My contest preparation log using a whole bunch of Anabolic Innovations products



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john, drive down here to Biloxi (what, like 8hours) some golf with me, hit the oldschool powerlifting gym w/ me and my 250lb/10% buddy Doug, and you'll be remotivated in no time :)
i am kinda kidding and i know this is a very serious situation...of course deep down i wish you the very best :)
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Thanks for the kind words every one, very much appreciated and glad I have friends that help me and like me for me and not just because I body build. I hope I can be of support in time of an important decisions to each and every one of you.

Only time will tell how it turns out. I am for sure keeping up the whole contest preparation training , cardio, nutrition, etc

time to go see my Orthopedic


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John dieting like this will play with hormone levels and we start to feel insecure, it's a real roller coaster ride. Some extra estrogen control may be helpfull lol

That being said you are behind and it's going to be a fight. Like I said drastic measures time!! C'man this is what it's all about "The six inches in front of your face!!" Ah it's times like this you know you are alive!! These are the tests that take us to higher levels... Compete or not, fight like a son of a whore and at least you know you tried!!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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John dieting like this will play with hormone levels and we start to feel insecure, it's a real roller coaster ride. Some extra estrogen control may be helpfull lol

That being said you are behind and it's going to be a fight. Like I said drastic measures time!! C'man this is what it's all about "The six inches in front of your face!!" Ah it's times like this you know you are alive!! These are the tests that take us to higher levels... Compete or not, fight like a son of a whore and at least you know you tried!!
lol @ compete like a son of a whore.

okay while this is not my preferred way of doing things I am doing drastic measures.

lesson learned: don't get like a fat pig in the off season; stay lean. I honestly hate guesstimating body fat numbers, without having pictures,and going off logic, no more than 12 % for a man off season if hes serious about competing
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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lesson learned: don't get like a fat pig in the off season; stay lean...
You think like me - which is why I am going to aim for maintaining 8-9% bodyfat once I get back down below 9%.


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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I could be wrong, isn't that a little low even for a fitness/bikini competitor to maintain year round?
Yes, but I'm doing what feels and works right for my body. I've done the 12-15% bodyfat (when I was younger and cycling, and when I've been forced to take time off training), and the 8-10% bodyfat (once I stopped cycling), but as I've gotten older, things have changed and now anything over 9.5% bodyfat and I feel obese (yes, I know I have issues, LOL). Got to do what's right for the individual, and I'm doing this for me; no one else. 8-9% is low for a female, but it IS maintainable (I'll probably end up maintaining ~8.5-8.7% bodyfat) - maintaining below 8% bodyfat though, is not realistic. Besides, I'm NOT looking to add more mass, but to maintain what I currently have, and as my nutrition and training is pretty much a perpetual recomp, if any gains re mass come, then it doesn't matter how slow or small they are.


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Yes, but I'm doing what feels and works right for my body. I've done the 12-15% bodyfat (when I was younger and cycling, and when I've been forced to take time off training), and the 8-10% bodyfat (once I stopped cycling), but as I've gotten older, things have changed and now anything over 9.5% bodyfat and I feel obese (yes, I know I have issues, LOL). Got to do what's right for the individual, and I'm doing this for me; no one else. 8-9% is low for a female, but it IS maintainable (I'll probably end up maintaining ~8.5-8.7% bodyfat) - maintaining below 8% bodyfat though, is not realistic. Besides, I'm NOT looking to add more mass, but to maintain what I currently have, and as my nutrition and training is pretty much a perpetual recomp, if any gains re mass come, then it doesn't matter how slow or small they are.
Gotta let Rosie be Rosie... your definitely unconventional but you make it work for you. Damn I don't think I've seen a figure model get to 8% then the shows I've seen there was not a large showing.


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lol @ compete like a son of a whore.

okay while this is not my preferred way of doing things I am doing drastic measures.

lesson learned: don't get like a fat pig in the off season; stay lean. I honestly hate guesstimating body fat numbers, without having pictures,and going off logic, no more than 12 % for a man off season if hes serious about competing
Sooner or later you have bite the bullet. Not everyone can stay very lean in the off season. We just have to prep longer and harder. I try to stay down but usually drift up close to 15% which is pretty lean for me actually. I want to stay between 10-12%. I just have ot recomp back down before I start my true prep.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Sooner or later you have bite the bullet. Not everyone can stay very lean in the off season. We just have to prep longer and harder. I try to stay down but usually drift up close to 15% which is pretty lean for me actually. I want to stay between 10-12%. I just have ot recomp back down before I start my true prep.
Just to clarify I did not mean stay ripped year round,just lean.

Well from now on I can make a conscious effort to stay no more than 12 %.Ideally maybe 8-12. Again i hate numbers and would much rather post pictures but for the sake of numbers...I don't mean staying 5-8 % , some guys do that and add very little muscle from show to show, I am currently under the opinion for a male bodybuilder to make big gains between shows he must add at least some body fat, just keeping it "lean", not ripped, lean. From a on stage perspective the less bodyfat one has year round, the tighter the skin is, the easier the preparation is, and the healthier one is.


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Just to clarify I did not mean stay ripped year round,just lean.

Well from now on I can make a conscious effort to stay no more than 12 %.Ideally maybe 8-12. Again i hate numbers and would much rather post pictures but for the sake of numbers...I don't mean staying 5-8 % , some guys do that and add very little muscle from show to show, I am currently under the opinion for a male bodybuilder to make big gains between shows he must add at least some body fat, just keeping it "lean", not ripped, lean. From a on stage perspective the less bodyfat one has year round, the tighter the skin is, the easier the preparation is, and the healthier one is.
Yah the first thing to avoid for endo's is any kind of straight bulking, we should be on permanent recomp, we can still add muscle without having to add a lot of weight. There is a massive whiplash effect weight wise after a contest this storm must be weathered as well.

Conventional bodybuilding eatiing methods don't seem to be the best idea for most endo's about 4 meals a day seems to be sufficient and we have less tendancy to overeat.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 25th 2010

300 P
185 CHO
30 F
2,210 calories

45 minutes high and hard/medium interval cardio

Shoulders, biceps and triceps superset, forearms posing 15 minutes

Nautilus Overhead press
200 lbs=11x's
Nautilus seated side lateral
Rope pull to face

biceps and triceps superset
seated dumb bell curl 45lbs=8x's
nautilus extension machine
140lbs=8x's(1 partial)

overhand curl on preacher bench

Sleep eight -none hours

Hghpro-four before bed
Recoverpro-one scoop pre-cardio
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Stoked-four capsules
Cycle support-two scoops
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 26th 2010

325 P
200 CHO
20 F

Quads first thing upon awaking, calves and hams in the pm with cardio

Bodymaster leg extension machine
Hack squat
315(or three plates per side)=10x's
barbell squat(close stance for outer sweep, and yes I do swear by close stance and outer sweep as when I first started I used to do close stance squats all the time and well I have a good sweep)

Calves, Hamstrings, cardio
Donkey Calve raises
Standing calve raise

Lying leg curl +3(technique from Dante)= 13x's
Lying leg curl

eight hours

Hghpro-four before bed
Recoverpro-one scoop pre-am workout
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Stoked-four capsules
Cycle support-two scoops
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Gotta let Rosie be Rosie... your definitely unconventional but you make it work for you. Damn I don't think I've seen a figure model get to 8% then the shows I've seen there was not a large showing.
Definitely :)

If by "Figure model" you mean a Figure competitor, then yes, plenty get to 8% bodyfat - maybe not in Federations like the INBF, WNSO, and FAME, but in the NPC, definitely - and the Professionals most certainly do, especially if they do a lot of photoshoots, etc.


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October 26th 2010

325 P
200 CHO
20 F

Quads first thing upon awaking, calves and hams in the pm with cardio

Bodymaster leg extension machine
Hack squat
315(or three plates per side)=10x's
barbell squat(close stance for outer sweep, and yes I do swear by close stance and outer sweep as when I first started I used to do close stance squats all the time and well I have a good sweep)

Calves, Hamstrings, cardio
Donkey Calve raises
Standing calve raise

Lying leg curl +3(technique from Dante)= 13x's
Lying leg curl

eight hours

Hghpro-four before bed
Recoverpro-one scoop pre-am workout
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Stoked-four capsules
Cycle support-two scoops
Nice job John.:)


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Great work John.. Starting crossing off the days in the calendar yet mate?
John Smeton

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As you can see I am really not that strong ,and strength has gone down and some lifts and up on others from when I started this contest preparation, and I have backed off intensity due to any more injury avoidance. I used to lift heavier when I was younger, and wasn't concerned with bodybuilding, now I am concerned with how I look and injury prevention and weight is really no concern , if I get a huge back using less weight and avoid injury by all means that my way of doing things.

Big guys come up to me and say you must be benching 500 lbs huh? My answer:I don't even bench press. I know a ton of guys who are much stronger, yet smaller. When they find out some of the weight I use they ask how in the hell could I be as big as I am with using so not so heavy weights.

My point is do what works for you and if your getting results and tend to get injured using heavy weights, even if you can move them, but tend to get hurt because of improper form, stick with what feels best, not how heavy you can go.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Great work John.. Starting crossing off the days in the calendar yet mate?
yeah mate I'm putting in the work that's for sure. we will see.Right now I am leaning toward not doing my competition, saving my money and using it more wisely for next year, however that could change.


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Tough call, but I'm sure you'll know what makes sense for you and if you don't go for it, it's been one hell of a dry run!


Never enough
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yeah mate I'm putting in the work that's for sure. we will see.Right now I am leaning toward not doing my competition, saving my money and using it more wisely for next year, however that could change.
I'd think that even if you don't go, following thru as if you were going, getting down to onstage leanness, and getting someone to help you take pictures would still be worthwhile.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 27th 2010

450P (I ate all low-fat fish as meals,whitening, tilipa, seasoning makes a big difference)
110 CHO
0 F

Cardio 45 minutes high intensity /interval

Nautilus ab machine
80lbs= 20,20,20
Captains chair(knee ups_
extra neck work
25lbs=12x's, 25lbs=10x's, 30lbs=6x's
Right rear delt bent over db raises
25lbs=10x's, 25lbs=10x's, 30lbs=10x's

posing 15 minutes

Sleep-could not sleep at all,I'm thinking it was lack of carbs, I ended up getting sleep though just at a later time

Hghpro-four pre bed
Recoverpro-one scoops pre cardio
Stoked-four capsules
Cycle support-two scoops

*on a side note 40 grams glutamine (the new ajopure brand-good stuff) really helped me with my energy, food craving, helping my muscle stay full from lack of carbs
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I'd think that even if you don't go, following thru as if you were going, getting down to onstage leanness, and getting someone to help you take pictures would still be worthwhile.
I am thinking of hiring a local photographer around here. Good idea and Thank you Eric ,even though I already thought of it

nice intuitive thoughtfulness


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As you can see I am really not that strong ,and strength has gone down and some lifts and up on others from when I started this contest preparation, and I have backed off intensity due to any more injury avoidance. I used to lift heavier when I was younger, and wasn't concerned with bodybuilding, now I am concerned with how I look and injury prevention and weight is really no concern , if I get a huge back using less weight and avoid injury by all means that my way of doing things.

Big guys come up to me and say you must be benching 500 lbs huh? My answer:I don't even bench press. I know a ton of guys who are much stronger, yet smaller. When they find out some of the weight I use they ask how in the hell could I be as big as I am with using so not so heavy weights.

My point is do what works for you and if your getting results and tend to get injured using heavy weights, even if you can move them, but tend to get hurt because of improper form, stick with what feels best, not how heavy you can go.
This is very good advice.


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Yah I think you made a good choice in how you're going about this as well. As long as you are still able to let the threat of being on stage fuel you, I find it's great motivation. lol


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Great job thus far John.

I wish you the best, whichever route you choose.

This thread makes me hungry just reading through it.

I dont think I could suffer this dieting you people put yourselves through.

You and me both. I just don't have that type of discipline.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 28th 2010

255 P
400 CHO
30 F
2,900-3,000 (I got up and was starving overnight and unconsciously ate 2 % cheese until I woke up and found it by my bed , then remember a foggy bit)

Cardio 30 minutes first thing upon awaking 30 minutes jog 2.5 miles

Back,traps, and another 30 minute jog on treadmill

*tasking it easy not going past failure and sometimes not even to failure, maybe sometimes cutting it short 1-2 reps to failure* form is very precise as I know how
Back width
Underhand grip pulldown
shoulder width d handle pulldown
170lbs=8x's( 2 partials)
170lbs=7x's(1 partial)

close grip Cable row
Bent over dumb bell row
nautilus row machine(one arm at a time)
170lbs=10x's, 200lbs=12x's

behind the neach smith shrug/upright row(Lee Haney's preferred way)
Seated dumb bell shrug

cardio 30 minute jog on treadmill next to a hottie, =)

sleep ten hours-I slept so good from the carbs

Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
Recoverpro one scoop pre cardio
Stoked-four capsules
cycle support-two scoops
Four glycobols with carb up meals(esp the refined carbs)
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 29th 2010

305 P
30 F
2,100 (and probably an extra 200 because I got up at night and ate 2 % cheese)

Abs, biceps and triceps supersets, forearms, calves

ring of fire back four two times
Crunches 15,15,15
decline leg ups 10,10,10

Biceps and triceps supersets
tricep rope extensions(rope apart-works triceps more independently) 130lbs=12, 150lbs=7x's
suprine preacher curl 35lbs=7x's, 30lbs=8x's

Behind the head dumb bell extension 35lbs=6x's, 30lbs=10x's
nautilus preacher curl 130lbs=10x's, 130lbs=10x's

one arm D handle tricep extension supersetted with one arm reverse rope tri extension
40lbs=14 than 4
reverse ez bar preacher curl 65lbs=10x's

Larry scott hipes lower than arms dumb bell curl

seated calve raise
standing calve raise

sleep-ten hours

recoverPro-one scoop pre workout
Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
stoked-four capsules
Hghpro-four capsules
Cycle suuport-two scoops


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You too John, pumpkins are carved and ready to be lit, piles of sweets at the ready for when the neighbourhood's little treasures come knocking... Large dog on a big chain at the ready for anyone opting for a trick rather than sweets, could try balancing sweets on dogs nose for a little added excitement


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Pictures of the dog or it didn't happen! ;) Hope you all had a happy Halloween. John, I can not remember ever waking up and eating. That is pretty funny. Then again you do sometimes have a shake or something middle of the night to prevent catabolism too right so I can see how you might autopilot to the fridge.


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For me it is not so much the eating if I wake up but I must drink some that is cold. I try to keep some cold water or fruit juice in the refrigerator at all times. 10 hours sleep damn I can't remember how long it has been since I have got 10 hrs in.:(
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Pictures of the dog or it didn't happen! ;) Hope you all had a happy Halloween. John, I can not remember ever waking up and eating. That is pretty funny. Then again you do sometimes have a shake or something middle of the night to prevent catabolism too right so I can see how you might autopilot to the fridge.
its possible its a semi-habit. Years ago I used to set my clocl to wake me up so I could eat. Last night at 4:00 am I got up and ate a shake with 50 carbs(fiber one cereal) for some reason i was half asleep and thought it was meal time. Then I became more conscious and wondered why i ate carbs at night.

For me it is not so much the eating if I wake up but I must drink some that is cold. I try to keep some cold water or fruit juice in the refrigerator at all times. 10 hours sleep damn I can't remember how long it has been since I have got 10 hrs in.:(
The Hghpro is making sleep more growth hormone friendly on these low calories and that gh feeling is real nice after I wake up in the morning. I like to think I have learned to feel whether I got good sleep or not when I wake up and if I got maximum gh release.


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its possible its a semi-habit. Years ago I used to set my clocl to wake me up so I could eat. Last night at 4:00 am I got up and ate a shake with 50 carbs(fiber one cereal) for some reason i was half asleep and thought it was meal time. Then I became more conscious and wondered why i ate carbs at night.

The Hghpro is making sleep more growth hormone friendly on these low calories and that gh feeling is real nice after I wake up in the morning. I like to think I have learned to feel whether I got good sleep or not when I wake up and if I got maximum gh release.
That is what I love about HGHpro. I can get 7 hours and feel like a million bucks.:)


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I have been trying to use the Lean Gains approach to dieting recently although he keeps the actual meat of the lay out closely gaurded. One thing I do like about it is that it is optimum for GH release. I eat between the hours of 11:30AM and 7:30PM, Istill get same amount of calories in but about 50-70% of the cals in the first meal then the rest split between the next two. This allow for all morning to be a fast so I can boost my GH then, and also keeps me from eating later so I can have my GH products before I go to bed some time around 9-930. Not a bad deal. I am not exacly sure what i think of this yet but it is easier as far as not having to do 6 meals a day. I also get to eat some not so clean foods as well. Unfortunately I don't have enough info to do it they way he has people do it until his book comes out. However some of theprinciples are the same as the Warrior diet and some are different. You should check out, just to see the info even if not something you want to try. He has lots of science backing it. I don't think it is the end all be all of dieting but I may be wrong. However it takes a lot of the annoyance out of it. You do still have to count cals though but only 3 times a day.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I have been trying to use the Lean Gains approach to dieting recently although he keeps the actual meat of the lay out closely gaurded. One thing I do like about it is that it is optimum for GH release. I eat between the hours of 11:30AM and 7:30PM, Istill get same amount of calories in but about 50-70% of the cals in the first meal then the rest split between the next two. This allow for all morning to be a fast so I can boost my GH then, and also keeps me from eating later so I can have my GH products before I go to bed some time around 9-930. Not a bad deal. I am not exacly sure what i think of this yet but it is easier as far as not having to do 6 meals a day. I also get to eat some not so clean foods as well. Unfortunately I don't have enough info to do it they way he has people do it until his book comes out. However some of theprinciples are the same as the Warrior diet and some are different. You should check out, just to see the info even if not something you want to try. He has lots of science backing it. I don't think it is the end all be all of dieting but I may be wrong. However it takes a lot of the annoyance out of it. You do still have to count cals though but only 3 times a day.
I am open minded.most likely some good pointers I can use. Thanks
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 30th 2010

370 P
160 C
10 F
2,220 calories

cardio 30 minutes run, posing 15 minutes in evening

sleep eight hours

recoverPro-two scoops one pre cardio and another between meals
stoked-four capsules
Hghpro-four capsules
Cycle suuport-two scoops
John Smeton

John Smeton

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October 31st 2010

315 P
130 CHO
35 F
2,100 calories

cardio 30 minute steady pace jog

sleep seven-eight hours

recoverPro-one scoop pre cardio
stoked-four capsules
Hghpro-four capsules
Cycle suuport-two scoops


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Pictures of the dog or it didn't happen! ;)

Dog managed to eat two "fun size" mars before giving up on the balance on nose trick :lol: had to stick with opening door with barking dog in one hand and sweets in the other, which was only deployed when trick or treaters were teenagers... Still pretty effective!! ;) no pics unfortunately but happy to supply pic of dog...


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October 31st 2010

315 P
130 CHO
35 F
2,100 calories

cardio 30 minute steady pace jog

sleep seven-eight hours

recoverPro-one scoop pre cardio
stoked-four capsules
Hghpro-four capsules
Cycle suuport-two scoops
Bad night John LOL.:)
John Smeton

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Bad night John LOL.:)
Nope, been forcing myself to get up. Certain times I need more and certain times less. strange how it works.

The Hghpro is in full effect as I am on bottle two. From my research into HGHpro a person starts really seeing the benefits in weeks 3-4, one big effect is fuller muscles, for the best effects it shines in weeks four and after.
John Smeton

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November 1st 2010

340 P
225 CHO
10 F
2,350 calories

Am and Pm training

AM Chest,cardio
Nautilus pec Dec
high cable crossover
low bottom cable crossover

cardio 15 minutes treadmill

PM abs, triceps +biceps supersets, forearms, cardio
Ring O fire-back four two times each
crunches 15,15,15
decline leg ups 10,12,10

biceps and triceps

overhead rope extension (rope apart not together works tris better)150lbs=10x's,10x's
suprine preacher curl 30lbs=10, 10

one arm dumb bell behind the head
35=6x's( strength has gone down, I was doing this 10 x's easy, O well),30lbs=10x's
standing cable curl(close-bar)
100lbs=12 x's, 100lbs=12x's

Reverse forearm curl(Larry Scott setup,hips lower than arms)

cardio 15 mins elliptical

sleep seven hours-had to get up

Essentials and joint-three scoops post workout
RecoverPro-one scoop pre cardio
Stoked- thee capsules
Hghpro- four capsules before bed
cycle suuport-two scoops

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