so any tips on my routine? sorry, last question lol. but this is what confuses me is the routine stuff. im trying to gain mass for the most part.
incline press...3x12-8
flat bench press...2x12-11
pec dec fly...2x9-8
shoulder press...3x11-8
calf raise...3x15-10
seated cable row...3x11-7
lat pulldowns...2x12-8
alternating curls...3x12-8
hammer curls...2x12-10
abs...3x to failure
and repeat both two and 3 days later, so im in the gym 4 days a week
i typically rest 50 to 90 seconds between sets
and its worked for me, i mean 30 pounds in one year. but i want to take it to the next level. thanks for all the help.