, but I feel like it can be a good basis for my goal on leaning down. Still want that dense look you get with heavy weights.

We shall see who wins "me vs I"

I wont lie I am looking forward to when I can put some more "gym candy" in my body. But that is def a ways off. Got to make sure everything is recovered.

I didnt doubt you did listening to the rage you display while driving :lol: I might try going on mondays if the milf is there still. Hit back early in the day carb back up and die while doing spin.

Mind hititng me with a PM to see how you have that set up?
Uh.........can't lift that bro. You are deadlift king in my head.


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I've gained some nice mass since I stopped worrying about how much weight I can lift. I also feel better and have a jacked pump all day.


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Stiff Legged Deadlifts :firedevil:
Those are quite fun. Might do some on Thursday but who knows.

Uh.........can't lift that bro. You are deadlift king in my head.
Haha alright I will allow it.

I've gained some nice mass since I stopped worrying about how much weight I can lift. I also feel better and have a jacked pump all day.
I still like the idea of being able to lift a lot. Dont need anymore mass. I think floating around 200 would be a good weight for me.


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If 495 for 5 is bitch weight, then I'm the bottom bitch :sigh1:


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Ok ok, finally subbed, keep popping in here, liking the content and forgetting to sub :/


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I've gained some nice mass since I stopped worrying about how much weight I can lift. I also feel better and have a jacked pump all day.
That's my sentiment, as well. However, I do still find myself questing for beast numbers lol...I just have to stop myself anytime I see my form slipping and correct it before letting it compound into a bigger issue.

If 495 for 5 is bitch weight, then I'm the bottom bitch :sigh1:
Haha, this exactly how I felt when I read it!


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Deadlifts are certainly a back exercise. They may not be isotonic from top to bottom, but it's certainly the greatest amount of static contraction the back undergoes out of any exercise I can think of. Deads are isotonic for the hams, glutes, some quads, some calves and hips, but for the traps, erectors, scapular muscles, it's a mean static contraction, maybe slightly isotonic for the upper traps as well if you finish slightly shrugged.
damn, i always look at deads as a fullbody workout. amazing how many muscle groups are involved, imo.

but when i do max deads i definately feel it most in my back the next day!!! forearms too.:yup:


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If 495 for 5 is bitch weight, then I'm the bottom bitch :sigh1:
My bad Samuel. You have a valid reason though.

Ok ok, finally subbed, keep popping in here, liking the content and forgetting to sub :/
Well Im glad you finally decided to sub. Another good mind to the mix to make up for me :lol:

That's my sentiment, as well. However, I do still find myself questing for beast numbers lol...I just have to stop myself anytime I see my form slipping and correct it before letting it compound into a bigger issue.

Haha, this exactly how I felt when I read it!
Im trying to get that holy grail of looking strong and actually being strong.

damn, i always look at deads as a fullbody workout. amazing how many muscle groups are involved, imo.

but when i do max deads i definately feel it most in my back the next day!!! forearms too.:yup:
Yes the whole body gets taxed with deadlifts. I end up sweating like crazy. The back take good beatdown on heavy deadlifts though.

335*5, 385*5, 435*5+ I got 11

Good Mornings

Wide lat pulldowns concentrated(harder than you would think)

Back ext with DBs with lateral raise at top(nuts took a beating)

I thought it was a good workout. Plus I got in and out in a little over an hour.

I checked my weight today. I was 218 with clothes and shoes on. Usually I subtract 4 pounds when I say my weight to account for shoes, clothes, water, and food. Didnt have anything to eat today. Last week when I weighted myself with a meal in me I was 223 and even 224. So something is going right :veryhappy:


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I should really start incorporating good mornings. Maybe my next Deads/Legs day.


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Nice work on the deads, Tom. I absolutely hate good mornings lol, but there's a reason for that. I also used to hate squats; so that says something. And I hear you on the back extensions, man. The Y in my hometown has an awesome bench that has a slot in the middle so you don't rack yourself, but every other gym I've been to has horrible ones lol.


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I just looked back at a message on FB I sent to my friend Ben. Turns out my weight was 227 last Monday not 223. So big drop in weight in a week.

I should really start incorporating good mornings. Maybe my next Deads/Legs day.
Do it man, they are a nice tool to use.

Nice work on the deads, Tom. I absolutely hate good mornings lol, but there's a reason for that. I also used to hate squats; so that says something. And I hear you on the back extensions, man. The Y in my hometown has an awesome bench that has a slot in the middle so you don't rack yourself, but every other gym I've been to has horrible ones lol.
Thanks man it felt good. Wish I would have gone for the 12th rep like my friend said to, but more than anything my gas tank was on E. It is so much more exhausting after a long break.

Idk why they dont take junk into consideration. There is another back ext bench I will try it out next time.


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I should really start incorporating good mornings. Maybe my next Deads/Legs day.
Start out light, Samuel. No need to uneccessarily tweak that lower back. Just keep it light and use impeccable form. Increase the poundages slowly after you've become accustomed to them.

That's actually good advice for all of us. :yup:


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335*5, 385*5, 435*5+ I got 11

Good Mornings

Wide lat pulldowns concentrated(harder than you would think)

Back ext with DBs with lateral raise at top(nuts took a beating)

I thought it was a good workout. Plus I got in and out in a little over an hour.

I checked my weight today. I was 218 with clothes and shoes on. Usually I subtract 4 pounds when I say my weight to account for shoes, clothes, water, and food. Didnt have anything to eat today. Last week when I weighted myself with a meal in me I was 223 and even 224. So something is going right :veryhappy:
I'd say so!!! That is good progress and you are still strong as FOCK


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Start out light, Samuel. No need to uneccessarily tweak that lower back. Just keep it light and use impeccable form. Increase the poundages slowly after you've become accustomed to them.

That's actually good advice for all of us. :yup:
yeah, right-like you start out light on anything, lol. well maybe light for YOU:saevilw:!!!


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Start out light, Samuel. No need to uneccessarily tweak that lower back. Just keep it light and use impeccable form. Increase the poundages slowly after you've become accustomed to them.

That's actually good advice for all of us. :yup:
Exactly dont hurt the back again. That is why I started off lift with the good mornings today especially after deadlifts. Made sure form was solid.

I'd say so!!! That is good progress and you are still strong as FOCK
Ya like I said last week I was 227 with one meal in me and today I was 218 without any food. I would guess last week I was about 223 waking up and today I was about 216 waking up give or take of course.

I am interested to see how well my strength returns. Tomorrow my "heavy" set on bench is 235.


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Start out light, Samuel. No need to uneccessarily tweak that lower back. Just keep it light and use impeccable form. Increase the poundages slowly after you've become accustomed to them.

That's actually good advice for all of us. :yup:
I'm gonna take it, seriously want to practice good mornings.


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Oh yes I feel good now. Getting people to do exercises they werent doing before. Kind of similar to when I had a sig the mods didnt particularly like lol.

Made some Layne Norton cheesecake tonight. Smells so damn good. Cant wait to try it tomorrow. Lots of protein with low carb and low fat.


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I did misunderstand but you still have me beat in the weight dept, I hate being weak as ****, but maybe when my stomach is better, and I can eat with out barfing, I will have some energy!!!!



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Oh yes I feel good now. Getting people to do exercises they werent doing before.
Right on.

And I simply must give Samuel credit for showing me this exercise over in Resolve's thread. My hips had been tight for months and these are REALLY helping!!



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Oh yes I feel good now. Getting people to do exercises they werent doing before. Kind of similar to when I had a sig the mods didnt particularly like lol.

Made some Layne Norton cheesecake tonight. Smells so damn good. Cant wait to try it tomorrow. Lots of protein with low carb and low fat.
Care to send me that recipe? :D
Edit: NVM, I found it ;)


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That cheesecake is too damn good for a cut! I feel like I'm cheating with every slice!


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I did misunderstand but you still have me beat in the weight dept, I hate being weak as ****, but maybe when my stomach is better, and I can eat with out barfing, I will have some energy!!!!

I hope that whole barfing thing gets better soon. Cant have you wither away on us.

Right on.

And I simply must give Samuel credit for showing me this exercise over in Resolve's thread. My hips had been tight for months and these are REALLY helping!!

Might have to add these to my deadlift day :yup: Had a guy at my gym show me them a few monthes back. Was with a friend and we couldnt help but laugh. Get the 2 of us together and there is bound to be immature humor :lmao:

That cheesecake is too damn good for a cut! I feel like I'm cheating with every slice!
I cant wait to tear into it. Thanks again for posting about it.

Looking good in here bro, your bouncing back quick!
Thanks man it feels good to lift.

185*5, 205*5, 235*5+ got 11 and was close to 12
Incline BB press
155*12,10 (should have had a spotter)
Bent over rows BB

This workout really proved how much my endurance has suffered. I had to take multiple breaks during my second set of incline BB just to get 10. I basically had nothing left in me. Very disappointing performance I must say. I will def be doing cardio tomorrow. During my workouts I sweat more than usual.


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Giving my final exam speech tonight. Actually finished it with some time to read over it. Should be pretty good. I was thinking it was shorter than my last one, but just checked and they are both 5 pages. In fact the word count is a difference of 2 lol. My last speech lasted exactly 5 minutes like it is supposed to.

To answer your question yes I worked out before I finished my speech lol. A good work out makes it easier for me to think and focus. Plus who doesnt feel confident after throwing weights around?


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Tom you are doing great in here man!! Its good seeing you jump back so quickly


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Tom you are doing great in here man!! Its good seeing you jump back so quickly
Agreed and the endurance is going to come back. Just keep at it.

If you are watching cals or limiting carbs at all, that could be part of it too. Getting your body to switch over to burning fats instead of carbs can be painful, but you are already a monster. You got dis!!!!



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A speech, good for you, I loved my class in college got a A, but than again I have a big mouth....LOL Glad to see you recovering....



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Tom you are doing great in here man!! Its good seeing you jump back so quickly
If Im going to lift Im going to do it big. I think the deload week might kill me lol.

Agreed and the endurance is going to come back. Just keep at it.

If you are watching cals or limiting carbs at all, that could be part of it too. Getting your body to switch over to burning fats instead of carbs can be painful, but you are already a monster. You got dis!!!!

I will it was just crazy how heavy 155 got. It wasnt even painful or anything I just couldnt move it lol.

Trying to watch the cals, but def getting in my carbs after my workout that is for sure. My post workout meal today was Muscle Replenisher, protein fluff(banana and blackberries), 2 turkey burger patties, and some LN cheesecake.

A speech, good for you, I loved my class in college got a A, but than again I have a big mouth....LOL Glad to see you recovering....

Lol ya I dont see you having a problem with stage fright. Thanks how you are doing well yourself.

Well the cheesecake wasnt as good as I hoped. It was good but damn did it smell amazing last night. Guess some tweaking is in order. Plus I think I have already broke my cheap mixer. POS doesnt even say how many watts it is :wtf:

Tomorrow is my rest day so lower calories and cardio. Yes I just said the C word :11:


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A good work out makes it easier for me to think and focus. Plus who doesnt feel confident after throwing weights around?
Couldn't agree more :yup:


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Couldn't agree more :yup:
I really do notice a difference after a good workout.

Wow my chest and to some degree my back is really sore from yesterdays workout. Got a decent amount of sleep last night. Will def try to get more tonight though.

Going to do some cardio here in a bit. Need to drink some BCAAs and what not in a bit first. Then it is off to get more food :saevilw:


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Ive been trying IF myself, i wonder if some intra-wo aminos would negativly effect the program? I know its suggested 10g BCAA 15-5min before hand, but what about things like peptopro and bcaa during a session?


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Ive been trying IF myself, i wonder if some intra-wo aminos would negativly effect the program? I know its suggested 10g BCAA 15-5min before hand, but what about things like peptopro and bcaa during a session?
I mean I know I plan on taking some. But my eat period is a bit shorter so my fast ends up being longer. I am going over the 16 hour fast mark.


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yea i do too, i lil bit. Ill just stick it out as written for a few weeks and then start trying different things from there


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yea i do too, i lil bit. Ill just stick it out as written for a few weeks and then start trying different things from there
Good plan.

If you are a little high in BF though and your goal is burn fat while building, I'd say not to worry too much about BCAAs (EDIT: intra workout that is, not altogether)unless you are training fasted.....

Just my .02


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I believe with IF that you can have up to 50 calories without it breaking your fast. So you could do up to 12g of Peptopro I guess. BCAA are free, I think, you can have them every 2 hours since you'll be fasting during that time.


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I believe with IF that you can have up to 50 calories without it breaking your fast. So you could do up to 12g of Peptopro I guess. BCAA are free, I think, you can have them every 2 hours since you'll be fasting during that time.
Bcaa do have cals
So you do bcaa's all day even if you dont train first thing?
I usually train right before i break the fast. And i only do 10g before hand and nothing during.


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From what I have read BCAAs shouldn't have any impact on your IF diet, as it isn't really truely fasting but under-eating.

The goal is to activate cAMP through the undereating or fasting phase and BCAAs aren't going to inhibit this.

In regards to the calorie content of BCAAs, yes they do contain calories but it isn't in the same sense as food, re 50kcals from whey isn't the same as 50kcals from aminos. Remember a calorie is a unit of energy and not necessarily a measurement of food.

So while BCAAs do hold an energy value (calories) which is similar to protein (4kcal/g) they are metabolized within muscles. This is different then if aminos are being produced by the liver which would make the energy available to the whole body. When you are taking BCAAs they go straight to your muscles and then if your body needs energy it will go through the steps of either getting it from your muscle or from you stored body fat.

By fasting you are activating cAMP which will in turn activate enzymes that are responsible for protein synthesis and energy production, this results in the break down of glycogen reserves in the liver and induces lipolysis in fat cells

So BCAAs will go straight to your muscles when consumed and then your body will have a choice of muscle or fat for energy but through fasting you activated cAMP which activated lipolysis for its energy production so most likely the BCAAs will stay in your muscle and your energy will come from the fat stores IMO

Lastly leucine has been shown to boost protein synthesis and is the main regulator of protein metabolism.

I would suggest you experiment with and without aminos and see how you progress. I would start off with the aminos and only switch to without them if my weight loss slowed down or stopped. I dont see any reason why BCAAs shouldn't be taken during your under-eating/fasting period


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I was once quiet and shy I know you don't buy it I was......

I was pumped tonight ( not really) but did do 15 mins of cardio and than I did WEIGHTS!!!! omg!!! lol...Bis, tri's, and chest......UUgghhhhh I hate weights...

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