My contest preparation log using a whole bunch of Anabolic Innovations products



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Yep - done everything under the sun, including training and not training legs, higher reps but still as heavy as I can go so the intensity is still there, shorter and longer recovery periods, different set types, adding in boxing, etc. No matter the weight or rep range, if I train legs at all, they GROW - I'm not sh*tting you. Like I said, more mass would be nice in my arms, but if it doesn't happen, then I'm not going to be too concerned.
Oh I believe you, I don't train traps at all and they are one of my best features, if I train them they get huge over night. They get so big it makes my shoulders look narrower.


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If I am not mistaken this is the "big" NGA show of the year. Lots of competition as well! I am going against the best of the best in the NGA in my second show!
(Lord willing if God allows me to do this show)
that is a nice break, john. 1st you are out of a show-then you score a much bigger show. GOD MUST BE SMILING ON YOU!!!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Yep - done everything under the sun, including training and not training legs, higher reps but still as heavy as I can go so the intensity is still there, shorter and longer recovery periods, different set types, adding in boxing, etc. No matter the weight or rep range, if I train legs at all, they GROW - I'm not sh*tting you. Like I said, more mass would be nice in my arms, but if it doesn't happen, then I'm not going to be too concerned.

Brief hijack over now, John. As you were :dot:
Not a hijack at all I enjoy reading the information.

that is a nice break, john. 1st you are out of a show-then you score a much bigger show. GOD MUST BE SMILING ON YOU!!!
I think God is smiling on me =) Thank you Tom. People like you with these comments make my day a brighter place.

Thank you to everyone, each one of you in this log has encouraged me and I appreciate you for this.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 14th 2010

300 P
175 CHO
25 F


Calves Donkey calve raise
335lbs=10(stopped short of failure)

seated leg curl

Hack squat
315 or 3 plates per side=8x's (stopped short of failure had at least 10 if not 11)

one leg at a time leg press
(inner stance)-30lbs per side=10x's
outer stance-30 lbs per side=10x's

Captains chair

sleep 7.5 maybe 8 I needed a bit more(hghPro did help a nice bit )

HghPro-4 capsules
Cycle support 2 scoops
Stoked-four capsules
Essentials and joint- three scoops post workout

*I have noticed I am looking even leaner, small changes have happened since the last video I am liking them over two weeks ago.


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I wish I could, money isn't in the cards for a show any time soon. I could definitely cut up in time for a show in November though. I am relatively lean but the money isn't there especially to travel for it.

My DMZ log got deleted. I am keeping progress updates here whenever not logging a specific product. KLEEN - The log in between logs....


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Great workout John!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I think God is smiling on me...
To be cliche, "When God closes a door, He opens a window." Looks like you got a HUGE sliding-door ranch window, John :) All the best!


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keep working hard john.


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Great stuff John, unfortunately living the other side of the pond I won't make the show, but you'll have my support in spirit!!! Gary


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September 14th 2010

300 P
175 CHO
25 F


Calves Donkey calve raise
335lbs=10(stopped short of failure)

seated leg curl

Hack squat
315 or 3 plates per side=8x's (stopped short of failure had at least 10 if not 11)

one leg at a time leg press
(inner stance)-30lbs per side=10x's
outer stance-30 lbs per side=10x's

Captains chair

sleep 7.5 maybe 8 I needed a bit more(hghPro did help a nice bit )

HghPro-4 capsules
Cycle support 2 scoops
Stoked-four capsules
Essentials and joint- three scoops post workout

*I have noticed I am looking even leaner, small changes have happened since the last video I am liking them over two weeks ago.
Nice work John.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I wish I could, money isn't in the cards for a show any time soon. I could definitely cut up in time for a show in November though. I am relatively lean but the money isn't there especially to travel for it.

My DMZ log got deleted. I am keeping progress updates here whenever not logging a specific product. KLEEN - The log in between logs....
Maybe well compete in the heavyweights some day and that goes go anyone who wants to compete in the heavies

Great workout John!
Thank you Jason

To be cliche, "When God closes a door, He opens a window." Looks like you got a HUGE sliding-door ranch window, John :) All the best!
Nice Thank you Rosie good to have you in here

keep working hard john.
Thank you Tom

Great stuff John, unfortunately living the other side of the pond I won't make the show, but you'll have my support in spirit!!! Gary
Thanks Gary

Nice work John.
Thank you Don

how about posting some updated pics John
I am doing more videos for progress. I posted one over two weeks ago and will most likely post one in one or two weeks.

Thanks for writing in everyone
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 15th 2010

250 P
165 CHO
25 F

Cardio 40 minutes hard interual cardio

Sleep 8 hours

HghPro-4 capsules
Cycle support 2 scoops
Stoked-four capsules
RecoverPro-one scoop pre cardio
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 16th 2010

225 CHO
45 F
2,500 calories

Back, abs ,cardio all in same time period

Nautilus Pullover Machine(pre-exhaust)

V bar Pull down
175lbs=9x's( 1 partial)

Neutral grip pull up(body weight-which is 224 lbs I am so happy I lost a pound!)
9 (plus one partial)

One arm dumb bell row(excellent form first set pausing above hips for 1-2 seconds and good form pausing at top) could have gone much heavier I am about stimulating the muscle

Rack Deadlift(at shin)
340lbs=10x's (easy-stopped short of failure)

one arm cable row
left side only(testing for my massage therapist) 30lbs=10x's, 60 lbs=11x's(no pain which is good news, last time on this movement it caused pain)

abdominal work-decline knee up to chest+squeeze

cardio 20 minutes high intensity interval cardio

Sleep eight hours and a 30 minute nap

HghPro-4 capsules
Cycle support 2 scoops
Stoked-four capsules
Essentials and joint- three scoops post workout
Recoverpro two scoops between meals* remember essentials and joint contain bcaa's as well


Hey john, to bad about your orginal show but it looks like things worked out anyway. I saw your video (to far away to see well) but how about posting some still shots so we can see some progress. Which show in Fl are you doing now?


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Yeah that would be cool to compete with ya. Will take some work for me to step into the heavies though my man. Maybe just meet in the overalls! ;)


AI Sports Nutrition
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September 16th 2010

225 CHO
45 F
2,500 calories

Back, abs ,cardio all in same time period

Nautilus Pullover Machine(pre-exhaust)

V bar Pull down
175lbs=9x's( 1 partial)

Neutral grip pull up(body weight-which is 224 lbs I am so happy I lost a pound!)
9 (plus one partial)

One arm dumb bell row(excellent form first set pausing above hips for 1-2 seconds and good form pausing at top) could have gone much heavier I am about stimulating the muscle

Rack Deadlift(at shin)
340lbs=10x's (easy-stopped short of failure)

one arm cable row
left side only(testing for my massage therapist) 30lbs=10x's, 60 lbs=11x's(no pain which is good news, last time on this movement it caused pain)

abdominal work-decline knee up to chest+squeeze

cardio 20 minutes high intensity interval cardio

Sleep eight hours and a 30 minute nap

HghPro-4 capsules
Cycle support 2 scoops
Stoked-four capsules
Essentials and joint- three scoops post workout
Recoverpro two scoops between meals* remember essentials and joint contain bcaa's as well
Good stuff John.:)


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helluva job john!...keep it up bro!


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everything looking great John!

question though, your fat intake looks consistancy low. what macro are you trying to hit?


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everything looking great John!

question though, your fat intake looks consistancy low. what macro are you trying to hit?
I know he really enjoys the low fat higher carb intake. It really is interesting how so many diets work so differently for different people. I just don't do well on many carbs at all and he is flourishing.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Hey john, to bad about your orginal show but it looks like things worked out anyway. I saw your video (to far away to see well) but how about posting some still shots so we can see some progress. Which show in Fl are you doing now?
Since I started with video progress I'm going to continue it best I can. I am going to get closer next video because your not the first one who pointed out that the video is too far away.I may have to switch video taping locations. Further, I do not have a clear camera.

Yeah that would be cool to compete with ya. Will take some work for me to step into the heavies though my man. Maybe just meet in the overalls! ;)
nope 190 is considered heavies in the NGA

Good stuff John.:)
Thanks Don. Your the man

helluva job john!...keep it up bro!
Thank you Bobby

everything looking great John!

question though, your fat intake looks consistancy low. what macro are you trying to hit?
Low as possible. Certain days in the future when fat loss stalls I'll start adding in fish as my protein sources to bring fat even lower when body fat stalls most likely. I do not need it now though, and as long as I am making progress I don't change a thing.

I know he really enjoys the low fat higher carb intake. It really is interesting how so many diets work so differently for different people. I just don't do well on many carbs at all and he is flourishing.
I did the zero carb, low carb in the past and I just did not function on it mentally. Some people can do it,I can not and I can do well with carbohydrates, with that said, I still watch my carbs as you see they are usually 150-225 grams. I may have to bring them down even farther if fat loss stalls, time will tell. As of now things are looking good.

its been three weeks since my last video I know I need to get one up soon. Bear with me please
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 17th 2010

360 P
200 CHO
35 F
2,555 calories

Weights (calves, bicep,tricep shoulders, forearms-supersets) and cardio 20 minutes high interval intensity

Seated Calve raises
45+45+25=10x's(with spotter)

One leg calve raise on leg press machine
1 plate(per side) 10x's, 7x's, 8-7-7 (rest pauses)

Incline dumb bell curl 30=12x's
Overhead cable tricep extensions 150lbs=12x's
Larry Scott standing Laterals 30lbs=12x's

Dumb bell Spider curl(preacher) 30 lbs=9x's
one arm overhead dumb bell extension 30lbs=12x's (no failure)
Larry Scott forearms 10+5=15x's

Cardio 20 minutes high intensity interval

Sleep 8 hours

HghPro-4 capsules
Cycle support 2 scoops
Stoked-four capsules
Essentials- 3 scoops post workout
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 18th 2010

300 P
170 CHO
55 F

OFF day- ended up doing one hour of lawn mowing

Sleep nine hours(naps during the day included)

Cycle support 2 scoops
Stoked-four capsules
HghPro- four capsules pre bed
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 19th 2010

355 Protein
165 CHO
30 F

40 minutes hard intensity interval cardio

Sleep ten hours(naps included)

Cycle support 2 scoops
Stoked-four capsules
RecoverPro-one scoop pre cardio


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You would get no arguement from me on that one.:)
I agree with you 100%, The mental aspect of dieting and trying not to cheat for an extended period of time is a lot harder than knocking the weights out.


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I have to say that for me, dietary control is easier. Being motivated to go to the gym is harder than just avoiding the refrigerator
John Smeton

John Smeton

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It is just a matter of doing it. At first on a restricted diet, it takes more work and mental control, restricting certain calories and food the body goes though chemical changes it is similar to coming off any kind of drug because the body is used to that chemical dependence,due to the changes in the brain,really does effect mood, the restriction feels different after a while , it becomes easier to cope with physically and mentally and it becomes a habit.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 20th 2010

350 P
210 CHO
10 F

40 minutes hard intensity interval cardio, and abs(ring of fire) separated by

Chest, shoulders (triceps+biceps, forearms)

Incline bench at home
( dont know the weights used dont care) =9x's
Decline bench
255lbs=7x's went to failure
Smith neck press
185lbs=7x's(2 rest pauses)
Cable crossover

Larry Scott seated shoulder Dumb bell press(strip sets no rest down the rack)
Standing side lateral
30lbs=10x's, 35lbs=8x's( 2 partials), 5x's(+partials), 6x's(6 partials)
bent over cable lateral
20lbs=6x's(5 partials)

Superset of biceps and triceps
Dumb bell pullover 85lbs=7x's
seated dumb bell curl(alternating) 50lbs=7x's

forearm-overhand wrist curl on preacher top

Sleep a great eight-ten hours(naps included)

HGHPRO four capsules 45 minutes after last meal containing no carbohydrates(this is crucial)
Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
RecoverPRO-one scoop pre cardio
John Smeton

John Smeton

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This article came out today

Resveratrol Prevents Brain and Heart Damage While Assisting Weight Loss
by John Phillip, citizen journalist


(NaturalNews) Resveratrol is the protective bioactive nutrient most commonly found in the skin of red grapes, peanuts and cacao. Resveratrol provides a protective barrier against disease and fungus in plants which is also beneficial to human health. A wealth of information exists to support the function of resveratrol for brain rejuvenation and cardiovascular repair as well as influencing the metabolism of fat leading to natural weight loss.

Resveratrol Improves Endothelial Function Leading to Heart Health

Proanthocyanidins from the grape family have long been associated with heart health, and resveratrol now takes its deserved place at the top of the cardiovascular friendly nutrients list. The lining of the cells within the artery are known as the endothelium, and are very sensitive to dietary abuse caused by hydrogenated fats, excess sugar, cortisol and insulin. Damage to the endothelium leads to high blood pressure as well as micro cracks which are filled with foamy plaque, increasing the risk of a heart attack.

Resveratrol has been shown to increase endothelial progenitor cells in the bone marrow which then migrate to areas of damage along the arterial wall, effectively repairing any damage. Higher levels of progenitor cells in blood circulation are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack, as well as improved blood pressure.

Resveratrol Activates New Brain Synapses

One of the most important functions attributed to resveratrol is the activation of the anti-aging gene known as SIRT1. Previously, calorie restriction was the only known mechanism thought to positively influence this critical gene, but recent research demonstrates that resveratrol is also able to accomplish this longevity function. Since resveratrol is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, it is able to improve brain plasticity by generating new neural networks.

Resveratrol has been shown to reduce the normal rate of neurodegeneration and prevent learning impairment. Further, resveratrol has been shown to increase brain oxygenation which relates to increased memory capacity and improved cognition. Researchers are exploring the possibility that this amazing nutrient may play a role in the prevention of certain dementias, including Alzheimer's disease.

Resveratrol Inhibits the Formation of Fat Cells, Assists Weight Loss

Resveratrol has been shown to halt the formation of baby fat cells, thus providing an effective tool for the millions of people looking for a natural weight loss aide. Researchers demonstrated that fat cells make SIRT1 in direct proportion to the amount of resveratrol they are exposed to. SIRT1 halts the formation of immature fat cells which as they grow, contribute to the accumulation of dangerous abdominal fat.

Resveratrol also lowers levels of systemic inflammation, which is implicated in many afflictions including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's disease, and inhibits the release of body fat from storage. Studies underscore the importance of resveratrol as an important tool in the fight against obesity and show that it can provide favorable metabolic stability to assist weight loss.

It's rare when one specific nutritional compound is attributed with the potential to lower the risk of multiple disease processes and assist weight loss. Resveratrol continues to fill the promise of cardiovascular and neurologic health, as it directly influences the anti-aging SIRT1 gene, and provides support in the battle against obesity. Health conscious individuals will use this critical nutrient in a never ending battle to provide an edge against time, ageing and cellular deterioration.


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Long story short....stock up on Stoked!! lol


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Long story short....stock up on Stoked!! lol
Yah on my next order, did an inventory and my stock is getting low... that and glycobol which I am saving for when I start to cut again but have to have a good supply on hand.


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Resveratrol has always been such an interesting compound


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Resveratrol has always been such an interesting compound
I found out about it probably 3 years ago....made me wanna take up wine drinking....but then i realized it cam in a potent extract form so i didnt have to pick up a new bad habit lol.


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This article came out today

Resveratrol Prevents Brain and Heart Damage While Assisting Weight Loss
by John Phillip, citizen journalist


(NaturalNews) Resveratrol is the protective bioactive nutrient most commonly found in the skin of red grapes, peanuts and cacao. Resveratrol provides a protective barrier against disease and fungus in plants which is also beneficial to human health. A wealth of information exists to support the function of resveratrol for brain rejuvenation and cardiovascular repair as well as influencing the metabolism of fat leading to natural weight loss.

Resveratrol Improves Endothelial Function Leading to Heart Health

Proanthocyanidins from the grape family have long been associated with heart health, and resveratrol now takes its deserved place at the top of the cardiovascular friendly nutrients list. The lining of the cells within the artery are known as the endothelium, and are very sensitive to dietary abuse caused by hydrogenated fats, excess sugar, cortisol and insulin. Damage to the endothelium leads to high blood pressure as well as micro cracks which are filled with foamy plaque, increasing the risk of a heart attack.

Resveratrol has been shown to increase endothelial progenitor cells in the bone marrow which then migrate to areas of damage along the arterial wall, effectively repairing any damage. Higher levels of progenitor cells in blood circulation are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack, as well as improved blood pressure.

Resveratrol Activates New Brain Synapses

One of the most important functions attributed to resveratrol is the activation of the anti-aging gene known as SIRT1. Previously, calorie restriction was the only known mechanism thought to positively influence this critical gene, but recent research demonstrates that resveratrol is also able to accomplish this longevity function. Since resveratrol is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, it is able to improve brain plasticity by generating new neural networks.

Resveratrol has been shown to reduce the normal rate of neurodegeneration and prevent learning impairment. Further, resveratrol has been shown to increase brain oxygenation which relates to increased memory capacity and improved cognition. Researchers are exploring the possibility that this amazing nutrient may play a role in the prevention of certain dementias, including Alzheimer's disease.

Resveratrol Inhibits the Formation of Fat Cells, Assists Weight Loss

Resveratrol has been shown to halt the formation of baby fat cells, thus providing an effective tool for the millions of people looking for a natural weight loss aide. Researchers demonstrated that fat cells make SIRT1 in direct proportion to the amount of resveratrol they are exposed to. SIRT1 halts the formation of immature fat cells which as they grow, contribute to the accumulation of dangerous abdominal fat.

Resveratrol also lowers levels of systemic inflammation, which is implicated in many afflictions including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's disease, and inhibits the release of body fat from storage. Studies underscore the importance of resveratrol as an important tool in the fight against obesity and show that it can provide favorable metabolic stability to assist weight loss.

It's rare when one specific nutritional compound is attributed with the potential to lower the risk of multiple disease processes and assist weight loss. Resveratrol continues to fill the promise of cardiovascular and neurologic health, as it directly influences the anti-aging SIRT1 gene, and provides support in the battle against obesity. Health conscious individuals will use this critical nutrient in a never ending battle to provide an edge against time, ageing and cellular deterioration.
Great info get your Stoked and Post Cycle Support now!!!


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Good thing i'm firing up my Stoked after this Natadrol run!


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Good thing i'm firing up my Stoked after this Natadrol run!
You'll love it that's exactly what I have done!!! Except I've gone for the whole SWOLE stack + HGHPro

Feel free to check out my log mate...


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Since I started with video progress I'm going to continue it best I can. I am going to get closer next video because your not the first one who pointed out that the video is too far away.I may have to switch video taping locations. Further, I do not have a clear camera.

nope 190 is considered heavies in the NGA NICE

Thanks Don. Your the man

Thank you Bobby

Low as possible. Certain days in the future when fat loss stalls I'll start adding in fish as my protein sources to bring fat even lower when body fat stalls most likely. I do not need it now though, and as long as I am making progress I don't change a thing.

I did the zero carb, low carb in the past and I just did not function on it mentally. Some people can do it,I can not and I can do well with carbohydrates, with that said, I still watch my carbs as you see they are usually 150-225 grams. I may have to bring them down even farther if fat loss stalls, time will tell. As of now things are looking good.

its been three weeks since my last video I know I need to get one up soon. Bear with me please
Yeah John you are so very right on that some of us are wired better for one or the other type of diet. Either we do well with more carbs are well with extra fats. Out basic diets are similar but you make up what you don't get in fats with your protein and I make up what i don't get in carbs with fat. I don't go keto though. 100-150 grams carbs sometimes up to 200 then a carb load on the weekend.
I think it's harder to DIET than to train, LOL :D
AMEN, and after a lay off I have to get my training going again then baby step into my nutrition. When I am injured and training around things my diet can slip a little easier too. However if the gym is intense normally the diet is pretty on point too. This is the year I decided to start keeping my abs at least somewhat visible year round and diet has been interesting for sure.
It is just a matter of doing it. At first on a restricted diet, it takes more work and mental control, restricting certain calories and food the body goes though chemical changes it is similar to coming off any kind of drug because the body is used to that chemical dependence,due to the changes in the brain,really does effect mood, the restriction feels different after a while , it becomes easier to cope with physically and mentally and it becomes a habit.
Yeah and the slip ups are like falling of the wagon too. I can recall many a time after dieting for a while someone might find me with a plate full of bones and barbecue sauce dripping from my chin mumbling something about I ate too many dinner roles and needing to vomit. LOL
You'll love it that's exactly what I have done!!! Except I've gone for the whole SWOLE stack + HGHPro

Feel free to check out my log mate...
I second this... Def check out his log GWLS has made some impressive strides in his physique and is the real deal.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 21st 2010

290 P
200 CHO
25 F


Donkey calve riases
335lbs=6x's(had to stop early , tendon or something in foot kept feeling like if I kept going something was going to happen)
dumb bell between feet , heels hanging off bench(works tribulus real well)

leg extension machine(nautilus)
Hack squat
3 plates per side=8x's
left leg only leg extension(a bit lagging)

stiff leg dead lift (under//over grip)

decline knee ups

HGHPRO four capsules 45 minutes after last meal containing no carbohydrates(this is crucial)
Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
Essentials and joint-3 scoops post workout

* also I have been taking motivate certain days * like even one capsule before working out if I need a little boost
John Smeton

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September 22nd

305 P
160 CHO
30 F

cardio 40 minutes hard intensity interval, ring of fire abs

ten Strait hours- wow I really needed this sleep I did not wake up once, usually i get up and get a protein shake, slept strait though 10 hours and I attribute the Hghpro of helping me do this

HGHPRO four capsules 45 minutes after last meal containing no carbohydrates(this is crucial)
Cycle Support two scoops
Stoked four capsules
RecoverPRO-one scoop pre cardio
John Smeton

John Smeton

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side notes

I still see fat around the sides, which I am sure will go down. I have been researching posing trunks and I have more of a longer torso/waist than a short one so fuller cut trunks make this physique look better.

my fat has been coming off, and has been stuck at this for a couple days 222.5 so I am trying a refeed , then back to my lower carb days like maybe lower carb for 3-5 days , a higher carb(not a refeed, then a lower carb for 3-5 days then access

Kleen/Dream/any one who does bodybuilding competitions

what kind of posing trunks do you wear and what kind of body do you have, more of a short torso or long torso?


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side notes

I still see fat around the sides, which I am sure will go down. I have been researching posing trunks and I have more of a longer torso/waist than a short one so fuller cut trunks make this physique look better.

my fat has been coming off, and has been stuck at this for a couple days 222.5 so I am trying a refeed , then back to my lower carb days like maybe lower carb for 3-5 days , a higher carb(not a refeed, then a lower carb for 3-5 days then access

Kleen/Dream/any one who does bodybuilding competitions

what kind of posing trunks do you wear and what kind of body do you have, more of a short torso or long torso?
I go for the fuller classic cut as age plays a factor.

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