Tomahawk is Taking Supplements to Fuel His Shenanigans



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325*12*2? pssssssh. Good lift:sly:
Ya it was some pussay sh1t. I wanted to do like 4 sets with it but the pumps were too much. My legs just pump up so much higher rep.


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2 is better than one and 3 is better than 2

Little cross section for you



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Happy Fathers day to the fathers out there and the ones following along. People are molded by the people that surround them.

Well today since it is hot as fack again. I will be going to the gym and doing my push day. It will be low volume so shouldnt be there long. Tomorrow I should be out in the Georgia sun shirtless TRYING to get rid of this farmer's tan.

Btw it just feels like a good day to kill some iron. Just in one of those moods. I guess its just something that has to be done.

Bringing a little country to this log :D


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Well the gym didnt go quite as expect. It wasnt too bad of a workout. Weight was up to 228 with running shoes but that is expect after a carb up. Lifts were down a little bit but they were things I havent done in a while so might just be a matter of muscle memory. Did more volume than I kind of wanted but it wont kill me.

So I was listening to the radio on the way home and heard this song. It wasnt quite what I expected when I heard the beginning so def give it a chance. I think some will really appreciate it.

Yay or nay for libido?



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Good song, and I'd marry that girl, looks like a keeper imo, much rpefered over cheesy models.


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So I was listening to the radio on the way home and heard this song. It wasnt quite what I expected when I heard the beginning so def give it a chance. I think some will really appreciate it.

Yay or nay for libido?

That girl is beautiful! Like HereToStudy said, definitely better with a little meat on their bones. Anorexic is nasty!!!

This was stolen from votem's log... it just seemed appropriate here..


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Well the UPS guy just came by and dropped off my Torrent Zero by Universal. I will be starting another thread but will be keeping this one going so the Torrent Zero thread doesnt become cluttered with TOO much personal BS.

Btw apparently a good friend of mine has set a date to get married. It wont be for about a year but I should be one of the groomsman. I wouldnt be surprised if said girl is at the wedding. I dont think I will be as "outgoing" as I was at the last wedding I went to :rofl:


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tom that chick is banging for sure - id take athletic with a little fat over anorexic anyday. I dont want to feel bone when i grab a woman - i want to touch soft supple flesh.

So I need some personal opinions - Megan, who I've been posting in this thread, and Jill, who I will post soon accompanied me to the beach on Sunday. I forget how this conversation started but they said that if I purchased and assembled a stripper pole for my basement they've always wanted to try one. Now, these poles go for like $250, the good ones, is it worthwhile to make the purchase? If so, do I film it / photograph it and post the results in this thread?


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Now, these poles go for like $250, the good ones, is it worthwhile to make the purchase? If so, do I film it / photograph it and post the results in this thread?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You did not just honestly ask the internet if they want to see some amateur girls stripping naked on video did you?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did you honestly expect a no?

Sign me up.


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tom that chick is banging for sure - id take athletic with a little fat over anorexic anyday. I dont want to feel bone when i grab a woman - i want to touch soft supple flesh.

So I need some personal opinions - Megan, who I've been posting in this thread, and Jill, who I will post soon accompanied me to the beach on Sunday. I forget how this conversation started but they said that if I purchased and assembled a stripper pole for my basement they've always wanted to try one. Now, these poles go for like $250, the good ones, is it worthwhile to make the purchase? If so, do I film it / photograph it and post the results in this thread?
If you don't do this we will all be royally pissed! I bet you could get a fund started for donations if a video/pictures follows the installation! :censored:


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Ok so I just finished my conditioning shirtless in the GA sun. Needless to say Im sweaty as all hell. I have already used a towel twice to wipe all the sweat off and it keeps coming back lol. I decided I am going to go ahead and use the Torrent Zero when I do my conditioning. It isnt weight training but it is def metabolic training. Should still last me about 3 weeks or so. Plenty of time if u ask me. I have the watermelon and I used 16oz and must say it isnt bad. Will ask to find out how much water Im supposed to use.


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tom that chick is banging for sure - id take athletic with a little fat over anorexic anyday. I dont want to feel bone when i grab a woman - i want to touch soft supple flesh.

So I need some personal opinions - Megan, who I've been posting in this thread, and Jill, who I will post soon accompanied me to the beach on Sunday. I forget how this conversation started but they said that if I purchased and assembled a stripper pole for my basement they've always wanted to try one. Now, these poles go for like $250, the good ones, is it worthwhile to make the purchase? If so, do I film it / photograph it and post the results in this thread?

I was under the impression you were married ??? pleassseee tell me I am mistaken....



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If the pole goes up pics MUST be posted.....or just sent to my phone or email ....


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I was under the impression you were married ??? pleassseee tell me I am mistaken....

I have never / would never cheat on my wife. The previously posted pics of that beautiful girl Megan - well she was just so damn good to me I married her. She is not a bad girl - actually a very reserved young professional woman, getting a PhD in synthetic organic chemistry. Jill, her friend, is in the same PhD program but specializing in inorganic materials (heavy metals, etc.). They are both phenomenal women whom I respect deeply. I apologize if my boasting misrepresented my level of respect TC. Fact is, they are very proud of their beauty, both inside and out, and are happy to flaunt it and..... well.... i'm just happy to be there when they do.

But know that in the 6 years I've been with my wife (from 19-25) I have never breached the fidelity of our relationship. I've actually never cheated on any girl I've ever dated. I may, however, be persuasive enough to encourage certain levels of naughtiness - does that make me a bad guy?


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also, please know - I would never, ever upload an image to the web without the express permission of the photo's star. I'm trying to get Megan to create an AM account so she can participate too, so this is no secret from her. She knows plenty about BB-ing, cooks to our diets flawlessly (and deliciously), spitballs ideas for cycles and supplements with me, etc. She is brilliant, beautiful, completely supportive of all my goals (as I am of hers), awesome sense of humor, adventurous spirit, sweetest heart - she is..... perfect.


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also, please know - I would never, ever upload an image to the web without the express permission of the photo's star. I'm trying to get Megan to create an AM account so she can participate too, so this is no secret from her. She knows plenty about BB-ing, cooks to our diets flawlessly (and deliciously), spitballs ideas for cycles and supplements with me, etc. She is brilliant, beautiful, completely supportive of all my goals (as I am of hers), awesome sense of humor, adventurous spirit, sweetest heart - she is..... perfect.
Now Im just jealous :rofl: Thanks for joining my log man :fest30:


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also, please know - I would never, ever upload an image to the web without the express permission of the photo's star. I'm trying to get Megan to create an AM account so she can participate too, so this is no secret from her. She knows plenty about BB-ing, cooks to our diets flawlessly (and deliciously), spitballs ideas for cycles and supplements with me, etc. She is brilliant, beautiful, completely supportive of all my goals (as I am of hers), awesome sense of humor, adventurous spirit, sweetest heart - she is..... perfect.
AWE....:whip: lol


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He's getting laid tonight.

On a serious note, that's pretty badass CC, grats to you for finding a good one.

On a side note semi related, I got an email from Chantel today, and man is she a good prospect :D Always asking how the workout went and such. Couple more weeks until I am home for a bit $$


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I have never / would never cheat on my wife. The previously posted pics of that beautiful girl Megan - well she was just so damn good to me I married her. She is not a bad girl - actually a very reserved young professional woman, getting a PhD in synthetic organic chemistry. Jill, her friend, is in the same PhD program but specializing in inorganic materials (heavy metals, etc.). They are both phenomenal women whom I respect deeply. I apologize if my boasting misrepresented my level of respect TC. Fact is, they are very proud of their beauty, both inside and out, and are happy to flaunt it and..... well.... i'm just happy to be there when they do.

But know that in the 6 years I've been with my wife (from 19-25) I have never breached the fidelity of our relationship. I've actually never cheated on any girl I've ever dated. I may, however, be persuasive enough to encourage certain levels of naughtiness - does that make me a bad guy?

You didn't owe me anything, but since you did, your above statement makes you a good guy in my book, ( not that it matters what I think) but I also believe in some naughtiness, and have on occassion done things.... BUT that's neither here or there.... encourage her to join would be nice to get some more females on the board....



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Ok so Im going to actually try and talk about my workout today imagine that.

12 2 armed side tire throws followed by running 30 yards back and forth with 2 cinder blocks
12 2 armed side tire throws followed by running 30 yards back and forth with 2 cinder blocks
8 2 armed side tire throws followed by running 30 yards back and forth with 2 cinder blocks
8 2 armed side tire throws followed by running 30 yards back and forth with 2 cinder blocks
Then 12 squat thrust 1 armed throws with a 10 pound medicine ball(Idk wtf to call them) followed by throwing the medicine ball up 12 times and letting it pelt me.

I tried the 1 arm cinder block shoulder throw(as seen in Never Back Down). It wasnt too bad I might try adding that in. Just dont want to break a cinder block.


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The routine that I am "following" calls for deadlifts to be done last tomorrow but fack that. I cant stand seeing my deadlifts go to crap. Doing them 1st when Im pumped and ready to bring down the gym. Atleast that is the plan. I could get in there and be like fack it and do deadlifts last again. Im just ready to kill some iron.


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throw a bunch of pillows on the ground where your cinderblock is going to land :p


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throw a bunch of pillows on the ground where your cinderblock is going to land :p
LMAO I knew that is what u meant but damn u. Like I would waste pillows to save a cinderblock. I can actually chuck it pretty far I must say. Tonight I will be eating cottage cheese, whey, and peanuts(might switch this to almonds) :fest30:


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Almonds are much better than peanuts imo.

I think cottage cheese is the best bb food ever also. So much protein, and so flavorless


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gotta agree with votum. love the almonds and cottage cheese combo. sometimes i get real crazy and throw a couple blueberries in, good for antioxidants and a flavor change


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You didn't owe me anything, but since you did, your above statement makes you a good guy in my book, ( not that it matters what I think) but I also believe in some naughtiness, and have on occassion done things.... BUT that's neither here or there.... encourage her to join would be nice to get some more females on the board....

Thanks TC. I may be a good guy but I have a one-track mind so all I really read from your response was you believe in naughtiness and have acted on those beliefs. I'm sure the rest of your response was nice too.


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Almonds are much better than peanuts imo.

I think cottage cheese is the best bb food ever also. So much protein, and so flavorless
about 1-2 cups cottage cheese with a bit of splenda or stavia, cinnamon, some blueberries and about half a cup of oats - grease a frying pan with a little bit of PAM and fry this up - high protein pancakes - YUM.


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Thanks TC. I may be a good guy but I have a one-track mind so all I really read from your response was you believe in naughtiness and have acted on those beliefs. I'm sure the rest of your response was nice too.
lol, well played


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WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! Your an animal big man!! :cheers:



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Thanks TC. I may be a good guy but I have a one-track mind so all I really read from your response was you believe in naughtiness and have acted on those beliefs. I'm sure the rest of your response was nice too.

Yup it's def time to get back to work....LOL



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Almonds are much better than peanuts imo.

I think cottage cheese is the best bb food ever also. So much protein, and so flavorless
gotta agree with votum. love the almonds and cottage cheese combo. sometimes i get real crazy and throw a couple blueberries in, good for antioxidants and a flavor change
Well last night I ended up trying both out lol. I cant complain about either. Might add in egg whites to help boost protein and mixing.

throwing pillows? now thats just silly. :lol:
Well apparently u have seen enough of Votum's post :lol:

about 1-2 cups cottage cheese with a bit of splenda or stavia, cinnamon, some blueberries and about half a cup of oats - grease a frying pan with a little bit of PAM and fry this up - high protein pancakes - YUM.
Now that doesnt sound half bad. I will be trying this out minus the oats since Im no carbing as much as possible. I wonder how it is going to turn out.

WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! Your an animal big man!! :cheers:

View attachment 33929
Thank you thank you, glad someone kinda looks at my workouts. They are def making me sore thats for sure. Im really feeling the effects of my overzealous push workout on Father's Day. :AR15firing: my chest, is how I feel.

Supposed to be spending a bit of time with Lindsey. Talks of dinner and movie here. Just have to figure out what to cook.


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wow-computer went down, and lkook at all i have missed-another great log tom.:beerchug:


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wow-computer went down, and lkook at all i have missed-another great log tom.:beerchug:
Well glad to hear u r back.

A friend of mine is trying to start pinning today. He is going to the local tractor supply place to pick up needles today at the advice of a juiced up teen that wrestled at our old high school for PART of this past season. Has anybody heard of doing that?


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Well glad to hear u r back.

A friend of mine is trying to start pinning today. He is going to the local tractor supply place to pick up needles today at the advice of a juiced up teen that wrestled at our old high school for PART of this past season. Has anybody heard of doing that?


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Hide the wives and daughters because I've got a gun :rofl:

Yes Im using it again lol.


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Wow so Idk if I can keep the same protocol preworkout as I have been doing lol. I killed the weight with a relatively short intese workout. Went to the grocery store and felt like ripping people's heads off. I seriously feel more "on" than when Im actually on lol.

I will post up the workout later. Didnt hit the deads because of time constraints.

Plan on doing some tractor tire flipping here soon.


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This post will include my workout which I will add after a much needed shower. My shirt is dirty as hell from flipping the tire.

Ok so ya I think it is only a matter of time before I start pinning to win. A friend of mine did his 1st pin today. He wont listen to me about the kickstart but thats his problem. I talked to another friend who I would most likely be getting it from. Now crazy ass cycles are just bouncing around in my head. Superdrol or Pplex kickstart bridged into DS tren finished off with Epi. I know how retarded that sounds but it is oh so tempting. That would require an INSANE PCT. Ok I better go take a COLD shower now :lol:


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This post will include my workout which I will add after a much needed shower. My shirt is dirty as hell from flipping the tire.

Ok so ya I think it is only a matter of time before I start pinning to win. A friend of mine did his 1st pin today. He wont listen to me about the kickstart but thats his problem. I talked to another friend who I would most likely be getting it from. Now crazy ass cycles are just bouncing around in my head. Superdrol or Pplex kickstart bridged into DS tren finished off with Epi. I know how retarded that sounds but it is oh so tempting. That would require an INSANE PCT. Ok I better go take a COLD shower now :lol:
Yeah, it does sound a little crazy but I understand the temptation. We all love instant gratification!


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I honestly would never consider doing that much. Will probably just do enough test to keep me going good and have a kickstart and finish. Pin time about 15 weeks with an extra 2 weeks to clear out.

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