Superdrol Liqua-Vade...



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sorry to go back to the topic of the thread but.... why were only 1200 bottles SDLV produced? why not make this product permanent?


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sorry to go back to the topic of the thread but.... why were only 1200 bottles SDLV produced? why not make this product permanent?
while SD may not be banned yet, I'm sure they're just trying to stay ahead of the curve as most companies have already done


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while SD may not be banned yet, I'm sure they're just trying to stay ahead of the curve as most companies have already done
Hmm.... I don't see them having trouble moving 1200 bottles by April but I could be wrong. If SD ever is banned it wont be till next year - too much red tape to get it done sooner. Maybe its just a marketing ploy to make ppl thnk it'll go out of stock. I bet this product hangs around thru the summer at least and that'll be more than 1200 bottles.


sorry to go back to the topic of the thread but.... why were only 1200 bottles SDLV produced? why not make this product permanent?
I've been wondering the same thing. Not that I'll need anymore anytime soon. I just think since SD is still legal, they'd take advantage of that fact. But, whatever the case maybe I'm sure they have their reasons.


New member
Hmm.... I don't see them having trouble moving 1200 bottles by April but I could be wrong. If SD ever is banned it wont be till next year - too much red tape to get it done sooner. Maybe its just a marketing ploy to make ppl thnk it'll go out of stock. I bet this product hangs around thru the summer at least and that'll be more than 1200 bottles.
True. I mean I see your point man. However, plenty designers were "legal" prior to this most recent ban but the companies were still under FDA fire (raids, etc.) regardless.


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True. I mean I see your point man. However, plenty designers were "legal" prior to this most recent ban but the companies were still under FDA fire (raids, etc.) regardless.
Exactly. They can still get a cease and desist letter if investigated. Smaller batches = less risk for the manufacturer.


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I just ordered mine and I wouldnt mind ordering more later if its still up for purchase if not oh well I guess. I'm sad I missed the damn tren sale
I stocked up on the 1tt sale (of course I threw it all away as soon as it became a banned substance cause i'd never do anything illegal) but now i'm out of $$. I'd love to run a 1tt-LV/SD-LV stack.

I've been wondering the same thing. Not that I'll need anymore anytime soon. I just think since SD is still legal, they'd take advantage of that fact. But, whatever the case maybe I'm sure they have their reasons.
I honestly believe this is a marketing ploy. I mean PP is one of my favorite companies. Honesty, quality, and excellent price per value consistently product-after-product. I don't blame them but.... why not make it a limited time item to push more off the shelves?

True. I mean I see your point man. However, plenty designers were "legal" prior to this most recent ban but the companies were still under FDA fire (raids, etc.) regardless.
Yeah but the FDA can't raid or confiscate anything legal.....

Exactly. They can still get a cease and desist letter if investigated. Smaller batches = less risk for the manufacturer.
You think if they make small batches over time the FDA is less likely to get involved? I think the FDA already knows full well about SD and is working on the red tape to ban it right now.


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I stocked up on the 1tt sale (of course I threw it all away as soon as it became a banned substance cause i'd never do anything illegal) but now i'm out of $$. I'd love to run a 1tt-LV/SD-LV stack.
No wonder they call you crazy... :D


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also cant wait to switch out my thistle caps for liver juice on monday


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Here's the full write-up. This product should ABSOLUTELY be utilized with our Superdrone LV prouct.

Steroids for your Liver

We think Liver Juice is so awesome; it could be called Liver Steroids.

But of course, we didn’t want to give the product a bad name.

It appears that milk thistle does to the liver, what anabolic steroids to do the muscles. Milk thistle turns a weak liver to a strong liver (except milk thistle has zero side effects). (1-4)

Ironically, after a formal review of the most current scientific literature on milk thistle, it appears milk thistle has specific protective effects against anabolic/androgenic steroid induced liver toxicity. We will present new and exciting research later in this article.

What’s most disappointing (and damaging to milk thistles reputation) is that 90% of the milk thistle products on the market have super poor absorption at only about 8%. (5-14) Therefore, we had to go the extra mile and create a liquid formula that would actually get milk thistle where it needs to be -- in the liver.

Before I show you exactly how milk thistle works I want to tell you about our impressive accomplishment with our Liver Juice formula, and the break though delivery system. Read on

Meeting the challenge – Mr. Milk Thistle

Try to image mixing a handful of chalk into a glass of water, you would see it either sink to the bottom or precipitate to the top -- that’s pretty close to how well milk thistle mixes into a glass of water.

To show the exceptional solubility accomplished with the milk thistle in our Liver Juice, we went ahead and took a 5mL dose (500mg) of Liver Juice and mixed it into a glass of water. We then took 500mg of the exact same milk thistle extract used in our Liver Juice, and vigorously shook it into a glass of water. Then they sat for 12 hours

As you can see, the milk thistle in Liver Juice remained completely stable and molecularly dispersed in the liquid. The milk thistle powder alone simply crashed to the bottom of glass. (“crash” means to crystallize, separate or no longer be in solution -- aka, not be absorbed into the body)

BTW, what you just witnessed was the result of about 119 hours in the lab, and about 12 months of research.

Anyway, we managed to make a nice milk thistle formula... but listen to why this is so important...

Membrane Invagination

Obviously, milk thistle does not dissolve in water, and hardly dissolves in most oils. (7) This inability to dissolve means milk thistle is very difficult to be absorbed by the human body, since the larger particles cannot pass though the walls of the digestive tract. (5-8, 12) In fact, milk thistle extract alone only absorbs at a rate of about 8% in humans. (5-14)

Unless nutrients are dispersed to micro-particle size, they simply won't be absorbed by the intestines. In order to get the maximum amount of milk thistle absorbed into the body we had to accomplish 3 things when formulating Liver Juice -

1. Modify the Liqua-Vade delivery system so milk thistle can complexly dissolve.

2. Make sure it remains dissolved once mixed in an aqueous environment (such as the stomach).

3. Make it safe and acceptable for drinking.

We ended up accomplishing all 3 goals. But it certainly wasn’t easy.

Editors note: Some of you home chemistry buffs are probably thinking milk thistle could just dissolve into some basic solvent like alcohol or glycerin. That may accomplish the 1st goal, but as soon as those water soluble solvents become diluted in a glass of water they would lose their solvent capacity and that milk thistle would fall out of solution and crash right to the bottom of the glass, therefore putting milk thistle right back to where it started.

Liqua-Vade – Tailored for Mr. Milk Thistle

Because the milk thistle flavones are such stubborn little molecules, we had to custom tailor our Liqua-Vade delivery system just for Liver Juice. We used a precise ratio of 12 different pharmaceutical grade carriers, phospholipids and fatty esters to dissolve our high potency milk thistle into a fine homogenous solution (while managing to give it a nice sweet almond taste).

Rest assured, our Liqua-Vade delivery technology isn’t some hyped up sugar water. It’s based on Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS) science, which is backed by dozens of 3rd party human clinical trials and is currently one of the hottest research fields in modern day drug delivery (5-7)

Over the years there have been other attempts at enhancing delivery of milk thistle, however Liqua-Vade delivery technology (SEDDS) trumps them all. (5-14) Just take a look

Bile acids - Liver Cleaners

Bile acids are the liver’s detergents -- flowing through the cellular channels all throughout the liver.

There are dozens of different bile acids created by the liver, all of which are metabolites of cholesterol. Essentially, they are created to dissolve and mobilize toxic material and export it from the liver and into the intestines for excretion. Different bile acids are needed to dissolve and carry different toxins from the liver.

In general, bile acids are your friends. However, certain drugs (including methylated steroids) cause the liver to slow bile acid production, and create a bile acid insufficiency, as well as cause a build up in the hepatotoxic bile acids (15-23) This makes a mess, and causes the liver to get jammed up fast. If the liver gets clogged up enough where bile can no longer flow from the biliary channels, a condition develops known as reversible cholestasis. (the primary condition developed from methylated steroids and birth control use) (15-23)

Luckily this liver condition is reversible. If you have suffered some toxic effects from steroids (or other drugs) you still have a chance to turn it around for the better.

Bile Acid – The Doctors Choice

Bile acid is the drug of choice prescribed to anabolic steroids users admitted for drug induced cholestasis. The drug is known as Ursodiol -- a.k.a. ursodeoxycholic acid. This naturally occurring bile acid is known for its hydrophilic action and ability to detoxify the liver by cleaning out less hydrophilic bile acids, among other toxins such as methylated hormone metabolites. (19, 24-27)

Unfortunately, Ursodiol is an expensive prescription drug, and not easily obtainable.

As I mentioned earlier, there is new and exciting research on milk thistle that we are excited to present. Research has shown us milk thistle has the ability to increase production of this protective bile acid -- ursodeoxycholic acid (at the same relative dose delivered by Liver Juice) (18-23)

The West Side Liver Gang – Cleaning up the Trash

The main active ingredients in milk thistle are flavonolignans, known as silichristin, silidianin, isosilibinin, and the most biologically active player, silybin (Our milk thistle extract is standardized to 30% silybin). (1-4)

When these milk thistle flavonolignans enter the liver they don’t mess around. They immediately start circulating the liver to signal sluggish and under-producing liver cells to pick up the production of liver cleansing bile acids, esspecialy the hepatoprotective variety such as ursodeoxycholic acid. It appears that silybin stimulates Cyp7a1 and Cyp3a enzymes to encorage conversion of cholesterol towards protective and hydrophilic bile acids. (18-23)

Now here is the clincher...

Studies have shown that milk thistle can reverse the down-regulating effect on bile acid production even during the administration of methylated steroids. So when steroids are in the liver inhibiting production of the beneficial bile acids, milk thistle steps in and ramps up beneficial bile acid production while enhancing the export of built up toxins (and methylated steroids) from the liver. (18-23, 28)

Liver Juice - Quick to Battle

With our Liqua-Vade delivery system, the active milk thistle flavones will reach the liver fast. Once absorbed through the intestines the biologically active flavones are immediately carried into the liver, where they begin stimulating the liver cells to revive detoxifying bile acid production. (8,9)

In animals with cholestasis induced from methylated steroids, milk thistle has been shown to significantly restore bile production and bile outflow in less than 5 days. (19-21) However we do encorage "pre-conditioning" the liver with Liver Juice two weeks prior to any methylated oral steroid cycle, while continuing use throughout the entire cycle.

Liver Juice – The Timeless Miracle Worker

Liver Juice (milk thistle) has been used safely to treat various liver diseases for thousands of years. Out of the dozens of published scientific papers on milk thistle, no harmful side-effects have ever been found. (1-4)

It was nearly 2000 years ago when Pliney The Elder noted that milk thistle juice was excellent for “carrying off bile”. (29) I guess it appears he was right after all.

Get it now!

Click here for Liver Juice-LV!

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 5cc (5mL oral syringe)

Servings per container: 50

Amount Per Serving %DV*

Milk Thistle Extract (Silybum marianum) 500mg**

(standardized to 80% silymarin)

Minimum total flavonolignans 400mg**

Silybin 150mg**

*Daily Value

**Daily Value not established

Other Ingredients: Other ingredients: Liqua-Vade Technology [Distilled water, exthoxylated sorbitan trioleate, dimethyl isosorbide, ethyl oleate, sorbitan monolaurate, ethoxylated mono and di-glycerides, medium chain triglycerides, grape spirits, sesame oil, phospholipid complex (phosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylcholine), glyceryl triacetate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyproply methylcellulose], malt syrup, natural almond flavor, sucralose, trisodium citrate, simethicone, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, citric acid†, sucrose†. † Used for food grade adhesive on syringe adapter
No artificial color

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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Worm shot FTW!
yup i'm taking my sustain alpha LV right now and i worm shot it. who cares how bad it tastes i eat/take worse stuff than that for less noteworthy results. The SA-LV is the only thing that keeps my libido alive at all during pct.


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gotta love the worm. oh wait what did i just say?lol


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I might start taking liver juice year round if the worm gets rid of the taste
The worm shot helps - OJ juice is better than water. As soon as I can afford it I'm picking up some liver juice.


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can you take liver juice and SD at the same time or should they be spaced out?


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awesome. also worm shot guys takes great. nothing to worry about. just took it in water


Primordial Performance Rep
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Quick Question:

I am no where near the point that I am willing to use a PH. In about a year, however, I would be much more inclined. My question is the shelf life of the SD clone. Given the limited availability and the risk of a ban, could one purchase now for use in a year? If so how would it need to be stored?
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Quick Question:

I am no where near the point that I am willing to use a PH. In about a year, however, I would be much more inclined. My question is the shelf life of the SD clone. Given the limited availability and the risk of a ban, could one purchase now for use in a year? If so how would it need to be stored?
It will be good for atleast 2 years... possibly longer if you store it in a cool, dry place. In the fridge I dont see why it wouldn't last 5+ years.



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Are you guys runnig a lil behind? I ordered over a week ago. Did the postman skeeze my juice?


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It will be good for atleast 2 years... possibly longer if you store it in a cool, dry place. In the fridge I dont see why it wouldn't last 5+ years.

Hey Eric, would this be true for all your LV products or just SD LV?


Hey Eric, would this be true for all your LV products or just SD LV?
Good question. And to add to it, say you do a cycle of SD. The bottle has now been opened, what would be the best way to store it since you can't just jump right into another cycle anytime soon?


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It is coming from OR so if u live far away like me(GA) it does take a while. But it took mine about a week.


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Just Got it. Awesome!
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Good question. And to add to it, say you do a cycle of SD. The bottle has now been opened, what would be the best way to store it since you can't just jump right into another cycle anytime soon?
Yeah, you can just cap it back up and store it in the fridge.



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agreed, i have a new plan of action. 5 + years is a ton


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same man same. Gunna thow them in my mini fridge as soon as i get home tn.


NutraPlanet Rep
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Just ordered 7 bottles! Can't wait for the others!


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