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  • Ironically my arms are tiny. Everyone in my gym knows my biceps are stubborn to grow. I just pose well - its an illusion.
    Its possible. You know how the "natural" game goes. That picture has you lookin real lean and still full - good work.
    I am not allowed to post it apparently lol. Its keithan dot rogers at gmail dot com
    Damn bro...sorry it took so long for me to get on here.....I feel alright...getting better everyday...finally back in the gym and lifting light...trying to keep my weight up...how you been?
    congrads, I am on the mend had gall bladder surgery and have been sick since they took it out, lost weight and trying to just eat, stinks but worse things right...:) Congrads again...
    Man after back surgery I cant wait to get back in the gym...this **** is killing me. I cant stand not doing ****.....I replaced lifting with drinking...no good...got a follow up tomorrow....will start lifting on Thursday.
    Thanks man. Good luck to you, what branch are you looking at? Is there anything in particular you would like to do?
    Yea i have already taken it. My GT was only 70 but i got phenomenal scores on the other five areas... General Science, Electronics Information, Auto Shop, Mechanical Comprehension and Assembling Objects.
    hey, i plan on joining the military as soon as possible. I have a medical issue that needs clearance, so as soon as i obtain my waiver i am going to join.
    Ya thats my bike, it looks a little different now cuz I got new fairings for it and a slip on and some other junk, but ya you should get one they are a blast.
    And cant wait to see your log on the magic, your lucky
    dude! how did you get that amazing mid section?!?!?! i need to know!!@
    Xtreme Caution Labs. We are a brand new Company, with up and coming products. For now we have our strong pre-workout. If you like i can send you a bottle. Send me your name,address,and email. Check the site out as well! xclabs.com and put your info in on contact us
    Very nice!!!! Very nice!!! Can't forget about the brunette's either ya dig!!! haha I don't hate i just appreciate hahah. .. well Im 15 mins south of the MOA and its nice out here right know. . 8 degress. . Going out tonight buddae to go get some hahah n e ways. . thanks for reps and good lookin out!!!
    Thanks brutha!!! hahah I will say the same. . .they do enjoy our company!!! what brought you to MN??
    happy upcoming birthday.. i did EC last summer, that was my first time, just used bronkaid n caffein pills.. didnt do the A tho, just made sure i got in enough fish oil to regulate blook pressure
    i only do abs now as im bulking, i mix it up between bodyweight stuff (decline crunch, reverse crunches, blow up ball crunches, kettle bell ab stuff) and weighted (cable crunches are the best, then machines)

    even during that pic (i puffed up a lil bit from bulkin) my cardio was just a little, i focused more on diet and liftin, and i was using ephedra-caffeine so that definitely helped.. but when i did cardio was take my EC right when i woke up, do 30 minutes low intensity (brisk walk or elliptical/bike) then had breakfast n other meals (carb cycle), n weights later in the day
    thanks, i appreciate it! good luck with your progress, if ya need any help or anything feel free to ask.. i'm not an expert or the most knowledgeable but i know what works for me
    hi mate, i noticed a thread about alpha one, how did u rate it compared to m-drol.
    Hey man, not much. Getting things straightened around so I finally am back on the board for awhile lol. How have things been? How is AMS holding up since the ban?
    I ran it for a short little run of 2 weeks at the tail end of a long cycle and some things came up and had to drop it but it felt like the orginal SD from AX and it hit faster than I remember. I am going to get some more for sure.
    yeah dude had a mean 6 pack this summer. I was down to 182. A bro down is just a gathering with my close buds haha
    KB workouts kick butt, every class is like my first and want to throw up, yup !!!! but its all good right...running 3-4 miles a day wearing me down to, been cold and fighting something, cold or stomach thing..
    Hey there, fairly new to the whole AM thing. Just found out about messages etc. Looks like you sent me one about a month ago just wanted to let you know I was not ignoring you.
    I POSTED a post in that 1m,4add thread, was wondering r u gonna run a log im very interested in maybe hitting up a cycle of this before a cycle of M-drol maybe about 8-12 weeks later, but i take it its stillout of stock:(
    Well, I compete in grappling comps and train MMA with a few Pro's, so I plan on having my amateur MMA fight as soon as my shoulder is healed up. As for now, I'm just going to focus on getting ripped for the next month or 2 and get in amazing Cardio shape...and get those damn abs right out lol. If I get picked it would be perfect timing for what I'm doing :D Thanks
    lol me or that other guy lol. He kind of confused me saying its not dbol then saying its dbol lol.
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