Dont Call It a Comeback... Log 5/3/1



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Hopping back in is always difficult. You have the drive tho, you'll be killing it in no time.

Oh yeah, and subbed bro.

And did somebody say SPIN CLASS?

Ya it was kind of nice to be away for a little while. I never take breaks from the gym so it was needed. Mentally Im refreshed from the time off but damn I sweat like a fatass more now lol.

Good to have you in here.

I hear ya. Makes me almost want to go back. The spin instructor was a milf and she def passed those genes along :yup:


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The spin instructor was a milf and she def passed those genes along :yup:
Always nice of Milf's to pass the genes along :saevilw:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hopping back in is always difficult. You have the drive tho, you'll be killing it in no time.
^^^This. Have some faith in yourself and your body's ability to remember :)



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^^^This. Have some faith in yourself and your body's ability to remember :)

Well put.

Rosie, I've seen you around, but I gotta comment on your Avi. Every guy is thinking the same thing........why the hands?

I'm kidding and being a pig headed meat head, but no joke, you got a great figure and def know your way around nutrition and fitness. A true role model for a lot of us :)

Sorry to hijack the thread for a sec....and thank you for the welcome TH
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Well put.

Rosie, I've seen you around, but I gotta comment on your Avi. Every guy is thinking the same thing........why the hands?

I'm kidding and being a pig headed meat head, but no joke, you got a great figure and def know your way around nutrition and fitness. A true role model for a lot of us :)

Sorry to hijack the thread for a sec....and thank you for the welcome TH
Less is more, LOL ;) But thank you for the kind words. Knowing that I can help others in the right direction is a blessing. I love this lifestyle and if I can pass that passion onto others, allowing them to improve their quality of life in the process, all the better! :)



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Always nice of Milf's to pass the genes along :saevilw:
Oh yes and a good work ethic in the gym. So I couldnt be blamed when I was working out with one of her daughters for a while :newangel:

^^^This. Have some faith in yourself and your body's ability to remember :)

I know and thanks for reminding me everyone. Just feels like a "tragedy"(not that serious) because I was the strongest that I have ever been and now Im back to normal.

Well put.

Rosie, I've seen you around, but I gotta comment on your Avi. Every guy is thinking the same thing........why the hands?

I'm kidding and being a pig headed meat head, but no joke, you got a great figure and def know your way around nutrition and fitness. A true role model for a lot of us :)

Sorry to hijack the thread for a sec....and thank you for the welcome TH
Haha hijack was ok by me. I know her avi has caught my attention. And of course you are welcomed here. Another mind to whip this marshmellow body into shape :yup:

Less is more, LOL ;) But thank you for the kind words. Knowing that I can help others in the right direction is a blessing. I love this lifestyle and if I can pass that passion onto others, allowing them to improve their quality of life in the process, all the better! :)

You are truly an asset to this forum Rosie always helping people out. Simply amazes me your dedication to help others.

So Idk what Im going to do diet wise today. I thought about doing arms today which would be followed by a nice big meal. I would be done eating around 12am if I stuck to the 8/16 schedule. The thing is my dad talked about going shooting tomorrow. Which means going to eat afterwards. This wouldnt exactly line up with my 8/16 schedule. I would need to do a longer fast to readjust my shedule. I could also just cut off my feeding time and eat 2 meals. Finish eating at about 8pm.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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You are truly an asset to this forum Rosie always helping people out. Simply amazes me your dedication to help others.

So Idk what Im going to do diet wise today. I thought about doing arms today which would be followed by a nice big meal. I would be done eating around 12am if I stuck to the 8/16 schedule. The thing is my dad talked about going shooting tomorrow. Which means going to eat afterwards. This wouldnt exactly line up with my 8/16 schedule. I would need to do a longer fast to readjust my shedule. I could also just cut off my feeding time and eat 2 meals. Finish eating at about 8pm.
Thank you :)

I know others are going to severely disagree with me on this, but re nutrition, don't get TOO caught up in times and things. It's not going to be a huge deal if you don't have 16 hours fasting between eating. As long as there is some method to the madness and you're optimizing your eating times, you will be fine. No one said you have to stick to 16/8 all the time, as long as what you are doing is working for you. Besides, if you ARE trying to be strictly rigid as far as your diet goes, remember that one day out of the week off kilter or not on schedule is not going to affect you as long you don't let it.



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Spin class is gangster. We have one attractive spin instructor and the other two are overweight, which is mind boggling. Great exercise.


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Thank you :)

I know others are going to severely disagree with me on this, but re nutrition, don't get TOO caught up in times and things. It's not going to be a huge deal if you don't have 16 hours fasting between eating. As long as there is some method to the madness and you're optimizing your eating times, you will be fine. No one said you have to stick to 16/8 all the time, as long as what you are doing is working for you. Besides, if you ARE trying to be strictly rigid as far as your diet goes, remember that one day out of the week off kilter or not on schedule is not going to affect you as long you don't let it.

Ya I know just trying to start this off right to get an idea if I want to keep this up. What I decided to do is just have 1 MASSIVE post workout meal. Im talking an Andrew style meal minus all the sweets lol. Although I could go to Firehouse Subs get a sandwich and a brownie :yup: That sounds like a good idea. Took 2 Recompadrols and 1 Need2Slin. Starting to think I should have gone with more :blink:

I know I will need to bring some Recompadrol tomorrow for when we go eat after shooting. Wouldnt call the post shooting food lean.

Spin class is gangster. We have one attractive spin instructor and the other two are overweight, which is mind boggling. Great exercise.
Well when I was going if the milf didnt show up to instruct when she was scheduled to I would just leave :rofl: Thinking I might start back up on yoga if possible. Might be a tight fit schedule wise until class is over with.

My triceps and biceps are screaming after that workout. Wasnt a lot of volume, but they have been on the shelf for a month.


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Why are so many ppl shying away from standing military? I find them to be a great tool for shoulder health, and if done right wont hurt you. Also jim wendler even does them, and he has a shot shoulder...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Why are so many ppl shying away from standing military? I find them to be a great tool for shoulder health, and if done right wont hurt you. Also jim wendler even does them, and he has a shot shoulder...
Not everyone does. Some do because of shoulder issues (i.e. not being flexible enough or rotator cuff issues). I personally love them (front and behind-the-neck) and think that they are great exercises to incorporate into your resistance training programme, but in the end it's about the individual and what suits them best re needs, etc.



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Why are so many ppl shying away from standing military? I find them to be a great tool for shoulder health, and if done right wont hurt you. Also jim wendler even does them, and he has a shot shoulder...
Depends on the individuals goals, personally I feel if you aren't able to do them you need to figure out why and correct the problem. I ONLY do military presses standing but to each their own. Some like to have brute strength and if sitting allows them to press more then great. As Rosie said its all to the individuals preferences and goals.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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sweet ok thanks guys
No worries, bud :) I like to do both seated (front) and standing (front and behind-the-neck) military presses - makes for more variety and better overall training for me personally.



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Not everyone does. Some do because of shoulder issues (i.e. not being flexible enough or rotator cuff issues). I personally love them (front and behind-the-neck) and think that they are great exercises to incorporate into your resistance training programme, but in the end it's about the individual and what suits them best re needs, etc.

I half clean it, then I military press it :) Superset that with some one armed bent over rows.......recipe for forcing some growth.

What I do with the half clean is I stand with the bar, then explosively clean it, then press it, then "de-clean" (um....not sure what to call it bc I don't drop the bar, I let it fall on the tops of my quads while keeping my back straight. Works wonders for my finisher and this is how I finish every Back and SHoulder day.

But as Rosie said, to each thier own, but I'd be willing to bet those that don't stand and do them bc thier lower back, need to work on thier core (assuming it isn't injured).

TH, I bet your bis and tris are FRIED after being shelved for the bit they were. Feels good, eh? :saevilw:


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I half clean it, then I military press it :) Superset that with some one armed bent over rows.......recipe for forcing some growth.

What I do with the half clean is I stand with the bar, then explosively clean it, then press it, then "de-clean" (um....not sure what to call it bc I don't drop the bar, I let it fall on the tops of my quads while keeping my back straight. Works wonders for my finisher and this is how I finish every Back and SHoulder day.

But as Rosie said, to each thier own, but I'd be willing to bet those that don't stand and do them bc thier lower back, need to work on thier core (assuming it isn't injured).

TH, I bet your bis and tris are FRIED after being shelved for the bit they were. Feels good, eh? :saevilw:
My theory is I work my core just a little bit with squats and deadlifts so skipping out on standing overhead press wont kill me. Plus I just feel more comfortable doing seated with a spotter when I know Im going to failure.

I mean honestly they feel fine now lol, but post workout it hurt to move them at all. I dont think I said what all I ate so I will here.

2 scoops Muscle Replenisher
1 brownie
8 inch double meat sub turkey and ham
bowl of fried rice

Workout was:
Machine seated overhead tricep ext
Seated tricep ext
Reverse cable tricep ext

Straight BB curls
DB curls

As far as how I did my sets I started with a decent weight went till I couldnt get anymore reps. Then 10 deep breathes drop to a slightly lighter weight and go to failure again. 10 more deep breathes slight drop in weight again.

Never had very good arms to be honest. Ok well they didnt look half bad when I wrestled :yup:


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My theory is I work my core just a little bit with squats and deadlifts so skipping out on standing overhead press wont kill me. Plus I just feel more comfortable doing seated with a spotter when I know Im going to failure.

I mean honestly they feel fine now lol, but post workout it hurt to move them at all. I dont think I said what all I ate so I will here.

2 scoops Muscle Replenisher
1 brownie
8 inch double meat sub turkey and ham
bowl of fried rice

Workout was:
Machine seated overhead tricep ext
Seated tricep ext
Reverse cable tricep ext

Straight BB curls
DB curls

As far as how I did my sets I started with a decent weight went till I couldnt get anymore reps. Then 10 deep breathes drop to a slightly lighter weight and go to failure again. 10 more deep breathes slight drop in weight again.

Never had very good arms to be honest. Ok well they didnt look half bad when I wrestled :yup:
Agreed and to each thier own. The point is, if it work for you, do it. :) Are you going on a cut in a while. I know you are getting the swing of things now, I'm just asking for the future?


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Agreed and to each thier own. The point is, if it work for you, do it. :) Are you going on a cut in a while. I know you are getting the swing of things now, I'm just asking for the future?
Ya Im going to try and cut now. Figure it will be easier if Im only eating 3 times a day compared to 6 or so. I know most say 6 a day, but damn it is just like a big ole tease to me. Plus lately I havent even been hungry because Im full when I eat. Need to clean it up a bit, but it should work in theory.

I got up to almost 240 on my last cycle. That is a bit of weight to be walking around with when you are only 5'7"(being honest). Especially since Im not as lean as I would like. I lift because I love to lift, but damn it would be nice to look good in the mirror. Right now Im about 220. I have toyed with the idea of adding in fat loss supps, but think it would be better if I left them out to see the true potential of this diet(for me). Of course that doesnt mean Im going to cut out the nutrient partitioners :firedevil:

Going shooting tomorrow after not going in a while. Wish me luck cant have my old man shoot better than me or I will never hear the end of it lol.

Interested to see how sore I am going to be tomorrow morning. Surprised my legs and ass are not more sore after squats yesterday.


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I had no idea what they said about spin teachers, lol I used to teach a long time ago, and have since gotten into it....GREAT workout and I like pushing myself....

Sounds like you have a plan and glad your feeling better, will try to be around more, harder lately with work, spin and still barfing...



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Why are so many ppl shying away from standing military? I find them to be a great tool for shoulder health, and if done right wont hurt you. Also jim wendler even does them, and he has a shot shoulder...
Tomahawk isn't "shying" away from them. He stated that when he performs this exercise that it tweaks something in his neck. Nothing "shy" about that.


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What I do with the half clean is I stand with the bar, then explosively clean it, then press it, then "de-clean" (um....not sure what to call it bc I don't drop the bar, I let it fall on the tops of my quads while keeping my back straight. Works wonders for my finisher and this is how I finish every Back and SHoulder day.
I do something like this. For some reason I haven't been able to find a seated military press that doesn't kill my shoulder unracking the weight. I always see people trying to copy me with the short olympic bar and they end up hurting themselves. I guess I'm a bad influence:whiner:


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For some reason I haven't been able to find a seated military press that doesn't kill my shoulder unracking the weight.
What about Smith-Machine Military Presses?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I had no idea what they said about spin teachers, lol I used to teach a long time ago, and have since gotten into it....GREAT workout and I like pushing myself....

Sounds like you have a plan and glad your feeling better, will try to be around more, harder lately with work, spin and still barfing...

Lol I was joking about spin teachers.

Ya I hope this plan works. Well I hope things get easier and the food stays down.

Tomahawk isn't "shying" away from them. He stated that when he performs this exercise that it tweaks something in his neck. Nothing "shy" about that.
Ya wouldnt be very smart of me to keep doing something that lays me up. I like doing them, but it isnt like they are squats or deadlifts(essential to living).

What about Smith-Machine Military Presses?
Should work if they have a good seat. Being able to adjust where you come off the rack. My gym has a military press rack with it far behind you to allow for behind the neck presses.

Im in brother!
Good to have you in here man


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Im here - for when you need a shoulder to lean on :D got some of the high rollers in here I see!


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Well so far I like it. Havent really followed it much except for the whole 8 eat 16 fast. Plus the 3 meals a day plus lots of water. Reading will be done soon.

Ya what I have tried is good but I like the idea of 4:1:1 bcaa ratio.

That is one of the few NTBM supps I havent gotten around to trying. Might have to with this fasting diet.
i would definately try the gear, i am intriqued by what it could do.

just bought a freaking ton of stuff, but gonna add it to my next list.

send me a discount code, lol.


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Im here - for when you need a shoulder to lean on :D got some of the high rollers in here I see!
Lol you are too tall for that. Ya Idk why they are here for little ole me :fool2:

See you know what Im talking about.

i would definately try the gear, i am intriqued by what it could do.

just bought a freaking ton of stuff, but gonna add it to my next list.

send me a discount code, lol.
Ya I plan on getting 2 bottles to toy with :yup:

azntomahawkchop15 saves 15% off your order.


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Lol you are too tall for that. Ya Idk why they are here for little ole me :fool2:

See you know what Im talking about.

Ya I plan on getting 2 bottles to toy with :yup:

azntomahawkchop15 saves 15% off your order.
geezus, why couldn't you be just tom15%, lol.


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Lol you are too tall for that. Ya Idk why they are here for little ole me :fool2:

See you know what Im talking about.

Ya I plan on getting 2 bottles to toy with :yup:

azntomahawkchop15 saves 15% off your order.
geezus, why couldn't you be just tom15%, lol. what happened to the 25%?


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Lol you are too tall for that. Ya Idk why they are here for little ole me :fool2:

:toofunny: coming from the deadlift king himself........

You're being too hard on yourself. You said you were tired of being a little heavy but lifting a ton and you are going to focus on some aesthetics, right?
Switching gears is going to be like starting all over bc your goals are going to be so different and your methods HAVE to be different.

Pulling the weight I saw you pull in the youtube have great potential my friend. Keep the faith in yourself and remember you are your own worst critic.
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geezus, why couldn't you be just tom15%, lol. what happened to the 25%?
Haha, he just likes to be difficult ;) And the 25% was just a promo for the month.

Also wanted to agree with what morry posted. Changing goals is hard to do, man. Just like a lot of what we do, it comes down to you vs. your ego - you've gotta beat it. Focus on one thing at a time. Sacrifice a little strength short-term to gain the goal you currently want, then slowly build yourself back up to that strength. You can do it, bud.


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Lol I was joking about spin teachers.

Ya I hope this plan works. Well I hope things get easier and the food stays down.

Ya wouldnt be very smart of me to keep doing something that lays me up. I like doing them, but it isnt like they are squats or deadlifts(essential to living).

Should work if they have a good seat. Being able to adjust where you come off the rack. My gym has a military press rack with it far behind you to allow for behind the neck presses.

Good to have you in here man
One thing I know for certain we had a mini riot at work today< I went RUNNING, and I hit the floor taking a kid down with me, no one hits my co worker... I didnt know I had it in me ....LOL spin is great!!!!

Glad to be here..:)


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Arnt you doing 5/3/1? Im positive you can achieve your physique goals and maintain strength. Ive been running a bodybuilder 5/3/1 hybrid for about 6 monthes now. My gains are great and my strength is on the rise. deads and squats are up 60lbs and my bench and oh press are up 45lbs. You got this!


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geezus, why couldn't you be just tom15%, lol.
Lol I know people probably dont use my code for that reason alone. But it is def easy to remember lol.

:toofunny: coming from the deadlift king himself........

You're being too hard on yourself. You said you were tired of being a little heavy but lifting a ton and you are going to focus on some aesthetics, right?
Switching gears is going to be like starting all over bc your goals are going to be so different and your methods HAVE to be different.

Pulling the weight I saw you pull in the youtube have great potential my friend. Keep the faith in yourself and remember you are your own worst critic.
Shoot Im def not the deadlift king. 495 for 5 is bitch weight(no offense to anyone who does that or less, but I want 700 :grumpy:)

I know the goal is to change my diet first to find what will be most effective for me. I like 5/3/1 for strength, but I feel like it can be a good basis for my goal on leaning down. Still want that dense look you get with heavy weights.

Haha, he just likes to be difficult ;) And the 25% was just a promo for the month.

Also wanted to agree with what morry posted. Changing goals is hard to do, man. Just like a lot of what we do, it comes down to you vs. your ego - you've gotta beat it. Focus on one thing at a time. Sacrifice a little strength short-term to gain the goal you currently want, then slowly build yourself back up to that strength. You can do it, bud.
We shall see who wins "me vs I"

I wont lie I am looking forward to when I can put some more "gym candy" in my body. But that is def a ways off. Got to make sure everything is recovered.

One thing I know for certain we had a mini riot at work today< I went RUNNING, and I hit the floor taking a kid down with me, no one hits my co worker... I didnt know I had it in me ....LOL spin is great!!!!

Glad to be here..:)
I didnt doubt you did listening to the rage you display while driving :lol: I might try going on mondays if the milf is there still. Hit back early in the day carb back up and die while doing spin.

Arnt you doing 5/3/1? Im positive you can achieve your physique goals and maintain strength. Ive been running a bodybuilder 5/3/1 hybrid for about 6 monthes now. My gains are great and my strength is on the rise. deads and squats are up 60lbs and my bench and oh press are up 45lbs. You got this!
Mind hititng me with a PM to see how you have that set up?


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Didnt go shooting today so that was a shitty way to start the day off. Helped a friend(and workout partner) who recently had to get a new truck. He bought a chicken pizza and we watched the Strikeforce PPV. Ended up eating out of schedule, but it is hard to say no to free pizza lol. Also found out he is back to lifting, but he is going on base to the fitness center. The fitness center is free so hard to argue. I just renewed for this month so Im staying at the gym. The fitness center might have some girls to look at but honestly not that much. Plus it gets so crowded. Was kind of funny having people watch me lift though lol. I swear when I was deadlifting I looked up and half the people stopped working out to watch me. The sad part is they probably didnt even know what I was doing just saw a bunch of plates.

The arms are still really sore. Forgot how this felt. Think I might make it a habit of including an arm day. It is nice to beat them up.


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Another rest day today and much needed. Still plenty sore from my arm day on Friday. Triceps are still very much in pain. Biceps feel pretty much healed up which isnt unusual they never really get all that sore.

For my delayed lunch I had a footlong sub from Firehouse. Thinking I should have added a protein shake to it. Then about 4 hours later I had steak(10-12oz), spinach, and some protein fluff(Lean Gains). Pretty sure I will be full until the next time to eat lol.

Tomorrow will be back so here we go...

Deadlift (570) with [515] being my adjusted max:

We shall see what I do to follow that up.


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deadlift isnt a back movement in the strictest sence.
hows the IF treating you? im considering giving it a try. I just dont know how im gonna pack 100g protein and about 200g carbs into my post-wo meal lol


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deadlift isnt a back movement in the strictest sence.
hows the IF treating you? im considering giving it a try. I just dont know how im gonna pack 100g protein and about 200g carbs into my post-wo meal lol
Lol well tomorrow is my deadlift day. Oh and tell my back it isnt a back movement. My whole back was sore on Tuesday after deadlifting on monday.

I can always tweak my schedule now since Im working out by myself.
Mon: deadlift
Tues: military
Wed: cardio/spin
Thur: squat
Fri: bench
Sat: arms

Weird idea just popped into my head
Mon: spin
Tues: deadlift
Wed: spin
Thurs: bench
Friday: squat
Sat: cardio/rest
Sun: arms

Like I said it was weird. Mon and Wed are the spin days. Honestly Idk if I want to do spin.

Im liking the IF so far. Had to adjust my calories some lol. Was basically just pouring food down my gullet. Which is more of a Warrior Diet approach when I am trying to do more of a Lean Gains. I think once I tigthen up my calories weight will drop off nicely.


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Lol i cant poor food down anymore, i just get to full to fast.
so you train arms on their own day?
Idk if you need 5 days of lifting plus IF plus cardio plus dieting.
Id say a mon-wed-fri rotation of 5/3/1 with 2 days of conditioning work would be plenty, and when you bulk do a mon-tues-thurs-fri rotation with 1-2 days conditioning. But thats me and also what leangains recommends usually. either way good luck! and ill keep an eye on this


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forgot how much fun your logs are, tom-some good stuff in here!!!



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Lol i cant poor food down anymore, i just get to full to fast.
so you train arms on their own day?
Idk if you need 5 days of lifting plus IF plus cardio plus dieting.
Id say a mon-wed-fri rotation of 5/3/1 with 2 days of conditioning work would be plenty, and when you bulk do a mon-tues-thurs-fri rotation with 1-2 days conditioning. But thats me and also what leangains recommends usually. either way good luck! and ill keep an eye on this
Oh well I have never had a problem eating. I will never be skinny.
The reason I am considering training arms on their own day is because they are so far behind Imo. Even before my month hiatutus I felt like they were small. An arm day isnt guranteed but is possible. I might just add biceps and triceps to different days. It isnt like I do much for them anyway.

forgot how much fun your logs are, tom-some good stuff in here!!!

Well duh I am just trying to live up to the T.O.M. standard. I try to mix a bit of fun with all this hard work.

Might be trying out a cheesecake soon so I will give my take on that.

If anyone has checked out Lean Gains and not tried the protein fluff yet I suggest it. Very filling and tasty enough for "regular" people :rofl:


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M.O.M. checking in. Looking good making a comeback. You'll be back to the good stuff soon enough.

I wouldn't do spin, but that's just me and I don't like bikes!

Oh, and DLs are most certainly back moves! I never felt as much back activity as when I started doing heavy deadlifts and really leaning back at the top of the pull.


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M.O.M. checking in. Looking good making a comeback. You'll be back to the good stuff soon enough.

I wouldn't do spin, but that's just me and I don't like bikes!

Oh, and DLs are most certainly back moves! I never felt as much back activity as when I started doing heavy deadlifts and really leaning back at the top of the pull.
Deadlifts are a hip movement, you prob lift your hips first and use mostly back for the movement as most do. But dont lean back, it will put you at risk for a back injury or a slip disk, just hit the straight back and push your chest out, do not pull your shoulder blade back.


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I lift with my hamstrings and glutes first, but hips probably get hit as well as spinal erectors. However, I still really feel it throughout my back.

Really though, the only time my lower back feels under any pressure is the start of the pull, not when I put a little lean at the top. The top when I lean I feel it in my upper back and lats.


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I lift with my hamstrings and glutes first, but hips probably get hit as well as spinal erectors. However, I still really feel it throughout my back.

Really though, the only time my lower back feels under any pressure is the start of the pull, not when I put a little lean at the top. The top when I lean I feel it in my upper back and lats.
no point in argueing, this is what is fact. It puts you at risk of injury, all across your spin. If the reward of upper back stimulation is worth it then so be it.


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M.O.M. checking in. Looking good making a comeback. You'll be back to the good stuff soon enough.

I wouldn't do spin, but that's just me and I don't like bikes!
Good to have you Mabus lol. When I hear that name I think of a really old country black man talking to another really old country black named Mabus. Dont ask me why but I do lol.

I know I cant wait either. Got some SARMs headed my way too.

Ya I dont like it much either. I would be more inclined to do it if there were better looking females at the FC, but Im sure you can agree it was lacking even back then.

I will say I am considering going to do yoga though.

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