Tomahawk is Taking Supplements to Fuel His Shenanigans



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I honestly would never consider doing that much. Will probably just do enough test to keep me going good and have a kickstart and finish. Pin time about 15 weeks with an extra 2 weeks to clear out.
I have so many different PH/DS stacks I would like to run first that I probably won't even take that plunge (excuse the pun) for 2 or 3 more years. I look forward to learning from your experience if you do go that route though.


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Wow so Idk if I can keep the same protocol preworkout as I have been doing lol. I killed the weight with a relatively short intese workout. Went to the grocery store and felt like ripping people's heads off. I seriously feel more "on" than when Im actually on lol.

I will post up the workout later. Didnt hit the deads because of time constraints.

Plan on doing some tractor tire flipping here soon.
Damn I wish I lived where you are so I can get some outdoor exercise. Other than jogging in the street I can't be throwing tires and cinderblocks without the cops showing up.


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I honestly would never consider doing that much. Will probably just do enough test to keep me going good and have a kickstart and finish. Pin time about 15 weeks with an extra 2 weeks to clear out.
I have so many different PH/DS stacks I would like to run first that I probably won't even take that plunge (excuse the pun) for 2 or 3 more years. I look forward to learning from your experience if you do go that route though.
To be honest, I started with injectables - way sooner than I should have - before I ever touched a PH or DS. Only recently have I tried some of the PH stuff on the market and, while some of it is awesome, I have never had better results with fewer sides than being on test.

I had bloodwork drawn while on test e (probably not that smart to do) and, other than the obvious oddity in the hormone panel, everything else was perfect. Liver functions, fine. Cholesterol levels, fine. Blood pressure, fine. Didn't get a prostate exam from the doc but my girl said that was fine too. Didn't get acne, didnt feel bloated, ate like a stoned gorilla and probably made a year and half worth of gains in 16 weeks.

IDK - for me, PHs are good for preventing muscle catabolism while cutting but if I'm bulking or lean bulking or even recomping I go with the real stuff.


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This post will include my workout which I will add after a much needed shower. My shirt is dirty as hell from flipping the tire.

Ok so ya I think it is only a matter of time before I start pinning to win. A friend of mine did his 1st pin today. He wont listen to me about the kickstart but thats his problem. I talked to another friend who I would most likely be getting it from. Now crazy ass cycles are just bouncing around in my head. Superdrol or Pplex kickstart bridged into DS tren finished off with Epi. I know how retarded that sounds but it is oh so tempting. That would require an INSANE PCT. Ok I better go take a COLD shower now :lol:
sounds good to me, pplex bridge to tren / epi stacked together :) :tongue2:

very similar to my kickstart/bridge


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Damn I wish I lived where you are so I can get some outdoor exercise. Other than jogging in the street I can't be throwing tires and cinderblocks without the cops showing up.
Lol I live in GA where u can do whatever crazy sh1t u want. As long as u r not doing it while driving u r ok. Plus I live in an older neighborhood in a dead end so bigger yards and not too many neighbors. Hell when we were flipping the tractor tire yesterday the only people that paid us any mind were a few Tuesday chuch people(bible belt).

To be honest, I started with injectables - way sooner than I should have - before I ever touched a PH or DS. Only recently have I tried some of the PH stuff on the market and, while some of it is awesome, I have never had better results with fewer sides than being on test.

I had bloodwork drawn while on test e (probably not that smart to do) and, other than the obvious oddity in the hormone panel, everything else was perfect. Liver functions, fine. Cholesterol levels, fine. Blood pressure, fine. Didn't get a prostate exam from the doc but my girl said that was fine too. Didn't get acne, didnt feel bloated, ate like a stoned gorilla and probably made a year and half worth of gains in 16 weeks.

IDK - for me, PHs are good for preventing muscle catabolism while cutting but if I'm bulking or lean bulking or even recomping I go with the real stuff.
sounds good to me, pplex bridge to tren / epi stacked together :) :tongue2:

very similar to my kickstart/bridge
Ya well right now I have certain things preventing me from doing this but it isnt bad to dream especially when Im taking GHenerate and I-gh-1 :lol: I want to be lean when I jump on the pinning. That way I will be able to lean bulk. Right now all I have been trying to do is cut. Weight was about 220 yesterday so :fest30:


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NIce work!! What kind of cycle will you be looking at pinning??


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NIce work!! What kind of cycle will you be looking at pinning??
It would be something simple like teste with some DS kickstart and finish. Might try and unload some of what I have since I have so much. Could add something to add to the fun but Idk yet. More research in the subject is needed on my part.

Oh well my next run will probably be one of my Superdrol clones. Just have to pick which one. Im pretty sure I know which one since someone I trust has ran a bottle and he is pretty much a Superdrol fiend.


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The more I keep reading on AM it seems like the consensus is to run Test and be done with it. Without getting into specifics, is a 12-15 weeks cycle of test out of control expensive or is it reasonable compared to getting a crazy natty stack together?


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The more I keep reading on AM it seems like the consensus is to run Test and be done with it. Without getting into specifics, is a 12-15 weeks cycle of test out of control expensive or is it reasonable compared to getting a crazy natty stack together?
I think I could get something reasonably priced. It would come pretty close to even but its a risk REWARD type deal.


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The more I keep reading on AM it seems like the consensus is to run Test and be done with it. Without getting into specifics, is a 12-15 weeks cycle of test out of control expensive or is it reasonable compared to getting a crazy natty stack together?
Conservatively a 15 weeker of test e at 500mg/wk is going to run about $500-$600 for quality product. Now there is probly someone who is going to say they can get for $300. In my experience its not the same, lol. With PCT and support supps throw on another $100-$200 I guess.

I think I could get something reasonably priced. It would come pretty close to even but its a risk REWARD type deal.
Exactly. I mean the natty stacks are going to be probably 1/2 or 1/3 the cost but the gains with quality test e...... unrivaled.


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I will talk to my guy more and see what kinda price I can get. He apparently gets in bulk so could help me out. I like the idea of no shipping. He isnt the most shady person I know so I might get it from him later on. Might wait till after he cycles to see what kind of results he gets from his supply.

Might sell off some excess DS to help pay for pinning.

I decided to take the T-911 today bc I like being in pissed off mode. And in the Anadraulic State and Anadraulic Pump and I have a LG fun stack. I cant complain about the Form either.


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I saw some test-cyp for 60 bucks for 5 2g ampules.

Not even close to wanting to do test yet, but its good to know everything, I'm young, I think I am supposed to know everything?

Epic fail though, because I don't know about the different types of test.


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Ya well right now I have certain things preventing me from doing this but it isnt bad to dream especially when Im taking GHenerate and I-gh-1 :lol: I want to be lean when I jump on the pinning. That way I will be able to lean bulk. Right now all I have been trying to do is cut. Weight was about 220 yesterday so :fest30:

Im actually logging this right now for LG

What is your experience on this stack? would you mind givimg me a brief run down?


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Im actually logging this right now for LG

What is your experience on this stack? would you mind givimg me a brief run down?
Haha I know :D

I actually started mine because I saw that people were going to log it. I picked up like 5 combos when they did their presale which Im glad I did bc I like it.

I had been using the GHenerate with other sleep aids by other companies but I seem to get the best results when I just use the LG stack. Maybe I dont react well to ingredients in the other GH boosters bc they seem to keep me up. I have been getting great sleep so far. Recovery hasnt been noticed too much but Im abusing my body pretty nicely.


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Todays workout was PUSH
So I was 227 today with running shoes a little bit into my workout. I was def about 223 the other day. Weight is acting like I had a carb up which Im pretty sure I didnt.

Flat DB press: a few sets with the 100s started at 10 and worked my way down
Peck deck: 3 sets of 10 with light weight slow with good form
Seated DB press: went up to 75 pounds 8 reps. Finished it off with dropset/superset with shrugs. DBs were 75, 50, and then 30 shrugs was plate loaded hammer strength shrug 6 plates total.
Rope ext: 120*10 for about 6 sets short rest while Tricep man did his set. Then finshed with dropset burner starting with 90 all the way to 50. Doing 10 reps each weight.

Like I said my push days will be lower volume. Post workout shake was much welcomed.

Forgot my log book in my car thought I left my gym bag at home.


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the dark side beckons you Tom... Haha. Pinning is fun anyway.


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I have some things I need to take care before I P2W. Like I said I want to get my weight down so I can do a decent bulk without looking too stupid. Some people can pull off 250 at 5'7" I guess but Im not one of them :lol: Plus certain doors would most likely close for me then.

After a brief talk with Mr. Superdrol lol I have decided next cycle will be Superdrone LV barring something crazy happens. I think its time I give this a go. I plan on using Super as my kickstart when I P2W so I might as well find out how I react to it.


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Nice. If my extension goes through I want to run some epi :p


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So I couldnt really sleep last night. Atleast it took me a while. I guess watching the WEC isnt something to watch before trying to go to sleep.

I was woken up and was a bit groggy but cobwebs got cleared pretty quickly.

My chest and shoulders arent too sore but my triceps are toast. I think I dont notice my chest and shoulders for that reason. Im considering taking the day off. It would be a leg day.

Lindsey is coming over for dinner and a movie tonight. "From Paris with Love" any reviews?


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So I couldnt really sleep last night. Atleast it took me a while. I guess watching the WEC isnt something to watch before trying to go to sleep.

I was woken up and was a bit groggy but cobwebs got cleared pretty quickly.

My chest and shoulders arent too sore but my triceps are toast. I think I dont notice my chest and shoulders for that reason. Im considering taking the day off. It would be a leg day.

Lindsey is coming over for dinner and a movie tonight. "From Paris with Love" any reviews?

Never saw the movie, but really do you care that much if it's good? lol..

Back to work for me..thank you god!!!! so I will be checking in on occassion, stay strong, get lean and well...enough said..



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Never saw the movie, but really do you care that much if it's good? lol..

Back to work for me..thank you god!!!! so I will be checking in on occassion, stay strong, get lean and well...enough said..

lol - Heidi makes a good point, unless you make her angry somehow you arent watching the movie. :scool:


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Lol well we shall see. My name on here should be "hasNOgame" lol.

Anyway Im going to be walking funny. Straight destroyed legs today. Will post it up later. But lets just say I did a drop set with squats.


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Just grab her hand or something. Look her in the eye and smile too, girls always like that.

/ back rub


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Just grab her hand or something. Look her in the eye and smile too, girls always like that.

/ back rub
Haha there were back rubs. It was a good night.

OH SNAP big tom gonna pin?!?! I gotta get on before you....

You would grow like a weed son!
Haha u probably will honestly. I need to cut some before I pin. Right now Im sitting at like 220. Not the amount of weight I need to be carrying around. Id want to be around 190-200 when I pinned. For my height that would be good and I would be able to do a bit of a bulk. Right now I would have to make it a cut which would be no fun.


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Well done mate, things lookin up then?

FYI I will be posting a shenanigan in my log here after chow :p If it goes well that is ...


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What are u two lovebirds up to?


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My shenanigan failed due to the interference of a LTCOL.


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Haha there were back rubs. It was a good night.

Haha u probably will honestly. I need to cut some before I pin. Right now Im sitting at like 220. Not the amount of weight I need to be carrying around. Id want to be around 190-200 when I pinned. For my height that would be good and I would be able to do a bit of a bulk. Right now I would have to make it a cut which would be no fun.
i syarted out my cycle with a recomp lost 3" waist gained 5lb and added 40lb to my bench in 1st month

Ohhh it can be fun


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i syarted out my cycle with a recomp lost 3" waist gained 5lb and added 40lb to my bench in 1st month

Ohhh it can be fun
I have a "contact" who is a pharmacist in Kurdistan....I am going to see if he can get me test...for later of course...


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Alright Im back from my "vacation" lol. I just needed to take a little mini break. I was still posting just not NEARLY as much.

Havent heard too much from Lindsey which is weird bc I thought the night went pretty good but Idk. Chick confuses me thats for sure. Still talk a little but she has gotten quiet.

1 week away till I get my happy China ass on a plane and fly to NY to be surrounded by Italians and italian wannabes lol (sorry Nick I just had to say it). Should be a good time. It kinda sucks the group has deminished down to 2 but it shouldnt stop us from having fun and getting good workouts in.

Went to lunch with some friends to help put the wheels in motion for change in my life. We will see how it goes and how big of a change. Im pretty sure they will be able to help me out. It is def something I am looking forward to.


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1 week away till I get my happy China ass on a plane and fly to NY to be surrounded by Italians and italian wannabes lol (sorry Nick I just had to say it). Should be a good time. It kinda sucks the group has deminished down to 2 but it shouldnt stop us from having fun and getting good workouts in.
Lol, I will show you wanna be Italians alright!!!


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Ok so did some talking with Lindsey nothing too special but better than nothing.

Nicole is going to Vagina and even offered to take me with her :lol: Might actually go visit her.

New/old chick from myspace. I think it was about October when I started talking to this girl. Started texting and what not. Pretty early on she sent some "pictures" and all we did was text no talking(unless u count this 1 time which I dont really lol). Been hit and miss over the time. Was talks of meeting but I wasnt too comfortable driving 2 plus hours to stay at "her" house. She just felt "off" I guess u could say. Well she found me on Facebook. Wasnt sure it was her bc different name. On myspace it was Cindy and on facebook it is Jenna Cynthia. Started talking again and actually had a phone conversation. She says she is going to come visit after I get back from NY. Says she will stay in a hotel room to make things easier(twin beds and me dont get along). Her story seems filled with holes and she has a friend list with nothing but dudes.


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nicole is taking you to "vagina"? haha shenanigans maybe?

sounds a lil sketch on this cindy jenna girl, but hey if she's the one making the trek why not


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Dont get the HIV man
Now wouldnt that be some sh1t.

nicole is taking you to "vagina"? haha shenanigans maybe?

sounds a lil sketch on this cindy jenna girl, but hey if she's the one making the trek why not
Lol apparently I read Virginia as Vagina at times :32: . I think that was discussed on the previous page.

Ya the idea to go visit her erked me a bit. Just didnt feel like a smart move. Although I sure as hell will not be showing her where I live(a la Humpthecook lol). Chick talks freaky and borderline crazy :ntome: I guess I will take the bad with the good. Hopefully there is more good than bad :ponder:


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Now wouldnt that be some sh1t.

Lol apparently I read Virginia as Vagina at times :32: . I think that was discussed on the previous page.

Ya the idea to go visit her erked me a bit. Just didnt feel like a smart move. Although I sure as hell will not be showing her where I live(a la Humpthecook lol). Chick talks freaky and borderline crazy :ntome: I guess I will take the bad with the good. Hopefully there is more good than bad :ponder:
Here is what you do... post a link here to her profile.... let the AM dogs sniff her out and let you know their thoughts.


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Girl is crazy? Welcome to life bro.

The trick is to find one who is either less crazy than you (because as simple as we are, we are still crazy, in different ways) or who is great on enough other levels for you to forgive the nutso.

I'd go visit her tbh (assuming were talking of nicole)


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Here is what you do... post a link here to her profile.... let the AM dogs sniff her out and let you know their thoughts.
Im thinking about it. I am outsourcing and asking the help of some fellow AM brothers. 1 says no go and the other hasnt gotten back to me yet.

Girl is crazy? Welcome to life bro.

The trick is to find one who is either less crazy than you (because as simple as we are, we are still crazy, in different ways) or who is great on enough other levels for you to forgive the nutso.

I'd go visit her tbh (assuming were talking of nicole)
Oh I know Im crazy there is no doubt about it. She seems crazy in a fack ur brains out kind of way and this came really facking early on and hasnt changed.

Cindy is the crazy bang bang bang one.

Nicole has the immature hot girl thing going on. Lil girl thinks she can out wrestle me. That will be interesting :veryhappy:


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Ok so making plans for Cindy to come here after my trip to NY to visit Nick. If she doesnt show then oh well. If she does we shall see how it goes. Atleast I wont be going to her and have no where to go. Figure this is smarter on my part even if it is a dumb move.


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Ok so making plans for Cindy to come here after my trip to NY to visit Nick. If she doesnt show then oh well. If she does we shall see how it goes. Atleast I wont be going to her and have no where to go. Figure this is smarter on my part even if it is a dumb move.

wow, didn't i mention I work in a LOCKED psych unit, I could have helped I can sport crazy in the next zip code....:) But your right in the safe thing, meet her, don't disclose to much personal information......

Good luck.... I'm missing all the fun, I'm to busy wrestling teenagers..:(


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Lol no she doesnt live in NY. She says she lives here in GA. She has a unique accent I cant quite place it honestly. I guess thats what I get for living in GA my whole facking life lol. She doesnt know too much about me and she wont be coming to my house. She will be staying in a hotel room which I will visit.

Now that sounds familar kinda. It was more like I kicked their asses while they bitched about it. :rofl:


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Meh, I'd so go for the cindy chick. Looks sketchy but if your making her come to you then theres no harm done. Make sure and wrap it though lmfao.

I still stand by my nicole statement FYI.


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Meh, I'd so go for the cindy chick. Looks sketchy but if your making her come to you then theres no harm done. Make sure and wrap it though lmfao.

I still stand by my nicole statement FYI.
I have already put down the ground work for meeting Cindy. Just a matter of her showing up. Ya she first wanted me to go to her EARLY on and that idea didnt sit well with me. If she is willing to come to me then hell ya but Im not going to her 1st time. Plus she will be at a hotel and not my house. Yes bc I dont want that HIV or worse kids :lol:

Ok I get it go see Nicole or else. Trust me dude there are no reservations on my part. I will take a little more chance on here. Would be nice to talk to her on the phone before making the drive up there though. It will def be interesting if I stay there.

I plan on holding off any cycles till all this madness is over with. Dont want any libido issues to not arise. After summer things should calm down a little. Cycle that looks promising now is a Superdrone to Epi bridge. With the SD being somewhat conservatively dose and the Epi dosed "balls to the wall Ima be looking lean as fack!"

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