
Well-known member
What's crackin' my brothers :P

Here's the lowdown.

I get vacation soon, and want to recomp up a bit before then to look good for the 2 sexy dates I have set up already, and the unheard of amount of time I'll probably spend in the bars around WA.

This log should be off the hook, as I will log my escapades as well, although they will be near the end o.O

Routine I chose, after MUCH debate, was the German Volume Training routine by Charles Poliquin. Looks to be totally nuts, but it should work very well with Natadrol.

Day 1: Chest/back, Day 2: legs/abs, Day 3: rest, Day 4: shoulders/arms Day 5: rest, repeat :P Exercises will for the most part remain static, but I may switch some up sometimes. In addition I will do some cardio every day, even rest days. In more addition I will do ab work every day, along with some extra pushups as well.

Speaking of Natadrol, supps I will have on hand =

2 Bottles Natadrol
Motivate (about a week before I leave, heh)
Some form of Pre-wo - Probably ASGT
The Strap (jk)
I may throw in some other crap as it shows up, I may not.

Diet will be the same diet I have been on for awhile now, except I MAY adjust my cal intake lower after a week or two, we shall see. I will however log all my meals, but won't give cal counts as they are not reliable in the chow hall.


So until then lets just have some fun posting some sexy ladies or some motivational posters eh!

I'll throw up my starting photos tonight!


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haha have fun bro !
FYI Pink Magic and Prime will be showing up sometime also, and may get a little bit of action during this!
Log number 2 is looking serious...

I am going with the approach of:

Leave the gym hating life, and spend the rest of the day barely able to walk or extend your arms.

Endure for 6 weeks, win :D

I put about 6 hours a day solid thought into this combo =x Says something about where your taxpayer dollars are going haha!

1. GVT should net me some incredible gains while being on cycle.

2. HGH Pro, which I've used and know its effects, will combat that CNS a lot of people report with GVT.

3. Natadrol/ASGT/Slin-Sane (or P-Slin if it shows up)/Hemavol should be a totally sexy stack :D
OK, for anyone who hasn't been following my HST log which is now finished, here are some current photos, along with my current measurements. I haven't weighed in for a week, so I will let you know my weight tomorrow morning. I was 179 last I checked.

Chest: 44
Bi 15
Forearms 12.5
Waist @ belly button: 32.5
Waist @ hip: 34.5
thigh: 25


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If you want to be sore you picked the right routine. You will definitely grow from it. If you are not ridiculously sore you know that your stack is doing it's thing. I LOVE GVT but you gotta psych yourself up to do it, and then force yourself to follow it. The 4-0-2 tempo is the killer there too. You already figure out your weights? Should start at something you can do for 20 reps at normal speed. I am sure you already know, but just in case I figured I'd tell you the easy way to find the starting weight.
I'm tuned in Votum... an ambitious/intense game plan for sure. Enjoy your "vacation" to the fullest! Oh n btw- that Superman s*** had me lmao hahaha.
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Personal Challenge thread. Come join in the madness if you dare.
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I'm tuned in Votum... an ambitious/intense game plan for sure. Enjoy your "vacation" to the fullest! Oh n btw- that Superman s*** had me lmao hahaha.

LMAO I just saw Superman. 1st time I looked at that I was like WTF is it talking about? :lol:
I'll join the convoy... subbed!

in my friend!!

Thanks guys! This should be a good one!

If you want to be sore you picked the right routine. You will definitely grow from it. If you are not ridiculously sore you know that your stack is doing it's thing. I LOVE GVT but you gotta psych yourself up to do it, and then force yourself to follow it. The 4-0-2 tempo is the killer there too. You already figure out your weights? Should start at something you can do for 20 reps at normal speed. I am sure you already know, but just in case I figured I'd tell you the easy way to find the starting weight.

Yeah I'll be using 135 today, if I do 5-6 full sets then I chose well from what I've read on logs that got results. A few excercises I'll be doing a 20 rep "warmup" for though for this first week lol :P

In for the Win

U know Im going to be here for this.

OOOH WEEEE!!!! This looks like a fun ride. Me want in!!!!!

Thanks for showin guys!

I'm tuned in Votum... an ambitious/intense game plan for sure. Enjoy your "vacation" to the fullest! Oh n btw- that Superman s*** had me lmao hahaha.

LOL I get one motivational email per day of hot chicks, and one of hilarious pics!

Personal Challenge thread. Come join in the madness if you dare.
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GRR I am in to that one for sure o.O!

LMAO I just saw Superman. 1st time I looked at that I was like WTF is it talking about? :lol:

Wish i was good at photoshop, would photoshop superman into his mirror in his picture :)


Took dose 1 last night before bed, 2 caps natadrol.

HGHPro is still in the mail, couple more days probably.

Power went out multiple times last night, so I woke up late >< Had to run the mile or so to work to make it on time and skip chow. Got my terp to pick me up some chicken and rice though, so all is well, just off schedule by an hour or so.

Dose 2 natadrol 2 caps right when I woke up, hopefully the run got the blood pumping it around!

Sitting here now eating a small chicken.

Meal 1: 0045
10oz ish chicken
1.5cups ish white rice
2x v8
16oz. milk

Cals: No clue :P
I'm starting to hate the DFACs

I know right?

Some days chicken is delish, some days I want to shoot myself in the face lol.

They seem to be getting more fish lately, which is great, but the STOPPED cottage cheese at breakfast time...they said they won't ever have it again...WTF now I have to eat more eggs...cottage cheese was like the best part of my breakfast!

Just pounded my Hemavol and ASGT. I still have the lump in my stomach from one or the other, I am going to switch to a 5/5 for hemavol, 10 pills pre-wo is too much in the belly. Put ASGT in ym blender bottle with 8oz water and a whole packet of raspberry crystal light. Much better tasting than by itself, but very sour. Either way I will stick with it until its gone for this log. Then probably use some vasocharge maybe. Who knows. Heading to they Gym in about 10 minutes :D
lol don't get me going about the DFACs!!!!! man same crap every day!!!

I work nights so i have to eat midnight chow every night for "lunch". Anyways, they serve left overs from dinner so i'm forced to eat the same meal twice a day. 90% of the time it's complete crap.

Of course they have soggy friend chicken every day too.
OK Kids (haha)

You have no idea how bad I want to puke right now. I did a lot better than I thought I would, and I am not sure if the pukeage is coming from my Pre-wo stack of 23424 pills and ASGT, or just from being off for a week and smoking myself hard.

Shower time now, and then some chow, then I will log stuff...

Oh and KK, I work midnight to noon, so midnight chow is breakfast....freakin sucks ass lol.
Cant wait to hear about that workout in detail.
6/13 Day 1

Damn guys. This was BRUTALLY AWESOME :P

I have no clue if I did this Superset action right, I did it like this:

A1x10 A2x10, 90sec rest, repeat.

A1: Decline Bench Press: 135lbs
x10, x10, x10, x10, x9, x8, x9.5, x8, x7, x7+2

That .5 was a rep where I got one side all the way up and the other side was down 1 peg from the top...lol. Some huge ass dude ran over to spot me, then we laughed at how I racked it o.O

A2: Chin-Up: Body Weight
x10, x10, x10, x10, x10, x10, x8, x10, x8, x9

First 2 sets were perfect form, steady body, etc. Last 8 sets I was using my legs a bit. Dunno what that's called, but a chinup is a chinup, just focuses less on the back when your legs are involved I suppose.

B1: Incline DB Fly: 25lbs
x10, x10, x10

I went as wide as I could on these, my hands were about paralell with my shoulders with the DBs slightly pointed up when fully extended. Last set hurt like hell

B2: One Arm DB Row: 45lbs
x10, x10, x10

I probably could have done 60 or 70 on this...but I was smoked and was testing the waters...

Time in: 0330 Time Out: 0438 Weight: 179

I was hoping I would be over 180, especially after not doing anything this past week but eating, but I suppose that weighing the same and having all my measurements up is a good thing.

Also, if anyone remembers form my HST log, 135 was my 15 rep max about 8 weeks ago. And honestly I just guessed on that, I probably only did it 10 or 12 times lol.

Putting on Deoderant sucked.

My chest does not feel to bad right now, just my arms/delts. Hoping the Decline Bench will square out my pecks a bit.
Diet this morning:

Post workout:
2 scoops nutrapro
2 scoops kwik karb
mixed into 16oz. milk

cals: ~5-600?

1 hour later:
bowl of oatmeal
3x boiled egg whites
1 cup mixed fruit
12 oz v8
16oz milk

My stomach hurts :(
Thanks man! Hoping for some separation in those bad boys during this :D OK.

Dinner time meal I guess:
Ham and cheese wrap
4 slices amurican cheddar
4 large slicesham
butt load of lettuce
some mustard
wheat tortilla wrap thing
16oz milk

Going to bed early so I can go to dinner with some general, supposed to be hotties there lol.

Popped my natadrol. Not sure, probably placebo/vanity, but my muscles look drier and fuller. Who knows.
Damn dude great lifts and I like your diet
i used to love that midnight chow simply for the hard boiled eggs, a whole boiler pan of em. i would eat a bunch and then leave the dfac with a styrofoam container with another 10 -12!
OK woke up way early today to have dinner with a 2 star general. Dude is pretty cool.

Recap of food:

Meal 1: 0045
10oz ish chicken
1.5cups ish white rice
2x v8
16oz. milk
Pre-Workout: ~0240
1 scoop asgt
10x hemavol
Post workout: ~0430
2 scoops nutrapro
2 scoops kwik karb
mixed into 16oz. milk
cals: ~5-600?
1 hour later ~0530
bowl of oatmeal
3x boiled egg whites
1 cup mixed fruit
12 oz v8
16oz milk
Dinner time meal I guess ~1100
Ham and cheese wrap
4 slices amurican cheddar
4 large slicesham
butt load of lettuce
some mustard
wheat tortilla wrap thing
16oz milk
Wake up! Dinner^2 ~1800
Big plate of different type of iraqi rice.
Some saffron rice
long grain brown stuff tasted spiced
tiny clumpy white stuff
some red long grain rice
10oz. ish iraqi chicken.
a piece of white bread
lots of chai

est cals: 3500-4k???

FYI I have leg doms in anticipation of squats today. LOL :(
OK woke up way early today to have dinner with a 2 star general. Dude is pretty cool.

Recap of food:

Meal 1: 0045
10oz ish chicken
1.5cups ish white rice
2x v8
16oz. milk
Pre-Workout: ~0240
1 scoop asgt
10x hemavol
Post workout: ~0430
2 scoops nutrapro
2 scoops kwik karb
mixed into 16oz. milk
cals: ~5-600?
1 hour later ~0530
bowl of oatmeal
3x boiled egg whites
1 cup mixed fruit
12 oz v8
16oz milk
Dinner time meal I guess ~1100
Ham and cheese wrap
4 slices amurican cheddar
4 large slicesham
butt load of lettuce
some mustard
wheat tortilla wrap thing
16oz milk
Wake up! Dinner^2 ~1800
Big plate of different type of iraqi rice.
Some saffron rice
long grain brown stuff tasted spiced
tiny clumpy white stuff
some red long grain rice
10oz. ish iraqi chicken.
a piece of white bread
lots of chai

est cals: 3500-4k???

FYI I have leg doms in anticipation of squats today. LOL :(

damn that's a lot of milk! i couldn't do that, no way!
So this chick was featured in the US Army motivational email of the day.

She's hot, and I'd like to share.

FYI, don't foresee any worries with the libido on Natadrol, I saw some chick from like 200 feet away and got a chub. She probably wasn't even attractive, knowing the usual "girls" who end up in Iraq.


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Breakfast this morning:
2x natadrol
1x P-Slin
2x super cissus rx
my multi is gone. hurry up NP!

a filet of baked trout with lemon on it
1-1.5 cups white rice
12oz v8
16 oz milk

Taking ASGT/Hemavol now.... cmon stomach, handle it :P
The chowhall here in Beaufort is just downright terrible. They complain military people are to far overweight yet the **** they serve doesnt make it any better!!!! /Rant off

Logs looking good brother!!
The chowhall here in Beaufort is just downright terrible. They complain military people are to far overweight yet the **** they serve doesnt make it any better!!!! /Rant off

Logs looking good brother!!

I know right =/ It's a damn struggle on some days to get a good meal in, I especially hate when turkey is my only option at breakfast time...yeah, sure I'll have some melatonin right after I wake up, thanks guys :24:

on the log...wait until you see todays in about 2.5 hours...

sneak preview is 100 squats :sgrin:
So this chick was featured in the US Army motivational email of the day.

She's hot, and I'd like to share.

FYI, don't foresee any worries with the libido on Natadrol, I saw some chick from like 200 feet away and got a chub. She probably wasn't even attractive, knowing the usual "girls" who end up in Iraq.

Hot digity damn she is hot. I might have to steal her for my own long :lol: