KLEEN's Quest for PRIME! A transformation contest log.



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put up the family guy version, never seen that???
Apparently there is a South Park version too lol. The Family Guy version on this clip doesn't really show enough to be funny, but I assure you it's pretty good



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Holy crap this just got... UHM... interesting...

Uh that would be a funny bet, but no way I am putting on a maids outfit for anyone but my wife.

WAIT... WHAT!?!?!

I had a good day yesterday. My macros came out pretty good but man oh man did I have too much salt. The goal was 300p, 350-400c, and 75 grams fat. Was kind of an aggressive build day. This week I increased cals just a bit and then increased Saturdays more substantially. I did lower my low days a little to compensate for the increase during the week. Either way I woke up this morning at 211.5 the extra sodium brought on a little water, that and the lack of EPI-V in my system. I will get the water cleaned up tonight more than likely and then take my pics in the AM. If not you can just see the results of having a bulk week, which should be more muscle and a little extra water.

My workout from yesterday. Well Jo was not able to go and I ended up going later I had to be at the gym when too busy for my circuit training. The back of my leg is still a little bitchy from twisting my knee pretty bad last year. When I hit them too hard to quickly it acts up. I am having to work them back into some intensity so I gave my legs the day off and just did some upper body. I figured since I am feeling much better in the elbows not perfect but better I would do an isolation exercise for each major body part then do 2 high rep low weight sets on a compound movement for the same group. I have to say this worked really well for me.

Cybex Pullover Machine - 87.5x15, 125x12, 137.5x12, 150x10 > 75x10
Hammer Strength Isolateral Wide Grip Lat Pull - 70lbs per side x20 x2 sets

Cybex Fly - 62.5x15, 100x15, 125x12, 125x9 > 75x6
Hammer Strength Isolateral Decline Chest Press - 70lbs per side x20 x2 sets

Cybex Lateral Raise Machine - 87.5x15, 112.5x12, 112.5x12, 112.5x12 > 62.5x6
Nautilus Over Head Press (Close Grip) 155x20, 140x11
Reverse Fly Machine - 80x20, 80x15

Super Set Arms
Alternating DB Curl - 20x15, 20x15
Close Grip (Triceps) Push Ups - 20, 20


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Haha awesome lifts brother, and I heard by Jeff that you have already tried the maid thing several times back in the day!!! lol jk


Those pullover machines were pretty much the only thing I could do when my left elbow was royally effed up earlier this year, total lifesaver. Still a good lat/pec move, still incorporate them or DB pullovers at the end of back days simply for the stretch


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Don't talk to me about water, I ran hills yesterday and what to I do but guzzle a litre of water just before pics, now you can tell by my biceps that I have dropped about a percentage but the water has my back pretty washed out. Oh well the guns are blazin again... :)


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Well this morning I did not take my pics, I woke up a bit late and didn't have time. I did however take my body fat and weighed myself. As I mentioned before I decide early on in the week to increase my calories this week. I also knew this weekend would be a pretty big food weekend so I planned a full on carb up. Well the results were a lot of weight on the scale, a little spill over on my body but my body fat is down to 8.8 and this time that was the highest reading I got. Lucky for me calipers can't pinch water.

So according to the scale I am 216 lbs this morning like I said that is a major gain for the whole week but the last 4 lbs were this weekend and the carb up. Lets do the math on LBM though, obviously this will be inflate some by excess water but here is how the math works.

I started the week at 206.33 and 9.1% LBM 187.5, Fat 18.8 as of this morning 216 8.8% LBM 197, Fat 19.
That is a gain of 10 lbs LBM, granted a good amount is water you can rest assure there is new muscle too. I am swole the fug up!

Haha awesome lifts brother, and I heard by Jeff that you have already tried the maid thing several times back in the day!!! lol jk
NO, you misunderstood. He has tried to get me to wear the maid things several times... I still have nightmare about what he wanted me to do with that Swiffer... Jeffrey has been a dirty boy hasn't he???

Those pullover machines were pretty much the only thing I could do when my left elbow was royally effed up earlier this year, total lifesaver. Still a good lat/pec move, still incorporate them or DB pullovers at the end of back days simply for the stretch
Yeah they are great and overlooked as a truly full range of motion exercise they go from a pull down motion all the way through to a rowing motion. This is actually one of the pieces of equipment I would want in my garage gym. The Icaarian True Squat (face in and out), Hammer Strength Horizontal Chest Press, Pull Over Machine and my Power Rack w/ adjustable bench, a 125lb power block set, and I would be in heaven.

Don't talk to me about water, I ran hills yesterday and what to I do but guzzle a litre of water just before pics, now you can tell by my biceps that I have dropped about a percentage but the water has my back pretty washed out. Oh well the guns are blazin again... :)
Ha trust me I know all about water. I am holding some serious water right now.


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Wow man those changes are sure to show! Nice work this week!


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[email protected]% is NICE Kleen! Can't wait to see the next pics, since your last ones really started to show serious progress.


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[email protected]% is NICE Kleen! Can't wait to see the next pics, since your last ones really started to show serious progress.
Yeah I am curious myself like I said some of that is water and can be seen under my skin, just lucky for me you can not pinch the water in the calipers or I would have gotten a higher reading. I may not look as lean in these pics tonight because of the extra water but we shall see. I kept things low carb today to allow some of the water to recede.


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I started the week at 206.33 and 9.1% LBM 187.5, Fat 18.8 as of this morning 216 8.8% LBM 197, Fat 19.
That is a gain of 10 lbs LBM, granted a good amount is water you can rest assure there is new muscle too. I am swole the fug up!
Pictures or your full of $hit!!!


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WOW! Dude those calves look amazing!! And I'm not kidding , your legs and arms are massive!. What I'm impressed about , is that even though u gained a lot , core looks even LEANER! Damn man! Talk about LBM!! 1st place what!? hahaha dude get ready for some male-maids at your house! because you are bringing the house DOWN!


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WOW! Dude those calves look amazing!! And I'm not kidding , your legs and arms are massive!. What I'm impressed about , is that even though u gained a lot , core looks even LEANER! Damn man! Talk about LBM!! 1st place what!? hahaha dude get ready for some male-maids at your house! because you are bringing the house DOWN!
Looking good bro deff see a big change
Thanks Gentlemen, lets see how I rate amongst the others when the pics come out in the main thread.


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God Kleen I was going to post my update pics but I'm afraid to know lol. You are so freaking massive and yet so lean. I'm still in the chub club so my pics are gonna be like blimps lol. Good job bro and you def earned it.


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Wow Kleen! I'm amazed seriously. You can see that you have gotten leaner, water or not, and now you look bigger than your last pics. That is a huge double win right there. I'm not saying that you have my vote yet this week, but I am saying that the others have a lot to compete with for a chance at the top spot this week. Very nice man! :thumbsup:


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Damn bro, nice work! That middle front flex pic is looking like some definite change in the arms and chest! All around beast mode, can't wait to see this week when the sh1t really kicks in if this is a preview of whats to come!


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Looking good Bro, I was proud of my picts and then you pull this $hit! In the words of the Wicked Witch of the West from "Wizard of Oz" I'll get you my pretty and your little Dog too!!!


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Wow I can't even get that big ... not on what I am using ... out of range for me in 6 weeks. Al is the only one that can catch you now.


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Kleen how'd you download your pics? I tried last night doing the normal way I do, with manage your attachements, and it keeps saying error on page, no matter what cp I use.


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Kleen how'd you download your pics? I tried last night doing the normal way I do, with manage your attachements, and it keeps saying error on page, no matter what cp I use.
I was informed that way Is the outdated way, now there is an add image icon in the toolbar above where you type.


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I am catching you brother. Only difference is your F'ng leaner than I am. LMFAO
Wow Kleen! I'm amazed seriously. You can see that you have gotten leaner, water or not, and now you look bigger than your last pics. That is a huge double win right there. I'm not saying that you have my vote yet this week, but I am saying that the others have a lot to compete with for a chance at the top spot this week. Very nice man! :thumbsup:
Thanks! I definitely added some nice bulk, my back is leaner and more defined. I am down 2.5 lbs from yesterday though, just lots of water flushing off. This week I should do more shredding and see what sticks.
Damn bro, nice work! That middle front flex pic is looking like some definite change in the arms and chest! All around beast mode, can't wait to see this week when the sh1t really kicks in if this is a preview of whats to come!
Thanks! Yeah my chest is coming up big time and my arms are looking big in that pic for sure.
Looking good Bro, I was proud of my picts and then you pull this $hit! In the words of the Wicked Witch of the West from "Wizard of Oz" I'll get you my pretty and your little Dog too!!!
Man you made a big transformation this week. I have to step up my cut game now.

Wow I can't even get that big ... not on what I am using ... out of range for me in 6 weeks. Al is the only one that can catch you now.
Yeah not sure how much will stick around after I continue to flush this week.

Kleen how'd you download your pics? I tried last night doing the normal way I do, with manage your attachements, and it keeps saying error on page, no matter what cp I use.
LUCK! That and I used the Image Icon in the toolbar. However even that has been major hit and miss for me.

I was informed that way Is the outdated way, now there is an add image icon in the toolbar above where you type.
Yeah, and it doesn't always work but seems to more since the site crashed.


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About sticking around weight wise I know what you mean size wise you are even going to look bigger. You gained the size it's yours...I can see it in the back shot ... badda boom, it just jumps out at you.


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Today's workout was a beast to get through. I increase most of the weights used and just pushed my way through the workout. My lower back is not liking the abuse this workout puts it through. Not after the workout but during it, I get a twinge of what almost feels like a back pump.

Here is the workout, 3 rotations no rest 20 reps per exercise all performed with dumbbells.

Dead Lift - 35
Bench - 35
Squat - 35
Bent Over Row (Elbows Out) - 35
Romanian Dead Lifts - 35
Shrugs - 35
Arnold Presses - 22.5
Lunges - 22.5
Drag Curl - 22.5

By the end of this I was dripping in sweat, had to lie back on the bench and gasp while I took of my gloves. The increase in weight was definitely noticed. Next time I perform this specific workout the weight will be 40 lbs and 25 lbs respectively.


Good lookin pics Kleen! Nice transformation since the start of that FatFree log, keep it up!


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Man you are up 10lbs... and looking leaner... haha!
I gave the Doc both physique and transformation but you were the very close second. Maybe next week you will come out on top? ;)


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Kleen my updated pics are now up on my Finaflex log!


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Oh snap man that's what's up!! I need to get Mrs. packers in a log lol. Yall kick butt together!
Oh yeah we love it. Pushing each other farther and harder because we are both intense and competitive.
Good lookin pics Kleen! Nice transformation since the start of that FatFree log, keep it up!
Thanks! I plan on being leaner and less watery this coming week.
Man you are up 10lbs... and looking leaner... haha!
I gave the Doc both physique and transformation but you were the very close second. Maybe next week you will come out on top? ;)
Thanks, yeah I should have cleaned up a bit more for the pics to show the definition pre water. Next time I will make sure everything is tighter and dryer. However I can't take away from the great job that Al did. He surely deserved the nod this week. Now I just step up my cutting game a little. ;)
Kleen my updated pics are now up on my Finaflex log!
Cool on my way!


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I just finished up doing an hour of cardio at lunch waited 2 hours and am breaking my fast now. 115 grams protein, 14 grams carbs and 23 grams fat for a total of 723 cals. Tonight dinner will be at least 85 grams protein about the same fat levels maybe up to 35g and will be low carb also, just some form of greens.


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Okay add 4 slivers of grapefruit, I just got lucky and walked into the break room as someone was breaking one up and they let me have some. Can't go wrong adding in some grapefruit. As a matter of fact as good as it was I am going to pick some up to have with my fast breakers.


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Okay add 4 slivers of grapefruit, I just got lucky and walked into the break room as someone was breaking one up and they let me have some. Can't go wrong adding in some grapefruit. As a matter of fact as good as it was I am going to pick some up to have with my fast breakers.
Helps with metabolism and you can't ever go wrong with fruit carbs and vitamins!

Ps: Check Signature lol


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Dumbbell Workout 2 - 3 rotations through the giant set no rest, 20 reps per exercise.

B Squat 35
Incline DB Press 35
DB Front Squats 35
One Arm DB Row 35
Romanian Dead Lift 35
Overhead DB Press 20
Step Up 20
Lateral Raise 20
Bench Dip 35

This time around this one was much easier, going to 40 ans 22.5 on next workout. My plan is to go up in weight on each new rotation of the exercises. I have projected weights set for 9 more rotations after this one. It takes 2 weeks for me to complete 3 rotations so the increase in weight will end up being extremely hard and I may have to repeat a weight for a rotation. I already plan to repeat the 8th rotation for the 9th. When it is all said and done I will be attempting this with 65 and 35 respectively on my last workout of this. Then I am taking a week off from training.

Scale weight is already coming back down and I look leaner than in my pics or at least I think so. It is hard to tell with my skin sometimes.

Fast breaker macros...
Protein 118g, 472 cals 38%
Carbs 125g, 500 cals 40%
Fat 30g, 270 cals 22%
Total Cals 1242


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man it's hard to imagine you any leaner!! I think you could compete and contend very well.


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Dumbbell Workout 2 - 3 rotations through the giant set no rest, 20 reps per exercise.

B Squat 35
Incline DB Press 35
DB Front Squats 35
One Arm DB Row 35
Romanian Dead Lift 35
Overhead DB Press 20
Step Up 20
Lateral Raise 20
Bench Dip 35

This time around this one was much easier, going to 40 ans 22.5 on next workout. My plan is to go up in weight on each new rotation of the exercises. I have projected weights set for 9 more rotations after this one. It takes 2 weeks for me to complete 3 rotations so the increase in weight will end up being extremely hard and I may have to repeat a weight for a rotation. I already plan to repeat the 8th rotation for the 9th. When it is all said and done I will be attempting this with 65 and 35 respectively on my last workout of this. Then I am taking a week off from training.

Scale weight is already coming back down and I look leaner than in my pics or at least I think so. It is hard to tell with my skin sometimes.

Fast breaker macros...
Protein 118g, 472 cals 38%
Carbs 125g, 500 cals 40%
Fat 30g, 270 cals 22%
Total Cals 1242
Damn nice workout bro , you have a lot , and do mean A LOT of endurance for that many reps all str8 up without rest!! Coming next spring with my next cut , I'll definitely come to you for advice on giant circuits like this bro!


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man it's hard to imagine you any leaner!! I think you could compete and contend very well.
Oh no I am far from competition shape. I could get there pretty quickly I imagine but I am far from anything I would ever allow myself to step on stage looking like.
Damn nice workout bro , you have a lot , and do mean A LOT of endurance for that many reps all str8 up without rest!! Coming next spring with my next cut , I'll definitely come to you for advice on giant circuits like this bro!
Thanks, I have to admit there was actually about a 10 second rest period while I was waiting on my wife to finish using the bench I wanted to use for bench dips when I was finishing the 2nd rotation.

My shirt was completely soaked as in wet t-shirt contest soaked and sticking to my skin. People were looking at me like I was nuts when I finished. Then I went and stretched and did ab work in the sauna.


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My shirt was completely soaked as in wet t-shirt contest soaked and sticking to my skin. People were looking at me like I was nuts when I finished. Then I went and stretched and did ab work in the sauna.
Haha man I miss getting the crazy person stares. I bet you get them a lot.


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Haha man I miss getting the crazy person stares. I bet you get them a lot.
I actually got some today with my leg workout , I went low weight on the leg press but high volume and as low as I could on it , so I was drenched. 5 sets back to back no rest at all, well on the first 2 sets like 5-10 sec breather , then kept going. For the otherones only rest was changing the plates and thats it hahaha xD I love those stares , means you are looking swole and also! that they know you go to workout ;)!


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Haha man I miss getting the crazy person stares. I bet you get them a lot.
Yah I am getting the freak stares now too lol I live for those moments. Bring on the hate, makes me feel strong... mix in some amourous looks from the ladies. Oh had something kind of creepy happen though this girl, very young was trying to hit on me, turns out she's only 19 when I said "How old are you?" I told here I was hapily married of course and even if I wasn't 19 is too young...She was very attractive though... I have seen younger women try to get my attention b4 and know some have a thing for older guys. She said "I didn't know that guys your age could look that good", I was flattered but a little creeped...


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Yah I am getting the freak stares now too lol I live for those moments. Bring on the hate, makes me feel strong... mix in some amourous looks from the ladies. Oh had something kind of creepy happen though this girl, very young was trying to hit on me, turns out she's only 19 when I said "How old are you?" I told here I was hapily married of course and even if I wasn't 19 is too young...She was very attractive though... I have seen younger women try to get my attention b4 and know some have a thing for older guys. She said "I didn't know that guys your age could look that good", I was flattered but a little creeped...
Haha good to know ya still got it !


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Cardio this morning, 400 cals,
Ab Wheel from knees - 5 sets of 10 with minimal rest.

Noticing a lot more trimming up now that the water is mostly gone. I am thinking I will be looking better this week but the big changes will be next week for me. I can tell from where my body is that it is about to "whoosh" some body fat.


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Cardio this morning, 400 cals,
Ab Wheel from knees - 5 sets of 10 with minimal rest.

Noticing a lot more trimming up now that the water is mostly gone. I am thinking I will be looking better this week but the big changes will be next week for me. I can tell from where my body is that it is about to "whoosh" some body fat.
Nice I'd like to whoosh some body fat myself. I'm guessing the DMZ is really going to start shining this week.


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Yah I am getting the freak stares now too lol I live for those moments. Bring on the hate, makes me feel strong... mix in some amourous looks from the ladies. Oh had something kind of creepy happen though this girl, very young was trying to hit on me, turns out she's only 19 when I said "How old are you?" I told here I was hapily married of course and even if I wasn't 19 is too young...She was very attractive though... I have seen younger women try to get my attention b4 and know some have a thing for older guys. She said "I didn't know that guys your age could look that good", I was flattered but a little creeped...
Nothing wrong with that!!! Hell creeped id be ready for an all nighter lol. Good to have those moments though.


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Cardio this morning, 400 cals,
Ab Wheel from knees - 5 sets of 10 with minimal rest.

Noticing a lot more trimming up now that the water is mostly gone. I am thinking I will be looking better this week but the big changes will be next week for me. I can tell from where my body is that it is about to "whoosh" some body fat.
Nice to hear Kleen! Can't wait to see what the next round of pics brings, since you seemed zoned in pretty well right now


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Yeah, I feel pretty good. I may not be cutting as fast as some of the gents at the moment but I was taking that time to add some Kleen mass. I knew that Al was gonna drop his fat pretty quick but his progress last week was startling to me.

I have trimmed off any excess from last week and without the water I seem to have kept a decent amount of mass. I have been holding in the 209.5-210 area for a few days and diet has been very on point. If that is the case I managed to add 3 + lbs clean mass and now it is all cut time. My upper abs look a little better and my lower abs a little worse. The curse of having some loose skin. I expect by next week the skin will have tightened back up some and everything will not only look leaner but tighter.

I am taking my son for an MRI here in a few. Just something they have to do in order to get his medication approved nothing to worry about. Not sure how long I will be there could be 30 minutes or 10 hours. Will go lift later when I have the chance. Today is a scheduled heavy carb day but I plan to do my pics tomorrow so I need to make sure I do it right and am not holding any water.

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