RickRock turns RIPPEDRock with Helladrol/Trenazone and LEAN GAINS!!



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My legs are lagging too. Really takes time to carve them up like Kleen's.

It's awesome your PCT is going so well. I'm sure you feel like an animal in there. Way to go.


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My legs are lagging too. Really takes time to carve them up like Kleen's.

It's awesome your PCT is going so well. I'm sure you feel like an animal in there. Way to go.
Thanks Morry! ;)


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I had a great 30 minute cardio session this morning. I decided to up the intensity and did a little jogging to get the sweat pouring. 30 minutes at 6MPH with a 5% incline and I burned a good 375 Cal's.

I looked quite a bit leaner this morning which really baffles me, considering I just had 3 build days in a row and yesterday especially was 3 hamburgers (1/3 lb) for first meal with 5 oz. Yogurt and half of a large meat lovers pizza for dinner with a couple shakes in there also. Yesterday was a lot more dirty than normal yet I look leaner today. I have noticed ABS looking better when relaxed. My jeans and shorts are looser, and I have some more veins showing up mainly in the lower abdomen and quads. I'm going to have to check bodyfat tomorrow after waking and see where I am at, but I would guess I am in the middle to upper 7% range right now :)

I'm having a very small, clean meal for my fast breaker today, but my diet will not be too great tonight. My wife and I ate going out for the night to eat some Mexican food and have a few drinks. I don't plan on eating or drinking a lot, but it will be over a 2k Cal day I know. I will have a great rest day tomorrow though with an extended fast and keep my Cal's to around 1800.


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Resting up today and much needed after last night. Met up with some friends and drank a little more than I wanted to last night. Surprisingly though, I woke up and looked incredible. I'm guessing because of the dehydration from alcohol is why I woke up looking dry and lean at a lighter than expected 165.5. I extended my fast by 4 hours today and had only about 500 cals for the fast breaker and I will probably have a good 1200-1300 at my last meal. That should clean things up a bit today and leave me looking pretty good in the morning...

I checked my bodyfat this morning also, as I was sure that I am leaner now than the end of cycle. At the end of the run 3 weeks ago I was around 8%-8.2% from what I could tell. Today I am coming up with between 7.6-7.8% from what I can tell, so I have got leaner and dropped a half percent or so in PCT. I increased my cals and lowered the intensity of cardio and I am still getting the benefits of fat loss so that is a good thing!! I'm sure the formastanozol and Ostarine are helping the fat loss along also.

I will be back to a good 3k cals and hopefully more of the same great workouts I had last week...:sgrin:


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Knew I could count on u bro.

Still in awe with how ripped you've gotten. Not that I doubted it, just amazing to come back and see it.
Thanks a lot man. I truly appreciate it!


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At the end of the run 3 weeks ago I was around 8%-8.2% from what I could tell. Today I am coming up with between 7.6-7.8% from what I can tell, so I have got leaner and dropped a half percent or so in PCT. I increased my cals and lowered the intensity of cardio and I am still getting the benefits of fat loss so that is a good thing!! I'm sure the formastanozol and Ostarine are helping the fat loss along also.

I will be back to a good 3k cals and hopefully more of the same great workouts I had last week...:sgrin:
looks like the sarms are doing their job


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Started my 4th and final week of PCT. I didnt get much sleep last night at all and I didnt expect to have a very good workout as a result. Well, I couldnt have been farther from what actually happened. I had another very good workout, and I was hitting some very nice numbers on several lifts. The one that really stands out is weighted dips. I hadnt done these in a few weeks, and I had been doing BW+45x10 for 3-4 sets for a while. I started my first set with the 45 and it was ridiculously easy compared to before. I lost count but I'm sure I did at least 16 or 17 reps and didnt even go to failure. After that, I said f*ck it and grabbed another 45 and managed BW+90x10!! for a big PR for me. I was on a pretty big high after hitting those!!

Another thing I noticed at the gym is how lean I am looking. More veins are coming in. My upper abdomen has some veins coming down from my chest to the upper couple abs that are starting to spider web down. All my other veins like my big bicep veins that have been there for a while are becoming VERY prominent and look pretty good even relaxed without a pump. I am now to the point that just by flexing I can make thevascularity just jump out. My abs have leaned out quite a bit over the last couple weeks, and I am getting pretty close to them looking pretty good while in a relaxed position. Not quite there yet, but not far either.

Another bit of good news is that I have gained some LBM in the last couple weeks. I did an arm measurement, and about 2-3 weeks ago they were at 16 1/4". Today measuring a cold flex in the morning they were 16 3/8" :sgrin:, so I have added some decent LBM while I have done this leaning. More recomping madness!! I'll take it! I wish I would have taken measurements at the end of cycle, but like a dumba$$ I didnt. It would have been nice for a comparison...but I really think by the time I take pics at the end of this week, there is a very good possibility that it will be more impressive than the end of cycle. :saevil:


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Started my 4th and final week of PCT. I didnt get much sleep last night at all and I didnt expect to have a very good workout as a result. Well, I couldnt have been farther from what actually happened. I had another very good workout, and I was hitting some very nice numbers on several lifts. The one that really stands out is weighted dips. I hadnt done these in a few weeks, and I had been doing BW+45x10 for 3-4 sets for a while. I started my first set with the 45 and it was ridiculously easy compared to before. I lost count but I'm sure I did at least 16 or 17 reps and didnt even go to failure. After that, I said f*ck it and grabbed another 45 and managed BW+90x10!! for a big PR for me. I was on a pretty big high after hitting those!!

Another thing I noticed at the gym is how lean I am looking. More veins are coming in. My upper abdomen has some veins coming down from my chest to the upper couple abs that are starting to spider web down. All my other veins like my big bicep veins that have been there for a while are becoming VERY prominent and look pretty good even relaxed without a pump. I am now to the point that just by flexing I can make thevascularity just jump out. My abs have leaned out quite a bit over the last couple weeks, and I am getting pretty close to them looking pretty good while in a relaxed position. Not quite there yet, but not far either.

Another bit of good news is that I have gained some LBM in the last couple weeks. I did an arm measurement, and about 2-3 weeks ago they were at 16 1/4". Today measuring a cold flex in the morning they were 16 3/8" :sgrin:, so I have added some decent LBM while I have done this leaning. More recomping madness!! I'll take it! I wish I would have taken measurements at the end of cycle, but like a dumba$$ I didnt. It would have been nice for a comparison...but I really think by the time I take pics at the end of this week, there is a very good possibility that it will be more impressive than the end of cycle. :saevil:


Be proud Rick, be very proud. I'm sure people stare at you while you are doing these.

Sh1t, they probably stare at your veins anyways.

Way to go man, you keep impressing the crap out of me. Keep it up and finish this thing strong!


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Dang I know from experience bw+90 is hard for dips and it is less % of my bw then you.


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Yeh guys I was real proud of those dips. There were quite a few people looking while I cranked those out with the 2 plates clanging together...:sgrin:....felt awesome!!


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Well done, it sounds like you're quite ripped these days. You should do an NPC show! I think it's a good experience for anyone who's seriously into this, as you really seem to be. You're already mostly there it sounds, it would be quite an experience (plus the professional photos there are something to hold onto to see your "peak physique" when you're old)!


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Well done, it sounds like you're quite ripped these days. You should do an NPC show! I think it's a good experience for anyone who's seriously into this, as you really seem to be. You're already mostly there it sounds, it would be quite an experience (plus the professional photos there are something to hold onto to see your "peak physique" when you're old)!
Peak physique?? I think he has more!


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Peak physique?? I think he has more!
Right, what I meant is the prep for a show would be easier given his current condition, and then during the show he would peak.


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I cant get my S4 not to taste like total a$$, ive put it into so many juices, shakes, etc its redic!!


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Dang I know from experience bw+90 is hard for dips and it is less % of my bw then you.
That's the good thing about being light weight! I too can do 100+ lbs on weighted dips as well. Heck, I remember in high school when I was 120lbs I would strap a small girl around my chain belt and do about 7-8 reps. She weighed 95lbs I think.. Like anything in life, the larger you get - the less efficient you become. It's how things are built really. There is a mathematical function to support it too. It's called the rate of diminishing returns :)

BTW RICK - If you use a single 90lb dumbbell and wrap the chain around it a few times (where the handle meets one end of the weight) you'll find it is much less cumbersome than the plates and will allow you to make a full dive to the floor!


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That's the good thing about being light weight! I too can do 100+ lbs on weighted dips as well. Heck, I remember in high school when I was 120lbs I would strap a small girl around my chain belt and do about 7-8 reps. She weighed 95lbs I think.. Like anything in life, the larger you get - the less efficient you become. It's how things are built really. There is a mathematical function to support it too. It's called the rate of diminishing returns :)

BTW RICK - If you use a single 90lb dumbbell and wrap the chain around it a few times (where the handle meets one end of the weight) you'll find it is much less cumbersome than the plates and will allow you to make a full dive to the floor!
That sounds like a great idea with the DB. I may have to try that next time, only maybe with 100 :)


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Well done, it sounds like you're quite ripped these days. You should do an NPC show! I think it's a good experience for anyone who's seriously into this, as you really seem to be. You're already mostly there it sounds, it would be quite an experience (plus the professional photos there are something to hold onto to see your "peak physique" when you're old)!
Things are definitely shaping up well. I actually want to do a show sometime, but I figured I would give it a year or so to bring up some things that I feel are lacking...namely my legs and chest. I'm very happy with my arms, back, and shoulders. I still am thinking of looking into what kind of shows will be within driving distance in the fall though. ;)


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That's the good thing about being light weight! I too can do 100+ lbs on weighted dips as well. Heck, I remember in high school when I was 120lbs I would strap a small girl around my chain belt and do about 7-8 reps. She weighed 95lbs I think.. Like anything in life, the larger you get - the less efficient you become. It's how things are built really. There is a mathematical function to support it too. It's called the rate of diminishing returns :)

BTW RICK - If you use a single 90lb dumbbell and wrap the chain around it a few times (where the handle meets one end of the weight) you'll find it is much less cumbersome than the plates and will allow you to make a full dive to the floor!
Ehh dont take this the wrong way but uhh FACK THAT I love being big!


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I cant get my S4 not to taste like total a$$, ive put it into so many juices, shakes, etc its redic!!
Look at it this way, if your taking S4 the taste its going to suck. It's the muscle building it gives that has unmatched taste. Yummmm.


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Ehh dont take this the wrong way but uhh FACK THAT I love being big!
Oh I completely agree! I'm only cutting down for the sake of being lean THEN getting huge. No need in piling on the fat just to have to work it back off 6 months down the road. In bodybuilding the benefit is in being shorter in height, not the weight IMO. For strength purposes, if I were a powerlifter I'd stay light just to have a good strength to weight ratio.


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Vision sides are only on S4, but as for the Ostarine I've had zero side effects ;)
How do the two compare for you? From everything I have read, osta is pretty much superior in every single way to S4. Though not having taken either I'm really just going off of the research I've done.


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How do the two compare for you? From everything I have read, osta is pretty much superior in every single way to S4. Though not having taken either I'm really just going off of the research I've done.
S4 is stronger, more anabolic/androgenic, and causes more suppression. S4 also has side effects that decrease your night vision and some report eye discoloration.


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How do the two compare for you? From everything I have read, osta is pretty much superior in every single way to S4. Though not having taken either I'm really just going off of the research I've done.
Osta is superior in my opinion, but it really depends on the goal. Ostarine has no known sides except suppression at high doses, and is better for muscle gain. With that said, S4 is much more androgenic which is why it has the sides and is better for strength as well as fat loss.


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Good info guys. Doubt it's every something I will try, but it's always interesting to learn about new things.


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How do the two compare for you? From everything I have read, osta is pretty much superior in every single way to S4. Though not having taken either I'm really just going off of the research I've done.
I dont think so


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Things are definitely shaping up well. I actually want to do a show sometime, but I figured I would give it a year or so to bring up some things that I feel are lacking...namely my legs and chest. I'm very happy with my arms, back, and shoulders. I still am thinking of looking into what kind of shows will be within driving distance in the fall though. ;)
At 5'9 and 158'ish by the time you finish cutting you would have a rough time in an NPC Bodybuilding competition IMHO. However you should do a Physique contest which is between a Male fitness model and a body builder. Will get you behind the scenes, and familiar with process and peaking for a show. Not only that you get opportunity for magazines and exposure in print ads. Just something to think about it is a new class of competition with NPC now and what I will be competing in next time I do.

Ehh dont take this the wrong way but uhh FACK THAT I love being big!
At 5'4" and 154 at an average of 10-15 lbs per inch of height Fueled would be pretty damn big and lean at 5'9" over 200 and pretty ripped.

Oh I completely agree! I'm only cutting down for the sake of being lean THEN getting huge. No need in piling on the fat just to have to work it back off 6 months down the road. In bodybuilding the benefit is in being shorter in height, not the weight IMO. For strength purposes, if I were a powerlifter I'd stay light just to have a good strength to weight ratio.
Proportions man, YOU ARE BIG AS FACK!

Osta is superior in my opinion, but it really depends on the goal. Ostarine has no known sides except suppression at high doses, and is better for muscle gain. With that said, S4 is much more androgenic which is why it has the sides and is better for strength as well as fat loss.
This echoes everything I have heard from people who have used both. Size Osta, strength and leanness S4. Unless a powerlifter or trying to cut up quickly. I see no use in using S4 for the average person using anabolics more specifically SARMs to get bigger considering the sides and shutdown.


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A decent burn day today. Started with treadmill for 25 minutes at 6MPH for 350 cal burn. I kept the cals down to around 1800 for the day. It is amazing what a good burn day can do. By the end of each one, I can see noticeable differences from before. Its pretty nice and gives me a lot to look forward to when I'm not hitting the weights! What is great is that I have maintained the same weight for over 2 weeks now (165-166) so as much as I've leaned, I have replaced that lost fat with muscle! My recomp plan is going well in PCT :bigok:

Hopefully tomorrow will bring some of the nice strength gains that I have had over the last week. I will be htting Back/Biceps and hopefully hitting some PR's too ;)


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A decent burn day today. Started with treadmill for 25 minutes at 6MPH for 350 cal burn. I kept the cals down to around 1800 for the day. It is amazing what a good burn day can do. By the end of each one, I can see noticeable differences from before. Its pretty nice and gives me a lot to look forward to when I'm not hitting the weights! What is great is that I have maintained the same weight for over 2 weeks now (165-166) so as much as I've leaned, I have replaced that lost fat with muscle! My recomp plan is going well in PCT :bigok:

Hopefully tomorrow will bring some of the nice strength gains that I have had over the last week. I will be htting Back/Biceps and hopefully hitting some PR's too ;)
How much Ostarine are you taking? I'm thinking about adding it into PCT as well


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Yeah I'm actually 148lbs now. Don't look any smaller really since I've cut up tho. Before I started my cut, I got up to 167lbs and a bit watery..at 158lbs back in Dec of 2010 I looked like this:


I'm quite a bit leaner now tho. I was about 11.5% there with a good amount of muscle. Now I'm about 9.5-10% BF and stronger, too.

I'm encouraged with Rick tho for his gains on Trenazone. I can't wait to start my SD/Trenazone and Test run!


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How much Ostarine are you taking? I'm thinking about adding it into PCT as well
I started the first 2 weeks at 6mg. I've been at 12mg now for a little over a week and its really shining there;)

BTW...you look jacked as hell bro. Nice work!


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I started the first 2 weeks at 6mg. I've been at 12mg now for a little over a week and its really shining there;)

BTW...you look jacked as hell bro. Nice work!
Thanks man. My intentions are to get back up to 160lbs but at about 6% BF instead of 11%. We'll see. I keep adding stuff to my cycle as I keep waiting for the goods to come in, lol. You should check out my log, at least for the sake of laughing at all my gear lol.



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I looked a little flat this morning and depleted. Yesterday I had very little carbs and almost none for my last meal and I'm sure that is the reason. I did however look very ripped and lean. The scale reflected what I seen as I was 163.5. I decided to really up the carbs today even more than the normal for a build day. My fast breaker was around 2k:food: and what I had was 3 one third pound hamburgers, 5 oz greek yogurt, potatoes, two sugar cookies and a serving of muscle replenisher. A couple hours after eating I did look much more full. The funny thing is after all that food, I still wasnt full after that meal! Its amazing how much food you can pack away in a sitting after being on an IF diet for a while!! I will probably end up around 3500ish for the day, but I feel like I need it. I will be back to under 3k tomorrow for another build day ;)

The workout was more of the same great gains that Ive had lately. Strength was excellent and I got a nice pump going and looked ripped and vascular as hell. I couldnt help looking in the mirror today, and a lot of people are really starting to look at me in there. Even had a guy come up and ask if I was prepping for a show....:sgrin:


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Nice feeling isn't it. I think I will start hearing that more often soon. I have heard it once recently but as things tighten up I am gonna here it more and more. I love that, what will be cool is this time I am not... A guy who is really lean and muscular I mean this guy is about 6% all the time came and told me today that I was starting to look SICK! He meant in a good way too. He was like are you still dieting exactly the same and I told him yes no calorie cuts or anything just same ol same ol and not even counting calories. He says "Well your fat is dissapearing and you don't look like you have lost any muscle, you actually look like you are bigger." I told him some of my measurements were actually up from before I started the lean gains. He is going to check out the lean gains site today...


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Nice feeling isn't it. I think I will start hearing that more often soon. I have heard it once recently but as things tighten up I am gonna here it more and more. I love that, what will be cool is this time I am not... A guy who is really lean and muscular I mean this guy is about 6% all the time came and told me today that I was starting to look SICK! He meant in a good way too. He was like are you still dieting exactly the same and I told him yes no calorie cuts or anything just same ol same ol and not even counting calories. He says "Well your fat is dissapearing and you don't look like you have lost any muscle, you actually look like you are bigger." I told him some of my measurements were actually up from before I started the lean gains. He is going to check out the lean gains site today...
Both u guys have had such great results. Good job fellas!!


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Thank you Sir you will catch up and surpass quickly with the run you are on.


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Nice feeling isn't it. I think I will start hearing that more often soon. I have heard it once recently but as things tighten up I am gonna here it more and more. I love that, what will be cool is this time I am not... A guy who is really lean and muscular I mean this guy is about 6% all the time came and told me today that I was starting to look SICK! He meant in a good way too. He was like are you still dieting exactly the same and I told him yes no calorie cuts or anything just same ol same ol and not even counting calories. He says "Well your fat is dissapearing and you don't look like you have lost any muscle, you actually look like you are bigger." I told him some of my measurements were actually up from before I started the lean gains. He is going to check out the lean gains site today...
Yeh man it is nice getting those compliments when theydo come. Its hard to get them from other guys in the gym, because for some reason guys dont like to compliment other guys usually, so when it does happen I guess it says something. I've had quite a few ask me about my diet and what not also, and I have steered some of them to the lean gains site and some are doing it.

Both u guys have had such great results. Good job fellas!!

Thanks a lot Morry!! Just trying my dambdest to get to ripped status!!

Thank you Sir you will catch up and surpass quickly with the run you are on.
I agree. Morry's log will be epic...


Had another great workout today. Lifts were all good. I did shoulders and abs today and I killed the arnold presses again like last week and had some good behind the neck presses too. Strength has been going great. i have no complaints in that department! I looked a lot more full today after all the carbs yesterday. It was nice with a bigger, fuller look but I also bloated a little and lost some definition from it. I didnt have nearly the dry and ripped look I have after a good burn day. Abs dont look near as good as they did a couple days ago. Todaysfast breaker was pretty carb heavy too, and I decided to make my last meal tonight a lot cleaner with less carbs to reduce this bloat as I do have one last build day tomorrow and I'm trying to keep from overdoing it and spilling anything over into the weekend. I kept my cals around 2800 today, and it will be somewhere between that and 3k tomorrow.


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Yeh man it is nice getting those compliments when theydo come. Its hard to get them from other guys in the gym, because for some reason guys dont like to compliment other guys usually, so when it does happen I guess it says something. I've had quite a few ask me about my diet and what not also, and I have steered some of them to the lean gains site and some are doing it.


Had another great workout today. Lifts were all good. I did shoulders and abs today and I killed the arnold presses again like last week and had some good behind the neck presses too. Strength has been going great. i have no complaints in that department! I looked a lot more full today after all the carbs yesterday. It was nice with a bigger, fuller look but I also bloated a little and lost some definition from it. I didnt have nearly the dry and ripped look I have after a good burn day. Abs dont look near as good as they did a couple days ago. Todaysfast breaker was pretty carb heavy too, and I decided to make my last meal tonight a lot cleaner with less carbs to reduce this bloat as I do have one last build day tomorrow and I'm trying to keep from overdoing it and spilling anything over into the weekend. I kept my cals around 2800 today, and it will be somewhere between that and 3k tomorrow.
Yeah some guys are so worried that someone will think they are homosexual or something. I don't care myself I am very secure in who I am. I am a complimentary guy if you deserve one. I will go out of my way to compliment someone I recognize has made a big effort and some solid changes even if I don't know them at all.

Man don't be too sensitive to the ups and downs of sub -q water. You try to clean up so often you keep may be hindering muscle gain. It is just water, its okay. I know thinking you are going to lose the abs is not a savory idea but you have to remember what you see in the mirror is not fat, it is not you losing progress you have made or anything like that. You are getting lean enough now you should start making the weight loss more gradual or you will lose some muscle and you don't want that. Intermittent Fasting is awesome and definitely makes things easier for us. More efficient in many ways and healthier but don't get caught up in the daily changes. Eating carbs with higher salt levels will make you look a little puffy. Don't sweat it too much. You don't want to become extremely reactive to those changes. If you want to clean it up just drink extra water and keep the same dietary situation going on. I know I used to do the clean up thing and it seemed regular but it was after 3-4 days of higher calories and carb days. Even though strength is up weight seems to be coming doing rather quickly at the moment. Don't skimp on your build days to clean up. it is counter productive to your goals. You need massive anabolism on these days. Your burn days are great for cleaning up and will just happen naturally but don't skimp on your build days. Just my suggestion brother, I know the leanness and abs can become the focal point but you have to remember especially with this style of eating that the bloat is always temporary and the excess on those days is needed to grow or maintain muscle.


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Yeah some guys are so worried that someone will think they are homosexual or something. I don't care myself I am very secure in who I am. I am a complimentary guy if you deserve one. I will go out of my way to compliment someone I recognize has made a big effort and some solid changes even if I don't know them at all.

Man don't be too sensitive to the ups and downs of sub -q water. You try to clean up so often you keep may be hindering muscle gain. It is just water, its okay. I know thinking you are going to lose the abs is not a savory idea but you have to remember what you see in the mirror is not fat, it is not you losing progress you have made or anything like that. You are getting lean enough now you should start making the weight loss more gradual or you will lose some muscle and you don't want that. Intermittent Fasting is awesome and definitely makes things easier for us. More efficient in many ways and healthier but don't get caught up in the daily changes. Eating carbs with higher salt levels will make you look a little puffy. Don't sweat it too much. You don't want to become extremely reactive to those changes. If you want to clean it up just drink extra water and keep the same dietary situation going on. I know I used to do the clean up thing and it seemed regular but it was after 3-4 days of higher calories and carb days. Even though strength is up weight seems to be coming doing rather quickly at the moment. Don't skimp on your build days to clean up. it is counter productive to your goals. You need massive anabolism on these days. Your burn days are great for cleaning up and will just happen naturally but don't skimp on your build days. Just my suggestion brother, I know the leanness and abs can become the focal point but you have to remember especially with this style of eating that the bloat is always temporary and the excess on those days is needed to grow or maintain muscle.
I appreciate the advice man. I really do. That helps to put things in perspective, and I will admit that I do get worried when I bloat up a bit more so now than before. Partly because I've worked so hard to get these ABS and I don't want to lose them and partly because of my new training schedule which added in that extra build day and dropped a cardio day. I guess I worry too much about having 3 build days in a row and need to stick to the daily plan. I will do that today and add in some more carbs to what I was going to and that will get me to my normal caloric target of 3k with 250-300g carbs :)

My weight has come back up this morning to 165.5 also, so I'm still maintaining the same weight for the last 3 weeks or so


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Yeah some guys are so worried that someone will think they are homosexual or something. I don't care myself I am very secure in who I am. I am a complimentary guy if you deserve one. I will go out of my way to compliment someone I recognize has made a big effort and some solid changes even if I don't know them at all.

Man don't be too sensitive to the ups and downs of sub -q water. You try to clean up so often you keep may be hindering muscle gain. It is just water, its okay. I know thinking you are going to lose the abs is not a savory idea but you have to remember what you see in the mirror is not fat, it is not you losing progress you have made or anything like that. You are getting lean enough now you should start making the weight loss more gradual or you will lose some muscle and you don't want that. Intermittent Fasting is awesome and definitely makes things easier for us. More efficient in many ways and healthier but don't get caught up in the daily changes. Eating carbs with higher salt levels will make you look a little puffy. Don't sweat it too much. You don't want to become extremely reactive to those changes. If you want to clean it up just drink extra water and keep the same dietary situation going on. I know I used to do the clean up thing and it seemed regular but it was after 3-4 days of higher calories and carb days. Even though strength is up weight seems to be coming doing rather quickly at the moment. Don't skimp on your build days to clean up. it is counter productive to your goals. You need massive anabolism on these days. Your burn days are great for cleaning up and will just happen naturally but don't skimp on your build days. Just my suggestion brother, I know the leanness and abs can become the focal point but you have to remember especially with this style of eating that the bloat is always temporary and the excess on those days is needed to grow or maintain muscle.
I agree as well. Often times I have to take a look at areas of my body that do not carry much water like my shoulders and traps. Usually, my mid-sections points to a 10-11% BF while my shoulders are revealing something that resembles a lower BF measurement of something like 8-9%. I try to remember that the mid-section holds the water and therefore is not a good place to start judging BF %.


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Wow, Rick for some reason I though you had lost more weight but it may have been those low days. I wouldn't worry about haing that 4rth day because you are using more calories on top of eating more calories. It isn't just the workout that burns calories on a build day it is the muscle repair that is required that uses the most calories out of the two.

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