My contest preparation log using a whole bunch of Anabolic Innovations products



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John, for me last time I knew my glutes were going to be out so I went with smaller backed and had the thin straps to elongate my waist. However skin in the lower back area was a factor that a little higher rising trunk in the back would have been a little better. I will contact my buddy he had these trunks that were cut almost like tangas or boy short panties. I know sounds bad but they looked good on him showed the sides of the glutes well without being overly tiny. Maybe I can find a pic and let you have a look. I thought they were the classiest posers I had seen.


Never enough
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I guess the trunks are another painful part about getting ready to compete i'll have to face next year :)


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Poser pics I mentioned

You can see in these that his actually don't go higher than mine but they still cover more also there is not much chance of the waistband cutting into any possible loose skin. Not sure if you have any but I have a little and I think that the cut of these will not cut into it. Thereis a pic from the front and the back. If your wondering he finished 3rd and I finished 5th. If only I hadn't come in flat...

_cropped Me and Tuan.jpg

_hmmm whats my next pose.JPG
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I go for the fuller classic cut as age plays a factor.
I think most more mature competitors do, esp master guys. real tall guys as well, I mean like 6ft5 and up which is very uncommon in bodybuilding

I guess the trunks are another painful part about getting ready to compete i'll have to face next year :)
Eric, Its all about presenting yourself the best you can, including find the best style trunks that fit your body. I am still learning and have done one show. Its almost like a magical illusion, trunks not suitable, that's minus points from judges, color off, same thing, posing not good, crowd not reacting and cheering.

the guy that gets cheered more psychology has an advantage Ive seen it happen where in my opinion one competitor looked close, and maybe better, but because the crowd reacted so positively the judges gave it to him. and if any one did not know in the early Mr Olympia's (Larry Scotts days) the judges did not choose the winner the Crowd did

You can see in these that his actually don't go higher than mine but they still cover more also there is not much chance of the waistband cutting into any possible loose skin. Not sure if you have any but I have a little and I think that the cut of these will not cut into it. Thereis a pic from the front and the back. If your wondering he finished 3rd and I finished 5th. If only I hadn't come in flat...
You may have a somewhat shorter torso/waist so lower cut ones may be best for your physique.

Yeah I am thinking something like that middle guys, only an inch higher, at about an inch below the obliques, due to my "bigger" obliques.

(but not up too high or it makes the obliques hang over the posing suit which actually make one appear fat)

Chris, you have more experience than myself and your conditioning shows you know how to diet contest preparation style.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 23nd 2010

350 P
188-195 CHO
65 F
(got up in middle of night and ate some low fat cheese and wheat crackers)
2,700-maybe 2,800

Cardio 25 minutes jog outside(2 miles) first thing in morning, then 20 minutes very high intensity cardio after weight training

Started off with abs because the machine I wanted to use was being used
Nautilus ab machine
60lbs=20x's,80lbs=15x's, 80lbs=15x's

V Bar Pulldown

Neutral grip pull up(bodyweight)
7x's(1 partial),
8 x's,

Widegrip rack chin burnouts

90 degree t bar rows(this is not a regular t bar row, this is totally bent over 90 degrees, hits lower lats much better)(I use 25's for greater range of motion)

Dorian Yates Rows
overhand grip 185lbs=7x's
underhand grip 185lbs=5x's

*a word about form* I am a perfectionist on form I can move much more weight and heave ho it, I would rather have picture perfect form* I know this a beginners thing to learn, you'll be surprised how many people I see worried about how much they can lift and the size of there egos verses actually getting the most stimulation out of the muscle. (with that said I still can stand to improve the weight on some of these exercises;however I can only do the best form I can do and if it makes me use lower weights so be it) (no worries in contest preparation I am not going to get stronger as that is not my goal for this preparation, my number one goal is fat loss, while still lifting heavy weights as I can)

Sleep eight hours, was a bit hot so sleep was effected a little, tonight I know to turn the air down or put my fan on.

HGHPRO four capsules 45 minutes after last meal containing no carbohydrates(this is crucial)
Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
RecoverPRO-one scoop between meals
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 24th 2010

215 P
500 CHO
60 F
3,300 calories

Calves, biceps+triceps, forearms, shoulders+traps

seated Calve raises
45+45+25+5=10x's(form could have been better, had a spotter)

Incline dumb bell curl 35lbs=8x's(stopped short of failure)
Overhead cable triceps extension(rope) 170lbs=8x's(stopped short of failure)

Spider curl(preacher bench) 30lbs=9x's
one arm at a time behind the head dumb bell extensions 35lbs=10x's

nautilus preacher curl machine 110lbs=15x's
standing cable push downs(V bar) 110lbs=15x's

Larry Scott forearm curls

super set
seated dumbbell shrugs(pausing two seconds at very top of movement)
70lbs=7x's(1 partial), 70lbs=7x's(1 partial)
standing side laterals(Larry Scott way, pinkies higher than thumbs, like pouring water, makes weight go down to keep form this strict, works them better though)
25lbs=15x's, 30lbs=10-12 x's (with like 10 partials)

Sleep: none yet going to bed in a second

Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
RecoverPRO-one scoop pre workout
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout


AI Sports Nutrition
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September 23nd 2010

350 P
188-195 CHO
65 F
(got up in middle of night and ate some low fat cheese and wheat crackers)
2,700-maybe 2,800

Cardio 25 minutes jog outside(2 miles) first thing in morning, then 20 minutes very high intensity cardio after weight training

Started off with abs because the machine I wanted to use was being used
Nautilus ab machine
60lbs=20x's,80lbs=15x's, 80lbs=15x's

V Bar Pulldown

Neutral grip pull up(bodyweight)
7x's(1 partial),
8 x's,

Widegrip rack chin burnouts

90 degree t bar rows(this is not a regular t bar row, this is totally bent over 90 degrees, hits lower lats much better)(I use 25's for greater range of motion)

Dorian Yates Rows
overhand grip 185lbs=7x's
underhand grip 185lbs=5x's

*a word about form* I am a perfectionist on form I can move much more weight and heave ho it, I would rather have picture perfect form* I know this a beginners thing to learn, you'll be surprised how many people I see worried about how much they can lift and the size of there egos verses actually getting the most stimulation out of the muscle. (with that said I still can stand to improve the weight on some of these exercises;however I can only do the best form I can do and if it makes me use lower weights so be it) (no worries in contest preparation I am not going to get stronger as that is not my goal for this preparation, my number one goal is fat loss, while still lifting heavy weights as I can)

Sleep eight hours, was a bit hot so sleep was effected a little, tonight I know to turn the air down or put my fan on.

HGHPRO four capsules 45 minutes after last meal containing no carbohydrates(this is crucial)
Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
RecoverPRO-one scoop between meals
Great outlook and I see it alot also. Guys come in for a week or so lifting big numbers with poor form and poof you don't see them after that again. It also cuts down on injuries big time. I know this from personal experience from lifting with poor form.


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Great workout John, how are things shaping up? How long left now?


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Yeah when you get o the numbers we put up form has to be perfect I see a lot of abbreviated ROMS which are the only exception to form in my opinion. If muscle building is the goal the lockout and total stretch are not as big of a factor as moving heavy weight. Short periods of lifting a lot heavier through shorter ROM can cause a lot of growth look at Ronnie Coleman and Branch Warren. Any exercise video on youtube you see of them is short ROM and heavy weight. I am not a subscriber to this training but then my Ortho surgeon suggested the same thing to mew. Limiting my ROM and going heavy. He told me I could actually grow more and safely than going through extreme ROM. I still go through extreme ROM now but I may give this shorter ROM thing a go in the future.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Great workout John, how are things shaping up? How long left now?
minor changes generally every week and seven weeks now.

all I do is give it my best.

(btw it is normal to second guess yourself at times,, every athlete or goal setter does it, as long as you finish the commitment and give it everything you have , that's really all you can do)

Yeah when you get o the numbers we put up form has to be perfect I see a lot of abbreviated ROMS which are the only exception to form in my opinion. If muscle building is the goal the lockout and total stretch are not as big of a factor as moving heavy weight. Short periods of lifting a lot heavier through shorter ROM can cause a lot of growth look at Ronnie Coleman and Branch Warren. Any exercise video on youtube you see of them is short ROM and heavy weight. I am not a subscriber to this training but then my Ortho surgeon suggested the same thing to mew. Limiting my ROM and going heavy. He told me I could actually grow more and safely than going through extreme ROM. I still go through extreme ROM now but I may give this shorter ROM thing a go in the future.
Interesting. I heard Dante (DC) talk about this before. Something to conisder thats for sure.

btw who watched the prejudging last night? I stayed up to midnight watching it the mens are the last so they'll start later. i still like watching the bikini figure and even fitness girls.(and I can appreciate the heard work that goes into female bodybuilding I just prefer women to be feminine looking)

Its on bodybuilding tonight. Just go to I have my computer hooked up to the 48 inch so I am watching it on there. Its between Jay and Phil from what I saw and Dennis Wolf , and Ronnie Rockel were surprises, Kia Green did not even make the first couple call outs, very surprised.

If I were a judge Id give it to Jay because of his sheer size. Phil does look phenomenal though his muscles appeared to be hanging off his body, looks incredible.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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minor changes generally every week and seven weeks now.

all I do is give it my best.

(btw it is normal to second guess yourself at times,, every athlete or goal setter does it, as long as you finish the commitment and give it everything you have , that's really all you can do).
After this morning, I'm wishing my debut was in November, which would give me seven weeks to do what I've done this last week. At least I know I'll be perfect for THAT show, though :sigh:

Just give it what you've got, John. Time is on your side!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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After this morning, I'm wishing my debut was in November, which would give me seven weeks to do what I've done this last week. At least I know I'll be perfect for THAT show, though :sigh:

Just give it what you've got, John. Time is on your side!
when is your debut Rosie? your doing another show in November? or you mean the next show you do?

It takes one to be mentally strong to go though with the show , some people second guess themselves and the pre contest diet gets to them and they just quit. As long as you go though with your show then you did your best and that is all that matters!

(if your human your going to second guess yourself at times the learning experience is incredible, no one can put a price on the experience learned from competing on stage)

btw make sure you invite all your fans, friend, everyone to the show,if it is possible to attend, even just a post on face book, the more people that cheer for you, the better

and you make some unknown fans as well that may come up to you after the show
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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when is your debut Rosie? your doing another show in November? or you mean the next show you do?

It takes one to be mentally strong to go though with the show , some people second guess themselves and the pre contest diet gets to them and they just quit. As long as you go though with your show then you did your best and that is all that matters!
My first show is next Saturday. I made comments in my log post today as far as why I feel like this (humbling to have to admit, I might add).

Re diet, well, that will have happened all of the two weeks pre-competition and that's it - I know, any flaws are because of this, but I'm not going to be as lax any more. Everything else as far as training and posing practice, etc. has been fine though, and I've even been sleeping lately.

My next show is in November. Going straight from one to the Worlds, and there is NO room for error there - I'm not going to get up on a stage just to make up the numbers.


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My first show is next Saturday. I made comments in my log post today as far as why I feel like this (humbling to have to admit, I might add).

Re diet, well, that will have happened all of the two weeks pre-competition and that's it - I know, any flaws are because of this, but I'm not going to be as lax any more. Everything else as far as training and posing practice, etc. has been fine though, and I've even been sleeping lately.

My next show is in November. Going straight from one to the Worlds, and there is NO room for error there - I'm not going to get up on a stage just to make up the numbers.
Are you competing in figure, bodybuilding ?
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 25th 2010

310 P
140 CHO
55 F

off day

sleep eight hours

HGHPRO four capsules 45 minutes after last meal containing no carbohydrates(this is crucial)
Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 26th 2010

305 P
165 CHO
50 F

40 minutes high intensity cardio first thing upon awaking

sleep nine hours

HGHPRO four capsules 45 minutes after last meal containing no carbohydrates(this is crucial)
Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
RecoverPro one scoop pre cardio
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Are you competing in figure, bodybuilding ?
Figure. I don't have the muscle mass for Physique (and my arms are still 2-3 inches smaller than most Figure competitors).


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Figure. I don't have the muscle mass for Physique (and my arms are still 2-3 inches smaller than most Figure competitors).
That's where I figured... :afro:

I like figure the most for women as far as look goes. Athletic but still very feminine. That's where I want my girls to compete. Incidently I have them reading your website as you are a good example for what I am trying to achieve with them.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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That's where I figured... :afro:

I like figure the most for women as far as look goes. Athletic but still very feminine. That's where I want my girls to compete. Incidently I have them reading your website as you are a good example for what I am trying to achieve with them.
The look re Figure differs between federations - NPC is a lot harder and more mass than some of the natural federations like the INBF, and if I were to compete in the NPC I would have to go Bikini. I'm still very small compared to most Figure competitors - the only areas I really have any mass in is my lower body and back.

Just get them training as hard as I do, since I'm certainly not the best role model when it comes to nutrition, LOL :D
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 27th 2010


280 P
240 CHO
25 F

cardio 40 minutes hard intensity first thing in morning

posing 15 minutes

chest shoulders, (biceps+triceps, forearms) abdominals that evening

Incline smith (shoulder hurt could not do this exercise)
managed to get 215 lbs=5x's
smith neck press
155lbs=5 full reps, 5 partials
Gironda dips(bodyweight)
Cable crossover

Larry Scott seated dumb bell press(stripsets)
Standing side laterals(stripset)
Lying side laterals
12lbs=8x's(2 partials)
bent over dumb bell side laterals
30lbs=12x's, 35lbs=12x's(3 partials)

Biceps and triceps(supersetted)
Preacher dumb bell curl 35lbs=8x's
PJR Pullover 85lbs=8x's

forearms, overhand wrist curls on preacher bench
20lbs= forgot to write down

Abdominal s ring of fire

sleep nine hours, sleep could have been better and I hear this is commkon pre-contest, although I think Hghpro helped me with sleep.

HGHPRO four capsules 45 minutes after last meal containing no carbohydrates(this is crucial)
Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
RecoverPro three scoops one pre cardio, and two between meals
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout


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The look re Figure differs between federations - NPC is a lot harder and more mass than some of the natural federations like the INBF, and if I were to compete in the NPC I would have to go Bikini. I'm still very small compared to most Figure competitors - the only areas I really have any mass in is my lower body and back.

Just get them training as hard as I do, since I'm certainly not the best role model when it comes to nutrition, LOL :D
Nutrition is the worst problem I face with them too.. they work hard enough and still look really good. I am sometimes a bit perplexed as my nutrition is better than theirs and I still have much harder time keeping trim.

Yah I prefer the look of the natural orgs for figure.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Nutrition is the worst problem I face with them too.. they work hard enough and still look really good. I am sometimes a bit perplexed as my nutrition is better than theirs and I still have much harder time keeping trim.

Yah I prefer the look of the natural orgs for figure.
Diet is my bane, and my nutrition is terrible, LOL. I mentioned in my log that most competitors (and you are an example) will have dieted for at LEAST 12-16 weeks pre-competition and my dieting started 1-2 weeks out from the show - which was not smart, but usually worked (that's changing).

I dunno what I think - to me the natural federation figure girls really don't look too different from the average girl in the gym, but just a little leaner; no real muscle mass, like a bikini or glamour model. I still have a hard time thinking of this as a sport honestly, even though I know competitors train quite hard, albeit not all as athletes (and yes, I know there are exceptions, like those of us who are or have been competitive athletes).


AI Sports Nutrition
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September 27th 2010


280 P
240 CHO
25 F

cardio 40 minutes hard intensity first thing in morning

posing 15 minutes

chest shoulders, (biceps+triceps, forearms) abdominals that evening

Incline smith (shoulder hurt could not do this exercise)
managed to get 215 lbs=5x's
smith neck press
155lbs=5 full reps, 5 partials
Gironda dips(bodyweight)
Cable crossover

Larry Scott seated dumb bell press(stripsets)
Standing side laterals(stripset)
Lying side laterals
12lbs=8x's(2 partials)
bent over dumb bell side laterals
30lbs=12x's, 35lbs=12x's(3 partials)

Biceps and triceps(supersetted)
Preacher dumb bell curl 35lbs=8x's
PJR Pullover 85lbs=8x's

forearms, overhand wrist curls on preacher bench
20lbs= forgot to write down

Abdominal s ring of fire

sleep nine hours, sleep could have been better and I hear this is commkon pre-contest, although I think Hghpro helped me with sleep.

HGHPRO four capsules 45 minutes after last meal containing no carbohydrates(this is crucial)
Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
RecoverPro three scoops one pre cardio, and two between meals
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Great job John.


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Diet is my bane, and my nutrition is terrible, LOL. I mentioned in my log that most competitors (and you are an example) will have dieted for at LEAST 12-16 weeks pre-competition and my dieting started 1-2 weeks out from the show - which was not smart, but usually worked (that's changing).

I dunno what I think - to me the natural federation figure girls really don't look too different from the average girl in the gym, but just a little leaner; no real muscle mass, like a bikini or glamour model. I still have a hard time thinking of this as a sport honestly, even though I know competitors train quite hard, albeit not all as athletes (and yes, I know there are exceptions, like those of us who are or have been competitive athletes).
Body shaping is what is being displayed in Natural contests. Some definition but not as much as bodybuilding. This is what a natural woman looks like when she trains hard. A bit harder and leaner than bikini model. Anything more ceases to be attractive in my eyes.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Right now the plan is to take a week off cardio . A lot of competitors are afraid to do this however it actually works the opposite, when you stop it and start it back up, it actually helps the metabolism.Contest preparation has been taking its toll on my body and I need to rest my body before I start doing hard contest prepping again. I'll still of course be dieting, training maintenance and getting my rest, and supplementation, on this "recovery week" Notice I put Supplementation last on the list because the other ones really do come before supplements. With that said this is a AI Sports Nutrition supplement log and they do help a lot, like icing on the cake.

Time is on my side so i can afford to do this. also since fat loss may be stalled I am adding in even a lower fat diet consisting of low fat fish.

My shoulder has been acting up and I am going to have to cut certain movements out that may aggravate it for the next week and monitor progress on it. It gotten a bit worse and I feel if I keep pushing it like I have A injury. I would rather do maintenance training for a week then not be able to do this competition at all. I have to do what i can!

Ill post yesterdays stats up later. My buesiness appointments have been delayed today and I have one later so i think Im just going to sleep and sleep.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I'm am not saying I am taking off or letting my diet go, I am still staying on target just cutting out cardio for a week, and reducing training, esp exercises that cause shoulder issues so my shoulder can be better coming closer to this show

notice that I have a plan, my plan this week was to increase cardio, it just did not work out though, my body told me no, so I reaccessed my plan and have another game plan. So always have a plan, be flexible though and if the body just can not function on that plan re-access the plan and improvise


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Right now the plan is to take a week off cardio . A lot of competitors are afraid to do this however it actually works the opposite, when you stop it and start it back up, it actually helps the metabolism.Contest preparation has been taking its toll on my body and I need to rest my body before I start doing hard contest prepping again. I'll still of course be dieting, training maintenance and getting my rest, and supplementation, on this "recovery week"

Time is on my side so i can afford to do this. also since fat loss may be stalled I am adding in even a lower fat diet consisting of low fat fish.

My shoulder has been acting up and I am going to have to cut certain movements out that may aggravate it for the next week and monitor progress on it. It gotten a bit worse and I feel if I keep pushing it like I have A injury. I would rather do maintenance training for a week then not be able to do this competition at all. I have to do what i can!

Ill post yesterdays stats up later. My buesiness appointments have been delayed today and I have one later so i think Im just going to sleep and sleep.
Sounds like a solid plan.:)
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 28TH 2010

325 P
190 CHO
45 F
2,400 calories

Calves, hamstrings, quads, abs

Donkey Calve raises
dumb bell between feet reverse

Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
Glycobol-two capsules
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout

Seated leg curl
lying one leg at a time curls

Nautilus Leg extensions
leg press
Inner stance-5 plates=8x's
Normal stance 5 plates=8x's
left one leg leg extension

abdominal s ring of fire ~

sleep eight hours


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John you're properly rolling with the punches and you still got a good amount of time till the competition. I think its very wise how you are tending to your shoulder and more importantly listening to your body so that you dont get burnt out too soon.

This will be especially apparent once u hit those 1-2 weels before the competition where I hear its the most rigorous and pain staking.

The workout looks very good. I can definitely take some pointers from you on how to round out my routine better once I start 531 and make sure there are no deficits. Excellent macro split.

Im assuming a whole lot of chicken breast?
John Smeton

John Smeton

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John you're properly rolling with the punches and you still got a good amount of time till the competition. I think its very wise how you are tending to your shoulder and more importantly listening to your body so that you dont get burnt out too soon.

This will be especially apparent once u hit those 1-2 weeks before the competition where I hear its the most rigorous and pain staking.

The workout looks very good. I can definitely take some pointers from you on how to round out my routine better once I start 531 and make sure there are no deficits. Excellent macro split.

Im assuming a whole lot of chicken breast?
Yes and lean beef. I am switching fish in the place of chicken starting tomorrow to lower the fat content even lower.

My routine is based on my own body weak and strong points coming into a show. I hit calves, biceps_triceps and forearms twice a week because I feel they lag, and if I can shoulders because I feel they lag due to my limited shoulder training. Your stronger than I ever been;I have always trained for bodybuilding though with the exception of some power exercises at various times

Never thought I would have these joint challenges, its my fault though, my form was off and I was not using proper form and too heavy weights ALL THE TIME, sure I got bigger, but I wore my tendons out.

I think you are on the right track taking breaks, another thing I do I know strongly prevents injuries is lower intensity at times, still training hard, just not super intense, like say I train 5 weeks balls out to the wall, past failure and beyond(forced reps), Ill take a 2-3 week de-load period,and even off for a week, then start training intense again but not past that line, and keep repeating

I used to be more into lower reps and heavier weights. and If I can I plan on doing it at least for a month, a month or so after my show is done.


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Yes and lean beef. I am switching fish in the place of chicken starting tomorrow to lower the fat content even lower.

My routine is based on my own body weak and strong points coming into a show. I hit calves, biceps_triceps and forearms twice a week because I feel they lag, and if I can shoulders because I feel they lag due to my limited shoulder training. Your stronger than I ever been;I have always trained for bodybuilding though with the exception of some power exercises at various times

Never thought I would have these joint challenges, its my fault though, my form was off and I was not using proper form and too heavy weights ALL THE TIME, sure I got bigger, but I wore my tendons out.

I think you are on the right track taking breaks, another thing I do I know strongly prevents injuries is lower intensity at times, still training hard, just not super intense, like say I train 5 weeks balls out to the wall, past failure and beyond(forced reps), Ill take a 2-3 week de-load period,and even off for a week, then start training intense again but not past that line, and keep repeating

I used to be more into lower reps and heavier weights. and If I can I plan on doing it at least for a month, a month or so after my show is done.

Fish is an amazing source of lean protein. Tilapia is my fish of choice b/c it's cheap and loaded with protein. If more would be salmon.

I like the idea of a 2-3 week deload period. I think i may need to encorporate this once ive been hitting 531 for several months. yeah it has a week deload scheduled in...but sometimes that may not be enough if you've been pushing yourself excessively. And just because you THINK im stronger then you've ever been doesnt mean you dont have a wealth of knowledge and experience in training and especially focusing on lagging muscle groups. That is something i think you do very well and something i feel i need to improve on greatly.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Fish is an amazing source of lean protein. Tilapia is my fish of choice b/c it's cheap and loaded with protein. If more would be salmon.

I like the idea of a 2-3 week deload period. I think i may need to encorporate this once ive been hitting 531 for several months. yeah it has a week deload scheduled in...but sometimes that may not be enough if you've been pushing yourself excessively. And just because you THINK im stronger then you've ever been doesnt mean you dont have a wealth of knowledge and experience in training and especially focusing on lagging muscle groups. That is something i think you do very well and something i feel i need to improve on greatly.
You've got plenty of time your not even 24 and are you one of the top five strong guys in your home gym?

. When I was your age I was focused on getting strong, which I really needed to be focused on better form. One of the most overlooked of any beginner, and intermediate is form in bodybuilding.


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The vid was for 6 weeks and 5 days so it looks like you're on track now.


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You've got plenty of time your not even 24 and are you one of the top five strong guys in your home gym?

. When I was your age I was focused on getting strong, which I really needed to be focused on better form. One of the most overlooked of any beginner, and intermediate is form in bodybuilding.
I hope im the strongest guy in my home the only one in there! Lol I work out in my garage so its not like i have much to compare myself to.

Yeah form has been a big focus on my lifts. And it seems a lot of my downfalls come abotu bc im naturally very unflexible so I stretch a lot


AI Sports Nutrition
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September 28TH 2010

325 P
190 CHO
45 F
2,400 calories

Calves, hamstrings, quads, abs

Donkey Calve raises
dumb bell between feet reverse

Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
Glycobol-two capsules
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout

Seated leg curl
lying one leg at a time curls

Nautilus Leg extensions
leg press
Inner stance-5 plates=8x's
Normal stance 5 plates=8x's
left one leg leg extension

abdominal s ring of fire ~

sleep eight hours
Nice job John.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I hope im the strongest guy in my home the only one in there! Lol I work out in my garage so its not like i have much to compare myself to.

Yeah form has been a big focus on my lifts. And it seems a lot of my downfalls come abotu bc im naturally very unflexible so I stretch a lot
The Dc stretches are good after workouts

The vid was for 6 weeks and 5 days so it looks like you're on track now.
we will see I still have a bit of body fat to lose. Im so white its hard to see any definition out in the sun. Ill probably post either next week or the week after that again. I plan on posting more frequent now at the same angle, lighting and time of day

Nice job John.
Thank you Don.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 29th 2010

130 CHO
30 F

no activity at all

ten hours

Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
Hgh pro four capsules


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Hey John had to rewatch this I have some notes for you.

1: Can you pick a time of day that the sun is higher and not right in front of you but more above and only slightly in front of you so it can cast some shadows on your lines. 10-11 in the morning and 200-400 in the evenining may not be too bad. If the videos are washed out we really cant see enough to give you accurate feedback on conditioning.

2: Side shots triceps and side chest as well as biceps and side chest shot you are dipping your your fron shoulder down which will make you look less lean than you are. If you are not extremely low bodyfat the day of the show it will show it. Keep the front shoulder and your chest high.

3. On your Rear Double Biceps you are squeezing your back so tight to show definition in your back that it is pulling your lats back in a little. To combat that throw the pose up with the back squeezed at first for definition then spread the lats and shoulders out wide. Also make sure your fists are almost all the way behind your head. Maybe like the pinky being aligned with the back of your head this will roll the boall of your biceps into a position you can see the peak from the back especially the back and below you where the judges are sitting.

4. The pose you did with both arms behind your back and your quad flexed out in front, that is not flattering to your body in my opinion. It may be that you really let your chest drop but it made you not look very lean.

5. I may be wrong but to me you look a little behind schedule. Could be that it is washed out buy the sun but I don't think so. If you have some tricks up your sleeve to kick start some more fat loss I think you should honestly employ them now. It is better to do it now and then fill back up a little if you get ahead of schedule but if you want to have really good conditioning you are going to want to change it up a little bit in my opinion. We are probably talking about a difference of 1% but that is a big percent when it is between 5 and 6% or 4 and 5%. You still have time to pick it up in my opinion but I do think you should make some adjustments.

All of that being said I see the improvements too. I didn't mean to only list suggestions. Your legs are really showing some separation now and your back is definitely defined and looking good. Your waist does indeed look thinner and i do see the line going down the center of your abdomen. I wonder how visible those abs are when not washed out by the sun. That is why I can't really be sure of your conditioning level because i couldn't see the separations.
Last edited:


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Hey John had to rewatch this I have some notes for you.

1: Can you pick a time of day that the sun is higher and not right in front of you but more above and only slightly in front of you so it can cast some shadows on your lines. 10-11 in the morning and 200-400 in the evenining may not be too bad. If the videos are washed out we really cant see enough to give you accurate feedback on conditioning.

2: Side shots triceps and side chest as well as biceps and side chest shot you are dipping your your fron shoulder down which will make you look less lean than you are. If you are not extremely low bodyfat the day of the show it will show it. Keep the front shoulder and your chest high.

3. On your Rear Double Biceps you are squeezing your back so tight to show definition in your back that it is pulling your lats back in a little. To combat that throw the pose up with the back squeezed at first for definition then spread the lats and shoulders out wide. Also make sure your fists are almost all the way behind your head. Maybe like the pinky being aligned with the back of your head this will roll the boall of your biceps into a position you can see the peak from the back especially the back and below you where the judges are sitting.

4. The pose you did with both arms behind your back and your quad flexed out in front, that is not flattering to your body in my opinion. It may be that you really let your chest drop but it made you not look very lean.

5. I may be wrong but to me you look a little behind schedule. Could be that it is washed out buy the sun but I don't think so. If you have some tricks up your sleeve to kick start some more fat loss I think you should honestly employ them now. It is better to do it now and then fill back up a little if you get ahead of schedule but if you want to have really good conditioning you are going to want to change it up a little bit in my opinion. We are probably talking about a difference of 1% but that is a big percent when it is between 5 and 6% or 4 and 5%. You still have time to pick it up in my opinion but I do think you should make some adjustments.
He could be behind schedule but the sun is really washing him out too. I am refering to how much smaller his waist has gotten since the last shot. He has done some serious catch up. If you obseve early in the video his waste is much smaller and the fat has gone down significantly. If he continues at this pace I don't forsee a problem but there's no letting up on that I agree. Hek when the fug is there eh... :shysmile:


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He could be behind schedule but the sun is really washing him out too. I am refering to how much smaller his waist has gotten since the last shot. He has done some serious catch up. If you obseve early in the video his waste is much smaller and the fat has gone down significantly. If he continues at this pace I don't forsee a problem but there's no letting up on that I agree. Hek when the fug is there eh... :shysmile:
How interesting. I edited my post because i submitted on accident without adding all of the improvements I saw. If you look above now you see I mentioned that too. He has made a lot of improvements in my opinion. I also know what condition he is hoping for so don't want to be the guy rooting him on saying everything is great if things may need to be picked up a little.

So here we go. John, take a video of your self inside in some good overhead lighting soon so we can tell you for sure how things are looking with no question in our own minds regarding visibility.


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How interesting. I edited my post because i submitted on accident without adding all of the improvements I saw. If you look above now you see I mentioned that too. He has made a lot of improvements in my opinion. I also know what condition he is hoping for so don't want to be the guy rooting him on saying everything is great if things may need to be picked up a little.

So here we go. John, take a video of your self inside in some good overhead lighting soon so we can tell you for sure how things are looking with no question in our own minds regarding visibility.
lol cool, were always doing stuff like that...

Yah I am judging based on his recent rate of improvement and you're right we do him no favors if we are not honest. He lost som much fat since the last video it's like well if he can lose that fast then there's going to be no problem. Still work to be done no doubt, just hold the course John give is weekly updates and we'll get you through this in flying colors..:cop:

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