RickRock's gettin' DIESEL with Dieselbolan/Epi-strong and RS-Transaderm!!



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Excited to see you kill it man, seriously like I am pretty new to this site and have only been lifting seriously for about 7 months now but I look foward to seeing you grow. You give me motivation! Hopefully my next cycle I will actually do a proper log and get some feedback like you do, your the man around here it seems, keep killin it bro!
Ok what gives. You say you have been training seriously for 7 months. Is that really you in your avi? Man if it is what in the heck have you been doing. You look in fantastic shape. Lol on a side note that pic kinda looks like the person who kicked off the lean gain diet. Lol


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Great job Rick.
I really think to get the most outta diesel you gotta feed it. I know you do your burn days still though, right? Where the cals are pretty low?
If I was you I would've kept the cals around 4000 or more ED.


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Excited to see you kill it man, seriously like I am pretty new to this site and have only been lifting seriously for about 7 months now but I look foward to seeing you grow. You give me motivation! Hopefully my next cycle I will actually do a proper log and get some feedback like you do, your the man around here it seems, keep killin it bro!
Thank you very much bro! I appreciate it. I'm doing my best.


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Great job Rick.
I really think to get the most outta diesel you gotta feed it. I know you do your burn days still though, right? Where the cals are pretty low?
If I was you I would've kept the cals around 4000 or more ED.
I think I am feeding the diesel plenty and my update from today that I will be posting will reflect that. Remember, I'm not 200+, I'm in the 170s. Last year I took in 4k+ every day during the winter and the result was 35 lbs gained of some muscle, but mostly fat. I truly believe most people take things to extremes in a bulk, and it is better to do it controlled. Hopefully 3500ish build days and 2k-2500 on burn days is the control I'm looking for coupled with lean gains. I think its working considering I'm up 7-8 lbs in 11-12 days with no fat gain that I can tell. That is more weight than I put on at 4k per day in 2 weeks on SD :sgrin:


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Somebody must have flipped a switch, because I am definitely ON!!! Weight is up to 173. This morning was the best workout I've had in months. Huge strength gains all over the place, and hitting PRs dwarfing my personal bests from last year when I was on cycle at 200 lbs. I also looked huge in there this morning. I was like HOLY BICEP PUMPS BATMAN!! The pumps were literally insane. I felt like my whole body was pumped and not just the muscle groups I was working. Aggression seemed to come with this too, as I went off on a Guy at work this morning just for parking where I normally do for no good reason. I am having to work today to not come off like an a-hole to everyone around me it seems. Well, here is the good part....the workout!!


BW pullups (wide grip)

Tbar rows
225x10x9 (PR)

Bent over close grip Tbars
180x12x11x10x10 (PR)

330x8(whole stack PR!!)

Lat pulldowns (close grip)

DB hammer curls
60sx9(PR...never even attempted 60s before)

EZ Bar preachers
85x10x10x9 (PR)

Pinwheel curls (second set was double drop set)
55sx9, 35sx8, 25sx11

Dietary today I will be eating probably about 3-4 sloppy Joe's with lean ground beef, 5 oz Greek yogurt, LN cheesecake, an apple, a better protein bar, and 2 scoops of muscle replenisher all in my fast breaker..:food:


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Looks like this run is giving you a ton of strength and confidence.


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Looks like this run is giving you a ton of strength and confidence.
That it is....its really starting to take off so stay tuned and don't touch that dial because I think things are going to get good!!


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Damn that is some serious weight bro!!! I'd say a fire has been lit that isn't going to be put out! Keep kiling it. I got arms today so hopefully I'll beat myself silly. Hurts so bad but feels oh so good!!


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I think I am feeding the diesel plenty and my update from today that I will be posting will reflect that. Remember, I'm not 200+, I'm in the 170s. Last year I took in 4k+ every day during the winter and the result was 35 lbs gained of some muscle, but mostly fat. I truly believe most people take things to extremes in a bulk, and it is better to do it controlled. Hopefully 3500ish build days and 2k-2500 on burn days is the control I'm looking for coupled with lean gains. I think its working considering I'm up 7-8 lbs in 11-12 days with no fat gain that I can tell. That is more weight than I put on at 4k per day in 2 weeks on SD :sgrin:

No doubt, whatever works for u.
For me though, I'm sitting around 210 fairly lean. Not as lean as u tho b!tch!
I need at least 4000 cals ED to maintain that wait or to gain more. I eat and eat and usually never gain a bit of fat so I guess I'm lucky :D


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Somebody must have flipped a switch, because I am definitely ON!!! Weight is up to 173. This morning was the best workout I've had in months. Huge strength gains all over the place, and hitting PRs dwarfing my personal bests from last year when I was on cycle at 200 lbs. I also looked huge in there this morning. I was like HOLY BICEP PUMPS BATMAN!! The pumps were literally insane. I felt like my whole body was pumped and not just the muscle groups I was working. Aggression seemed to come with this too, as I went off on a Guy at work this morning just for parking where I normally do for no good reason. I am having to work today to not come off like an a-hole to everyone around me it seems. Well, here is the good part....the workout!!


BW pullups (wide grip)

Tbar rows
225x10x9 (PR)

Bent over close grip Tbars
180x12x11x10x10 (PR)

330x8(whole stack PR!!)

Lat pulldowns (close grip)

DB hammer curls
60sx9(PR...never even attempted 60s before)

EZ Bar preachers
85x10x10x9 (PR)

Pinwheel curls (second set was double drop set)
55sx9, 35sx8, 25sx11

Dietary today I will be eating probably about 3-4 sloppy Joe's with lean ground beef, 5 oz Greek yogurt, LN cheesecake, an apple, a better protein bar, and 2 scoops of muscle replenisher all in my fast breaker..:food:
Very nice rick!!! Your strength is looking good, keep it up man! This is getting even more interesting!


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No doubt, whatever works for u.
For me though, I'm sitting around 210 fairly lean. Not as lean as u tho b!tch!
I need at least 4000 cals ED to maintain that wait or to gain more. I eat and eat and usually never gain a bit of fat so I guess I'm lucky :D
Damn BISH, you are lucky! I remember when I used to have that problem around 15 years ago, but now I'm creeping closer to 40 and that fast metabolism isn't so fast anymore. Now I do gain fat if I overeat, so its something I have to watch. I'm perfectly fine adding in the muscle a little at a time while keeping fat at bay. I actually don't want to be a lot bigger anyways. Whenever I hit 185-190 @ 6% which is my long term goal, I will be done with cycling all together and will be happy maintaining that from then on out. ;)


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Shoot you have put on some size for doing it the RIGHT way. Staying lean is the only way to know what is real gains and what is marbling. It isn't just the soft and pudgy people see on the outside that is fat in bulks it is all that marbling that fills the muscle up too.


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Ok what gives. You say you have been training seriously for 7 months. Is that really you in your avi? Man if it is what in the heck have you been doing. You look in fantastic shape. Lol on a side note that pic kinda looks like the person who kicked off the lean gain diet. Lol
Nah man I wish haha, that's a bodybuilder named zyzz who passed away. Im sure you know him but if you dont you should check him out on simplyshredded. I'd post a pic of myself but I feel like im still way to small, so I just keep a pic up of him for motivation haha.


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Nah man I wish haha, that's a bodybuilder named zyzz who passed away. Im sure you know him but if you dont you should check him out on simplyshredded. I'd post a pic of myself but I feel like im still way to small, so I just keep a pic up of him for motivation haha.
Don't be ashamed. I have all sorts of skin chub. if I can do it you can


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Shoot you have put on some size for doing it the RIGHT way. Staying lean is the only way to know what is real gains and what is marbling. It isn't just the soft and pudgy people see on the outside that is fat in bulks it is all that marbling that fills the muscle up too.
Thanks a lot Chris! You are the source of my dietary strategies for a good while now. Ever since you started me out on lean gains several months ago, I have been trying my best to follow in your footsteps and you have never steered me wrong. Ive experienced the best body composition changes since starting it, and building LEAN mass is the way to go in my opinion. I cant thank you enough for all your support and everything youve done bro :cheers:

Nah man I wish haha, that's a bodybuilder named zyzz who passed away. Im sure you know him but if you dont you should check him out on simplyshredded. I'd post a pic of myself but I feel like im still way to small, so I just keep a pic up of him for motivation haha.
Its good to have a source of motivation, but dont be afraid to post up pics of yourself either, regardless of what you may think of yourself. I was very ashamed to put up pics less than 2 years ago when i joined this forum, but I did and I am gald I made that choice. Every time I was able to update my avi with a better pic I recieved a lot of compliments on my progress, and that fueled my drive and motivation even further to reach for the body I'm trying to get. I'm still not to where I want to get to yet, but I have made a lot of progress. If I can find my original avi pic I will post it up here for you guys to see.

Don't be ashamed. I have all sorts of skin chub. if I can do it you can
Exactly Jeff! You know this all too well. You may have been a little apprehensive to put up your original pics when you first came on here to turn your life around.....but you did. And as a result, you are the source of inspiration for many members on this forum including myself. your progress through your journey so far has been incredible, and I feel honored to have been with you since the beginning of it!!


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There goes Jeff on the skin chub lol...you know I love that term bro ha! Awesome progress pics RR both front and back. Awesome veinage in the arms and anterior delts!


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Its good to have a source of motivation, but dont be afraid to post up pics of yourself either, regardless of what you may think of yourself. I was very ashamed to put up pics less than 2 years ago when i joined this forum, but I did and I am gald I made that choice. Every time I was able to update my avi with a better pic I recieved a lot of compliments on my progress, and that fueled my drive and motivation even further to reach for the body I'm trying to get. I'm still not to where I want to get to yet, but I have made a lot of progress. If I can find my original avi pic I will post it up here for you guys to see.

Fersure man I understand, I'm not afraid to post pics, just haven't taken any recent ones. I know I have alot of work to do but my progress has been great these last 7 months which keeps me motivated to keep lifting and stay on track. It's an amazing feeling when you see friends you haven't seen in a few months and they are like HOLY SH*T YOU BLEW UP MAN!! Haha i'll probably switch my avi pic to myself sometime this week so I can look back on it one day like you can.


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Thanks a lot Chris! You are the source of my dietary strategies for a good while now. Ever since you started me out on lean gains several months ago, I have been trying my best to follow in your footsteps and you have never steered me wrong. Ive experienced the best body composition changes since starting it, and building LEAN mass is the way to go in my opinion. I cant thank you enough for all your support and everything youve done bro :cheers:

Its good to have a source of motivation, but dont be afraid to post up pics of yourself either, regardless of what you may think of yourself. I was very ashamed to put up pics less than 2 years ago when i joined this forum, but I did and I am gald I made that choice. Every time I was able to update my avi with a better pic I recieved a lot of compliments on my progress, and that fueled my drive and motivation even further to reach for the body I'm trying to get. I'm still not to where I want to get to yet, but I have made a lot of progress. If I can find my original avi pic I will post it up here for you guys to see.

Exactly Jeff! You know this all too well. You may have been a little apprehensive to put up your original pics when you first came on here to turn your life around.....but you did. And as a result, you are the source of inspiration for many members on this forum including myself. your progress through your journey so far has been incredible, and I feel honored to have been with you since the beginning of it!!

Rick you have no idea how much i appreciate what you just said. It has been a blessing for me to come on here and start this journey back in February. To have you and all the others support me the way that you all have is beyond words.

There goes Jeff on the skin chub lol...you know I love that term bro ha! Awesome progress pics RR both front and back. Awesome veinage in the arms and anterior delts!


Its good to have a source of motivation, but dont be afraid to post up pics of yourself either, regardless of what you may think of yourself. I was very ashamed to put up pics less than 2 years ago when i joined this forum, but I did and I am gald I made that choice. Every time I was able to update my avi with a better pic I recieved a lot of compliments on my progress, and that fueled my drive and motivation even further to reach for the body I'm trying to get. I'm still not to where I want to get to yet, but I have made a lot of progress. If I can find my original avi pic I will post it up here for you guys to see.

Fersure man I understand, I'm not afraid to post pics, just haven't taken any recent ones. I know I have alot of work to do but my progress has been great these last 7 months which keeps me motivated to keep lifting and stay on track. It's an amazing feeling when you see friends you haven't seen in a few months and they are like HOLY SH*T YOU BLEW UP MAN!! Haha i'll probably switch my avi pic to myself sometime this week so I can look back on it one day like you can.

Here is a pic of me starting my journey I have had many logs showing my change. Here is a couple.

1-29-10 front.jpg
1-29-10 Rear Double Bicep.jpg
1-29-10 Side Pic.jpg
7-17-11 Front.jpg
7-17-11 Double Back Bi.jpg
10-22-11 Full Body.jpg
10-22-11 Front Double Bicep.jpg
10-22-11 Rear Double Bicep.jpg


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Sorry Rick. But I just knew you and Green wanted to see the skin chub one more time. LMAO


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Sh!t I think you were just fishing for compliments, judging by those pics you looked jacked man. Keep it Rick. Chevy, you looking a lot younger. Keep it up man.


I've been following this thread.. Starting to feel a bit like a thread stalker.. Lol, so just SUBBING IN.. I'm new to forums.

It's great to see the man who gives others great advice and guidance sharing his own journey. I'm very impressed with your strength for your weight Rickrock.. Your max bench is unreal.


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There goes Jeff on the skin chub lol...you know I love that term bro ha! Awesome progress pics RR both front and back. Awesome veinage in the arms and anterior delts!
Thank you very much Mr. Green! I really appreciate the nice words!

Its good to have a source of motivation, but dont be afraid to post up pics of yourself either, regardless of what you may think of yourself. I was very ashamed to put up pics less than 2 years ago when i joined this forum, but I did and I am gald I made that choice. Every time I was able to update my avi with a better pic I recieved a lot of compliments on my progress, and that fueled my drive and motivation even further to reach for the body I'm trying to get. I'm still not to where I want to get to yet, but I have made a lot of progress. If I can find my original avi pic I will post it up here for you guys to see.

Fersure man I understand, I'm not afraid to post pics, just haven't taken any recent ones. I know I have alot of work to do but my progress has been great these last 7 months which keeps me motivated to keep lifting and stay on track. It's an amazing feeling when you see friends you haven't seen in a few months and they are like HOLY SH*T YOU BLEW UP MAN!! Haha i'll probably switch my avi pic to myself sometime this week so I can look back on it one day like you can.
Those compliments from friends that havent seen you in a while are always nice to get for sure! ;) tells you that you are doing something right!

Amazing work Matt. Great recomp :thumbsup:

Rick you have no idea how much i appreciate what you just said. It has been a blessing for me to come on here and start this journey back in February. To have you and all the others support me the way that you all have is beyond words.


Here is a pic of me starting my journey I have had many logs showing my change. Here is a couple.

View attachment 47583View attachment 47584View attachment 47585View attachment 47586View attachment 47587View attachment 47588View attachment 47589View attachment 47590

Sorry Rick. But I just knew you and Green wanted to see the skin chub one more time. LMAO
No problem bro. I like seeing your skin chub....lol

Sh!t I think you were just fishing for compliments, judging by those pics you looked jacked man. Keep it Rick. Chevy, you looking a lot younger. Keep it up man.
Thanks bro!

I've been following this thread.. Starting to feel a bit like a thread stalker.. Lol, so just SUBBING IN.. I'm new to forums.

It's great to see the man who gives others great advice and guidance sharing his own journey. I'm very impressed with your strength for your weight Rickrock.. Your max bench is unreal.
Thanks for joining bro, and thank you very much for the compliments!


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I was going to go in for some cardio today, but I think I'm going to pass on it, and just make it a rest day. Diet today will be somewhat loose for a "burn" day as I sometimes do on the weekends. Fast breaker today I'm going to try out some of the new NTBM protein pancakes. I love pancakes and havent had any for a long time, so I'm looking forward to those as I've heard they are pretty good. I will also have some whey, greek yogurt, and a slice of LN cheesecake more than likely. Not much else to report today...


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Saturdays are pretty much rest days all the time for me hence SEC FOOTBALL!!!!


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Damn I leave the forums for a few weeks and miss the entire beginning of this cycle!!!! Ahh good luck on the rest of the cycle bro and keep killin it!


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Damn I leave the forums for a few weeks and miss the entire beginning of this cycle!!!! Ahh good luck on the rest of the cycle bro and keep killin it!
Thanks for joining bro!


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Today is pretty much a repeat of yesterday. Just resting, and some very lenient eating even for a burn day. If things get too far off and I see the fat coming on, I will go back to making these days pretty clean, nit for now I'm enjoying having a little more freedom in my diet that I didn't have for months. :food:

I will be starting Epi-strong tomorrow at 45mg per day on top of the diesel, so I'm very happy about that. EPI tends to be very good to me, so things could get pretty interesting! :sgrin:


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Today is pretty much a repeat of yesterday. Just resting, and some very lenient eating even for a burn day. If things get too far off and I see the fat coming on, I will go back to making these days pretty clean, nit for now I'm enjoying having a little more freedom in my diet that I didn't have for months. :food:

I will be starting Epi-strong tomorrow at 45mg per day on top of the diesel, so I'm very happy about that. EPI tends to be very good to me, so things could get pretty interesting! :sgrin:
Looks like things are going very well.
Man starting at 45... Sounds like fun!!


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2 weeks in and looking good...now it gets really interesting.


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Looking ripped. About the cheesecake. Yall just using skim milk?


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Looking ripped. About the cheesecake. Yall just using skim milk?
Skim milk would be good if you're trying to keep the fat content down yeah.


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Just popped some Diesel AND Epi :sgrin:

Time to hit the gym and hit shoulders and legs. I'm hoping for just as good of numbers as I had my last workout on Friday! :fingersx:

Will update more later...


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EPI just started today ?


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Just popped some Diesel AND Epi :sgrin:

Time to hit the gym and hit shoulders and legs. I'm hoping for just as good of numbers as I had my last workout on Friday! :fingersx:

Will update more later...

Excited to see how Epi treats you, let the fun begin! :chairshot:


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I always get hit with a sense of well being about an hour after my first dose of epi


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Today's first workout on EPI went very well. I felt great and the sweat was pouring. I hit a couple PRs like I did on Friday and specifically pushing up 80s for reps on overhead DB presses really made me happy since i never went to 80s before. I didn't kill legs too much and went kinda light for a couple reasons. I have cardio tomorrow that I want to be able to do, and I have a second workout this week for legs on Friday when I plan on really hitting them good.


Overhead DB press
80sx8(PR! )

Upright rows


DB lateral raises

Seated calf raise

Hack squat

Leg press


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I always get hit with a sense of well being about an hour after my first dose of epi
Don't remember that being the case with me but I definitely felt on...


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Cardio and burn day, and I almost feel like I need it. It might be mental but I feel the diet has been pretty loose for a while and its starting to show a little. ABS look blurrier than before, and I think its time to tighten up the burn days a little more. So today will be less than 2k and less than 75g carbs or so. Fast breaking meal is chicken breast, veggies, and rice, and a piece of cheesecake with 2 scoops of whey. Last meal will be more chicken with salad and some cottage cheese.

Weight is holding between 172-173

Cardio this morning was treadmill 30 minutes with some incline walking (3.5 mph @ 15%) and some jogging (6 MPH @ 15%) for a total of a 400 Cal burn.


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Cardio and burn day, and I almost feel like I need it. It might be mental but I feel the diet has been pretty loose for a while and its starting to show a little. ABS look blurrier than before, and I think its time to tighten up the burn days a little more. So today will be less than 2k and less than 75g carbs or so. Fast breaking meal is chicken breast, veggies, and rice, and a piece of cheesecake with 2 scoops of whey. Last meal will be more chicken with salad and some cottage cheese.

Weight is holding between 172-173

Cardio this morning was treadmill 30 minutes with some incline walking (3.5 mph @ 15%) and some jogging (6 MPH @ 15%) for a total of a 400 Cal burn.
A good cardio session will go a long way to ease your concerns... I just do a little extra when I have been loose with my diet. Lately it's the only thing keeping me reasonably lean, but diet is slowly becoming more reasonable and I have weathered the strorm so far. Bit of a relapse yesterday and my mental discipline to a hit lol It's hard when there is no hard goal..


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Updated pics look good Bro! Arms and Shoulders are popping nicely. I can see a very small amount of water retention in your abs, but not much. I'm quite sure you have already started taking care of it and I know the EPI will help to dry things a bit. Keep up the hard work!


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A good cardio session will go a long way to ease your concerns... I just do a little extra when I have been loose with my diet. Lately it's the only thing keeping me reasonably lean, but diet is slowly becoming more reasonable and I have weathered the strorm so far. Bit of a relapse yesterday and my mental discipline to a hit lol It's hard when there is no hard goal..
That is very true. Usually a good clean up day between a decent cardio session and clean eating with low carbs will make a big difference by that night. Hopefully that is the case and I will see a difference later


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Good to see the cycle's going well for you. Diesel kicked in big time for me on Saturday and I've set huge PRs on squat, bench, and deadlift since then. I add in Epi-Strong tomorrow so it should only get better!


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Good to see the cycle's going well for you. Diesel kicked in big time for me on Saturday and I've set huge PRs on squat, bench, and deadlift since then. I add in Epi-Strong tomorrow so it should only get better!
Looks like you are doing about the same thing as me. Good to hear its going great so far. Keep killing it and hitting those PRs!! :sgrin:

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