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  • I just got done looking over your AI Cynostane log from some years back and it was very helpful. I recently came across a couple bottles and I have never done a PH before. Other than upping the doses, what else would you suggest if you were to go back and run it again? Would you consider it better to not run it alone but stack it with something else? Looking forward to your response, thx.
    my friend want to tell me that I use to take muscle mass since I have 19 year and only weight 106 pounds and want to use something and can not stand the ridicule and not being able to wear the clothes I want to know that I can use my training to get started I hope in the gym to help me I am waiting and I must use
    can i ask you to join me?
    Nah, I got banned from xbox live for modding my xbox to play copied games haha. Ever since then I haven't played xbox at all and even packed it and put it in storage. Maybe when I move into my new place I'll buy another one. :) Did you ever get abs yet?
    so any tips on my routine? sorry, last question lol. but this is what confuses me is the routine stuff. im trying to gain mass for the most part.

    incline press...3x12-8
    flat bench press...2x12-11
    pec dec fly...2x9-8
    shoulder press...3x11-8

    calf raise...3x15-10
    seated cable row...3x11-7
    lat pulldowns...2x12-8
    alternating curls...3x12-8
    hammer curls...2x12-10
    abs...3x to failure

    and repeat both two and 3 days later, so im in the gym 4 days a week

    i typically rest 50 to 90 seconds between sets

    and its worked for me, i mean 30 pounds in one year. but i want to take it to the next level. thanks for all the help.
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