thank you so much for your response to my thread about my girlfriends issues activating glues/hams. hopefully she will be able to take into account what you said and clear some issues.
Hey buddy just checking in and seeing how things are going?
Are you currently using any APS Products??
Which are your favorite and which would you like to try?
I sent an email to Taurus but haven't received a reply yet. I purchased one of the Da-hcg and when I opened the box there were 2 containers inside. If it's an extra...THANX...but not sure if it was a mistake in the shipping or what. I was only charged for the one.
I typically have sold the Prowlers for $300 with the coat, and I threw in an extra set of Skid-plates which can run $60 plus shipping...So basically I sell at $300 what they would aorund $620 with shipping
Very much! It's very good, very well done. A few min after I posted that message I was bawling like a baby lol. But it is a very good movie and I think everyone should see it.
I have not. I have seen the studies on calorie restriction and longevity. I know resveratrol tries to reproduce the calorie restriction effects, but I highly doubt it modulates SIRT1 enough to be of calorie restriction type effective. Definitely drop me your thoughts on it if you do read.
hey bro, just do a google search for intracellular lactate shuttles and brooks... theres a bunch of info available. Mainly discusses how and to what extent our bodies utilize lactate for energy
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