My contest preparation log using a whole bunch of Anabolic Innovations products

John Smeton

John Smeton

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Hey John had to rewatch this I have some notes for you.

1: Can you pick a time of day that the sun is higher and not right in front of you but more above and only slightly in front of you so it can cast some shadows on your lines. 10-11 in the morning and 200-400 in the evenining may not be too bad. If the videos are washed out we really cant see enough to give you accurate feedback on conditioning.

2: Side shots triceps and side chest as well as biceps and side chest shot you are dipping your your fron shoulder down which will make you look less lean than you are. If you are not extremely low bodyfat the day of the show it will show it. Keep the front shoulder and your chest high.

3. On your Rear Double Biceps you are squeezing your back so tight to show definition in your back that it is pulling your lats back in a little. To combat that throw the pose up with the back squeezed at first for definition then spread the lats and shoulders out wide. Also make sure your fists are almost all the way behind your head. Maybe like the pinky being aligned with the back of your head this will roll the boall of your biceps into a position you can see the peak from the back especially the back and below you where the judges are sitting.

4. The pose you did with both arms behind your back and your quad flexed out in front, that is not flattering to your body in my opinion. It may be that you really let your chest drop but it made you not look very lean.

5. I may be wrong but to me you look a little behind schedule. Could be that it is washed out buy the sun but I don't think so. If you have some tricks up your sleeve to kick start some more fat loss I think you should honestly employ them now. It is better to do it now and then fill back up a little if you get ahead of schedule but if you want to have really good conditioning you are going to want to change it up a little bit in my opinion. We are probably talking about a difference of 1% but that is a big percent when it is between 5 and 6% or 4 and 5%. You still have time to pick it up in my opinion but I do think you should make some adjustments.

All of that being said I see the improvements too. I didn't mean to only list suggestions. Your legs are really showing some separation now and your back is definitely defined and looking good. Your waist does indeed look thinner and i do see the line going down the center of your abdomen. I wonder how visible those abs are when not washed out by the sun. That is why I can't really be sure of your conditioning level because i couldn't see the separations.
Thanks for the feedback and the time spent writing this. I agree I have to change things and really go hard at contest preparation the rest of the show to hit 4-5 percent. (while still watching my shoulder)

How interesting. I edited my post because i submitted on accident without adding all of the improvements I saw. If you look above now you see I mentioned that too. He has made a lot of improvements in my opinion. I also know what condition he is hoping for so don't want to be the guy rooting him on saying everything is great if things may need to be picked up a little.

So here we go. John, take a video of your self inside in some good overhead lighting soon so we can tell you for sure how things are looking with no question in our own minds regarding visibility.
Okay inside video it is

lol cool, were always doing stuff like that...

Yah I am judging based on his recent rate of improvement and you're right we do him no favors if we are not honest. He lost som much fat since the last video it's like well if he can lose that fast then there's going to be no problem. Still work to be done no doubt, just hold the course John give is weekly updates and we'll get you through this in flying colors..:cop:
Yeah recently had a nice loss of fat I am going to duplicate what I did for that;however that does not mean it will work. It may and I hope it does , the body always does not respond to the same thing as it adapts.

how I did it
4-5 days high intensity cardio per week
bringing carbs a bit lower, esp on off days(off days are cardio days as well)
refeed once every two weeks instead of once every week
then after a few days the fat came peeling off almost all at once -crazy

strange how it worked , found this by accident though trial and error , maybe it'll work for someone else, maybe not. Maybe it'll work for me again, maybe not, we'll see.

I am adding some tt-33 this week and starting up eca again.

I stopped eca this week because I am very stimulant sensitive, and even 20 mgs ephedrine/200 caffeine/160 aspirin(which is low dosing) seemed to cause too many sides for my linking. Ill try again though next week


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Thanks for the feedback and the time spent writing this. I agree I have to change things and really go hard at contest preparation the rest of the show to hit 4-5 percent. (while still watching my shoulder)

Okay inside video it is

Yeah recently had a nice loss of fat I am going to duplicate what I did for that;however that does not mean it will work. It may and I hope it does , the body always does not respond to the same thing as it adapts.

how I did it
4-5 days high intensity cardio per week
bringing carbs a bit lower, esp on off days(off days are cardio days as well)
refeed once every two weeks instead of once every week
then after a few days the fat came peeling off almost all at once -crazy

strange how it worked , found this by accident though trial and error , maybe it'll work for someone else, maybe not. Maybe it'll work for me again, maybe not, we'll see.

I am adding some tt-33 this week and starting up eca again.

I stopped eca this week because I am very stimulant sensitive, and even 20 mgs ephedrine/200 caffeine/160 aspirin(which is low dosing) seemed to cause too many sides for my linking. Ill try again though next week
I did pretty much the same thing except for the refeeds being every 2 weeks, I am thinking that may be a good way to go when under 10 weels or 8 weeks maybe.


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Sorry been away John, great improvements so far and i guess still some work to do, but with time available... Good luck mate!!!

And I just want to say this is a superbly detailed log, very interesting to read and observe what it takes to compete :fing02:
John Smeton

John Smeton

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10 hours, must be nice :)
8 hours is the minimum sleep a bodybuilder should get. usually 9 -10 hours is common for most bodybuilders from the very physcial exhaustion of beating our bodies up.

now there may be exceptions like my buddy Josh ****inson, from Australia, he could go off 5 or 6 hours, not me though I need at least 8, usually 9 or ten

10 hours of HghPro sleep that has to be invigorating..
yeah I really feel the HghPro is helping the sleep , increasing growth hormone during my sleep, which helps with fuller, more pumped look of muscles,skin, fat loss, more energy.I do think two bottles are necessary to really get any benefit. one bottle will do, usually 3-4 weeks when i start to notice Hghpros effects as far as the look.

Sorry been away John, great improvements so far and i guess still some work to do, but with time available... Good luck mate!!!

And I just want to say this is a superbly detailed log, very interesting to read and observe what it takes to compete :fing02:
Thank you. I understand how it is being busy.
John Smeton

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September 30th 2010

385 P
210 CHO
20 F

Back, Traps, neck, abdominal s (doing no movements that would cause my shoulder injury and lighting the weight a bit on pulldowns)

undergrip pulldown
160=8x's(3 partials)
Rack deadlift (at shins)

Seated dumb bell shrug(hold for two second at top)
70lbs=8x's(3 partials)
80lbs=6x's(3 partials)

neck raises off bench

Decline knee ups (knees into chest and hold, breathe out)
Nautilus ab machine
50lbs-=15, 70lbs=15

Sleep eight hours

HghPro-4 capsules before bed
cycle support two scoops
stoked- four capsules
Essentials and joint- 3 scoops

posing 15 minutes


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yeah i gotta get some hghpro next order.

john...keep rockin :)
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 1st 2010

350 P
230 CHO
25 F

Calves, arms supsetted, forearms

seated calve raise
45+45+25+5=7-8x's(lost count)

Biceps and triceps supersets (this workout is kind of deloadish, lower the weights a bit)

Spider curls(preacher bench)
Standing overhead cable tricep extension

Nautilus preacher curl
behind head dumb bell extension

reverse ez bar preacher

sleep eight hours

HghPro-4 capsules before bed
cycle support two scoops
stoked- four capsules
Essentials and joint- 3 scoops
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 2nd 2010

205 P
170 Cho
20 f

abdominal s
ring of fire~

sleep nine hours

HghPro-4 capsules before bed
cycle support two scoops
stoked- four capsules

posing 15 minutes
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 3nd 2010

380 P
150 CHO
40 F

Sleep nine hours

HghPro-4 capsules before bed
cycle support two scoops
stoked- four capsules


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I got close to 8 hours last night on HGHPro it's about the max for me, only woke up once. When you get older you just can't sleep as long.


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I have a hard time sleeping 8 hours on 100mg of trazodone
Uggggg Trazodone. They had me many years ago up to 300mg and it was a single pill that felt like I was trying to swallow a football. For like 2 hours everyday after waking up I felt like I had consumed a case of Bud. I finally told them to stick the Trazodone where the sun don't shine.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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well I am Thankful I get great sleep as it is required for a bodybuilder to make maximum gains.Fact: If one is not getting at least eight hours minimum and up to ten they are short circuiting muscle mass gains.

355 P
250 CHO

Exercise, Cardio separated by weight training

Cardio 45 minutes hard intensity (80 % for three minutes followed by 2 minutes at about 55%)

Chest, shoulders, abdominals

Incline Barbell (@ home)
dont know weight dont care=8x's
Decline barbell
Nautilus fly machine
cable crossover 50lbs=10x's

Shoulders(had to take it easy)
Nautilus overhead press machine(close gripped)(Larry Scott range of motion)
Nautilus lateral raise machine(one arm at a time)

Abdominal s
decline leg raises 10,6,7,6,6
ring of fire ~

sleep 9-10 hours

HghPro-4 capsules before bed
cycle support two scoops
stoked- four capsules
Recoverpro-one scoops pre-cardio
Essentials and joint-three scoops post training(Bcaa's, creatine, beta alanine, vitamins, joint support-get it while you can it'll be gone soon it wad discontinued, same with Recoverpro)=(


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I don't know for sure about the 8-10 hours thing. Some people aren't wired for that. I get much over 5-6 hours and I become lethargic. I thinks as long as someone is rested and not overly active at work they can more than recover from what ever is thrown at them. Then again, I could be wrong and might be even bigger if I could sleep more.

I did just order a bottle of HGHpro for the wife. She loves it for how it helps her sleep and it will aid her in recovery too.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I don't know for sure about the 8-10 hours thing. Some people aren't wired for that. I get much over 5-6 hours and I become lethargic. I thinks as long as someone is rested and not overly active at work they can more than recover from what ever is thrown at them. Then again, I could be wrong and might be even bigger if I could sleep more.

I did just order a bottle of HGHpro for the wife. She loves it for how it helps her sleep and it will aid her in recovery too.
My stance on it is for most people that train with weights intensely generally eight hours minimum and up to ten.(and if your really worn out ,beat up, feeling that crazy pre-contest feeling like your close to dying, up to twelve)

I know a guy named Josh ****inson from Australia that said the same thing he only needed 5-6 hours, we used to go back in forth about this subject in 2004-2005. It if works for you great. If I get 6 hours sleep and was training hard the next day I'll be like a zombie, even if I take a stimulate, I'll still not feel totally mentally there. Luckily, my job is with flexible hours and if I feel the need to sleep an extra 2-3 hours I do it and don't have to be at the office at say a certain time. This contest preparation I am putting bodybuilding before work so I can do my best. Moreover, it is great to have work to do to take my mind off of bodybuilding,when I need a bodybuilding relief.

Yeah Hghpro science says hgh levels should be released sometime after taking it

my Anecdotal experience with it

I am feeling it actually helps me sleep later on in the sleep. Like I'll take it 45 minutes after my last meal containing no carbs(this is crucial), and 2 hours later wake up and have a 50 gram protein shake, and the rest of the night I am out. even, when


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Another factor is age, you sleep less as you grow older. I used to sleep about 9 hours a night in my mid thirties. Now I am lucky to get 7 but 7 seems to be good.


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I don't know for sure about the 8-10 hours thing. Some people aren't wired for that. I get much over 5-6 hours and I become lethargic. I thinks as long as someone is rested and not overly active at work they can more than recover from what ever is thrown at them. Then again, I could be wrong and might be even bigger if I could sleep more.

I did just order a bottle of HGHpro for the wife. She loves it for how it helps her sleep and it will aid her in recovery too.
Your a good man Kleen.:)


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Another factor is age, you sleep less as you grow older. I used to sleep about 9 hours a night in my mid thirties. Now I am lucky to get 7 but 7 seems to be good.
I am very happy to get 7 hrs in. I agree in my 20's and early 20,s I could knock off 9 hrs(boy I miss those days)


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My stance on it is for most people that train with weights intensely generally eight hours minimum and up to ten.(and if your really worn out ,beat up, feeling that crazy pre-contest feeling like your close to dying, up to twelve)

I know a guy named Josh ****inson from Australia that said the same thing he only needed 5-6 hours, we used to go back in forth about this subject in 2004-2005. It if works for you great. If I get 6 hours sleep and was training hard the next day I'll be like a zombie, even if I take a stimulate, I'll still not feel totally mentally there. Luckily, my job is with flexible hours and if I feel the need to sleep an extra 2-3 hours I do it and don't have to be at the office at say a certain time. This contest preparation I am putting bodybuilding before work so I can do my best. Moreover, it is great to have work to do to take my mind off of bodybuilding,when I need a bodybuilding relief.

Yeah Hghpro science says hgh levels should be released sometime after taking it

my Anecdotal experience with it

I am feeling it actually helps me sleep later on in the sleep. Like I'll take it 45 minutes after my last meal containing no carbs(this is crucial), and 2 hours later wake up and have a 50 gram protein shake, and the rest of the night I am out. even, when
Man I keep telling myself when I wake up for that GH pee I should have a protein shake but I am always worried the hustle and bustle of making it would wake me up.

I am one of those guys you get me out of bed and I am ready to move immediately. I can wake up walk out to wake up one of the kids and start jumping around playing with them before i even get the sleep out of my eyes. I drive my wife nuts because she has to go through a few things to wake up. She said I am a morning person but really I am just an ON/Off person. If the switch is on IE I am out of bed I am just going at normal speed no wind up period just go time. I am totally ADHD though. So maybe it is the hyperactive part of me that just keeps me totally energized.

Another factor is age, you sleep less as you grow older. I used to sleep about 9 hours a night in my mid thirties. Now I am lucky to get 7 but 7 seems to be good.
Great by the time I am 50 I will sleep 3-4 hours a day. LOL Think of all the time at the gym... ;)
Your a good man Kleen.:)
Well you know I love my Hunny! When it comes to aiding in falling asleep, there really is not a better GH product out there right now. For me I got about the same sleep quality and recovery off of HGHpro and Ghenerate but as far as it making me want to actually fall asleep, HGHpro has this part hands down on any other GH supplement I have used. I wonder how well HGHpro would stack with IGH-1 with the somatastatin blocking capability allowing for much higher increases in GH. Would be a nice stack to check out.


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Man I keep telling myself when I wake up for that GH pee I should have a protein shake but I am always worried the hustle and bustle of making it would wake me up.

I am one of those guys you get me out of bed and I am ready to move immediately. I can wake up walk out to wake up one of the kids and start jumping around playing with them before i even get the sleep out of my eyes. I drive my wife nuts because she has to go through a few things to wake up. She said I am a morning person but really I am just an ON/Off person. If the switch is on IE I am out of bed I am just going at normal speed no wind up period just go time. I am totally ADHD though. So maybe it is the hyperactive part of me that just keeps me totally energized.

Great by the time I am 50 I will sleep 3-4 hours a day. LOL Think of all the time at the gym... ;)

Well you know I love my Hunny! When it comes to aiding in falling asleep, there really is not a better GH product out there right now. For me I got about the same sleep quality and recovery off of HGHpro and Ghenerate but as far as it making me want to actually fall asleep, HGHpro has this part hands down on any other GH supplement I have used. I wonder how well HGHpro would stack with IGH-1 with the somatastatin blocking capability allowing for much higher increases in GH. Would be a nice stack to check out.
That would be very interesting.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Man I keep telling myself when I wake up for that GH pee I should have a protein shake but I am always worried the hustle and bustle of making it would wake me up.

I wonder how well HGHpro would stack with IGH-1 with the somatastatin blocking capability allowing for much higher increases in GH. Would be a nice stack to check out.
Before you fall asleep have a big glass of water by the side of the bed, protein powder(choco taste way better than vanilla mid sleep, in my opinion) have another cup with a spoon in it. voila

just lean over and mix it up after you pee, or go out to the kitchen and eat a few crackers, pee, or even ddo nothing just stay in bed and mix it , drink it, no lights on required, except maybe turn on your phone for some light and thats not even needed if a careful eye.

I think it is much better to sleep strait though, and if you do get up bam its right there and it does help with muscle anabolism.

I actually used to set my opportunity clock back in 2004 and do this, which I don't do anymore, which I contribute to reaching my ultimate size of not ever using a hormone 230 lbs ,not fat, not lean either, 18 inch arms, and 28 inch thighs back in 2004.(was going extremely heavy and low reps, that's where my size came from; although it did my joints in, if I could go back I would pay more attention to form and not just smash killer weights, I was almost power lifting)

I literally gained 5 lbs of muscle in a month when I started doing the protein shakes at night (even 25 grams whey at night helps)


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Before you fall asleep have a big glass of water by the side of the bed, protein powder(choco taste way better than vanilla mid sleep, in my opinion) have another cup with a spoon in it. voila

just lean over and mix it up after you pee, or go out to the kitchen and eat a few crackers, pee, or even ddo nothing just stay in bed and mix it , drink it, no lights on required, except maybe turn on your phone for some light and thats not even needed if a careful eye.

I think it is much better to sleep strait though, and if you do get up bam its right there and it does help with muscle anabolism.

I actually used to set my opportunity clock back in 2004 and do this, which I don't do anymore, which I contribute to reaching my ultimate size of not ever using a hormone 230 lbs ,not fat, not lean either, 18 inch arms, and 28 inch thighs back in 2004.(was going extremely heavy and low reps, that's where my size came from; although it did my joints in, if I could go back I would pay more attention to form and not just smash killer weights, I was almost power lifting)

I literally gained 5 lbs of muscle in a month when I started doing the protein shakes at night (even 25 grams whey at night helps)

protein, protein, protein!!

got to love it.


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Before you fall asleep have a big glass of water by the side of the bed, protein powder(choco taste way better than vanilla mid sleep, in my opinion) have another cup with a spoon in it. voila

just lean over and mix it up after you pee, or go out to the kitchen and eat a few crackers, pee, or even ddo nothing just stay in bed and mix it , drink it, no lights on required, except maybe turn on your phone for some light and thats not even needed if a careful eye.

I think it is much better to sleep strait though, and if you do get up bam its right there and it does help with muscle anabolism.

I actually used to set my opportunity clock back in 2004 and do this, which I don't do anymore, which I contribute to reaching my ultimate size of not ever using a hormone 230 lbs ,not fat, not lean either, 18 inch arms, and 28 inch thighs back in 2004.(was going extremely heavy and low reps, that's where my size came from; although it did my joints in, if I could go back I would pay more attention to form and not just smash killer weights, I was almost power lifting)

I literally gained 5 lbs of muscle in a month when I started doing the protein shakes at night (even 25 grams whey at night helps)
I think I am just going to have to try that.:)
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I think I am just going to have to try that.:)
yeah if you get your sleep great , if you wake up you have it right by your bed. Helps gains big time. In fact Jay Cutler mr O sets his clock a couple times a night to do this. I personally think if one can sleep all the way though and not overly obsessed with muscle gain, then I think sleeping all the way though is best.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 5 th 2010

360 P
200 CHO
30 F

Activity:Calves, Quads, hamstrings,abdominals, posing

Donkey Calve raises(on smith)
dumb bell between feet reverse(hits outer tribulus muscle)

Nautilus leg extension
Hack squat
315 (or 3 plates per side)=7x's
left leg extension

stiff leg dead lift(over/under grip)
275=8x'slying leg curl

ring of fire~

posing 15 minutes

sleep Eleven hours(I needed it)

HGHPro-4 pre bed
Stoked- Four capsules
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Recoverpro- two scoops before postwork
Cycle support two scoops
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 6th 2010

325 Protein
120 CHO
10 F
1,800 calories

activity: cardio, posing

cardio 45 minutes 55/80 % intervals

posing 15 minutes

sleep eight-nine hours

HGHPro-4 pre bed
Stoked- Four capsules
Recoverpro- one scoops before cardio
cycle support two scoops


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October 5 th 2010

360 P
200 CHO
30 F

Activity:Calves, Quads, hamstrings,abdominals, posing

Donkey Calve raises(on smith)
dumb bell between feet reverse(hits outer tribulus muscle)

Nautilus leg extension
Hack squat
315 (or 3 plates per side)=7x's
left leg extension

stiff leg dead lift(over/under grip)
275=8x'slying leg curl

ring of fire~

posing 15 minutes

sleep Eleven hours(I needed it)

HGHPro-4 pre bed
Stoked- Four capsules
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Recoverpro- two scoops before postwork
Cycle support two scoops
Damn I envy you.:yawn:


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October 5 th 2010

360 P
200 CHO
30 F

Activity:Calves, Quads, hamstrings,abdominals, posing

Donkey Calve raises(on smith)
dumb bell between feet reverse(hits outer tribulus muscle)

Nautilus leg extension
Hack squat
315 (or 3 plates per side)=7x's
left leg extension

stiff leg dead lift(over/under grip)
275=8x'slying leg curl

ring of fire~

posing 15 minutes

sleep Eleven hours(I needed it)

HGHPro-4 pre bed
Stoked- Four capsules
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Recoverpro- two scoops before postwork
Cycle support two scoops
Nice workout John.


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Yep I envy john's sleep for sure, as for eating during the night, I'd have to wake up first!!! That doesn't happen until the alarm goes off


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how you feelign John? At 1800 kcal a day it must be tough. Heck when i drop that low and you outweight me by a good deal I start feeling it. BUt i noticed you only get that low on non-lift days so it may not be as bad.

And the scoop of whey in the middle of the night I may try. Tighten up my calories during the day to reduce fat gain and have a scoop of whey by my bed so either first thing in the morning or in the middle of the night ill drink it down.

Why not mix before bed? To my knowledge the protein should not degrade if kept at a moderate to cool temperatur
John Smeton

John Smeton

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how you feelign John? At 1800 kcal a day it must be tough. Heck when i drop that low and you outweight me by a good deal I start feeling it. BUt i noticed you only get that low on non-lift days so it may not be as bad.

And the scoop of whey in the middle of the night I may try. Tighten up my calories during the day to reduce fat gain and have a scoop of whey by my bed so either first thing in the morning or in the middle of the night ill drink it down.

Why not mix before bed? To my knowledge the protein should not degrade if kept at a moderate to cool temperatur
One minute I think I should just quit and save my money from going down to Florida and just wait until next year, and just do a closer show, the next minute I am posing in front of the mirror and see separation I have never seen before and feel confident about being on stage. Its very normal to feel this way, especially doing something of major importance......

...... as long as I stick to the goal like an envelope to a stamp untill it reaches its destination Ill be fine

some days at night and later during the day I cant get up I'm so low on energy, head feels funny, some what close to passing out possibly, its part of losing this body fat.

I just do it my way (big glass of water so back against the wall, so I cant knock it over, protein jug in front of it, another cup and spoon in front of protein jug)because I have spilled many protein drinks , and just powders protein and don't feel like cleaning them up and they stink reall bad if you don't get it all up(especially on carpet) I live in a wooden floor house though Thank God

going to train soon
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 7th 2010

340 P
205 CHO
20 F
2,360 calories

activity: cardio separated by weights (I usually try to separate them 6-8 hours apart from one another)

cardio 45 minutes 55/80 interval cardio

Back, traps, abs(I had to still train lighter to keep my shoulder feeling okay, almost maintenance training)

Nautilus Pullover Machine
underhand grip pulldown

one arm dumb bell row
close grip v bar cable row
170lbs=6x's( 1 partial)

Behind the back Smith machine shrugs
265lbs=6x's(2 partials)-(rest pasue)-4x's(1 partial)--drop-set- 205lbs=4x's

ring of ring ~

sleep-eight hours

Hghpro-four pre bed
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
recoverpro-three scoops between meals
Cycle support- two scoops

*Just a note* the RecoverPro BCAA's are God send and so overlooked! Bcaa's are so important between meals when on severe calorie restriction and help hold onto the muscle mass. They also keep the brain happy keeping you sane(I forget which chemical it works on in the brain, serotonin maybe Id have to look it up)-Reference Chris Acetos Championship bodybuilding book which i highly recommend for those that want to compete or are competing, I have learned so much, I still have to implement a lot of it though this "off season"


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October 7th 2010

340 P
205 CHO
20 F
2,360 calories

activity: cardio separated by weights (I usually try to separate them 6-8 hours apart from one another)

cardio 45 minutes 55/80 interval cardio

Back, traps, abs(I had to still train lighter to keep my shoulder feeling okay, almost maintenance training)

Nautilus Pullover Machine
underhand grip pulldown

one arm dumb bell row
close grip v bar cable row
170lbs=6x's( 1 partial)

Behind the back Smith machine shrugs
265lbs=6x's(2 partials)-(rest pasue)-4x's(1 partial)--drop-set- 205lbs=4x's

ring of ring ~

sleep-eight hours

Hghpro-four pre bed
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
recoverpro-three scoops between meals
Cycle support- two scoops

*Just a note* the RecoverPro BCAA's are God send and so overlooked! Bcaa's are so important between meals when on severe calorie restriction and help hold onto the muscle mass. They also keep the brain happy keeping you sane(I forget which chemical it works on in the brain, serotonin maybe Id have to look it up)-Reference Chris Acetos Championship bodybuilding book which i highly recommend for those that want to compete or are competing, I have learned so much, I still have to implement a lot of it though this "off season"
Great job John!!!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 8th 2010

200 P
600 CHO
55 F
3,700 calories

Acitivity:posing,Biceps and triceps super sets, forearms, calves, abdominal s

Posing 15 minutes

Biceps and triceps (supersets)

Spider bench curls(on preacher)
35lbs=7-8 x's lost count
overhead cable extensions

Nautilus preacher curl machine
behind the head one arm dumb bell extensions

reverse ex bar preacher curls
one arm reverse cable curl

two arm dumbbell hammer preacher curl
v bar push down(awayish from body)

Reverse barbell forearm curls(hips lower)

seated calve raise

nautilus ab machine 80lbs=15,100=15,100=15
regular crunch=50x's

sleep eight hours, sleep a bit deeper and better due to calories.

Stoked-four capsules
Glycobol-four gbols before the carb meals
Cycle Support- two scoops
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Recoverpro-one scoop before training

just a note-I use motivate 2 maybe 3 x's per week
John Smeton

John Smeton

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September 9th 2010

305 P
130 CHO
15 F
1875 Calories

cardio 45 minutes hard intervuals

posing 15 minutes

sleep: haven't gone yet, going soon

Stoked four capsules
Cycle support two scoops
Motivate four capsules


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Yah I use motivate 3 times per week as well I would love to use it everyday but I would just build up a tolerance or become addicted to it ..


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Keep on killing it John. I can't wait to see the end results.


AI Sports Nutrition
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Yah I use motivate 3 times per week as well I would love to use it everyday but I would just build up a tolerance or become addicted to it ..
That is about the same for me. I use it when I need to focus or know it going to be a long day.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 10th 2010

305 P
165 CHO
25 F
2,100 Calories

45 minutes interval hard cardio
posing 15 minutes-

I shined a real bright light and it made me look really smooth. Moreover, I did have a big refeed for myself friday 600 carbs,55f,200 P=3,700 k's, I looked twelve weeks out yesterday. Either something happened , the thyroid had a reverse effect, or my body over spilled, or the bright light showed me the truth , (this was super bright light, I look a lot "cutter: under a regaular bright light, the lights are super bright at shows, at least my last one was) regardless, I plan on sticking to the end and can only aim for my target.

may not do any more big refeeds days from now on, either though I think they are useful for a ripped person, I don't consider myself ripped, In fact I am in between the crossover stage,the second stagehere are the three stages
1. ripped
2. In between stage where you look lean/leanish, once you get over this stage you look really good and it makes all the difference to get past this stage.

I have four weeks and 5 days. My short term goal within the next two weeks(hopefully less) is to get past this stage

I am hoping this refeed will speed things up real fast, like it did last time, as I followed the same formula for my body I did last time, and that's is the beauty of bodybuilding, what works one time, may or may not work another time, if this doesn't work I am going to have to re-evaluate my plan and try another approach until I find something that works for it.

That is one of the reasons I love bodybuilding, muscle sure it comes with it, however, the real sense of accomplishment I get it when i figure out how my body works and how to work it to achieve a certain look or accomplish a certain thing 99.9 % of percent have no clue because it is very individual once you get to this level, due to genetic makeup, chemistry inside the body.Bodybuilding is a science and an art, and without the science you can kiss competing goodbye,unless you one out of a million or trillion genetic freaks like Paul Dillet.

Sleep 7-8 hours, slept real good though

HghPro- four pre-bed
Stoked-two(forgot to take second dosing)
RecoverPro-one scoops between meals to starve off catabolism
Cycle Support-two scoops
Motivate-four capsules upon awaking
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Yah I use motivate 3 times per week as well I would love to use it everyday but I would just build up a tolerance or become addicted to it ..
it for sure build tolerance. I have built tolerance for it currently.

btw nice posing trunks, I am thinking of getting similar ones since my torso is a tiny bit longer than my legs so Itll make me look more balanced instead of "top heavy"

Keep on killing it John. I can't wait to see the end results.
Me too my friend.

That is about the same for me. I use it when I need to focus or know it going to be a long day.


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Yeah John I am sure you are just holding water. YOu may have drank a little too much while having your carb refeed. Just drink a lot and flush it. YOu will probably lose a few lbs overnight tonight and whatever isn't off in the morning will be gone by Wednesday leaving you pretty full and dry.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Yeah John I am sure you are just holding water. YOu may have drank a little too much while having your carb refeed. Just drink a lot and flush it. YOu will probably lose a few lbs overnight tonight and whatever isn't off in the morning will be gone by Wednesday leaving you pretty full and dry.
we will see if I can get a sunny day here in the next couple days. and then a video inside

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