Becoming THE MONSTER w/ Monterdrol XT



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Yea man its tough, its pretty much inevitable gaining fat when trying to bulk. But its how much im going to gain is what i would like to control without sacrificing too much potential muscle.
Not with the help of need2slin bro.

I've been bulking now for about 8 weeks and haven't put on any bf, and i credit that to using the need2slin this cycle. previous cycles i would always gain bf specially in the midsection with bulks....

Love need2slin :D


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Not with the help of need2slin bro.

I've been bulking now for about 8 weeks and haven't put on any bf, and i credit that to using the need2slin this cycle. previous cycles i would always gain bf specially in the midsection with bulks....

Love need2slin :D
need2slin ay??? Sounds like I may have to do a little shopping soon :damnit: you're killin me BB


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need2slin ay??? Sounds like I may have to do a little shopping soon :damnit: you're killin me BB

You can go without if you don't have the cash, but I'm telling you it really does help on a bulk if you're consuming A LOT of carbs.

I'm eating around 60-70 carbs every meal except my last meal(pre-bed)

Need2Slin works. Good stuff buddy :sgrin:


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DAY 11 11/05:

Alright I dont know what *******'s bright idea it was to do this routine(mine haha) but supersetting shoulders aint no joke! Was a great day all around. Im still feeling good nothing in the side effect dept to report. Libido is raging, the boys are still nice and plump. Weighed again today verified on 2 different scales:

WEIGHT: 163lbs(+6.5lbs)


Seated DB Press: 3 sets/ 12,10,10 / 65,70,70lb dumbells
Front Rasie: 3 sets/ 10,10,10 / 35lb dumbells all sets

One arm DB rows: 3 sets/ 12,12,12 / 85,90,95lb dumbells
Arnold press: 3 sets/ 12,11,9 / 45,50,55lb dumbells

Wide grip Lat pulldown: 3 sets/ 12,11,9 / 115,120,125lbs
Shrugs: 3 sets/ 15,15,15 / 265,275,275lbs

Palms in close grip pulldowns: 3 sets/ 12,11,9 / 125,130,135lbs
Upright rows: 3 sets/ 12,10,8 / 85,90,95lbs

Incline Pull machine: 3 sets/ 10,10,9 / 200,210,210lbs

DIET: Was hungry all day! Its getting easier to meet my calorie goals.

3023 cals
92g fat
258g carbs
284g protein


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Lovin the weight gain I'm seein all around with MDXT


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First log of any type, second cycle. Ran a pretty weak epi cycle on a cut begining of the year 30mg's ED for 4 wks. But this will be my first bulking cycle.
What kind of gains did the epi yield for you, as far as strength goes ?

just curious :bigeyes:


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Hard to really say since i didnt keep a WO log it was good though. I was maintaining maybe gained some slight strength on a 1500cal diet so my cals were super low! I was doing about 1hr of fasted cardio 5 days a week while lifting full body every other day. So i was really focused only on the cutting aspect and trying to maintain what muscle and strength i had and it definitely did that. It work well even though wish i wouldve use halodrol since its suppose to be a better cutter.


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My chest is more pumped right now than it was yesterday after lifting chest! Keeps feeling tighter as the day goes on i like it. Baked 4lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast this evening in preperation for the next few days. I think im going to start to add in some more stuff in the routine. Thinking about adding back in some weighted wide grip chin ups, some decline bench, maybe some weighted dips also.

also updated the diet for today.


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My chest is more pumped right now than it was yesterday after lifting chest! Keeps feeling tighter as the day goes on i like it. Baked 4lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast this evening in preperation for the next few days. I think im going to start to add in some more stuff in the routine. Thinking about adding back in some weighted wide grip chin ups, some decline bench, maybe some weighted dips also.

also updated the diet for today.
hit the chin ups at bw brah,
well thats a pending suggestion... how much do you weigh?


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Just got caught up on ur log and must say looks great so far. Keep in mind if u want to keep gaining weight u will need to up ur calories according to ur new weight.


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hit the chin ups at bw brah,
well thats a pending suggestion... how much do you weigh?
I started this new routine about 3 weeks ago. The routine i did before this i opened up back day with chin ups at BW 3 sets to failure. I got up to be able to do around 30 of them at BW for my first set so i switched to weighted then meaning adding 25lbs, 35lbs and then up to 45lb plates. Not on an assisted machine that may be what you were thinking of? So im thinking weighted would be more beneficial for me. But yesterday i was 163lbs.

Just got caught up on ur log and must say looks great so far. Keep in mind if u want to keep gaining weight u will need to up ur calories according to ur new weight.
Thanks man!

This is true! In that case im still 500cals over maintenance may have to bump it a another hundred cals or so.


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30 chins at bw? damn I thought I was a beast for being able to do 22 in a row.


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Yea man no kicking or swinging and if my chin doesnt come all the way up past the bar i wont count it.


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Yea man no kicking or swinging and if my chin doesnt come all the way up past the bar i wont count it.
good! love pull-ups. my goal is to one day hit a one arm pull up. theres this chick that hits him up for reps shes only like a buck 15 but still she looks so sexy doing them.


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Hell yea i love when chicks do pull ups. I just want to run over and let them wrap theyre legs around my face so i can give them a spot haha. Im sure you can hit a one arm pull up man ive never tried but im sure i got one in me lol. All forms of pullups and weighted dips are great theyve helped me gain in every lift in a fairly quick amount of time. Id love to be able to rep out 3 sets of 20 pullups with a 45lbs plate but im a ways away from that but its a goal to look forward to. Also id like to deadlift 500lbs, squats have no desire to increase in lol, and bench 300lbs but honestly could care less as long as my chest looks good!


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Day 12 11/06:

Today was my second leg day in the week. Always change this up a bit and keep it fairly simple. But man i could not get into it today i had a pounding headache! Not sure if its a side effect or from muscle tension in my neck but its was nasty none the less. Im fully hydrated so it not from dehydration. My shirts are starting to feel tighter across the chest and shoulders and i can tell in the mirror im starting to look much thicker. Not sure i expected or prepared for this but its nice i just hope the arms and legs follow suit!


Hack Squats: 5 sets/ 10reps all sets / 220lbs plus 50lb carriage on all sets

Seated Calf raise: 5 sets/ 15reps all sets/ 115lbs

Lying leg curls: 4 sets/ 10reps all sets/ 100,100,105,112.5lbs
Leg extension: 4sets/ 10 reps all sets/ 150,150,155,165lbs

Standing Calf raise: 3 sets/ 15reps all sets/ 315lbs all sets


3103 cals
94g fat
232g carbs
318g protein


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Day 12 11/06:

Today was my second leg day in the week. Always change this up a bit and keep it fairly simple. But man i could not get into it today i had a pounding headache! Not sure if its a side effect or from muscle tension in my neck but its was nasty none the less. Im fully hydrated so it not from dehydration. My shirts are starting to feel tighter across the chest and shoulders and i can tell in the mirror im starting to look much thicker. Not sure i expected or prepared for this but its nice i just hope the arms and legs follow suit!


Hack Squats: 5 sets/ 10reps all sets / 220lbs plus 50lb carriage on all sets

Seated Calf raise: 5 sets/ 15reps all sets/ 115lbs

Lying leg curls: 4 sets/ 10reps all sets/ 100,100,105,112.5lbs
Leg extension: 4sets/ 10 reps all sets/ 150,150,155,165lbs

Standing Calf raise: 3 sets/ 15reps all sets/ 315lbs all sets

DIET: Will update later
great update reece! I have a feeling that we'll have to by some new clothes if the gains keep up :( also, i feel u on those days where its tough getting into the swing of things; but man, those hack squats are like my kryptonite bro; i feel that particular exercise for days hahaha; im gonna post an update soon too; you will like what u see! :squareeyed:


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great update reece! I have a feeling that we'll have to by some new clothes if the gains keep up :( also, i feel u on those days where its tough getting into the swing of things; but man, those hack squats are like my kryptonite bro; i feel that particular exercise for days hahaha; im gonna post an update soon too; you will like what u see! :squareeyed:
Your not kidding! Right now my bodys in an akward clothing state if that makes sense haha. Smalls no F'n way, mediums are perfect length and around the waist fit nice my arms fill up the sleeves but across the shoulders and chest theyre too tight the sleeve seams come up an inch or so onto my shoulders, and larges well they swallow me up go down to my knees. I need to find some medium and a half's lol! My weight also jumped up again today im not going to weigh again until the end of this 2nd week in a few days and post it then.


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What do you guys think about power shrugs? I really would like to increase my trap thickness as much as possible during this cycle.


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subbed just saw this kick ass man!

As far as power shrugs, I do a variation of them called a clean pull, basically a power clean without the explosion. Anyway, allowing for the heavier weight in my opinion one can add more mass when incorporating these every once in a while.


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subbed just saw this kick ass man!

As far as power shrugs, I do a variation of them called a clean pull, basically a power clean without the explosion. Anyway, allowing for the heavier weight in my opinion one can add more mass when incorporating these every once in a while.
Thanks man! I was thinking of throwing them in once a week for a 3 week period or so of 3 sets of 15-20reps.


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Ooohhhh, I kind of combine those with rack pulls. They really hit the spot.


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subbed just saw this kick ass man!

As far as power shrugs, I do a variation of them called a clean pull, basically a power clean without the explosion. Anyway, allowing for the heavier weight in my opinion one can add more mass when incorporating these every once in a while.
Hmm that sounds interesting.

As far as I go I dont do shrugs. My main trap work has come from deadlifts.



yeah deads def hit your traps too!!


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Todays suppose to be a rest day but since my arm routine got cut short earlier this week im going to go hit some biceps, forearms, and abs today. No triceps since tomorrow i will be doing my 5x5 for upper power and dont want them to be fatigued.


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DAY 13 11/07:

Today was suppose to be a rest day but couldnt stay out of the gym. Having to cut my arm workout short earlier in the week was getting to me so i went in and hit some biceps and abs. Nothing fancy but it was effective. Still going strong no lethargy, no noticeable sides, BPs good, the boys are good, and libido's up!


2972 cals
81g fat
249g carbs
268g protein


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I saw my friend today at the gym and he look way bigger,arms ,chest and a wider back,monsterdrol is working great for him,plus he is also a hardcore weight lifter,looking great man!!


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damn bro, 268g protein per day?
Heyyy aint nothing wrong with a strong appetite... I envy guys who can eat like a beast some days, and then some days I cant stop eating


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I saw my friend today at the gym and he look way bigger,arms ,chest and a wider back,monsterdrol is working great for him,plus he is also a hardcore weight lifter,looking great man!!
Thanks man, Appreciate the compliment!

damn bro, 268g protein per day?
Heyyy aint nothing wrong with a strong appetite... I envy guys who can eat like a beast some days, and then some days I cant stop eating
Yea i got 318g the other day! I eat ALOT of chicken and fish and a few days a week ill have some steak. Im only using 3 shakes a day normally unless i work long hours then i may have to throw in a 4th.


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I only usually do 2 shakes a day, one in the morning about 30g pro from whey isolate 2 - 3 raw eggs wich is like 12 extra grams
and then my post w/o wich I usually get around 25 to 30 g of protein from that
i keep my protein intake at about 140, on a good day I might can get about 180


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I only usually do 2 shakes a day, one in the morning about 30g pro from whey isolate 2 - 3 raw eggs wich is like 12 extra grams
and then my post w/o wich I usually get around 25 to 30 g of protein from that
i keep my protein intake at about 140, on a good day I might can get about 180
Yea you got to up that protein brother its good for you gives you gas lol! Its probably fine if your not bulking at the moment. When i wasnt bulking i was still taking in 200-225g daily. I also make my own morning shake with oatmeal, PB, banana, milk, 1 scoop whey its pretty damn good!


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For my trap development I've found deadlifts and drop sets to make the most dramatic changes. For the drop sets the best way are to do them in the smith or with DB. I hit them both ways. Load up the smith with as much weight as u can and shrug till failure take 15% of the weight off and keep going till you fail again you should be able to get this at least 3 times before u run out of weight. You'll see some sweet growth the thing about drop sets that allows this to happen is that you'll be Recruiting more muscle fibers deeper down that you'd normally would. Try it brother you'll be glad u did! Also hope u don't mind but since this is a monsterdrol-xt thread I don't think u will

For those of you that are considering giving monster or malicious mass a try now is the time! MM and monsterdrol-xt are BOGO while supplies last!!


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I am a bit bigger but I have always viewed 300g of protein as an absolute daily minimum. 350 while bulking. 140 is not enough. Even 200 is pretty low.

6 meals * 50g of protein per meal = 300 per day that's the simplest way to do it

I have 2 meals based on protein powder, 1 meal based on protein powder with cottage cheese, and 3 meals based on meat.


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For my trap development I've found deadlifts and drop sets to make the most dramatic changes. For the drop sets the best way are to do them in the smith or with DB. I hit them both ways. Load up the smith with as much weight as u can and shrug till failure take 15% of the weight off and keep going till you fail again you should be able to get this at least 3 times before u run out of weight. You'll see some sweet growth the thing about drop sets that allows this to happen is that you'll be Recruiting more muscle fibers deeper down that you'd normally would. Try it brother you'll be glad u did! Also hope u don't mind but since this is a monsterdrol-xt thread I don't think u will

For those of you that are considering giving monster or malicious mass a try now is the time! MM and monsterdrol-xt are BOGO while supplies last!!
:damnit: perico, you're breaking my bank son hahaha; i malicious mass is lookin tasty for the future haha :lol::lol:


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I am a bit bigger but I have always viewed 300g of protein as an absolute daily minimum. 350 while bulking. 140 is not enough. Even 200 is pretty low.

6 meals * 50g of protein per meal = 300 per day that's the simplest way to do it

I have 2 meals based on protein powder, 1 meal based on protein powder with cottage cheese, and 3 meals based on meat.
Im cutting right now, 6 meals is what I bulk with, but I am very sensitive to the foods I eat and gain weight very easy


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Just saw the buy one get one on MDXT and what can I say... That is an offer i cannot refuse! lol what a good deal.


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yup i had to jump on that bogo deal as well!!!!


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I love drop sets you really have to dig deep and grab your sack on them! I hit some drops sets yesterday with seated DB curls. Never done them for traps its definitely on the to do list now.

BOGO is insane! If you guys havent bought monsterdrol yet nows the time no excuses if and or buts! DO IT! This stuffs legit! Cant wait for phytoserms hopefully fridays release date is still on per nate's post on ntbm. Geting ready to throw together my end of week 2 post with weight update! Stay tuned......


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I love drop sets you really have to dig deep and grab your sack on them! I hit some drops sets yesterday with seated DB curls. Never done them for traps its definitely on the to do list now.

BOGO is insane! If you guys havent bought monsterdrol yet nows the time no excuses if and or buts! DO IT! This stuffs legit! Cant wait for phytoserms hopefully fridays release date is still on per nate's post on ntbm. Geting ready to throw together my end of week 2 post with weight update! Stay tuned......
ahhhh man, im sitting here at home on rest day literally itching to get back to the freakin gym!! reece, i had to jump in on the deal bro; i told myself i wouldn't purchase anything else till december/new year but FML this deal had to come out! Lookin forward to the numbers and weights buddy!!! KTS! :sgrin::sgrin:


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DAY 14 11/08:

Alright despite working all night and only getting 4 hrs of sleep today was a good day in the gym. I normally get my full 8-9hrs but just couldnt sleep today for some reason. Was feeling really strong despite the lack of sleep. I made some nice increases in everything but bench. Increased there but nothing like everything else. Still nothing to report as far as sides go feeling great overall. Weights up some more also, not as dramatic as the first week but still nice and steady. Im hoping the gains stay like this 3-4lbs a week and this will make for a bad ass cycle!

165lbs up 8.5lbs total in 2 weeks!


Flat Bench press: 5 sets/ 5,5,5,5,5 / 230lbs all sets

Bent over BB rows: 5 sets/ 5,5,5,5,5 / 185,195,195,195,200lbs *really nice increase here*

Seated Military press: 5 sets/ 5,5,5,5,5 / 155,160,165,170,175 *the weight felt so light until the last set wasnt expecting to have numbers close to this based on last week*

Shrugs: 5 sets/ 5,5,5,5,5 / 335,345,355,365,365lbs *really get a nice squeeze up top with these pause and hold each rep up top*

Incline flyes: 3 sets/ 12 reps all sets / 50lb db's all sets

DIET: Will update later


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solid update reece; man this is kind of insane


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Hell yea guys im stoked! Took some rough body measurements as well and they coincide with the weight increase. Im not going to post those though until the final day id hate to not grow anymore and have nothing to show for now till then so ill keep it a mystery lol!


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gratz on that weight gain so far man..

mdxt sounds legit as ****!! can't wait to run mine!


For those of you that are considering giving monster or malicious mass a try now is the time! MM and monsterdrol-xt are BOGO while supplies last!!
When I do that, am I suppose to put 1 bottle in my shopping cart or 2? I tried doing 2 and the price for 2 bottles showed up at check out.

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