My contest preparation log using a whole bunch of Anabolic Innovations products

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Wow 8-9 is very low maintenance for a woman. I am on recomp most of the time myself but it's the discipline thing that gets me. I don't ever intentiionally bulk anymore. By the way how did your contest go?
Well, I generally stay within 8-10% bodyfat (although after my time off earlier this year I got up to ~13% bodyfat). Anything over ~9.5% bodyfat now and I just feel far too uncomfortable, so I'm going for the lower Maintenance range.

I got third. Comments were made in my log, re my placing.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I've been super loading my body with protein for the past few weeks just as a test, I'm up to 187 right now, eating about 400G protein a day or so, lots of cottage cheese before bed, protein shake the second I wake up in the morning, etc. Whole food sucks sometimes, especially when your meal is 4 boiled chicken breasts and some rice! TG I am almost back in the states!

DW, sorry I have been missing so much of late, just catching up, looking darn good in here and can't wait to see some pictures (I went 2 pages back reading and couldn't find them :D)
no worries my friend I know how it is being busy. yeah when i really upped my protein to 1.5 grams , I really noticed a big difference. I'm a high protein advocate, even more so when "dieting" because when carbs are present growth occurs better. You are learning what works with your body.

I like the zigzag idea keeps the metabolism going. Looks like you're going with a high medium low method. I had great success with 3 low 3 med 3 high a while back.
Glad it worked for you Doug

Definitely, dieting is hell. I'd rather just stay lean all the time and only need to diet for 1-2 weeks tops. Far easier and less stress and havoc on the body that way. But kudos to all those - including John here - who diet for months on end. However, you don't have to diet excessively or for extremely long periods of time to call yourself a "bodybuilder" - technically anyone that trains to improve their physique is a "bodybuilder".
From now on I am keeping leaner.

I wish I could stay leaner in the off season but when I gain muscle the fat comes along for the ride. I do have some discipline problems with off season dieting as well, hard to watch what you eat when you're always famished.
Most guys that stay real lean/ripped in the offseason don't gain that much mass from show to show, sure they may make little gains. To gain the most muscle from show to show I am under the opinion that body fat has to go up at least some or the muscle gains are much smaller.

Well, I generally stay within 8-10% bodyfat (although after my time off earlier this year I got up to ~13% bodyfat). Anything over ~9.5% bodyfat now and I just feel far too uncomfortable, so I'm going for the lower Maintenance range.

I got third. Comments were made in my log, re my placing.
Congratulations on your placing. I got third in my first show last year as well. The feeling is nice to have many peoples attention all at once isn't it? This next show is the biggest show in the NGA this year so I have to be at my best!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Congratulations on your placing. I got third in my first show last year as well. The feeling is nice to have many peoples attention all at once isn't it? This next show is the biggest show in the NGA this year so I have to be at my best!
Thanks, John :) Honestly - and yes, it's a little contradictory to some of my career goals in the fitness industry - but I actually don't really like a lot of attention and certainly don't like being in the spotlight; I'm more of a behind-the-scenes person.

All the best for your competition, especially if it's the biggest NGA show of the year! You'll get to your best!


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All you guys are very dedicated to keep up those types of strict diet. That is the main reason I could not be a bodybuilder I just don't have that kind of discipline.
agreed. i LOVE powerlifting for that reason...i'm building lean (its just buried) and i dont worry about that 6 pack, i worry about not folding under 440lbs.


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I ate like a pig today. outside of the cold stone creamery trip it was a healthy eating like a pig tho
John Smeton

John Smeton

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agreed. i LOVE powerlifting for that reason...i'm building lean (its just buried) and i dont worry about that 6 pack, i worry about not folding under 440lbs.
If God allows me I plan on Power lifting a couple months after my competition .I am talking 1-6 reps I used to move a lot of weight in my early days, thinking about doing it for the fun of it and the fact that it'll cause me to be stronger when I go back into the 6-12 rep range.

first things first though Ive got to finish this week off and make sure I'm doing all i can do from day to day to come in my best!

I ate like a pig today. outside of the cold stone creamery trip it was a healthy eating like a pig tho
Glad you enjoyed it.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 18th 2010

300 P
300 CHO
30 F
2,670 calories

I trained with weights in the am, followed by a 30 minute cardio session and weights again Pm.(Again many of my preferred exercises and weights were limited)

AM weight training chest , and triceps

Incline dumb bell press
Nautilus chest press setup
Incline smith
Cable crossover
Nautilus incline Pec Dec(#7)

Nautilus estention machine
left arm cable pushdown

cardio 30 minutes high intensity intervual cardio

Pm Workout Shoulders Biceps Abs

Nautilus overhead press
Nautilus seated side lateral machine
widegrip upright row
cable forehead pull(great rear delt exercise-again had to not go to heavy cause shoulder pain started feeling)

seated dumb bell curl
left arm preacher dumb bell curl

overhand forearm preacher reverse

decline leg ups

Sleep nine hours

Hghpro four capsules pre bed
Stoked four capsules
RecoverPro two scoops pre cardio
essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Cycle support-two scoops
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 19th 2010

325 P
200 CHO
30 F

Legs, posing

Posing 15 minutes

Donkey Calve raise
315=5x's(had to stop twinge in foot)
dumb bell between feet

Leg extensions(bodymasters machine)
Leg press(normal stance)
6 plates per side=10x's( 3 partials)
Hack squat(close stance)
left leg extension

leg curl machine
adduction machine

Sleep ten hours

Hgh Pro
Essentials and joint- 3 scoops post workout
RecoverPro one scoop between meals
Cycle support-two scoops


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October 19th 2010

325 P
200 CHO
30 F

Legs, posing

Posing 15 minutes

Donkey Calve raise
315=5x's(had to stop twinge in foot)
dumb bell between feet

Leg extensions(bodymasters machine)
Leg press(normal stance)
6 plates per side=10x's( 3 partials)
Hack squat(close stance)
left leg extension

leg curl machine
adduction machine

Sleep ten hours

Hgh Pro
Essentials and joint- 3 scoops post workout
RecoverPro one scoop between meals
Cycle support-two scoops
Great looking leg workout John.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Congrats on the 8-10% BF and the third place finish, Great work.
Thanks, bud :) No congratulations needed for something I always do, and certainly not for - as I put it to Sean - "being the second loser" (yes, I am harsh, but harsh is truth and motivation).
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Yah lots of volume, must be that time... :13:

I am a big believer in high intensity training and feel I get the most bang for the buck for the muscle. It just makes sense to me this way. If you watch Mike Mentzers Hitt seminar that was on youtube a month or ago ago its a good watch. It may not be on there now as videos are uploaded and taken down frequently.

With that said, With these calorie levels, heavy cardio, the whole pre-contest phase one reason i am letting up a bit on intensity is injury prevention. Moreover, I do feel like volume has its place. One way Dave Tate described it was hard and heavy for sure builds the muscle and when one switches to volume for a little while additional gains are made due to lactic acid and temporary swelling making the muscle look bigger. I think volume workouts do have their place. Its Icing on the cake though, One must do the hard and heavy work for years on end to build to hard,dense, thick muscle mass first.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 20th 2010

380 P
110 CHO
20 F

45 minutes very high intensity intervals
15 mins posing

Sleep ten hours

HghPro-4 pre bed
Cycle scoops 2 scoops
RecoverPro-3 scoops pre and post cardio
John Smeton

John Smeton

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My MRI came back I have two possible partial tears the supraspanatus and the posterior labrum. I'm going to see a specialist again.

after this show is over, This is my goal in bodybuilding to get all of this shoulder situation stuff back so I can do certain exercises again and progress on them.


Never enough
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I am a big believer in high intensity training and feel I get the most bang for the buck for the muscle. It just makes sense to me this way. If you watch Mike Mentzers Hitt seminar that was on youtube a month or ago ago its a good watch. It may not be on there now as videos are uploaded and taken down frequently.

With that said, With these calorie levels, heavy cardio, the whole pre-contest phase one reason i am letting up a bit on intensity is injury prevention. Moreover, I do feel like volume has its place. One way Dave Tate described it was hard and heavy for sure builds the muscle and when one switches to volume for a little while additional gains are made due to lactic acid and temporary swelling making the muscle look bigger. I think volume workouts do have their place. Its Icing on the cake though, One must do the hard and heavy work for years on end to build to hard,dense, thick muscle mass first.
I've been enjoying the built-in periodization of the PRRS workout. One week of 4-6 rep range, one week of 8-12, and one of supersets in the 8-12 range.


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i want to see how a bull like you does on a powerlifting routine :)
i'd go up against you!!! :)


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My MRI came back I have two possible partial tears the supraspanatus and the posterior labrum. I'm going to see a specialist again.

after this show is over, This is my goal in bodybuilding to get all of this shoulder situation stuff back so I can do certain exercises again and progress on them.
i'd like to see how they worded that MRI report. i can see "possible" on the labral tear on a non-contrast study, but supraspinatous tendon tears are either there or not. i'll rep my email addy to you :)


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My MRI came back I have two possible partial tears the supraspanatus and the posterior labrum. I'm going to see a specialist again.

after this show is over, This is my goal in bodybuilding to get all of this shoulder situation stuff back so I can do certain exercises again and progress on them.
It may be wise after the show to take some time off of lifting for rehab. See what it will take to get those injuries back to 100%. You're still very young and I can really see you pack on some size and strength if you werent being hindered by those dang injuries.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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i want to see how a bull like you does on a powerlifting routine :)
i'd go up against you!!! :)

haha once I get back where I can actually do heavy pressing movements again it sounds like some good clean fun

It may be wise after the show to take some time off of lifting for rehab. See what it will take to get those injuries back to 100%. You're still very young and I can really see you pack on some size and strength if you werent being hindered by those dang injuries.
It might be in my best interest to take a month off while doing pt. I injured it 7 months ago, already had an MRI which showed NOTHING, been to physical therapy, have been getting deep tissue massage

I got fed up with this pain and said Im getting another MRI, got another MRI from another MRI machine and now it shows something different.

by the way my last serious injuryt last year I went to one of these Doctors(there's two of them) and he sent me to PT and that did not work. I started getting Active release therapy for seven sessions(insurance did not cover it and I had to drive four hours to get to the closest ART therapist) and that along with self medicated cross friction massage is what got my elbow better.

I am thinking my shoulder is similar with scar tissue but could be wrong because over the phone when they read my results today the girl mentioned possible tear.

Injury prevention a HUUUUGGGGEEEE part of bodybuilding

MY Primary Doctor is sending me back to an orthopedic, the same two guys who treated my last injuries., it feels like I am going in circles. I know God can heal it.


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I am a big believer in high intensity training and feel I get the most bang for the buck for the muscle. It just makes sense to me this way. If you watch Mike Mentzers Hitt seminar that was on youtube a month or ago ago its a good watch. It may not be on there now as videos are uploaded and taken down frequently.

With that said, With these calorie levels, heavy cardio, the whole pre-contest phase one reason i am letting up a bit on intensity is injury prevention. Moreover, I do feel like volume has its place. One way Dave Tate described it was hard and heavy for sure builds the muscle and when one switches to volume for a little while additional gains are made due to lactic acid and temporary swelling making the muscle look bigger. I think volume workouts do have their place. Its Icing on the cake though, One must do the hard and heavy work for years on end to build to hard,dense, thick muscle mass first.

Moral of the story "Everything works.. just not for very long"...:13:


haha once I get back where I can actually do heavy pressing movements again it sounds like some good clean fun

It might be in my best interest to take a month off while doing pt. I injured it 7 months ago, already had an MRI which showed NOTHING, been to physical therapy, have been getting deep tissue massage

I got fed up with this pain and said Im getting another MRI, got another MRI from another MRI machine and now it shows something different.

by the way my last serious injuryt last year I went to one of these Doctors(there's two of them) and he sent me to PT and that did not work. I started getting Active release therapy for seven sessions(insurance did not cover it and I had to drive four hours to get to the closest ART therapist) and that along with self medicated cross friction massage is what got my elbow better.

I am thinking my shoulder is similar with scar tissue but could be wrong because over the phone when they read my results today the girl mentioned possible tear.

Injury prevention a HUUUUGGGGEEEE part of bodybuilding

MY Primary Doctor is sending me back to an orthopedic, the same two guys who treated my last injuries., it feels like I am going in circles. I know God can heal it.
If ART is that hard to come by in your area, you may want to check out Graston Technique. Not the most pleasant experience, but definitely a recommended treatment option for your current injury.


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My MRI came back I have two possible partial tears the supraspanatus and the posterior labrum. I'm going to see a specialist again.

after this show is over, This is my goal in bodybuilding to get all of this shoulder situation stuff back so I can do certain exercises again and progress on them.
Damn John I am sorry to hear about that. After your show get that shoulder back to normal.:)


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I think a lot of us would be coming back with not so good news if they got a full checkup. Small tears are more common that some may think. I commend John for dealing with it though.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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If ART is that hard to come by in your area, you may want to check out Graston Technique. Not the most pleasant experience, but definitely a recommended treatment option for your current injury.
Im not a believer so much in Graston. I much prefer human hands feeling for the injured area than tools because the tools can yes break down the scar tissue and aloso break down additional muscle because they cant feel exactly where scar tissue is.

Trained Human hands are the only ones that can get in there and feel the difference between scar tissue and muscle. I don't want additional muscles being injured


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I think a lot of us would be coming back with not so good news if they got a full checkup. Small tears are more common that some may think. I commend John for dealing with it though.
Very true.


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My MRI came back I have two possible partial tears the supraspanatus and the posterior labrum. I'm going to see a specialist again.

after this show is over, This is my goal in bodybuilding to get all of this shoulder situation stuff back so I can do certain exercises again and progress on them.
damn, sorry to hear that John.

Godspeed on your recovery.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 21st 2010

300 P
305 CHO
35 F

Cardio first thing in morning 3 mile jog

Back, Traps,abs

Underhand grip pulldown
180lbs=10x's(1 partial)
Neutral grip D handle bar(shoulder width-I call it the Arnold bar)
180lbs=8x's(2 partials)
180lbs=6x's(1 partial)
Neutral grip pullup
(bodyweight) =8x's
widegrip pullup
(bodyweight) =5x's *had to stop left shoulder pain

Back thickness
V bar cable row
170lbs=8x's(2 partials)
Strait bar row
One arm dumb bell row
100lbs=10x's( 1 partial)
Nautilus Row Machine

Behind the back barbell shrugs
Barbell front shrugs
Seated dumbbell shrug
85lbs=8x's(2 partials)

Extra side delt work standing side laterals
25lbs=10x's(had to stop shoulder pain)

Abdominal s
crunches 30,10,
decline sitip/crunch 10,10
Decline Leg raises 10,8,10

sleep eleven hours

HghPro-4 pre bed
Cycle scoops 2 scoops
RecoverPro-two scoops before cardio and in between meals
Essentials and joint-three scoops post training
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 22nd 2010

280 P
220 CHO
15 F

Biceps +triceps, forearms, Calves, cardio

Biceps and triceps supersets

Suprine preacher curl 35lbs=7x's
Overhead cable extension 170lbs=9x's

Nautilus Preacher curl 130lbs=10x's
Behind the head dumb bell extensions 35lbs=9x's

Reverse ez bar preacher curls 65lbs=10-12, standing cable curl 120lbs=10x's
one arm reverse rope extensions 40lbs=12x's, 50lbs7x's

Larry Scott forearm dumb bell curl(overhand)

Seated calve raises
45+45+25+5=5-6 x's----dropset of 45+45+5=10x's
Standing calve raises(toes pointed inward to hit outside calves better)

abs ring of fire back four

cardio-two mile jog

sleep eleven hours

Cycle scoops 2 scoops
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
stoked-four caps
John Smeton

John Smeton

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october 23nd 2010

330 P
190 CHO
25 F

Total rest day

Sleep nine-ten hours

Cycle scoops 2 scoops
RecoverPro-one scoop between meals
Stoked-four capsules
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 24th 2010

285 P
205 CHO
30 F

Chest, Calves, abs posing 15 minutes

Chest(no pressing movements due to I am really watching my shoulder)
Nautilus Pec dec
Cable crossover
low bottom cable crossover(chest stuck out)

Nautilus Leg prss

abdominal s

Twisting crunches

Super sets
decline leg raises 10,7
crunches 10,8

sleep eight hours

HghPro-4 pre bed
Cycle scoops 2 scoops
RecoverPro-one scoop pre workout
essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Those all look great John. How long does that back workout take you?
Thanks Eric.Probably like 1.5 hours

the back width doesn't wear me out as much. back thickness is where I have to rest 2-3 sometimes up to 4 minutes.


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Great workouts John and sorry to hear about the injury. I'm damn impressed with how you are pushing on through this injury and getting ready for your show. Heart of a champion right there!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Great workouts John and sorry to hear about the injury. I'm damn impressed with how you are pushing on through this injury and getting ready for your show. Heart of a champion right there!
Thank you Jason


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any update pics? you must be looking real good this close to the show.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I am having thoughts/feelings of second doubts of doing this show. For me right now this whole show is stretching my budget . I have been thinking maybe I just better wait untill next year and do the NGA Nashville show, then the Florida show. I mean this all costs a pretty penny-motel two nights-$130.00, plane ticket round trip $350, plus everything else and I want to look my best if I am doing the biggest show of the NGA this year.

The big challenge is that I wont come in lean enough. That was my situation last year. I am staying lean off season from now on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im doing much better than last year however is it really worth it for me to travel down and compete against the best of the best ,in my limited finical budget,in my second show, and not be in top conditioning.

On the other hand, I know if I do this it'll make me a better person and competitor, a whats the worst possible thing that could happen when I compete ? I get embarrassed because I'm not in shape and people talk about that guy that didn't belong on stage. It can only make me a better person if I do this show. I know this is a bit of a fantasy ,I wish I could go into the future and this show was over and I could be on my way to a nice and lean offseason, where I can train hard and heavy and my shoulder feels fantastic.

I still have two weeks and four days and I still have a nice pinch of body fat. especially when sitting in a chair. I am in no way ripped, Lean ,yes, ripped not in my view. I guess I will just have to keep my options open.

hopefully my body burns off the rest of my body fat at a rapid rate, I have heard stories of guys not seeing striations until three days out when they thought they failed, it all came into play. That is wishful thinking though, while it is possible , generally for me slow and steady is how things work for me.(please God help it work that way for me this time around) =)

It has been really rainy and cloudy here and the weather looks to be that way for a while so the next sunny day Ill post a video
John Smeton

John Smeton

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any update pics? you must be looking real good this close to the show.
there's a video a page or two back done two weeks ago

For a bodybuilding competitor I am not in "showing conditioning" in my opinion


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your body will look entirely different after the sodium loading 2 weeks out and then the sodium depletion 1 week out and carb load the last couple days before you step on stage. should make you dry as a bone. maybe up the cardio a bit or drop the carbs and cals? right now i'm pretty much eating nothing but fish and chicken, but mainly fish(tilapia and tuna) since they are so low in cals. 12 days to go baby! WOOT!!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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your body will look entirely different after the sodium loading 2 weeks out and then the sodium depletion 1 week out and carb load the last couple days before you step on stage. should make you dry as a bone. maybe up the cardio a bit or drop the carbs and cals? right now i'm pretty much eating nothing but fish and chicken, but mainly fish(tilapia and tuna) since they are so low in cals. 12 days to go baby! WOOT!!
awesome. Good luck in your show.

what show are you doing?

yeah carb depleting/loading works if you are already in the "ripped" catagorie meaning looking like you belong on stage.

if you really are just lean and not ripped it may work , not nearly as good though


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awesome. Good luck in your show.

what show are you doing?

yeah carb depleting/loading works if you are already in the "ripped" catagorie meaning looking like you belong on stage.

if you really are just lean and not ripped it may work , not nearly as good though
thanks man. the AZ NPC Western Regional


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I am having thoughts/feelings of second doubts of doing this show. For me right now this whole show is stretching my budget . I have been thinking maybe I just better wait untill next year and do the NGA Nashville show, then the Florida show. I mean this all costs a pretty penny-motel two nights-$130.00, plane ticket round trip $350, plus everything else and I want to look my best if I am doing the biggest show of the NGA this year.

The big challenge is that I wont come in lean enough. That was my situation last year. I am staying lean off season from now on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im doing much better than last year however is it really worth it for me to travel down and compete against the best of the best ,in my limited finical budget,in my second show, and not be in top conditioning.

On the other hand, I know if I do this it'll make me a better person and competitor, a whats the worst possible thing that could happen when I compete ? I get embarrassed because I'm not in shape and people talk about that guy that didn't belong on stage. It can only make me a better person if I do this show. I know this is a bit of a fantasy ,I wish I could go into the future and this show was over and I could be on my way to a nice and lean offseason, where I can train hard and heavy and my shoulder feels fantastic.

I still have two weeks and four days and I still have a nice pinch of body fat. especially when sitting in a chair. I am in no way ripped, Lean ,yes, ripped not in my view. I guess I will just have to keep my options open.

hopefully my body burns off the rest of my body fat at a rapid rate, I have heard stories of guys not seeing striations until three days out when they thought they failed, it all came into play. That is wishful thinking though, while it is possible , generally for me slow and steady is how things work for me.(please God help it work that way for me this time around) =)

It has been really rainy and cloudy here and the weather looks to be that way for a while so the next sunny day Ill post a video

First...if you dont compete...take all the money you would have spent and put it aside. If this is a financial obstacle I understand and you need to plan around it...budget it...then when the time comes next year...try and compete 2 or 3 times with the saved up funds.

If this is fear of not coming in at your best....I personally am this way. I competed too many times unprepared in the past(b/c of my impatience, immaturity, and temper) in martial arts and wrestling and suffered the consequences. Now with powerlifting and martial arts I am putting alot more time into my prep so I dont make the same mistakes.

If you do compete, you really need to start dispelling every doubt. Your very close and at this point you need to have that caged tiger mentality b/c it gets very grueling from here on out.

I really have all the faith you can pull out an excellent phsyique in the coming weeks but this is ur competition. The nerves are normal, but u gotta use them to build yourself.

I really wanna see you compete...but you need to do whats best for you. This is your BB career so be wise. If extra comp will add to ur experience level.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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First...if you dont compete...take all the money you would have spent and put it aside. If this is a financial obstacle I understand and you need to plan around it...budget it...then when the time comes next year...try and compete 2 or 3 times with the saved up funds.

If this is fear of not coming in at your best....I personally am this way. I competed too many times unprepared in the past(b/c of my impatience, immaturity, and temper) in martial arts and wrestling and suffered the consequences. Now with powerlifting and martial arts I am putting alot more time into my prep so I dont make the same mistakes.

If you do compete, you really need to start dispelling every doubt. Your very close and at this point you need to have that caged tiger mentality b/c it gets very grueling from here on out.

I really have all the faith you can pull out an excellent phsyique in the coming weeks but this is ur competition. The nerves are normal, but u gotta use them to build yourself.

I really wanna see you compete...but you need to do whats best for you. This is your BB career so be wise. If extra comp will add to ur experience level.
Thanks for the sound advice on your martial arts experience Andre.

I am having my doubts right now doing this show . Just got done posing and Looking into the mirror I could be much sharper and want to come in looking my best especially for the biggest show of the NGA.

I have the money but it is still is pushing it budget wise , its a lot of money to me in my life, at this time.I am reasoning I need to be in shape and am basically wasting my money if I am not in tip top conditioning or close to it

if I am not in shape I was thinking the same thing of doing two shows next year(hopefully they are close together) that way Ill be more $$ secure coming into my next show or maybe shows. if Im not in top conditioning and if I'm not on my game I'm going to get knocked out plain and simple

Temporary failure is only temporary. I like this quote by Napoleon Hill:

Effort: if you try and fail make another effort, and still another until you succeed.

I also like the quote a quitter never wins and a winner never quits but I don't think it applies here because I am eventually going for the win.

It is possible I am psyching myself out, the eyes tell the truth when one is looking into the mirror. Ill post a video as soon as we get some sun here in TN

sometimes you have to wait for your glory


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Pro's for taking time off that I can see:

Well if you take this year as a long prep. Literally dont stop cutting till u see the striations you wanna see, then lean bulk while keeping body fat to a BARE minimum. Practice getting your stage look down pat. Practice contest prep, and take your posing routine to a higher level I dont see how this is a bad thing.

If anything you would be taking the time to learn how to be in tip top condition. Learning how to deplete your self then LOAD so that your muscle look full. Dehydrating yourself to the point of that chizzled look and not a depleted look. These are things you could master.

Also this give you time to nurse ur injury back to health so you can add more mass to your frame.


Taking the time off can make you become lazy. You can allow yourself to lose focus till it's too late. Sometimes based on the person, they cant allow themselves too much time off and must stay active between competitions.

There are some if there is no pressure, they lose drive. You have to know what kind of person you are and what drives you so that you always accomplish bigger and better things.

BUT....all that being said...I will say this: You will rarely feel 100% ready a couple weeks out(im guessing this is true for bodybuilding as its true for my martial arts experience). You will always feel like you need more time. You have to be able to know your limits, know your progress curve, and make a calculated decision. According to the Art of War there are 5 essentials for victory:

1) He who will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight
2) He who will win who know how to handle both inferior and superior forces
3) He who will win whos army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks
4) He will win who prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared
5) He will win who has the military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign

This can be applied to many aspects of life...including bodybuilding.

I really want you to compete...but more so I want you to win. No war was won by having all the soldiers die for their country.

I eagerly await your progress video....(I promise to be as brutally honest as possible so as not tear you down or give you false hopes but to do my best to critique so you can win)


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press on dude :) what you're doing is very mental. maybe you're burning out a bit....go do something to clear your head. walk in the woods or ride a bike and think. then get back and kill it :)


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Yah if you're behind in you're conditioning it may be time to look at more drastic measures. I used the Grapefruit and beef diet of Snags the last couple weeks. Nothing but about 5 meals a day of lean beef and Grapefruit. You can increase your cardio as well, I have been up to 10 hours a week to get lean. I think 14 hours could be done 1 hour am and 1 PM ed...


Never enough
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Yah if you're behind in you're conditioning it may be time to look at more drastic measures. I used the Grapefruit and beef diet of Snags the last couple weeks. Nothing but about 5 meals a day of lean beef and Grapefruit. You can increase your cardio as well, I have been up to 10 hours a week to get lean. I think 14 hours could be done 1 hour am and 1 PM ed...
lord, that sounds terrible


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lord, that sounds terrible
You know the saying desparate times call for desparate measures. This is pretty much what contest prep always ends up being. There is always misery involved it's just a matter of how much.

My next prep I'm not fuggin around, standard contest prep for me next time, squeeky clean high protein low carbs and fairly low fat with tons of vegtables. Makes my stomach turn just thinking about it. It gets the job done though.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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You know the saying desparate times call for desparate measures. This is pretty much what contest prep always ends up being. There is always misery involved it's just a matter of how much.
I'll agree with that. Look at the week before my competition - that was a desperate attempt at rectifying not doing everything right re nutrition up until then!

John, you've been doing this right the ENTIRE time. I understand the fear of not coming in lean enough - and yes, I am aware that it is different re Bodybuilding and Figure - and if you know that you do not have enough time to get to the leanness you need to be, then there is nothing wrong with postponing competition. But, if you decide that you're going to surge ahead and compete this year, then I have every confidence that you WILL come in with the conditioning you desire.


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I'll agree with that. Look at the week before my competition - that was a desperate attempt at rectifying not doing everything right re nutrition up until then!

John, you've been doing this right the ENTIRE time. I understand the fear of not coming in lean enough - and yes, I am aware that it is different re Bodybuilding and Figure - and if you know that you do not have enough time to get to the leanness you need to be, then there is nothing wrong with postponing competition. But, if you decide that you're going to surge ahead and compete this year, then I have every confidence that you WILL come in with the conditioning you desire.
Yes and if you decide to forge ahead then make a mental decision to put yourself through the grinder... If this was easy everybody would do it. It's this ability to push through the pain that sets us apart from other people. Feel the fury John!! Feel the fury!!

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