Kleen's comeback! Bringing the Heat with Lipodrene Elite! (Sponsored)


First things first I want to thank they guys at Hi Tech ManimalPatB cobri66 for choosing me to log this product. I also want to thank them for still sending me the bottle after I was unable to respond to winning for a while due to some family emergency's. That says something about the company to me!!! On top of that I have NEVER been let down by any of their products. They are not as popular as they should be in my opinion based on the quality of the products I have used over the years!!!

I am calling this log a comeback log because I have been dealing with injuries and family emergencies since October of last year. I also moved my Mother In Law in to take care of her. She has full blown MS and now they think she might possibly have Parkinsons as well. If not then some of her lesions are just causing the same effects. Basically this has left me with ZERO time for myself. I have only had maybe 20-30 workouts total this year, and my diet has consisted of a lot of stress type eating. So I am quite out of shape for what I am used to being. My muscles are smaller, waist has grown quite a bit, and I feel like I am getting old from being more sedentary. Joints and everything are creaking. I need movement in my life!!!

What has changed? - We just had to put her in the hospital and she will be there for at least 5 weeks. So my plan is to get my happy ass back in the gym and crush this log while she is in there. Once I am back in the habit, I should be able to maintain once she gets back home.

Training Methods - I decided after a lot of looking around that I am going to try Christian Thibideaux's Invalid Link Removed, program. I will be training very frequently and explosively. It will be alternating an Upper Body and Lower Body Split. My goal if my body can hold up is to not take any days off during the next 4 weeks. I can do truncated training, or CNS stimulation work on days I really don't have a full workout in me but the goal is to do something every day. I may do the Neural Charge workouts after each Upper and Lower day cycle instead of only doing them at the end of the week. This is all going to depend on how I am feeling and how my joints feel.

Since the training will be explosive in nature rep speed is going to be my performance focus. Once rep speed drops on the exercise that is the end for that exercise. This will keep me from putting my joints or connective tissue in much danger, while also saving my CNS from degradation. On top of this explosive rep speed is well known to increase insulin sensitivity better than any other type of rep. The effect it has on the Glut4 Translocation is very strong so it will help a lot with nutrient partitioning.

Direct Back and Biceps work will be done once or twice a week probably on the same day as a Neural Charge workout. Other ancillary exercises for traps, rhomboids and rear delts will be peppered into the upper and lower body days between sets to keep the pace up.

Nutrition - I plan on eating in a slight deficit with most of my calories and carbs in my peri-workout period. I may carb cycle but in all honestly with training each day being the plan I may end up having a relatively static carb intake it all depends on my gym performance.

Cardio - I have not decided on the cardio as of yet. I want to see how I respond to this frequency and relatively quick pace first. I really don't think I am going to need a lot of direct cardio, but I may add in a little athletic or GPP type conditioning work if I feel it is needed to make the progress I want to make. If so I would expect to see High Intensity things like sprints, sled work, body weight, battle rope, and medicine ball complexes. Stuff like that. I do not typically just get on the tread mill anymore, but sometimes I go for a walk/jog at lunch.

I need to weigh myself tomorrow morning, I am guessing I am somewhere around 215 give or take 5 lbs either way but I could be farther off. I haven't been on a scale in a long time so it is hard to estimate how much muscle I have lost, or fat I have gained. My goal for this log is to lean up quite a bit. I am not sure that I can get my abs to show back up during this log but that is the goal of the fat loss and one I do not intend stop until I achieve even if it takes longer than this bottle lasts.

I can't wait to take my first dose tomorrow morning and see how I feel. I will also take some pics in the morning tomorrow as a visual progress indicator so we have something to compare to at the end.

Wish me luck guys! This is a major undertaking for me just coming back into the fray. I am going to have to test my current 3 rep on most of these movements over the next week or two. I started to get some of them about 2-3 weeks ago before everything went out of control with the mother in law health taking a horrible turn and her ending up in the ICU for a while. So I won't have to test those. Right now Strict Press is 195x3, Push Press is 235x3, Bench 275x3, High Bar Squat 375x3. There were all tested on the same day following one another so I am sure the 3 rep max is a little off for the Push Press, Bench and Squat but it won't hurt me to start out a little lighter on those. Kind of humbling looking at these numbers and knowing I put up some good numbers in my meet in October last year. Hard to believe how much strength you can lose in that time frame. I know it will bounce right back though. I have lots of muscle memory to tap into and I ALWAYS gain my muscle back VERY quickly for some reason. I fully expect that when I retest my maxes on the 5th week they will all be MUCH higher!!!

Anyway, join on in, I plan on making this a fun ride. I am motivated to make a comeback and kick some ass!
Placeholder for Before and After pics and Final Review.

Before pics to be posted ASAP.

Glad to have you brother!!!! If you see me being a punk in here making excuses call me out on it! Tough love is welcomed and may be needed at times to keep my ass in the saddle.
Awesome man!!! Can't wait to see what you think of the stuff

Like I said, family first and you were always a winner and I wasn't going to just not let you get the product because of that.

Along for this journey!!!!
In. Lets see if Lipodrene delivers!
If it works like the older versions I am going to be one happy camper. When I ran Lipodrene Extreme I would sit at my desk at work and feel sweat running down from my arm pits it was so thermogenic!
Awesome man!!! Can't wait to see what you think of the stuff

Like I said, family first and you were always a winner and I wasn't going to just not let you get the product because of that.

Along for this journey!!!!

Thanks Brother!!! I am going to do my best to make this one for the books!
In on this! You've got this Chris! You always push through and inspire!
I'm excited to see how the Elite works for you
I'm about 2/3 through my first bottle of Elite and love how it makes me feel. But, it certainly hasn't had be drenched in sweat. I wonder if Extreme had more thermogenic properties than Elite.
I'm about 2/3 through my first bottle of Elite and love how it makes me feel. But, it certainly hasn't had be drenched in sweat. I wonder if Extreme had more thermogenic properties than Elite.

I agree with this..I'm in love with the Elite for the appetite suppression..only stuff that's worked for me
Initial Pics Day 1

I'm about 2/3 through my first bottle of Elite and love how it makes me feel. But, it certainly hasn't had be drenched in sweat. I wonder if Extreme had more thermogenic properties than Elite.
I am feeling it now I took with a meal first time to assess tolerance and am quite warm and energetic already 45 minute later. I am sure it did, it had everything under the sun in it including ephedrine. MethylSynephrine, theobromoine all kinds of stuff and a nice bit of Yohimbine Both alpha and HCL.
I agree with this..I'm in love with the Elite for the appetite suppression..only stuff that's worked for me

I can't speak on the appetite suppression just yet but I can say that I am not going to need a stim pre workout. I have a nice intra mix with tons of stuff for a pump and lots of amazing goodies so I will take one scoop of that pre-workout instead.

Okay, on to the beginning stats, I weight this morning and was 211, happy I waited a few days or that would have been inflated a bit. Here are my beginning pics, not too bad for what I have been doing to my body lately. Luckily I have 30 years of a base so I am never going to get small during a layoff. Just a bit smaller. Seeing where I am I can see me regaining some muscle and dropping fat pretty quickly with some caloric cycling. Shouldn't take too long if I stick to my guns! Hopefully we will see a pretty quick recomp.

Starting Date 7/8/17 weight 211

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Aah. Very satisfying to see a fellow "Ring bearer", I mean the "hip rolls".
We look very similar in composition -but my guess is not for long. With your experience and discipline you will be lean in no time.
In on this! You've got this Chris! You always push through and inspire!
Thanks Kat!!!!!
I'm excited to see how the Elite works for you
I am sure I will love it!
In to see how it should be done!
Will do my best!!!!
in for the ride as well

Let me see if I can't get a few more people in here. FireTitan SFreed ryane87 habajaba justhere4comm rtmilbueline438 angcd3 BEAST73 mmorso Cjg bighulksmash booneman77 thebigt hairygrandpa alphagainz Clean gene ZOO@jramoska CJNator wesb2387 Tank999 DennisTheDane Danes SpicedCider Juicedeez utz Alpha1agreda LeanEngineer coltonwalker Brandinooooo Sparkss Studhorse vujade Volvo140G Chuck Diesel Ag5000 lifted67 HIT4ME Gutterpump blueline438 halfhuman@ChocolateClen matt8483 nostrum420 oo NewAgeMayan DUbz86 sparks2012 nicksox15 WAF BloodManor smith_69 blueline438 Jebrook halfhuman matt8483 nostrum420 Kaprice

I will be going to the gym here in about an hour I think I am going to give myself one or two weeks before testing maxes to make sure my connective tissue has had time to respond to training again first. So I will just work up to a weight that moves fast but feels like work and do 2 sets there just get my body used to the lifts this week and increase the weight a little next week that way my CNS can retrain the movement patterns before handling maximal weights.

Todays Lifts will be Strict Press, Push Press, Bench Press and Squats, all presses will be sets of 3, and explosive lifting only. Squats will be 8 reps and done High Bar position. I will add in some accessory lifts in between sets.
Aah. Very satisfying to see a fellow "Ring bearer", I mean the "hip rolls".
We look very similar in composition -but my guess is not for long. With your experience and discipline you will be lean in no time.

Yeah, mine stick around even when pretty lean because my obliques stick out over my hips narrow hips. Even the tiniest bit of fat looks like a tire when they are like that. That's not the case now though they are legitimate hip rolls for sure!!! I bet that is the same with you as well. Yeah, I don't think it will be long before I am obviously leaner than I am now. I expect my abs to be somewhat visible by the end of this log.
Man, your BEFORE pics are better than what I dare to hope my AFTER pics would look like! :)
thanks for the tag, chris...you know i'm in!!!!
I'm in so I can see how it's supposed to be done!
Man, your BEFORE pics are better than what I dare to hope my AFTER pics would look like! :)
Thanks! Just different starting points really.
^^ yup. In here
Gracias and welcome!
thanks for the tag, chris...you know i'm in!!!!
Of course gotta have you in here!
I'm in so I can see how it's supposed to be done!
Gonna be a hell of a ride if I can even come close to what I have planned.
I heard my name in in!!!!

Workout was great. That is 41 sets total in about 80 minutes. All reps were kept explosive and stopped once they slowed down a little.

Strict OHP 45x10, 95x5, 115, 135 140, 145, 145 - 3 reps all sets but first 2

Super set 1
Push Press 145 155 155 155 155 155
Horizontal rhomboid shrug tempo 1-0-1-2 70x10 90x10 90 90 90

Superset 2
Bench 135 155 175 195 205 225 225
Rhomboid shrug on incline bench tempo 1-0-1-2 65x12 75x10 75x10 75x10 75x10

Superset 3
Squat 135x8 155x8 185 205 225 245 245 245
Band pull aparts 25 25 25 25

I was beat and sweating. I did end up using my pre because it was much later after I took it when I was finally able to go.

I really enjoyed the first day on just one. I won't take 2 unless I get up early enough to know I will be able to sleep tomorrow night.
Awesome! In on this for sure!
Awesome! In on this for sure!
Absolutely subbed for manly swollen biceps and glutes

So last nights workout was great but it left my back and ribs a little more sore than I hoped so today I am going to do a Neural Charge workout and then work on painting some of the house which should handle the energy expenditure for the day. Just to avoid jumping in too fast I may put a day between the real lifts this first 2 weeks and add in basic conditioning and what not instead on those days. I still don't intend to take days off, but I also don't want to do too much too soon with the lifting especially with the ribs just now feeling okay to train.

Tonight I will be going out to eat with my cousin who is in town from Dallas so I am staying low carb until then and then keeping things reasonable for dinner. Probably ordering some customized meal of some sort. Don't we always have too...
Great start to this log. I just started Lipodrene Elite myself. The energy is pretty great.
be nice to see weekly update pics, I see progress coming quick!!!

give er hell, chris!!!
Great start to this log. I just started Lipodrene Elite myself. The energy is pretty great.
Yeah I am really enjoying it! Welcome!!!!
be nice to see weekly update pics, I see progress coming quick!!!

give er hell, chris!!!
You know it. What do you call a physique based log without progress pics... A disappointment!
kill it bro. ;)
Will do and welcome brother!

Yesterday I just did a Neural Charge workout and some yard work for my exercise. Basically a NCW is a very light weight explosive only lifting session. You can do them with a barbell or just bodyweight. Yesterday I did body weight. Basically you cycle through these exercises in sets of 3 and drop each exercise the moment performance improvements stop. Pace should be quick but not so fast it seems like conditioning. The goal here is to stimulate the CNS and recharge it for the next workout. It also improves insulin sensitivity so great for before a meal with carbs.

3 reps per movement in circuit fashion - stop each movement as soon as explosiveness / performance stops improving
Med Ball Slam
Incline Push Ups of Bench
Broad Jumps
Med Ball Push Press

I ran through about 5 cycles, dropped the Broad Jumps after the 4rth because I wasn't jumping as far, and did only 2 reps on the 5th set of incline pushups off of the bench because I didn't come up as high of the bench on the 2nd rep so I stopped there. Chest and Legs were actually a little sore from the workout so it isn't surprising that they slowed down first.

Other than that I did about 2 hours of work cleaning up the wood surfaces on my house that I need to paint. Will be painting everything this week after work, if I get a night with no rain.

I got some more bad news yesterday. My favorite cousin just told me he has cancer. That is why he wanted to have dinner with us last night. His mother just passed from the same type of cancer 2 years ago so just kind of a little in shock at the news. He is still in good spirits, and doesn't feel sick at all so that is good. He will be coming here to Houston for treatment because we have the best hospitals in the nation here. So at least I will get to spend some time with him or be there for him if he needs me during his chemo or radiation sickness.
I forgot to mention that today is the first day I will be taking both doses. I took my first around 7:00AM and will take my second around Noon. I am hoping that I don't experience trouble getting tired tonight. I noticed yesterday that I was having a little bit of a hard time winding down for bed after taking it around Noon. So today will be a little bit more of a test to see the tolerance as far as how long the stim effect sticks around. Yesterday it stuck with me for a long time. So if Noon is too late I will start moving the 2nd dose forward to about 11:00AM and see how that feels.

I am definitely enjoying the stim effects, they are strong but not overbearing. Not so much that your stomach gets upset even on an empty stomach. Sometimes stronger stims make me feel sick to my stomach if I don't take them with food.

My cousin is still in town tonight and we might go do a family dinner tonight. He wanted it to be adults only for the bad news he had to tell us last night. So if they have time tonight we will be going out to eat as a family. So more than likely I am going to do some sort of cardio at lunch just in case I don't end up working out tonight. Sorry not passing up on any time with him while he is still feeling good. Family first as we keep saying.
Yeah, mine stick around even when pretty lean because my obliques stick out over my hips narrow hips. Even the tiniest bit of fat looks like a tire when they are like that. That's not the case now though they are legitimate hip rolls for sure!!! I bet that is the same with you as well. Yeah, I don't think it will be long before I am obviously leaner than I am now. I expect my abs to be somewhat visible by the end of this log.

I have the exact same issue. I envy the guys with the narrow waistlines and no obliques, but there are many "famous" guys that have those obliques that go down past their waistline, like Jason Statham. But for me even the littlest bit of fat looks 10x worse due to it. Plus, I also have a bit of excess skin from before when I was overweight and didn't lose the weight until after my skin lost the flexibility to contract/shrink :(. With your commitment level I am sure that you will be leaned out again in no time!
I have the exact same issue. I envy the guys with the narrow waistlines and no obliques, but there are many "famous" guys that have those obliques that go down past their waistline, like Jason Statham. But for me even the littlest bit of fat looks 10x worse due to it. Plus, I also have a bit of excess skin from before when I was overweight and didn't lose the weight until after my skin lost the flexibility to contract/shrink :(. With your commitment level I am sure that you will be leaned out again in no time!

Thanks, and yeah I am in the same situation with you on having a little bit of loose skin there as well. However I have noticed when you have abs AND love handles no one really cares at all about the love handles but us! So I am cool with it. My worst place that I hate that hold A LOT of fat is under my pecs. I got the fat distibution from my mother. All the kids did, all the girls are Double D and above, and me I keep a pocket of fat under my pecs all the way down into the single digits. It gets much less around 12ish percent but even when I am shredded you can see there is a little there. Just part of my genetics....
Thanks, and yeah I am in the same situation with you on having a little bit of loose skin there as well. However I have noticed when you have abs AND love handles no one really cares at all about the love handles but us! So I am cool with it. My worst place that I hate that hold A LOT of fat is under my pecs. I got the fat distibution from my mother. All the kids did, all the girls are Double D and above, and me I keep a pocket of fat under my pecs all the way down into the single digits. It gets much less around 12ish percent but even when I am shredded you can see there is a little there. Just part of my genetics....

I recently noticed the fat under/around my pecs as well. After coming off of my LGD run I lost a ton of water weight and saw my abs last week for the first time in months. But I also lost a bit of "swole" all over and the end result was that my pecs were no longer as "full" as they were before and it showed up the fat deposits more clearly, towards the bottom of my pecs. They are probably not noticeable to anyone but me, but I now know they are there, so my eye naturally goes to that spot now when I look in the mirror.
I was like you guys. Then I started noticing all the muscle and veins that I haven't seen in about 25 years, and I'm liking the trade off.

I'm still hoping someone finds a supp for loose skin.....
I was like you guys. Then I started all the muscle and veins that I haven't seen in about 25 years, and I'm liking the trade off.

I'm still hoping someone finds a supp for loose skin.....

pm dsade...he has a topical for everything.
I recently noticed the fat under/around my pecs as well. After coming off of my LGD run I lost a ton of water weight and saw my abs last week for the first time in months. But I also lost a bit of "swole" all over and the end result was that my pecs were no longer as "full" as they were before and it showed up the fat deposits more clearly, towards the bottom of my pecs. They are probably not noticeable to anyone but me, but I now know they are there, so my eye naturally goes to that spot now when I look in the mirror.
Yeah that is the issue, it is our insecurity so when looking for things to improve it is the first thing to jump out at me.
I was like you guys. Then I started noticing all the muscle and veins that I haven't seen in about 25 years, and I'm liking the trade off.

I'm still hoping someone finds a supp for loose skin.....
Oh make no mistake once I get a little leaner the focus will be on the improvements. However right now I am too soft, other than my arms and legs there is no vascularity right now. However even when I am lean I still know that if I did not have that fat there that my body would be that much more impressive. Doesn't make me feel less than anyone else. I have far too many physical gifts to worry about that one shortcoming all of the time. However like now when you can see them through my shirt, I HATE IT!!!!!! Once I am a little leaner and the point of it is down under the peck instead of poking out on top of it I don't really worry about it much at all.

Oh yeah, Canadian Preparation H will shrink your skin temporarily, so will something called thiomucase or mucose, it is what a lot of bodybuilders use to shrink up their skin.


pm dsade...he has a topical for everything.
There you go!!!!
Crashing your log (even though you didn't tag me! Lol) Health is the strength of the family.
Back from vacation.. and In. !
Crashing your log (even though you didn't tag me! Lol) Health is the strength of the family.
Haha, as if... I knew you would see the link in my log when you had time. I cheated on the mention list and copied it from a few other threads I follow. I guess I should have gone in and added all of my personal favorites to it as well!
Back from vacation.. and In. !
Welcome Brother!

Yesterday went well, ending macros for the day were right around 250 p, 150c and 100f for a 2500 total.

My cousin's CT scan got rescheduled so I just went ahead and worked out last night.

Warm Up - a few minutes general activity then three rounds of BW - Overhead Squats, Push Ups & Ring Rows @ 10 reps each.

Sets numbers are based off of speed of the movement and not and RPE or percentage, all sets are 3 reps each!

Snatch Grip High Pull - 45, 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 175, 175

Muscle Snatch - 135, 135, 135x1 - I should have dropped more weight for the first sets to to be able to do more sets at speed to increase volume. Lesson learned.

Snatch Grip Dead Lifts - 135, 185, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225 - wrists are going to have to adjust to the wide grip. I stopped at 225 and kept it nice and explosive, but my wrists were feeling that wide angle quite a bit.

I did not take a pre-workout last night, I just used whatever energy boost was still around from my 12:30PM dose. Even so, I was soaked by the end of this. The pace was as quick as I could move through without hurting performance. I will drop down to 95lbs to start and only add 5lbs at a time on the Muscle Snatch next time to get more sets in that range.

Everything was still sore for this workout so I am sure that had a little to do with the performance. The other part is that I am reteaching myself some of the movements. I think I may add in some sled work at the end of this when I get in a little better shape.

I have been noticing a bit of heartburn the last couple days. I thought it might have been from sharing a bottle of Cabernet with my cousin but I noticed it a little bit after my morning dose this morning while on an empty stomach. I am not sure if related or just the stims affecting the already sour stomach... I will keep an eye on this but this morning I just ate a cheese stick and it calmed it down quite a bit. As far as me being worried about sleeping, I had ZERO issues falling asleep last night. I think the workout in the heat just whooped my azz, or the workout ran through what was left and allowed me to sleep. Probably a good bit of both!!!

So far I am enjoying the product. Energy is enjoyable and not overboard. No jitters, and appetite suppression is on point. It keeps me from getting too hungry but does not stop me from eating my meals.
Hmmm. I haven't experienced any heartburn...course I have a cast iron gut
Who shares a bottle of wine?!?!?!


I love wine.
Hmmm. I haven't experienced any heartburn...course I have a cast iron gut
I get acid reflux so I am a bit more sensitive to things than most. Sometimes just the stimulation/ tightening of the gut can push up a little acid past the esophageal sphincter. Not something I would expect others to encounter unless perhaps they also have acid reflux.

Who shares a bottle of wine?!?!?!


I love wine.
Well... it was that or buy 3-4 glasses individually and pay way more. Lucky we both were in the mood for a good cabernet. I did order a glass before he got there though. Was just enough for a warm fuzzy relaxing feeling. Got to love just the right amount of wine...

Yesterday was minimal work, but as I said I was going to do something each day. So I did 100 BW Squats, rested for about 30 seconds and then 100 push ups as fast as possible. Got my heart rate up real good and got me a nice little pump in the legs, and upper body push muscles...

I had my alarm set to get up for the gym this morning to lift but when I got out of bed just pulling my shoulders into good posture hurt my traps like crazy!!!! Man do I have DOMS in them from all of the explosive jerking with the high pull and muscle snatch. I mean they are TORE UP!!! I decided to crawl back in bed and go tonight when I have actually had time to move them around a bit and loosen them up.

If the weather allows for it I am planning to go out for lunch and do some walking maybe some body weight stuff too. Heck I might even do some hill sprints!!! Then tonight will be a push day. So Strict Press, Push Press, Bench Press and Squats with accessories added in between sets.

Since I did not have a major lift yesterday I lowered carbs a bit increased fats for the day and dropped cals a little. Just basically feeding based on what types of deficits I create through the daily activity.

Macros for the day Protein 252, fats 134, carbs 41 = 2348

The way things are feeling I am not sure if I will show any weight loss this week. I feel like I am more or less filling back out a bit already. Of course with my metabolism being around 2500 is enough for me to recomp which is more or less the goal right now. I like to be around 12% around 210 which is where I tend to be when I have all pistons firing. Me starting at probably 20-25% @211 leaves me more likely to recomp than cut at this point. So rather than looking at the scale this next week or two, I will pay more attention to my physique and my performance in the gym.
I get acid reflux so I am a bit more sensitive to things than most. Sometimes just the stimulation/ tightening of the gut can push up a little acid past the esophageal sphincter. Not something I would expect others to encounter unless perhaps they also have acid reflux.

Well... it was that or buy 3-4 glasses individually and pay way more. Lucky we both were in the mood for a good cabernet. I did order a glass before he got there though. Was just enough for a warm fuzzy relaxing feeling. Got to love just the right amount of wine...

Yesterday was minimal work, but as I said I was going to do something each day. So I did 100 BW Squats, rested for about 30 seconds and then 100 push ups as fast as possible. Got my heart rate up real good and got me a nice little pump in the legs, and upper body push muscles...

I had my alarm set to get up for the gym this morning to lift but when I got out of bed just pulling my shoulders into good posture hurt my traps like crazy!!!! Man do I have DOMS in them from all of the explosive jerking with the high pull and muscle snatch. I mean they are TORE UP!!! I decided to crawl back in bed and go tonight when I have actually had time to move them around a bit and loosen them up.

If the weather allows for it I am planning to go out for lunch and do some walking maybe some body weight stuff too. Heck I might even do some hill sprints!!! Then tonight will be a push day. So Strict Press, Push Press, Bench Press and Squats with accessories added in between sets.

Since I did not have a major lift yesterday I lowered carbs a bit increased fats for the day and dropped cals a little. Just basically feeding based on what types of deficits I create through the daily activity.

Macros for the day Protein 252, fats 134, carbs 41 = 2348

The way things are feeling I am not sure if I will show any weight loss this week. I feel like I am more or less filling back out a bit already. Of course with my metabolism being around 2500 is enough for me to recomp which is more or less the goal right now. I like to be around 12% around 210 which is where I tend to be when I have all pistons firing. Me starting at probably 20-25% @211 leaves me more likely to recomp than cut at this point. So rather than looking at the scale this next week or two, I will pay more attention to my physique and my performance in the gym.

LMAO! good decision on waiting till this evening. get the blood flowing a little.
Thermo effect almost got me today. Lesson Learned... Be prepared!

LMAO! good decision on waiting till this evening. get the blood flowing a little.

No doubt. Well I am in go mode right at the moment so I decided to go do cardio at lunch. I quickly walked the mile to the park then ran this hill 4 or 5 times. I measured it with an app on my phone and it was just over right at 150 yards. I am so out of shape that liked to kill me then again it was a very long hill sprint!!!! Basically I just ran up the hill then walked down the stairs, and then back over to the bottom of the hill and ran back up. It was about 150 yards in the walking section too but not uphill thank goodness.

I gave myself a little bit of a scare though because I got overheated and didn't have any more water with me. Actually stopped sweating at one point during the walk back to the office and got cold chills. From there I decided to take a route that kept me in the shade as much as possible just to ensure I could cool down and not pass out. I was definitely getting weak, could feel a little hypo and had pretty much stopped sweating. Anyway I made it back and then almost through up in the lobby no sooner than the cold air hit me and it made my stomach turn. So I had to cool down there before getting trapped on an elevator and possibly needing to puke...

Man the thermo on these pills was just a bit too much for the heat and humidity today. That is actually impressive when you consider it is only 91 and 60% humidity today. Here in Houston that isn't even really considered that much of a hot summer day. Next time I will make sure I have my large water jug with me to make sure I don't end up in a scenario where I can drink or even poor it over myself to cool down. Either way, today let me know that with how thermogenic these are that I need to take extra precautions not to overheat when working out outdoors in the heat.

I m having a protein and spinach smoothie now to cool down and get some nutrition back in. I will probably have about 45grams of carbs in rice cereal before I leave work to help get some carbs in me before I lift tonight. Then plan to hit the weights pretty much right after I get home.
No doubt. Well I am in go mode right at the moment so I decided to go do cardio at lunch. I quickly walked the mile to the park then ran this hill 4 or 5 times. I measured it with an app on my phone and it was just over right at 150 yards. I am so out of shape that liked to kill me then again it was a very long hill sprint!!!! Basically I just ran up the hill then walked down the stairs, and then back over to the bottom of the hill and ran back up. It was about 150 yards in the walking section too but not uphill thank goodness.

I gave myself a little bit of a scare though because I got overheated and didn't have any more water with me. Actually stopped sweating at one point during the walk back to the office and got cold chills. From there I decided to take a route that kept me in the shade as much as possible just to ensure I could cool down and not pass out. I was definitely getting weak, could feel a little hypo and had pretty much stopped sweating. Anyway I made it back and then almost through up in the lobby no sooner than the cold air hit me and it made my stomach turn. So I had to cool down there before getting trapped on an elevator and possibly needing to puke...

Man the thermo on these pills was just a bit too much for the heat and humidity today. That is actually impressive when you consider it is only 91 and 60% humidity today. Here in Houston that isn't even really considered that much of a hot summer day. Next time I will make sure I have my large water jug with me to make sure I don't end up in a scenario where I can drink or even poor it over myself to cool down. Either way, today let me know that with how thermogenic these are that I need to take extra precautions not to overheat when working out outdoors in the heat.

I m having a protein and spinach smoothie now to cool down and get some nutrition back in. I will probably have about 45grams of carbs in rice cereal before I leave work to help get some carbs in me before I lift tonight. Then plan to hit the weights pretty much right after I get home.

using thermos in heat and humidity is good for cutting weight, but can be dangerous if you don't always have a source of fluids available....I carry around a big old speedway 64oz insulated mug with me everywhere I go when working outdoors in summer. great investment at around $7 it keeps cold for up to 4 hours even in the sun.