RickRock turns RIPPEDRock with Helladrol/Trenazone and LEAN GAINS!!



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Jesus man lookin ****en shredded. Sick job, great before and after pics. This is inspiration for my upcoming cycle.


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if you have results like last time from the sarm in pct you should still lean out more.


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DAY 42

Today is the last day on cycle. I feel I had a great run and this is by far the best cycle I have ran as far as changes to my body. Since this is the last day...I will follow this up with my summary of everything and the review of the cycle.

MASS I was very impressed and pleased with how this cycle has went for mass gains. I have ended this cycle about 2 lbs up from where I started, but have dropped a considerable amount of bodyfat. I;m not sure exactly how much bodyfat I dropped, but I am pretty sure I dropped a good 2% easy. I think in a bulk, this stack could have been amazing also.

FAT LOSS This cycle complimented my goals just like I had planned. I was going for a straight recomp, and that is exactly what I achieved. This cycle has accelerated my fat loss dramatically, and I couldnt be happier in that respect. I started somewhere slightly above 10%, and ended somewhere around 8%.

STRENGTH Strength started out a little slow at first, but started coming on pretty good starting the 3rd week. The strength gains were not quite as dramatic as when I ran Epi, but I was also in a huge caloric surplus at that time, so if I would have been bulking I may have had similar results. Even with that I matched or came near many of my PRs from last cycle, and I am now 30 lbs lighter...:sgrin:

SIDES I literally had absolutely zero sides on this cycle. I ran Helladrol all the way up to 125mg (and even 150 these last few days to finish the bottle off) and I've had zero issues. My libido remained fine the entire cycle also. BP was never a problem, and because of that I never even went off stims. I had a little lethargy a couple times, but that could also be attributed to possibly a lack of good sleep a couple times because it was spuratic.

OVERALL This cycle exceeded all my expectations. I set out with the goal to fully recomp by maintaining the same weight or even adding a few lbs while dropping the bodyfat. I achieved that and started the cycle at 170 while ending at 172. I would absolutely run this cycle again if I had the same goals in mind. It was textbook perfect for a recomp. The lean gains diet I am on really helped with it a lot, but the cycle just made everything I was doing even better. If and when I run this again, the only thing I would only change is I would pick up a 3rd bottle of Trenazone so I could run it at a higher dose. 1.5ml was a good effective dose, but I would have liked to run 2ml if I would have had enough to do that. With this cycle I look much better than I ever have. I have never even been close to this lean before, so I'm really happy with it. My vascularity is incredible, especially after a good pump. I would highly recommend this cycle to anyone with the same goals in mind...





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I am very happy with the results and the pictures. You can see the proof at how weel it all went. I am much more ripped and leaned out today than even 12 days ago at my last pic. I plan on continueing more of the same through PCT. I will probably bump cals just a tad, so fat loss my slow down some but it will not stop. I am going to try and hold any LBM gains I have made and continue to recomp. Hopefully my end of PCT pics will be even more impressive than my end of cycle pics. Dont go anywhere yet!! I still have PCT to go through and I plan on having some more gains and nice changes!!

Wow what a transformation you have had so far. :cheers:


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A big thanks to all of you and all the kind words!! It has been a great 6 weeks and really its been a great 4 months since starting lean gains. As great as the cycle was, the biggest part that made the most impact was the diet. These compounds helped to accelerate everything, but I am in love with this diet. I am now convinced that lean gains is great for everything. I still haven't lean bulked on it yet, but I am very convinced that it will work great too. I've had success with both cutting and recomp so far, and I'm loving every workout and always looking forward to the mirror! :)


It was my first burn day on PCT and its tough to treat it just like I did before on cycle. Since now the goal is recovery and holding any muscle gain, it makes you not push as hard on cardio and also afraid of eating too little out of fear of losing gains. Lean gains is a whole different animal though, and with those nice workout days with big meals I'm sure it all balances out fine. I did however decide to add around 200 Cal's to each day for now which will put me around 2k burn days and 3200 build days. It will slow down fat loss some, but I'm not worried about that right now and I'm sure I will still be a little leaner at the end of PCT ;)

Cardio was treadmill 30 minutes. 15 minutes walking at 15% incline (3.7 MPH) and 15 minutes jogging at 5.5% incline (6.1 MPH) for 350 Cal's burned


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Good looking avi man...


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Good looking avi man...
Thanks a ton Milas! I am very proud of my look right now.Hopefully in another 2-3 months I can use that as my next "before" pic ;)


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Congrats on a great cycle Rick! Amazing progress! It's been a real pleasure following along.

Keep killing that sh1t in PCT so you can keep those gains.


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Great plan on adding the 200 cals in. I have cut back some on cardio myself for now. Next week it will come back up a lil as I will have more faith in my own HPTA by then. I really don't think running into catabolism is going to be a problem here from low intensity cardio to moderate intensity cardio. The catabolism that comes from dieting is due to sustained caloric deficit. We never sustain it. We toggle the ON switch for anabolism WAY before the hormonal change from fasting to starving can even tell the body to start eating at the muscle. So that really should not be a concern for us.


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Great plan on adding the 200 cals in. I have cut back some on cardio myself for now. Next week it will come back up a lil as I will have more faith in my own HPTA by then. I really don't think running into catabolism is going to be a problem here from low intensity cardio to moderate intensity cardio. The catabolism that comes from dieting is due to sustained caloric deficit. We never sustain it. We toggle the ON switch for anabolism WAY before the hormonal change from fasting to starving can even tell the body to start eating at the muscle. So that really should not be a concern for us.

That is a good analogy Kleen, and kind of what I was thinking. I am planning on keeping my cardio moderate for a while. Will probably stick to treadmill walking and do away with jogging for at least a couple weeks until I feel the recovery is up. I am really not worried about trying to lean while recovering. I just dont want to add any BF in the process.


I have a few things to report on today. First thing I noticed this morning was that I looked very lean, almost like I leaned out overnight. Then I hit the scale and it showed 169, so Ive dropped about 3lbs or so. I'm sure this is either water held from the cycle or drying out from the Forma but that seems kinda soon to be getting dried out that quick. Whatever it is, it made a drastic improvement everywhere to my physique. I look quite a bit leaner today than I did in my last pic. I'm sure if I took a pic today and posted it, you guys would be very impressed from the changes, and that is in 3 days. So, in reality I'm sure I didnt get leaner, I just dried out some and that makes me appear leaner. I'll take it though!! My vascularity was even increased. I figured this would drop some from coming off of Trenazone, but the opposite happened. Vascularity is increased and during curls I had veins on my biceps and forearms that looked like they were going to explode!!!

Next thing I noticed today was increased sweating. The only place I can think that this is coming from is the Ostarine. It has had that effect on me before when I ran it, but right now I am on like a half dose of what I ran before (6mg) If it is from the Ostarine then I guess its fair to say that it is effective at a low dose. I guess I will just have to see over the next few days how it goes. Tomorrows cardio will be a good indicator.

I was pretty mildly tempered today it seemed and everyone noticed how nice I was to everyone. I am thinking maybe I was an a$$hole for the last 6 weeks and my aggression was up more than I thought. People cutting me off in traffic didnt bother me like it normally does and a lot of other things like that. Just thought it was interesting...


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what sarm are you using?
Ostarine (MK-2866) right now. A normal dose is 12-25mg and I'm starting with 6mg for this week and maybe next, and will probably move to my normal dose of 12.5mg starting week 3 of PCT.

Getting ready to head in for some cardio! Probably will just stick to treadmill walking today on incline and get a good 450-500 Cal's in 45 minutes today.:run:


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Kill it Rick.. You gonna run s4 again? And did you feel the s4 was better for strength?


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Excellent, and yeah that increased sweating is from the Osta. We have to remember those studies were on older people yes, and people with lower testosterone but at 3mg a day they put on 4-6 lbs of LBM with the only exercise being tread mill. One of the subjects they spoke about was a woman so testosterone being low for her shouldn't have been a factor. Considering that and what we do lifting and what not even with optimal testosterone i would be hard pressed to think that 3 mg would add at least half that amount and probably more since we are actually lifting weight and eating to gain. Doubling that to 6mg as you are now, it is still going to give you an anabolic effect. We all just end up being a little compulsive and want more more more but I don't know that anything over 10mg is ever needed. Most people seem to want to ramp it up instead of seeing what the lowest most cost effective dose is. At what point does it reach saturation? If at 10mg which is about where people all seem to respond very well then 15, 20, 25 is only going to add minimal returns above that 10mg and a lot more waist as well as making it likely you will be somewhat suppressed or even shutdown at the 20-25mg range.

Now you have me curious I would love to see someone who is dependable follow sound training and diet run this at either 6mg or 10mg on it's own for 8-12 weeks and see how it turns out.


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Kill it Rick.. You gonna run s4 again? And did you feel the s4 was better for strength?
Yeh I think S4 was a little better for strength, but it is an unfair comparison between the two. I ran Ostarine in PCT coming right off cycle, and all the gains I got from it I was trying to hold and match with the Ostarine. By the time I got to S4 I was a couple weeks after PCT and fully recovered so I think the gains were more pronounced. S4 was definitely better in terms of fat loss though IMO.

I do plan on running it again when I'm done with Ostarine, but I think I'm going to pulse it on workout days instead of running it straight. It will hopefully alleviate vision sides somewhat and at 3x a week a bottle will last me the whole time between cycle pretty much. There is a great writeup at NTBM by Russian star on S4 and he talks about how S4 would probably be great in a pulse.

Once PCT is done I will also Start AnaBeta and bridge, and continue on with DAA. That should give a great stack to gain between cycles with all that and S4:sgrin:


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Excellent, and yeah that increased sweating is from the Osta. We have to remember those studies were on older people yes, and people with lower testosterone but at 3mg a day they put on 4-6 lbs of LBM with the only exercise being tread mill. One of the subjects they spoke about was a woman so testosterone being low for her shouldn't have been a factor. Considering that and what we do lifting and what not even with optimal testosterone i would be hard pressed to think that 3 mg would add at least half that amount and probably more since we are actually lifting weight and eating to gain. Doubling that to 6mg as you are now, it is still going to give you an anabolic effect. We all just end up being a little compulsive and want more more more but I don't know that anything over 10mg is ever needed. Most people seem to want to ramp it up instead of seeing what the lowest most cost effective dose is. At what point does it reach saturation? If at 10mg which is about where people all seem to respond very well then 15, 20, 25 is only going to add minimal returns above that 10mg and a lot more waist as well as making it likely you will be somewhat suppressed or even shutdown at the 20-25mg range.

Now you have me curious I would love to see someone who is dependable follow sound training and diet run this at either 6mg or 10mg on it's own for 8-12 weeks and see how it turns out.
Well said Kleen. If I find out that this is an effective dose, then it may be how I continue to run it. No need to ramp up if I don't have to. Sounds great to not waste product and risk shutdown


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Well said Kleen. If I find out that this is an effective dose, then it may be how I continue to run it. No need to ramp up if I don't have to. Sounds great to not waste product and risk shutdown
You said it best with the last part, risk shutdown. If you can fully recover and still have the androgenic benefits from SARMS, that is the golden ticket to staying lean in between cycles and technically year round if you do it say 2-3 cycles per year. I need to run this!


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S4 is going to naturally be better for strength it has higher androgen levels. That is why it shuts you down more. Higher androgen levels are always better for strength than a just anabolic compound. Same reason it burns more fat than the Osta but people gain more muscle with the osta from what I have seen.

Well said Kleen. If I find out that this is an effective dose, then it may be how I continue to run it. No need to ramp up if I don't have to. Sounds great to not waste product and risk shutdown

You said it best with the last part, risk shutdown. If you can fully recover and still have the androgenic benefits from SARMS, that is the golden ticket to staying lean in between cycles and technically year round if you do it say 2-3 cycles per year. I need to run this!
I think you would love them and would help with you shoulder and keep your hip healthy.


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I'm interested in running the same cycle with lean gains and I'm wondering did u still pop your ph's while in fast mode or waited and had them with food


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Been following for a long time and just chiming in say you are the man dude. Those are some SICK progress pics.

Also, do you take the ostarine during the fast? I've read S4 has a REALLY short half life, like 2.5-5hrs. If you took that on a bridge (or break) what would your dosing strategy be taking account of fasting?


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I'm interested in running the same cycle with lean gains and I'm wondering did u still pop your ph's while in fast mode or waited and had them with food
I have about 3-4 almonds in the AM with my doses of PH or test boosters a tiny bit of fat to help coat the molecules so the acids don't destroy them.

Been following for a long time and just chiming in say you are the man dude. Those are some SICK progress pics.

Also, do you take the ostarine during the fast? I've read S4 has a REALLY short half life, like 2.5-5hrs. If you took that on a bridge (or break) what would your dosing strategy be taking account of fasting?
Wow wasn't aware of that. Doesn't sound right or people would dose it multiple times a day. I have no interest in S4 anything that can possibly mess with my eyes is not worth it. Hey Look at the buff blind dude over there he could pull some hot chicks with that body. Too bad he can't see, he left the bar with and fugged a walrus last night. NOPE!

Genetic mutation of the eye is not something I am messing with. Even if for most people it seems temporary. Can you imagine having your eyes cut out because of cancer because you knowingly used something that you knew could mess with your eyes? Any genetic mutation has a higher possibility of becoming cancerous. Not for me. Who cares about yellow tints or bad night vision. The mutation is what kills that for me. My bosses wife just had one of her eyes cut out from cancer a little while back. Will make you reevaluate a lot of things. Especially learning a lot of causes of cancer. I just wont tempt it especially when Osta adds more muscle and a good diet will drop more fat than S4 anyday.


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I have about 3-4 almonds in the AM with my doses of PH or test boosters a tiny bit of fat to help coat the molecules so the acids don't destroy them.

Wow wasn't aware of that. Doesn't sound right or people would dose it multiple times a day. I have no interest in S4 anything that can possibly mess with my eyes is not worth it. Hey Look at the buff blind dude over there he could pull some hot chicks with that body. Too bad he can't see, he left the bar with and fugged a walrus last night. NOPE!

Genetic mutation of the eye is not something I am messing with. Even if for most people it seems temporary. Can you imagine having your eyes cut out because of cancer because you knowingly used something that you knew could mess with your eyes? Any genetic mutation has a higher possibility of becoming cancerous. Not for me. Who cares about yellow tints or bad night vision. The mutation is what kills that for me. My bosses wife just had one of her eyes cut out from cancer a little while back. Will make you reevaluate a lot of things. Especially learning a lot of causes of cancer. I just wont tempt it especially when Osta adds more muscle and a good diet will drop more fat than S4 anyday.
Could be wrong, Anthony Roberts talked about it once on Super Human Radio. Yea the sides are pretty rough, I would definitely research it more b4 I dive in and ingest it. Thanks for the warnings though! Always gotta think about health :D


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You said it best with the last part, risk shutdown. If you can fully recover and still have the androgenic benefits from SARMS, that is the golden ticket to staying lean in between cycles and technically year round if you do it say 2-3 cycles per year. I need to run this!
I agree man. If I can reap the benefits of the Ostarine at 6mg then that changes a lot of things. It certainly makes the times between cycles as well as PCTs a lot more interesting!!

I'm a little late to follow but great job Rick! Great motivation
Thanks for joining man. Its not too late either, the show is still going on!!

S4 is going to naturally be better for strength it has higher androgen levels. That is why it shuts you down more. Higher androgen levels are always better for strength than a just anabolic compound. Same reason it burns more fat than the Osta but people gain more muscle with the osta from what I have seen.


I think you would love them and would help with you shoulder and keep your hip healthy.
Yeh S4 is better for strength and fat it seems, but its also the one with the sides unfortunately. I am definetely sold on Ostarine, but S4 is still in the air with me because of the sides.

I'm interested in running the same cycle with lean gains and I'm wondering did u still pop your ph's while in fast mode or waited and had them with food
Sick log btw bro
I took my first dose fasted preworkout, but I did take it with some fish oil to help absorption. My second dose was always about an hour to an hour and a half after my first meal.

Thanks for joining bro!!

Been following for a long time and just chiming in say you are the man dude. Those are some SICK progress pics.

Also, do you take the ostarine during the fast? I've read S4 has a REALLY short half life, like 2.5-5hrs. If you took that on a bridge (or break) what would your dosing strategy be taking account of fasting?
I have always taken Ostarine on an empty stomach other than some fish oil with it, just like my PHs. You are right about the short half life of S4, which is why I'm considering it in a pulse.

I have about 3-4 almonds in the AM with my doses of PH or test boosters a tiny bit of fat to help coat the molecules so the acids don't destroy them.

Wow wasn't aware of that. Doesn't sound right or people would dose it multiple times a day. I have no interest in S4 anything that can possibly mess with my eyes is not worth it. Hey Look at the buff blind dude over there he could pull some hot chicks with that body. Too bad he can't see, he left the bar with and fugged a walrus last night. NOPE!

Genetic mutation of the eye is not something I am messing with. Even if for most people it seems temporary. Can you imagine having your eyes cut out because of cancer because you knowingly used something that you knew could mess with your eyes? Any genetic mutation has a higher possibility of becoming cancerous. Not for me. Who cares about yellow tints or bad night vision. The mutation is what kills that for me. My bosses wife just had one of her eyes cut out from cancer a little while back. Will make you reevaluate a lot of things. Especially learning a lot of causes of cancer. I just wont tempt it especially when Osta adds more muscle and a good diet will drop more fat than S4 anyday.
Yeh man thats why I'm still on the fence about using S4 again, and why I havent ordered another bottle yet. I am still leaning towards getting it again and just doing the 3x week pulse like I planned and see how that goes.

Could be wrong, Anthony Roberts talked about it once on Super Human Radio. Yea the sides are pretty rough, I would definitely research it more b4 I dive in and ingest it. Thanks for the warnings though! Always gotta think about health :D
Health has to be the first thing you think about before diving into something. Its hard to say what the long term effects of these SARMs are unfortunately.


Today when I got up I said f*** it and went ahead and popped open a bottle of HCGenerate to add to my PCT and everything else I am running. I have a couple bottles and decided what the hell. It may be overboard, but I like to have it covered in PCT. Besides that I know from experience that the libido enhancement is worth it by itself! So now my PCT is...


Today was a burn day and a little bitdifferent than how I have done them before. I took in around 200-300 more cals than usual burn days, and todays cardio was kept to moderate intensity of treadmill walking for 45 minutes (15% incline 3.5 MPH) Treadmill walking is how I plan on doing all my cardio for the next couple weeks at least until I have some more recovery. I will also keep those extra couple hundred cals in for a while too.

I wont really have another burn day until next tuesday. I normally have a cardio burn day Saturday and another burn rest day on sunday, but this weekend there is an annual street festival that goes on over the weekend that me and the wife will be enjoying. Lots of good food with lots of good people and even a few brews in there. So my diet will be crap this eekend, but I;m not worried about extra cals right now in PCT and I know that my body can probably use them somewhat. I will clean it up though some next week and it will be back to business

I think I am still losing water from the cycle or the Forma is really doing its thing. I have even more veins that showed up today, particularly in my quads and calves. I also have some going up my obliques now that are pretty sweet. They are not overly prominent, but they are becoming more noticeable daily. It will be fun and interesting to see how things progress over the next week or two. At the rate things are going, I could be taking better pics than the ed of cycle at a couple weeks into PCT.


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Show time??? :D


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Hey Rick, were you able to get the full 30 mL out of each bottle of Trenazone? With some liquids (research chems in particular) I always seem to come up with fewer doses than expected, even measuring with an oral syringe. Planning on running Trenazone next spring and may try to get by with two bottles.


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Hey Rick, were you able to get the full 30 mL out of each bottle of Trenazone? With some liquids (research chems in particular) I always seem to come up with fewer doses than expected, even measuring with an oral syringe. Planning on running Trenazone next spring and may try to get by with two bottles.

It was pretty weird as far as that goes. My first bottle seemed to be a little short on amount because I ran out at the 3 week mark and it should have went further considering I started the first week at a low dose. But my second bottle was 1.5ml and it actually lasted the whole 3 weeks so it went further than expected. Maybe they aren't all the same? IDK...


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Good stuff Rick, I had about a week of the HCGen it was pretty nice that Testofen at high doses really brings the libido up. I know I enjoyed it. Thinking of buying some more T-Force 2 packs for my natural bridge, since I will be running EndoSurge during, and possibly even Bridge. I still have a few bottles at the house. Could do 500-1000 of T-Force or 500 TForce and a full serving of Bridge.


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Good stuff Rick, I had about a week of the HCGen it was pretty nice that Testofen at high doses really brings the libido up. I know I enjoyed it. Thinking of buying some more T-Force 2 packs for my natural bridge, since I will be running EndoSurge during, and possibly even Bridge. I still have a few bottles at the house. Could do 500-1000 of T-Force or 500 TForce and a full serving of Bridge.
I'm running Bridge along with some DAA and AnaBeta once PCT is done for a nice natty stack for a while. Only other thing I might throw in is S4, but still unsure of that.


Had a killer workout today. Strength was great and hit some nice numbers. My bodyweight was down after the burn day to 167.5. I definitely look a lot drier so I'm sure I've lost a lot of water. I would bet that tomorrows weight will be higher after today's build day. I went a little over on Cal's today and probably hit about 3500. I didn't count them, but I'm pretty sure that's around where it was.

I was going to skip cardio tomorrow, but after eating so much today and since I will be eating a lot tomorrow, I'm thinking that I will probably still go in and do some treadmill incline walking for a while. At least that will give me something beneficial against all the bad food I will be taking in :food:


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Well I really expected to wake up to a couple extra lbs this morning from the 3500ish calorie day yesterday filled with burgers and pizza, but I was the same weight (167) and looked leaner? I don't understand it at all but its fine with me. It seems like its hard to get fat between this diet, Ostarine, Need2slin, and Formastanozol.

I still went ahead and went in for cardio as planned and walked the treadmill for 45 minutes at a 15% incline at 3.5 MPH. I burned 530 Cal's total. Hopefully that will offset some of the damage I will do to my diet tonight. There is a good possibility that I will exceed yesterdays Cal's in a shorter amount of time, since I'm extending my fast until se get to the festival around 3-4PM. I will eat a ton and have a few brews too and basically enjoy myself :cheers:


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Hope you had a blast man!


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Hope you had a blast man!

In fact I did have a lot of fun. Much needed and enjoyed the hell out of it!!


Had a great time last night and I honestly have no idea how many cals I took in, but it was a lot. Probably easily 5k in about 5 hours...lol. Surprisingly I wasnt quite as heavy this morning as I expected I would be. I was 168 this morning which is only a lb up from yesterday morning. I'm sure dehydration from alcohol and sweating buckets in the 90 degree heat outdoors contributed to keeping the weight down. I did look a little flat this morning, but I kinda expected that. We are going to this festival again today, but it will be nothing like yesterday. Just going to listen to a couple bands and have a couple things to eat with no alcohol, so there wont be too much damage today. I dont see myself staying under the 2k cal mark today, but it shouldnt be too bad.

Tomorrow is back to business in the gym, and I am anxious to get in there on the iron and gauge how things are going so far in this PCT with the first week in the books. So far, it has been unbelievably smooth, and I dont feel any of the signs of shutdown. I actually feel great. I'm ready to KILL THAT SH*T!! :sgrin:


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Man if you are out in the sun all day aim for 3000 at least and have a glass of water in between alcohol if you can and or decide to have more. Eat a smoked turkey leg for me if there are any there...


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Man if you are out in the sun all day aim for 3000 at least and have a glass of water in between alcohol if you can and or decide to have more. Eat a smoked turkey leg for me if there are any there...

Yeh man it will be all water today, and the Turkey leg is on my list today actually! :food:


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As long as they are not all dried out. Some just don't make them right, and that makes me sad. :(..


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As long as they are not all dried out. Some just don't make them right, and that makes me sad. :(..
The Turkey leg was great and so was everything else I ate. Went overboard again and it shows. Scale said 169 this morning so I added another lb. So a 2 lb gain over the weekend that I need to clean up. My build day today will probably be a little lower Cal than normal as a result. Probably around 2600-2800. I do look bloated and less defined this morning, but I expect that things will even out over the coming days ;)


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The Turkey leg was great and so was everything else I ate. Went overboard again and it shows. Scale said 169 this morning so I added another lb. So a 2 lb gain over the weekend that I need to clean up. My build day today will probably be a little lower Cal than normal as a result. Probably around 2600-2800. I do look bloated and less defined this morning, but I expect that things will even out over the coming days ;)
What I've noticed is I look more bloated and sloppy on the weekend, but during the week when I'm lifting I lean out really well. I'm pretty much eating at maintenance or a little above on the weekends :))) and a bit above maintenance during the week. I find the lifting really helps, and I'm not worrying as much about the weekends. Seems to be working for me and my goals of gaining lean mass...


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169...you fat slob! Haha!

Glad to hear you had some fun, buddy. Hope the week gets off to a good start for ya.


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subbed, just started the lean gains diet today :D how you like the trenazone?


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PCT DAY 8 & 9

I'm still holding some of the weight from the weekend but have already lost some of it. I still look a little bloated but today is a burn day and should help to clean things up. Getting ready to hit about 30 minutes of cardio (treadmill) and keep Cal's in check around 1800 today.

Yesterday was a build day, but it was more like in between a burn and build day. I ate clean like a burn day, with some extra Cals thrown in. I ended up somewhere around 2600 Cal's for the day which is a good 400 less than what I was doing on a typical burn day. After 3 pretty high Cal days I figured I needed it.

Yesterdays workout went well also. I am still holding any strength gains made on cycle and everything is looking good.


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I've cleaned up everything from the weekend and woke up to a very lean and dry 166, so everything is going according to plan. I am going to fill up today with about 3k-3200 Cal's.

Today's workout was more of the same. Still holding good strength and my vascularity and size still looks impressive. To me, I look still the same as the end of the cycle with the exception of being a lot more dry from losing the cycle water/glycogen and further drying from the Formastanozol. If I can make it to the end of PCT this way or even a Tad leaner, I will be a happy camper! :)


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Great job Rick! On a sidenote, I'm OFF TO VEGAS (yay!!!) for my Summer vacation (just finished Summer Semester), so wish me luck! Hopefully the Roulette table goes easy on me! I expect to see a 6%BF Rick when I get back, ya hear me!!! Just kidding! Great day to everyone on AM!


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166 looking 180, maybe more. That's impressive. What's your final goal to get to?


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166 looking 180, maybe more. That's impressive. What's your final goal to get to?
Thanks man. The goal is to recomp to around 7%, then I will switch to a lean bulk from there. Should hopefully get there soon after PCT is finished:fingersx:


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Great job Rick! On a sidenote, I'm OFF TO VEGAS (yay!!!) for my Summer vacation (just finished Summer Semester), so wish me luck! Hopefully the Roulette table goes easy on me! I expect to see a 6%BF Rick when I get back, ya hear me!!! Just kidding! Great day to everyone on AM!
Have fun and come back richer bro ;)


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Nice update Rick, I slowed down on everything to maintain a litle size after a light case of salmonella last week blew my cals to crap. I dropped a good bit of weigt but it is more than likely water. I think I may have to go into the gym like DW did and see what my pics look like. I am not as lean as he is that is for sure. If you went down to 166 I bet you look ripped man. Like crazy ripped.

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